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Speech Writing

Introduction Speech

Barbara P

Introduction Speech- Tips & Examples

10 min read

introduction speech

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Introduction speeches are all around us. Whenever we meet a new group of people in formal settings, we have to introduce ourselves. That’s what an introduction speech is all about.

When you're facing a formal audience, your ability to deliver a compelling introductory speech can make a lot of difference. With the correct approach, you can build credibility and connections.

In this blog, we'll take you through the steps to craft an impactful introduction speech. You’ll also get examples and valuable tips to ensure you leave a lasting impression.

So, let's dive in!

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  • 1. What is an Introduction Speech? 
  • 2. How to Write an Introduction Speech?
  • 3. Introduction Speech Outline
  • 4. Introduction Speech Example
  • 5. Introduction Speech Ideas
  • 6. 7 Tips for Delivering the Best Introduction Speech

What is an Introduction Speech? 

An introduction speech, or introductory address, is a brief presentation at the beginning of an event or public speaking engagement. Its primary purpose is to establish a connection with the audience and to introduce yourself or the main speaker.

This type of speech is commonly used in a variety of situations, including:

  • Public Speaking: When you step onto a stage to address a large crowd, you start with an introduction to establish your presence and engage the audience.
  • Networking Events: When meeting new people in professional or social settings, an effective introduction speech can help you make a memorable first impression.
  • Formal Gatherings: From weddings to conferences, introductions set the tone for the event and create a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

In other words, an introduction speech is simply a way to introduce yourself to a crowd of people. 

How to Write an Introduction Speech?

Before you can just go and deliver your speech, you need to prepare for it. Writing a speech helps you organize your ideas and prepare your speech effectively. 

Here is how to introduce yourself in a speech.

  • Know Your Audience

Understanding your audience is crucial. Consider their interests, backgrounds, and expectations to tailor your introduction accordingly.

For instance, the audience members could be your colleagues, new classmates, or various guests depending on the occasion. Understanding your audience will help you decide what they are expecting from you as a speaker.

  • Opening the Speech with a Hook

The best speech introduction starts with a hook or opening line that grabs your audience's attention. This could be a surprising fact, a relevant quote, or a thought-provoking question about yourself or the occasion.

  • Introduce Yourself

Introduce yourself to the audience. State your name, occupation, or other details relevant to the occasion. You should have mentioned the reason for your speech clearly. It will build your credibility and give the readers reasons to stay with you and read your speech.

  • Keep It Concise

So how long is an introduction speech?

Introduction speeches should be brief and to the point. Aim for around 1-2 minutes in most cases. Avoid overloading the introduction with excessive details.

  • Highlight Key Points

Mention the most important information that establishes the speaker's credibility or your own qualifications. Write down any relevant achievements, expertise, or credentials to include in your speech. Encourage the audience to connect with you using relatable anecdotes or common interests.

  • Rehearse and Edit

Practice your introduction speech to ensure it flows smoothly and stays within the time frame. Edit out any unnecessary information, ensuring it's concise and impactful.

  • Tailor for the Occasion

Adjust the tone and content of your introduction speech to match the formality and purpose of the event. What works for a business conference may not be suitable for a casual gathering.

Introduction Speech Outline

To assist you in creating a structured and effective introduction speech, here's a simple speech format that you can follow:

Here is an example outline for a self-introduction speech.

Outline for Self-Introduction Speech

Introduction Speech Example

So if you are wondering what to say in an introduction speech we have you covered! We have compiled introduction speech examples to help you understand how to put your ideas into practice for different scenarios. 

Introduction Speech Writing Sample

Short Introduction Speech Sample

Self Introduction Speech for College Students

Introduction Speech about Yourself

Student Presentation Introduction Speech Script

Teacher Introduction Speech

New Employee Self Introduction Speech

Introduction Speech for Chief Guest

Moreover, here is a video example of a self-introduction speech. Watch it to understand how you should deliver your speech:

Want to read examples for other kinds of speeches? Find the best speeches at our blog about speech examples !

What Are Some Famous Introduction Speeches?

