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Australia , the smallest continent and one of the largest countries on Earth, lying between the Pacific and Indian oceans in the Southern Hemisphere. Australia’s capital is Canberra , located in the southeast between the larger and more important economic and cultural centres of Sydney and Melbourne .

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The Australian mainland extends from west to east for nearly 2,500 miles (4,000 km) and from Cape York Peninsula in the northeast to Wilsons Promontory in the southeast for nearly 2,000 miles (3,200 km). To the south, Australian jurisdiction extends a further 310 miles (500 km) to the southern extremity of the island of Tasmania , and in the north it extends to the southern shores of Papua New Guinea . Australia is separated from Indonesia to the northwest by the Timor and Arafura seas, from Papua New Guinea to the northeast by the Coral Sea and the Torres Strait , from the Coral Sea Islands Territory by the Great Barrier Reef , from New Zealand to the southeast by the Tasman Sea , and from Antarctica in the far south by the Indian Ocean.

Australia has been called “the Oldest Continent,” “the Last of Lands,” and “the Last Frontier.” Those descriptions typify the world’s fascination with Australia, but they are somewhat unsatisfactory. In simple physical terms, the age of much of the continent is certainly impressive—most of the rocks providing the foundation of Australian landforms were formed during Precambrian and Paleozoic time (some 4.6 billion to 252 million years ago)—but the ages of the cores of all the continents are approximately the same. On the other hand, whereas the landscape history of extensive areas in Europe and North America has been profoundly influenced by events and processes that occurred since late in the last Ice Age—roughly the past 25,000 years—in Australia scientists use a more extensive timescale that takes into account the great antiquity of the continent’s landscape.

Australia is the last of lands only in the sense that it was the last continent, apart from Antarctica, to be explored by Europeans. At least 60,000 years before European explorers sailed into the South Pacific, the first Aboriginal explorers had arrived from Asia , and by 20,000 years ago they had spread throughout the mainland and its chief island outlier, Tasmania. When Captain Arthur Phillip of the British Royal Navy landed with the First Fleet at Botany Bay in 1788, there may have been between 250,000 and 500,000 Aboriginals, though some estimates are much higher. Largely nomadic hunters and gatherers, the Aboriginals had already transformed the primeval landscape, principally by the use of fire, and, contrary to common European perceptions, they had established robust , semipermanent settlements in well-favoured localities.

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The American-style concept of a national “frontier” moving outward along a line of settlement is also inappropriate. There was, rather, a series of comparatively independent expansions from the margins of the various colonies, which were not joined in an independent federated union until 1901. Frontier metaphors were long employed to suggest the existence of yet another extension of Europe and especially of an outpost of Anglo-Celtic culture in the distant “antipodes.”

The most striking characteristics of the vast country are its global isolation, its low relief, and the aridity of much of its surface. If, like the English novelist D.H. Lawrence , visitors from the Northern Hemisphere are at first overwhelmed by “the vast, uninhabited land and by the grey charred bush…so phantom-like, so ghostly, with its tall, pale trees and many dead trees, like corpses,” they should remember that to Australians the bush—that sparsely populated Inland or Outback beyond the Great Dividing Range of mountains running along the Pacific coast and separating it from the cities in the east—is familiar and evokes nostalgia . It still retains some of the mystical quality it had for the first explorers searching for inland seas and great rivers, and it remains a symbol of Australia’s strength and independence; the Outback poem by A.B. (“Banjo”) Paterson , “ Waltzing Matilda ,” is the unofficial national anthem of Australia known the world over.

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Australia’s isolation from other continents explains much of the singularity of its plant and animal life. Its unique flora and fauna include hundreds of kinds of eucalyptus trees and the only egg-laying mammals on Earth, the platypus and echidna . Other plants and animals associated with Australia are various acacias ( Acacia pycnantha [golden wattle] is the national flower) and dingoes, kangaroos, koalas, and kookaburras. The Great Barrier Reef , off the east coast of Queensland, is the greatest mass of coral in the world and one of the world’s foremost tourist attractions. The country’s low relief results from the long and extensive erosive action of the forces of wind, rain, and the heat of the sun during the great periods of geologic time when the continental mass was elevated well above sea level .

Isolation is also a pronounced characteristic of much of the social landscape beyond the large coastal cities. But an equally significant feature of modern Australian society is the representation of a broad spectrum of cultures drawn from many lands, a development stemming from immigration that is transforming the strong Anglo-Celtic orientation of Australian culture. Assimilation, of course, is seldom a quick and easy process, and minority rights, multiculturalism, and race-related issues have played a large part in contemporary Australian politics. In the late 1990s these issues sparked a conservative backlash.

Australia has a federal form of government, with a national government for the Commonwealth of Australia and individual state governments (those of New South Wales , Victoria , Queensland , South Australia , Western Australia , and Tasmania ). Each state has a constitution, and its government exercises a limited degree of sovereignty . There are also two internal territories: Northern Territory , established as a self-governing territory in 1978, and the Australian Capital Territory (including the city of Canberra), which attained self-governing status in 1988. The federal authorities govern the external territories of Norfolk Island , the Cocos (Keeling) Islands , Christmas Island , Ashmore and Cartier islands , the Coral Sea Islands, and Heard Island and McDonald Islands and claim the Australian Antarctic Territory , an area larger than Australia itself. Papua New Guinea, formerly an Australian external territory, gained its independence in 1975.

Historically part of the British Empire and now a member of the Commonwealth , Australia is a relatively prosperous independent country. Australians are in many respects fortunate in that they do not share their continent—which is only a little smaller than the United States —with any other country. Extremely remote from their traditional allies and trading partners—it is some 12,000 miles (19,000 km) from Australia to Great Britain via the Indian Ocean and the Suez Canal and about 7,000 miles (11,000 km) across the Pacific Ocean to the west coast of the United States—Australians have become more interested in the proximity of huge potential markets in Asia and in the highly competitive industrialized economies of China , Japan , South Korea , and Taiwan . Australia, the continent and the country, may have been quite isolated at the beginning of the 20th century, but it entered the 21st century a culturally diverse land brimming with confidence, an attitude encouraged by the worldwide fascination with the land “Down Under” and demonstrated when Sydney hosted the 2000 Olympic Games .

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Current Issue

Joëlle Gergis

Highway to Hell

Climate change and australia's future.

Australia is in peril. Do we truly grasp the impact of a warming planet – in particular, what it will mean for our sunburnt country? As temperatures rise, the climates of our capital cities will change. The sea will rise, and we will see increased fire and drought. In this powerful essay, Joëlle Gergis, a leading climate scientist, depicts the likely future in vivid and credible detail. Working from the science, she discusses the world’s and Australia’s efforts to combat climate change. She outlines how far Australia is from keeping its promises to cut emissions. She takes aim at false solutions and the folly of “adaptation” rather than curbing fossil fuel use. This is an essay about government paralysis and what is at stake for all of us. It’s about getting real, in the face of an unprecedented threat. “How many disasters does it take to wake people up to the fact that Australia’s climate is becoming more extreme, with today’s destruction set to be dwarfed by things to come? Do people realise that adapting to climate change won’t be possible in some parts of the country?” — Joëlle Gergis,  Highway to Hell

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Joëlle Gergis is an award-winning climate scientist and writer. She served as a lead author for the IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report and is the author of  Humanity's Moment: A Climate Scientist's Case for Hope  and  Sunburnt Country: The history and future of climate change in Australia . Joëlle also contributed chapters to  The Climate Book  by Greta Thunberg, and  Not Too Late: Changing the climate story from despair to possibility , edited by Rebecca Solnit and Thelma Young Lutunatabua.

