The future of computer-aided education

Student learning online python coding class on laptop computer at home.

Chris Piech is a professor of computer science who studies how computers can help students learn.

In comparing human- and computer-aided education, he says humans are great one-on-one, but AI is more consistent at grading and feedback. He and colleagues have created several generative AI grading apps to take advantage of these relative strengths, as he tells host Russ Altman on this episode of Stanford Engineering’s The Future of Everything podcast.

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Related : Chris Piech , assistant professor (teaching) of computer science

[00:00:00] Chris Piech: How do you get joy in education? I think there's plenty of kids in K-12 education. There's plenty of adults who need to get retrained, uh, and they're not necessarily finding the experience to be that motivating or joyful. Um, and part of my job is to come up with tools and things that can bring that joy into education.

[00:00:17] Russ Altman: This is Stanford Engineering's The Future of Everything, and I'm your host Russ Altman. If you enjoy The Future of Everything, please hit follow in the app that you're listening in. This will guarantee that you never miss an episode. 

[00:00:34] Today, Professor Chris Piech from Stanford University will tell us how he's training computers to help students learn better and to help teachers teach better. It's the future of computer aided education. 

[00:00:47] Before we get started, please remember to follow the show to ensure that you get alerted to all of our new episodes and never miss an episode on the future of anything. 

[00:00:56] Computers are everywhere in our lives. But one of the places we don't think about them as much is in the school room. We have teachers. We look up to our teachers. They teach us stuff. Then they give us grades. That's how we've always done it. Well, guess what? Things are changing. We're starting to see sophisticated computer programs that actually make a difference in education. What do I mean? They make students learn better. The students may even enjoy the experience more. And they helps teachers think about how they're going to present information and with grading and assessment. 

[00:01:35] Well, Chris Piech is a professor of computer science at Stanford University and an expert on using AI and computers to teach. He focuses a little bit on teaching computer science, his chosen area, but he's had a wide array of applications that may surprise you. 

[00:01:50] Chris, you focus on teaching people how to program, how to do computer coding, uh, with computer assistance. For people who haven't ever coded, can you just define what that's like and why it's challenging?

[00:02:04] Chris Piech: Yeah. A good way to describe it could be, imagine you want to give instructions to a computer, maybe you want it to open a file, read through and then do some work for you, or maybe you want to make a beautiful game. All of that, everything you experience on your computer, on your phone. It's all been created by a person who's written some code.

[00:02:22] Now, the experience of writing code is maybe surprisingly mundane. It's a little bit like opening up a Google doc and writing down your instructions. You need to learn to speak the language of these instructions. And that's what I teach in my class. 

[00:02:35] Russ Altman: Okay. So that's what we're trying to get to. And now I know that you are, you're committed to trying to understand how we can kind of use computers to improve that experience. That will include AI and I'm sure we'll get to AI, but what is, what's the problem that we're trying to solve here? Are there not enough coders who know how to teach? Are we unable to create the environment for people to learn how to code? What's the problem? 

[00:02:59] Chris Piech: Yeah, so, um, you know, I'll actually broaden it a little bit in that I love teaching, like, I think I was one of those people who was just born to teach. It's just brings me so much joy. I would probably teach anything. I just happen to love coding as well. But I think a lot of the challenges I think are more broad.

[00:03:13] It's like, what are the challenges in learning? And if I had to name one, I think motivation is a pretty big one. Like, how do you get joy in education? I think there's plenty of kids in K-12 education. There's plenty of adults who need to get retrained, uh, and they're not necessarily finding the experience to be that motivating or joyful. Um, and part of my job is to come up with tools and things that can bring that joy into education. 

[00:03:37] Russ Altman: Okay. So let me just ask, um, it is not my instinct, when I think about setting up a joyful learning experience, to do, to go to a computer screen and interact with a computer, right? I think about a group of people, maybe a teacher who is inspiring, who relates to me and also gets me thinking about how I can improve myself and learn stuff. So tell me how this turns into, we should make computers better at teaching. 

[00:04:05] Chris Piech: Yeah, so actually, um, the question is really well posed, and I feel like, uh, I approach it from a similar perspective. You know, I'm an old man now. I've done a lot of experimentations. 

[00:04:13] Russ Altman: You have no idea, but we'll get to that later.

[00:04:17] Chris Piech: Um, you know, the single thing that I've seen have the biggest impact on learners is that relationship building with a teacher. Um, and I think we can all appreciate and relate to that. Um, so surprisingly, uh, the, or when, or maybe not surprisingly, but when the pandemic came and I had my chance to try and build my own version of joyful education, I had all the AI tools at my disposal.

[00:04:41] I sit in the AI lab at Stanford, um, but I actually turned to a rather simple idea that I think might really be important for education, uh, which is, people who have recently learned are actually can be remarkable teachers if they're set up properly. So, you know, when I had my chance, I set up a classroom with ten thousand students, but a thousand teachers. Uh, the teachers were all just a little bit beyond the students and they're all leading a group of ten. I think learning's so relationship driven. 

[00:05:12] Russ Altman: I, you know, I love that because I tell, when I'm giving kind of mentorship to new teachers, and I've been teaching for a long time as well, I say to them, you don't have to know everything. You just have to be about an hour ahead of all the students that you're about to teach, right?

[00:05:27] Because the class will be an hour. And so if I can get them to everything that I know, they'll never know that the next minute I would have been clueless. 

[00:05:35] Chris Piech: Yeah. And, you know, to play it really safe, we get teachers who are about six weeks ahead of a student but. 

[00:05:40] Russ Altman: But so that's very powerful. And how does that work?

[00:05:43] So there's a whole bunch of things there. You, first of all, you have a whole range of students coming in with, at different levels of skill and knowledge, um, these teachers, um, who are recent enthusiasts and recent acquirers of knowledge. Um, I, it's easy to believe that they're enthusiastic, but how do you set it up for their success?

[00:06:04] Chris Piech: Yeah, you know, there's, the program called Code in Place is a Stanford program and folks are welcome to join if they find it interesting. Um, so the way we set it up is we make sure that the teachers have good training. Uh, we kind of have an application process and we select for who we think is ready to take that step.

[00:06:24] Uh, and here's one of the interesting things. By this point, Russ, we've had about four thousand teachers. Um, and in that experience, we've really gotten to learn what makes for a good teacher and you would be surprised how great amateurs can be. Um, you know, there's one way of talking about it is, if they can learn to be humble and not overstate what they know, they have this real advantage, which is that they know the struggle. They know what it's like. 

[00:06:50] Russ Altman: And it's been recent. 

[00:06:52] Chris Piech: Yeah. Um, and so, you know, as I said, we're learning a lot about what makes for great teaching. And certainly one of the big findings is we were really underestimating how great amateurs could be. 

[00:07:02] Russ Altman: So you really gave a great answer because I was asking about how are we going to have those inspiring people in front of us? And even if it's through a screen or through a Zoom, it sounds like you've addressed that. And that's part of the plan. 

[00:07:14] Let's zoom out. I want to ask about the status of automatic coding and AI grading, and there's just so many topics that your work touches upon. I guess, I just want to, for people who don't, aren't aware of it, uh, computer programming has kind of been revolutionized even among professionals in the last couple of years because of AI.

[00:07:34] And could you just describe for us what the status is? 'Cause I'm sure that impacts the ways in which you think about how to get a new coder, uh, into the field. 

[00:07:43] Chris Piech: Yeah. So for those of you guys, um, who are interested, there's this big revolution that's happened in the last few years, uh, they maybe could call it the generative AI revolution. Uh, basically realized that we throw insane amount of computer power at a thing called a neural network, it can start to do crazy things like produce language. And you might have interfaced with something like ChatGPT or heard about it. What you might not know is that ChatGPT isn't just able to write text or poems about pirates, it can also write Python and computer code.

[00:08:16] Uh, Python is one of the languages that we program in. And I would almost argue it could be, I would say it's probably better at coding than at language. So if you've experienced these things, uh, you know, maybe a good metaphor is whatever you're thinking about its capabilities to produce fluent text, um, you know, I would say it's doing a pretty good job of coding as well. 

[00:08:34] Russ Altman: Okay. So that is now a thing. And if I understand it even professional coders are taking advantage of the, of these tools. Um, so, 

[00:08:42] Chris Piech: Yeah, I program all the time. I use them all the time. I mean, I don't know if you need to talk about this, but I've never had more fun programming.

[00:08:48] Russ Altman: Okay. So it has not taken the joy away from programming because I, as a youth, I did a lot of programming myself and it was super fun. It was literally the only thing that could keep me up all night was a thorny, exciting programming challenge. Uh, and, um, well, that's a whole different story. Uh, so how does that change how you want to teach people the principles of coding? 

[00:09:12] It's a lot, you know, it's, I'm sure it's very analogous to the problem that English teachers are having right now about writing, is that they have, that students have access to these powerful tools. It forces you to rethink, how am I going to teach them to write an essay? And what's the equivalent question in your world? 

[00:09:28] Chris Piech: Yeah. Well, okay. So let's start by how fun programming is. And let's talk about why it's so fun. And then I think that will help answer all your questions. So programming, it's a joy if done right. And one of the reasons the joy is you're creating things out of just what is in your imagination.

[00:09:44] You're like, I dream of this particular game, and I can turn that dream into something I can share with my loved ones. And that creation is such a human experience, like you've just made something that you can give, and if a loved one says that what you made is valuable, uh, it's like the best feeling. Um, and that's one of the reasons that I'm having more fun now, is because actually these tools have elevated what I'm able to create.

[00:10:05] You know, there used to be limitations to how quickly I could read documentation and learn about new APIs and how quickly I could pick up new languages. Um, and now with these new tools, I'm just having the time of my life. And speaking on that, you brought up English teachers having to teach essays, right?

[00:10:24] As I said, I think a lot about motivation and education. Um, and I, I'll say that there's this opportunity for creation all over, and it's not just in coding. Funny story, the three-year-old and I did the funniest thing with my three year old. Of course, I want her to be able to read and write just like every other father.

[00:10:46] Uh, but also, I got bored one morning and you know what we did? We just pulled up, we pulled up these large language models and we just wrote a book. It was producing the images, um, and it was helping up with the story when we got stuck. And then once we got that book written, I just spent thirty more minutes and I got it printed with Google Photos, uh, and then I had her holding a book.

[00:11:06] Russ Altman: Oh my goodness. 

[00:11:06] Chris Piech: It was the coolest thing. You can imagine my three-year-old, like, she likes books, but to hold a book that she had helped craft, it was just a neat experience for her. 

[00:11:13] Russ Altman: And she was fully aware of being part of this creative process, it sounds like. 

[00:11:17] Chris Piech: Oh, yeah. A little bit too aware. Now, if you come to my house, it's like the first thing she'll show you, like, we're trying to, like, tone that down, but that's a different story. But you know, like, that joy is cool. Hey, so Russ, what am I getting at? 

[00:11:30] This moment for education could really be different. And if you talk to a lot of smart people, you'll hear a lot of people say this moment will be different because AI will be a great tutor. I'm not saying that's wrong, but I'm saying one of the reasons this moment will be different is not because of what AI can do, it's what humans can do. It's using these tools to expand what we can create. Could be a way to unlock making learning more fun. You could go much faster from learning the intros to I'm creating something of value. And I'm excited about that. 

[00:11:57] Russ Altman: I can't tell you how reassuring it is to me, and I'm sure lots of people, to have someone, who like you, who's working on computer aided education. And that, I know that's an old-fashioned term. To have you say those things about joy and creation and the human aspect. It is so reassuring because as a child of the nineteen sixties and seventies, um, you probably have studied as an archaeologist, the kinds of tools I was exposed to, where I remember as like a seventh grader saying, I will never sit in front of a computer and try to learn anything.

[00:12:29] And this is, you know, I became some, something of a computer professional, but they were such atrocious experiences that it probably delayed my open mindedness by at least thirty years. Okay. 

[00:12:41] Chris Piech: Do you want to hear a story on that? 

[00:12:45] Russ Altman: I do. 

[00:12:45] Chris Piech: Okay, so, you know, I'm a scientist as well. Um, and as you said, I'm a teacher, but I also, and I make tools, but I also like to do some science to see what's working, what's not working. Last year, as we mentioned, I had this big class, ten thousand students, a thousand teachers, and we actually ran two experiments. 

[00:13:04] In one experiment, we had early access to GPT4. Half the students got early access, half the students did not. We do this A B testing when we're not sure if a tool is going to help people. We ran a second experiment, going on at the same time. In this second experiment, we kind of had a breakthrough in how we could do one on one teaching. It's hard to do with ten thousand people. We don't need to get into the details, but we'd had a breakthrough. And it allowed us to do one on one teaching. We did a similar experiment where some people would get access to one-on-one teaching.

[00:13:31] And then some people would, eventually everyone gets access to everything. But at the beginning, we would like to learn what's working. Okay, I'll first tell you about the one-on-one teaching. In the one-on-one teaching, fifteen minutes with a near peer. So somebody who's like six weeks ahead of you, ten percentage point improvement in your chance of completing the material of the class, huge. 

[00:13:49] Russ Altman: Yes, yes.

[00:13:49] Chris Piech: I've never seen a result like it. That's the biggest result ever seen. So I'll invite you to think what, do you think the AI did? Did it achieve that human level of ten percentage point improvement? 

[00:14:02] Russ Altman: So this is a human who has just learned, who's enthusiastic. You already told us that you filtered them for a bunch of characteristics. I can't imagine the AI was as good. 

[00:14:15] Chris Piech: It not only wasn't as good, it has a four percentage point less likely to finish the class if you had access to GPT. So I looked at the, we looked at the conversations. They were healthy conversations, they were talking about concepts. I think you're not the only child of the sixties.

[00:14:32] There's a lot of us who, there's something about the human that I don't want us to lose. Hey, there's something about the AI that's really cool. 

[00:14:38] Russ Altman: Yes. 

[00:14:38] Chris Piech: We'll talk about how we can bring that into the future of learning, but we better not let the human part go. 

[00:14:43] Russ Altman: Good. Good. Okay. I feel validated and thank you very much. Okay. So let's go into, I know one of the areas, you've done a lot of stuff and I, you know, I Google stalked you last night. So I know about all your papers. One of the things you've looked at is assessment of students and that's getting serious, right? Because this has impacts on their future, on their, um, uh, on their job potential, on their ability to get into the next level of, uh, either education or job. So it's very sensitive and people are, I'm sure worried about it. 

[00:15:15] Tell me how you approach computational assessment of learners. How should we think about it? And I'm guessing you've done humanistic things in that direction, but I have no idea what they are.

[00:15:26] Chris Piech: No, no, it's such a good question. So like, you know, um, for a while there, one of my main quests was to help us understand humans based off their work. So you're learning physics, you're learning English, you're learning programming. While you're doing this learning, you're producing work. And, you know, I think it's a grand challenge in algorithmic education to understand you from the open-ended work. 

[00:15:48] Hey, if you're doing multiple choice, by the way, boy, can I really model what you know. It turns out I've got this algorithm that’s called Deep Knowledge Tracing. We use it in Duolingo, but, um, I don't dream of people doing multiple choice questions. I dream of people, uh, doing more complicated things. So that's the first bit. You know, no one likes assessment, but what we're able to grade is the assessments we can give.

[00:16:12] And if we can grade more complicated things, we'll be able to, as teachers, have more interesting learning experiences. So if the only thing we can grade is multiple choice, you're going to get a lot of multiple choice tests. If the only thing we can grade is you programming, you're getting a lot of programming.

[00:16:28] You know, the dream, Russ, though, is that you could be doing an open-ended project. Doing something that you really find motivating and enjoyable, and then we can give you feedback. Okay, so that's just a framework. From there we could talk a lot about the state of the art. 

[00:16:42] Russ Altman: Well, yeah, so I would like to know, um, uh, where are we, you know, I, one of the things that comes to mind and it's terrible is, and I don't even want to go there yet because we haven't talked about grading and assessment, but there's also the issue of cheating, which is kind of intimately tied in with all this.

[00:16:58] And I don't even like saying that word, right? It's an ugly word. It's an ugly idea. So maybe we'll put that aside, but how do you approach grading fairly? Uh, and what do you do about the variety of backgrounds and cultural assumptions that students come in? And then when you try to reduce all of that, either to a number between one and a hundred or a letter from A to F or whatever it is, or even a paragraph. You know, our friends at UC Santa Cruz, they write paragraphs describing how the student did. Um, how do you, how are you thinking about how to do that? And where is the state of the art? 

[00:17:33] Chris Piech: Yeah. 

[00:17:34] Russ Altman: How do you want your three-year-old to be graded when they get to first grade? 

[00:17:37] Chris Piech: Oh, I love the question. You know, um, and I'll bring the same sensitivity, like, who am I to judge anyone? You know, I'm a curious human. You're a curious human. Like, I don't presume that, I don't really like this position of power. And you mentioned how it could affect people's lives and that really makes me nervous. Um, but it's a big deal and there's a lot of nuance to it. You know, the cheating nuance is an interesting one. Uh, the effect on people's lives, interesting one, but maybe a safe place to start is actually the demographic fairness. 

[00:18:07] Russ Altman: Okay. 

[00:18:07] Chris Piech: So, uh, you know, Russ, I've actually never used, so I might be one of the few people in the world who's like spent a decade studying this. So we've got a bunch of algorithms that you could call state of the art. There's almost zero algorithms I've used for real assessment. Um, and you know why? For me, grading is a different thing. Grading is the proof that an algorithm understands students. So a lot of the algorithms I wanna make, they're gonna help students in some way. They're gonna help teachers in some way. 

[00:18:42] And the central piece is, can you understand a student? It just so happens that grading is one of the few numerical things that I've got to see if an algorithm is doing a good job understanding. Um, so I have done experiments, were we to use this grading for real assessment, would it be fair? As I said, we haven't actually used it for real assessments. Uh, and the answer was yes. Now, what was I grading? We took ten thousand students writing an exam for code in place. Now, right now the exam is, we call it a self-diagnostic. You know, there's no feedback. You just take the exam and then you're done.

[00:19:17] Just the experience is the experience. But then we thought, what if we ran an AI grader on this? And then we ran the AI grader, um, and we compared it to human graders. And you might not find this that surprising, but human graders are not all that accurate. 

[00:19:32] Russ Altman: And they're a little biased in their own special ways.

[00:19:35] Chris Piech: Yeah. Yeah. And, um, and then we can see that we were a little bit more accurate. We then actually gave it to the students and said like, hey, this is not a grade, but here's some automatic feedback if you find it interesting. And then we spliced in the human feedback and the AI feedback and the students in my class were actually preferring the AI feedback.

[00:19:50] So that just gives you an idea of what's possible. Uh, I will say that the answer probably would be different depending on the subject. I think coding, you know, we have people from a hundred and fifty countries Russ. So like, I don't, I got to find out, is it biased against Nigerians? And the answer is no, you know, coding is something like a universal language.

[00:20:09] Um, there's not too much about your demographics that leaks out when you're doing a little coding task. It could be really different if you're writing a personal essay. 

[00:20:17] Russ Altman: Yes. Yes. 

[00:20:18] Chris Piech: Um, it could be, and actually it could be really different if it's evaluating based off your resume, like all sorts of biases, you know, uh, if you're interested in these large language models that are trained off the internet, that is a wild, wild world.

[00:20:32] Russ Altman: This is The Future of Everything with Russ Altman. We'll have more with Chris Piech next.

[00:20:52] Welcome back to The Future of Everything. I'm Russ Altman, your host, and I'm speaking with Professor Chris Piech from Stanford University. 

[00:20:58] In the first segment, we talked about the promise and possibilities for using computers in education. In this next segment, we're going to talk about how can computers grade less structured information, things where there's a lot of creativity and spontaneity involved. Also, how can you use computers for other kinds of tests, not just academic tests and grading? And finally, what is this idea of generative grading? We've heard of generative AI. What's generative grading?