Here are the best introduction speeches for students to get inspired:

  • Malala Yousafzai's Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech (2014) : Malala's speech upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize introduced her advocacy for girls' education and youth empowerment globally.
  • Elon Musk's Presentation on SpaceX Interplanetary Transport System (2016) : Elon Musk introduced SpaceX's ambitious plans for interplanetary travel, outlining a vision for the future of space exploration.
  • Michelle Obama's Democratic National Convention Speech (2008) : Michelle Obama's speech introduced her as a potential First Lady, sharing personal stories and values that resonated with the audience.
  • J.K. Rowling's Harvard Commencement Speech (2008) : Rowling's speech introduced themes of failure, imagination, and resilience, drawing from her personal journey as an author and philanthropist.

Introduction Speech Ideas

So now that you’ve understood what an introduction speech is, you may want to write one of your own. So what should you talk about?

The following are some sample introduction speech topics and ideas that can provide an engaging start to a presentation, meeting, or social gathering. 

  • Personal Story: Share a brief personal story or experience that has shaped you.
  • Professional Background: Highlight your career achievements and expertise.
  • Hobby or Passion: Discuss a hobby or passion you're enthusiastic about.
  • Volunteer Work: Talk about your involvement in volunteer work or community service.
  • Travel Adventures: Share anecdotes from your travel adventures.
  • Books or Literature: Provide an introduction related to a favorite book, author, or literary work.
  • Achievements and Milestones: Highlight significant achievements and milestones in your life or career.
  • Cultural Heritage: Explore your cultural heritage and its influence on your identity.
  • Social or Environmental Cause: Discuss your dedication to a particular social or environmental cause.
  • Future Aspirations: Share your future goals and aspirations.

You can deliver engaging speeches on all kinds of topics. Here is a list of entertaining speech topics to get inspiration.

7 Tips for Delivering the Best Introduction Speech

Now that you know how to write an effective introduction speech, let's focus on the delivery. The way you present your introduction is just as important as the content itself. Here are some valuable tips to ensure you deliver a better introduction speech:

Tip# 1: Maintain Eye Contact

Make eye contact with the audience to establish a connection. This shows confidence and engages your listeners.

Tip# 2: Use Appropriate Body Language 

Your body language should convey confidence and warmth. Stand or sit up straight, use open gestures, and avoid fidgeting.

Tip# 3: Mind Your Pace

Speak at a moderate pace, avoiding rapid speech. A well-paced speech is easier to follow and more engaging.

Tip# 4: Avoid Filler Words

Minimize the use of filler words such as "um," "uh," and "like." They can be distracting and detract from your message.

Tip# 5: Be Enthusiastic

Convey enthusiasm about the topic or the speaker. Your energy can be contagious and inspire the audience's interest.

Tip# 6: Practice, Practice, Practice

Rehearse your speech multiple times. Practice in front of a mirror, record yourself or seek feedback from others.

Tip# 7: Be Mindful of Time

Stay within the allocated time for your introduction. Going too long can make your speech too boring for the audience.

Mistakes to Avoid in an Introduction Speech

When crafting and delivering an introduction speech, it's important to avoid common pitfalls that can reduce its impact. Here are some mistakes to watch out for:

  • Rambling On: Avoid making the introduction too long. Keep it short and sweet to set the stage without stealing the spotlight.
  • Lack of Preparation: Not preparing enough can lead to awkward pauses or losing your train of thought. Practice your speech to feel more confident.
  • Using Jargon or Complex Language: Steer clear of technical jargon or complicated language that might confuse the audience. Keep it simple and clear.
  • Being Too Generic: A bland introduction can set a dull tone. Make your speech specific to the event and the speaker to keep it engaging.
  • Using Inappropriate Humor: Be careful with humor. Avoid jokes that could offend or alienate the audience.
  • Overloading with Background Information: Providing too much background information can overwhelm the audience. Offer just enough to give context without bogging down the introduction.

To Conclude,

An introduction speech is more than just a formality. It's an opportunity to engage, inspire, and connect with your audience in a meaningful way. 

With the help of this blog, you're well-equipped to shine in various contexts. So, step onto that stage, speak confidently, and captivate your audience from the very first word.

Moreover, you’re not alone in your journey to becoming a confident introducer. If you ever need assistance in preparing your speech, let the experts help you out.

MyPerfectWords.com offers a custom essay service with experienced professionals who can craft tailored introductions, ensuring your speech makes a lasting impact.

Don't hesitate; hire our professional speech writing service to deliver top-quality speeches at your deadline!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should a speech introduction be.

