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How to write a great “describe an activity” essay | guide and examples, work on school supplements.

How to Write a Great “Describe an Activity” Essay | Guide and Examples

Brad Schiller

How to Write a Great “Describe an Activity” Essay | Guide and Examples

You’re going to enjoy writing this essay more than you might think. As college essay coaches , we’ve found students tend to like it. (Well. As much as you’re gonna “like” any of these.) 

Usually a short one, this supplemental essay is a chance to talk about something you already love and connect it to your dreamiest ideas of what you might be getting up to on the college’s campus in a few short months.

This post will take you through 5 easy steps for writing a killer “Describe an Activity” essay without wasting any time. 

(For tips on writing all college essays and supplements, check out our College Essay Help Center .)

Choose your second-best activity 

No, that’s a joke. Of course, choose your “best” activity. Except if you already used your “best” activity in your personal statement (which many people do - writing about activities in your essays is a great idea). In that case, let’s go with the second best. 

The important thing here is to spend 15-30 minutes brainstorming all of your activities. Put down on paper the obvious ones; the ones you dropped; the unusual ones that aren’t really “Debate Club” stuff — maybe you make your own umbrellas; maybe you’ve read every Jane Austin biography known to man. Think carefully and get everything down so you can see your candidates clearly. 

Next, assess which extracurricular is “best” using the 4 criteria below:

Choosing your activity: 4 big things to look for

1. Steady commitment — Choose an activity you’ve spent real time on. You need to talk about something that’s meaningful to you. 

“Commitment” implies that you’ve kept up with the activity until relatively recently . That is, through most of high school. For example, if you were all-in on Debate from middle school through the first half of freshman year, that’s not the steady commitment colleges are looking for. 

2. The 5 traits — there’s never a time admissions officers aren’t interested in the 5 traits . Bonus: activities are great at showing off the 5 traits. For example: 

  • Drive — you’ve never missed a soccer practice, you convinced the team to add another practice when the team hit a rough patch, you added weights to your fitness routine when you learned it might help your performance.
  • Intellectual curiosity — if you write for your high school fiction magazine, talk about the authors you’ve discovered in extra reading you’ve done in your own time; talk about a seminar you sought out on the basics of fiction writing.
  • Initiative — there was no band before you came to your high school. Or there was a band, but it had old, broken instruments, and you held a fundraiser to pay for upgrades, and advocated for a budget change, too. 
  • Contribution — you started volunteering more and more hours at a local food pantry and got involved with neighborhood groups publicizing free food pantries during the pandemic. You’ve learned how deep food insecurity goes in your own community, and you’ve recruited friends to help and to see that for themselves.
  • Diversity of experiences — Your love of band comes from growing up in jazz-soaked New Orleans, where you learned jazz trumpet. Your volunteer work gives you a perspective into your community that many others lack. (Activities are a great place to show off what gives you a unique perspective.)

3. Awards, leadership - Awards and leadership experience are pretty irrefutable proof that you developed the interest fully and well. They’re not necessary (unlike commitment and the 5 traits, which are necessary), but they’re nice. 

4. Unique, interesting - Something memorable and unusual can be more tantalizing to a college admissions officer than all the awards in the world. Not always — you’d generally want to talk about an interest for which you were a leader and won rewards (ex: Debate Club) over an unusual one (ex: making your own umbrellas), but if you didn’t really shine in Debate, go for the umbrellas every time. There’s a lot to be said for writing about something genuine that the admissions officer has never read before. 

Write an essay that shows off what you might do on campus

Think of this supplement as something of a “preview.” Colleges are wondering if you’re likely to fully develop an interesting extracurricular with them , on their campus. (And also, maybe later, once you graduate.) That’s hard to predict, of course. But the best evidence you have of your future success is to show you’ve done it before — with a really cool high school activity. 

Paint a picture for your admissions reader of you doing this exciting activity on their campus. Making their campus better and more interesting because of your work. Make them salivate over the prospect of seeing you doing your thing. 

They’ll be itching to get you admitted. 

To do this, you do want to research that campus and what opportunities it offers to further your activity . This might mean what clubs and funding it has available, but it also could mean showing how the activity would influence or benefit from certain academics. 

Structure: Use 1 of our 3 outlines to write a strong essay

‍ If your essay is short (under 150 words) , you only need to keep in mind two things:

  • Cram the essay as full of how this activity helped you exemplify 1 or more of the 5 traits as you can, and 
  • Write clearly. 

You want this short piece of writing to unambiguously portray you as someone with tremendous potential. 

For medium to long essays (150 words or more) , almost any activity essay (and many others) can benefit from one of these structures. Actually, the best way to access them is via the supplemental materials section of our Dashboard — it walks you through exactly what to write (and you end the process with an essay that’s mostly done). 

The gist of them is this: 

1. Initiative and Impact — for activities where you solved a problem, overcame a challenge, or had a concrete impact. 

  • Hook ( 1-2 sentences ). Briefly describe your achievement. Aim to make the reader think, “Impressive! How did they do that?” 
  • Raise the stakes ( 1 paragraph ). Add context and detail about the challenge/problem. Hint: The lower the starting point, the more meaningful your achievement will seem.
  • Your actions ( 1 paragraph ). List the actions you took. Think: How would things have been different if I hadn’t been there?
  • The impact ( 1 paragraph ). The most important part!! Using concrete language — quantify where you can — describe what you achieved. 
  • Optional - At the college ( 1-2 sentences ). The last “impact” paragraph is the place to add a word or two on how you might carry on or further develop your activity on the college’s campus. 

2. Personal Growth — for activities where you changed as a person, improved your skills, or learned to see yourself or others differently.

  • Hook ( 1-2 sentences ). Briefly describe the activity and how you grew from it. Aim to make the reader think, “What a cool way to be. How did they get that way?” 
  • Raise the stakes ( 1 paragraph ). Add detail about Before You’s problems. Show clearly, but briefly, how Before You thought or acted, so the reader can see how much you've grown.
  • Your actions (1 paragraph). List the actions you took. Think: How would things have been different if I hadn’t been there?
  • What you learned (1 paragraph). The most important part!! Describe what the experience taught you, and what New You does differently (better).
  • Optional - At the college ( 1-2 sentences ). The last “What you learned” paragraph is the place to add a word or two on how you might carry on or further develop your activity on the college’s campus.

3. Passions — for essays in which you pursue a meaningful activity in a deeply engaged way. 

  • Hook (1-2 sentences). Briefly describe your activity and how you pursue it. Aim to make the reader think, “What a fascinating interest. How do they pursue it?” 
  • Raise the stakes (1-2 paragraphs). Add detail on the actions you take to pursue this interest. Hint: You should show how you've gone above and beyond to engage in this activity outside of your teacher's or parent's instruction.
  • How it makes you feel (1 paragraph). The most important part!! Show why the interest is meaningful to you by describing what it brings out in you, or how it’s changed you.
  • Optional - At the college ( 1-2 sentences ). The last “How it makes you feel” paragraph is the place to add a word or two on how you might carry on or further develop your activity on the college’s campus.

Writing Style: Clear and straightforward

College essays are the wrong place for “beautiful” writing . That’s particularly true here, where your space is more limited than in the personal statement. 

Put all your energy into showing off 1 or more of the 5 traits via the activity you chose. Then invest the time to get feedback. Obviously, using a college essay coach , who knows what colleges are looking for, is best. 

You can also ask someone you trust to read it through only for clarity. Ask your mom (let’s say) to circle places where she gets confused or has questions. Tell her not to focus on content. 

(She’s apt to think your fascinating and unique umbrella-building activity is less good than your lackluster Debate Club performance that you only did to make her happy. You have to be firm on that.)  

More articles on Prompt.com’s admissions-boosting methods:

  • Work with a college essay coach
  • Strong essays increase your chance of admission by up to 10x
  • Don’t let influencers influence your college essays
  • Should I apply test-optional?
  • Early admissions: Everything you need to know
  • College Essay Help Center

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essay about activity you enjoy

Describe an activity you enjoyed in your free time when you were young IELTS Cue Card

Describe an activity you enjoyed in your free time when you were young IELTS Cue Card


Describe an activity you enjoyed in your free time when you were young.

You should say:

  • What it was?
  • Where you did it?
  • Who you did it with?
  • Why you enjoyed it?

Doing various activities is an integral part of our life. So whenever I get time, I try to indulge in new activities. In the past, when I was young, I did one activity, which I would like to do now also, but due to a shortage of time, I’m not able to do it. And that activity is a group discussion. 

When I was in college , I regularly used to engage in group discussions, mostly in the college or sometimes outside the college, in a cafeteria or at a public place. I used to do it with my college mates, and sometimes I used to invite professors and our parents also in those debates. I enjoyed doing this group discussion and debates for various reasons. 

First of all, it is a reliable medium to improve your communication skills because when you interact in a group, you listen to others’ viewpoints and then present your opinion and sometimes that leads to conflict. 

The way you manage that conflict, the way you acknowledge the differences, and the way you close them improves your communication skills. 

Apart from that, it was a good stress buster also, because when I was in college, I used to have a lot of pressure from my studies. So through these group discussions, that pressure I used. Another thing was it enhanced my friend circle also because before joining the group discussion, my only friends were people from my college. 

However, after this initiative, I started meeting people from different colleges and different educational backgrounds. And due to that, my friend circle grew exponentially. 

Today also, I love to be part of various group discussions, but because of my hectic schedule, which is due to the fierce competition these days, I do not get enough opportunities to do so.

Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner might ask during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card “ Describe an activity you enjoyed in your free time when you were young  ”.

Is it essential to have a break during work or study?  

Yes, getting a break from studying or work is essential because if we sit in one place, we get bored and cannot focus as much. If we take a break, our minds can get free and relax, so we should take a break. 

What kind of sports do young people like to play nowadays?  

Young people like to play cricket nowadays. Before 100 years ago, people usually played kabaddi or something like hockey, but nowadays, the trend has changed, and people are going for cricket, volleyball, and basketball, the Western games.

Are there more activities for young people now than 20 years ago?  

Yes, there are more opportunities for children nowadays because people know sports and the advantages they can get. So people nowadays have many options and can quickly get trainers during school time. They can also go into sports if they are interested. 

Do adults and children have enough time for leisure activities nowadays? 

Nowadays, children, like small children, have time, but when they get old, like teenagers, they do not have time. First, they go to school, then they come from school and go to tuition. After that, they are tired and usually use their phones, so they cannot enjoy their free time doing activities. 

Can most people achieve work-life balance in India?  

  Nowadays, people can achieve work-life balance because they can manage their weekends and daily routines. They can work a 9 to 5 job, after which they can exercise, or in the morning, they can exercise and have a balanced diet to manage their time nicely. 