[00:21:26] I know that you've also done some work recently looking at feedback and assessment, and in a less structured environment. So tell us what's the state of that kind of work? 

[00:21:36] Chris Piech: Yeah. So, you know, if you're interested in giving somebody feedback, there's different degrees of difficulty. Multiple choice is the easiest. Uh, short answer is the next easiest. A step up from that is something like coding. Uh, but then there is this particular type of coding, which represents a goal we're shooting for, which is giving people feedback when they're just having fun and doing something unstructured.

[00:22:00] Um, and so this does express itself in programming and it expresses itself when people are making games or web apps, particularly ones where it's just like, hey, you go make a, a great application. Use the concepts we've learned in class. This is a really difficult grading task. We use a particularly neat idea. Have you ever seen a program learn how to play chess? 

[00:22:24] Russ Altman: Uh, I think so. Yes. 

[00:22:25] Chris Piech: Yeah. So it kind of like learns by playing. It just like plays a whole bunch of games of chess and then it gets really good at it. So what we do when we're grading, those open end things is really different than multiple choice. The way we, what we do is we make a program. Um, now it's called DreamGrader, uh, made with a bunch of wonderful colleagues. And what DreamGrader is going to do is it's, it's going to play your work. It's going to interact with it. It's going to, you know, if you made a game, it's going to move the paddle. If you made an app, it's going to try and press the buttons.

[00:22:54] Um, and through interacting with its work, that's how it's gaining its understanding of what you're doing. And it's really wonderful. See, it's like the power of these chess engines in the hands of graders. I'm excited about it. Not just technically. Okay, I'd say like nerdy. Very fun. But also as a teacher, 'cause I want to give those things. I just can't because grading them is so hard. 

[00:23:16] Russ Altman: So have you created kind of a rubric of what make, so like, give me an example of what the feedback would be. So I've played your game, like, dear Joan, Joan, I played Pong. Here's what I think of Pong. Like, tell me like how that looks.

[00:23:32] Chris Piech: Yeah. Well, okay. So right now we actually do use it in the class I'm teaching. So maybe this is the one example where I'm actually using it. Um, here's what it looks like, we have something called Breakout. It's just like Pong. Uh, you have a pad. 

[00:23:45] Russ Altman: I just guessed Pong. 

[00:23:47] Chris Piech: Yeah. Yeah. It was a good guess, fantastic. And students like to go above and beyond, they like to change the colors. Sometimes they'll add like, you know, level ups. So what the algorithm is going to do is it's going to play it. And it's going to try and make little movies. It's like, here's a moment when I was playing your game, and it did something that I thought was wonderful. Or, I was playing your game, Joan, and when I was playing it, this happened, and I'm pretty sure you didn't expect for this to happen, and that was a mistake.

[00:24:14] Russ Altman: And so, and you've been able to figure out how to do that in a very general way, so that no matter what game they throw in front of you, or is this kind of a Pong specific feedback? 

[00:24:23] Chris Piech: No. Okay, it's somewhere in between. I don't want to overstate what's possible. It's, this is still research. It's still science. Um, it's not just about Pong. And it should be anything that's interactive, but we're at the early stages of seeing where it breaks down. So when you get to really complicated things, like, I don't know if somebody programmed World of Warcraft, I don't think this thing is going to be able to play World of Warcraft and say like, that was a pretty good job, Joan. 

[00:24:44] Russ Altman: Right. Well, I, you know, I have, I'm sure you know this, but I'm just going to make it explicit. When I do research with my graduate students, it's like a game. Yes, we're doing research on biology and medicine, but on the day-to-day basis, we're writing code and we're generating graphics and some of the graphics get us excited and even giggling with like how good they look.

[00:25:06] And some of the graphics are like profoundly depressing and like indistinguishable from noise. And so as you were describing this, I'm thinking to myself, this is not so far from being able to evaluate the fun and the productivity of a research project, because it's in many ways we think of it and it can be construed as a game.

[00:25:26] Chris Piech: I mean, I love it. I've not thought about it from that perspective. 

[00:25:30] Russ Altman: All right. So we'll have to have a meeting. We'll have to have a lunch discussion. I want to get to another topic, which is you even talking about tests like for students, but you've actually generalized your work to look at other kinds of tests. So tell me about that. 

[00:25:42] Chris Piech: Yeah, you know, earlier in this, uh, conversation, we talked about how tests can be a little bit depressing, like who wants to be evaluated. But there's some tests where you just, like, really, really, really want to get the right answer. Um, and I'd say that those, the class of tests I'm talking about are medical tests. Like sometimes you go into a doctor's and you really want to get an accurate evaluation of what's going on. Now, sometimes that involves taking a photo, but sometimes it involves a human response. Uh, so let me paint you a picture, an eye test. You walk into an ophthalmologist's office, something's wrong with your eyes, and we need to know how well you can see.

[00:26:13] The only way we can know how well you can see is by asking you questions. Uh, and it turns out through decades of studying how people learn and how we can give feedback to things like coding assignments, we've actually figured out how we can get much better at giving feedback to people who are doing medical tests, like the eye test, for example.

[00:26:30] Russ Altman: Wow. So that really hits home. I recently was diagnosed with double vision and I was well aware that it was a qualitative description I was given of these symptoms and they were clearly struggling, I mean, in a good way, to understand exactly what the problem was. And so are you mostly helping the ophthalmologist or the optometrist, not so much the patient. I mean, of course it's helping the patient ultimately, but you're trying to help them make a more accurate assessment of the situation. 

[00:26:57] Chris Piech: Yeah. You know, the, we can get a more accurate reading of how well you can see in shorter time. That's both for the ophthalmologists. It was designed for people with more serious eye diseases. Like if you're just trying to find glasses, you know, not a, you probably don't need to know to incredible precision. Where it matters a little bit more is if you have like, um, a chronic eye disease that you have to track every day. So I actually made this is not that important, but I happen to have a chronic eye disease.

[00:27:23] So, and I want every day, I kind of want to know, has my vision gotten worse? And if even subtle changes in my vision can be really important for me to treat quickly. Um, so that was this case where I really wanted that high fidelity measurement, but the problem was me, like I needed to have this qualitative interpretation of how well I could see.

[00:27:42] Russ Altman: Yes. Yes. And your ability to discuss and describe on any given day, it's stressful because you don't want to miss the chance for the, uh, for the physician, for the clinician to make an appropriate inference by, and so you want to give them as good information as possible, but anything that they could have to help understand and appreciate what you're saying, I totally am with you there, and I saw that. 

[00:28:01] Okay, in the last few minutes, I want to ask you about this idea of generative grading. First of all, generative AI has been on lots of people's minds, and I don't know exactly what you mean, but it sounds like an exciting idea. So I just want to give you a chance to describe what is generative grading, and is it the future?

[00:28:19] Chris Piech: Yeah, okay, so I'm glad you asked. Generative grading is this algorithm that we made in the lab, and it's kind of near and dear to our hearts because, um, both it's had great impact, but also we like the ideas behind it. Uh, we all know that generative AI is impacting folks in, in lots of ways. Uh, and it, one of the hard tasks for a teacher is to grade.

[00:28:41] And there is this open question of how we can make this work useful to a teacher. Um, there is something really special about generative grading that's a little bit different than your classic large language model. So a large language model is, that's the neural network behind a lot of things like OpenAI.

[00:28:58] What's different about the way we do it is, the insight came from this. If you want to grade open ended work, it is much easier to generate an example of a student with a misconception than it is to take broken work and guess what the misconception was. So if I tell you you're a teacher, and I say, a student doesn't understand a for loop, and they tried to do this assignment, what could their work look like?

[00:29:25] It turns out, teachers find this much easier. Uh, and instead I say like, here's a broken program, what don't they understand? You have to guess through every single decision they could have made, every thought they could have had. That inference task is just insanely difficult. So we have this idea, kind of, even before large language models came out, that generative thinking is much easier and could be really important for grading.

[00:29:48] So now in the modern world, the way we employ this is in two ways. One, you can imagine artificial intelligence can be very helpful for generating the same sort of thought process, but you know what's great? Turns out humans are still amazing at it as well. Not only do we invite AI to think about generative stories of how students can go from misconceptions to their work, that's the model we need to be able to do good grading.

[00:30:13] It turns out teachers are still beating the state of the art. Like teachers are so good at this task that if you get a great teacher, uh, they can way outperform a neural network app.

[00:30:24] Russ Altman: And when you say outperform, you mean you say to the teacher, let's assume this student doesn't understand concept X. 

[00:30:31] Chris Piech: Yeah.

[00:30:31] Russ Altman: What will their assignment look like? 

[00:30:33] Chris Piech: Yeah. 

[00:30:33] Russ Altman: They're good at that?

[00:30:34] Chris Piech: Oh, so good at it. Way better than any neural network at the moment. This could change, but at the moment. And I think the future is probably going to look like a hybrid because, you know, teachers will know their students in ways that AI probably never will. Uh, AI will be able to assist because it has, you know, all the power of all the knowledge of all the programs it's ever read. Um, and together, I think we're going to be a fantastic team at understanding students. 

[00:30:55] Russ Altman: It also strikes me that new teachers, you know, in, I'm a physician. One of the things I am is a doctor. And everybody knows that you have to see a few thousand patients before you get really good and you don't, and of course it's stressful to be one of those patients early on because you don't know if you should have confidence in the physician.

[00:31:12] And you can imagine with this generative capability, that teachers might go into a situation now, a new situation, a new job, and they can say, I've graded this a thousand times or a hundred times. And so I am not clueless about how to grade this assignment. 

[00:31:26] Chris Piech: Yeah. And you know, we can imagine that teamwork is both training the teacher, getting great feedback to students, um, and maybe this is the future of education. 

[00:31:37] Russ Altman: Thanks to Chris Piech. That was the future of computer aided education. Thanks for tuning into this episode. With over 250 episodes in our archive, you have instant access to a huge array of discussions on the future of pretty much everything. If you're enjoying the show, a reminder to please consider sharing it with your friends and colleagues.

[00:31:58] Personal recommendations are the best way for us to grow the show. You can connect with me on X or Twitter, @RBAltman. And you can connect with Stanford Engineering @StanfordENG.

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10 Best Computer Science Projects Ideas for Final Year Students

Final year CSE projects are a student’s big moment to showcase what they’ve learned. It’s where they take all their computer science knowledge and use it to create something cool and useful. These projects can range from smart apps to blockchain systems that solve real-world problems .

They’re crucial because they help students demonstrate their readiness for real jobs . When companies see a well-executed project, they’re more likely to hire that student. So, a strong project can truly kickstart a career in the tech industry . In this article, we will discuss the best final project ideas for computer science final year students . So, let’s begin with how to choose your final year project .

Table of Content

How to Choose a Final Year Project?

10 best cse project ideas for final year students, 1. machine learning/ai project, face recognition attendance system, 2. blockchain technology project, delivery chain system using blockchain, 3. cybersecurity project, image encryption system, 4. mobile application development, the fitness app, the rescueguide app, 5. data science and analytics, movie recommendation system:, 6. cloud computing projects, blood banking via cloud computing:, 7. natural language processing, twitter sentiments analysis:, 8. web development projects, e-commerce website:, 9. 3d graphics and modelling projects, custom 3d model generator:, 10. the internet of things (iot), weather monitoring system with iot, automated street lighting using iot.

To select a project topic , start by looking around you. Your community has many social problems that an app could help solve. This approach is a great starting point for brainstorming final-year project ideas .

Since projects are typically done in teams, it’s important to discuss potential ideas with your teammates. This collaboration can lead to the generation of 4-5 new and innovative concepts for your CSE project . Once you have these ideas, you can present them to your mentor to gather their feedback and insights.

Key Steps for Choosing and Developing Your Final Year Project

Identify Your Area of Interest Select the Right Mentor Incorporate Visualizations Focus on Trending Topics Utilize the Latest Technologies and Frameworks Publish at Least One Research Paper on Your Project

As discussed above, you need to select your area of interest to build a project. We’ve listed 10 categories and project ideas here to help you with your CSE final-year projects with trending topics and advanced technologies that solves real-life problems.


Machine Learning and AI projects aim to build systems that learn from data to make smart choices. These include tech for recognizing images and natural language processing, predicting trends, and running self-driving systems.

One of the best Project ideas for this category is a facial recognition attendance system.

A Facial Recognition Attendance System uses AI to spot and log people’s attendance by scanning their faces. It makes taking attendance automatic without anyone having to do it by hand.


People can use this tech in schools, offices, events, or security checkpoints to keep track of who’s there, control who gets in, or monitor crowd demographics.

Click to get 100+ Machine Learning Projects with Source Code [2024]

Blockchain technology is primarily used in projects that require secure, transparent, and decentralized record-keeping. Common project ideas cover cryptocurrency systems , supply chain tracking , voting systems , and smart contracts .

Using the concept of supply chain we can create a secure delivery chain system for e-commerce websites using blockchain technology

Blockchain in delivery systems can enhance transparency, security, and traceability . It can create an immutable record of each step in the supply chain, from order placement to final delivery. This technology can help prevent fraud, ensure product authenticity, and provide real-time tracking information to all parties involved.

Verifying the origin of products, managing smart contracts for automated payments, and creating tamper-proof delivery records. It’s particularly useful for high-value or sensitive shipments where trust and verification are crucial.

Also Read: Top 7 Interesting Blockchain Project Ideas for Beginners 7 Project Ideas on Blockchain For Professionals

Cybersecurity projects aim to secure systems, networks, and data against cyber threats . They entail developing methods to protect information while ensuring privacy and integrity.

Using cybersecurity principles , you can create an image encryption system that encrypts digital photos.

The Image encryption system protects digital photos by transforming them into a coded format. This ensures that only authorized individuals can access or view the image content, limiting unauthorized access to sensitive or private photographs while also protecting data privacy and security.

  • Encryption algorithm selection (for example, AES, RSA)
  • Secure key management.
  • Real-time image encryption and decryption.
  • User authorization and access control
  • Support for many image formats
  • Integration of safe storage solutions
Check out: Top 6 Cybersecurity Projects Ideas for Beginners

Mobile Application Software refers to programs specifically designed to run on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. These applications are developed using various platforms and tools to provide functionality and enhance user experience on mobile devices.

You can develop a mobile app about topics such as a fitness app or a rescue guide app

You can create a mobile app that links users with their gym trainers helping them stay fit despite their busy lives.

  • Personalized Diet Plans
  • Exercise Programs
  • Track Your Progress
  • Goal Setting
  • Educational Content
  • Community Support

A mobile app for first aid treatments in emergencies can be beneficial. The Rescue Guide app provides emergency assistance, safety tips, and real-time alerts for various crises.

  • Emergency contact list
  • Pre-Diagnosis First Aid Guidelines
  • Real-time location sharing
  • Location-based emergency services
Also Check: Top 10 Android Project Ideas With Source Code

Data science helps us understand and use big data to make smarter choices and boost various services. It has an impact on areas like healthcare, finance, and marketin g to predict trends and achieve the best outcomes.

Social media, music, and streaming apps analyze your data to suggest new content based on what you’ve watched before. So the next project idea is a Movie recommendation system.

Check Out: Top Data Science Projects with Source Code [2024]

A Movie Recommendation System picks films based on what users like and have watched before. It uses an algotithms to make personal suggestions and make users happier.

  • Personalized Recommendations
  • Rating and Review System
  • Genre Filtering includes action, comedy, drama, horror, and science fiction movies.
  • Watch History Tracking

Cloud computing projects use remote servers to store, manage, and process data online, allowing users to access and use applications and services from anywhere.

Blood banking through cloud computing tech can be well-managed making sure donors and hospitals stay connected. Such ideas are highly appreciated for improving accessibility and saving lives.

The “ Blood Banking Via Cloud Computing” project can create an online platform to manage blood donations, storage, and distribution by connecting donors , hospitals , and recipients for efficient and real-time access.

  • Track blood availability in real-time
  • Match donors with recipients quickly
  • Send alerts for low inventory
  • Access data from anywhere
  • Analyze donation trends
  • Connect with a mobile app
Check Out: 10 Best Cloud Computing Project Ideas

Natural Language Processing (NLP) allows computers to interpret and process human language, enabling them to derive meaningful insights. This data is crucial for understanding human behavior and preferences.

Data analysts and machine learning experts leverage NLP to train machines to better understand and predict human behavior.

Social media platforms like Twitter contain a huge amount of data . Sentiment analysis helps to spot and deal with harmful tweets. The Twitter sentiment analysis project aims to figure out if a piece of writing is positive, negative, or neutral.

Learn more: Twitter Sentiment Analysis using Python
  • Real-time sentiment tracking
  • Sentiment classification (positive, negative, neutral)
  • Sarcasm and slang detection
  • Multi-language support
  • Hate speech identification
  • Blocking and reporting user IDs
Must Check: Top 12 AI Tools for Natural Language Processing (NLP): 2024

Web development projects involve creating and optimizing websites or web applications to meet specific needs or solve problems. These projects require skills in coding, design, and user experience to build functional, user-friendly online platforms.

Creating an e-commerce website is the best way to showcase your web development skills

An e-commerce website facilitates online shopping, allowing businesses to sell products and services directly to customers. It provides a platform for secure transactions, product browsing, and customer engagement.

Using this project, you can showcase front-end and back-end development skills , database management , payment integration, responsive design , and security.

  • User account management
  • Product Review
  • User-friendly Interface
  • Product Filtering by category, price, and rating
  • Add to Wishlist or Shopping cart
  • Payment options
  • Order tracking
  • Return and exchange option

3D graphics and modeling projects related to Computer Graphics or 3D Design. This field involves creating and manipulating visual content in three dimensions. It is often used in video games, simulations, animations, and virtual reality.

With this concept, you can create a custom 3D Model Generator as mentioned below.

A custom 3D model generator application creates personalized 3D models based on user input. Users can define parameters to design unique items such as phone cases, keychains, or jewelry.

  • User-defined customization parameters
  • Real-time 3D model preview
  • Export options for 3D printing
  • Pre-set templates and design tools
  • File format compatibility

IoT initiatives aim to connect physical things to the internet, allowing them to gather, share, and act on data. These projects showcase expertise in hardware integration, real-time data processing, and automation, highlighting the promise of smart technology.

A weather monitoring system collects and transmits temperature, humidity, and other environmental data via IoT sensor s. This system gives real-time weather information, allowing for accurate forecasts and timely alarms.

  • Real-time data collecting and transmission.
  • Remote monitoring with mobile or online applications.
  • Alerts regarding extreme weather conditions
  • Data logging and historical analysis.
  • Integration with weather APIs improves accuracy.
  • Automated Street Lighting using IoT

An automated street lighting system uses IoT technology to regulate street lights depending on environmental factors like daylight or motion detection. This system increases energy efficiency and lowers operating costs.

  • Motion and light sensors for automatic control.
  • Remote monitoring and control with an IoT platform.
  • Energy usage monitoring and optimization
  • Lighting control based on schedules or conditions.
  • Integration with Smart City Infrastructure
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In short, final year CSE projects are a student’s chance to shine, blending classroom theory with real-world innovation . By observing your surroundings, you can discover various ideas for your final year projects . Instead of selecting these projects as they are, you can think creatively and innovate to add uniqueness and make your projects stand out.

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Best universities in the US for computer science degrees 2024

Explore the best universities in the us for computer science degrees using data from the times higher education world university rankings 2024.

best universities in the US for computer science degrees

Top universities in the US for computer science degrees 2024

Scroll down for the full list of best universities for computer science in the US

US computer science rank 2024Computer science rank 2024 UniversityState
12  California
23  Massachusetts
34  Pennsylvania
46  Massachusetts
59  New Jersey
610  California
713  California
814  New York
918  Washington
1019  Illinois

Not only are the world’s biggest tech companies­ such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Apple headquartered in the US, it’s also home to some of the best universities in the world for computer science degrees.