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A speech introduction should be concise, typically lasting about 1 to 2 minutes. It should set the stage, capture the audience's attention, and provide a clear direction for the rest of the speech.

What Is the Best Speech Introduction Greeting?

The best greeting for a speech introduction depends on the formality of the event. Some examples include:

  • Formal: "Good morning/afternoon/evening, distinguished guests."
  • Semi-formal: "Hello everyone, thank you for being here today."
  • Informal: "Hi everyone, thanks for coming."

What Word to Start a Speech?

Starting a speech with an engaging word or phrase can capture the audience's attention. Here are a few speech starting lines:

  • "Imagine..." to prompt the audience to visualize something.
  • "Today..." to ground the speech in the present moment.
  • "Have you ever..." to ask a thought-provoking question.
  • "In our lives..." to make a personal connection.
  • "Picture this..." to create a vivid mental image.

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Barbara P

Dr. Barbara is a highly experienced writer and author who holds a Ph.D. degree in public health from an Ivy League school. She has worked in the medical field for many years, conducting extensive research on various health topics. Her writing has been featured in several top-tier publications.

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examples of introduction speeches

Introduction Speech Examples That Increase Speaker Credibility

Introduction speeches examples - Main speaker

You may be called upon to introduce yourself in a speech or introduce a speaker, a guest, an employee, a product, or a concept. Your job is to grab the audience’s attention so that they are ready to receive the main message. Here are some introduction speech examples to help you.

Table of Contents

What Is A Speech Of Introduction?

In public speaking,  a speech of introduction introduces someone to the audience members.  It can also be a  self-introduction speech  wherein the speaker does the introduction. 

Whether the speaker will deliver an informative speech, persuasive speech, or any type of speech, the speech of introduction aims to help establish the speaker’s background. Who are they? What do they do? What makes them credible to talk about the topic they will discuss?

How Do I Start A Speech To Introduce Someone?

If your job is to introduce someone before their speech or presentation, the first fundamental thing to remember is to keep things short and sweet.  Your goal is to set the tone and entice the crowd to listen to the rest of the speech the speaker will deliver.

When writing such a speech, you must bear in mind the following:

  • You must grab the audience’s attention.  Though it depends on the setting and theme of the occasion, the general rule is to have an upbeat opening that will help you grab the audience’s attention. You can begin with a simple “Good morning/Good evening, ladies and gentlemen”; then state the purpose of your speech — introducing the topic, the purpose of the speech, and the guest speaker.
  •   You must effectively establish the speaker’s qualifications.  Introduction speeches are considered commemorative speeches in the sense that they celebrate the achievements and milestones of someone. In your speech, you must concisely provide an overview of the qualifications, expertise, and relevant accomplishments of the individual you’re introducing. This is a way to establish credibility and entice the audience to listen attentively.
  •   You must make the speaker welcome.  As someone tasked to introduce the speaker, you serve as the bridge that helps connect them with the audience. However, your goal isn’t just to prepare the audience for the speech. You must make the speaker also feel welcome with an enthusiastic tone and body language. If you have personal anecdotes or connections to share, you can do so — briefly and with the utmost authenticity. 

Introduction speeches examples - introducing the speaker

What Is A Welcome Speech, And Can It Be Used to Introduce Someone?

A welcome speech or address is a type of speech that sets the mood for a specific event. 

While it can serve as an excellent introduction to the guest speaker, it’s also an opportune time to emphasize what the event is all about and acknowledge the organization or individual behind the occasion.  An excellent welcome speech can also preview what the attendees can expect — apart from the remarks by the speaker. 

How Do You Introduce Yourself In Speech Examples?

In speech writing and public speaking, knowing how to introduce the speaker properly is essential. In some instances, speakers briefly introduce themselves before their speech proper. They can also incorporate it into their speech opening. 

In any self-introduction speech example (check out this  TED Talks compilation  of intros), you will observe that there are common ingredients behind an effective self-introduction speech. 

This speech must help the audience get to know you, showcase your qualification (without sounding boastful), establish connections with and create value for your listeners, and introduce your speech topics and main points.  This portion aims to give your audience a reason to stick with you and hear the rest of your speech. Also, note that first impressions last, so you must ensure your intro is impactful and engaging. 