What activities do children and adults do nowadays?  

Children and adults are not doing much physical exercise nowadays because they use the items of the technology they are playing with. Children used to play outdoors, but nowadays they are sitting inside their homes and just playing video games or using their phones and the same is true for the adults they go to work, and sometimes the work is also on the computers and after coming from the work they are using their phones for their entertainment. 

essay about activity you enjoy


Describe an Activity You Enjoying Doing when You Alone

Describe an activity you enjoy doing when you alone. You should say:

  • What are you doing?
  • Why do you like to do?
  • How do you feel after doing them?

Sample 1:- Describe an Activity You Enjoying Doing when You Alone

Well, there are a number of activities which I love to do when there is no one at my home. For instance, working in the kitchen garden of my home, reading a book, cleaning my bedroom, surfing the internet, watching a movie on television and so on.

But here I would like to talk about an activity which I do commonly when I alone at my house and that is cooking. I love to cook food for myself as well as for my loving family. My mother has great culinary skills and I have learned cooking from her. When I feel bored due to loneliness, then I go to the kitchen trying to prepare new dishes.

To be honest, I do not like to have food from a food corner situated in any market because I know very well that many times food has prepared in the unhygienic conditions which harm to anyone. So, I make food in my home’s kitchen. I like to try a variety of recipes. For instance, I can bake a cake of any flavor, Chinese food, Italian food, Dhokla, Punjabi dishes like Daal Makhani and so on.


Moreover, sometimes I cook special dishes for my family members as per their choice and give a surprise to them. They feel immensely glad when they see their favorite food items. I remember that about a couple of weeks ago, I was alone at home and other family members went outside due to work or study. I had a holiday on that day. I felt bored.

Then, I went into the kitchen and started preparations to cook a healthy dish. I decided to make a special dish named “ Gajar Ka Halwa ” which is my mom’s favorite dish. I cooked it with milk, sugar, butter, carrots, and dry fruits. when I had cooked it, I tasted it. It was mouthwatering.

When my mother came back home, I showed it to her. She ate it and felt highly elated. For this, she kissed me. I felt on the ninth cloud at that time because a smile on her face made my day. So, I like to cook food when I alone at my home.

Sample 2:- Describe an Activity You Enjoying Doing when You Alone

Well, I’m a student, attending classes in the college, after that I’ve tuition classes. So, my day becomes busy due to all this and I don’t have enough time to do other things. However, if I have some free time or have a holiday. Then, I would like to do the cooking. I am huge fond of cooking and like to try some new dishes. My favorite experiment that I did recently was idli with sambar.

Besides cooking, I like to read books, recently I read a book named seven wonders. Moreover, I used to play some indoor games on my phone like chess i.e. really interesting and mind sharpening game and others are Ludo, Mini Militia.

These games often help me to refresh my mind and I enjoy it a lot in this time. By doing the cooking,l always feel special; however, I have less time to do this, but I do my best, full of effort and enjoying a lot whenever I’ve.

All these things help me minimize the feeling of my loneliness and play a vital role to make my days special. These activities are helping me to refresh my self, giving me some relief and make me happy.

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Extracurricular Activities Essay Examples

Extracurricular activities essay examples – introduction .

As you work through your college applications, you may come across a version of the extracurricular activities essay. Many college application requirements include an extracurricular supplemental essay. So, don’t be surprised if you need to write an extracurricular supplemental essay for schools on your list. As you brainstorm and draft, it can be helpful to read some extracurricular activities essay examples. 

In this guide, we’ve included several extracurricular activities essay examples to show you the ropes. By the end, you’ll see how to successfully complete the extracurricular activities essay. Take a look at these examples before you start your college applications. 

The extracurricular activities essay is exactly what it sounds like. You will use the extracurricular supplemental essay to write about the importance of one of your extracurricular activities. Later, we’ll look at several elaborate on an extracurricular activity essay examples. 

In our extracurricular activities essay examples, we’ll look at prompts from the following schools: 

  • Stanford University  
  • Rice University  
  • Bryn Mawr College  
  • Northwestern University  
  • Vanderbilt University  

University of Florida

  • Princeton University  

We’ll talk about what you can learn from each of our extracurricular activities essay examples. We will also explain how they contribute to each student’s application narrative. Before we jump into our extracurricular activities essay examples, let’s explore what counts as an extracurricular activity. 

What is an extracurricular activity? 

An extracurricular activity, or after-school activity , is something that you participate in outside of your regular classes. Extracurricular activities are important because they give you a chance to explore your interests outside the classroom. In fact, recent research suggests that being involved in extracurricular activities can even help a student’s engagement in school. 

When you submit college applications, you’ll include a list of the extracurricular activities you have participated in during high school. Being involved in multiple extracurricular activities can bolster your candidate profile and make you stand out in the admissions process. 

Extracurricular activities matter

If you plan to send college applications to top-tier schools, you’ll want to boost your participation in extracurricular activities early in your high school career. Colleges want to see that you have passions in and out of the classroom.

In other words, extracurricular activities can show admissions officers what you care about. Extracurricular activities can also help you learn more about what you enjoy, which can translate into potential extracurricular activities for college.

What are some examples of extracurricular activities? 

Extracurricular activities can be clubs, organizations, sports, jobs, or anything in between. As you’ll see in our elaborate on an extracurricular activity essay examples, extracurriculars will vary from student to student. There are four main categories of extracurricular activities: 

School-sponsored activities

  • Community activities 

Independent activities

Work experiences.

Each category has its own strengths and benefits you’ll want to show in your essay. Our extracurricular activities essay examples highlight activities from each category. As such, you’ll be able to see an activity similar to yours represented. 

Let’s take a closer look at each of these categories before we dig into our extracurricular activity essay examples.

Extracurricular Activity Categories 

School-sponsored extracurricular activities include clubs, organizations or programs that are hosted by your school. These might be sports teams, special interest clubs like technical theatre, or arts programs like band and orchestra. 

Community activities

Another popular type of extracurricular activity is community activities. Community activities include volunteer work and community service. 

Getting involved in your local community is a great way to show the admissions committee how you give back. 

These kinds of activities can also be a great topic for your extracurricular activities essay. They can include hobbies, learning new skills, or taking online courses in your favorite subject. 

Independent activities help showcase your passions and interests. These types of extracurricular activities would be perfect to explore in an extracurricular supplemental essay, especially since they fit less neatly into the activities list on the Common App. 

Many high school students have work experiences they can highlight in their college applications. Work experiences could include part-time jobs, internships, or shadowing opportunities. 

Talking about your work experiences in your extracurricular supplemental essay can be a great way to show off your time management and professional skills to admissions officers. 

Depth over breadth

However, you don’t have to participate in dozens of extracurricular activities to stand out in the college application process. It’s more important to develop depth than breadth in your extracurriculars to showcase your commitment and dedication.

In other words, it’s much more impressive for you to have a handful of extracurricular activities on your resume that you are deeply committed to than a long list of clubs and organizations that you don’t care about. 

The best extracurricular activities for you will be the ones that match your interests and goals. Don’t just join every club at your school to fill out your resume. Instead, seek out extracurricular activities where you can explore your interests, learn new things, and grow over time. 

Writing about Extracurricular Activities for College

Now that we’ve explored some extracurricular activity options that will be perfect for your extracurricular activities essay, let’s discuss how to write about your extracurricular activities on your college applications. 

Most schools use a holistic process to review college applications. This means that they will evaluate you based on your entire candidate profile . This includes test scores , GPA , essays , and extracurricular activities.

Because more students are applying to colleges than ever before, you’ll want to do everything you can to stand out in your college applications. Writing about your extracurricular activities for college can help show the admissions committee who you are, what’s important to you, and what makes you a unique applicant. 

Focus on the narrative

Use the extracurricular activities essay to tell a story about your experience. You can describe what it felt like, what it looked like, or how it helped you learn more about your own interests and goals.

When you are writing about your extracurricular activities for college, you’ll want to provide specific details about the type, length, and responsibilities of your involvements. If you’re unsure where to start, try making a list of all the extracurricular activities you have participated in since freshman year. Write down the role you had in this activity, how much time you spent doing it, and what you learned because of this involvement. 

For more tips on how to write about extracurricular activities for college, check out this article . In it, you’ll find 39 essay tips from admissions experts on how to write a great college essay, including how to write about extracurricular activities for college. 

What are some examples of extracurricular activities essay prompts? 

Before we review our extracurricular activities essay examples (along with the reasons why these are college essays that worked), let’s look at the extracurricular activities essay prompts from Stanford, Rice, Bryn Mawr, Northwestern, Vanderbilt, UF, and Princeton. 

Although the general idea is the same, each college will have a slightly different version of the extracurricular activities essay prompt. You’ll see the differences in our extracurricular activities essay examples below. 

Stanford University

If you plan to apply to Stanford University, you should know that one of the Stanford supplemental essay prompts is as follows: 

Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences. 

This extracurricular activities essay prompt is intentionally broad. You’ll need to select just one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences to describe in this Stanford supplemental essay. 

This Stanford supplemental essay prompt is your opportunity to showcase one of your many involvements. It also gives you a chance to elaborate on why it is important to you. If possible, select an extracurricular activity or work experience that you have not already discussed at length anywhere else in your Stanford application.

Rice University

This essay prompt on extracurriculars from Rice University is fairly straight forward. You can see the exact wording below: 

The extracurricular activities essay prompt or Rice is the same as the one for the Stanford application. Like we mentioned above, you’ll want to highlight an activity that is not mentioned elsewhere in your application. 

There are three Bryn Mawr supplemental essays that are required for admission. The first of the Bryn Mawr supplemental essays is about your extracurricular activities: 

Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences in the space below.

This prompt is the same as the ones for the Stanford application and Rice application. Our suggestions for those essays also apply for the first prompt of the Bryn Mawr supplemental essays. 


Here is the Northwestern essay prompt: 


If you are applying to Vanderbilt, you should know that the Vanderbilt application requires that you answer this extracurricular activities essay prompt: 

Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences.

Both the Northwestern essay prompt and the Vanderbilt application prompt are the same as the ones for Stanford, Rice, and Bryn Mawr.

The UF application includes the following extracurricular activities essay prompt as part of the required University of Florida essays: 

During high school, what is the most enriching long-term or ongoing activity in which you have participated outside of the classroom? Tell us about it – Why is it enriching to you? What have you gained or learned by participating in it? How do you plan to continue this type of activity in the future?

Unlike the prompts for the Stanford, Rice, Bryn Mawr, Vanderbilt, and Northwestern applications, this extracurricular activities essay prompt asks you to answer direct questions about your experience. 