Many computing courses in the US focus on developing the practical skills and real-world experience that students need to enter the technology industry.

There are 124 US universities in the THE Computer Science Rankings 2024. These are spread across the country from California to New York and include a number of specialist technology colleges.

Below are the best universities in US for computer science degrees.

Best universities for computer science degrees in the world Best universities in Australia for computer science degrees Best universities in the UK for computer science degrees Best universities in Canada for computer science degrees Best universities in the US for law degrees

5. Princeton University

Princeton is one of the oldest universities in the US having been established in 1746. 

Teaching within the university's computer science department covers a wide-range of topics including programming languages, machine learning, robotics, computational biology and human-computer interaction among many others. 

At the undergraduate level, students have the freedom to design their own courses based on their interests. All undergraduate students are also expected to carry out at least one research project while supervised by a member of faculty. 

The department also offers postgraduate and PhD programmes. 

4. Harvard University

Dating back to 1636, Harvard University is the oldest university in the US. It’s a member of the Ivy League and regarded as one of the most prestigious institutions in the world.

Courses at Harvard are designed to be flexible. Computer science students can combine their studies with other fields, including mathematics, physics, economics, psychology, and linguistics. The introduction to computer science class at Harvard is among the university’s most popular courses.

The computer science concentration covers topics ranging from cryptography to sensor motes. Students also have the opportunity to meet influential thought leaders in the field and use the latest tools and technologies, such as grid computing.

A range of clubs and societies fall under the computer science and technology umbrella, including the Harvard Undergraduate Robotics Club and Harvard Video Game Development Club.

Harvard alumni include Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft; and Mark Zuckerberg, who famously invented Facebook while still a student at the university.

3. Carnegie Mellon University

Located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Carnegie Mellon University  is a private research university established in 1900 by Scottish industrialist Andrew Carnegie.

Carnegie Mellon’s school of computer science offers undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in areas including neural computation, computational biology, language technologies and machine learning. 

Undergraduates can undertake research projects in areas such as robotics and human-computer interaction. In the spring, students get to present the results of their work at the university-wide “Meeting of the Minds” celebration of undergraduate research.

There are also a wide range of master’s programmes, many of them being some of the first in the world to be offered. These include the master’s in automated science and master’s in computer vision.

The university conducts research in areas including brain science and driverless cars. It was also the first institution, via professor Scott Fahlman in 1982, to create a “smile” in an email.

What can you do with a computer science degree?

2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

The  Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is an independent, co-educational, private research university based in the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Undergraduates are enrolled on a flexible curriculum, allowing them to focus on both theory and practical problems in computer science. Students can major in computer science or take computer science with another subject for a joint degree. 

The undergraduate computer science programme includes compulsory units in programming, software construction and AI, as well as electives in areas such as database systems, language engineering and micro-computing.

There is no master’s degree in computer science at the university, but there is a doctoral programme.

Technological advances accredited to MIT include radar and the invention of magnetic core memory, which enabled the development of digital computers.

MIT computer science graduates have gone on to found some of the most influential tech companies. These include Robert Metcalfe, co-inventor of Ethernet; and Drew Houston, co-founder of Dropbox.

1.  Stanford University

Stanford University ’s computer science department was established in 1965 and offers a range of bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees.

Stanford’s undergraduate computer science programme covers areas such as programming, AI, biocomputation, computer engineering and graphics. All students take the same six courses in the first year. In the latter half of their degree they can choose one area to focus on.

Postgraduates are able to “shop around” for a two-week period and try as many different classes as they like, then decide which courses they want to continue with. Computer science students can take courses in areas including software theory, theoretical computer science and computer and network security. Given the institution’s focus on innovation, it is no surprise that Stanford graduates are famous for their entrepreneurship. Alumni include the founders of Google, Netflix, WhatsApp, Instagram and Palantir Technologies. In fact, companies founded by Stanford affiliates generate more than $2.7 trillion annual revenue, which would equate to the 10th largest economy in the world.

Click each institution to view its  World University Ranking 2024   profile

US computer science rank 2024Computer science rank 2024 UniversityState
12  California
23  Massachusetts
34  Pennsylvania
46  Massachusetts
59  New Jersey
610  California
713  California
814  New York
918  Washington
1019  Illinois
1121  California
1222  Georgia
1323  Connecticut
1424  New York
1527  Maryland
1629  New York
1732  Texas
1834  Pennsylvania
1936  California
2037  Illinois
2141  Michigan
2247  Maryland
2354  Indiana
2457  Massachusetts
25=59  North Carolina
2663  California
2765  California
2868  Wisconsin
29=70  California
3074  Rhode Island
3188  Michigan
3290  Illinois
3391  Massachusetts
3492  , USIllinois
35=93  Texas
36=97  Pennsylvania
37=99  California
=38101–125  North Carolina
=38101–125  Texas
=38101–125  Virginia
=41126–150  California
=41126–150  Colorado
=41126–150  Illinois
=41126–150  New York
=45151–175  Arizona
=45151–175  North Carolina
=45151–175  Indiana
=45151–175  Ohio
=45151–175  New Jersey
=45151–175  Virginia
=51176–200  New York
=51176–200  California
=51176–200  New Hampshire
=51176–200  Florida
=51176–200  Minnesota
=51176–200  Rochester
=57201–250  Ohio
=57201–250  Florida
=57201–250  Iowa
=57201–250  New Jersey
=57201–250  Pennsylvania
=57201–250  New York
=57201–250  New Jersey
=57201–250  New York
=57201–250  Tennessee
=57201–250  Missouri
=67251–300  Delaware
=67251–300  Indiana
=67251–300  Iowa
=67251–300  Louisiana
=67251–300  Pennsylvania
=67251–300  Indiana
=73301–400  Florida
=73301–400  Florida
=73301–400  Virginia
=73301–400  Washington DC
=73301–400  Georgia
=73301–400  Illinois
=73301–400  Kentucky
=73301–400  Pennsylvania
=73301–400  Maryland
=73301–400  Missouri
=73301–400  Virginia
=73301–400  Oregon
=73301–400  New York
=73301–400  Texas
=73301–400  Texas
=73301–400  Texas
=73301–400  Utah
=73301–400  Washington
=73301–400  Michigan
=73301–400  Massachusetts
=93401–500  Arizona
=93401–500  Connecticut
=93401–500  Florida
=93401–500  Washington DC
=93401–500  Texas
=93401–500  Florida
=93401–500  Mississippi
=93401–500  North Carolina
=93401–500  Oklahoma
=93401–500  Rhode Island
=93401–500  Florida
=93401–500  Texas
=93401–500  Massachusetts
=93401–500  Virginia
=107501–600  Arkansas
=107501–600  Pennsylvania
=107501–600  Georgia
=107501–600  Hawai'i
=107501–600  Kansas
=107501–600  Kansas
=107501–600  Tennessee
=107501–600  Nevada
=107501–600  Michigan
=107501–600  New York
=117601–800  Alabama
=117601–800  Colorado
=117601–800  Georgia
=117601–800  New Mexico
=117601–800  California
=117601–800  Texas
=123801–1000  Oregon
=123801–1000  Texas

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  • Study Protocol
  • Open access
  • Published: 26 August 2024

Learning effect of online versus onsite education in health and medical scholarship – protocol for a cluster randomized trial

  • Rie Raffing 1 ,
  • Lars Konge 2 &
  • Hanne Tønnesen 1  

BMC Medical Education volume  24 , Article number:  927 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

123 Accesses

Metrics details

The disruption of health and medical education by the COVID-19 pandemic made educators question the effect of online setting on students’ learning, motivation, self-efficacy and preference. In light of the health care staff shortage online scalable education seemed relevant. Reviews on the effect of online medical education called for high quality RCTs, which are increasingly relevant with rapid technological development and widespread adaption of online learning in universities. The objective of this trial is to compare standardized and feasible outcomes of an online and an onsite setting of a research course regarding the efficacy for PhD students within health and medical sciences: Primarily on learning of research methodology and secondly on preference, motivation, self-efficacy on short term and academic achievements on long term. Based on the authors experience with conducting courses during the pandemic, the hypothesis is that student preferred onsite setting is different to online setting.

Cluster randomized trial with two parallel groups. Two PhD research training courses at the University of Copenhagen are randomized to online (Zoom) or onsite (The Parker Institute, Denmark) setting. Enrolled students are invited to participate in the study. Primary outcome is short term learning. Secondary outcomes are short term preference, motivation, self-efficacy, and long-term academic achievements. Standardized, reproducible and feasible outcomes will be measured by tailor made multiple choice questionnaires, evaluation survey, frequently used Intrinsic Motivation Inventory, Single Item Self-Efficacy Question, and Google Scholar publication data. Sample size is calculated to 20 clusters and courses are randomized by a computer random number generator. Statistical analyses will be performed blinded by an external statistical expert.

Primary outcome and secondary significant outcomes will be compared and contrasted with relevant literature. Limitations include geographical setting; bias include lack of blinding and strengths are robust assessment methods in a well-established conceptual framework. Generalizability to PhD education in other disciplines is high. Results of this study will both have implications for students and educators involved in research training courses in health and medical education and for the patients who ultimately benefits from this training.

Trial registration

Retrospectively registered at NCT05736627. SPIRIT guidelines are followed.

Peer Review reports

Medical education was utterly disrupted for two years by the COVID-19 pandemic. In the midst of rearranging courses and adapting to online platforms we, with lecturers and course managers around the globe, wondered what the conversion to online setting did to students’ learning, motivation and self-efficacy [ 1 , 2 , 3 ]. What the long-term consequences would be [ 4 ] and if scalable online medical education should play a greater role in the future [ 5 ] seemed relevant and appealing questions in a time when health care professionals are in demand. Our experience of performing research training during the pandemic was that although PhD students were grateful for courses being available, they found it difficult to concentrate related to the long screen hours. We sensed that most students preferred an onsite setting and perceived online courses a temporary and inferior necessity. The question is if this impacted their learning?

Since the common use of the internet in medical education, systematic reviews have sought to answer if there is a difference in learning effect when taught online compared to onsite. Although authors conclude that online learning may be equivalent to onsite in effect, they agree that studies are heterogeneous and small [ 6 , 7 ], with low quality of the evidence [ 8 , 9 ]. They therefore call for more robust and adequately powered high-quality RCTs to confirm their findings and suggest that students’ preferences in online learning should be investigated [ 7 , 8 , 9 ].

This uncovers two knowledge gaps: I) High-quality RCTs on online versus onsite learning in health and medical education and II) Studies on students’ preferences in online learning.

Recently solid RCTs have been performed on the topic of web-based theoretical learning of research methods among health professionals [ 10 , 11 ]. However, these studies are on asynchronous courses among medical or master students with short term outcomes.

This uncovers three additional knowledge gaps: III) Studies on synchronous online learning IV) among PhD students of health and medical education V) with long term measurement of outcomes.

The rapid technological development including artificial intelligence (AI) and widespread adaption as well as application of online learning forced by the pandemic, has made online learning well-established. It represents high resolution live synchronic settings which is available on a variety of platforms with integrated AI and options for interaction with and among students, chat and break out rooms, and exterior digital tools for teachers [ 12 , 13 , 14 ]. Thus, investigating online learning today may be quite different than before the pandemic. On one hand, it could seem plausible that this technological development would make a difference in favour of online learning which could not be found in previous reviews of the evidence. On the other hand, the personal face-to-face interaction during onsite learning may still be more beneficial for the learning process and combined with our experience of students finding it difficult to concentrate when online during the pandemic we hypothesize that outcomes of the onsite setting are different from the online setting.

To support a robust study, we design it as a cluster randomized trial. Moreover, we use the well-established and widely used Kirkpatrick’s conceptual framework for evaluating learning as a lens to assess our outcomes [ 15 ]. Thus, to fill the above-mentioned knowledge gaps, the objective of this trial is to compare a synchronous online and an in-person onsite setting of a research course regarding the efficacy for PhD students within the health and medical sciences:

Primarily on theoretical learning of research methodology and

Secondly on

◦ Preference, motivation, self-efficacy on short term

◦ Academic achievements on long term

Trial design

This study protocol covers synchronous online and in-person onsite setting of research courses testing the efficacy for PhD students. It is a two parallel arms cluster randomized trial (Fig.  1 ).

figure 1

Consort flow diagram

The study measures baseline and post intervention. Baseline variables and knowledge scores are obtained at the first day of the course, post intervention measurement is obtained the last day of the course (short term) and monthly for 24 months (long term).

Randomization is stratified giving 1:1 allocation ratio of the courses. As the number of participants within each course might differ, the allocation ratio of participants in the study will not fully be equal and 1:1 balanced.

Study setting

The study site is The Parker Institute at Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. From here the courses are organized and run online and onsite. The course programs and time schedules, the learning objective, the course management, the lecturers, and the delivery are identical in the two settings. The teachers use the same introductory presentations followed by training in break out groups, feed-back and discussions. For the online group, the setting is organized as meetings in the online collaboration tool Zoom® [ 16 ] using the basic available technicalities such as screen sharing, chat function for comments, and breakout rooms and other basics digital tools if preferred. The online version of the course is synchronous with live education and interaction. For the onsite group, the setting is the physical classroom at the learning facilities at the Parker Institute. Coffee and tea as well as simple sandwiches and bottles of water, which facilitate sociality, are available at the onsite setting. The participants in the online setting must get their food and drink by themselves, but online sociality is made possible by not closing down the online room during the breaks. The research methodology courses included in the study are “Practical Course in Systematic Review Technique in Clinical Research”, (see course programme in appendix 1) and “Getting started: Writing your first manuscript for publication” [ 17 ] (see course programme in appendix 2). The two courses both have 12 seats and last either three or three and a half days resulting in 2.2 and 2.6 ECTS credits, respectively. They are offered by the PhD School of the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen. Both courses are available and covered by the annual tuition fee for all PhD students enrolled at a Danish university.

Eligibility criteria

Inclusion criteria for participants: All PhD students enrolled on the PhD courses participate after informed consent: “Practical Course in Systematic Review Technique in Clinical Research” and “Getting started: Writing your first manuscript for publication” at the PhD School of the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Exclusion criteria for participants: Declining to participate and withdrawal of informed consent.

Informed consent

The PhD students at the PhD School at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen participate after informed consent, taken by the daily project leader, allowing evaluation data from the course to be used after pseudo-anonymization in the project. They are informed in a welcome letter approximately three weeks prior to the course and again in the introduction the first course day. They register their consent on the first course day (Appendix 3). Declining to participate in the project does not influence their participation in the course.


Online course settings will be compared to onsite course settings. We test if the onsite setting is different to online. Online learning is increasing but onsite learning is still the preferred educational setting in a medical context. In this case onsite learning represents “usual care”. The online course setting is meetings in Zoom using the technicalities available such as chat and breakout rooms. The onsite setting is the learning facilities, at the Parker Institute, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital, The Capital Region, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

The course settings are not expected to harm the participants, but should a request be made to discontinue the course or change setting this will be met, and the participant taken out of the study. Course participants are allowed to take part in relevant concomitant courses or other interventions during the trial.

Strategies to improve adherence to interventions

Course participants are motivated to complete the course irrespectively of the setting because it bears ECTS-points for their PhD education and adds to the mandatory number of ECTS-points. Thus, we expect adherence to be the same in both groups. However, we monitor their presence in the course and allocate time during class for testing the short-term outcomes ( motivation, self-efficacy, preference and learning). We encourage and, if necessary, repeatedly remind them to register with Google Scholar for our testing of the long-term outcome (academic achievement).

Outcomes are related to the Kirkpatrick model for evaluating learning (Fig.  2 ) which divides outcomes into four different levels; Reaction which includes for example motivation, self-efficacy and preferences, Learning which includes knowledge acquisition, Behaviour for practical application of skills when back at the job (not included in our outcomes), and Results for impact for end-users which includes for example academic achievements in the form of scientific articles [ 18 , 19 , 20 ].

figure 2

The Kirkpatrick model

Primary outcome

The primary outcome is short term learning (Kirkpatrick level 2).

Learning is assessed by a Multiple-Choice Questionnaire (MCQ) developed prior to the RCT specifically for this setting (Appendix 4). First the lecturers of the two courses were contacted and asked to provide five multiple choice questions presented as a stem with three answer options; one correct answer and two distractors. The questions should be related to core elements of their teaching under the heading of research training. The questions were set up to test the cognition of the students at the levels of "Knows" or "Knows how" according to Miller's Pyramid of Competence and not their behaviour [ 21 ]. Six of the course lecturers responded and out of this material all the questions which covered curriculum of both courses were selected. It was tested on 10 PhD students and within the lecturer group, revised after an item analysis and English language revised. The MCQ ended up containing 25 questions. The MCQ is filled in at baseline and repeated at the end of the course. The primary outcomes based on the MCQ is estimated as the score of learning calculated as number of correct answers out of 25 after the course. A decrease of points of the MCQ in the intervention groups denotes a deterioration of learning. In the MCQ the minimum score is 0 and 25 is maximum, where 19 indicates passing the course.

Furthermore, as secondary outcome, this outcome measurement will be categorized as binary outcome to determine passed/failed of the course defined by 75% (19/25) correct answers.

The learning score will be computed on group and individual level and compared regarding continued outcomes by the Mann–Whitney test comparing the learning score of the online and onsite groups. Regarding the binomial outcome of learning (passed/failed) data will be analysed by the Fisher’s exact test on an intention-to-treat basis between the online and onsite. The results will be presented as median and range and as mean and standard deviations, for possible future use in meta-analyses.

Secondary outcomes

Motivation assessment post course: Motivation level is measured by the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI) Scale [ 22 ] (Appendix 5). The IMI items were randomized by on the 4th of August 2022. It contains 12 items to be assessed by the students on a 7-point Likert scale where 1 is “Not at all true”, 4 is “Somewhat true” and 7 is “Very true”. The motivation score will be computed on group and individual level and will then be tested by the Mann–Whitney of the online and onsite group.

Self-efficacy assessment post course: Self-efficacy level is measured by a single-item measure developed and validated by Williams and Smith [ 23 ] (Appendix 6). It is assessed by the students on a scale from 1–10 where 1 is “Strongly disagree” and 10 is “Strongly agree”. The self-efficacy score will be computed on group and individual level and tested by a Mann–Whitney test to compare the self-efficacy score of the online and onsite group.

Preference assessment post course: Preference is measured as part of the general course satisfaction evaluation with the question “If you had the option to choose, which form would you prefer this course to have?” with the options “onsite form” and “online form”.

Academic achievement assessment is based on 24 monthly measurements post course of number of publications, number of citations, h-index, i10-index. This data is collected through the Google Scholar Profiles [ 24 ] of the students as this database covers most scientific journals. Associations between onsite/online and long-term academic will be examined with Kaplan Meyer and log rank test with a significance level of 0.05.

Participant timeline

Enrolment for the course at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, becomes available when it is published in the course catalogue. In the course description the course location is “To be announced”. Approximately 3–4 weeks before the course begins, the participant list is finalized, and students receive a welcome letter containing course details, including their allocation to either the online or onsite setting. On the first day of the course, oral information is provided, and participants provide informed consent, baseline variables, and base line knowledge scores.

The last day of scheduled activities the following scores are collected, knowledge, motivation, self-efficacy, setting preference, and academic achievement. To track students' long term academic achievements, follow-ups are conducted monthly for a period of 24 months, with assessments occurring within one week of the last course day (Table  1 ).

Sample size

The power calculation is based on the main outcome, theoretical learning on short term. For the sample size determination, we considered 12 available seats for participants in each course. To achieve statistical power, we aimed for 8 clusters in both online and onsite arms (in total 16 clusters) to detect an increase in learning outcome of 20% (learning outcome increase of 5 points). We considered an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.02, a standard deviation of 10, a power of 80%, and a two-sided alpha level of 5%. The Allocation Ratio was set at 1, implying an equal number of subjects in both online and onsite group.