Introduce slef for speech

See the examples below to give you an idea of how to introduce yourself while still having effective attention-getters (e.g., a rhetorical question, an anecdote, a statistic, or a bold statement). 

  • “Good morning/afternoon/evening. I’m X, and I’m here to talk about Y. To begin, I’d like to share a story…”
  •  “Have you heard about X? I’m Y, and today, I’ll share with you my thoughts about…”
  •  “What if overcoming your biggest fear doesn’t have to be as hard as you thought it would be? My name is X. And I’m a testament to how….”
  •  “Hi, I’m X, and I wanted to know: How many of you have experienced Y?”
  •  “Did you know that X? My name is Y, and I was asked to discuss…”

What Are Introduction Speech Examples For?

When you look for speech examples for a short introduction of speech or a self-introductory speech, you’ll find that  this type of speech has a great variety. 

You can use it to introduce a public speaker and a guest. In a business setting, you can also use an introduction speech to introduce an employee or present a product. Even in academe or civilian environments (e.g., you’re a high school public teacher or a personal development coach), you can count on an introduction speech to introduce a concept. 

Here’s a template you can follow.

A public speaker or a guest

  •  Attention-getter
  •  State your role
  •  Introduce the speaker/guest
  •  Note the speaker/guest’s credibility and contributions
  •  State the topic
  •  A personal connection, story, or experience
  •  What can the audience expect/ how can the speaker provide value
  •  Transition to the speaker

Introuduction speech examples

An employee

  •  Introduce the employee
  •  Highlight their tenure/experience, achievements, skills, and qualities
  •  State what the employee will be discussing
  •  State the significance of the employee’s work/impact on the audience
  •  Transition to the employee

A product or a concept

  • Attention-getter
  • State the purpose of your speech
  •  Introduce the product or concept
  •  Share its significance
  •  Share its benefits
  •  Showcase the key features
  •  Do a demonstration
  •  Explain the potential impact
  •  Cite supporting facts
  •  Deliver a strong call to action
  •  Transition to the next phase or proportion of the event

Introduce product via podcast

No matter who or what you’re introducing in your speech, the key is to create a concise yet comprehensive one. Your speech must prepare the audience and make the speaker feel welcome. While remaining factual and genuine,  you must write and deliver this piece in a way that generates interest and sets an excellent tone for the speech proper — and the rest of the event.

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Speech Introduction

Speech introduction generator.

The power of a compelling speech introduction is undeniable. It sets the tone, captures the audience’s attention, and paves the way for a memorable presentation. Crafting a captivating speech introduction can be challenging, but with the right techniques, anyone can deliver an engaging opening that leaves a lasting impression. In this article, we will explore what a speech introduction is, provide step-by-step guidance on how to write one, address frequently asked questions, and offer valuable examples to help you master this crucial skill.

1. Short Introduction Speech

Short Introduction Speech2

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2. Introduction Speech for Employee

Personal Introduction Example

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3. Introduction Speech for Chairman

Introduction Speech For Business

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4. Introduction Speech for Students

Introduction Speech for Students


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5. Formal Introduction Sample

Formal Introduction Sample2

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6. 30 Second Self Introduction Speech for School Students

30 Second Self Introduction Speech for School Students

7. Self Introduction Speech for School Students

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8. New Self Introduction Speech for School Students

New Self Introduction Speech for School Students

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9. Self Introduction Speech for School Students Template

Self Introduction Speech for School Students Template

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10. 5 Minute Self Introduction Speech Template

5 Minute Self Introduction Speech Template

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11. Sample 5 Minute Self Introduction Speech

Sample 5 Minute Self Introduction Speech

12. Basic 5 Minute Leader Speech

Basic 5 Minute Leader Speech

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13. Public Communication Speech

Public Communication Speech

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14. 2 Minute Self Introduction Speech Template

2 Minute Self Introduction Speech Template

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15. 2 Minute Self Introduction Speech for Students

16. 2 minute self introduction speech for school students, 17. 2 minute self-introduction speech evaluation form.

2 Minute Self-Introduction Speech Evaluation Form

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18. 30 Second Introduction Speech about Yourself

30 Second Introduction Speech about Yourself

19. Introduction Speech about Yourself Example

Introduction Speech about Yourself Example

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20. Self Introduction Speech about Yourself

21. self-introduction speech based on a personal object, 22. printable introduction speech about yourself, 23. sample new manager introduction speech.