You’ll want to choose an activity that is the most significant, long-term activity that you have participated in during high school. Then, you’ll want to explain why it was enriching, what you learned in this activity, and how you plan to continue with this type of activity in college and beyond. 

You’ll see how to answer these questions in our extracurricular activities essay examples. 

The Princeton extracurricular activities essay prompt is as follows: 

Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences that was particularly meaningful to you.

This prompt is similar to the ones above, but it does make an important distinction. You’ll want to choose an activity that was meaningful to you, which means you will need to spend part of your essay describing why you found this experience particularly impactful. We’ll take a look at how to do this in our extracurricular activities essay examples. 

Which schools require an extracurricular activities essay? 

In addition to the extracurricular activities essay prompts we highlighted above, many colleges include an extracurricular activities essay as part of their college application requirements. 

Each of these schools’ college applications require you to write an extracurricular activities essay: 

  • Georgetown University
  • University of California schools
  • Howard University 
  • Amherst College
  • Purdue University

Even though we won’t look at extracurricular activities essay examples for these colleges, the extracurricular activities essay examples we do highlight can help give you inspiration as you work on your college applications. 

Now, it’s time to examine some extracurricular activities essay examples. Our elaborate on an extracurricular activity essay examples include Stanford essays examples, Rice supplemental essays examples, Bryn Mawr supplemental essays, Northwestern essay examples, Vanderbilt essay examples, UF supplemental essay examples, and Princeton essay examples. 

Following each of the extracurricular activities essay examples, we’ll provide an analysis on why these are college essays that worked. 

First, let’s kick off our extracurricular activities essay examples with the Stanford essays examples. 

Extracurricular Activities Essay Examples: Stanford University

Here’s the first of our elaborate on an extracurricular activity essay examples: 

Stanford Essay Examples

In February of 2016 my neighbor texted me and asked me to tutor her third grader in math. My first thought was “Third grade math?! This will be easy.” I was wrong. The girl I tutored is dyslexic and had ADHD, so working with her challenged me in a new way. I had to devise ways of teaching where she could understand it but also remain focused for long enough to accomplish it. I had to practice my patience in a way I never have before, and I have become a better person because of it. By the end of our work together, she was excited to play the math games I made up and she was so proud every time she understood a question or a concept. I am so thankful for that opportunity.

Why this essay worked

This sample of the Stanford essays examples works for several reasons. First, the author describes how the activity challenged them to come up with new ideas as a math tutor. This shows the admissions officer how thoughtful and creative this person can be in different situations. 

In this essay (one of our Stanford essays examples), the author shows how they developed key skills, like patience, through this extracurricular activity. Highlighting new skills that you have learned through your extracurricular activities is a way to stand out from the crowd.

Showcasing personal growth, like the author did above, also shows the admissions team you are willing to change and better yourself when faced with challenges. 

How To Write The Rice Supplemental Essays

Now, let’s turn to Rice supplemental essays examples. Below, you’ll see another version of the elaborate on an extracurricular activity essay examples. 

Rice Supplemental Essay Examples

With an interest in business, it is hard to pass up the chance to become a part of the business club at my school. This competition-based club allows members to learn detailed ways to start and manage a business. Although my curiosity urged me to participate, the thought of writing 30 pages with a fast-approaching deadline seemed daunting. Prior to this program, I had very little knowledge on the basic principles of business management, however, through research and a bit of persistence, I learned countless fundamentals of business. Although I was awarded a medal and recognized as a State Finalist in the International Business Plan category, the most valuable thing I earned was the drive of an entrepreneur which taught me that even the most difficult of tasks can be accomplished if they are done with continued determination. 

Getting straight to the point

This is one of our Rice supplemental essays examples. In it, the author mentions their academic interest right away. This helps the reader understand the forthcoming connection between the extracurricular activity and this person’s interests. 

If you’re working with a tight word limit, like the one in the Rice supplemental essays examples, you’ll want to be concise with your details. The Rice supplemental essays examples only give you so many words to work with, so you have to make the most of them. In this essay, the author summarizes the purpose of their extracurricular activity quickly. This provides the reader with more context about their involvement without taking up too much space. 

This is an example of college essays that worked because the author shows what they learned as a result of their involvement in this activity. This highlights the author’s potential success in a college setting. 

How To Write The Bryn Mawr Supplemental Essays 

Like the two extracurricular activities essay examples above, the Bryn Mawr supplemental essay is another version of the elaborate on an extracurricular activity essay examples. 

Bryn Mawr Essay Example

After watching my grandfather suffer from heart ailments, it was particularly meaningful to have the opportunity to conduct echocardiography research with a pediatric cardiologist. During my summer internship at a Health and Science University, I designed and built heart models to mimic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) disease and investigate strain comparisons in a 2D and 3D model. 

Continuously designing and analyzing my own experiments has not only taught me the value of diligence, patience and replication in the laboratory setting, but it has also instilled in me the critical-thinking and problem-solving skills that will enable me to tackle difficult, and sometimes unknown, problems with sound reasoning and confidence as I serve the underrepresented to eliminate health disparities. 

This response is one of the college essays that worked for several reasons. The author of this essay explains the personal significance of this extracurricular activity. This gives the reader more information about who this person is and why this activity is meaningful to them. 

Additionally, the author uses their response to explain what they did during their internship as well as the values and skills they learned from this activity. They even go the extra mile to describe how they will use these values and skills to reach their goals in the future. 

Extracurricular Activities Essay Examples: Northwestern University

The following essay is another of our elaborate on an extracurricular activity essay examples. 

Northwestern Essay Example

After having been a Girl Scout for over 10 years, I can confirm that the most common questions I get asked are, “When are you selling the cookies,” or “Can I get [insert favorite cookie here]”. However, Girl Scouts means so much more to me than simply selling cookies for a few months.

Being a part of Girl Scouts has entailed, as the Girl Scout Law indicates, “being a sister to every Girl Scout”. When I first joined the organization as a Brownie, I didn’t think I would interact with the older girls at all. However, I soon began to admire my older Girl Scout sisters and looked up to them the more time I spent with them. As an Ambassador now, I try to show the same level of leadership by mentoring and working with younger girls, building a strong relationship with them and helping them on their journey to the higher ranks (as well as through life).

As a Girl Scout, I have also learned to enthusiastically help my community. Whether it be through providing assistance at food pantries, cleaning up litter, donating to the homeless, or singing carols in retirement homes, Girls Scouts has taught me the importance of helping others in need around me and improving the state of the world.

So, yes, being a Girl Scout does mean selling cookies. But, more importantly, Girl Scouts has meant growing into a confident young woman, being a mentor, and providing service to better the world.

Focus on depth of involvement

This sample comes from one of our Northwestern essay examples. In it, the author mentions the length of their involvement in the Girl Scouts and their progression from a junior member to a senior member. 

Like we mentioned earlier, it’s important to have extracurricular activities on your list that show depth, especially in your Northwestern application. In other words, the longer you participate in an activity, the more significant it is to your college applications. 

This is another example of college essays that worked because the author can describe how they eventually moved into a leadership role and what that new role entails. If you are a leader in your organization, be sure to mention it on your Northwestern application and in your essay. 

Finally, the author concludes with a description of who they are and what this activity has taught them. We saw similar versions of this conclusion in the extracurricular activities essay examples above, which goes to show that these are college essays that worked.  

Extracurricular Activities Essay Examples: Vanderbilt University

Next, let’s look at Vanderbilt essay examples. This essay is one of the longer samples of our extracurricular activities essay examples. Please note that the name of the program described has been removed for anonymity.

Vanderbilt Essay Examples

I silently sat in the passenger seat of my mother’s car with a churning feeling in my stomach. My legs bounced wildly, and my body was tense. My anxiety came from the fact I would be starting my first day at a pre-college program to which I was recently accepted.

When my mother dropped me off at the building where my first class would be held, I nervously walked in, surprised to be greeted by the smiling faces of my peers. Looking around, I saw faces of all shades. This amazed me, having been surrounded by people who looked like me for most of my life. As I engaged in conversation with students already present, I increasingly became more comfortable.

Though class began with typical icebreakers, we quickly transitioned into math topics, beginning with algebra and progressing into trigonometry and summations. When the professor concluded the lecture, I was shocked to find that the class had passed by so quickly. Similar sentiments arose after completing my critical thinking class in the afternoon. When my mother picked me up after that class, I enthusiastically spilled my experiences from the day.

The following six weeks of that summer (and ensuing summers) comprised of me being introduced to new perspectives. Being surrounded by peers that were different in lifestyle and socioeconomic status made me more open-minded to unfamiliar concepts and interpretations.

The brother and sisterhood I formed with my peers made me way less dependent on my twin sister and increased my confidence in my beliefs and individuality.

Additionally, being taught by university professors in rigorous subject matter instilled in me a newfound passion in exploring challenging topics. This program has assisted in developing me into a more well-rounded, cultured individual not only through exposure to a research program at the university hospital, but through enrichment activities during the school year (watching plays, attending politic and STEM-based talks, and experiencing cultural shows). Though I was initially apprehensive in applying to this program, I now look back at the program as life-altering and am thankful for the experience. Three years ago, I was just a “twin” who did well in school, however today I am an individual with my own unique views, eager to learn the endless knowledge the world has to offer me.

Unlike the extracurricular activities essay examples above, this essay puts you right in the middle of the story. This can be an effective way to grab your reader’s attention as they review your Vanderbilt application. 

Additionally, this is a great example of college essays that worked because the author describes self-growth because of their involvement. In this sample from our Vanderbilt essay examples, the writer explains the new skills they learned and details the type of experiences they had while in this extracurricular activity. 

Extracurricular Activities Essay Examples: University of Florida

Now, let’s look at UF supplemental essay examples. This essay is a little different from our previous extracurricular activities essay examples. 

This is a slightly elevated take on the elaborate on an extracurricular activity essay examples prompt. It asks you to do more than just explain your involvement in an extracurricular activity.

UF Supplemental Essay Examples

“Thaka-dhimi thaka- janu! Strike your foot higher! Sit more! Discipline yourself!”

To most, these phrases and commands would have sounded like gibberish. But to me, it meant beauty and grace. It meant dedication and determination. It invoked a sense of community and contentment. It meant Bharatantyam.

From the ripe age of 5 years old, I’ve had the opportunity to learn an Indian Classical Dance form, Bharatanatyam, from my mother. I took this opportunity seriously in tenth grade. Once I chose to commit fully to Bharatantyam, it was life changing. 