Considering a dropout up to 2 students per course, equivalent to 17%, we determined that a total of 112 participants would be needed. This calculation factored in 10 clusters of 12 participants per study arm, which we deemed sufficient to assess any changes in learning outcome.

The sample size was estimated using the function n4means from the R package CRTSize [ 25 ].


Participants are PhD students enrolled in 10 courses of “Practical Course in Systematic Review Technique in Clinical Research” and 10 courses of “Getting started: Writing your first manuscript for publication” at the PhD School of the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Assignment of interventions: allocation

Randomization will be performed on course-level. The courses are randomized by a computer random number generator [ 26 ]. To get a balanced randomization per year, 2 sets with 2 unique random integers in each, taken from the 1–4 range is requested.

The setting is not included in the course catalogue of the PhD School and thus allocation to online or onsite is concealed until 3–4 weeks before course commencement when a welcome letter with course information including allocation to online or onsite setting is distributed to the students. The lecturers are also informed of the course setting at this time point. If students withdraw from the course after being informed of the setting, a letter is sent to them enquiring of the reason for withdrawal and reason is recorded (Appendix 7).

The allocation sequence is generated by a computer random number generator ( The participants and the lecturers sign up for the course without knowing the course setting (online or onsite) until 3–4 weeks before the course.

Assignment of interventions: blinding

Due to the nature of the study, it is not possible to blind trial participants or lecturers. The outcomes are reported by the participants directly in an online form, thus being blinded for the outcome assessor, but not for the individual participant. The data collection for the long-term follow-up regarding academic achievements is conducted without blinding. However, the external researcher analysing the data will be blinded.

Data collection and management

Data will be collected by the project leader (Table  1 ). Baseline variables and post course knowledge, motivation, and self-efficacy are self-reported through questionnaires in SurveyXact® [ 27 ]. Academic achievements are collected through Google Scholar profiles of the participants.

Given that we are using participant assessments and evaluations for research purposes, all data collection – except for monthly follow-up of academic achievements after the course – takes place either in the immediate beginning or ending of the course and therefore we expect participant retention to be high.

Data will be downloaded from SurveyXact and stored in a locked and logged drive on a computer belonging to the Capital Region of Denmark. Only the project leader has access to the data.

This project conduct is following the Danish Data Protection Agency guidelines of the European GDPR throughout the trial. Following the end of the trial, data will be stored at the Danish National Data Archive which fulfil Danish and European guidelines for data protection and management.

Statistical methods

Data is anonymized and blinded before the analyses. Analyses are performed by a researcher not otherwise involved in the inclusion or randomization, data collection or handling. All statistical tests will be testing the null hypotheses assuming the two arms of the trial being equal based on corresponding estimates. Analysis of primary outcome on short-term learning will be started once all data has been collected for all individuals in the last included course. Analyses of long-term academic achievement will be started at end of follow-up.

Baseline characteristics including both course- and individual level information will be presented. Table 2 presents the available data on baseline.

We will use multivariate analysis for identification of the most important predictors (motivation, self-efficacy, sex, educational background, and knowledge) for best effect on short and long term. The results will be presented as risk ratio (RR) with 95% confidence interval (CI). The results will be considered significant if CI does not include the value one.

All data processing and analyses were conducted using R statistical software version 4.1.0, 2021–05-18 (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria).

If possible, all analysis will be performed for “Practical Course in Systematic Review Technique in Clinical Research” and for “Getting started: Writing your first manuscript for publication” separately.

Primary analyses will be handled with the intention-to-treat approach. The analyses will include all individuals with valid data regardless of they did attend the complete course. Missing data will be handled with multiple imputation [ 28 ] .

Upon reasonable request, public assess will be granted to protocol, datasets analysed during the current study, and statistical code Table 3 .

Oversight, monitoring, and adverse events

This project is coordinated in collaboration between the WHO CC (DEN-62) at the Parker Institute, CAMES, and the PhD School at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen. The project leader runs the day-to-day support of the trial. The steering committee of the trial includes principal investigators from WHO CC (DEN-62) and CAMES and the project leader and meets approximately three times a year.

Data monitoring is done on a daily basis by the project leader and controlled by an external independent researcher.

An adverse event is “a harmful and negative outcome that happens when a patient has been provided with medical care” [ 29 ]. Since this trial does not involve patients in medical care, we do not expect adverse events. If participants decline taking part in the course after receiving the information of the course setting, information on reason for declining is sought obtained. If the reason is the setting this can be considered an unintended effect. Information of unintended effects of the online setting (the intervention) will be recorded. Participants are encouraged to contact the project leader with any response to the course in general both during and after the course.

The trial description has been sent to the Scientific Ethical Committee of the Capital Region of Denmark (VEK) (21041907), which assessed it as not necessary to notify and that it could proceed without permission from VEK according to the Danish law and regulation of scientific research. The trial is registered with the Danish Data Protection Agency (Privacy) (P-2022–158). Important protocol modification will be communicated to relevant parties as well as VEK, the Joint Regional Information Security and within an as short timeframe as possible.

Dissemination plans

The results (positive, negative, or inconclusive) will be disseminated in educational, scientific, and clinical fora, in international scientific peer-reviewed journals, and will be updated upon completion of the trial. After scientific publication, the results will be disseminated to the public by the press, social media including the website of the hospital and other organizations – as well as internationally via WHO CC (DEN-62) at the Parker Institute and WHO Europe.

All authors will fulfil the ICMJE recommendations for authorship, and RR will be first author of the articles as a part of her PhD dissertation. Contributors who do not fulfil these recommendations will be offered acknowledgement in the article.

This cluster randomized trial investigates if an onsite setting of a research course for PhD students within the health and medical sciences is different from an online setting. The outcomes measured are learning of research methodology (primary), preference, motivation, and self-efficacy (secondary) on short term and academic achievements (secondary) on long term.

The results of this study will be discussed as follows:

Discussion of primary outcome

Primary outcome will be compared and contrasted with similar studies including recent RCTs and mixed-method studies on online and onsite research methodology courses within health and medical education [ 10 , 11 , 30 ] and for inspiration outside the field [ 31 , 32 ]: Tokalic finds similar outcomes for online and onsite, Martinic finds that the web-based educational intervention improves knowledge, Cheung concludes that the evidence is insufficient to say that the two modes have different learning outcomes, Kofoed finds online setting to have negative impact on learning and Rahimi-Ardabili presents positive self-reported student knowledge. These conflicting results will be discussed in the context of the result on the learning outcome of this study. The literature may change if more relevant studies are published.

Discussion of secondary outcomes

Secondary significant outcomes are compared and contrasted with similar studies.

Limitations, generalizability, bias and strengths

It is a limitation to this study, that an onsite curriculum for a full day is delivered identically online, as this may favour the onsite course due to screen fatigue [ 33 ]. At the same time, it is also a strength that the time schedules are similar in both settings. The offer of coffee, tea, water, and a plain sandwich in the onsite course may better facilitate the possibility for socializing. Another limitation is that the study is performed in Denmark within a specific educational culture, with institutional policies and resources which might affect the outcome and limit generalization to other geographical settings. However, international students are welcome in the class.

In educational interventions it is generally difficult to blind participants and this inherent limitation also applies to this trial [ 11 ]. Thus, the participants are not blinded to their assigned intervention, and neither are the lecturers in the courses. However, the external statistical expert will be blinded when doing the analyses.

We chose to compare in-person onsite setting with a synchronous online setting. Therefore, the online setting cannot be expected to generalize to asynchronous online setting. Asynchronous delivery has in some cases showed positive results and it might be because students could go back and forth through the modules in the interface without time limit [ 11 ].

We will report on all the outcomes defined prior to conducting the study to avoid selective reporting bias.

It is a strength of the study that it seeks to report outcomes within the 1, 2 and 4 levels of the Kirkpatrick conceptual framework, and not solely on level 1. It is also a strength that the study is cluster randomized which will reduce “infections” between the two settings and has an adequate power calculated sample size and looks for a relevant educational difference of 20% between the online and onsite setting.

Perspectives with implications for practice

The results of this study may have implications for the students for which educational setting they choose. Learning and preference results has implications for lecturers, course managers and curriculum developers which setting they should plan for the health and medical education. It may also be of inspiration for teaching and training in other disciplines. From a societal perspective it also has implications because we will know the effect and preferences of online learning in case of a future lock down.

Future research could investigate academic achievements in online and onsite research training on the long run (Kirkpatrick 4); the effect of blended learning versus online or onsite (Kirkpatrick 2); lecturers’ preferences for online and onsite setting within health and medical education (Kirkpatrick 1) and resource use in synchronous and asynchronous online learning (Kirkpatrick 5).

Trial status

This trial collected pilot data from August to September 2021 and opened for inclusion in January 2022. Completion of recruitment is expected in April 2024 and long-term follow-up in April 2026. Protocol version number 1 03.06.2022 with amendments 30.11.2023.

Availability of data and materials

The project leader will have access to the final trial dataset which will be available upon reasonable request. Exception to this is the qualitative raw data that might contain information leading to personal identification.


Artificial Intelligence

Copenhagen academy for medical education and simulation

Confidence interval

Coronavirus disease

European credit transfer and accumulation system

International committee of medical journal editors

Intrinsic motivation inventory

Multiple choice questionnaire

Doctor of medicine

Masters of sciences

Randomized controlled trial

Scientific ethical committee of the Capital Region of Denmark

WHO Collaborating centre for evidence-based clinical health promotion

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We thank the students who make their evaluations available for this trial and MSc (Public Health) Mie Sylow Liljendahl for statistical support.

Open access funding provided by Copenhagen University The Parker Institute, which hosts the WHO CC (DEN-62), receives a core grant from the Oak Foundation (OCAY-18–774-OFIL). The Oak Foundation had no role in the design of the study or in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of the data or in writing the manuscript.

Author information

Authors and affiliations.

WHO Collaborating Centre (DEN-62), Clinical Health Promotion Centre, The Parker Institute, Bispebjerg & Frederiksberg Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, 2400, Denmark

Rie Raffing & Hanne Tønnesen

Copenhagen Academy for Medical Education and Simulation (CAMES), Centre for HR and Education, The Capital Region of Denmark, Copenhagen, 2100, Denmark

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RR, LK and HT have made substantial contributions to the conception and design of the work; RR to the acquisition of data, and RR, LK and HT to the interpretation of data; RR has drafted the work and RR, LK, and HT have substantively revised it AND approved the submitted version AND agreed to be personally accountable for their own contributions as well as ensuring that any questions which relates to the accuracy or integrity of the work are adequately investigated, resolved and documented.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Rie Raffing .

Ethics declarations

Ethics approval and consent to participate.

The Danish National Committee on Health Research Ethics has assessed the study Journal-nr.:21041907 (Date: 21–09-2021) without objections or comments. The study has been approved by The Danish Data Protection Agency Journal-nr.: P-2022–158 (Date: 04.05.2022).

All PhD students participate after informed consent. They can withdraw from the study at any time without explanations or consequences for their education. They will be offered information of the results at study completion. There are no risks for the course participants as the measurements in the course follow routine procedure and they are not affected by the follow up in Google Scholar. However, the 15 min of filling in the forms may be considered inconvenient.

The project will follow the GDPR and the Joint Regional Information Security Policy. Names and ID numbers are stored on a secure and logged server at the Capital Region Denmark to avoid risk of data leak. All outcomes are part of the routine evaluation at the courses, except the follow up for academic achievement by publications and related indexes. However, the publications are publicly available per se.

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The authors declare no competing interests

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Raffing, R., Konge, L. & Tønnesen, H. Learning effect of online versus onsite education in health and medical scholarship – protocol for a cluster randomized trial. BMC Med Educ 24 , 927 (2024).

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Received : 25 March 2024

Accepted : 14 August 2024

Published : 26 August 2024


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  • Self-efficacy
  • Achievements
  • Health and Medical education

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GCSE results day 2024: Everything you need to know including the number grading system

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Thousands of students across the country will soon be finding out their GCSE results and thinking about the next steps in their education.   

Here we explain everything you need to know about the big day, from when results day is, to the current 9-1 grading scale, to what your options are if your results aren’t what you’re expecting.  

When is GCSE results day 2024?  

GCSE results day will be taking place on Thursday the 22 August.     

The results will be made available to schools on Wednesday and available to pick up from your school by 8am on Thursday morning.  

Schools will issue their own instructions on how and when to collect your results.   

When did we change to a number grading scale?  

The shift to the numerical grading system was introduced in England in 2017 firstly in English language, English literature, and maths.  

By 2020 all subjects were shifted to number grades. This means anyone with GCSE results from 2017-2020 will have a combination of both letters and numbers.  

The numerical grading system was to signal more challenging GCSEs and to better differentiate between students’ abilities - particularly at higher grades between the A *-C grades. There only used to be 4 grades between A* and C, now with the numerical grading scale there are 6.  

What do the number grades mean?  

The grades are ranked from 1, the lowest, to 9, the highest.  

The grades don’t exactly translate, but the two grading scales meet at three points as illustrated below.  

The image is a comparison chart from the UK Department for Education, showing the new GCSE grades (9 to 1) alongside the old grades (A* to G). Grade 9 aligns with A*, grades 8 and 7 with A, and so on, down to U, which remains unchanged. The "Results 2024" logo is in the bottom-right corner, with colourful stripes at the top and bottom.

The bottom of grade 7 is aligned with the bottom of grade A, while the bottom of grade 4 is aligned to the bottom of grade C.    

Meanwhile, the bottom of grade 1 is aligned to the bottom of grade G.  

What to do if your results weren’t what you were expecting?  

If your results weren’t what you were expecting, firstly don’t panic. You have options.  

First things first, speak to your school or college – they could be flexible on entry requirements if you’ve just missed your grades.   

They’ll also be able to give you the best tailored advice on whether re-sitting while studying for your next qualifications is a possibility.   

If you’re really unhappy with your results you can enter to resit all GCSE subjects in summer 2025. You can also take autumn exams in GCSE English language and maths.  

Speak to your sixth form or college to decide when it’s the best time for you to resit a GCSE exam.  

Look for other courses with different grade requirements     

Entry requirements vary depending on the college and course. Ask your school for advice, and call your college or another one in your area to see if there’s a space on a course you’re interested in.    

Consider an apprenticeship    

Apprenticeships combine a practical training job with study too. They’re open to you if you’re 16 or over, living in England, and not in full time education.  

As an apprentice you’ll be a paid employee, have the opportunity to work alongside experienced staff, gain job-specific skills, and get time set aside for training and study related to your role.   

You can find out more about how to apply here .  

Talk to a National Careers Service (NCS) adviser    

The National Career Service is a free resource that can help you with your career planning. Give them a call to discuss potential routes into higher education, further education, or the workplace.   

Whatever your results, if you want to find out more about all your education and training options, as well as get practical advice about your exam results, visit the  National Careers Service page  and Skills for Careers to explore your study and work choices.   

You may also be interested in:

  • Results day 2024: What's next after picking up your A level, T level and VTQ results?
  • When is results day 2024? GCSEs, A levels, T Levels and VTQs

Tags: GCSE grade equivalent , gcse number grades , GCSE results , gcse results day 2024 , gsce grades old and new , new gcse grades

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Planar hyperbolic polaritons: an opportunity for new tools for thermal and nanoscale applications

Particles in wave form in blue, green, and black

A multi-institutional team of scientists led by ECE’s Paul Palmberg Professor Tony Low provides a comprehensive review of the properties of planar hyperbolic polaritons and the ways in which these particles can be tuned to achieve functional and technological applications. The review is published in Nature Communications, a premier journal that covers the natural sciences, and is titled, “Planar hyperbolic polaritons in 2D van der Waals materials.” The team discusses the origin of planar hyperbolic polariton modes, their experimental observations, a review of their properties and ways in which they can be tuned for potential applications in areas such as memory and information processing, sensing, optics, and others. The scientific collaboration spans across institutions in the United States and abroad (names of collaborating institutions and authors included at the end). 

Polaritons are quasiparticles, the hybrid outcome of light-matter interactions. While electrons with their short wavelength have enabled miniaturized electronic components (critical to memory and storage applications) and photons with their longer wavelength have helped enable long range communication functionalities, polaritons as hybrid particles can shrink the wavelength of light and operate as a bridge between electrons and photons, a characteristic that can be harnessed for use in photonic and optoelectronic applications. 

Planar hyperbolic polaritons are quasiparticles with a directional feature and can exist only in anisotropic materials. The anisotropy of the material allows for the directional confinement of the electromagnetic wave, and the limited propagation angle leads to a frequency curve that is shaped like a hyperbola. These particles have been theoretically predicted, and more recently they have been experimentally demonstrated in 3D materials. However, the discovery of planar hyperbolic polaritons in natural 2D van der Waals (vdW) materials has been particularly exciting as they present the opportunity to develop tools for the control of electromagnetic fields at the nanoscale (while overcoming the limitations of conventional nanostructured hyperbolic metamaterials and metasurfaces).

According to Low, a senior author of the study, "By manipulating the properties of hyperbolic polaritons, we can look to unlock new applications and advancements in various industries such as polariton qubit bus for a compact quantum computer." 

The existence of polaritons in 2D van der Waals materials entails that they are more amenable to manipulation by techniques such as twisting, intercalation, modulation, patterning, and other engineering measures that can alter the properties and characteristics of the hyperbolic polariton. This in turn opens up opportunities for developing new applications or improving existing ones. One such example is their possible use in quantum and spin photonic applications. The scientists also foresee their use as waveguides to aid in developing on-chip architectures for quantum information processing. 2D hyperbolic materials present the ability to tune the spin angular momentum of surface waves from transverse to longitudinal, which is a functionality that could be valuable for spintronics. The authors also see their potential use in thermal applications such as high temperature coatings, near-field thermophotovoltaics, radiative cooling, and heat sinks. Radiative heat transfer via planar polaritons is very efficient which makes for their use in such applications. Joshua Caldwell, a senior author of the study and professor at Vanderbilt University says, "Potential applications of this research could be improving thermal management in specific devices such as transistors." They might also have a place in sensing applications as many 2D polaritons are in the mid-infrared range which coincides with molecular vibrational excitations. Their high confinement means they could also potentially provide location-specific information about a molecule or other similar target. Transformation optics and polarization engineering are two other areas of promise that the scientists have identified. 

The research team offered insights into the physical phenomena, including techniques to manipulate the hyperbolic polaritons. Low and Caldwell are looking forward to the next step in this research through funding from the Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) Program grant through the U.S. Office of Naval Research. 

In addition to Low and Caldwell, the research team included Hongwei Wang, Sang-Hyun Oh, Jian-Ping Wang, Phaedon Avouris (University of Minnesota Twin Cities), Anshuman Kumar (IIT Bombay), Siyuan Dai (Auburn University), Xiao Lin (Zhejiang University), Zubin Jacob, Evgenii Narimanov (Purdue University), Vinod Menon (University of New York), Young Duck Kim (Kyung Hee University), Luis Martin Moreno (Universidad de Zaragoza), and Joshua Caldwell (Vanderbilt University).

To read the full paper  “Planar hyperbolic polaritons in 2D van der Waals materials,” visit the  Nature Communications website .

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Change default apps in Windows

Customizing default programs and app associations in Windows is a straightforward process that can enhance your computing experience. For instance, if you’re a developer who prefers a specific text editor for coding, changing the default application for .txt files can save you time and streamline your workflow. Similarly, changing your default browser to the one you use most can speed up your Internet tasks.

This article describes the steps to change default programs and app associations in Windows, enhancing your efficiency.