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What is a Speech Introduction?

A speech introduction is the opening segment of a speech or presentation that aims to draw the audience’s attention and create an immediate connection with the topic. It serves as the gateway to your main ideas, allowing you to present your message effectively. A well-crafted speech introduction can establish the context, highlight the importance of the subject matter, and engage the audience’s curiosity.

How to Write a Speech Introduction

Welcome to the step-by-step guide on crafting a captivating speech introduction! Whether you’re preparing for a formal presentation, a persuasive talk, or simply want to engage your audience effectively, this guide will walk you through the essential elements and techniques to create an attention-grabbing opening. Let’s dive in and learn how to captivate your listeners from the very beginning!

Step 1: Understand Your Audience

Before diving into crafting your speech introduction, take the time to observe your audience. Consider their interests, knowledge level, and preferences. Tailor your introduction to resonate with them, making it relatable and engaging. Understanding your audience will allow you to choose the right tone, language, and examples that best suit their needs.

Step 2: Develop a Clear Purpose

Define the purpose of your speech introduction. Are you trying to inspire, inform, or persuade? Knowing your objective will help you create a focused and impactful opening. Your purpose will also guide the structure and content of your introduction, ensuring that every word contributes to your overall message.

Step 3: Craft an Attention-Grabbing Opening

Begin your speech with a hook that captures the audience’s attention immediately. You can use a surprising statistic, an intriguing question, a relevant quote, or a compelling story. The key is to pique their curiosity and make them eager to hear more. The opening should be concise and powerful, setting the stage for the rest of your presentation.

Step 4: Provide a Roadmap

After the attention-grabbing opening, present a clear and concise outline of your speech. This roadmap gives the audience an overview of what to expect, guiding them through the main points you’ll be addressing. Outline formats can vary, but make sure it’s easy for the audience to follow and understand the structure of your speech.

1. Why is a strong speech introduction essential?

A compelling speech introduction captivates the audience, making them more likely to pay attention throughout the presentation. It sets the context, establishes your credibility, and sparks interest in your message.

2. Should I use literary devices in my speech introduction?

Using literary devices like metaphors, similes, or anecdotes can add flair and memorability to your introduction. However, use them judiciously, considering the context and your audience’s preferences.

3. Can I use both simple and compound sentences in my introduction?

Yes, varying your sentence structure adds rhythm and flow to your speech. Combine simple sentences for clarity with compound sentences for complexity and impact.

In conclusion, crafting an effective speech introduction requires careful consideration of your audience, purpose, and content. By following the step-by-step guide and incorporating attention-grabbing elements, you can deliver a compelling opening that leaves a lasting impression. Remember to use appropriate verbs and common nouns to keep your introduction clear and concise. By mastering this art, you set the stage for a powerful presentation that will undoubtedly resonate with your listeners.


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Introduction speech for a guest speaker 

How to write a good introduction speech step by step

By:  Susan Dugdale  

If you've been asked to give the introduction speech for a guest speaker you're in the right place.

Everything you need to prepare it is here. Follow the steps and you'll have an introductory speech you'll be proud to deliver.

What you'll find on this page:

  • an overview of the purpose of an introduction speech for a guest speaker
  • the content you're expected to cover
  • an organizational pattern or template to follow  
  • an example introduction speech
  • 6 important tips to use to ensure your speech is a success

Graphic: a crowd of people and a label saying, "A primer on the gentle art of giving an introduction speech to a guest speaker."

The function of an introduction speech

Let's start with the purpose of the speech. When you understand what the speech is supposed to achieve you'll find it much easier to write.

Image background - audience with overlay of multiple speech bubbles eg. "I can't see from here". Title Text: One of the important roles of an introduction speech is to unite the audience.

The job of an introduction speech is to:

  • introduce your guest speaker,
  • give them a warm welcome, 
  • and create ready-and-motivated-to-listen anticipation in the audience.

Essentially you are the warm-up act. Your task is to focus and unite the audience members, to get them ready for what is to come.