Bharatantyam has transformed me for the good as a person. Countless hours spent in practice disciplined me. Preparing mentally for a more sophisticated piece or dance item allowed me to expand my brain’s depth. From a physical standpoint, one can see that Bharatantyam is a beautiful dance that harmonizes your brain and body. 

Viewing Bharatanatyam from a scientific standpoint is what made it so much more enriching. Watching a video from my mother’s guru, I began to understand the neurological benefits of both dancing and watching Bharatantyam. Viewing that clip gave me a revolutionary idea: treating neurological diseases for senior citizens through Bharatanatyam.

I began to perform at senior assisted living facilities around my city. Many of the seniors I performed for weren’t able to even stay awake for it. While at times discouraging, small moments of joy kept me going. Every smile I received from my audience and every conversation I had with the seniors were the reasons why I kept dancing.

Now, I plan to expand this activity more at UF. Creating a non-profit in which dancers have paid performances and donate that money to neurological research institutes is how I believe I should start. With UF’s resources, I easily see this idea becoming reality.

Extracurricular activities essay prompt

With this extracurricular activities essay examples prompt, you must answer all three parts of the University of Florida essays question to complete your UF application. 

Like the extracurricular activities essay examples for Vanderbilt, this sample from our UF supplemental essay examples puts you right in the middle of the story. It starts off with a quote, grabbing the reader’s attention. This sample of the University of Florida essays also shows you the length of involvement this author had in the activity while highlighting aspects of their unique culture. 

This is one of our college essays that worked because this response details the author’s experience, growth, and future goals. On top of that, this sample from our UF supplemental essay examples further strengthens the writer’s UF application by connecting their experience to how they hope to continue this activity at UF.

Extracurricular Activities Essay Examples: Princeton University

This sample from the Princeton essay examples is the last of our college essays that worked.

Princeton Essay Examples

Serving as a Student Government leader at my college has taught me the power of student voice and collaborative leadership. During my Junior year, I began attending Senate Meetings and was elected as a Senator a few months later. I began proposing solutions to problems my college faces, from lack of STEM programming to low voter turnout rates to poor multicultural outreach programs. I created student committees to tackle these problems, the most recent being a committee working to bring a series of local STEM professionals for our artist-in-residence series. I was appointed as a student voice to faculty committees, such as the Diversity and Equity Committee. I use this position to bring student concerns I hear from SG directly to the college board to catalyze changes in our college, such as the introduction of STEM cohort groups or providing resources for students of color.

The last of our extracurricular activities essay examples mentions the activity right away. It also mentions what the activity taught the author. Like the extracurricular activities essay examples above, this response adds specific details. Moreover, the author describes the impact of their leadership role.

In addition to describing the experience itself, this essay highlights how the author implemented solutions to the problems they recognized within their community, another key skill that will be important in college. 

How To Write A Great Extracurricular Activities Essay

In our extracurricular activities essay examples, you saw different ways to write a great extracurricular activities essay. Now let’s talk about how you can use these extracurricular activities essay examples to help you write your own.

When you write your own extracurricular activities essay, be sure to refer to the extracurricular activities essay examples above. Each of the extracurricular activities essay examples highlights a different aspect of each applicant’s candidate profile—from backgrounds to passions to academic interests and goals.

Read every prompt carefully

Remember, some colleges might have different ways of approaching the extracurricular activities essay, which will be evident in the essay prompt. Like some of the extracurricular activities essay examples above, you might be working with a shorter or longer word limit. You also may have specific questions you need to address when elaborating on your extracurriculars.

There’s no specific formula on how to write a great extracurricular activities essay. However, here are a few tips to help you write a strong response that will stand out from the crowd. 

Additional Tips for Writing Extracurricular Activities Essays

Choosing which activities to write about and how to present them is key to writing a successful extracurricular activities essay. Reading some elaborate on an extracurricular activity essay examples can help you learn how to structure your own essays. You’ll likely need to write about your extracurriculars to complete your college application requirements. So, use this as a chance to show the admissions committee what matters to you. 

In this guide, we’ve reviewed extracurricular activities essay examples from some of the top colleges in the nation. We hope this helps you as you write your own extracurricular activities essay. 

Three tips to help you write your extracurricular activities essays: 

1. demonstrate your passion . .

Like we saw in the extracurricular activities essay examples, this is your opportunity to show what’s important to you. Use your essays to demonstrate your passion. 

2. Show your dedication. 

Many of our extracurricular activities essay examples discussed how long the author was involved in the activity. Show your dedication to your hobby, club, or organization through your essay responses. 

3. Match your extracurricular activities essay examples to a school’s mission or values. 

There are plenty of applicants who can fill out all the college application requirements. However, to truly stand out, you’ll want to show the admissions office why you are a great fit for their university. Match your extracurricular activities essay examples to a college’s mission or values to prove that you are committed to attending that university. 

Other CollegeAdvisor Resources on Extracurricular Activities 

If you need help figuring out how to get involved, watch our webinar for tips on how to join new extracurricular activities in high school. For more ideas on which extracurricular activities might be right for you, check out our article on 38 high school extracurricular ideas for college applicants. 

38 High School Extracurricular Ideas for College Applicants

Wondering how to showcase your extracurricular activities in your college applications? Check out our guide for more information on how to approach extracurricular activities in the college admissions process. 

How to Showcase Extracurricular Activities In Your College Applications

Finally, check out our panel for additional tips on how to craft your activity and extracurriculars list for college. 

Crafting Your Activity and Extracurriculars List

Extracurricular Activities Essay Examples – Final Thoughts 

We hope that our guide on extracurricular activities essay examples (and college essays that worked) help you prepare your own extracurricular activities essay. If an extracurricular activities essay is part of your college application requirements, be sure to refer back to our extracurricular activities essay examples for guidance.

As you likely noticed from our extracurricular activities essay examples, college essays that worked tend to highlight students’ passion. This is even more true when it comes to extracurriculars. Don’t feel daunted by the extracurricular supplemental essay requirement. Instead, use it as a chance to highlight how you engage deeply with the world around you. 

Not all prompts are the same

Remember, the prompt to your extracurricular activities essay might look different than the ones we highlighted in our extracurricular activities essay examples above. Even if your prompt is different from our ‘elaborate on an extracurricular activity essay examples’, you can still use them to brainstorm ideas for your own extracurricular activities essay. 

Do you need help with other college application requirements? CollegeAdvisor.com can help. Register today to get one-on-one support as you begin your college application process.

This article was written by Claire Babbs . Looking for more admissions support? Click here to schedule a free meeting with one of our Admissions Specialists. During your meeting, our team will discuss your profile. We will help you increase your admissions odds at top schools. We’ll also answer any questions and discuss how CollegeAdvisor.com can support you in the college application process.

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Free time activities essay

Free time activities essay 13 models

Free time activities essay contains many interesting  about how to spend leisure time in useful and interesting things at the same time. All of this will be found here in free time activities essay .

Free time activities essay

Many of us are bored in our spare time and find nothing to occupy ourselves with at those times ,and here we will offer you many activities that can be exploited in leisure time. This is here in free time activities essay .

Leisure time

Leisure time is considered one of the most problems experienced by young people in our time. They spend their time playing or sitting in front of television and computer screens without doing anything useful. Therefore, we will present in this article a set of activities that can be done to get rid of this problem.

How to spend your free time:

 Reading, where reading is one of the most beautiful and wonderful activities and useful works.In addition to the pleasure and entertainment that it adds to the life of the person,it also fills the mind with knowledge , science ,stories and useful novels .

A person can follow the style of reading in his life, either by buying books, making use of a free library card, or by exchanging books with his friends.

Writing, as this means has a great role in improving the psyche of the person and the translation of ideas and feelings and emptying them on paper.

 Man can adhere to this habit until it becomes an integral part of his life, and may develop this talent to become a well-known writer later.

 A person can begin to write about a particular event or turning point in his or her life, he can also write his diary, for example.

Writing poetry in its various forms and types.

 Sewing , a nice idea to start a sewing project, fashion design, knitting art pieces.

 Walking, it has multiple benefits to the health of the body, heart and blood vessels.

Drawing, which allows the person to translate the ideas in his head through the work of simple graphics, and can develop this talent through the lessons of learning online and available free of charge.

Cooking,   cooking skill is necessary and must be learned in life, and there is nothing more beautiful than to cook with your hands and make new and unfamiliar dishes.

The manufacture of various accessories and jewelry , which require multiple raw materials, and can learn this skill through learning lessons spread across the Web.

Fishing,   this is a good way to spend enjoyable time for people who live near the sea and the water bodies.

Taking photos , using specialized cameras or using a smartphone’s camera, so that people can take beautiful pictures of scenic and natural places.

To learn the chess , it is known that this game helps to increase thinking, raise the level of intelligence, in addition to being a good way to challenge the self.

My free time activities are walking and jogging. I love to share this hobby with others, especially with friends, after a long and hard school week.

I need nothing more than to drain my energy so that I can release the pressure and tension from within me. And renew my activity to return to school with all activity and vitality.

Walking is very wonderful, especially when you wake up early and start some warm-up with friends, have some interesting conversations, and then start doing sports.

I always find my day more energetic when I can get up early and do my exercises. I already feel the effect of the activity of the blood circulation, and the softness of the nerves and muscles, and I can relax without feeling any pain in my body resulting from pressure and tension.

Therefore, I like to do some sports activities during my spare time, whether with friends or on my own.

Free time activities paragraph

The activities I do in my spare time are many because of the area in which I live. My friends and I can go mountain bike tours, visit different places by bike and experience discovery. I also tend to try out some new practices like gymnastics, horseback riding, or playing tennis.

It is nice to take advantage of the free time and acquire some new skills. I love doing all these things but I’m still interested in short trips with friends that allow us to get to know each other more, and spend evenings and trips half a day or a full day together. That makes me very happy.

What do you do in your free time essay

I like to use my free time to do useful work, or practice a hobby that I like, therefore, I spend my spare time fishing, which is my favorite hobby.

Fishing is an interesting hobby and has many benefits, including that I enjoy watching the sea and its crashing waves, and also enjoying the fresh air. Then I finally get a meal of delicious fresh fish. Also, I don’t go fishing alone, I go with my best friend, we have a good time and we make use of the fish we caught.

A free time activity you enjoy essay

The activity I like to do in my spare time is cooking of all kinds, as I make all kinds of pizzas and sweets. I learned to cook from my aunt because she was working as a chef in a big hotel. When I was young I watched her cook and I was so happy. As I got older, I became more attached to this hobby until I became unable to do anything else. At the end of the year, I go to my aunt’s house to learn a number of new recipes, so that I can implement them in my next spare time.

How do you spend your free time essay

My name is (..). I have a brother who is two years younger than me, I am in (..) class . I like to spend my spare time in ice skating, all the children of the town practice ice skating in the winter season.