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Essays for Australia: A Book Review

  • Thu January 13, 2022
  • Book Review

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Nathan Cuthbertson

What is the Australian way of life? Can you boil the ideas, customs and social behaviour of 25 million different inhabitants of a vast and geographically diverse country down to one culture? The Institute of Public Affairs’ (IPA) latest program, The Centre for the Australian Way of Life (CAWL) has debuted a new publication, Essays for Australia, to shape the discussion around changes in modern Australian culture. The anthology covers various topics relevant to the national debate including the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, Australian culture and political discussions. In this review I will briefly discuss a few of the most prominent essays.

The first essay in the collection, “What’s Happening to Australia?” by the director of CAWL Daniel Wild, is perhaps the most contentious of the entire publication. Written from a strong socially conservative standpoint, Wild glorifies the Australian past. His views towards marriage enforced by social pressure appear to be in conflict with his claims of freedom and individual dignity. Wild’s divisive othering of two classes he dubs “anywheres” and “somewheres” is questionable. Wild appears to make the case that the “anywheres” who value self-autonomy and are free moving are to be frowned upon, which is in conflict with his own stated values. If freedom and individual responsibility are part of the Australian way of life would not the “anywheres” be the “true” Australians? But Wild curiously makes the case that the “somewheres”, who value security over freedom, and identify in groups rather than as individuals, are the true patriots. Finally, Wild claims that our culture is “degenerating”. To that I respond that change is not degeneration. Western Civilisation has been so successful not because it is inert, but because it is flexible. It changes with the economy, technology and the world around us. Just because men don’t work in a Holden factory to provide for their wife and three kids doesn’t mean we are worse off. We have changed for the better.

“Refounding Democracy” by Lorraine Finlay provides an excellent discourse into the growth of bureaucracy in Australia. Finlay outlines the destruction caused to ordinary lives through the unquantifiable amount of legislation that governs our everyday actions. Quoting Kerry Packer (“Since I was a boy there must be 10,000 new laws passed but I don’t think Australia is that much a better place. Every time you pass a new law, you take someone’s privileges away from him”) Finlay argues that the growth of the size of the government has not reasonably provided any additional benefit to society but instead has deprived us of our liberty by its expansion. Furthermore, Finlay states that the increase in our reliance on government “experts” has diminished our democracy. By allowing unelected officials to call the shots, we are all worse off. Finlay’s essay finishes off with a call to action, being that each Australian must work to take back our liberty from the ever-expanding government.

Tony Abbott’s essay “Maintaining our Perspective” is succinct and outlines the government’s response, both in the health and economics realms, to the COVID-19 pandemic. Abbott claims that both continual lockdowns and the use of expert “health advice” as a form of legitimising government health orders have been monumentally destructive. He makes the point that we as a nation have lost our way, citing the Queensland and Western Australian state elections as examples of the popularity of the absurd response. However, quite unlike Wild, Abbott concludes with a surprisingly optimistic outlook for the future of the Australian way of life stating that our “best years are still ahead”.

Essays for Australia , presents a range of views on some of the most pressing and important issues facing our nation. The content has been curated to evoke outrage at the changes in society from a clearly more conservative base. It is well worth a read purely for the attempts to explain how we have allowed encroachments on our liberty during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although I do not necessarily agree with all the messages, Essays for Australia is thought-provoking reading from some of the country’s brightest minds.

Essays for Australia  is a publication of The Centre for the Australian Way of Life at the Institute of Public Affairs and is available here.

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Proposed Course and Campus (AAS Essay Example 1)

If you want to apply for an Australia Award scholarship, you are required to answer a few questions. These questions are similar to essays or motivation letters for other scholarships. Just be honest but highlight your strengths.

These four questions are located in the “Supporting Statement” subheading on the scholarship application form. Here are some sample essay answers for each question. [This post is the part 1, the part 2 is available in this link: AAS Essay Tips (part 2) ]

[Tersedia berbagai jasa penunjang pendaftaran beasiswa, termasuk content review dan proofreading, cek di: Layanan ideBeasiswa ]

Why did you choose your proposed course and institution?

(Please include information on efforts you have undertaken so far to obtain information in your study option.)

I have chosen to focus on a double major in translation and teaching within the art and social science field, as it allows me to explore and develop my skills. The University of New South Wales in Australia provides the only combined program in these areas, making it my top choice. However, I am also considering the “translation and interpreting” program at Monash University or Australia National University based on my work experience.

I began my career as a Bahasa Indonesia teacher for speakers of other languages (BISOL) at Lombok Training Center, where I also worked as a travel writer for Intisari, Gramedia. However, due to land clashes, the Lombok Training Center moved to Papua, and Intisari ceased printing its travel magazine. Afterward, I worked at an international school as a BISOL teacher for four years.

I also actively write, translate, and interpret. Over the past six years, I have assisted researchers in various fields such as stateless children, parents, and migration with Asia Pacific Initiative, and psycholinguistics with the University of Iowa. I have also worked on side projects related to folklore, indigenous forest, and customary law. See also: Top campus in Australia

In 2017, I returned to teaching English for Specific Purposes and Global Study at Lombok Learning Village. However, I also worked as a translator and interpreter on a research project on buyer behavior with UNIMORE in the same year. From August 2018 until January 2019, I worked as a translator and interpreter for Rebuild Nipah, an international NGO under American Take Action. Currently, I am working as a translator and interpreter for the Investigatory Unit Regional Police of NTB on drug smuggling and bribery.

Based on these experiences, I am convinced that pursuing a degree in translation, interpreting, and teaching is the right path for me. I have conducted extensive research on my study options and have chosen institutions that offer the best opportunities for me to develop my skills and achieve my career goals.

See also: AAS Essay Tips (part 3)

In pursuit of furthering my English education background, I have chosen to study Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) at The University of Queensland. I am intrigued by the opportunity to expand my understanding of second language acquisition and its impact on English teaching. I am also keen on learning more about culture and curriculum, with the aim of implementing a strong curriculum in a school.

During my undergraduate education, I was equipped with the necessary knowledge and practical skills in English teaching. Through subjects such as TEFL, second language acquisition, material development, phonology, and psycholinguistics, I was able to view English teaching from various perspectives, and put that knowledge into practice during my teaching experience. This helped me communicate effectively with my students’ parents and guide them in understanding their child’s behavior and English development.

In my search for universities that offer TESOL in Australia, I discovered that I require mastery of language curriculum planning and practical teaching skills. The University of Queensland stood out to me as it provides an extensive range of courses, including TESOL curriculum, Language Testing and Assessment, Language and Technology, and Teaching Languages in a Global Context. By enrolling in this program, I am confident that I will develop my skills as an English educator.

view English teaching from various perspectives singapore china

Historical Facts of Australia Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
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Australia has had a number of significant events. Among those events that Australia considers most important politically, economically as well as socially are the establishment of the colony of New South Wales, the Victorian Gold Rushes, the Federation in 1901 and the Second World War.

The British colony of New South Wales was founded in 1788 as a penal. New South Wales was discovered by Lieutenant James cook in 1770. It promised to be a very strategic location for British settlement and a convict colony. As a result of the aforementioned reasons and its likelihood to become a very successful commercial centre, the British government opted to embark on this settlement. The initial years of the colony were faced with numerous challenges as the colony struggled to establish and feed itself.

The colony realized its initial sign of success in 1792 which was short lived when Governor Philip got sick and returned to Britain. The arrival of the first free settlers in 1793 was the initial sign of change.

More other settlers as well as merchants arrived and settled in New South Wales there after. With time the number of natives as well as that of convicts who had finished their jail term increased greatly. Subsequently, the high number of free citizens in relation to the present number of convicts as well as militants necessitated the need for a democratic change.

The New South Wales was under the rule of military governors who received their right of leadership under an act of British Parliament of 1787. The act gave the governors their commission and instructions. Because of the long distance between Britain and New South Wales, the governors often extended their powers beyond the act allowance.