How to change the default apps

In the Settings app on your Windows device, select Apps  > Default Apps , or use the following shortcut:

Default Apps

To change a default app, you can do either of the following:

Set a default for a file type or link type In the search bar, type the file extension or protocol you wish to change, such as  .txt . Select the corresponding result from the list that appears. Then, choose an app from the options provided to open files of that type

Set defaults for applications  Select an app to see what file types or link types it can open. If you want to change something, select the file or link type, then choose your preferred app

How to configure Microsoft Edge as the default browser

From  Default apps , under Set defaults for applications , select  Microsoft Edge

Next to Make Microsoft Edge your default browser , select  Set default


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15 Education Software Examples 2024

Educational software refers to any computer application that enhances learning. It includes classroom management software, student information systems, language software, reference software, and more.

Schools are known to be slow to adopt new technology. But since digital transformation has impacted how every industry works, they too, haven’t been left behind.

But that’s not all. As a human resource manager, you’ll find educational software valuable when it comes to teaching a new skill to the existing employees or onboarding new staff.

Educational software makes learning more effective and efficient. So, as a teacher, student, school administrator, and parent; you’ll find the software essential.

Not only do these educational tools improve your learning experience , but they also facilitate communication and reduce inefficiencies.

In this post, we’ll cover various examples of educational software in different categories. Learning management tools like Google Classroom, ProProfs, TalentLMS, and Schoology allow professors and teachers to upload and organize different course material for student access.

We also look at examples of student information systems, such as Wisenet and Workday. Their purpose is to store and track student information, such as attendance records, grades, and more.

Next, we’ve got classroom management software that teachers use to make lesson plans more interactive by engaging students. Examples include ClassDojo, Socrative, Edmodo, LanSchool, and Dyknow.

Not to mention, there are assessment software examples, such as Kahoot !, GoReact, and Canvas. This category of education software provides learners with a portal for taking computerized quizzes and tests .

Read on to discover what software might meet your needs.

Learning Management Educational Software

1. proprofs.

example of computer application in education

Persons of all levels of experience can use it for both pre-and post-training support. A quiz-making tool, surveys , collaborative capabilities, and advanced reporting are all part of its software suite for workplace training.

This application contains various features, including its Q&A, which promotes knowledge exchange and peer-to-peer social learning.

ProProfs also enhances the reporting and analytics necessary for gaining insights into course participation, completion rates, engagement levels, and knowledge gaps.

Additionally, you can manage course assignments, tracking, learner groups, and group admins, all in one location with a centralized and secure virtual classroom.

As the icing on the cake, a premium library of 100+ ready-to-use courses and templates is available through ProProfs LMS. These materials make it simple to carry out branding.

This tool has tons of good features; however, the one disadvantage is that only a premium plan and above can give you full access.

ProProfs’ pricing starts at $2 per month for each learner (billed yearly). However, for 15 days, you can try any plan for free.

2. Schoology

example of computer application in education

Teachers can use Schoology’s clickable resources to help make the world more accessible. Since there are so many different methods to deliver information, students are assigned a variety of tasks.

The software is simple due to its pleasant design, unlimited options, youngsters, and educators. The bulk tool for duties is also exceptional in terms of quality!

Schoology contains various features, such as the different types of evaluation question elements that are available. It can also personalize training by assigning tasks to individuals.

Its ability to connect courses is outstanding and you will also love the messaging it offers and how it will be sent to your inbox.

Schoology excels at combining all aspects of classroom management into a single, user-friendly interface. Its team has also done an outstanding job cooperating and integrating with other educational software and tools (such as EduCannon, TurnItIn, and Google Drive).

It is pretty beneficial to create and disseminate educational materials. Schoology offers consumers a customizable learning platform through which they can engage in a one-of-a-kind digital learning experience.

Students can share their work on a local and worldwide scale. Additionally, the software provides a very adaptable e-platform.

It includes data, analytics, and tailored learning, as well as robust communication and teamwork.

Schoology can take a long time to implement a new feature. Its team performs an excellent job of looking for new ways to improve free and enterprise solutions.

However, once these features have been authorized or are being worked on, it can take some time to find their way from development to users.

Schoology has a monthly payment of 10 dollars. It also provides a free edition to its customers.

3. Google Classroom

example of computer application in education

Google Classroom is a Google Apps software for education that allows teachers to quickly create and manage lessons, provide timely feedback, and communicate with their students.

You can use Google Classroom on any device, including your phone, tablet, and laptop. You can also create assignments, post information about lessons, make announcements, share links and YouTube videos, and much more.

Google Drive can be linked to the classroom and all materials shared in a Google Classroom will be uploaded to Google Drive, enabling you to access them from anywhere. In the classroom, you can also construct a quiz that you may share with the students.

Google Classroom is exceptionally user-friendly and anyone may use it without any prior training. It has a broad application and isn’t limited to class assignments and material because it’s integrated with Google Drive, Slides, and Docs.

It allows the tutor to keep track of when students finish assignments and evaluate them after submitting them.

Google Classroom keeps students updated about new updates to classes and assignments through real-time notifications. It can also bring in a massive number of pupils to the organization.

You’ll be amazed at how well-organized and neat your job can be with such little effort. If you’re worried about your students’ development and advancement, using Google Classroom for your online teaching will make it easier for you and them.

Google Classroom features several helpful tools that make teaching and learning organized and straightforward. It allows you to produce various materials directly within the assignment, and teachers may check for plagiarism and provide rubrics and comments to each project.

However, this application lacks a password-protect feature for files when you’re sharing with other people.

The pricing of Google Classroom ranges from $3-$50 per year. But there’s a free version if you want to test things out.

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4. TalentLMS

example of computer application in education

You can divide the site into different fractions to allow different departments to use it. Everything is organized in a user-friendly manner, and you may get information in various methods.

The app is adaptable, allowing your team to create or purchase courses to meet your specific requirements. It can also generate graphs and statistics for customers based on their usage and track group or individual development.

TalentLMS has excellent analytics, writing capabilities, is highly customizable, has numerous helpful integrations, and is, above all, a cost-effective LMS. Another big plus is the customer service.

There’s a knowledge base, a customer success manager, a helpdesk, and a live chat channel to assist with any concerns. Additionally, every question you ask gets an immediate and enthusiastic answer.

With TalentLMS, you can make and maintain distinctions in training tracks for your company’s staff and clients. This educational app also works effectively when a client is removed from the system or added to a new group.

Unfortunately, some computer functions are not available on the mobile app, such as watching a video while reading text in a lesson, which is only available to computer users.

TalentLMS price ranges from $59- $429 per month billed yearly.

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example of computer application in education

Litmos is well-known learning software that is simple and straightforward to use. The software is primarily used for employee, customer, partner, and compliance training.

When Litmos is incorporated into the system, it provides many unique characteristics that are critical for businesses.

To begin with, it facilitates the improvement of both internal and external groups’ performance training. It also improves the speed with which you can upgrade your skills.

Moreover, Litmos offers an online course builder in the form of a module that uses content development tools that support numerous formats.

The app also provides virtual instructor-led training, as well as exams and quizzes to measure information retention.

Litmos assists in the development of eCommerce, easy management of your programs, and an update for each one with messages and notifications.

But wait, there’s more. Litmos delivers personalized learning routes, data, and dashboards for assessing performance and seeing the impact of learning.

Gamification and leader boards are available to motivate customers and provide an accurate and meaningful survey and feedback. However, the support team resolves production difficulties over a long period, resulting in lower customer satisfaction.

Litmos has a price range of $6 to $2500. Litmos provides a 15-day free trial version to its customers, which is a bonus!

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Student Information Software

example of computer application in education

With a set of integrated applications, Wisenet’s cloud-based platform enables higher educational institutions to support effective learning outcomes, boost stakeholder engagement, increase productivity, and grow business.

Wisenet has been the leading vendor of cloud-based apps for education and training providers for more than 20 years. It works directly with clients to consistently develop all products and services and stay ahead of the competition using worldwide leading technology.

This software gives you the option of assigning ownership to individual leads, which is really useful. It’s also great for monitoring client information and storing all documents in one location. It helps save time on processes that would otherwise take a long time.

On top of that, multiple users can find all client documentation and records in one place with just a few mouse clicks in real time.

They’re constantly looking for ways to incorporate useful technologies into their LMS, such as SurveyMonkey, USI registry, Xero, among others. And their assistance is prompt and helpful.

They also seek methods to improve the system’s operation regularly to provide more value to clients.

The challenge you’ll find in this app is that the quantity of licenses available is limited and the price continues to rise.

Wisenet’s pricing starts from 101 USD per month billed annually.

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7. Workday Student

example of computer application in education

Workday Student is a student and professor information system that connects to Workday Financial Management, Payroll, Human Capital Management, and Workday Grants Management.

It brings a complete campus together in a single cloud-based, customizable, and user-friendly application. Workday is well-planned and also simple to get to.

It’s a multipurpose program that can be used for HR, student data, CRM, and much more. Additionally, you can do a lot of work on programming with just one login.

This makes it easier for big enterprises to engage and reduce the number of programs that need to be logged into daily.

The app offers an excellent way for instructors to send announcements, homework, comments, and other information. It gives students room to keep track of approaching deadlines and share thoughts with their peers.

It’s beneficial for students looking for internships and jobs since it preserves past application data, saving time if someone uses the systems to apply for jobs/internships regularly.

Moreover, employees can enter their work hours, request absences, view their upcoming payments, change their personal information, and much more. As if that is not enough, this app is compatible with iPhones.

Sadly, it’s challenging to keep track of all the details because there are so many features.

Workday Student’s cost starts from $2 per student per year.

Classroom Management Software

example of computer application in education

For K-12 schools and districts with school-issued devices, Dyknow is the premium monitoring option. Dyknow Classroom Management gives teachers the tools they need to overcome distractions, boost student engagement, and successfully use technology in the classroom.

Teachers can use Dyknow to see real-time thumbnails of all students, restrict websites and applications, engage students, and check student activity history after class.

Dyknow also assists K-12 administrators and tech coaches in obtaining comprehensive device usage statistics to discover squandered dollars by assessing how school-issued devices and technology tools are used.

Isn’t it great to be able to see all of your screens at once? The Real-Time Activity Tracker is helpful in determining how many students are visiting various websites and identifying a student or two who are visiting sites they shouldn’t be.

You can also send a private message to a pupil who has strayed from the subject at hand. Additionally, the freezing screen feature can also be quite useful.

Sure enough, the app’s ability to combine and rename some classes will amaze you.

The only challenge is that you’re limited in terms of the length of personalized messages you can send to a person. In some cases, a longer message option would be preferable.

Dyknow’s cost ranges from $10 – $2/student license billed annually.

9. ClassDojo

example of computer application in education

ClassDojo is a classroom management system that focuses on positive reinforcement and parent contact. It’s good to be able to keep track of activities and display the kids’ and parents’ success and places for improvement.

You will not believe how the language of appreciation and reporting can be tailored to the demands of the classroom. Additionally, being able to show parent-child conversations as well as public messages is another added feature.

ClassDojo also helps parents in monitoring their children’s performance. This will help a lot, especially when you are busy as a parent and cannot attend school meetings. You can send a message to your child’s teacher and ask for updates.

This software allows you to provide students with real-time feedback on their actions, participation, and work. You can create separate classes for each term you teach. Your children can pick or choose from a variety of character portraits.

You have the option of customizing when and why students gain points. Moreover, you can use a projector to show whether pupils are winning or losing points.

There’s excellent sharing in classrooms, message forums, and post-student activities in the software’s unique portfolio. This makes it simple for parents to keep track of school activities and recall them.

The challenge in this app is that sometimes the emails sent are delayed.

ClassDojo’s cost starts from $7.99 per month.

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10. Socrative

example of computer application in education

The advantage of immediate feedback in the learning process can’t be ignored. For the classroom or the office, Socrative provides an efficient way to monitor and evaluate learning.

The monitoring and evaluation save time for educators while providing learners with fun and engaging interactions.

Learners will be actively engaged in fun activities involving the entire class in collaborative learning, such as the popular Space Race quiz, instead of watching the clock.

Socrative is an excellent software used in assessing in-class low-stakes formations. It enables the students to measure their understanding and estimate how the class is performing generally.

Do they understand and can you move on, or do you need to go over it again? It can be entered and exited multiple times during class without causing any disruption.

Socrative assists teachers in identifying areas where students require additional instruction allowing gaps in comprehension to be identified and filled as they arise.

The problem is that you can’t download the scores in bulk. You have to download one question at a time, which is time-consuming.

Socrative’s cost starts from $59.99 per year.

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11. LanSchool

example of computer application in education

LanSchool has been delivering purposeful technology in the hands of passionate instructors for over 30 years, thanks to Lenovo’s support.

LanSchool’s classroom management, filtering, and student safety solutions help students learn and collaborate more effectively and maximize teaching time while keeping kids and school networks safe.

It’s beneficial to monitor, limit the exposure, and share programs and pages on other displays from a central location. It greatly helps in the differentiation of a lecture because everyone is actively engaged in the subject.

Students will follow your routine in a little window by looking at your screen. You don’t have any issue when a student can’t focus on the monitor ahead of time due to lighting concerns or their classroom location.

One disadvantage of LanSchool is that scripting is too complicated to set up.

LanSchool’s pricing is customizable based on your needs.

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example of computer application in education

Edmodo helps students, instructors, parents, and administrators improve their learning skills. It allows learners to connect with people and consumers to realize their potential.

Edmodo is also the world’s largest learning network for students, instructors, and administrators in grades K-12. It can keep customers engaged throughout the learning process.

This educational tool provides a free administrator account for customers to activate, facilitating the speeding up of learning programs. It also gives badges to students who score high marks on evaluations.

Moreover, it provides a network that connects students, administrators, and parents through online classroom discussions.

Additionally, Edmodo assists students in creating polls and establishes a community network for improved learning and communication.

It also allows customization of the app by customers to meet their specific needs and keeps track of their progress. However, this software does not have a login feature that allows parents to supervise their children.

Edmodo is free for students and educators. But schools and other learning institutions may use it at $2500 per year. Customers can also benefit from the app’s free trial.

Assessment Software

13. kahoot.

example of computer application in education

In organizations of any size, Kahoot! transforms presentations, training, and events into engaging experiences. Anyone can develop and deliver engaging learning experiences , known as kahoots, on any topic in minutes using Kahoot!

The exciting part about Kahoot! is how it keeps students engaged. They respond to queries and can see what their peers are saying. Furthermore, they compete with one another, yet in a pleasant manner.

The students are then motivated and interested in the subject of the class. Other teachers have also produced kahoots that you can view publicly and modify to your students’ lessons, making it a little easier for a teacher to put something together quickly.

The speed can be changed to meet the demands of the students. However, while using this app, it can be difficult to format math.

Kahoot! offers school and business pricing plans. The school plan has a free version and a pro version at $3 per teacher per month. There’s a premium version at $6 per teacher per month.

The business plans range between $17 to $59 per host per month for individuals and $14 to $39 per host per month for teams.

example of computer application in education

Canvas is highly versatile and allows you to ‘paint’ whatever you want. It also allows natural connectivity to Office365 or Google out of the box, thanks to LTI compatibility and a good API.

You may design your personalized combination of learning, authoring, and evaluation tools using the hundreds of plug-in programs accessible on the marketplace.

With the help of a vast community, it’s simple and convenient to begin teaching. You’ll love the elegance with which third-party solutions, such as Zoom’s redirect, are included.

The default multi-level screen is also an added advantage. It’s very simple to navigate and update.

From both the classroom and the mainstream press, there are various ways to connect knowledge and the mainstream press.

A touch screen is similar to a blogging website that allows users to write and upload text or video. On the other hand, learners can graduate from their peers with the help of their teacher rubrics.

Canvas supports integrated learning outcomes, copy-paste HTTP links, LTI integration, and RSS support.

For a better user experience, it features an open API and integrates tools like Google Docs, Ether Pad, and media reporting.

It offers a content editor that allows users to customize their profiles according to their needs and analytics. However, canvas customization needs to be improved to promote customer experience.

The cost of Canvas per user per year is $22.50. It also provides customers with a free trial version.

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15. GoReact

example of computer application in education

GoReact is a skill development tool that uses interactive video evaluation software. It enhances human connection by providing accessible tools for collaborative learning and tailored feedback.

Also, learners record or live stream presentations, performances, and demonstrations using GoReact. The work is later evaluated by educators and peer reviewers using customized rubrics, markers, time-coded feedback, and other tools.

As a result, there is a higher level of involvement and faster skill development. There is also a feature that allows you to leave a comment through speaking and signing.

Additionally, the software makes uploading YouTube videos very simple. However, GoReact has not enabled email notifications for every time someone comments on your video.

GoReact’s pricing starts at $57 per user per year. Discounts may apply for at least 100 users.

Bottom Line

Online digital learning has widely influenced educational systems. Through every feature given in the learning platforms, we have seen how each of them has contributed to the learning sector.

This tool will help you if you want to boost your educational standards. Look for the best features and analyze the software above to make sure you do not install a program that is of no use to your field of work.

Sure enough, you will be able to choose a software that best fits your needs.

example of computer application in education

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Application of Computer in Education

Computer technology has had a deep impact on the education sector. Thanks to computers, imparting education has become easier and much more interesting than before. Owing to memory capacities of computers, large chunks of data can be stored in them. They enable quick processing of data with very less or no chances of errors in processing. Networked computers aid quick communication and enable web access. Storing documents on computers in the form of soft copies instead of hard ones, helps save paper. The advantages of computers in education primarily include:

  • Storage of information
  • Quick data processing
  • Audio-visual aids in teaching
  • Better presentation of information
  • Access to the Internet
  • Quick communication between students, teachers and parents

Computer teaching plays a key role in the modern education system. Students find it easier to refer to the Internet than searching for information in fat books. The process of learning has gone beyond learning from prescribed textbooks. Internet is a much larger and easier-to-access storehouse of information. When it comes to storing retrieved information, it is easier done on computers than maintaining hand-written notes.

  • Computers are a brilliant aid in teaching

Online education has revolutionized the education industry. Computer technology has made the dream of distance learning, a reality. Education is no longer limited to classrooms. It has reached far and wide, thanks to computers. Physically distant locations have come closer due to Internet accessibility. So, even if students and teachers are not in the same premises, they can very well communicate with one another. There are many online educational courses, whereby students are not required to attend classes or be physically present for lectures. They can learn from the comfort of their homes and adjust timings as per their convenience.

  • Computers have given impetus to distance education

Computers facilitate effective presentation of information. Presentation software like PowerPoint and animation software like Flash among others can be of great help to teachers while delivering lectures. Computers facilitate audio-visual representation of information, thus making the process of learning interactive and interesting. Computer-aided teaching adds a fun element to education. Teachers hardly use chalk and board today. They bring presentations on a flash drive, plug it into a computer in the classroom, and the teaching begins. There’s color, there’s sound, there’s movement – the same old information comes forth in a different way and learning becomes fun. The otherwise not-so-interesting lessons become interesting due to audio-visual effects. Due to the visual aid, difficult subjects can be explained in better ways. Things become easier to follow, thanks to the use of computers in education.

  • Computer software help better presentation of information

Internet can play an important role in education. As it is an enormous information base, it can be harnessed for retrieval of information on a variety of subjects. The Internet can be used to refer to information on different subjects. Both teachers and students benefit from the Internet. Teachers can refer to it for additional information and references on the topics to be taught. Students can refer to web sources for additional information on subjects of their interest. The Internet helps teachers set test papers, frame questions for home assignments and decide project topics. And not just academics, teachers can use web sources for ideas on sports competitions, extracurricular activities, picnics, parties and more.

  • Computers enable access to the Internet which has information on literally everything.

Computers enable storage of data in the electronic format, thereby saving paper. Memory capacities of computer storage devices are in gigabytes. This enables them to store huge chunks of data. Moreover, these devices are compact. They occupy very less space, yet store large amounts of data. Both teachers and students benefit from the use of computer technology. Presentations, notes and test papers can be stored and transferred easily over computer storage devices. Similarly, students can submit homework and assignments as soft copies. The process becomes paperless, thus saving paper. Plus, the electronic format makes data storage more durable. Electronically erasable memory devices can be used repeatedly. They offer robust storage of data and reliable data retrieval.