Snow covers everything in winter and the lakes in my town freeze. I like to spend my spare time in riding a Ski Bike or in traditional skating.

Sometimes I go with my father to the lake to catch fish. The lake is frozen so we must first sit inside our log cabin on the lake and dig a hole in the ice. And through this hole we can fish. I love spending such time with my father or my friends.

Every year I spend my spare time doing the same things. I am excited in the coming years to travel to other countries and discover more curious and interesting things.

Paragraph about free time activities

My name is (..). I have a family consisting of (..) people. I am (..) years old.

On vacation last year, my father told us about the importance of volunteering in charitable work and participating in social activities through which we can help others.

Therefore, we have some activities that we do whenever the opportunity arises, especially on vacations and holidays. Such as volunteering in hygiene campaigns and preserving the environment. Or visits to hospitals and provide psychological support to the patient.

So there is always a new person we get to know and try to make happy, or there is an area we share and work to improve the general appearance of it.

We often work on the sides of roads and rivers where some people throw rubbish there. Therefore, we share hygiene and hang awareness banners in these areas.

Sometimes we distribute some warning leaflets to them to preserve the environment in which they live. I love doing these activities very much and I hope they will manage.

Paragraph about how to spend your free time

I like to spend my time on normal days playing video games and roaming with my friends in the streets, Sometimes we go to parties to have fun.

But in recent weeks, that seemed to change a little, as I became involved in voluntary activities after joining a non-governmental charitable organization, which is interested in visiting orphaned children, children with burns, and children with cancer.

Since I joined this association, I no longer care about games as much as before. I work on picking positive words during conversation and showing love through jokes and hiding the side of pity that I used to show when I saw them, I knew that it was bad and made them upset.

I think after joining this association and doing some volunteer work with them that something has changed in me. I feel that I have become more mature and I love the volunteer work through which we raise the morale of many children who need this support.

My Favourite Free Time Activities Essay

I love photography very much. I own a Nikon D3500 camera. Not the best of the species, but it is very good and took many great shots.

I very much like to go out on holidays like summer vacation, or holidays from school and take some pictures of birds and landscapes. I teach in class (write your class here). Therefore, I do not practice my hobby a lot except on vacations only.

I love visiting natural areas and photographing some close-up shots of birds or people. I always go around looking for a special shot or an impressive scene that I can capture without affecting its beauty to be natural and unique.

I like to post my photos to my social media accounts. It gets a lot of praise and encouragement. When I grow up I hope to be this is my job.

Essay a free time activity you enjoy

Undoubtedly, free time is one of the times that everyone needs to practice some activities to unload the activity trapped inside them, so I like to volunteer in some non-governmental charities and visit cancer patients and support them.

Such activities impress me a lot and make me learn from their experiences and suffering to appreciate life, and how to live according to a healthy diet, which helps me prevent many diseases.

In the aspect of self-confidence, such visits always help me in developing my rhetoric and developing jokes to ease the suffering of others.

One of my ambitions in the future is to become a doctor and I would very much like to specialize in treating children. I like to deal with them a lot and I am very happy to relieve their psychological burdens.

I also like to go out on some volunteers to clean up my surroundings and participate in some seminars.

Essay about a free time activity you enjoy

I very much like to participate in volunteer activities that make me get to know others and share conversations with them and benefit from their experience a lot.

I may describe myself as a social person who loves all people and is very tolerant with myself. One of my best features is that I can notice details and keep them in my memory without forgetting them.

Therefore, I very much like to participate in non-governmental associations for the treatment of alcohol, or any kind of addiction, and some encouraging seminars for the injured.

I always find what I look for when other people talk about their pain and tell how it happened. I can benefit from this, and I liked a lot some of my posts that I recommended to some, and the advice was fruitful and useful.

I expect to benefit from my talent in the future, I may study psychiatric counseling or some thing like that.

Write a paragraph about your free-time activities

It is great for a person to have a variety of different activities that he does in his spare time. Such variety does not make me bored and always makes me excited to try some new things.

I love fishing very much, so I practice more than one different way of fishing, and I can find out the most suitable among them according to the season, direction and wind speed. I also love very much to play basketball and soccer.

The diversity of activities always makes me active and happy and I do not feel depressed, especially when I am passionate about hunting. I can enjoy a lot of fishing and forget about anything that bothers me.

I also love to research and learn my lessons before I study them. Therefore, I like to go to the library and read some historical books or books that may be related to my studies. This makes me more open to the subject we are studying and familiar with many aspects of it.

How to spend your free time essay

When asked how do you spend your free time? I find myself thinking about one thing, I really feel that I love nothing more than fishing, and watching TV programs that talk about the means, methods and seasons of fishing.

I love being on the beaches, or rivers, I can catch fish in more than one way, I like a lot to strive to catch the biggest fish and challenge my brother or father, and maybe some friends who share my love for this hobby.

What can I say, I think I’m obsessed with this hobby and I really like the idea that it became more popular on TV shows. I watched some competitions here and there, I hope in the future to participate in one and show my hunting abilities and talents.

We have provided you with Free time activities essay ,and you can read more through the following link:

  • Free time essay

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Describe a daily routine that you enjoy IELTS Cue Card

Describe A Daily Routine That You Enjoy

Describe a daily routine that you enjoy..

You should say: What it is? Where and when you do it? Who do you do it with? Explain why you enjoy it.

Table Of Contents

Model answer 1:.

Introduction: A daily routine can help us stay organized , productive , and motivated throughout the day. My daily routine includes activities I enjoy, providing me with satisfaction and accomplishment . 

Here I would like to talk about a daily routine that I enjoy and look forward to.

What it is? My daily routine begins with waking up early, usually around 6:30 am. I then make myself a cup of coffee and spend some time reading the newspaper or listening to the radio.

Where and when you do it?  My daily routine usually takes place in my home but can also take place in other locations such as my workplace or school. As mentioned before, I usually begin my routine around 6:30 am, which typically ends around 8:00 pm when I go to bed. 

Explain why you enjoy it. I enjoy my daily routine because it helps me stay organized and productive throughout the day. Having a routine helps me stay focused on my tasks and goals for the day, and it also helps me stay motivated.

Additionally, I enjoy spending time with my family during the morning breakfast, and the physical activity from my morning jog helps me stay in shape. 

Model Answer 2:

What it is?

Explain why you enjoy it.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 : Follow up Questions

1. Should children have learning routines? Yes, of course, they should have learning routines. These add discipline to life. When children follow routines, they learn to manage time. I believe all routines teach something, so it can be a learning experience. For example, a simple family meal routine can teach children many things when they share their day’s happenings with their parents. They learn many social skills and develop a bond with their family. A routine of going to bed in time can develop children’s mental health.

4. How do people’s routines differ on weekdays and weekends? Weekdays and weekends are totally different, so their routines are also different. Weekday routines are good, but on weekends people can afford some flexibility. Of course, a person should also plan weekends. Otherwise, they will disappear without giving you any time for fun and relaxation. A weekend should relax a person after a busy week and also set him up for a successful week ahead. The weekend should incorporate family time, cinema time, outing time, socialising time and all that cannot be done on weekdays.

Important Vocabularies

1. organized:.

Example: A daily routine can help us stay organized, productive, and motivated throughout the day.

2. Productive:

3. motivated:, 4. satisfaction:.

fulfillment of one’s wishes, expectations, or needs, or the pleasure derived from this.

5. Accomplishment:

6. overweight:.

Example: I used to be a bit overweight, but now I have lost around 5 kg, and my body shape also looks and feels much better.

7. Insomnia

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Band 9 IELTS Preparation

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Cue Card # 124: Describe an interest or hobby that you enjoy

Ielts cue card/ candidate task card # 124, describe an interest or hobby that you enjoy..

You should say:

  • how you became interested in it
  • how long you have been doing it
  • why you enjoy it

and explain what benefits you get from this interest or hobby.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

I have never really been in any short of hobbies as I always like to try new and interesting things. But, one particular hobby, which has stuck with me more or less always, is to listen to music. So, I will go ahead and talk about this particular hobby here as best as I can within the stipulated period of time.

Yes, I love listening to music – all kinds of music – pretty much all the time unless, of course, I am sleeping. But, if you ask me, how I became interested in this particular hobby, I would say that it probably came naturally to me. In fact, if someone sees that all of the family members, both young and old, like to listen to music, it probably would be very natural for that person to become “infected” with the same “habit” except, of course, it was not a habit, but rather, it was a nice “hobby” to keep us occupied and happy.

By the way, initially, when I started to enjoy listening to music, as a young boy, about 20 years ago, I had no idea that a song could be recorded just once but could be played again and again. But, as I grew older, I began to realize all the tricks about music. Slowly, and slowly, I started to understand what kinds of musical instruments were needed to create or compose a song, and how many different kinds of music were really there. By the way, these days, I am a bit more selective about choosing my songs since I want to make sure that I am listening to the best songs and music, both in terms of their artistic values as well as the message they spread.

Anyway, I get a number of benefits from this hobby. The first benefit, of course, is that it makes me feel happy and glad while getting rid of my frustration and worries of life. It also helps me understand my life and its goal in a bigger frame of the present, past and future. Finally, it also stimulates my mind and body to accomplish more in life.

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Describe a Free Time Activity That you Like Doing – IELTS Cue Card with Sample Answers

Kasturika Samanta

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Updated On Apr 08, 2024


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Describe a Free Time Activity That you Like Doing – IELTS Cue Card with Sample Answers

Guide to Achieving Band 8+ on IELTS Speaking Cue Cards

Finding time to engage in activities we genuinely enjoy is crucial for our wellbeing in the middle of the daily routine. Interestingly, it will not only help us relax but also enable us to answer IELTS Speaking Part 2 topics like ‘Describe a Free Time Activity That you Like Doing’ or ‘Describe an interesting activity that you enjoy doing part 2’.

Therefore, without wasting much of your precious preparation time, let us look at the three sample answers on the topic about an interesting activity that you enjoy doing along with some related vocabulary that you can use for such  cue card topics .

Describe a free time activity that you like doing in your free time./Describe an interesting activity that you enjoy doing.

You should say:

  • What kind of activity do you do?
  • Where do you do it?
  • When do you do it?
  • Who do you do it with?
  • Explain why you like to do this activity.

Describe a free time activity that you like doing in your free time- IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer 1

I absolutely love spending my free time engaging in photography. It’s a hobby that allows me to capture the beauty of the world around me and express my creativity. I usually head to local parks or scenic spots in the city to take photographs. Weekends are the perfect time for me to indulge in this activity when I have more leisure time.