Despite the absolute powers from the governors, a great deal of effective powers in New South Wales resulted from the military and especially the officers who were in charge of New South Wales. The officers exercised their authority to quickly acquire big portions of land as well as establishing cartels that controlled trade especially the imports of alcohol and ram.

When a new governor arrived in New South Wales in 1806, he realized that the officers who were in charge of New South Wales were only concerned with their selfish interests. He learned that they were discriminating against non-military farmers. The attempt of Bligh to alter this situation did not succeed because he was defeated by the Wales officers and his supporters were arrested and sentenced for two years in convict gang work.

The establishment of the colony in New South Wales resulted to the enacting of an act constituting a court of criminal judicature that was accepted by Imperial Parliament in 1787. This enabled Australia to have its first court of law on 11 th February 1788. Therefore, the establishment of the colony of New South Wales is an important event in Australia (Parliament of New South Wales 2011).

The gold rush in Australia was a major event that will ever linger in minds of Australian. It was estimated that Victoria produced over one third of the world’s gold output in 1850s. Subsequently, the Australian population increased from 77,000 to 540,000 within a period of two years.

The gold bullion which was imported to London yearly resulted to a huge flow of imports. The revenue generated from the gold importation resulted to amplified growth of the goldfield town as well as a huge boost in business investment in Australia that greatly stimulated local market for Australian produce.

The gold rush in Australia resulted to the growth of the Australian economy greatly. The gold rush helped in the construction of Australian first railway line that linked the gold mines with the sea to enhance the transportation of the mined gold. Moreover, the gold rush prompted the coming of Australian first telegraphs in order to enhance communications in Australia.

The gold rush in Australia was an important event since it stimulated the Australian economy greatly from the revenues received from the sale of the growth. Similarly, the gold rush attracted direct financial investment in Australia that helped in creating employment opportunities as well as market for Australian produce. Similarly, the discovery of the gold fields in Australia triggered the abolishing of the transportation of convicts to the southern Australia (Wells 2007).

Before the foundation of Australian federation, Australia existed as six separate British colonies with the main laws that were governing these colonies being made in Britain. The colonies were managed separately and were not supporting the idea of establishing an Australian federation.

The gold rush of 1850s enabled the Australian to mingle with many foreign people who came to Australia because of the gold fortune. The interaction of the Australian with outside world helped them to appreciate the idea of the formation of a united federation. The coming of telegraph in Australia in 1872 augmented the communication among the Australian colonies and the idea of establishing an Australian federation started to be appreciated.

At first, the establishment of the federation faced a lot of challenges as some States especially the smaller States feared that the larger States will command more say than them. The issue was resolved and Australia was successful in establish an Australian federation. The federation helped in the creation of the nation of Australia and in the foundation of Australian constitution (Williamson 2000).

According to Robertson (1984), the Australian Prime Minister Robert Gordon Menzies announced the Australian participation in Second World War on 3 September 1939. This resulted to over one million Australian men and women being engaged in the Second World War. The Australian joining of Second World War resulted to more than 3, 500 Australian being killed in the war Campaign. More than 30,000 Australian being taken prisoners.

It is estimated that over 36 percent of those Australian who were taken as prisoners by Japanese troops died. Nevertheless, the Second World War brought some positive impacts to Australian (Peterson 1995).

The war led o the establishment of Women’s Auxiliary Australian Air Force, Women’s Royal Australian Naval Service as well as the Australian Women’s Army Service in 1941 and 1942. These units were established in order to discharge men from specific military responsibilities in base units in Australian for assignments with fighting units overseas (Australian War Memorial 2011).

It is clear that the establishment of the colony of New South Wales, the Victorian Gold Rushes, the Australian Federation in 1901 and the Second World War were all very important events in Australia. The establishment of the colony of New South Wales resulted to the foundation of Australian first courts.

The federation of 1901 enabled the Australian colonies to merge and form the Australian nation. The participation of Australia in the Second World War helped Australia to establish special women units in the military that help to discharge men some duties in order to make the Australian military more effective.

Lastly, the Victorian Gold Rushes which is the most important event in Australia helped to strengthen the economy of Australia. Moreover, it was also responsible for triggering the desire in the Australians to establish an Australian federation after interacting with foreigners who had migrated to Australia due to the gold fortune.

List of References

Australian War Memorial. 2011, Second World War. Web.

Parliament of New South Wales., 2011 , A Convict Settlement in Sydney. Web.

Peterson, D., 1995, The Oxford companion to Australian military history, Melbourne: Oxford University Press.

Robertson, J., 1984, 1939–1945: Australia goes to war , Sydney: Doubleday Australia.

Wells, K., 2007, The Australian Gold Rush . Web.

Williamson, D., 2000. Federation in Australia, New York: Prentice Hall.

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IvyPanda. (2019, April 27). Historical Facts of Australia. https://ivypanda.com/essays/australia-essay/

"Historical Facts of Australia." IvyPanda , 27 Apr. 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/australia-essay/.

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Historical Facts of Australia'. 27 April.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Historical Facts of Australia." April 27, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/australia-essay/.

1. IvyPanda . "Historical Facts of Australia." April 27, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/australia-essay/.


IvyPanda . "Historical Facts of Australia." April 27, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/australia-essay/.

Australia Essays

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Doing an essay about an entire country opens up the possibilities of what can be written about. Australia has quite a unique history, and if you go just to the aboriginal history, it is several thousands of years old! British colonization is only a small part of that history, and a couple of hundred languages are spoken on the land.

It’s quite a contrasting country whose origins came from being a penal colony for the British Empire. The British Empire believed it was far enough away from Britain, so it was the ideal location for their criminals. Eventually, that changed, and it became one of the most thriving countries in the South Pacific. It also became home to multiple new cultures, continuously being a melting pot and accepting many people across the world.

Additionally it has both an ancient land and culture that’s now covered on its coasts by modern and lavish cities. It’s known as a global tourist destination with the Sydney Opera House to The Outback to the Great Barrier Reef. It’s also a huge center for commerce and agriculture which has come a long way over the last century.

How to write an essay on Australia

Focus on what area you want to write about. Are you looking to write about its history or its development as a combination of cultures? Are you looking to showcase its economic prowess, or are you more interested in its future and relationship regionally and globally?

Either way, you need to make sure to pick a lane with your topic and make sure that you don’t deviate from the subject. Pick your essay structure and write the outline first. This will make sure you are interested in what you are writing about and have a concise and well-planned essay.

For those who are looking for specific topics on the matter take a look below:

• Australia: A Land of Contrasts • Australia’s Role in the World • Australia’s Challenges and Opportunities • Australian Culture and Identity • Australia’s Colonial History • Australia: A Country of Immigrants • Australia: A Popular Tourist Destination • Australia’s Unique Wildlife • Australia’s Aboriginal Heritage

If you are stuck or need ideas for an essay on Australia, feel free to use samples from this page to ace your paper!

Popular Essay Topics

  • American Dream
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Black Lives Matter
  • Bullying Essay
  • Career Goals Essay
  • Causes of the Civil War
  • Child Abusing
  • Civil Rights Movement
  • Community Service
  • Cultural Identity
  • Cyber Bullying
  • Death Penalty
  • Depression Essay
  • Domestic Violence
  • Freedom of Speech
  • Global Warming
  • Gun Control
  • Human Trafficking
  • I Believe Essay
  • Immigration
  • Importance of Education
  • Israel and Palestine Conflict
  • Leadership Essay
  • Legalizing Marijuanas
  • Mental Health
  • National Honor Society
  • Police Brutality
  • Pollution Essay
  • Racism Essay
  • Romeo and Juliet
  • Same Sex Marriages
  • Social Media
  • The Great Gatsby
  • The Yellow Wallpaper
  • Time Management
  • To Kill a Mockingbird
  • Violent Video Games
  • What Makes You Unique
  • Why I Want to Be a Nurse
  • Send us an e-mail

Essays on Australia

  • How to use this guide

essays for australia

Welcome to the Australian Style Guide TM

The ASG covers the most common style questions for writers and editors in Australia, with invaluable advice for:

  • communication specialists
  • professionals writing at work
  • students and academics.