  • Computer, hard drives and storage devices are an excellent way to store data

This was about the role of computers in education. But we know, it’s not just the education sector which computers have impacted. They are of great use in every field. Today, a life without computers is unimaginable. This underlines the importance of computer education. Knowledge of computers can propel one’s career in the right direction. Computers are a part of almost every industry today. They are no longer limited any specific field. They are used in networking, for information access and data storage and also in the processing and presentation of information. Computers should be introduced early in education.

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Computers in Education

Computers in education are used to provide Audio-Visual learning, research, online learning, maintain records, make documents, and learn new evolving technologies.

10 Uses of Computer in Education

1. new era of classroom teaching .

Audio-Visual teaching on Computer

Audio-Visual teaching on Computer

Computers have evolved and enhanced Teacher-student interaction. Now teachers can teach and demonstrate the practical aspects of theories to the students with the help of various tools in Computers. Students are now able to easily understand various difficult topics in an interesting way.

2. Easy to access information

Internet on Computer

Internet on Computer

In the contemporary educational system, computer education is crucial. Internet research is more convenient for students than looking for information in large books. Information is considerably more easily accessible and available on the internet. Computers make it simpler to store information than to keep handwritten notes when it comes to retrieval.

3. Online Learning

Online learning on Computer

Online learning on Computer

The educational environment has been transformed by online learning . Distance learning is now a possibility because of computer technology. Education is not just about classrooms anymore. Thanks to computers, it has spread widely. Therefore, even if they are not in the same location, students and teachers may still interact effectively. They can study in the convenience of their own homes and change their schedule as needed.

4. Student Research

Student research on Computer

Student research on Computer

With the aid of the internet, we are able to do an advanced study on computers. This form of research simply entails utilising a computer to access the world wide web libraries and a variety of websites that are all connected to the internet.

5. Learn New Technologies

Learning new technology on Computer

Learning new technology on Computer

As the technologies are constantly evolving, the use of Computers in education enables the students to learn new tools and knowledge that will prepare them for the potential technological changes in the coming time.

6. Simplify Record Keeping

Student records on Computer

Student records on Computer

A computer can be used as a tool for managing data on schools, enrollment, courses, exams, results, infrastructure, finances, library records, etc.

7. Easy to Create Any Documents

Documents on Computer

Documents on Computer

Students do not need a paper copy of any documents because they may quickly make them on a computer. One of the greatest programs for students to use to produce various types of documents, including resumes, notes, and presentations, is Microsoft Office.

8. Online Library

Library on Computer

Library on Computer

In the era of Computers, you do not have to visit the library. There are a lot of online libraries available these days; you can effortlessly read books from the online library with the help of the Computer.

9. Track the performance of students

Monitoring progress on Computer

Monitoring progress on Computer

The computation of the marks that are formulated with the aid of a Computer is uploaded on the school's website. The parent and teacher can very easily check the performance of students.

10. Computer-Based Training (CBT) 

Training on Computer

Training on Computer

With the aid of knowledgeable educators and audio-visual media, numerous projects and educational programs are created or set up for CBT (Computer Based Training). These instructional programs are often delivered on CDs in the form of lectures on a particular subject or topic. Students are free to study whenever they choose at home.

Solved Questions

1. What are the advantages of using Computers in Education?

Ans: The main advantages of using Computers in education are:

Storage of information about student records.

Quick data processing of tests and Exams.

Audio-visual help in teaching.

Better management of information.

Use of the Internet.

Rapid communication among students, teachers, and parents.

2. Give five applications of Computers in education?

Ans: The five main applications of Computers in education are:

Easy to maintain records of the attendance, marks, and performance of the students.

Effortlessly look for any topic-related information in minutes with the help of the Computer.

The computer enables Distance teaching.

Computer-based online training, it’s a low-cost solution for educating people.

Modern technology is used in the education method so that students can without difficulty understand any topic. 

3. How is a Computer used in making PPT ?


Step 1: Launch PowerPoint from the start menu. 

Step 2: Choose New from the left pane. 

Step 3: Choose an option: Select Blank Presentation to start from scratch when making a presentation. 

Step 4: Choose one of the templates if you want to utilize a ready-made design. 

Step 5: Choose Take a Tour, then choose to Create to get some PowerPoint pointers.

Learning by Doing

Choose the correct answer:.

1. Which of the statements is correct?

a. A computer is ineffective as an instructor.

b. The computer is used to store student information.

c. Exam papers are checked on computers as well.

b and c

a and c

All of these 

None of these 

2. In schools, what are computers used for?

Sending money

Keeping records

Watching movies

Write True or False:

1. In schools computers are used to access the internet. (T/F)

2. Online learning is not possible on Computers. (T/F)

3. Computers help in research. (T/F)

4. Computers do not help in Audio-visual learning. (T/F)

The computer may be used as a teacher or tutor. Through educational CDs, a computer can instruct nearly any topic in an easier and more engaging way. It's fun to learn with the aid of a multimedia computer. On computers, we can create scientific diagrams and resolve mathematical sums.

Computers may be used to store significant historical and scientific information. Computers may be used to create and print question papers, mark lists, letters, posters, and banners as well as to keep track of things like student fees and attendance information. Computers are also employed in the field of education to develop syllabi and timetables, verify test papers, and create results.


FAQs on Using Computers in Education

1. How are students using computers now?

Computers are one of the most important educational resources, they can be used for so many beneficial purposes. Students now have access to a lot of knowledge thanks to computers and the internet, which may help them improve their research and communication abilities while preparing them for future employment in a workforce that depends more and more on computer technology.

2. How are computers used in education?

3. How have computers helped in online education?

The educational environment has been transformed by online learning. Distance learning is now a possibility because of computer technology. Education is not just about classrooms anymore. Thanks to computers, it has spread widely. Therefore, even if they are not in the same location, students and teachers may still interact effectively. They can study in the convenience of their own homes and change their schedule as needed.

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Information and communication technology (ICT) in education

Information and communications technology (ict) can impact student learning when teachers are digitally literate and understand how to integrate it into curriculum..

Schools use a diverse set of ICT tools to communicate, create, disseminate, store, and manage information.(6) In some contexts, ICT has also become integral to the teaching-learning interaction, through such approaches as replacing chalkboards with interactive digital whiteboards, using students’ own smartphones or other devices for learning during class time, and the “flipped classroom” model where students watch lectures at home on the computer and use classroom time for more interactive exercises.

When teachers are digitally literate and trained to use ICT, these approaches can lead to higher order thinking skills, provide creative and individualized options for students to express their understandings, and leave students better prepared to deal with ongoing technological change in society and the workplace.(18)

ICT issues planners must consider include: considering the total cost-benefit equation, supplying and maintaining the requisite infrastructure, and ensuring investments are matched with teacher support and other policies aimed at effective ICT use.(16)

Issues and Discussion

Digital culture and digital literacy: Computer technologies and other aspects of digital culture have changed the ways people live, work, play, and learn, impacting the construction and distribution of knowledge and power around the world.(14) Graduates who are less familiar with digital culture are increasingly at a disadvantage in the national and global economy. Digital literacy—the skills of searching for, discerning, and producing information, as well as the critical use of new media for full participation in society—has thus become an important consideration for curriculum frameworks.(8)

In many countries, digital literacy is being built through the incorporation of information and communication technology (ICT) into schools. Some common educational applications of ICT include:

  • One laptop per child: Less expensive laptops have been designed for use in school on a 1:1 basis with features like lower power consumption, a low cost operating system, and special re-programming and mesh network functions.(42) Despite efforts to reduce costs, however, providing one laptop per child may be too costly for some developing countries.(41)
  • Tablets: Tablets are small personal computers with a touch screen, allowing input without a keyboard or mouse. Inexpensive learning software (“apps”) can be downloaded onto tablets, making them a versatile tool for learning.(7)(25) The most effective apps develop higher order thinking skills and provide creative and individualized options for students to express their understandings.(18)
  • Interactive White Boards or Smart Boards : Interactive white boards allow projected computer images to be displayed, manipulated, dragged, clicked, or copied.(3) Simultaneously, handwritten notes can be taken on the board and saved for later use. Interactive white boards are associated with whole-class instruction rather than student-centred activities.(38) Student engagement is generally higher when ICT is available for student use throughout the classroom.(4)
  • E-readers : E-readers are electronic devices that can hold hundreds of books in digital form, and they are increasingly utilized in the delivery of reading material.(19) Students—both skilled readers and reluctant readers—have had positive responses to the use of e-readers for independent reading.(22) Features of e-readers that can contribute to positive use include their portability and long battery life, response to text, and the ability to define unknown words.(22) Additionally, many classic book titles are available for free in e-book form.
  • Flipped Classrooms: The flipped classroom model, involving lecture and practice at home via computer-guided instruction and interactive learning activities in class, can allow for an expanded curriculum. There is little investigation on the student learning outcomes of flipped classrooms.(5) Student perceptions about flipped classrooms are mixed, but generally positive, as they prefer the cooperative learning activities in class over lecture.(5)(35)

ICT and Teacher Professional Development: Teachers need specific professional development opportunities in order to increase their ability to use ICT for formative learning assessments, individualized instruction, accessing online resources, and for fostering student interaction and collaboration.(15) Such training in ICT should positively impact teachers’ general attitudes towards ICT in the classroom, but it should also provide specific guidance on ICT teaching and learning within each discipline. Without this support, teachers tend to use ICT for skill-based applications, limiting student academic thinking.(32) To sup­port teachers as they change their teaching, it is also essential for education managers, supervisors, teacher educators, and decision makers to be trained in ICT use.(11)

Ensuring benefits of ICT investments: To ensure the investments made in ICT benefit students, additional conditions must be met. School policies need to provide schools with the minimum acceptable infrastructure for ICT, including stable and affordable internet connectivity and security measures such as filters and site blockers. Teacher policies need to target basic ICT literacy skills, ICT use in pedagogical settings, and discipline-specific uses. (21) Successful imple­mentation of ICT requires integration of ICT in the curriculum. Finally, digital content needs to be developed in local languages and reflect local culture. (40) Ongoing technical, human, and organizational supports on all of these issues are needed to ensure access and effective use of ICT. (21)

Resource Constrained Contexts: The total cost of ICT ownership is considerable: training of teachers and administrators, connectivity, technical support, and software, amongst others. (42) When bringing ICT into classrooms, policies should use an incremental pathway, establishing infrastructure and bringing in sustainable and easily upgradable ICT. (16) Schools in some countries have begun allowing students to bring their own mobile technology (such as laptop, tablet, or smartphone) into class rather than providing such tools to all students—an approach called Bring Your Own Device. (1)(27)(34) However, not all families can afford devices or service plans for their children. (30) Schools must ensure all students have equitable access to ICT devices for learning.

Inclusiveness Considerations

Digital Divide: The digital divide refers to disparities of digital media and internet access both within and across countries, as well as the gap between people with and without the digital literacy and skills to utilize media and internet.(23)(26)(31) The digital divide both creates and reinforces socio-economic inequalities of the world’s poorest people. Policies need to intentionally bridge this divide to bring media, internet, and digital literacy to all students, not just those who are easiest to reach.

Minority language groups: Students whose mother tongue is different from the official language of instruction are less likely to have computers and internet connections at home than students from the majority. There is also less material available to them online in their own language, putting them at a disadvantage in comparison to their majority peers who gather information, prepare talks and papers, and communicate more using ICT. (39) Yet ICT tools can also help improve the skills of minority language students—especially in learning the official language of instruction—through features such as automatic speech recognition, the availability of authentic audio-visual materials, and chat functions. (2)(17)

Students with different styles of learning: ICT can provide diverse options for taking in and processing information, making sense of ideas, and expressing learning. Over 87% of students learn best through visual and tactile modalities, and ICT can help these students ‘experience’ the information instead of just reading and hearing it. (20)(37) Mobile devices can also offer programmes (“apps”) that provide extra support to students with special needs, with features such as simplified screens and instructions, consistent placement of menus and control features, graphics combined with text, audio feedback, ability to set pace and level of difficulty, appropriate and unambiguous feedback, and easy error correction. (24)(29)

Plans and policies

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  • Voogt, J., Knezek, G., Cox, M., Knezek, D. and ten Brummelhuis, A. 2013. ‘Under which conditions does ICT have a positive effect on teaching and learning? A call to action.’ Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. 29 (1).
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30 Examples Of Technology In Education

Examples of education tech include mobile devices, adaptive learning algorithms, the cloud, podcasting, and virtual reality.

Examples Of Learning Technology

What Are Examples Of Learning Technology ?

by Terry Heick

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The goal of this post is simple: To provide examples of learning technology–identifying and clarifying what learning technology ‘is’ and ‘looks like’ in and out of the classroom.

I actually started this post in 2015 and thought it might be useful for some, so I updated and finished it. A few frequently asked questions for context:

What is the simple definition of technology?

We tend to think of ‘technology’ as new–and usually computer hardware or software of some kind. This is only one kind of technology.

More broadly, a simple definition of technology is the application of ‘things’ (often knowledge) that cause change. This ‘change’ can be in the form of the development of science, the solving of problems, producing commercial goods, improving healthcare, sharing information, altering physical landscapes, creating physical and digital structures, and so on.

Definitions vary from dictionary to philosophical to conceptual and so on. For our purposes, we will define ‘technology’ as the application of tools, knowledge, processes, or other methods of attaining objectives.

See also 4 Examples Of Technology In The Special Education Classroom

In terms of its timeliness, ‘technology’ is also a relative term. At one point, a pencil was considered ‘new’ technology. In sociocultural contexts, it is also relative as technology that might be nearly invisible in one society could completely change (for better or for worse) another society. Meaning is contextual, and so is technology as a concept.

What is education technology for teaching and learning?

Education technology is the application of new tools and ideas that help teachers teach and students learn.

What are the functions of education technology?

Education technology can automate processes, improve information access, enable sharing of knowledge and data, duplicate information between media forms, curate important knowledge, communicate ideas, visualize critical concepts, and more.

(To be fair, technology can also destroy, poison, obliterate, mislead, etc., but this is more a criticism of applied technology rather than the concept of technology itself.)

What words are related to technology?

To understand technology as a concept, it might be useful to look at some related words: technique, technical, technician, technological, technically, technocracy, and technophile

The root of technology is Greek: Tekhne (art, craft) and -logia.

What are learning technologies in the classroom?

Learning technologies in the classroom are the tools, systems, and techniques that facilitate, enable, and promote learning.

This can happen in the form of a learning management system or platform like the Khan Academy that helps students practice new skills, a community-based ‘encyclopedia’ like Wikipedia that allows people to curate and share knowledge, interactive whiteboards that allows students to learn through guided practice with the teacher. Learning technology can be simple (like a calculator) or advanced (like virtual reality).

What are the different types of educational technology?

Learning Achievements/Badges


Video Games

Interactive Whiteboards (e.g., Google Jamboard)

Learning Management Systems (Moodle, Google Classroom, etc.)

Asynchronous Learning Platforms (often a part of learning management systems but not always)

Online collaboration spaces (e.g., Microsoft Teams)

Adaptive Learning Algorithms

Voice Search

Haptic Response

Augmented Reality

Virtual Reality

AI-Generated Applications

Deep Neural Networks

Smart ‘Bots’

Spatial Computing

Automation and Hyperautomation

Internet Of Things

Internet Of Behaviors

Natural Language Processing

social media platforms like facebook, Instagram, math programs , etc;

live video streaming platforms (from YouTube or Twitch for video games to streaming public events to Strategies For Using TikTok For Learning for learning)

Google Chromebooks, MacBooks, Windows laptops

iPads and Android tablets

Apple Watch and other smartwatches and wearable technology; virtual reality hardware, applications, and games; QR codes and scanners; Google search and related web browsers with plug-ins and extensions; adaptive learning algorithms and artificial intelligence; Kindles and other eReaders; projectors; USB and portable memory; cloud storage and file-sharing; smart boards; document scanners; personal computer desktops and Mac Minis (as a portable desktop); operating systems like Mac OS, iOS, Android, Microsoft Windows), video games, message forums; MOOCs; podcasting tools; crowdsourcing platforms

Other Less ‘Visible’ Examples Of Technology In Education

Of course, not all ‘technology’ is hardware or software. If technology is the application of tools, systems, and knowledge in order to meet an objective, the examples of learning technology really open up.

Curriculum mapping: the gathering, organizing, and intentional distribution of knowledge

Assessment: the attempt to measure a student’s understanding or mastery of content or skills. In this sense, the function of technology is to make something abstract (understanding) concrete (a letter or number). In this case, the effect of the educational technology is quantification and qualification.

The concept of public education: the intent to educate all citizens through the transformation of text dollars into edifices (schools) and systems (districts, classes, schedules, etc.) that help children learn

A Socratic Seminar: a system for learning through guided inquiry and discussion

Other examples: Parent-Teacher conferences, school schedules, report cards, the organization of classrooms by age, the categorization of knowledge and skill into ‘content areas,’ and even school electricity, and plumbing.

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Profile image of Ugochukwu O . Matthew

2019, International Journal Of Research on Scientific and Engineering Research

Computers are used actively in education to improve the quality and learning outcomes. Teachers can use audio, video and graphics aids through computer to prepare lesson plans. The use of Microsoft Power Point to prepare and deliver electronic presentations to the audiences is a very good aspect of interactive pedagogy. These electronic presentations will be displayed on multimedia projectors in the class rooms where everyone will be engaged in the modern teaching methodology. This will be interesting and easy to learn by the students. Multimedia presentations are easy to deliver by the teachers and for interactive participatory pedagogy. These presentations save a lot of efforts and time and ensure increase productivity in the overall classroom management. Moreover, multimedia presentations are interesting to view and hear and sound, visual effects makes lectures much emphatic. Computers will be helpful in educational business and making it less boring for active engagement. The utilization of computer resources within schools will impact additionally in technological advancements and in methodology of teaching and learning. At present the computer technology had witnessed advancements in all facets of human managerial responsibilities as it incorporates all aspect of media for its interactive engagement. Today, computer development is leading in innovation as it is rapidly creating headways in education through innovations looking at the increase in availability of modern computing device like Mobile phones and Personal Digital Assistance all with the capabilities to impact positively towards knowledge transfer. Changes in science and technology had brought into lime light the key aspects of computer in the scope of information management in other words referred to as Information Technology (IT). Computers have touched the lives of many students living in the remotest part of our planet. There is no point denying the way that computers absolutely controlled the life of a typical student either graduate or undergraduate. In this presentation we outlined the applications or uses of computers and its significance to teaching and learning in the worldwide educational perspective.

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Image credit: Claire Scully

New advances in technology are upending education, from the recent debut of new artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots like ChatGPT to the growing accessibility of virtual-reality tools that expand the boundaries of the classroom. For educators, at the heart of it all is the hope that every learner gets an equal chance to develop the skills they need to succeed. But that promise is not without its pitfalls.

“Technology is a game-changer for education – it offers the prospect of universal access to high-quality learning experiences, and it creates fundamentally new ways of teaching,” said Dan Schwartz, dean of Stanford Graduate School of Education (GSE), who is also a professor of educational technology at the GSE and faculty director of the Stanford Accelerator for Learning . “But there are a lot of ways we teach that aren’t great, and a big fear with AI in particular is that we just get more efficient at teaching badly. This is a moment to pay attention, to do things differently.”

For K-12 schools, this year also marks the end of the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funding program, which has provided pandemic recovery funds that many districts used to invest in educational software and systems. With these funds running out in September 2024, schools are trying to determine their best use of technology as they face the prospect of diminishing resources.

Here, Schwartz and other Stanford education scholars weigh in on some of the technology trends taking center stage in the classroom this year.