I often go solo on these photography adventures. It gives me the freedom to explore at my own pace and focus on subjects that catch my eye. I particularly enjoy the early morning or late afternoon light, which adds a magical touch to my photos.

The reason I am so drawn to photography is that it allows me to freeze moments in time and share the unique perspectives I encounter. It’s not just about capturing images but also about telling a story through the lens. I find it incredibly fulfilling to connect with others through my photographs, sharing the emotions and stories behind each image.

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Describe a free time activity that you like doing in your free time- IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer 2

Hiking is one of my favourite things to do in my spare time. I can get some exercise, spend time in nature, and decompress from the strains of everyday life when I go hiking.

Usually, I walk on paths found in parks or in natural areas close by. Beautiful landscape, clean air, and the soothing sounds of birds chirping and leaves rustling in the wind prepare me for the hustle and bustle of the day. Since the weather is cooler and there are fewer people on the trails, I like to trek in the early morning or late afternoon. It’s a quiet moment to take in the uninterrupted elegance of nature.

In addition to enjoying hiking with friends or family, I occasionally trek alone to gain solitude and contemplation. As we laugh, talk, and connect over the sights and sounds of the path, experiencing it with loved ones increases our delight.

I enjoy hiking for a number of reasons. First of all, it enables me to re-establish a connection with nature and cut off from technology. The act of strolling among tall trees and bubbling brooks serves as a simple reminder of the majesty and beauty of our world. Secondly, it’s also a healthy exercise. It increases my heart rate, fortifies my muscles, and enhances my general level of fitness. In addition, during this activity I feel one with nature and this gives me peace of mind which I can’t find otherwise. To be completely honest, hiking is my preferred pastime since it helps me de-stress, stay active, and establish a connection with the natural world. Every walk, whether it’s a return to a familiar trail or a new one, enables me to get closer to the natural beauty and tranquility of the outdoors.

Describe a free time activity that you like doing in your free time- IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer 3

Photography is my absolute passion and a cherished free time activity. I revel in the art of capturing moments and creating visual narratives that evoke emotions. Typically, I embark on my photographic journeys in picturesque locations like the countryside, serene beaches, or bustling cityscapes. The timing of these excursions is often dictated by the golden hours—early mornings or late evenings—when the light is soft, casting enchanting shadows and hues.

My camera is my constant companion on these expeditions. The process becomes more enjoyable when shared with like-minded individuals. I often collaborate with fellow photography enthusiasts, and we exchange ideas, techniques, and feedback. It’s not just about capturing images; it’s about the shared experience and the joy of creating something meaningful together.

What I find truly captivating about photography is its ability to encapsulate the essence of a moment. Through careful composition and storytelling, I aim to convey the emotions and narratives that often go unnoticed. The ability to freeze time and convey a compelling story through visual art is what makes photography an integral part of my free time. It’s a medium that transcends language barriers, connecting people through shared experiences and perspectives.

Vocabulary You Can Use to Answer IELTS Speaking Part 2 Questions on ‘Describe a Free Time Activity That you Like Doing’ 

Meaning:  Treasured; greatly valued and loved

Example:  Maya felt cherished when all her family and friends wished her success.

Meaning:  To take great pleasure or delight in something

Example:  The team members will revel if they win the finals.

  • Expeditions 

Meaning:  Journeys or trips, often for a specific purpose or adventure

Example:  Dakota wanted to be part of the upcoming expeditions to the unknown islands.

  • Enchanting 

Meaning:  Delightfully charming, captivating, or bewitching

Example:  The sunrise in the mountains is enchanting.

Meaning:  Colors, especially when varied or shaded

Example:  The beautiful hues of the evening sky always surprise me.

  • Hustle and Bustle

Meaning:  Noise and activity

Example:  We are planning to move away from the hustle and bustle of city life.

  • Contemplation

Meaning:  Serious and quiet thought for a period of time

Example:  The monk sat in contemplation for an hour and gave his final verdict.

Meaning:  The situation of being alone, often by choice

Example:  Ricky enjoys the solitude of the countryside as much as the buzz of the city.

Meaning:  To strengthen something, esp. in order to protect it

Example:  The wide walls around the fort fortify it from enemy attack.

  • Collaborate 

Meaning:  Work jointly with others or together, especially in an intellectual endeavor

Example:  Rihanna is planning to collaborate with Beyonce.

  • Transcends 

Meaning:  Goes beyond the limits or scope of something

Example:  Her heavenly beauty transcends the beauty of the full moon.

Meaning:  Communicate or express a message or feeling

Example:  The messenger is here to convey the message of the king.

Meaning:  Necessary to make a whole complete; essential or fundamental

Example:  Dr. Jogi is an integral part of the surgeon team.

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You should also practice speaking on the following related Part 2 topics to ace your IELTS Speaking exam:

  • Describe an activity you enjoy doing in your free time
  • Describe Something you Want to do if You get Free Time- IELTS Cue Card
  • Describe a Leisure Activity (A Game, Hobby, or Sport) That is Popular in your Country
  • Describe an interesting activity that you enjoy doing in your spare time
  • Describe a leisure activity you do with your family
  • Describe an indoor game that you liked to play when you were a child 
  • Describe an Expensive Activity that You Enjoy Doing Occasionally
  • Describe an Activity that you Enjoy that Takes Place in or near Water
  • Describe an Unusual Activity you’ve Recently Taken Up
  • Describe an Art or Craft Activity That You Did at School

Describe a Free Time Activity That you Like Doing – IELTS Part 3 Follow-Up Questions

  • What do people in your country like to do when free?

Sample Answer 1

In my opinion, free time activity depends on the individuals’ ages. For example, children in India enjoy playing with their friends, while young adults are either learning new things or spending time with their families. Similarly, elders are more interested in staying at home with their family or interacting with people of their own age group.

Sample Answer 2

As far as I know, people in my country mostly spend their time participating in activities they like to do to rejuvenate themselves after a busy schedule, like traveling, shopping ,  gossiping with friends and family, listening to music, etc.

  • Do you think parents should make plans for their children?

From my perspective, parents should plan for their children up to an age when they need guidance, especially in terms of their general wellbeing, education, and health. It is because parents always ensure that their children are successful by giving careful thought to their needs, hobbies, and long-term objectives.

Sample Answer 2 I think parents shouldn’t be too rigid or controlling while making plans for their kids. They should definitely guide their children to make plans as they want the best for their wards. However, they should also keep in mind that rigid planning might limit children’s liberty and prevent them from exploring their own interests and talents.

  • Are people able to manage their free time?

I have noticed that most people nowadays don’t have a routine because they lead busy lives without any sort of purpose in life. As a result, they find it difficult to manage their leisure time and are not flawless at managing their time because of this.

Sample Answer 2 

I believe that most people can handle their free time. Of course, they have very little leisure time because of the competitive times. So, in whatever free time they get, some people choose to unwind, while others prefer to finish home tasks like grocery shopping.

  • What is the difference between the things people did in their free time in the past and the things they do nowadays?

Sample Answer

In the past, people had few options for what to do with their free time. Therefore, they would mostly spend it with their family or engage in constructive conversations with their neighbors. However, a lot has changed since then. Individuals today have a wide range of options for how to spend their leisure time. They can travel to various tourist attractions, can watch films on television or mobile devices or upgrade their existing skills for success.

  • What do you like to do in your free time?

I like to lose myself in the world of books when I have free time. Reading a compelling narrative or diving into a thought-provoking non-fiction book may be very satisfying. It opens my mind and takes me to other places, whether I’m reading on the couch with a book or relaxing with a cup of coffee and my ebook.

Cooking experiments is one of my favourite things to do in my spare time. I enjoy creating new dishes with different recipes, adjusting ingredients, and tasting the delectable dishes I can make. It brings my creativity to life and sharing the results of my labor with loved ones, and getting together around the table is also immensely fulfilling.

  • Is it important to have a break during work or study?

Sample Answer 

Yes, in my opinion, it is crucial to take breaks when working at the office or studying. It is because continuous work or study can be detrimental to our mental health. As a result, it is necessary for us to take a five to ten-minute break, unwind, and then resume our work or study.

  • Do people have enough time for leisure activities nowadays?

According to me, lack of time for free-time activities is a problem of the current times. People don’t have much time for leisure activities because of intense competition and long workdays. Consequently, they become prone to an unhealthy lifestyle, which is attributed to less time spent exercising or relaxing.

  • Can most people achieve work-life balance in your country?

Yes, many people in my nation are able to achieve a work-life balance. As the value of striking a healthy balance between professional and private life grows, companies are introducing flexible work schedules and encouraging mental health and well-being among their staff members. Even if there may still be difficulties, individuals in my nation are learning how to balance their work and personal responsibilities, which eventually increases happiness, productivity, and job satisfaction.

Unfortunately, many people in my nation still find it extremely difficult to achieve work-life balance. The pressures of the contemporary workplace frequently make it challenging for people to prioritise their personal lives over their employment. Furthermore, many people may find it more difficult to attain work-life balance as a result of variables like unstable economic conditions, job insecurity, and limited access to supporting work policies. Even with the efforts being made to solve these problems, a large segment of the people in my nation still struggle to achieve true work-life balance.

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Vocabulary You Can Use to Answer IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions on ‘Describe a Free Time Activity That you Like Doing’ 

Meaning:  To make someone look or feel young and energetic again

Example:  After coming from Bali, Mrs. Gordon felt rejuvenated.

Meaning:  Containing no faults or mistakes; perfect

Example:  She has a flawless complexion.

Meaning:  Very exciting and interesting and making you want to watch or listen

Example:  The plot of the book was quite compelling.

  • Thought-provoking

Meaning:  Making you think a lot about a subject

Example:  The lecture on politics was thought-provoking.

Meaning:  Looking or tasting extremely good, and giving great pleasure

Example:  I was impressed by the delectable dishes prepared by my brother.

  • Detrimental

Meaning:  Damaging; harmful

Example:  Stress is detrimental to health.

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We highly believe that the given IELTS cue card topic, ‘Describe a Free Time Activity That you Like Doing’ with the expert-crafted sample answers would have been of much help! However, if you need additional guidance, you can  connect with our IELTS experts  or make use of the  free IELTS Speaking practice tests  with sample answers and audio!

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Kasturika Samanta

Kasturika Samanta

Kasturika is a professional Content Writer with over three years of experience as an English language teacher. Her understanding of English language requirements, as set by foreign universities, is enriched by her interactions with students and educators. Her work is a fusion of extensive knowledge of SEO practices and up-to-date guidelines. This enables her to produce content that not only informs but also engages IELTS aspirants. Her passion for exploring new horizons has driven her to achieve new heights in her learning journey.