Our guide covers both the print and digital environments, and it is equally suitable for the government, corporate and university sectors in Australia.

We base our recommendations on the latest evidence on clear communication. Where style advice has evolved in recent years, we explain why without excessive detail. And where there are options, the ASG will help you make an informed choice for your text and context.

Use the ASG every day at work to:

  • make your writing clear, consistent and error free 
  • save time when writing and editing
  • keep up to date with Australian standards.

There are 3 ways you can navigate the ASG:

1  Type a keyword in the search box 
In the top right corner of the screen
2  Use the A–Z menu to find a specific entryAcross the top of the screen
3  Explore the guide by categoryIn the menu down the left of the screen

This means you can quickly find the answer to a specific question, but also delve into broader topics. The ASG entries range from the essentials of plain English to the technicalities of punctuation. We cover the nuances of language and numbers as well as formatting and referencing.

The ASG has distilled the best practical advice on the most common style issues in an easy-to-use but definitive guide.



Essay on Australia Tourism

Students are often asked to write an essay on Australia Tourism in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Australia Tourism


Australia, a beautiful island continent, is a top tourist destination. Famous for its unique wildlife, stunning landscapes, and vibrant cities, it attracts millions of visitors yearly.

Famous Landmarks

Australia is home to the Great Barrier Reef, Sydney Opera House, and Uluru. These landmarks are not just visually stunning, but also hold cultural significance.

Australia’s unique wildlife includes kangaroos, koalas, and numerous bird species. The country’s national parks offer a chance to see these animals in their natural habitat.

Cities and Culture

Cities like Sydney, Melbourne, and Perth offer a mix of modern architecture, historical sites, and diverse cultures, making them must-visit urban destinations.

250 Words Essay on Australia Tourism

Australia, a vibrant land of breathtaking landscapes and cosmopolitan cities, is a prime destination for global tourists. Its unique biodiversity, rich cultural history, and modern urban life make it a tourism hotspot.

Natural Wonders

Australia’s natural beauty is unparalleled. The Great Barrier Reef, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is a marine paradise home to diverse aquatic life. The expansive outback, with its red soil, offers a stark contrast, while lush rainforests and stunning beaches provide varied experiences.

Cultural Experiences

Australia’s cultural landscape is a blend of indigenous traditions and multicultural influences. Cities like Sydney and Melbourne showcase this diversity, with their world-class museums, galleries, and festivals. The indigenous Aboriginal culture, with its ancient rock art and storytelling, adds a unique dimension.

Urban Appeal

Australia’s cities combine historic charm with modern allure. Sydney’s iconic Opera House and Harbour Bridge, Melbourne’s vibrant arts scene, and Brisbane’s laid-back vibe attract millions of visitors annually. These cities also serve as gateways to explore the country’s wine regions, coastal drives, and wildlife encounters.

Australia’s tourism thrives on its rich natural and cultural offerings. Its diverse landscapes, from coral reefs to desert outbacks, and its vibrant cities make it a must-visit destination. The blend of indigenous and multicultural influences creates a unique cultural fabric, enhancing the appeal of Australia as a global tourism destination.

500 Words Essay on Australia Tourism

Introduction to australia tourism.

Australia’s natural beauty is one of its biggest draws. From the Great Barrier Reef, an underwater ecosystem teeming with life, to the expansive Outback, a rugged desert landscape, Australia offers a wealth of natural attractions. The country’s national parks, such as Kakadu and Uluru-Kata Tjuta, protect these unique environments and are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Australia’s wildlife is equally distinctive, with species like kangaroos, koalas, and wombats found nowhere else on Earth.

Australia’s rich cultural heritage adds another layer to its appeal. Indigenous Australian culture, one of the oldest continuous cultures in the world, is a significant part of the country’s identity. Tourists can learn about Indigenous traditions, art, and connection to the land through experiences like the Tjapukai Aboriginal Cultural Park or the National Gallery of Australia.

Eco-Tourism and Sustainable Practices

Australia has been at the forefront of eco-tourism, with a focus on sustainable practices to preserve its natural wonders for future generations. This commitment to sustainability is evident in the management of attractions like the Great Barrier Reef and the various national parks. Tour operators are increasingly adopting eco-friendly practices, such as limiting visitor numbers and promoting responsible tourism.

Challenges and Opportunities

Despite its many attractions, Australia’s tourism industry faces challenges. The vast distances between attractions can make travel time-consuming and expensive. Climate change poses a threat to many of Australia’s natural wonders, including the Great Barrier Reef.

Australia’s diverse landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and unique wildlife make it a compelling destination for tourists. While challenges exist, the country’s commitment to sustainability and innovation ensure that its tourism industry continues to thrive. As a result, Australia remains a must-visit destination for any global traveller.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

Happy studying!

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Essay Writing Service

Best Essay Writing Services in AU

best essay writing services in AU

Top Rated Australian Essay Writing Services

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Australian Essay Writing Services

Why do you need an essay writing service, who can use custom essay writing services in au, top 3 au writing services, essayroo.com, liahelp.com, bigassignments.com, how custom essay writing work, how to choose the best writing service, frequently asked questions.

Students of Australia rejoice. We all know that education is getting harder and more intensive every single year that passes. The lectures become longer, and the workloads heavier. You’re being set more work to do outside of lessons, but then expected to go to meetings and join in with extra-curriculum activities at the same time.

Then you have your social life and exercising and cooking and looking after yourself and having downtime, all of which are essential for good mental health.

What gives? How does anyone expect you to get everything done in time, and achieve the grades expected to pass your course or subjects when you’re trying to live a healthy life? To save and reduce the risk of anxiety and to help you along your way, this is where essay writing services come into play.

In today’s guide, we’re going to explore everything you need to know about these essential services. We’re going to cover why you need these services, how they work, and how you can pick the best one to suit you.

As we mentioned before, if you’re a student looking to pass your course or academic year and you need someone to do my assignment or just need essay help, you’ll want to look for the top essay writing service Australia has to offer that not only provides quality content directly to your inbox but does so at an affordable and cheap price.

The chances are you’re not made of money, right?

So, if you’re struggling with your academic work in any way, shape, or form, you can probably benefit what Australian essay writers’ services are offering. But, before you just jump in and spend your money on the first service you find, like all industries and businesses out there, not all of them are going to be suitable for you.

There are websites that claim to be the best essay writing services but are actually illegitimate scams. They may deliver poor quality content. They may take your money and not deliver content, effectively robbing you. They may overcharge you a huge amount of money when you can get the content cheaper elsewhere.

What’s more, a custom essay writing service simply might not be suitable. After all, as an Australian student, if you’re using a French custom essay service, they may not format or create content suitable for Australian academic guidelines.

This is why it pays to look for the best custom essay writing service to suit you.

Anybody can use a custom essay writing service in Australia, but it will all depend on what service you’re after. Most leading services will cover all academic levels, ranging from high school all the way up to Ph.D. level. However, you’ll need to check each website to see what they’re offering.

In short, whether you’re a teacher looking for content, a graduate, senior student, in university, college, or high school, in an academy, in a tertiary graduation setting, aiming for a diploma, or in vocational training, you can enjoy what a paper writing service has to offer.

To get you started on your hunt for the best custom essay writing services Australia, we’re going to explore three of the most popular writing services that many students consider the best and their go-to service you’re not going to want to ignore.

Essay Roo is, by far, one of the most popular writing services that offer everything you could ever want or need. From offering high-quality papers for students of academic level, affordable prices, customizable paper options, a comprehensive edits and revisions policy, and 100% original and plagiarism-free content, what else do you need?