AI in the classroom

In 2023, the big story in technology and education was generative AI, following the introduction of ChatGPT and other chatbots that produce text seemingly written by a human in response to a question or prompt. Educators immediately worried that students would use the chatbot to cheat by trying to pass its writing off as their own. As schools move to adopt policies around students’ use of the tool, many are also beginning to explore potential opportunities – for example, to generate reading assignments or coach students during the writing process.

AI can also help automate tasks like grading and lesson planning, freeing teachers to do the human work that drew them into the profession in the first place, said Victor Lee, an associate professor at the GSE and faculty lead for the AI + Education initiative at the Stanford Accelerator for Learning. “I’m heartened to see some movement toward creating AI tools that make teachers’ lives better – not to replace them, but to give them the time to do the work that only teachers are able to do,” he said. “I hope to see more on that front.”

He also emphasized the need to teach students now to begin questioning and critiquing the development and use of AI. “AI is not going away,” said Lee, who is also director of CRAFT (Classroom-Ready Resources about AI for Teaching), which provides free resources to help teach AI literacy to high school students across subject areas. “We need to teach students how to understand and think critically about this technology.”

Immersive environments

The use of immersive technologies like augmented reality, virtual reality, and mixed reality is also expected to surge in the classroom, especially as new high-profile devices integrating these realities hit the marketplace in 2024.

The educational possibilities now go beyond putting on a headset and experiencing life in a distant location. With new technologies, students can create their own local interactive 360-degree scenarios, using just a cell phone or inexpensive camera and simple online tools.

“This is an area that’s really going to explode over the next couple of years,” said Kristen Pilner Blair, director of research for the Digital Learning initiative at the Stanford Accelerator for Learning, which runs a program exploring the use of virtual field trips to promote learning. “Students can learn about the effects of climate change, say, by virtually experiencing the impact on a particular environment. But they can also become creators, documenting and sharing immersive media that shows the effects where they live.”

Integrating AI into virtual simulations could also soon take the experience to another level, Schwartz said. “If your VR experience brings me to a redwood tree, you could have a window pop up that allows me to ask questions about the tree, and AI can deliver the answers.”


Another trend expected to intensify this year is the gamification of learning activities, often featuring dynamic videos with interactive elements to engage and hold students’ attention.

“Gamification is a good motivator, because one key aspect is reward, which is very powerful,” said Schwartz. The downside? Rewards are specific to the activity at hand, which may not extend to learning more generally. “If I get rewarded for doing math in a space-age video game, it doesn’t mean I’m going to be motivated to do math anywhere else.”

Gamification sometimes tries to make “chocolate-covered broccoli,” Schwartz said, by adding art and rewards to make speeded response tasks involving single-answer, factual questions more fun. He hopes to see more creative play patterns that give students points for rethinking an approach or adapting their strategy, rather than only rewarding them for quickly producing a correct response.

Data-gathering and analysis

The growing use of technology in schools is producing massive amounts of data on students’ activities in the classroom and online. “We’re now able to capture moment-to-moment data, every keystroke a kid makes,” said Schwartz – data that can reveal areas of struggle and different learning opportunities, from solving a math problem to approaching a writing assignment.

But outside of research settings, he said, that type of granular data – now owned by tech companies – is more likely used to refine the design of the software than to provide teachers with actionable information.

The promise of personalized learning is being able to generate content aligned with students’ interests and skill levels, and making lessons more accessible for multilingual learners and students with disabilities. Realizing that promise requires that educators can make sense of the data that’s being collected, said Schwartz – and while advances in AI are making it easier to identify patterns and findings, the data also needs to be in a system and form educators can access and analyze for decision-making. Developing a usable infrastructure for that data, Schwartz said, is an important next step.

With the accumulation of student data comes privacy concerns: How is the data being collected? Are there regulations or guidelines around its use in decision-making? What steps are being taken to prevent unauthorized access? In 2023 K-12 schools experienced a rise in cyberattacks, underscoring the need to implement strong systems to safeguard student data.

Technology is “requiring people to check their assumptions about education,” said Schwartz, noting that AI in particular is very efficient at replicating biases and automating the way things have been done in the past, including poor models of instruction. “But it’s also opening up new possibilities for students producing material, and for being able to identify children who are not average so we can customize toward them. It’s an opportunity to think of entirely new ways of teaching – this is the path I hope to see.”

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List of ICT Tools in Education Examples for Teaching

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List of ICT Tools in Education Examples for Teaching-feature image

Summary: To enhance global connectivity and facilitate knowledge sharing, it becomes important to foster communication and this is where ICT tools play a great role. The article provides a complete understanding of ICT application in education while also highlighting its significance in enhancing communication.

In the rapidly changing digital world, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools have played a major role in revolutionizing the education sector, offering a vast range of benefits to enhance the learning and teaching experience.

From software to hardware, media devices to networking, ICT tools play an important role in enhancing global connectivity. Further, these tools empower individuals to personalize their learning experiences, access educational resources, and enhance necessary digital skills.

Therefore, the integration of ICT into the educational framework has brought a major shift towards an interactive learning environment. Let’s read more about it below.

What are ICT Tools?

ICT is a short form for Information and Communication Technologies and consists of a wide array of technologies used for broadcast media, telecommunications, audiovisual processing, BMS (building management system), and network-based monitoring and control functions.

ICT represents a diverse set of technological tools and resources used for communication, creation, dissemination, storage, and management of information. The full form of ICT in education refers to teaching and learning with ICT-related tools and technology.

What is ICT in Education?

ICT in education refers to the integration of Information and Communication Technology tools and resources into the teaching and learning process. Here’s a detailed breakdown of different components that an ICT in education consists of:

  • Enhanced Learning Resources: ICT in education allows you to leverage digital resources and tools including educational websites , e-books, and other multimedia content. This empowers students with a richer and more dynamic learning experience.
  • Interactive Learning: It enables interactive learning through educational software , virtual learning environments , and simulations. This allows students to engage with educational content in a more interactive manner.
  • Personalized Learning: ICT devices in education support personalized learning experiences by allowing educators to customize their instruction to individual student needs and learning styles. This helps promote student-centric learning.
  • Global Connectivity: ICT in education fosters global connectivity and collaboration through online platforms , enabling students to interact with individuals across the world from diverse cultural backgrounds. This also allows them to access educational content from various parts of the world.
  • Skill Development: It helps develop critical thinking, digital literacy, problem-solving, and collaboration skills. These are important for students to strive in the digital world.

Integrating ICT into education has the potential to transform traditional learning and teaching. This will help make education more interesting and engaging while also preparing students to face the challenges of ever-evolving digital learning.

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How is ICT Helpful in Education?

There are various uses of ICT. Some of the advantages of implementing new ICT-related technological tools in academic settings include improved learning experience, critical thinking skills, improved communication, better productivity, and more. Let’s read about them in detail below:

  • Improved Learning Experience: Integration of new technological tools in the academic domain not only boosts innovation but also expedites the dissemination of information. It helps increase student engagement and facilitates the automation of processes.
  • Improved Concentration and Comprehension: The use of digital and interactive tools helps enhance student concentration. It allows them to grasp difficult concepts and have enriched learning experiences. These tools also encourage practical learning on acquired knowledge.
  • Promotion of Flexibility: New technologies play an important role in fostering flexibility through digital alternatives such as online courses. These allow students to learn at their own pace.
  • Fostering Critical Thinking: The information resources offered by these technologies encourage students to have diverse viewpoints and perspectives. This fosters critical thinking, thereby enriching the learning experience.
  • Seamless Communication: Digital tools facilitate direct and immediate interaction between teachers and students. Such tools enable remote learning and seamless communication during difficult times like the pandemic.
  • Boosting Productivity and Collaboration: ICT technology not only enhances learning but also facilitates collaborative work through innovative teaching methods and enhanced connectivity.
  • Stimulating Motivation: The incorporation of technology in the classroom boosts student motivation by providing a practical means to explore new concepts. Digital tools seamlessly align with the learning environment, thus helping stimulate and sustain motivation.
  • Introduction of New Learning Strategies: The integration of ‘Information and Communication Technologies’ empowers educators to incorporate new teaching methodologies. This not only enhances academic performance but also boosts the digital skills required.

Types of ICT Tools

ICT tools consist of various technologies that are important to manage and communicate information effectively. Here is a detailed overview of various types of ICT tools:

Hardware Tools

  • Computers : This makes the backbone of the ICT infrastructure which includes desktops, laptops, and tablets.
  • Servers : These are the devices that help store as well as manage data, resources, and applications for network users.
  • Networking Equipment : These include switches, routers, and modems. Such equipment facilitates communication effectively between devices.

Software Tools

  • Applications: These include software programs like Adobe Creative Cloud , Microsoft Office Suite , and educational software that help address specific tasks.
  • Operating Systems : It includes OS platforms including macOS, Windows, and Linux that help manage computer hardware as well as software resources.

Communication Tools

  • Email Services : ICT tools include communication platforms like Outlook, Gmail, and Yahoo Mail that enable electronic mail communication.
  • Messaging Applications : Tools like WhatsApp, Slack , and Microsoft Teams for instant messaging and group communication .
  • Video Conferencing Platforms : Services such as Zoom , Skype , and Google Meet that facilitate virtual meetings and collaborations.

Collaboration Tools

  • Cloud Storage Services : Platforms like Google Drive, Dropbox , and OneDrive are included in collaboration tools. These are used for storing, syncing, as well as sharing files online.
  • Project Management Software : These include tools such as Trello , Asana , and Jira to help organize tasks, deadlines/timelines, team collaborations, and more.

Educational Tools

  • Learning Management Systems (LMS) : To manage online course materials and learning, ICT includes LMS platforms like Canvas , Moodle , and Blackboard .
  • Educational Apps : ICT tools also include applications for simulations, interactive learning, and educational games. This helps enhance student understanding and engagement.

Media Tools

  • Multimedia Devices : To enhance interaction in online learning, multimedia devices play a major role. Media tools like microphones, cameras, and interactive whiteboards help to create and deliver multimedia content.
  • Graphic Design Software : It includes tools like Canva , Adobe Photoshop , and Illustrator for creating graphics and visual content.

These diverse types of ICT devices cater to various aspects of information management, communication, collaboration, and education. It provides users with a wide range of resources to enhance productivity and efficiency.

List of ICT Tools in Education Examples

  • Google Forms
  • Spreadsheets
  • Word Processor

1. Google Forms: Software Application for Data Collection and Surveys

Google Forms logo

Google Forms is a comprehensive platform that allows educators to create quizzes, surveys, and questionnaires to collect feedback, engage students interactively, and conduct assessments for them. It offers a user-friendly UI with options for MCQ-type questions, customizable themes, backgrounds, and response tracking in real time.

This allows educators to use Google Forms to create assessments, collect student feedback, and gather data for their research projects. These abilities make Google Forms a valuable tool for enhancing classroom engagement and gaining insights into student’s progress.

2. Blogging: Online Publishing Software

Blogging platforms like Blogger, WordPress , and others offer students and educators a collaborative platform for creating, publishing, as well as sharing educational content. This enables teachers to use blogs to share resources, post assignments, and create an online space for discussions and interactions.

On the other hand, blogging allows students to present their work, express their views/thoughts, and engage with others in reflective writing. Through blogging, individuals can enhance their digital writing skills, self-expression, and critical thinking. This also provides them with a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

3. Computer: Hardware

In the realm of education, computers play an integral part in various academic tasks. Educators and students use computers for creating presentations, accessing online resources, conducting research, writing papers, and increasing engagement in interactive learning activities.

With access to computers, students can enhance their digital literacy, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Apart from that, educators can effectively deliver digital content, conduct data analysis, and manage administrative tasks.

4. Video: Educational Video Platforms – Multimedia Content

Educational videos through platforms like YouTube, Udemy, Coursera, TED-Ed, and more offer a range of visual content that helps improve the traditional way of teaching.

Educators leverage educational videos to explain complex concepts, showcase experiments, and engage students through visual and auditory learning. However, videos integrated into the learning process facilitate deeper understanding.

5. Software: Educational Software Suites – Learning Management Systems

Educational software like learning management systems (LMS) such as Moodle or Canvas, and productivity platforms like Microsoft Office 365 or Google Workspace , provide a comprehensive range of tools.

These tools help organize course materials, facilitate communication, and create interactive learning experiences. These applications offer features for assignment management, collaborative document creation , grade tracking, and communication channels. All of these empower educators to deliver rich and dynamic content while streamlining administrative tasks.

6. Projector: Classroom Presentation Equipment

Projectors are an integral part of education for delivering visual content to a larger audience. Educators use projectors to display presentations, instructional videos, and interactive learning materials during classes.

Projectors enhance engagement by offering visuals and creating a holistic experience for students during classroom instruction.

7. Spreadsheets: Spreadsheet Software – Helps in Data Analysis and Presentation

Spreadsheet Software Helps in Data Analysis and Presentation

Spreadsheet applications like Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets offer versatile tools for educators to organize their data, create interactive graphs, and perform data analysis.

This enables educators to use spreadsheets for tasks like data collection, grade management, and statistical analysis. This helps improve students’ data literacy and analytical skills.

8. TV: Audiovisual Equipment

Televisions are used in educational settings to display educational programs, documentaries, and multimedia content. They offer a visual and auditory platform for enhancing lessons, showcasing real-world applications of various concepts, and providing enriched education through visual storytelling and live broadcasts.

9. Word Processor: Helps in Document Creation and Editing

Word processing software such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs is a fundamental tool for creating, editing, and formatting written documents. Students and teachers use word processors to prepare assignments, essays, reports, and collaborative documents.

These tools offer interesting features like spell-check, grammar correction, formatting, and more. Such features help enhance students’ writing skills and facilitate collaborative writing and editing processes.

Advantages and Disadvantages of ICT Tools

An ICT tool consists of both advantages as well as disadvantages. Some of the advantages include engaged and interactive learning, personalized learning, enhanced collaboration, increased critical thinking, and more.

Some of the disadvantages are technical glitches, connectivity problems, cybersecurity threats, reduced face-to-face interactions, etc. Let’s read more about them in detail below.

Enhances the learning experience by providing interactive and engaging educational content.Sometimes, ICT tools encounter technical glitches, software errors, or connectivity problems. This disrupts the learning process.
Facilitates global connectivity, enabling collaboration and access to diverse educational resources.Over-reliance on ICT devices often leads to distractions, reduced attention spans, and a decline in face-to-face interaction in the classroom.
Supports personalized learning experiences that are tailored to individual students’ learning styles.The use of ICT tools exposes sensitive educational data to cybersecurity threats, such as data breaches and unauthorized access.
Streamlines administrative tasks for educators and offers flexibility in delivering educational content.Implementing and maintaining ICT tools requires significant financial investment, training, and ongoing technical support.
Promotes the development of critical thinking, digital literacy, and collaboration skills.Excessive reliance on ICT tools leads to dependency on technology for learning. This hinders communication and critical thinking skills.
Provides access to a wide range of educational resources, enhancing the depth of learning materials.

In conclusion, Information and Communication Technology tools play an important role in revolutionizing the educational landscape by fostering global connectivity, enhancing communication, and facilitating knowledge sharing.

By integrating ICT devices into education, the learning experience becomes more interactive, leading to personalized learning experiences, skill development, and enhanced global connectivity. These tools not only promote critical thinking and collaboration skills but also streamline administrative tasks and boost productivity in the classroom.

There are several advantages of ICT tools in education, but challenges such as technical glitches, cybersecurity threats, and over-reliance on technology need to be addressed to ensure a balanced and effective integration of these tools for optimal learning outcomes.

ICT Tools Frequently Asked Questions

What is ict tools in education.

ICT tools in education refer to the diverse set of Information and Communication Technology resources. This includes hardware, software, and digital platforms used to enhance teaching and learning. These tools empower educators and students to access, share, and interact with educational content. This helps promote personalized learning, global connectivity, and the development of required digital skills.

What is an example of ICT in education?

One of the best examples of ICT in education is Google Forms. It is a software application used for creating surveys and assessments to gather student feedback and enhance classroom engagement. Another example is the integration of educational video platforms like YouTube. This helps provide visual learning experiences.

What are the 4 types of ICT?

The four types of ICT include hardware, networks, software, and media devices. These types of ICT collectively contribute to effective information management, communication, and technological integration in various domains. 1. Hardware: Encompasses devices like computers and networking equipment 2. Software: Comprises applications and operating systems 3. Networks: Facilitates communication and data exchange 4. Media Devices: Consists of smartphones and digital cameras.

example of computer application in education

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  • Prodigy: Gamified learning platform for arithmetic and pre-algebra.
  • GeoGebra: Free, powerful tool for visualizing geometry and algebra.
  • Mathway: Step-by-step solutions for various math problems.
  • Wolfram Alpha: Comprehensive computational knowledge engine, can solve complex equations and problems.
  • Maple: Advanced math software for calculus, statistics, and more, steeper learning curve.

Remember, the best math software is the one that engages and helps the student learn effectively.

  • Write Answer

Kuta Software provides free worksheets on the properties of parallelograms. These worksheets cover the basic properties of parallelograms, including the fact that opposite sides are parallel and congruent, opposite angles are congruent, consecutive angles are supplementary, and the diagonals bisect each other.

Kuta Software is a math education software company which makes interactive, customizable math assessments and worksheets for students. It can also help in providing real-time grading for their work to track their progress.

Jasper AI and HiveMind are the best AI tools for assignment.

Altitude Learning, Gradescope, Knowji, Ivy Chatbot are some of the most-used AI tools by students.

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16 Machine Learning in Education Examples

These companies are advancing education with machine learning technology.

Matthew Urwin

Students are not computers. But thanks to  artificial intelligence and machine learning , computers are becoming more like students. 

Machine learning — a subset of AI that facilitates the analysis of large data sets and enhances pattern recognition — allows computers to automatically anticipate and adapt to certain outcomes. In short, they can learn autonomously.

Machine Learning in Education

And as computers get better at learning, humans do likewise. That’s certainly true in the edtech industry , where companies employ machine learning to devise innovative and more intuitive methods of teaching.

Here are some other examples of how machine learning is being used in education.

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Machine Learning in Education Examples

Location: Montreal, Quebec

Paper partners with K-12 schools across the U.S. and Canada to offer 24/7 online tutoring support. In March 2023, the company announced it acquired Readlee , a tool that uses AI and speech recognition technology that helps students improve their literacy skills. Now known as Paper Reading, the tool listens to students read aloud and provides real-time feedback and literacy support. Paper’s remote-first team also develops AI and machine learning tools for their product including statistical models and natural language processing, or NLP , solutions.

Founded: 2011 

Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Duolingo makes learning a new language a lot like playing a game. The company has over 500 million active users on its platform who complete language exercises that cover French, Spanish, Japanese and more. Using data and machine learning, Duolingo has made course improvements by taking into consideration the nuances of various languages. As a result, Duolingo reached a $4 billion valuation and became the world’s most-downloaded education app.

Course Hero

Founded: 2006 

Location: Redwood City, California 

Serving as a hub for instructors and students, Course Hero is an online learning platform that offers study guides, practice problems, lecture notes, step-by-step solutions and other e-learning resources. The platform runs on Amazon Machine Learning , which enables students and teachers to navigate Course Hero’s wealth of materials and select the resources related to the topics they’re most interested in.

DreamBox Learning (A Discovery Education Company)

Location: Bellevue, Washington 

DreamBox Learning delivers a personalized K-12 math and reading curriculum for students by leveraging Intelligent Adaptive technology. The company’s tools compile data on factors like how many lessons students complete and the time spent on each lesson, determining areas where students need extra support. Teachers can also reinforce their knowledge with professional development courses that promote self-paced learning. 

Founded: 2014 

Location: Fully Remote 

Mainstay aims to enhance digital conversations between students and academic staff by instilling AI-powered responses with behavioral intelligence. Responses are produced from research that factors in variables like cultural context and sensitivity levels. These features have made it easier for AI to connect students with relevant resources and determine when it’s best to escalate a conversation to teachers, admissions counselors or other appropriate personnel.