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Describe a healthy activity you enjoy doing regularly.

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card   453   with Model Answer:

Describe a healthy activity you enjoy doing regularly.

  • how long you have been doing this
  • who you do it with

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Ielts cue card # 174 - describe an activity you like doing, describe an activity you like doing..

  • what activity it is
  • who you do it with
  • how you do it and how often

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Describe an Activity You Like Doing: IELTS Speaking (Cue Card With Example Answer)

In part two of your IELTS Speaking test, you might be asked to talk about a hobby or activity you enjoy. The cue card question will probably say: ‘Describe an activity you like doing.’  

What You Can Talk About

First, quickly think of any hobby or pastime activity you do often (and can describe easily). Then, you can talk about:

Tip One: Prepare Word Groups

A word group is a collection of interesting words, phrases, and idioms connected to one main idea.  

This ‘exciting activity’ word group might include the following words and phrases:  

‘Exciting, thrilling, engrossing, exhilarating, all my senses come alive, I get lost in the moment, can’t wait to begin, gives me butterflies, really look forward to it…’ (and more)

How to Use Word Groups

For example, our ‘exciting activity’ word group could be used in answers to many different ‘activity’ or ‘experience’ questions.   You could use it to answer any of these questions:

Tip Two: Use Stories

While preparing for part two of IELTS Speaking, try to prepare many little stories. A short story can help you:

Write down your story, and practice telling it a few times.

Think on Your Feet

No matter what question you get, you’ll feel confident that you can quickly come up with a story to tell.  

Activity Cue Card

You should say:

The reason I find kickboxing so challenging is that it’s a very tough and demanding physical sport. When I go to the gym, I can’t be lazy. I have to work out very hard for a few hours, even if I’m not in the mood . Sometimes I feel like I want to give up, but my trainer always pushes me to keep going, and I love that feeling of digging deep and pushing myself to the limit . I believe that you grow through adversity and kickboxing gives me the chance to grow.

Challenging, Demanding, Tough, Hard, Formidable, Daunting, Challenging task, Challenge myself, Enjoy a good challenge, Push myself (to the limit), Really had to push myself, Even if I’m not in the mood, Overcome a challenge, Grow through adversity, Face my fears, Take the bull by the horns, Grow as a person, Outside my comfort zone, Forced me to think in different ways, Dig deep, Had to dig deep for a solution.  

Your Turn to Try

Think of an activity you enjoy doing, then think of a way you can describe that activity. Perhaps it’s fun, exciting, challenging, mentally stimulating, sociable, relaxing, or something else.

When you’re ready, set up the voice recorder on your phone and ask aloud, “Describe an activity you like doing.”

This is a fantastic way to prepare for part two of your IELTS Speaking test.  

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Include an introduction and conclusion

A conclusion is essential for IELTS writing task 2. It is more important than most people realise. You will be penalised for missing a conclusion in your IELTS essay.

The easiest paragraph to write in an essay is the conclusion paragraph. This is because the paragraph mostly contains information that has already been presented in the essay – it is just the repetition of some information written in the introduction paragraph and supporting paragraphs.

The conclusion paragraph only has 3 sentences:

  • Restatement of thesis
  • Prediction or recommendation

To summarize, a robotic teacher does not have the necessary disciple to properly give instructions to students and actually works to retard the ability of a student to comprehend new lessons. Therefore, it is clear that the idea of running a classroom completely by a machine cannot be supported. After thorough analysis on this subject, it is predicted that the adverse effects of the debate over technology-driven teaching will always be greater than the positive effects, and because of this, classroom teachers will never be substituted for technology.

Start your conclusion with a linking phrase. Here are some examples:

  • In conclusion
  • To conclude
  • To summarize
  • In a nutshell

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Describes a leisure activity which you enjoy doing.

This is funny writing

IELTS essay Describes a leisure activity which you enjoy doing.

  • Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
  • ? One main idea per paragraph
  • Include an introduction and conclusion
  • Support main points with an explanation and then an example
  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
  • Answer all parts of the question
  • ? Present relevant ideas
  • Fully explain these ideas
  • Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
  • ? Currently is not available
  • Meet the criteria
  • Doesn't meet the criteria
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How I Spent My Leisure Time (Essay Sample)

Table of Contents


Meaningfully engaging in life is investing in the things that you enjoy doing most. What gives you much joy and inspires you? What makes you feel giddy and relaxed at the end of doing it?

This essay focuses on leisure activities. The author explains his uses of leisure time and encourages others to get involved in leisure activities that are both fulfilling and satisfying at the end of a long day.

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How I Spend My Leisure Time Essay

I admit that I am a very busy person, but I still believe in finding time to unwind and do enjoyable things. I intentionally block off time for leisure in my calendar. I also make it a point to aside resources and plan meticulously to ensure I get maximum relaxation from it.

Leisure is important to mental and physical wellness and should be taken seriously. It is a conscious decision I make to ensure that I am able to experience it regularly. Taking time out renews my vigor to tackle the challenging tasks I come across daily, as I am able to take breaks to reflect on a few issues about life. I mostly plan my leisure time on the weekends so that I can make space for my family and friends.

This is a short description of how I spend my leisure breaks.

How I Make My Free Time Count

My favorite way to spend my leisure time would be to hang out with my friends at the beach. I enjoy the cool breeze from the ocean and watching people have fun on the shore. Walking along the shores of the beach calms my inner chaos. Occasionally, I collect seashells on the beach and bring them to my siblings. Most of these outdoor activities highly depend on how favorable the weather is.

Full body of anonymous barefoot female with flying hair standing on sandy coast near waving sea against colorful rainbow in nature

I also make the effort to make calls to friends I am unable to physically visit and check in on. Sometimes, the walks alone can take up my whole afternoon.

Other times, I like listening to the music albums of my favorite artists as I stroll along the beach. When the weather is hot, I like swimming on the beach or joining my friends to go fishing in deeper waters. Recently, I tried scuba diving and I liked the experience. I hope that I get to try it again soon. The breathtaking view of the reef is amazing. 

Sometimes, the weather confines me indoors, but that does not mean I cannot have a good leisure break.

If I am having my leisure getaway indoors, I like trying out new recipes and different cuisines from all over the world. Being busy in the kitchen trying out new dishes is enjoyable, to say the least. The meals don’t always turn out the way I expect them to, but the experience is always fun for me. 

Alternatively, I like reading non-fiction books, particularly those that talk about historical events, while relaxing on the couch. I like doing this with soft jazz playing in the background as I peruse through the pages.

At times, I also go to the cinemas and theaters and catch up on the latest movies and plays with friends. There are times when I just want to stay at home and catch up on my go-to shows. I like playing dance games competitively with my brother especially when he is in town. Although he is a better dancer than I am, we both enjoy the dance and have fun together.

Giraffes Standing on Grass Field Surrounded by Plants

I also travel to Africa annually and go on safaris or hike in the mountains. The experience is always great – from socializing with people of different cultures to watching animal wildlife in their natural habitat. The days I spend in Africa leave indelible memories in my mind and encourage me to save up to return and experience more.

The activities I mentioned are just the tip of the iceberg. I really like making the most out of my leisure breaks. All these experiences and memories push me to invest in rest.

I don’t know how you make use of your spare time, but I hope that you are using it well. It could simply be a matter of engaging in your hobbies, spending time with loved ones, soaking in nature, or even reading books. As long as it makes you feel happy and recharged by the time the next week rolls in, it is worth doing.

Different people have different kinds of preferences when it comes to maximizing their free time. There are so many activities to choose from – so there’s no excuse not to indulge in getaways for yourself.

Essay About A Leisure Time Activity

What do you do when you have so much free time that you can actually take extended time off?

I have had the blessing of enjoying a lot of free moments lately and it has given me the opportunity to get involved in the many things that give me joy. One of them is reading novels. I am a staunch fan of murder mysteries. I can never get enough breathers to go through them during a busy week at school, so my collection has been gathering dust at home. I have recently been able to finish two books each weekend, and I’m really enjoying it.

Another activity that I love doing is to write down my plans for the future. I don’t just mean plans for the next year. I like envisioning myself five or ten years from where I am and dreaming of what I’ll be able to accomplish by then.

Finally, I like playing games and indulging in recreational activities. Board games are a guilty pleasure for me. I recently rediscovered my love for classic Monopoly and word puzzles and have been challenging my family and friends for intense rematches on weekends.

What Are Popular Ways To Spend Leisure Time?

There are plenty of ways to wind down in your spare moments. There are those who get involved in competitive sports. Others want something more relaxing and simply hang out with family. More adventurous people travel to other parts of the world to experience and soak in another culture. Others write down their ideas. There are a rare few who spend days in the library looking to expand their knowledge on a certain topic or subject of interest. Then there are the more fun, casual, and popular group activities, such as karaoke, cocktails, hotel stays, and pampering trips.

Why Is Leisure Time Important?

Making space to relax and the wind is essential in making sure you can still excel in the other areas of your life. People say that rest is actually a life strategy. You don’t necessarily rest because you are lazy and don’t want to deal with your obligations. You get to rest for the ultimate good of those activities. It almost seems counterproductive, for example, to do a catnap the night before a heavy deadline. But ten minutes of sleep can actually re-energize your brain and refuel your creative juices so that you can power through the night and finish that requirement. Getting those breathers for yourself also protects you from burnout, which is a common ailment in today’s busy world where everything demands your time and attention. It gives you fresh starts, especially when you feel uninspired and stuck.

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How To Write the MIT Enjoyable Activity Essay

This article was written based on the information and opinions presented by Hale Jaeger in a CollegeVine livestream. You can watch the full livestream for more info.

What’s Covered:

Choosing an activity, two methods of storytelling, example #1: sunset photography, example #2: solving rubik’s cubes.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) consistently is ranked as one of the top five universities in the nation according to U.S. News and World Report. Based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT Is known for its rigorous STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), business, and entrepreneurship programs. They use their own application system called MyMIT instead of the Common Application, and applicants are required to submit five essays. The prompt for option 1 reads:

“We know you lead a busy life, full of activities, many of which are required of you. Tell us about something you do simply for the pleasure of it. (225 words)”

In this article, we will discuss how to approach the prompt as well as some tips for writing your essay. For an overview of the five essay prompts and guidance on how to approach them, check out our post on how to write the MIT application essays .

Your response to this prompt should focus on something that you do, not because it is required of you, but because you are intrinsically motivated to do it. This could be a formal extracurricular activity, such as being a leader of a club at your high school or an informal hobby that you pursue independently and for your personal enrichment. 