As the title suggests, if you’re looking for academic content that’s specifically designed to meet and exceed all the expectations the Australian academic system has at any level of education, Lia Help is well worth your attention and should be at the top of your list.

With a smart pricing system and plenty of discounts available that ensure the content is always affordable, regardless of your budget, and a security guarantee to protect your identity and personal information, this is a custom essay writing service that puts you first.

With a collection of some of the best and most qualified writers and educators out of any custom essay paper writing service, over 100+ experts across all academic fields, and priding itself on a 95% customer satisfaction rate, there are clear reasons why Big Assignments is considered one of the best.

Designed specifically to handle Australian-based writing tasks, the order process has been made as simple as possible. This means you can effortlessly order content as and when you need it, ensuring you never have to worry about missing a deadline or not achieving the grades you need to pass your course.

Most custom essay writing services work in the same, or at least a similar, way to each other, which means ordering content should be easy. All you do is head over to your website of your choosing and head over to the order form, where you’ll need some key information to place an order.

Typically, you’ll choose what academic level you want the paper to be written to, what kind of academic paper you’re after, what deadline you want, and what kind of format you want the work produced in.

Most best assignment writing services will offer a range of choices for each, such as all academic levels and deadline options ranging from several hours to a month. The longer you can wait for your essay, the more affordable it will be.

It’s always worth looking out for what kind of assignment types are available. For example, the key service may just be essays, but if you want presentations, thesis, dissertations, term papers, book reports, lab reports, admission essays, term papers, and more, you need to make sure these are offered.

Furthermore, if you require a specific citation format, you’ll need to make sure these are offered. The standard formats you should find available and will on our best-of services above include; APA, Harvard, Chicago, AMA, and MLA.

So, you know what custom essay writing services have to offer, and you’re ready to start enjoying the benefits of what they have to offer, now what? Out of hundreds of services and websites, how can you be sure you’re spending your money in the right and can guarantee to get the content that’s right for you.

The fewer problems you have, the more beneficial the service, right? Let’s get into it.

See What’s Offered

The absolute first step you’ll want to take is making sure the service and papers you’re after are actually on offer. Taking what we spoke about in the paragraph above, you need to make sure the exact content you’re after is supported and can be written by the service of your choosing.

For example, if you a term paper is written to an AMA format, you can’t just choose MLA format and hope for the best. You need to make sure your Australian writing service can provide exactly what you need.

Check Pricing

Then, once you’ve found a few sites that can offer that, you’ll want to compare prices. Many websites will offer extras that you’re going to want on top of the standard price you’re being quoted. This may include essential services, such as a plagiarism report, professional proofreading, and a list of sources where the information came from to ensure it’s genuine and legitimate.

Check Reviews

Always make sure you’re checking out the reviews for a website you like the look of before making a purchase. It’s important to ensure that the majority of customers in the past have had a good experience and got the content they’re after. You can also check out reviews from critics and review websites to see what they have to say and to see what features you should be looking out for.

Check Customer Service Team

Imagine placing an order for an essay you desperately need within a couple of days. You choose the website and place an order. Everything is okay, and you’re good to go. However, during the time it’s being written, something comes up. This could be a change in requirements, something you missed, or the deadline approaches and you still haven’t received your content.

What do you do?

Well, as you would with any business, you’d contact the company to see what’s up, but more problems arise if you can’t actually get in touch with the writing service. This is why it’s so important to check what methods of communication you have access too and whether you’ll be able to stay in touch when you need to.

Confirming Your Preferred Website

Once you’ve found a custom essay writing service that fits the bill and meets all your requirements, you’re good to go! Just place your order, chat the team, and your designated writer about what you need, and you’ll have your content in no time at all!

To finish off our complete guide to choosing the best custom essay writing services for yourself, we’re going to answer five of your most sought-after questions that you’ll want to know the answers too.

Is using a custom essay writing service illegal?

Of course not. If it was illegal to buy and use essay papers, then these websites would be shut down. There is a controversy among professors as to whether these services should be allowed but, by law, there’s nothing illegal about selling model essays, and there’s nothing illegal about handing them in.

How do you know if a custom essay writing service is genuine?

As we’ve discussed above, there are plenty of features and services you can look for to ensure the website is legitimate, genuine, and won’t rip you off. Hand in hand with looking at customer reviews, look for things like how old the website copyright is, and how recent their reviews are.

You may also want to look at things like website security and whether the service will encrypt and protect your personal and financial information. Also, go with your gut instinct. If a website looks dodgy and you don’t feel like you can trust it, then you’re probably right.

What’s an average price for a custom essay writing service (per page)?

Of course, this is going to depend on what custom essay writing service you choose to use, and the prices will vary dramatically depending on the quality, the deadline, the academic level, and so on. This makes it hard to pin down an exact average price of what you can expect.

However, as a rule of thumb, for a mid-academic level (say Masters) with an average deadline of seven days written to an acceptable Pass quality, you can expect to pay around $15-$25 per page.

How do you know if your writer is qualified?

While most professional custom essay writing services will only pair you up and work you with writers who are qualified in the subject you’re asking for, of course, you’re probably going to want to make sure the writer isn’t just anybody off the street, but someone who’s actually qualified.

The best thing you can do here is just to ask. Nine times out of ten, you’ll find that the websites provide you with a writer’s profile or description anyway, so you can see exactly who your writer is and whether they’re cut out for the job.

What happens if the content isn’t good?

If the content you receive isn’t up to scratch, doesn’t get the mark you want, or doesn’t read as you would expect it too, all you need to do is get in contact with the customer service team who should be more than happy to help you. In most cases, they’ll either rewrite or adjust your existing paper, so it’s right, and you may even be entitled to a discount or a refund, depending on the company’s privacy and refund policy.

This is why you should always check these pages before making a purchase, so you know exactly what you’re entitled too!

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essays for australia

The Best Essay Writing Service in Australia

Hi, Australian student. You can start order your paper now:

Australian Essay Writing Service. Essay Aussie Writers!

Hi there! It's all set for you to start ordering your essay right now!

100% Privacy

Stay confident that your personal information and order details will never be shared with any third party.

Full support

Our customer reps are ready to answer all your questions 24/7. Contact us any time you need our help.

smart price

Our prices always reflect the quality that you get with every paper.

As of this moment


orders every day


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clients have received an A mark

96.8 OF 100

is a satisfaction rate

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I needed an online essay writer and my friend saved my life. He recommended this website, and I found what I needed. The writer was very knowledgeable. He helped me narrow down the topic, and he captured my own personality through the essay.

If you need an essay writer Australia, this is the service to count on. I’ve recommended it to several of my friends and they all like it. I’m a loyal user and I always get discounts. The prices already rock, but the discounts make them even more attractive.

I have told my friends about your essay writing service. I was worried the work would be copied or rewritten and not custom written. I am pleased with the results. Thank your writers on my behalf.

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It is true that this company can be trusted. I am pleased with their service and can find no reason to fault them.

Free features with every order

What is it that fundamentally distinguishes us from other services? It's at least 5 free features that you get with every order. Unlimited Amendments available upon request.

Outline $5
Ulimited Amendments* $30
Title page $5
Bibliography $15
Formatting $10

Total saving : $65

Best Aussie Essay Writing Service, AussieEssay

Being a student at an Aussie university is not easy at all. We’re talking about the country that has seven of its universities featured in the list of top 100 universities on a global level. Even the universities that don’t belong to the Group of Eight are extremely competitive. The schools from this country are also known for welcoming international candidates. We’re talking about some of the brightest minds from all around the world. So the competition is huge, and you have to do your best to get noticed.

Academic essay writing is part of those efforts. You have to be very consistent with the quality in your papers. At one point or another, you may encounter the necessity to hire reliable essay writing service.