Founded: 2020 

Location: San Ramon, California 

Applying AI and machine learning technology to education, Riiid Labs provides students with what it calls an “Exponential Learning Experience.” The company’s platform collects data by delivering micro-interval assessments and monitoring testing behaviors. Then it uses its AI Tutor and AI Coach to deliver in-depth guidance and timely encouragement, making sure students stay engaged and retain information during the learning process.

Founded: 2013 

Location: Palo Alto, California

Osmo blends the online and physical worlds by allowing students to interact with digital games using tangible game pieces. Reflective AI technology is activated when students attach an Osmo Reflector to their tablets, allowing the tool to sense the tactile pieces that come with each game kit. While Osmo offers individual products through its online store, the organization has made an impression on educators and now showcases its technology in over 30,000 classrooms .

Founded: 2005 

Location: San Francisco, California 

Quizlet is an online studying tool that lets users create quizzes, flashcards and diagrams — or use pre-existing ones. Employing statistics and machine learning, the company leverages its data on users and user content to discover how students can study more effectively. One solution that has resulted from this research is the Learning Assistant Platform , which   detects terms that students struggle with and prioritizes them in future study sessions.  

Century Tech

Every student navigates a unique learning path, so CENTURY takes this reality into account with its learning platform. Students begin by completing diagnostic assessments, which reveal learning gaps and areas where students can most improve. CENTURY’s AI-powered features then recommend topics that each student needs the most help with while reintroducing content at timely intervals to ensure students don’t forget what they’ve already learned.

Trivie, Inc

Location: Dallas, Texas 

Trivie is on a mission to make employee training more effective by offering online learning as a service. Relying on gamification principles, the company creates online challenges and assessments that make learning feel like competitive play. Trivie’s AI technology then sends learning boosters after these initial interactions, enabling employees to retain over 90 percent of their knowledge up to a year later.

Querium Corporation

Location: Austin, Texas 

For those who find math and science to be the most challenging subjects, Querium has developed a digital learning solution. Students who work on Querium’s platform can leverage StepWise AI, which functions as a master tutor that is available 24/7 and provides instant insights into errors made and potential next steps students can take. Rather than continue down an incorrect path, students can quickly recognize their mistakes and make adjustments.

Kidaptive, Inc.

Teachers and organizations can view each student’s progress with Kidaptive ’s Adaptive Learning Platform. Machine learning algorithms power this cloud-computing platform, which analyzes various learning materials to create a complete picture of a student’s progress and preferences. As a result, instructors can understand where each person’s strengths and weaknesses lie and tailor learning content to individual needs.

Founded: 2012 

Location: San Diego, California

Younger students looking to explore advanced topics like AI can satisfy their desire to learn with Robolink ’s robotics kits. The company designs accessible kits with the goal of providing interactive experiences for curious minds. Robolink’s line of products includes Zumi, a self-driving car kit that allows students to engage with AI and machine learning principles by studying car sensors, writing Python code and more.

Related Reading 13 Edtech Applications You Should Know

Thinkster Math

Founded: 2017 

Location: Kendall Park, New Jersey 

For children who need help with math, Thinkster combines AI and machine learning tools with individualized math tutoring. Students begin by taking an assessment and receiving a detailed report revealing their strengths and weaknesses. After this initial step, each student works with a personal tutor to develop unique curricula and complete online math worksheets that come with tutorial videos.

Location: Boston, Massachusetts

Cognii ’s AI-powered virtual learning assistant provides virtual tutoring and quick grading of open-ended responses, as well as study and review tools. Machine learning is used to individualize and improve learning and feedback, allowing Cognii to play a key role in the future of education . The company now has over $1 million in total funding .

Location: New York, New York 

Knowre is taking the frustration out of math with its algorithm-based curricula and math support features. While Knowre Math leverages data-rich insights to identify where students can improve, the Walk Me Through tool keeps students engaged with instructional videos and in-depth assistance. Teachers have adopted Knowre’s solutions as supplements to traditional education, creating more dynamic learning environments for their students.

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9 Best Education Software Examples of 2024

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Are you looking for robust education software to help improve the online learning experience for students and teachers? Read on to find out 8 of the best education software examples in 2022.


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The digital transformation of the educational system towards eLearning has redefined the classroom experience. Students can take courses online with educational apps like Google Classroom and learn the same things learned in a physical classroom.

With the right educational app, you can achieve similar results compared to when you use traditional teaching practices. Instructors can share educational materials online without the student being present.

This article will review the top educational software examples that provide users with the best online learning experience and value for money.

Let's get started.

Types of Educational Software

Educational software makes the overall teaching process easy and efficient. Students and teachers alike in most learning institutions use educational tools to make lesson plans, track performance, prepare students, and teach children.

Some vital types of educational tools used in most learning institutions include:

  • Authoring System: Allows teachers to design and develop their own instructional software suited for their students. Teachers can create electronic flashcards or index cards to teach students about concepts effectively. Web authoring systems help teachers create multimedia content like lessons, tutorials, and reviews.
  • Desktop Publishing Software: You can use this software to design and create newsletters, handouts, and flyers content to inform parents about school activities. You can use desktop publishing suites such as Microsoft Office and Adobe Create.
  • Graphic Software: Students can use graphic software to change, create or capture images available on the internet or the program itself. It is useful for creating online presentations.
  • Reference Software: This educational tool lets students conduct further research and deepen their knowledge on ther own. Teachers can include valuable references in research projects that will direct students to other relevant information sites.
  • Drill and Practice Software: Drill and Practice software allows teachers to strengthen the existing skill set of students. This practice software comes in handy when a student is preparing for exams.
  • Tutorial Software: Tutorial software consists of offering students new information and time to practice and evaluate their performance. Students can learn new lessons with a platform that enables them to learn these topics and concepts at their own pace.
  • Educational Games: There is numerous educational gaming software available in the market to engage students and make the learning process fun. Various educational software companies have successfully combined education and gaming. They are effective for kids and motivate them to learn and pay attention to the lessons.
  • Simulations : Students are taught lessons through virtual experience with this educational software. Similar scenarios can be run in which the student will gain real-life experience from participating.
  • Special Needs Software: This special software is embedded with assistive software, providing students with special needs with an effective platform for learning. Its primary design is to address the requirements of special needs students. For example, computers reading text aloud, multimedia software targeting certain learning disabilities, and speech synthesizers.
  • Math Problem Solving Software: Math teachers can effectively strengthen students' problem-solving skills with this software. Science teachers can use this educational software to conduct science experiments. You can teach subjects like computer science.
  • Utility Software: With utility software, teachers prepare quizzes, tests, and grading books. It is user-friendly, and teachers not conversant with technology would find this software easy to learn and use.

Best Learning Management and Education Software Examples

1. learnworlds, best overall learning management and educational software.

The major pleasing feature of LearnWorlds is its interactivity, which helps the students to acquire a strong sense of belonging. If you plan to build a top-notch interactive course, Learmwords is the best option.

LearnWorlds is one of the best learning management systems that help you develop interactive courses that help the students and tutors feel connected.

Best Features

  • Highly Interactive: You can add overlay images, links, pointers, questions, surveys, and titles to keep the course engaging and encourage your students to interact properly. This platform supports the gamification of courses.
  • Beautiful, Customizable Course Player: LearnWorlds course player is simple, elegant, and powerful. It has various learning pathways like sequential course navigation and free navigation. This course platform allows students to take notes and highlight important points.
  • Powerful Page Builder : With the page builder, you can customize and build attractive and catchy pages for your website. You can add eCommerce features to your websites, such as subscription plans, coupon codes, and payment processing to your website pages.
  • Customization
  • Excellent 24/7 customer support
  • Enabled for eCommerce
  • 30-day free trial

LearnWorlds- Pricing Plan

LearnWorlds offers three pricing plans: Starter Plan at $24, Pro Trainer at $79, the Learning Center at $249 per month, and a High Volume & Corporate plan that offers custom pricing.

There is no free plan but 30 days of free trials on every paid plan and 30 days money-back guarantee.

2. Thinkific

Best online course creation software.

I love Thinkific because it is highly customizable. Users can customize their touchpoint, pricing, sales page, and course outlook. It offers them total control over their brands, helps them build their websites, and completes their domains.

Thinkific is the best online course platform for course creators or anyone searching for a hosted solution for delivering, marketing, creating, and selling relevant courses to students.

Professionals like videographers, writers, podcasters, designers, and other relevant creators that want to diversify their income with courses will benefit from Thinkific features.

  • Complete Control: Thinkific allows you to have total control over every aspect of your online education software and customize it to suit your student's needs and give them the best user experience.
  • Effective Website Builder: You can easily build your website without writing codes using the drag-and-drop builder. You do not require basic knowledge of tech to buy the perfect website.
  • Custom Domain: With Thinkific, you can have your domain properly customized to represent your brand, which will help build your brand and strengthen your online presence.
  • Multiple Content Types: You are free to use different content types like text, PDFs, video tutorials, surveys, and quizzes. Thinkific lets you create self-paced courses, hold live classes, give assignments, and issue certificates to your students.
  • Drag-and-drop course editor
  • Stress-free course payment option
  • Effective tracking and analytics

Thinkific- Pricing Plan

Thinkific’s free plan comes with courses and features. The paid plan falls into three categories, starting from the Basic plan at $74, Grow Plan at $179, and Expand Plan at $374, which also comes with a 30-day free trial exclusively.

Best All-Rounded Online Course Platform

Kajabi helps you create, market, and sell online courses, making it a perfect option for professionals wanting to scale their knowledge business. You have the opportunity to go beyond the educational course and sell other digital products through the platform.

Kajabi is one of the best online educational software or course platforms for high-end course creators who charge for their knowledge. It is an effective online educational software that offers all the requirements to create, market, sell and deliver your course on one platform.

  • All-in-One Platform: With Kajabi, you have all the tools you require to effectively build and sell highly successful educational courses on the internet. Kajabi offers relevant features like a course creation platform, an email marketing platform, a website builder, marketing automation tools, a landing page builder, payment tools, and data analytics.
  • Multiple Product Types: You can sell other products on Kajabi besides courses, such as coaching programs, membership programs, newsletters, file downloads, podcasts, and other digital products.
  • Elegant Course Player: The course player gives your courses a premium look and feels, which helps to improve your user’s experiences.
  • Pre-Built Templates: You can choose from six professionally designed templates to make the website building process quick, effective, and good-looking. These highly customizable templates enable you to achieve a unique and elegant website look.
  • Powerful Email Builder: With the email editor, you can design catchy and attractive emails that get potential customers' attention and result in a conversion.
  • Valuable customizable themes
  • 24/7 customer support in case of emergencies
  • Encourages online marketers to market their products seamlessly
  • Collaboration with third-party services like PayPal and MailChimp

Kajabi- Pricing Plan

Kajabi's pricing plan is as follows: Basic, Growth, and Pro, starting at $119, $159, and $319, respectively. It does not offer a free plan, but there’s a 30-day free trial for the three paid plans.

Classroom Management Software Examples

Here is a list of classroom management software that helps teachers maintain order in the classroom and effectively communicate relevant information to students.

Best for Monitoring and Eliminating Distractions

DyKnow- Monitoring for school-issued devices to defeat distractions and measure impact

DyKnow classroom management system offers teachers the tools to overcome distractions and engage students in the lesson.

  • Monitor Students' Online Activities: With DyKnow, teachers can monitor students' online activities, see real-time thumbnails of all students, restrict access to certain websites and applications, engages students, and check their online history.
  • Private Chat Option: Teachers can send private messages to students who have gone off point or are not in sync with the teacher regarding the subject being taught.
  • Comprehensive Data Usage: DyKnow helps tech coaches and K-12 administrators to acquire comprehensive data usage statistics to discover wasted resources by evaluating how school-issued devices and technology tools are put to work.
  • Real-time updates about the time students spend on the internet
  • Teachers can create an effective grading system for students’ performance

DyKnow- Pricing Plan

DyKnow pricing plans fall into three categories: classroom management for teachers, monitoring bundle (which offers a complete solution), and device impact measurement for admins and tech coaches.

2. ClassDojo

Best for building classroom communities.

ClassDojo- Turn your classroom into a community

ClassDojo is an effective classroom management system emphasizing parental contact and positive reinforcement.

  • Monitor and Display Parents and Children's Activities: This educational software allows teachers to monitor activities, display the kids’ and their parent's success, and identify areas that require improvement.
  • Monitor Children’s Performance: Parents that are busy with work and may not have the time to attend school meetings can easily send and receive messages from teachers about their child’s performance in school.
  • Teacher’s Feedback: ClassDojo lets you give immediate feedback to your students on their actions and participation.
  • Customization: You can customize the yardstick on which points will be given to students to monitor each student's progress properly and know where areas require adjustment.
  • Gives students a voice with a digital portfolio
  • Allows parents to be involved in the learning process
  • Motivates students to do their work better
  • Encourages positive reinforcement
  • 7-day free trial

ClassDojo- Pricing Plan

ClassDojo Plus pricing costs $4.99 per month, billed annually. You can try this plan for free for seven days or opt for ClassDojo’s free educational software plan.

3. Socrative

Best classroom app for effective assessments.

Socrative - Meet Socrative

Socrative is an effective educational management software that allows teachers to evaluate learning properly.

  • Mesure Level of Understanding: Socrative can assess in-class low-stakes formations. This classroom app allows students to measure their understanding of the lesson and grade the class performance.
  • Filling Gaps of Comprehension: Teachers can easily identify areas where students require additional information. They can know how best to communicate this information to ensure that the student understands and fills comprehension gaps as they arise.
  • Fun and Engaging Interaction: Socrative provides learners with fun and engaging interaction to boost their involvement in school activities and keep them motivated.
  • Collaborative Learning: This education software, such as the popular Space Race Quiz, encourages collaborative learning.
  • Instant feedback feature
  • Fosters effective communication skills
  • Aligns each question to a common core standard

Socrative- Pricing Plan

Socrative offers three pricing plans: a free plan with various relevant features, paid plans for Socrative PRO for K-12 at $89.99 per year, and Socrative PRO for Higher Ed & Corporate at $179.99 per year.

Learning Assessment Software

Overall best learning assessment software.

Kahoot- Make learning awesome

Kahoot! is a learning assessment software tool that can transform training and presentations into an engaging experience on any topic in minutes.

  • Health Competition : Kahoot! encourages healthy competition among students. They can respond to queries and gain access to what their peers are saying about the actions they take.
  • Host and Share : Teachers can create a live game where students can participate together or share the game with remote players.
  • True/False Question: You can create an objective question format for various assessment exercises like the True/False format.
  • Live Classes: Teachers can host live classes via video conferencing to ensure that students get all the attention they require and are properly taught.
  • Motivates and activates students learning
  • Test of students’ knowledge
  • Provides teachers with the tools required to create class discussions and student-to-student interaction

Kahoot- Pricing Plan

Kahoot! pricing plans include the Standard plan at $17 per month ($204 billed annually), Presenter Plan at $39 per month ($468 billed annually), Pro Plan at $59 per month ($708 billed annually), and the Pro Max Plan $79 per month ($498 billed annually).

Best Professional Development Software for Educators

Canvas- Because the Best Educators Never Stop Learning

With Canvas, you can design your personalized catalog of authoring, learning, and evaluating tools by taking advantage of the numerous plug-in programs accessible on the marketplace.

  • Multi-level Screen : Canvas comes with a default multi-level screen which encourages easy navigation and updates.
  • Integrated learning: Canvas encourages integrated learning outcomes, LTI integration, copy-paste HTTP links, and RSS support.
  • Integration: This educational software encourages integration with tools like Google Docs, Ether Pad, and media reporting.
  • Canvas connects teachers with students seamlessly
  • Serves as an effective grade monitoring tool
  • Manages assignment submission
  • You can share course documents
  • Manages active enrolments

Canvas pricing plan requires you to request a demo on its website.

Best for Skill Development

GoReact- Empower Confident Skills With Deliberate Practice

GoReact is a skill development tool using interactive video evaluation software. This software promotes human connection by offering accessible tools for tailored feedback and collaborative learning.

  • Live Stream Presentation: Students can live stream presentations or record performances or demonstrations with the aid of the software.
  • Evaluation: The recorded or live streamed work is later evaluated by educators and peer reviewers using customized rubrics, markers, time-coded feedback, and other tools.
  • Commentary: You can leave a comment on the work done through speaking and signing.
  • Uploading Videos and Email Notification: This software enables users to upload videos on YouTube and notifies them when someone comments on the video via email.
  • Easy capturing and uploading of media files on the internet
  • Keeps students engaged and fully involved in the learning process

GoReact- Pricing Plan

GoReact pricing plans start at $59 per user per year for the Education plan and $99 per user per year for the Professional plan. Discounts may apply to at least 100 users.

Use These Examples of Educational Software to Provide a Better Student Experience

Digital transformation has impacted all industries, including educational institutions and systems. With plenty of education software examples available on the market, not all are suitable for meeting teachers’ and students’ unique needs.

The best educational software example should be a cost-efficient solution with comprehensive features that covers your learning needs. Here are the best educational software examples to provide a better learning experience.

When selecting education software, you must research properly to ensure you pick the right software that ticks all boxes. Here are some useful resources:

  • The Ultimate List of eLearning Statistics
  • Kajabi Pricing
  • Thinkific Pricing
  • How to Create and Sell A Wildly Successful Online Course
  • Thinkific vs. Teachable


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Anastasia belyh.

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Anastasia has been a professional blogger and researcher since 2014. She loves to perform in-depth software reviews to help software buyers make informed decisions when choosing project management software, CRM tools, website builders, and everything around growing a startup business.

Anastasia worked in management consulting and tech startups, so she has lots of experience in helping professionals choosing the right business software.

Computers in Education: The Impact on Schools and Classrooms

  • First Online: 05 May 2017

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example of computer application in education

  • Len Cairns 4 &
  • Margaret Malloch 5  

Part of the book series: Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Issues, Concerns and Prospects ((EDAP,volume 38))

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13 Citations

Computers, over the past decades, have become pervasive in life and in schools in particular. Initially, classroom use by teachers tended to reproduce previous “skill and drill” approaches, but in the late twentieth century, calls for a rethink of the pedagogical basis for the employment and embedding of information technology (IT) across the curriculum led to some new ideas and uses. At the same time, computers became physically smaller and more portable with the advent of laptops and tablets and mobile telephones that had more sophisticated technology and offered new potential. Teachers, who appeared to be “late adopters” of the IT in classrooms, soon became more aware of the advantages of computers (in all their various emerging forms), and their potential for student learning and new applications and ideas emerged. The advent of the Internet and what has been referred to a Web 2.0 has had an even more serious impact on teaching and learning in schools and classrooms. Many education systems now have advanced connectivity to high-speed broadband and utilise the WWW for many different activities. Student sophistication, in many cases, often surpasses the teacher’s level of development in the use and application of computer technology, and this has created some different and interesting challenges for the profession.

This chapter examines the impact of computers and their applications on schools and classrooms in the past, present with insights for the future in a new dialogue that offers new techniques and learning experiences and possible achievement gains for students.

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Cairns, L., Malloch, M. (2017). Computers in Education: The Impact on Schools and Classrooms. In: Maclean, R. (eds) Life in Schools and Classrooms. Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Issues, Concerns and Prospects, vol 38. Springer, Singapore.

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Published : 05 May 2017

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    Abstract Computers are used actively in education to improve the quality and learning outcomes. Teachers can use audio, video and graphics aids through computer to prepare lesson plans. The use of Microsoft Power Point to prepare and deliver electronic presentations to the audiences is a very good aspect of interactive pedagogy.

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    Abstract. Computers are used actively in education to improve the quality and learning outcomes. Teachers can use audio, video and graphics aids through computer to prepare lesson plans. The use ...

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