This essay is a key opportunity to discuss something that you have not explored in your other essays. You need not, and should not, choose something just because you think it may seem impressive. Rather, choose a pursuit that demonstrates your genuine, authentic passion and that is reflective of who you are and what you will bring to MIT. 

You want to discuss an activity or pursuit that demonstrates your ability to think critically, creatively, and maturely about something. Scrolling through TikTok or looking at memes will not resonate with admissions officers. Rather, you want to highlight a substantive activity where you are engaged actively, invested emotionally, and maybe even producing original content. This could take the form of volunteering in your community, having a part-time job at a local store, or operating your own Etsy shop or YouTube channel. Choose something that you love to do without even being asked. 

Once you have selected an activity, decide which method you want to use for telling your story. One method you can use is the “moment-in-time” method where you share a brief but detailed anecdote about a single point in time in which you were engaged fully in the activity. With this method, you will recreate a moment that is significant to you and demonstrate through your narration why you love doing the activity. 

Alternatively, you can use the longitudinal method where you explore the activity you love, explain how you discovered it, describe how you have engaged in the activity, reflect on how you have grown and what you have learned, and contemplate how you will pursue the activity in the future.

Regardless of whether you choose the moment-in-time or longitudinal method, you will want to incorporate some elements of both methods into your essay. For instance, if you are using the moment-in-time method, you still need to provide context and self-reflection. If you are using the longitudinal method, you still want to provide a rich description of a meaningful moment. Overall, your essay should strike a balance between description and analysis and incorporate vivid imagery, compelling narration, pathos, context, and self-reflection. 

Consider these questions as you brainstorm and begin drafting your response to this essay prompt: 

  • Who introduced you to the activity? 
  • Who inspires you to keep doing the activity? 
  • Who do you serve when you do the activity? 
  • What is involved in doing the activity? 
  • What does the activity mean to you? 
  • What are some of the strongest memories you have of doing the activity?
  • Where do you do the activity? 
  • When do you do the activity? 
  • When did you first learn about the activity? 
  • How often do you do the activity?
  • How has the activity shaped your life and the lives of those around you? 
  • How have you grown as a person? 
  • Why are you passionate about and motivated to do the activity?

For example, consider an applicant whose passion is sunset photography. If the applicant uses the moment-in-time method, they may describe sitting on a pier and watching the sun go down, the experience of lifting the camera, the colors and the sky melting into a gradient of buttercup and creamsicle, the sun hitting the horizon, taking a burst of photos, hearing the rapid succession of camera shutter clicks, and feeling all of their stress evaporate. 

Meanwhile, maybe the applicant uses the longitudinal method and describes their first time holding a camera, their first photo, their experience taking photography classes, and the journey they went on taking photos of various subjects before, ultimately, focusing on sunset photography. With either method, the applicant can use sunset photography to talk about why they appreciate nature’s beauty and how photography allows them to capture a fraction of that beauty and hold onto it for just a while longer.

Another example of the difference between the moment-in-time method and the longitudinal method of approaching Prompt 1 is an applicant who loves solving Rubik’s Cubes of all sizes, from the standard 3x3x3 cube to the 33x33x33 cube. The applicant has been solving Rubik’s Cubes for as long as they can remember and loves solving puzzles and improving over time. 

The applicant could write about the moment when they solved their first Rubik’s Cube. Maybe the applicant could describe how solving the standard Rubik’s Cube led to tackling more complex cubes, starting a speedcubing club in their community, and competing at the state, regional, national, and international levels. With either method, the applicant could have a meaningful discussion about their approach to solving puzzles and handling challenges.

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IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Topic: Describe an outdoor activity you like to do

ielts speaking part 2 2020

IELTS Speaking Part 2

Describe an outdoor activity you like to do You should say: • What it is • Where you like to do it • How you do it And explain why you like to do it

My favorite outdoor activity is jogging. It’s a kind of running at a slow or leisurely pace that helps to build up your physical fitness .

I much prefer to go jogging in open spaces like parks or lakesides. There, you can enjoy fresh air and watch people doing various types of physical activity such as running, aerobic exercises, playing badminton, and so on.

I normally go jogging in the morning with my close friend either at weekends, or in the afternoon, after a tiring school day. We often chat together while we’re jogging, sharing with each other stories about school or sometimes discussing stuff that is going viral on the Internet.

I love jogging because it’s beneficial to our health, that goes without saying , and it does not  require as much stamina as fast running. Moreover, unlike other forms of exercise, jogging is quite easy to do and it allows me to watch people and things as I pass by. I think it’s really relaxing and inspiring to see the world around us, watching everyone keeping active doing  their own thing and feeling part of it all when I’m out jogging.


– at a slow /leisurely pace [expression] at a slow speed/ unhurriedly Example: You can even read at a leisurely pace , as these books have no due dates and can be returned at any time.

– build up [phrasal verb] make somebody stronger and fitter Example: I am training to build up my fitness for the race.

– physical fitness [n] general state of health and well-being Example: Researchers have suggested that physical fitness may play a key role in improving the brain health and academic performance of youngsters.

– various [a] many/ several different Example: She spoke to various members of the club.

– stuff [n] items or products in general – informal – without specifying what they are Example: The shop sells i-pads, laptops and stuff like that.

– go viral [idiom] spread quickly and widely among Internet users Example: “Gangnam Style” is a video that went viral several years ago, even though most of us don’t understand a word of it.

– beneficial [a] helpful, useful Example: The improvement in sales figure had a beneficial influence on the company as a whole.

– goes without saying [idiom] be generally accepted or understood Example: It goes without saying that you will improve your skills with practice.

– require [v] need (something) Example: Skiing at 80 miles per hour requires total concentration.

– stamina [n] physical or mental strength that enables you to do something difficult for a long period of time Example: You need a lot of stamina to run a marathon.

– doing their own thing [expression] following their own interests, without worrying about what other people think Example: When young people leave home to live abroad, they enjoy doing their own thing , because they have more freedom to follow their interests.

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To Do Today: Kayaking on the Charles River

Enjoy the city skyline from the water.

Wide photo of the Charles River looking towards the footbridge at Harvard. In the foreground, two kayaks are seen. At left, there's a single orange kayak, at right a double, blue kayak. The trees along the Charles are in full bloom and light blue sky is cloudless.

When kayaking, low winds are ideal so you are not paddling into headwinds that can slow your speed (unless you’re looking for good exercise). Photo by iStock/APCortizasJr

Suryatapa Chakraborty (COM’25)

Kayaking on the Charles River with Paddle Boston .

The hours vary depending on the location, but typical hours of operation are 10 am to 8 pm. Find more information here .

15 Broad Canal Way, Cambridge, and 1071 Soldiers Field Rd., Allston. There are also locations in Medford, Newton, Somerville, Stoneham, and Waltham. Find directions and information for all locations here .

Prices vary, starting at $32 for a single kayak for up to 90 minutes. See the full price list here .

Why should I go?

Kayaking on the Charles River should be on your BU bucket list. The views are one of a kind on days with clear visibility. As you paddle, notice the historic brownstone apartments in Back Bay, the Citgo sign in Kenmore, and the bustling tech developments in Cambridge. Pass underneath people traveling across the Longfellow and Harvard Bridges. Row to the Esplanade and share the calmer waters with ducks and geese.

Be sure to choose a day with great weather. Low winds are ideal so you’re not paddling into headwinds that can slow your speed (unless you’re looking for good exercise). 

Also, don’t forget to wear sunscreen, and bring a hat or shades along for some extra protection from the sun. Be prepared for your clothes to get a little wet, depending on how windy it is.

Paddle Boston allows coolers (no alcohol) and food to be taken on their boats. You must be at least 18 years of age to rent a boat (15 with a parental permission waiver ), and children of all ages are permitted to join.

Each participant must sign a waiver stating, among other things, that they will wear their life jacket throughout the rental period (the company has life jackets available to fit all ages). Dogs are also permitted in Paddle Boston boats, but be careful they don’t jump in the water. Life jackets for dogs are available at each location.

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There is 1 comment on To Do Today: Kayaking on the Charles River

I rented a kayak at the BU sailing pavilion for $18 for the whole day. I only used it for two hours but it was worth it. It is very close to campus

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Ross Douthat

The 4 Ways I See This Going With Trump

A woman holds a large photo of Donald Trump.

By Ross Douthat

Opinion Columnist

Donald Trump will arrive at the 2024 Republican convention — his Republican convention, finally and completely, without the dissent of 2016 or the pandemic that overshadowed 2020 — closer than ever to a second term. But the likelihood of a Trump restoration has not yet brought clarity about what it would actually usher in.

With Trump there is always the whipsaw, the forays toward normalcy and the reversion to a darker mean. Asked on the debate stage whether he would spend a second term seeking revenge on his political enemies, he promised that “my retribution is going to be success. We’re going to make this country successful again.” A few days later, he was on Truth Social, amplifying a post demanding a military tribunal for Liz Cheney.

With Trump, too, there is always the question of how his policy impulses interact with his personal laziness. He recently made a big show of repudiating Project 2025 , a Heritage Foundation blueprint stuffed with severely conservative proposals, and then he produced a Republican Party platform stripped of some gun-rights and pro-life language and pledging to protect Medicare and Social Security from any kind of cuts. Are these signs that Trump knows he can just roll over conservative activist groups in pursuit of popularity? Or are they meaningless gestures, because personnel is policy and he’s going to hire all the guys who worked on Project 2025?

There’s no singular Trumpism whose workings we can confidently predict. Instead there are Trumpist scenarios and Trumpian personae — whose interactions, if he wins, will give his second term its shape.

First, there is Trump the moderate . This has always been an underestimated aspect of his brand, because his moderation is united to excess and demagoguery. But Trump is not a movement conservative, not an ideologue outside of core obsessions like trade and immigration, and he no longer has to fear revolts from his right the way he did in the days when he felt the need to pick a religious-conservative Reaganite as his vice president.

Glance over the G.O.P. platform, focus on the substance rather than the capital letters and the Trumpian flourishes, and you can see outlines of the pitch the moderate version of Trump wants to make to swing voters. I’ll be right-wing on crime and immigration, but I won’t touch your retirement programs. I’ll be anti-woke and pro-patriotism, but I won’t be Mike Pence on social issues. I’ll keep the tax cuts I passed last time, but I won’t necessarily pile on more tax cuts for the rich. I’ll keep America out of unnecessary wars.

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    You must be at least 18 years of age to rent a boat (15 with a parental permission waiver), and children of all ages are permitted to join. Each participant must sign a waiver stating, among other things, that they will wear their life jacket throughout the rental period (the company has life jackets available to fit all ages).

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    Government activity Departments. Departments, agencies and public bodies. News. News stories, speeches, letters and notices. Guidance and regulation