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How our service works

In the ordering form, you need to fill in all the fields to give our writer all the information about your requirements. We recommend being as specific as possible in order to get high-quality essay help.

Our essay writers have different experiences and professional backgrounds, and we distribute the orders according to their skills and knowledge. Although you provide much detail, please, keep in touch with us in case we have some updates or questions.

When your essay is ready, we send it directly to your email. Download and read it attentively. If you have any comments or suggestions, let us know. We offer unlimited revisions so that our customers feel 100% confident about the result of our collaboration.

Now, you’ve learned everything about how one of the best essay services in Australia works. If you still hesitate, remember that you get a 20% discount on your first order! That’s a great chance to test our service with next to zero risk.

The aussie essay writing service you had been looking for

When you stuck with an essay paper and looking for help from professional aussie writer – the Aussie Essay team is what you need. We are experienced academic writers who specialize in writing for Australian students of all levels. Our team loves what we do and have already helped thousands of students. If you are looking for a company, you can rely on - AussiEssay.com is your answer.

Essay writing is among our strengths, and you can contact us anytime you need help even with the most complicated and urgent task. Place an order at our service and enjoy all the benefits we are offering to our consumers.

Why you might need an essay writing help from our top-rated australian essay writing service?

Most students find writing tasks hard. It’s not because they have not developed their writing skills, it’s because they simply don’t have time for all tasks they have. Our professors don’t understand that they are not the only class you attend; that’s why you are falling under hard to complete assignments.

To get all you need on time, you should have 36 hours a day, which is impossible since you have only 24. The best way to solve all your writing struggles is to hire a professional academic writer.  And if you are here you have found one – our team has professional writers on our board.

Is it legal to get essay writing help from a writer in Australia?

Hiring a professional writer is legal in almost any country in the world. In Australia, there is no issue on getting help from an expert essay writer. Nevertheless, you should remember that getting a custom essay with all rights transferred to you after the delivery is legal. And if you are looking for the service which can supply you with essay paper you have found one. Our team can deliver the paper you need, and it will be written from scratch by an expert in your area, and you will own it. You will be able to use it in any way with no issue.

How does your writing service work and why should I order from you?

We employ only the best essay writers.

As we mentioned before, essays are among our strengths. It is so because our team hires only the best essay writers. We have developed our own hiring process, and each writer passes all the stages of it. Here is how it works:

  • An aussie essay writer fills our job application form and answers all questions.
  • A writer passes all documents to prove his or her degree.
  • A writer sends us several writing samples.
  • A writer passes several tests so we can evaluate proficiency level.
  • Then he or she completes our test writing task.
  • Finally, he or she is interviewed by our team.

After a writer has completed all the steps, we discuss internally if an applicant fits our team. And if we see the passion of what he or she does, we hire this person.

Unmatched quality of writing at our custom essay writing service.

The quality of your essay paper is our top priority. That’s why we guarantee it! Moreover, each of our team member knows how much requirements play so your writer will follow all requirements you pass to us. It is essential to note, that our team delivers custom papers only, so the research and writing will be done from scratch. We never resell papers or researches so you can be safe with us.

Qualified support team

In addition to our amazing paper writers, we have a qualified support team. We understand the importance of qualified support when you are ordering online. That’s why our consumer support team is available 24/7 via chat, email and even phone. You can rely on us if you need urgent help since we are here all the time striving to take care of you, even the most complicated order.

Guaranteed on-time delivery

On-time delivery is highly important for our team. It’s because so many students trust our company, and order really urgent papers from our team. We are professionals, and we know that you need to get a paper before the submission. No matter what your deadline is, you can order from us, and we will do everything needed to deliver your essay on time.

Why AussiEssay.com is known to be the best essay writing team online?

We are genuine essay writing company.

Our team is on essay writing market for over ten years already, and we are an officially registered company with an established reputation. If you are looking for a genuine essay paper writing service, you have found one! Our service is completely secure, and we have a strict privacy policy, so your paper, personal details and communication with our team will never be shared with a third party.

Our team deals with all deadlines

Our company can deliver even the most urgent papers. You can order an essay writing even if your deadline is less than a day. Our company always delivers papers on time, so you shouldn’t worry about it. Moreover, we hire experienced writers only so your urgent paper will be of the highest possible quality and written following all your requirements.

Flexible prices and amazing discounts

If you are looking for the team who understands that students don’t have much money and are not ready to spend thousands of dollars on essay writing, you have found one. Our company has developed a flexible pricing model which allows you to get a transparent and affordable price for your paper. Here is what influences paper price:

  • Type of paper you need.
  • Quality level, you can choose between standard, premium and platinum.
  • A number of pages at your essay.

Yes, we have a loyalty program and discounts. Working with us you can enjoy various discounts and special features. Our discount policy allows you to get up to 20% discount on any order with us.

It’s time to decide and get your essay paper from the good team of writers!

We are one of the top-rated australian online essay writing services. We deliver excellent essay papers to the English-speaking students at a low price. You can contact us anytime and get your paper written. Enjoy our benefits and place an order now to get your paper to your inbox asap! We guarantee that you will be satisfied with the result, and your original essay paper will impress your class!

Why choose us?

This essay service offers full privacy. We promise never to share nay of your details with anyone without your written permission. Anyone you know can't find out you have placed an order with us unless you tell them. Each piece of work is completely original. No teacher can enter your work into a copyright checker and find your essay as we don't publish it online. This is your piece of work and we securely remove it from our systems so there's no chance of finding it online. All payments are completed through a secure independent payment service.

It makes sense to offer an essay writing service which caters to students. We understand you don't necessarily have full-time wages. You can't afford some of the scandalous prices other companies charge. We've reduced the cost of our custom essay writing so you only pay a price you can afford. Our focus is on value for money. It's not about giving you the cheapest price. It's about giving you the lowest price possible without reducing the standards of the services on offer.

We offer a free customer support service. They're available 24/7 and are ready and waiting to begin answering your questions. Full support is provided through an on-site live chat system or through email messaging. Each customer service operative speaks fluent English and knows how our business works. They work along with our writers to make sure any messages are passed on to them. They know our business and how it works. This is why they're so effective at dealing with customers. If you want to take advantage of the company which offers an essay writing service with the average student in mind, choose our essay writing. We know exactly what you need!

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Sometimes a good example of what you are trying to achieve is worth a 1000 words of advice! When you are asked to write an essay, try to find some samples (models) of similar writing and learn to observe the craft of the writer. You can use the samples as a basis for working out how to write in the correct style.

About sample essays

Most books on essay writing will supply you with a number of model essays—collect some of these as they are great teachers! No matter what the topic is, you will see similarities between your writing tasks and these model essays. This is because many features of writing are common across subject areas. In some subjects (e.g. Law, Economics, Psychology and others), it is very useful to find subject -specific essay models as you can use these to work out the ‘peculiarities’ of writing for that subject area.

Read an academic essay

The following five paragraph essay has paragraph labels to show the parts of an academic essay. (Note: This essay does not contain authentic references and has been written specifically to use for this teaching task.)

Body paragraph 1

Body paragraph 2

Using assignment essays for assessment supports student learning better than the traditional examination system. It is considered that course-work assignment essays can lessen the extreme stress experienced by some students over ‘sudden-death’ end of semester examinations:

If we insist that all students write about everything they have learned in their study courses at the same time and in the same place (e.g. in examinations), we are not giving all of our students equal opportunities. Some students are not daunted by the exam experience while others suffer ‘exam nerves’ and perform at the lowest level of their capabilities. (Wonderland University, 2006, p. 4)

Additionally, Jones et al. (2004, pp. 36-37) propose that assignment essays can be used to assess student learning mid-course and so provide them with helpful feedback before they are subjected to the exam experience. Exams only provide students with a mark rather than specific feedback on their progress. Therefore, setting assignment essays for a substantial part of student assessment is a much fairer approach than one-off examination testing.