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To prepare your introduction speech you'll need:

  • the guest speaker's name and, if they have one, their title. For example; Judge, Sir, The Right Honorable... Do make sure you can say their name properly and easily! If you're in doubt get the correct pronunciation from your guest speaker and practice. Also ask if they have personal pronoun preferences. Eg: they/them, she/her, he/him... 
  • the guest speaker's biography or the credentials of the speaker Sometimes you'll be given what the guest speaker wants said about themselves. If that isn't provided select events, achievements and qualifications to support establishing him/her as an authority within the context of the occasion. And do check that your guest is happy with what you are preparing to say about them.
  • attention getters or a surprise to delight the audience, something that is not commonly known, and something revealing the personality or humanity of the person. 

How to organize your material

  • Build excitement or interest by adding one piece of information after another.
  • Make the speaker's name and their speech title, the climax and end of your speech.

To show you how it's done I've put together an...  

Introduction speech example

Let's put the speech in context to help you make sense of it.

The setting for this fictitious introduction speech is a conference for an organization called " Women in Leadership" . The audience are primarily women drawn together through an interest in leadership roles. 

Image background: crowd of people. Text overlay: Women in leadership - featuring key note speaker Rose Stephenson.

At the end of the speech, the speaker will lead the clapping as Rose Stephenson, the keynote speaker being introduced, takes center stage.

Now here's the introduction speech text.

Now here's the introduction speech text

" She's been a stalwart member of "Women in Leadership" for the last ten years. Over that time she's served in every office: secretary, treasurer, chairperson, chief fundraiser, education officer... to name just a few, and in some roles several times over.

Her passionate dedication to promoting public speaking as an important component of empowerment is inspiring. We estimate that she has personally mentored at least 100 new speakers and has set an extraordinary "yes, you can" example for many more. We see her as capable, confident and fluent: never at a loss for words. But what you probably don't know is that this women once stuttered, stammered and blushed.

Yes, she was often temporarily paralyzed, struck dumb by the mere thought of standing in front of an audience to speak.

How she got from awkward tongue tied silence to becoming an eloquent front line spokesperson is the story she will share with us tonight.

Ladies, without further ado, it's with great pleasure, I give you... Rose Stephenson on "Speaking To Lead!"

Say the speech out loud! Use it as a template!

Try saying it out loud to get the flow of it.

If you like it, use it as a model for the introduction speech you need to write.

6 tips to make your introduction speech successful

1. consider tone and language use.

Is what you've prepared appropriate for the occasion, audience and your guest speaker? Have you avoided using a string of clichés?

2. Check the length of your speech

Image background - crowd of people. Text: Keep it short and sweet.

Pertinent and pithy: a short speech is what you want. One to two minutes should be enough.

Test it out loud with a timer and trim if necessary.

My example speech is 171 words long. That will take approximately 1 minute 30 seconds to say depending on the speaker's rate of speech.

For more on: the number of words per minute in a speech . (This page has estimations for the number of words per minute spoken at a slow, medium and fast rate for speeches from 1 - 10 minutes long.)

3. Resist exaggerating or "puffing up" the speaker's achievements

First impressions count. You don't want to talk about your guest in a way that may embarrass and cause the audience to question their right to be there.

4. Always check your facts 

Beware the horror of getting your facts muddled and, if you wish to mention something that may be sensitive, ask permission before you announce it in front of an audience.

5. Remember you are not the main speaker, or the star of the show

Image background - crowd of people. Text: The speaker who introduces a guest or key note speaker must remember they are the support or warm up act.

You've done a good job when you cover just enough to make the coming speech eagerly anticipated. 

Please do not stray into telling the audience what the guest speaker's speech will cover in detail. That's terribly unfair on the speaker!

6. Rehearse your speech

Practice out loud until you are confidently fluent and able to convey the pleasure or enthusiasm the audience needs to get them in the right frame of mind.

For more: how to rehearse a speech well

For more: how to use your voice expressively

examples of introduction speeches

Other related pages you may find useful:

  • How to give a self-introduction speech  (with an example of a brief speech to introduce yourself to fellow workshop participants)
  • How to write a welcome speech (with an example of a short welcome speech to open an event)

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    examples of introduction speeches


  1. Introduction speech for guest speaker

  2. Introduction Speeches : Introduction Speech Structures


  4. Introduction Examples for Persuasive Speeches

  5. Best Self Introduction for students in english || 10 lines on my self introduction

  6. Introduction Speech Example