Body paragraph 3

Bloggs, J. (2003).  Linking teaching, learning and succeeding in higher education . London: Bookworld.

Jinx, J.M. (2004). Student essay writing.  Journal of Research in University Education, 9 (2), 114-125.

Jones, J., Smith, P.L., Brown, K., Zong J., Thompson, K., & Fung, P.A. (2004).  Helpline: Essays and the university student . Tokyo: Courtyard Printers.

Sankey, J.M., & Liger, T.U. (2003).  Learning to write essays  [CD-ROM]. Sydney: Wonderland University.

Taylor, G. (1989).  The student’s writing guide for the arts and social sciences . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Wonderland University. (2006).  Attributes of a university graduate . doi:10.1098/063-112

Yang, S., & Baker, O.E. (2005).  Essay writing and the tertiary student . Melbourne: Diamond Press.

Zapper, Y. (2006). Learning essay writing. In F.T. Fax & Y. Phoney (Eds.),  Learning Experiences at University  (pp. 55-70). Calcutta: Academic Scholar Press.

Analyse an academic essay

Most students really appreciate seeing a finished product. If you are to really benefit from model essays, you need to learn how to read the ‘techniques of the writer’. The following exercise helps you to get started with developing your ‘read the writer’ skills.

1. The introduction paragraph

2. Body paragraph 1

3. Body paragraph 2

4. Body paragraph 3

5. The conclusion paragraph

6. The reference list

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The Basics of Essay Writing

What does a good essay need.

An academic essay aims to persuade readers of an idea based on evidence .

  • An academic essay should answer a question or task .
  • It should have a thesis statement (answer to the question) and an argument .
  • It should try to present or discuss something: develop a thesis via a set of closely related points by reasoning and evidence.
  • An academic essay should include relevant examples , supporting evidence and information from academic texts or credible sources.

Basic steps in writing an essay

Although there are some basic steps to writing an assignment, essay writing is not a linear process. You might work through the different stages a number of times in the course of writing an essay. For example, you may go back to the reading and notetaking stage if you find another useful text, or perhaps to reread to locate specific information.

Possible steps (In no strict order)

Establish a possible thesis/point of view
Use books, journals and other credible academic sources for support and evidence.
from your readings.
and organise your ideas.
to include your introduction, body and conclusion.
Set the draft aside for a day or two, then
- ask a friend/parent/colleague to read it.
your essay.
Complete or finalise your
Complete your final draft and

  See next: Getting Started

Essay and assignment writing guide.

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  • Organise your ideas
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  • Reference your essay
  • Edit your essay
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Essay writing

At university, you will come across many different kinds of essay questions. The one thing to remember, no matter the question, is that academic essay writing is persuasive. This means that you are expected to take a position and present an argument in order to convince the reader of your views.

A position refers to taking a stance on a question or an issue. An argument is a list of reasons, supported by evidence, that are used to persuade readers of that position.

Arguing for a position goes beyond simple description or the presentation of a series of facts. It means understanding the question, engaging with the debate and using evidence critically.

These pages provide strategies you can use to help refine, structure and present your position and argument throughout a written essay. The principles of persuasive writing presented here apply to most forms of academic writing and can be adapted to all disciplines.

Find your argument >>

Find your argument

Develop your argument

Plan your essay

Write your essay

Polish your essay

Reference documents

  • Essay writing booklet (PDF, 856.54 KB)
  • Annotated student essay example (PDF, 1.67 MB)
  • Writing for University slides (PDF, 1.11 MB)

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  • +61 2 6125 2972

In eulogising his father, Mark discovered the story of his family and the Indigenous children they cared for

Following his father's shock death, filipino-australian mark smith began writing a script about his family history with the hope that one day it would become a mainstream film..

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John P McD Smith with his son Mark at Glanville Hall, his first home at the site of St Francis House, on the occasion of his 70th birthday in 2016. Credit: churchhillphotography.com

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She saw the conditions her new friends were living in. They were appalling — government camps on the fringes of town, rooms with no windows, 40 kids to a room. Mark Smith, Screenwriter


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Like brothers


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Now, it's my turn

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Why Australia’s Motion on Taiwan Won’t Shake the Current Australia-China Relationship

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Oceania  |  diplomacy  |  oceania.

The timing of Australia’s Senate motion rejecting China’s interpretation of U.N. Resolution 2758 seems puzzling, especially given the recent efforts to stabilize relations with China.

Why Australia’s Motion on Taiwan Won’t Shake the Current Australia-China Relationship

On August 21, the Australian Senate unanimously passed an urgency motion addressing the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758 . By asserting that Resolution 2758, adopted in October 1971, “does not establish the People’s Republic of China’s sovereignty over Taiwan nor determine Taiwan’s participation in the U.N. or other international organizations,” the motion rejects Beijing’s interpretation of the resolution regarding Taiwan’s status that “Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese territory.”

The timing of Australia’s Senate motion on Taiwan seems puzzling, especially given the recent efforts to stabilize relations with China. However, there are a few potential reasons behind this decision.

Australia has a strong bipartisan commitment to democratic values and international law. By passing this motion, the Australian Senate reaffirms its support for Taiwan’s participation in the international community, highlighting Australia’s commitment to upholding a “rules-based” international order.

While this move aligns with broader democratic principles, it does not mean a shift in Australia’s One China policy . Australia does not recognize Taiwan as a country but maintains unofficial contacts with Taiwan promoting economic, trade and cultural interests.

The motion was supported across the political spectrum, indicating that it serves domestic political interests as well. Australian politicians may have felt the need to express a firm stance on Taiwan, especially with growing concerns over China’s assertive behavior in the region and expanding influence at the United Nations.

The timing could also be a calculated effort to signal that while Australia is open to improving relations with China, it won’t compromise its sovereignty in interpreting and applying international law to global matters. This approach allows Australia to maintain a balanced stance – engaging with China economically and diplomatically, while also standing firm on its values and security concerns. 

The Senate motion also comes amid coordinated efforts among like-minded states to counter Beijing’s push to legitimize its “ One China principle ” by asserting it as binding international law based on its interpretation of U.N. Resolution 2758, which the international community is expected to accept. 

The question arises: Why is Australia once again taking the lead, risking antagonizing Beijing as it did in 2020 when it was the first to call for an independent investigation into the origins of COVID-19? Will this motion undermine the ongoing efforts to stabilize the bilateral relationship?

The Australian government might have assessed that the motion would have limited impact on broader bilateral relations, especially considering Beijing’s interest in “a more mature, stable and fruitful China-Australia comprehensive strategic partnership” as expressed by Primer Li Qiang when he visited Australia in June this year. 

Since Australia’s change of government in May 2022, Beijing has softened its diplomatic tone, leading to the resumption of high-level dialogues and visits, including Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s visit to China in 2023 and Li’s visit to Australia this year. These diplomatic engagements, including the Australia-China High-Level Dialogues (ACHLD), reflect a mutual desire to focus on areas of cooperation and stabilize the relationship. Following the seventh ACHLD, China has also removed tariffs and quarantine restrictions on most Australian goods to which they had been applied, further signaling a commitment to improving ties.

Economically, China needs Australian exports , particularly in natural resources, such as lithium, while Australia remains an important market for Chinese goods, including electric vehicles . Both nations understand the importance of maintaining these economic ties. It is worth factoring in that China’s previous economic coercion between 2020 and 2023 proved counterproductive. These sanctions not only failed to bring Australia to heel but also fueled regional concerns about China’s assertive behavior.

Given the growing geopolitical tensions and the challenges China faces both internally and externally, returning to a poor relationship with Australia is not in China’s best interest. China’s President Xi Jinping, in a speech on March 7, 2023, pointed out that “Western countries headed by the United States have contained, encircled and suppressed China in an all-round way, bringing unprecedentedly severe challenges to China’s development.” 

In this context, Beijing needs to avoid exacerbating regional challenges by worsening its ties with Australia. Instead, breaking out of a potential “anti-China” coalition is crucial for China to navigate these complex dynamics and secure its national development.

Interestingly, there has been no official response from Beijing or coverage in Chinese media about the Australian Senate’s motion so far. This silence suggests that China might be downplaying the issue, possibly to avoid fueling tensions and maintain the current trajectory of improving ties. 

However, this does not mean Beijing would be muted, as it may be concerned that other countries might feel emboldened to take similar stances. What is certain is that the Australian Senate’s motion on Taiwan will intensify legal battles over Taiwan’s international status.

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See Jenna Ortega Sweetly Stand Up For Winona Ryder When An Obnoxious Photographer Got Loud During Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Press

The "Wednesday" star isn't having it.

From left to right: Jenna Ortega looking up and annoyed and Winona Ryder looking forward in Beetlejuice Beetlejuice.

Jenna Ortega just showed why she's the kind of fresh Hollywood star we need—one who stands up for her co-stars and doesn't tolerate any disrespect. During a photocall for the upcoming Beetlejuice Beetlejuice at the Venice Film Festival on August 28, the 21-year-old actress made it clear just how close she is with Winona Ryder through a simple yet meaningful gesture. When a rude photographer started getting loud, the Wednesday star immediately stepped in to support her castmate, and you can see the moment for yourself.

In a video from the event shared by Entertainment Tonight on TikTok , photographers repeatedly pressured the Heathers icon to remove her sunglasses for photos despite her appearing content with them on. The Stranger Things star seemed to consider complying with the requests until Jenna Ortega stepped in, reassuring her that she didn't need to take them off if she wasn't comfortable. In the clip, which you can see below, the X actress can be seen softly saying, "No, you don’t have to":

@entertainmenttonight ♬ original sound - Entertainment Tonight

Fans flooded the comments with messages of support for the Scream star's actions. Gerry Gonzalez captured the sentiment perfectly, writing:

'No, you don't have to.' 🔥 (so powerful!)

User Re8ekahlyn pointed out how the moment was a healing one of sorts. They commented:

Evidence of generational healing in action. 🥰

Another fan, Jnenaaa, highlighted the Studio 666 actress’ protective nature. They noted:

Jenna seems like such a protective soul. 🥹

Some users also praised the younger generation for their approach to fame and setting boundaries. Judesamson79 expressed their admiration by saying:

These younger generations are not taking crap, making boundaries, and standing ground like total bosses and I love every min of it.

It's clear that this sweet moment between Jenna Ortega and Winona Ryder has touched the hearts of their longtime admirers. Ortega's calm and reassuring presence is heartwarming to see, especially alongside Ryder, who (in the moment) appeared to be a bit nervous being at the center of attention. Fans, including myself, have been eagerly observing the dynamic between the two leading ladies, both on and off-screen. The recent moment at the film festival only heightens my excitement to see how their chemistry will play out in Beetlejuice 2 .


Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News

Ahead of the highly anticipated sequel's release on the 2024 movie schedule , the actresses made a memorable appearance, channeling each other's iconic looks for the Venice Film Festival premiere. The Jane the Virgin alum stunned in a striking red gown that channeled Lydia Deetz's vibes. At the same time, Winona Ryder wore a chic black outfit reminiscent of Wednesday’s fashion from the hit Netflix series.

Whether you're a die-hard fan of the original Beetlejuice —and honestly, who isn’t, given its status as one of the best '80s movies and highest-ranked Tim Burton flicks —or you're eager to see this new take, one thing is sure: Jenna Ortega and Winona Ryder are a duo to keep an eye on. Their chemistry, both on and off the screen, highlights the power of genuine connection in Hollywood. This bond promises to add something truly special to the upcoming sequel.

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice will hit theaters on September 6. In the meantime, fans can catch the original film, featuring the iconic “Ghost with the Most,” as its streamable with a Max subscription .

Ryan graduated from Missouri State University with a BA in English/Creative Writing. An expert in all things horror, Ryan enjoys covering a wide variety of topics. He's also a lifelong comic book fan and an avid watcher of Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon. 

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    With its wide range of attractions, Australia provides a remarkable travel experience. Whether you love nature, history, or city life, Australia has something for everyone. 250 Words Essay on Australia Tourism Introduction. Australia, a vibrant land of breathtaking landscapes and cosmopolitan cities, is a prime destination for global tourists.

  15. Essays For Australia

    Podcast. Australia's Future Podcast. Australia's Heartland Podcast. News. John Roskam's Opinion Newsletter. Australia Today Newsletter. Research. Genius Of Australia. Essays.

  16. Writing a great essay

    2. Define your argument. As you plan and prepare to write the essay, you must consider what your argument is going to be. This means taking an informed position or point of view on the topic presented in the question, then defining and presenting a specific argument. Consider these two argument statements:

  17. 3 Best Essay Writing Services in Australia: Easy Choice

    Custom Essay Writing Services for Students of Australia. When you get essays for money, it's easy to assume that because the writer has excellent credentials that you will get high grades. Although the credentials are a good indicator of someone you would want to buy an essay online from, there's a little more to it than just being qualified.

  18. Best Australian Assignment Writing Services

    Australian Essay Writing Services. Students of Australia rejoice. We all know that education is getting harder and more intensive every single year that passes. The lectures become longer, and the workloads heavier. You're being set more work to do outside of lessons, but then expected to go to meetings and join in with extra-curriculum ...

  19. Australian Essay Writing Service

    AussiEssay.com is definitely the best essay writing service, Australia writers with degrees work here. I've used writing and editing services from this website. Great work every single time! 4.5/5. Order on 10 pages. Executor: writer ID 291283. I needed an online essay writer and my friend saved my life.

  20. Sample essay

    2. Body paragraph 1. There is information in quotation marks. There is an indented long quote in this paragraph. The last sentence gives the answer to the essay question. Information from the same person is used twice. The second sentence is the thesis statement (i.e. position the writer will take). 3. Body paragraph 2.

  21. The Basics of Essay Writing

    Take notes from your readings. Write an essay plan and organise your ideas. Write a first draft to include your introduction, body and conclusion. Set the draft aside for a day or two, then re-read and make changes. Get some feedback - ask a friend/parent/colleague to read it. Edit and redraft your essay. Complete or finalise your references ...

  22. Awesome Essay Writing in Australia from AussieEssay.net

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  23. Essay writing

    These pages provide strategies you can use to help refine, structure and present your position and argument throughout a written essay. The principles of persuasive writing presented here apply to most forms of academic writing and can be adapted to all disciplines. At university, you will come across many different kinds of essay questions.

  24. In eulogising his father, Mark discovered the story of his family and

    Following his father's shock death, Filipino-Australian Mark Smith began writing a script about his family history with the hope that one day it would become a mainstream film. John P McD Smith ...

  25. Why Australia's Motion on Taiwan Won't Shake the Current Australia

    The timing of Australia's Senate motion rejecting China's interpretation of U.N. Resolution 2758 seems puzzling, especially given the recent efforts to stabilize relations with China.

  26. Caritas Australia partners with SafeWill to offer two weeks of free

    Caritas Australia has partnered with SafeWill, one of Australia's leading online Will-writing platforms to offer a period of free will writing to Australians looking to safeguard their life's work and legacy. Caritas Australia has secured an extra week in addition to 'Free Wills Week' for Australians using their unique URL.

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  28. See Jenna Ortega Sweetly Stand Up For Winona Ryder When An Obnoxious

    Jenna seems like such a protective soul. 凉. Some users also praised the younger generation for their approach to fame and setting boundaries. Judesamson79 expressed their admiration by saying: