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Paper Books vs E-Books: Which One Is Better for Reading?

Article 24 Mar 2023 8195 0

Paper Book Vs eBook

In today's digital age, the debate over paper books vs e-books has become a hot topic among readers. While traditional paper books have been around for centuries, the rise of e-books and e-readers has disrupted the publishing industry and changed the way we read. In this article, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of paper books and e-books, their impact on the environment, and how they have impacted reading habits and preferences. We will also help readers make an informed decision about which option is better for their personal reading preferences.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Paper Books and E-Books

Paper Books:

  • Advantages:
  • Physical books provide a tactile and sensory experience that e-books cannot replicate.
  • Many readers enjoy the smell and feel of a new or old book, the ability to turn physical pages, and the convenience of using bookmarks.
  • Paper books do not require a power source or device to read, making them accessible anywhere.
  • Some studies have shown that reading physical books can improve reading comprehension and retention.
  • Disadvantages:
  • Physical books take up space and can be heavy, making them difficult to carry around.
  • They can be expensive to produce, resulting in higher prices for consumers.
  • Printing and shipping physical books requires a significant amount of resources, which can impact the environment negatively.
  • E-books are lightweight and portable, allowing readers to carry thousands of books in a single device.
  • They are generally more affordable than physical books and are easily accessible online.
  • E-books are more environmentally friendly as they do not require physical production or transportation.
  • They offer features such as adjustable font size, built-in dictionaries, and the ability to highlight and take notes.
  • E-books require a power source or device to read, limiting accessibility in areas without electricity or internet access.
  • They can cause eye strain and disrupt sleep patterns due to the blue light emitted from devices.
  • Some readers prefer the tactile experience of physical books and find e-books less satisfying.

Environmental Impact of Paper Book Production vs E-Book Production

The production of paper books requires a significant amount of resources, including trees, water, and energy. According to The New York Times, it takes an estimated 12 trees to produce one ton of paper. In addition, the production of paper books requires large amounts of water and energy, resulting in greenhouse gas emissions and pollution. On the other hand, e-books have a lower carbon footprint as they do not require physical production or transportation. However, the production and disposal of e-readers and other electronic devices also have environmental consequences. Overall, the environmental impact of paper books vs e-books is complex and requires further research and analysis.

Impact of E-Books on the Publishing Industry

The rise of e-books has disrupted the publishing industry, impacting bookstores, publishers, and authors. According to Forbes, e-book sales have declined since 2015, while paperback sales have seen a steady increase. This trend may be due to the convenience and affordability of e-books, which has resulted in a shift in consumer preferences. However, physical bookstores and independent bookshops have also seen a resurgence in recent years, as some readers prefer the tactile and sensory experience of physical books.

Reading Experience and Preferences

The reading experience and preferences of readers for paper books vs e-books are subjective and vary depending on personal preferences and reading habits. A survey conducted by the Pew Research Center found that 65% of American adults had read a print book in the past year, while only 28% had read an e-book. The same survey found that readers who prefer e-books cited convenience, price, and portability as their main reasons for choosing digital reading materials. Meanwhile, those who prefer paper books cited the tactile experience, the ability to physically display books, and the lack of eye strain or fatigue as their primary reasons for sticking with printed materials.

Another factor that can impact a reader's preference is the type of content they are consuming. For example, readers may prefer e-books for genres such as romance, mystery, and thriller, where they may consume a higher volume of books in a shorter period. On the other hand, readers may prefer physical books for genres such as poetry, art, or photography books, where the visual and tactile experience is a significant part of the reading experience.

Accessibility is another key consideration for many readers. E-books are more accessible for people with visual impairments or reading difficulties, as they offer customizable font sizes and text-to-speech options. E-books also offer the convenience of being able to purchase and download books instantly, without having to leave one's home or visit a physical bookstore. However, physical books have the advantage of being able to be borrowed from libraries or shared among friends, which may be more difficult with digital books due to copyright restrictions and digital rights management (DRM) technology.

Cost is another significant factor for many readers. E-books are generally cheaper than physical books, with some e-books being available for free. However, readers should keep in mind that the cost of an e-reader or tablet must be factored in as well. Physical books may be more expensive, but they can also be resold or passed on to others, which can offset their initial cost.

While the convenience and accessibility of e-books are undeniable, they have also disrupted the publishing industry in significant ways. E-books have enabled self-publishing, which has given many authors the ability to publish their work without the backing of a traditional publishing house. This has led to a proliferation of new and diverse voices in the literary world, but it has also created a crowded and competitive marketplace where it can be difficult for authors to get noticed.

Final Thought

In conclusion, both paper books and e-books have their advantages and disadvantages. The choice between the two ultimately depends on personal preferences, reading habits, and the type of content being consumed. Paper books offer a tactile and visual experience that many readers prefer, while e-books offer convenience, affordability, and accessibility. The impact of e-books on the publishing industry and reading habits is significant and ongoing, and it will be interesting to see how these trends evolve in the coming years.

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Essay 10: Ebooks – Advantages and Disadvantages

Essay 10-EBooks Advantages and Disadvantages-IELTSTution.com

With the rise of Ebooks comes the decline of paper books. Some people see this as a good step forward while others do not. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?

Sample response 1.

Over the past decade, technology has revolutionized almost every walk of life. One such innovation has been Ebooks which are increasingly becoming popular and replacing paper-based books. Many considered it a positive development because of the convenience they offer and environment-friendliness; however, there are others who deem the trend negative because of harmful effects on health and difficulty in maintaining focus for the reader.

The foremost benefit of electronic books is that they are extremely easy to handle and carry. For instance, one can store hundreds of books on his tablet or smartphone, and travel while reading comfortably without facing the hassle of lifting heavy books. In addition to that, these books are contributing to efforts to tackle climate change. Papers that are used in conventional books are made from wood, and have over the years, led to massive deforestation. With digital books becoming popular, a significant drop of 23% in deforestation has been noted over the past decade, as indicated by a report published in Daily Times.

However, there are drawbacks to this trend of using digital copies over paper ones. One major demerit is that such books affect readers’ visual health adversely. That is to say, if a reader is exposed to a screen for an extended duration, he may develop eyesight issues because of excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Additionally, it is also a fact that reading a book on a smart gadget, for instance, a smartphone comes with numerous distractions from social media and other applications. On the contrary, paper-based books are neither associated with eyesight issues, nor any distractions.

To conclude, there are a few disadvantages of e-books like distractions from social media applications and harmful effects on eyesight; but them being pro-environment and easy to carry, they are attracting more people every passing day.

Sample Response 2

In recent years, Ebooks have gained immense popularity, and this has led to a decline in the demand for paper books. While some individuals perceive this as a positive development, others view it as negative. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the trend toward e-books.

On the one hand, Ebooks offer several benefits over traditional paper books. Firstly, they are more convenient and portable. With e-books, one can carry an entire library with them on a single device, whereas with paper books, it is not possible to carry more than a few books at a time. Secondly, e-books are often cheaper than paper books, making them more accessible to a wider range of readers. Additionally, e-books are more environmentally friendly, as they do not require paper or ink and do not contribute to deforestation or pollution.

On the other hand, the decline of paper books has some disadvantages. Firstly, many people still prefer the tactile experience of reading a physical book, as they enjoy the smell and feel of the pages. Secondly, some people argue that e-books do not offer the same level of engagement as paper books, as the lack of physical presence can make it difficult for readers to connect with the story. Finally, the shift towards e-books could lead to the closure of traditional bookstores and libraries, which are important cultural institutions in many communities.

In conclusion, the rise of Ebooks has both advantages and disadvantages. While e-books offer greater convenience, affordability, and environmental benefits, they may lack the same level of engagement and cultural significance as paper books. It is up to individuals to decide which format they prefer and to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each. Ultimately, the shift towards e-books is a reflection of the changing nature of reading habits and technological advancements in the digital age.

Sample Response 3

In recent years, the popularity of Ebooks has grown exponentially, leading to a decline in the use of paper books. While some individuals view this trend as a positive step forward, others are more skeptical. In this essay, I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend.

On the one hand, Ebooks offer several advantages over traditional paper books. First and foremost, e-books are more convenient to carry around. With a tablet or e-reader, individuals can have access to an entire library of books in one compact device. This portability allows individuals to read books on the go, without having to carry around heavy paper books. Additionally, e-books are often more affordable than paper books, which is a significant advantage for those on a tight budget. Finally, e-books are more environmentally friendly than paper books, as they require no physical paper or ink.

On the other hand, there are also several disadvantages to the rise of e-books. Perhaps the most significant disadvantage is the impact that e-books can have on physical bookstores. As more and more individuals switch to Ebooks, physical bookstores may struggle to stay afloat. Additionally, e-books require a significant initial investment, as individuals need to purchase an e-reader or tablet. While the cost of e-books may be lower in the long run, this initial investment can be a barrier for some individuals. Finally, some individuals argue that reading an e-book simply does not compare to the experience of reading a physical book. They argue that the tactile experience of holding a book and turning its pages is an integral part of the reading experience that cannot be replicated with an e-reader.

In conclusion, while Ebooks offer several advantages, such as convenience, affordability, and environmental sustainability, there are also several disadvantages to their rise in popularity. These include their potential impact on physical bookstores, the initial investment required to purchase an e-reader or tablet, and the loss of the tactile experience that comes with reading a physical book. Ultimately, whether one views this trend as positive or negative depends on their personal preferences and priorities.

Sample Response 4

The advent of e-books has brought about a marked decline in the usage of traditional paper books. While some individuals perceive this trend as a step in the right direction, others remain apprehensive. In this essay, I will explicate the pros and cons of this development.

On one hand, e-books are advantageous for a number of reasons. Firstly, e-books are far more convenient than paper books, as they allow for the storage of thousands of books in one small device. This not only reduces the physical burden of carrying a bulky book but also makes reading on the go more feasible. Moreover, e-books are generally more cost-effective than paper books, which can be especially beneficial for students who require a large number of books. Furthermore, e-books are environmentally friendly, as they reduce the need for paper, which in turn reduces deforestation and pollution.

On the other hand, the rise of e-books has a few significant drawbacks. One of the main concerns is the impact on traditional bookstores, which may be forced to shut down due to the increasing popularity of e-books. This would not only result in job losses but would also have a detrimental effect on communities, as bookstores often serve as cultural hubs. Additionally, e-books require an initial investment in an e-reader or tablet, which can be a barrier for individuals who are unable to afford such a device. Furthermore, some individuals argue that the experience of reading a paper book, with its tactile sensation, cannot be replicated by an e-reader or tablet.

In conclusion, while Ebooks provide numerous benefits, including convenience, affordability, and eco-friendliness, there are also a few significant drawbacks to this trend, such as the potential impact on traditional bookstores, the initial investment required to purchase an e-reader, and the loss of the tactile sensation of a physical book. Ultimately, the decision of whether to embrace e-books or continue with paper books rests with each individual, based on their priorities and preferences.

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Improving Sentences: E-books and paper books

Improve your academic writing skills for IELTS writing task 2.

In recent years, more and more people are choosing to read e-books rather than paper books. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

The statements below are taken from a student’s essay and contain some mistakes. Can you re-write these sentences so that they are not only correct but also higher band score?

  • In my point of view, reading digital books have more advantages compared with printed books.
  • First and foremost, E-book is been accessed, nowadays, easily by the people in a fraction of seconds through the advanced modern communication technologies.
  • Secondly, buying an electronic version books are easier than the printed paper books.
  • On the other hand, People health will affect when they spend more time to read books by using the modern gadgets such as laptop, mobile phones and tablets.
  • In conclusion, in my view, electronic version books bring more pleasure and easily to access.
  • In my opinion, reading digital books has more advantages compared to printed books. (“reading digital books” is the subject and it is actually singular so the verb must be “has” not “have”)
  • First and foremost, e-books can be easily accessed by people in only a fraction of a second through the use of advanced modern technology. ( The phrase “a fraction of a second” can’t be plural and must be written as it is. It’s a nice phrase to use and can be used for academic writing – just make sure you write it correctly)
  • Secondly, buying electronic books online is easier for the consumer than purchasing printed paper books.
  • On the other hand, spending too much time reading e-books on bright screens from gadgets such as laptops or tablets, can have an adverse effect on people’s health.
  • In conclusion, I think that e-books are more accessible to both read and buy for the consumer than conventional paper books.

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E-books have become increasingly popular as reading options over physical books. I believe that the benefits of this trend far overshadow the drawbacks.

One of the main disadvantages of reading digital books could be the harm it causes to human eyes. Staring at the screen when reading e-books for a prolonged period may cause strain on the eyes, whereas one can enjoy reading paper books as long as they wish with the proper lighting. Furthermore, eBooks may not always be accessible; readers sometimes struggle to find some old or scientific books in a digital format, as they are often available in a physical format in libraries. In addition, another drawback of e-books may be that they lack the tactile and sensory experience of a physical book. Most people find it joyful to experience the feeling of turning the pages, smelling the ink, and the overall authenticity of traditional books.

However, there are plenty of convincing reasons for digital books to become more popular and advantageous. Firstly, the mobility of eBooks is one of the main factors contributing to their popularity. Digital books are portable and lighter than printed books, and a single device may accommodate a whole library with thousands of them. Secondly, e-books are often remarkably cheaper than their physical counterparts, making them affordable for many readers. Moreover, it requires the cutting of a huge number of trees in order to produce paper and print physical books, which, as a result, harms the environment. In contrast, digital books do not require any paper, ink, or energy, making them more environmentally friendly than conventional books.

To conclude, despite having some minor disadvantages, I believe the benefits of e-reading outweigh the drawbacks. Electronic books are convenient, accessible, and affordable, making them a substantially popular choice among readers.

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This website is really helpful for ielts. I have learnt many things from this website. Thanks a lot madam for your kind cooperation and help.

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Is it important to follow the (task 2)structure,introduction like….paraphrase,thesis,outline. Body paragraph 1 ●topic sentence ●reason ●example ●effect Same as second body paragraph. Actually i am baffled about this structure because I do not understand how I write in example. Please tell me, how I can do😕

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No. You should not be fixing a structure like that. It is completely inflexible and not suitable for all essays. The content of your body paragraphs depends on the ideas you use. The body paragraphs are simply – main idea followed by explanation in whatever form suits the idea. See my model essays and see the flexible range of developing ideas: https://ieltsliz.com/ielts-writing-task-2/

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Hello, Liz! This is my first time to take IELTS. Could you please tell me that – In Writing task2 essay conclusion part, can we write “By considering both sides of the views, i would like to conclude that” following by my opinion. Can we write like that in discussion types of essays?

Don’t memorise long chunks of language!! Memorise linking words, but not 13 words in a row. IELTS do not accept memorised language and you are not given a higher mark for it.

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Hey Liz I bought your lesson on Advantage Disadvantage essay and learnt the intricacies thoroughly. However, i still have a doubt. The above question talks about e-books and then mentions paper books in the statement. So do i have to follow the same order while writing the essay or can i alter it? In your lesson on the same topic, when you discuss about the essay on ‘advantages outweigh disadvantages’ you have followed the same logical order as mentioned in topic question (topic about children doing paid work) can i talk about paper book first(admittedly, there are some basic benefits of using paper books…) and then mention e-books (nevertheless, despite the advantages..)? Is it alright to change the order?

Always have a logical structure. The order in your introduction will be the order in your essay. Also use clear signposts in your essay so the reader knows immediately which paragraph is about which issue. The examiner is testing logical organisation and clear linking.

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hi liz, should i write the advantages or disadvantages ? thank you .

You need to explain which one is more important that the other.

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Hello,Liz! This is my first time to take ielts..could you please have a look at my essay and give me your feedback 🙂

Nowadays, a majority of people choose to rely on electronic gadgets to read rather than traditional books.Despite of the daggers drawn as a results of e-books, it has numerous merits.

First of all, it is preferable to choose e-books as they are convenient and extremely portable. For instance,instead of packing a bunch of books to keep your self entertained while you are on a holiday, you can carry a pocket-size device where you can store multiple books of different genres.Apart from its convenience, it is possible to magnify and adjust the font and size of the words according to the reader’s preference and therefore, it makes it enjoyable to read.This is also a blessing to people who has eye-related problems. Moreover, probably many people spend most of their money on buying new books. It is affordable to buy a laptop or an ipad instead of wasting your money on printed counterparts.

However, on the other hand, it is perceived that e-books possess numerous negative impacts. People tend to spend innumerable hours glued to the device to read a story. This possibly has myriads detrimental health hazards. For example, radiations can destroy your nerve cells,not only this but excessive use of electronic devices damages your eyes as well.

In conclusion, too much of anything ruins it. E-books receives many tremendous benefits to people.So, to avoid missing any of them and protect yourself from their harms, it is advisable to limit the number of reading hours.


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In “advantages outweigh disadvantages” essays, if we are taking side of “advantages”, do we need to mention disadvantages?im bit confused about tgis type of essays

“Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?” This means if you agree the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, you need to show that the advantages are more important and the disadvantages are less important. As you see, you tackle both but lean clearly to one side more than the other side. This means you don’t choose one side and ignore the other – you tackle both but with a very clear position of each.

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Thank you so much, it really helped and I will keep practicing until I get it better. Thank you again for your help and for all your dedication.

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The New York Times

The learning network | are paper books better than e-books.

The Learning Network - Teaching and Learning With The New York Times

Are Paper Books Better Than E-Books?

Penguin Random House last year doubled the size of its distribution center in Crawfordsville, Ind., to speed up book distribution. <a href="//www.nytimes.com/2015/09/23/business/media/the-plot-twist-e-book-sales-slip-and-print-is-far-from-dead.html">Related Article</a>

Questions about issues in the news for students 13 and older.

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Analysts once predicted that e-books would overtake print by 2015. After all, they’re lighter to pack on a trip; they don’t clutter shelves; they don’t weigh down backpacks. Yet, e-book sales have slipped lately, and there are signs that even e-book adopters are returning to print.

Are paper books just better than e-books?

In “ The Plot Twist: E-Book Sales Slip, and Print Is Far From Dead ,” Alexandra Alter writes:

Five years ago, the book world was seized by collective panic over the uncertain future of print. As readers migrated to new digital devices, e-book sales soared, up 1,260 percent between 2008 and 2010, alarming booksellers that watched consumers use their stores to find titles they would later buy online. Print sales dwindled, bookstores struggled to stay open, and publishers and authors feared that cheaper e-books would cannibalize their business. Then in 2011, the industry’s fears were realized when Borders declared bankruptcy. “E-books were this rocket ship going straight up,” said Len Vlahos, a former executive director of the Book Industry Study Group, a nonprofit research group that tracks the publishing industry. “Just about everybody you talked to thought we were going the way of digital music.” But the digital apocalypse never arrived, or at least not on schedule. While analysts once predicted that e-books would overtake print by 2015, digital sales have instead slowed sharply. Now, there are signs that some e-book adopters are returning to print, or becoming hybrid readers, who juggle devices and paper. E-book sales fell by 10 percent in the first five months of this year, according to the Association of American Publishers, which collects data from nearly 1,200 publishers. Digital books accounted last year for around 20 percent of the market, roughly the same as they did a few years ago. E-books’ declining popularity may signal that publishing, while not immune to technological upheaval, will weather the tidal wave of digital technology better than other forms of media, like music and television.

Students: Read the entire article, then tell us …

— Are paper books better than e-books?

— Do they offer a richer, more satisfying reading experience because you can physically hold them and turn the pages?

— Are they better because they are free from technical problems, like low battery power and glitches?

— Do print books carry more emotional or sentimental value because you can touch them and see them on the shelf?

— Or is the story not over yet — and e-books will still take the place of paper books in the long run?

Students 13 and older are invited to comment below. All comments are moderated by Learning Network staff, but please keep in mind that once your comment is accepted, it will be made public.

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E-book vs. Paper Book: Advantages and Disadvantages

What are the similarities and differences between physical and e-books? Find out in this essay sample on e-book vs print book advantages and disadvantages! Get some ideas and inspiration for your paper and learn more about e-book and paper book advantages and disadvantages.

E-book vs Print Book: Advantages and Disadvantages Essay Introduction

E-book advantages & paper book disadvantages, paper book advantages and disadvantages of e-books, e books vs paper books: essay conclusion.

Ever since e-books became a thing, there have been debates on their and paper books’ advantages and disadvantages. Some people believe that e-books will never replace paper ones. E-books are good, but they are gaining popularity at a very high rate which essentially translates to the death of printed publications. It is because having publications in digital format and available to the entire world at the click of a button means they can easily be freely and maliciously circulated over the internet. As such, the writers and publishers will not profit from their works because readers prefer to contact a hacker and get the free e-book rather than buy the more expensive printed text.

Some advantages of e-books over paper books include the fact that they are easy to read, mainly because of the various available functions such as zooming. The e-books are also easily portable using light devices such as compact disks and flash disks. It contrasts with paper books, which are more bulky, notably bigger volumes. E-books are also much easier to read than paper books because accessing a particular item in the publication is defined by the search function.

Besides, paper books are more advantageous than e-books because they do not cause unnecessary eye strain. By contrast, e-books require the reader to constantly stare into bright screens, sometimes leading to tearing eyes due to the strain.

E-books also require the reader to have a specialized digital and battery/electricity-powered device to access the data. If one cannot access a power source, then he/she cannot read the book. Paper books do not have this constraint as they can be accessed at any time, provided the lighting conditions are favorable for reading. E-books are also prone to destruction by viruses and bugs compared to paper books which can easily be protected from damage.

With the demand for pirated e-books over 54% in the United States, authors are gradually losing out on earnings from their works. If not well taken care of, this problem will eventually lead to the de-motivation of writers and the decline of the publishing industry in general. E-books are primarily software functions that must be hosted on computers or sold as independent products that digital readers can access.

This presentation in forms can easily be transferred from one machine to another, making them more prone to the deeds of hackers and pirates. With the world gradually becoming a global village owing to the spread of internet connections, pirates can easily distribute cheaper versions of e-books by providing cracks to counter the need for access codes.

The security of e-books and their genuine marketing is the primary factor countering the development of this technology. In order to address this issue, the publishers must find a proper team of computer specialists to develop incorruptible ways of safeguarding the sanctity of their products.

It includes the development of difficult-to-crack security codes and one-time-use passwords for accessing e-books. The law-enforcement agencies should also ensure that they constantly monitor online activities in order to arrest criminal activities such as e-book pirating before they become widespread.

In conclusion, even with e-books gaining immense popularity, they face numerous serious challenges that have prevented them from being appreciated as a potential threat to paper books.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, May 4). E-book vs. Paper Book: Advantages and Disadvantages. https://studycorgi.com/e-book-vs-paper-book-advantages-and-disadvantages/

"E-book vs. Paper Book: Advantages and Disadvantages." StudyCorgi , 4 May 2020, studycorgi.com/e-book-vs-paper-book-advantages-and-disadvantages/.

StudyCorgi . (2020) 'E-book vs. Paper Book: Advantages and Disadvantages'. 4 May.

1. StudyCorgi . "E-book vs. Paper Book: Advantages and Disadvantages." May 4, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/e-book-vs-paper-book-advantages-and-disadvantages/.


StudyCorgi . "E-book vs. Paper Book: Advantages and Disadvantages." May 4, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/e-book-vs-paper-book-advantages-and-disadvantages/.

StudyCorgi . 2020. "E-book vs. Paper Book: Advantages and Disadvantages." May 4, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/e-book-vs-paper-book-advantages-and-disadvantages/.

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Watch CBS News

Books vs. e-books: The science behind the best way to read

By Amy Kraft

December 14, 2015 / 6:00 AM EST / CBS News

While browsing the bookstore to buy a gift for that special someone (or yourself), you may be faced with a tough decision: e-books or the old-fashioned kind? Each one has its pros and cons, and choosing the best option depends on a number of factors.

Some of the practical advantages of going digital are obvious: A portable little e-reader can carry an entire library wherever you go, which is great for travelers or those who always want a choice of reading material.

On the other hand, research has been stacking up to show that reading on paper has a number of benefits, too. Plus, there's the nostalgia factor .

"First and foremost, consider the person and their lifelong preferences," Dr. Matthew H. Schneps, director of the Laboratory for Visual Learning, a collaboration between the University of Massachusetts Boston and MIT, told CBS News in an email. "Some people absolutely love the look, smell, and feel of the classical book held in the hand, and such people may not want to give up the sensory experience of reading from a paper book. If the recipient of your gift is someone who is adventurous when it comes to gadgets, but otherwise doesn't read much using traditional books, giving the gift of an e-reader can be a life-changing experience for them."

Here's a look at some of the science to consider before you spring for a Kindle, a Nook or a stack of new hardcovers.

Young, reluctant readers prefer e-readers

A 2014 study published in the journal Library & Information Science Research found that out of 143 10th grade students, most preferred e-readers . Boys and those who did not care much for reading also shared a strong preference for e-readers.

"An e-reader has more in common with the electronic devices that young people use all the time, like smartphones or iPads, than a paper book, when it comes to turning of pages, the possibilities of adjusting font size, etc.," lead author of the study, Åse Kristine Tveit, told CBS News in an email.

Reading on paper may boost retention

Several small studies suggest that reading on paper instead of an electronic screen is better for memory retention and focus. The Guardian reported on an experiment from Norway where people were given a short story to read either on a Kindle or in a paperback book; when they were quizzed later, those who read the paperback were more likely to remember plot points in the right order.

"When you read on paper you can sense with your fingers a pile of pages on the left growing, and shrinking on the right," the lead researcher, Anne Mangen, of Norway's Stavanger University, told the Guardian. "You have the tactile sense of progress ... Perhaps this somehow aids the reader, providing more fixity and solidity to the reader's sense of unfolding and progress of the text, and hence the story."

Paper suits readers with sleep problems and eye strain

High levels of screen luminance from an electronic device can contribute to visual fatigue, a condition marked by tired, itching, burning eyes.

There are also potential considerations for those reading e-books on light-emitting e-readers at night (although a number of e-readers do not use light-emitting screens), Dr. Margaret K. Merga, a reading and education specialist in Australia, told CBS News in an email. "Artificial light exposure from light-emitting e-readers may interfere with users' ability to sleep , ultimately leading to adverse impacts on health."

A 2014 study published in the journal PNAS found that reading an e-book before bedtime decreased the production of melatonin, a hormone that preps the body for sleep. E-books also impaired alertness the following day.

E-books help the visually impaired

Individuals with poor eyesight or reading disorders like dyslexia can benefit more from e-books because they provide a range of options for changing the text size and spacing of lines. A 2013 study in the journal PLOS One observed reading comprehension and speed in 103 high school students with dyslexia. The study found that people with dyslexia read more effectively, and with greater ease, when using the e-reader compared with reading on paper.

Schneps, who was the lead author on the paper, said, "What made the difference was the ability of the device to display lines of text that were extremely short (about two or three words per line), as well as its ability to space out the text. When these people read using the modified formatting, their reading instantly improved."

His team has a website where people can preview the effects of some of these features before making a purchase. Try out the interactive tips at readeasy.labvislearn.org .

A fondness for books

Many book-lovers still prefer the traditional option and value the tactile sensation of a bound paper book. "Paper books are, as a rule, very well designed, they look and smell good, and they carry with them a more human touch," Tveit said.

In Merga's experience with students in Australia, avid readers also tend to prefer reading on paper. While conducting the West Australian Study in Adolescent Book Reading (WASABR), Merga and colleagues found that students preferred reading paper books. "One student described this attitude as a preference to 'own something (rather) than just use it,'" Merga said.

More from CBS News

E-Books VS Printed Books: An Argumentative Essay

The norm for school reading is heavy, expensive textbooks. But some have proposed that e-textbooks, available through school tablets or laptops, could be a better alternative. A textbook is a book used to formally define concepts in education. An e-textbook contains the same material, but is not bound to a single physical object. A typical print textbook is not only expensive, costing 50 US$ or more, but also cumbersome to house and maintain. E-textbooks, on the other hand, are easily accessible with most devices and are much less expensive. In this paper, we’ll be discovering why e-textbooks are a better investment than cumbersome print textbooks.

One of the largest factors of resource decisions is the cost, and this applies to textbooks in addition to many other things. Print textbooks are a big investment for a school. The price of print textbooks is high simply because of the amount of materials required to make them. E-textbooks, however, are priced solely on their content, and tend to be much less expensive than print textbooks. Another factor is the costs going forward after the initial purchase. A print textbook is vulnerable to rips, stains, and mildew, and because of this print textbooks must be cared for carefully. If a print textbook falls victim to one of these mishaps, often a new textbook is required. E-textbooks, though, are accessible to all of the school upon purchase, and cannot degrade or be damaged. As a result, E-textbooks are very low maintenance.

The accessibility of the material is also important. With a print textbook, there is only a few copies, or sometimes only one, in circulation. Only one student can use a given book at a time. These problems are eliminated in e-textbooks, which can be accessed by anyone with an authorized device, even simultaneously. In addition, print textbooks are sometimes not allowed to leave the school, forcing students to read at school. However, with an e-textbook, a student can access the textbook from anywhere with an Internet connection.

Something that might not be considered as much is engagement. Many print textbooks look dull and boring just from their size, their rough paper, and their minuscule type. E-textbooks have the advantage of not being associated with a physical weight, and being presented through a screen that can be zoomed in to focus on the content. Print textbooks also have a stereotype applied to them that claims that they are flat, dull, and long-winded, which is only reinforced by their physical medium. But e-textbooks? They are accessed through an electronic device, the same devices that are used to plan outings with friends and chat with fellows. Simply by being accessed through a device that is often considered useful, or even fun, e-textbooks have the advantage of being associated with that usefulness.

Some might say that this is a disadvantage, and that being on a such a device would distract the student’s attention from the textbook. This point becomes moot if the device is issued by the school and does not allow access to distracting services such as social media. Others may claim that print textbooks make the student connect more with the real, physical world. It might do so, but since the connection is through a print textbook, the students might end up associating the dullness of such a book with the physical world.

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My Book Brief .

Updated on November 3, 2023

eBooks vs. Printed Books: The Ultimate Comparison

eBooks vs. Printed Books: Which is Better?

The debate over eBooks vs. printed books has been raging for years, with passionate arguments on both sides. Some people swear by the convenience and portability of eBooks, while others insist that nothing can replace the tactile experience of reading a physical book. So which is better? The answer, as with most things, is not black and white.

Understanding eBooks and Printed Books Before diving into the pros and cons of each format, it’s important to understand what they are. eBooks are digital versions of books that can be read on electronic devices like tablets, e-readers, and smartphones. Printed books, on the other hand, are physical copies of books that you can hold in your hands and flip through. Both formats have unique characteristics and benefits; their choice ultimately depends on personal preference.

Key Takeaways:

  • The debate over eBooks vs. printed books has been ongoing for years.
  • eBooks are digital versions of books, while printed books are physical copies.
  • The choice between the two ultimately comes down to personal preference.

eBooks vs. Printed Books

  • 1.1 What are eBooks?
  • 1.2 What are Printed Books?
  • 2.1 From Print to Digital
  • 2.2 Growth of eBooks
  • 3.1 Price of eBooks
  • 3.2 Price of Printed Books
  • 4.1 Access to eBooks
  • 4.2 Access to Printed Books
  • 5.1 Reading eBooks
  • 5.2 Reading Printed Books
  • 6.1 Portability of eBooks
  • 6.2 Storage of Printed Books
  • 7.1 Impact of eBooks
  • 7.2 Impact of Printed Books
  • 8.1 Features of eBooks
  • 8.2 Drawbacks of eBooks
  • 8.3 Features of Printed Books
  • 8.4 Drawbacks of Printed Books
  • 9.1 Popularity of eBooks
  • 9.2 Sales of Printed Books
  • 10 Role in Education
  • 11.1 eBook Publishing
  • 11.2 Printed Book Publishing
  • 12 Conclusion

Understanding eBooks and Printed Books

What are ebooks.

E-books are digital books that can be read on electronic devices such as e-readers, tablets, smartphones, and computers. EBooks are typically available in digital formats like PDF, EPUB, and MOBI. They can be purchased and downloaded online from various online retailers or borrowed from online libraries.

EBooks offer several advantages over printed books. One of the most significant advantages is portability. EBooks can be stored on a single device, making them easy to carry. They are also lightweight, which makes them ideal for people who travel frequently. Additionally, eBooks can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, making them convenient for people who don’t have access to physical libraries.

What are Printed Books?

Printed books, also known as physical books, are traditional books that are printed on paper and bound together. Printed books have been around for centuries and are still widely used today. Printed books are available in various sizes, formats, and bindings, including hardcover, paperback, and spiral-bound.

Printed books offer several advantages over eBooks. One of the most significant advantages is the tactile experience. Printed books have a physical presence that digital books cannot replicate. They have a distinct smell, texture, and weight that many people find appealing. Additionally, printed books do not require any electronic devices to read, making them accessible to people who do not have access to technology.

In summary, eBooks and printed books each have their advantages and disadvantages. EBooks are portable and convenient, while printed books offer a tactile experience that digital books cannot replicate. Ultimately, the choice between eBooks and printed books comes from personal preference.

The Evolution of Reading

From print to digital.

For centuries, books have been printed on paper and bound together to create a physical product that people could hold in their hands. This traditional format has been the primary way people have consumed books for centuries. However, digital reading has become increasingly popular with the advent of technology.

Introducing e-readers such as Kindle and other e-reader devices has revolutionized how people read. E-readers allow readers to download and store thousands of books on a single device, making it easier to carry around many books. They also come with font style and size flexibility, which is especially helpful for those with visual impairments.

Growth of eBooks

E-books have seen tremendous growth in recent years as more and more people have embraced digital reading. According to a study, the global paper books market will encompass around 1.87 billion readers by 2027, while e-reader users are expected to reach 1.2 billion. This suggests that e-books have the potential to complement the publishing industry instead of replacing it.

One of the advantages of e-books is that they tend to be significantly cheaper than print versions. Plus, many public domain books can be downloaded as e-books for free on sites like Project Gutenberg. E-books can be read on computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers, making them more versatile than print books.

While print books remain popular, the fast-paced modern world has increased the popularity of e-books. As technology evolves, it will be interesting to see how the reading experience evolves.

Comparing Costs

Price of ebooks.

One of the most significant advantages of eBooks is their lower cost than printed books. EBooks do not require printing, shipping, or storage costs, so they are significantly cheaper than their printed counterparts. Many public domain books can be downloaded as eBooks for free on sites like Project Gutenberg. Additionally, eBooks can be stored electronically and in the cloud to protect them from getting lost, stolen, or damaged.

However, it is essential to note that the price of eBooks can vary depending on various factors, including the publisher, author, and platform. Some eBooks may be more expensive than printed versions, particularly for new releases or bestsellers.

Price of Printed Books

On the other hand, printed books tend to be more expensive than eBooks due to the costs associated with printing, shipping, and storage. Additionally, the price of printed books can vary depending on the publisher, author, book format, and retailer. Hardcover books, for example, tend to be more expensive than paperbacks.

Moreover, printed books may not offer the same cost savings as eBooks, especially for avid readers who purchase many books. Buying and storing printed books can add up over time, making eBooks a more cost-effective option in the long run.

In conclusion, while eBooks tend to be cheaper than printed books, the price of eBooks can vary depending on various factors, and some printed books may offer better value than eBooks in certain situations. Ultimately, the decision between eBooks and printed books should be based on personal preferences, reading habits, and budget.

Accessibility and Availability

Access to ebooks.

One of the biggest advantages of eBooks is their accessibility. eBooks can be purchased and downloaded from anywhere with an internet connection, enabling readers to enjoy them from their homes. Additionally, eBooks can be read on various devices, including tablets, smartphones, and e-readers, making them a convenient choice for readers who are always on the go.

Another advantage of eBooks is that they are often cheaper than printed books. Many eBooks are available for free, especially those that are in the public domain. Websites like Project Gutenberg offer a vast collection of free eBooks that can be downloaded and read on any device.

Access to Printed Books

While eBooks are convenient, they are not the only option for readers. Printed books are still widely available and can be found in bookstores, libraries, and even online. While some books may be out of stock, readers can usually find what they want by checking with their local library or ordering the book online.

One advantage of printed books is that they do not require an internet connection to access. This means that readers can take their books wherever they go without worrying about battery life or internet connectivity. Additionally, printed books can be shared with others, making them a great option for book clubs or for readers who enjoy discussing books with friends and family.

In conclusion, both eBooks and printed books have advantages regarding accessibility and availability. While eBooks offer convenience and affordability, printed books offer a tangible reading experience and can be found in various locations. Ultimately, the choice between eBooks and printed books comes down to personal preference and the reader’s needs.

Reading Experience

Reading experience is a crucial aspect when it comes to deciding which one is better, between eBooks and printed books. Both have their pros and cons. Let’s take a closer look at each.

Reading eBooks

Reading an eBook can be a different experience than reading a printed book. One of the major advantages of eBooks is that they are lightweight and portable. You can carry hundreds or even thousands of books in a single device. This makes it easy to read on the go or while traveling.

Another advantage of eBooks is that they offer interactive features such as highlighting, bookmarking, and dictionary lookup. You can easily highlight a word or a sentence and look up its definition without putting down the book. This can be especially helpful for people with dyslexia or struggling with reading.

However, reading eBooks can also cause eye strain due to the backlit screen. Taking breaks and adjusting the brightness and font size is important to avoid eye strain.

Reading Printed Books

Reading a printed book can be a more immersive experience than reading an eBook. The book’s physicality can make it easier to focus on the content and get lost in the story. The tactile experience of turning the pages and feeling the weight of the book can also be satisfying.

Additionally, printed books do not cause eye strain as eBooks do. The font size is fixed, which can be helpful for people with visual impairments. However, this can also disadvantage those who prefer larger font sizes.

One downside of printed books is that they do not offer interactive features like highlighting or dictionary lookup. This can make it more difficult to keep track of important information or look up unfamiliar words.

Overall, the reading experience can be different between eBooks and printed books. It ultimately comes down to personal preference and what works best for each reader.

Portability and Storage

Portability of ebooks.

One of the biggest advantages of eBooks over printed books is their portability. eBooks can be stored as digital files on smartphones, tablets, and e-readers. This makes it easy for readers to carry around an entire library of books without needing physical storage space. Users can access their eBooks from anywhere, as long as they have their device with them and an internet connection. This makes eBooks a great option for people who are always on the go and don’t want to carry around heavy books .

Storage of Printed Books

Printed books, on the other hand, require physical storage space. Hardcover books can take up a lot of space on bookshelves, and carrying them around can be cumbersome. While paperbacks are more portable, they can still take up a lot of space if you have a large collection. Additionally, printed books can be damaged by moisture, pests, and other environmental factors. This means that they require proper storage conditions to ensure their longevity.

Regarding storage, eBooks have a clear advantage over printed books. They don’t require physical storage space, and environmental factors can’t damage them. However, some readers may prefer the tactile experience of holding a physical book. Ultimately, the choice between eBooks and printed books will come from personal preference and individual needs.

Environmental Impact

Impact of ebooks.

Ebooks are often considered to have a lower environmental impact than printed books. According to a study by the Cleantech Group, the carbon footprint of an ebook is about 40-50% lower than that of a printed book. This is because ebooks do not require paper, ink, or transportation, which all contribute to printed books’ carbon footprint.

However, the production and use of electronic devices used to read ebooks, such as e-readers and tablets, also have an environmental impact. These devices require the mining and processing of metals and other materials, as well as the use of electricity. The production of these devices contributes to electronic waste, which can harm the environment if not disposed of properly.

Impact of Printed Books

Printed books also have an environmental impact, particularly in terms of the use of paper and ink. Paper production can lead to deforestation and habitat loss, while ink can be harmful to the environment if not disposed of properly.

However, printed books can also be recycled, which can help reduce their environmental impact. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, paper recycling can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save energy.

Both ebooks and printed books have an environmental impact. The choice between the two depends on various factors, including personal preference, convenience, and environmental concerns. When deciding, it is important to consider the entire lifecycle of both options, including production, use, and disposal.

Additional Features and Drawbacks

Features of ebooks.

One of the most significant features of eBooks is their accessibility. eBook displays and font sizes can be adjusted to accommodate those with impaired sight. This enhances readability and accessibility for those with disabilities. eBooks also offer the ability to search for specific text, highlight, and take notes, making it easier to find and remember important information. Additionally, eBooks take up less physical space, making them ideal for those with limited storage space.

Drawbacks of eBooks

One of the most significant drawbacks of eBooks is the potential for glare and eye strain. Some eBook readers may glare in the sunlight, making reading hard in some settings. Additionally, eBooks require a device to read them, which can be a potential distraction. Some people may also find it difficult to concentrate on reading an eBook due to the potential for notifications and advertisements on their devices.

Features of Printed Books

Printed books offer a tactile experience that eBooks cannot replicate. A book’s weight, texture, and smell can enhance the reading experience for some people. Printed books do not require a reading device, which can reduce potential distractions. Printed books are also more shareable than eBooks, as they can be easily passed on to friends and family.

Drawbacks of Printed Books

One of the most significant drawbacks of printed books is their potential to take up a lot of physical space. This can be a problem for those with limited storage space. Printed books can also be damaged or lost, which can be a significant problem for those who value their books. Additionally, printed books cannot be easily searched for specific text, highlighted or annotated, making it harder to find and remember important information.

eBooks and printed books have unique features and drawbacks. The decision between the two ultimately comes down to personal preference and individual needs.

Popularity and Sales

Popularity of ebooks.

According to a survey conducted by Pew Research Center , the share of American adults who have read an eBook in the previous 12 months has increased from 17% in 2011 to 32% in 2023. The survey also revealed that younger adults (18 to 29-year-olds) are more likely to read eBooks than older adults. However, despite the growth in popularity of eBooks, a survey conducted in 2021 showed that 68% of younger readers (18 to 29-year-olds) in the United States still prefer printed books.

Sales of Printed Books

Despite the growth in popularity of eBooks, printed books continue to dominate the book market. In the United States, for example, 45% of the population bought a printed book last year, compared to only 23% who purchased an eBook. Furthermore, the revenue generated by printed books in the U.S. is still significantly higher than that of eBooks. In January 2023, eBook sales in the U.S. generated $85 million in revenue, while printed books generated $1.1 billion.

Publishers have also reported that printed books continue to outsell eBooks. In 2023, Penguin Random House reported that printed books accounted for 75% of its global revenue, while eBooks accounted for only 25%.

Notes and audiobooks are also popular formats for reading, with audiobooks experiencing significant growth in recent years. However, when comparing eBooks and printed books, printed books remain the more popular and profitable format.

While eBooks have grown in popularity in recent years, printed books dominate the book market in terms of sales and revenue. Younger readers may prefer eBooks, but printed books are still the preferred format for most readers.

Role in Education

Regarding education, the debate between eBooks and printed books is ongoing. Both formats have advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between them depends on individual preferences and needs.

Studies have shown that students tend to concentrate, learn, or remember better with printed books than with digital texts. This is especially true for longer texts, such as textbooks, where print books are superior to eBooks for reading comprehension. However, eBooks have their advantages as well. They are more portable and can be accessed from anywhere, making them a convenient choice for students who are always on the go.

Textbooks are an essential part of education, and the format in which they are presented can significantly impact the learning experience. Printed textbooks provide a tangible and tactile experience that many students find helpful in retaining information. On the other hand, eBooks offer interactive features that can enhance the learning experience, such as embedded videos, animations, and quizzes.

Classics, or books that have stood the test of time are an important part of any education. Printed versions of these books provide a connection to the past and a sense of tradition. However, eBooks offer several advantages when it comes to classics. They are often more affordable and accessible, making them a great option for students who may not have access to a physical library.

Choosing between eBooks and printed books in education depends on individual preferences and needs. Both formats have advantages and disadvantages, and it is up to the individual to decide which is best for them.

Role in the Publishing Industry

Ebook publishing.

eBooks have revolutionized the publishing industry in many ways. They have made it easier for independent authors to publish their work without needing a traditional publishing house. This has led to a rise in self-publishing and the emergence of new authors who may not have been able to break into the industry before. Additionally, eBooks are relatively inexpensive to produce and distribute, which has made it easier for publishers to experiment with new authors and genres.

Amazon has been a major player in the eBook industry with their Kindle platform. They have made it easy for authors to self-publish and distribute their work while providing a platform for traditional publishers to sell their eBooks. The ease of use and accessibility of the Kindle has made it a popular choice for readers, which has further cemented Amazon’s position in the market.

Printed Book Publishing

Printed books have been the traditional format for publishing for centuries and continue to play an important role in the industry. While eBooks have made it easier for independent authors to publish their work, traditional publishers still play a vital role in producing and distributing printed books.

Power in the publishing industry is still largely concentrated in the hands of a few major publishers. These publishers have the resources to invest in marketing and distribution, which can make or break a book’s success. However, the rise of independent publishers and self-publishing has led to a more diverse range of published books, benefiting readers.

Marketing and distribution are key factors in the success of a printed book. Publishers must invest in advertising and promotion to ensure their books reach their target audience. This can be costly, so traditional publishers still hold a significant advantage over independent publishers.

Both eBooks and printed books play important roles in the publishing industry. While eBooks have made it easier for independent authors to publish their work, traditional publishers still have a significant advantage in marketing and distribution. The rise of self-publishing and independent publishers has led to a more diverse range of published books, benefiting readers.

The debate between eBooks and printed books is ongoing, and both formats have pros and cons eBooks are more portable, offer a wider range of customization options, and are often cheaper than printed books. On the other hand, printed books offer a tactile reading experience, are easier on the eyes, and are better for note-taking and cross-referencing.

According to a survey , 45% of people bought a printed book last year, while only 23% bought an eBook. This suggests that many readers still prefer printed books. However, the popularity of eBooks is on the rise, with devices like the Barnes & Noble Nook and Kobo offering readers a wide range of options.

Ultimately, the choice between eBooks and printed books comes from personal preference. Some readers may prefer the convenience of eBooks, while others may enjoy the feel and smell of a physical book. When deciding, it is important to consider factors such as portability, cost, and environmental impact.

Ultimately, whether someone prefers eBooks or printed books, the most important thing is continuing to read and enjoy the written word. See also What Is the Best Time to Read Books? Tips and Insights and The 16 Best Places To Read Books

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Advantages and disadvantages of reading via e-book


When you’re being held down by the pandemic, you’d be surprised at how many things you can discover both online and when you look around the four corners of your room.

For bookworms and avid readers, we seem to have all the time in the world to go through our ‘to-be-read’ (TBR) pile aside from the readings required for online classes. A good fiction and a cup of coffee is perhaps one of the best ways to explore different worlds while simply sitting down and letting the mind do away with imagination. 

However, for readers who could devour a novel within days as well as those who do not have enough hardbound reading materials at home, electronic books (e-books) became a fortunate addition to a technological world where everything can be done with a press of a button. There are a lot of e-book applications which allows users to download various titles to read in the comfort of their smartphones or tablets. The Kindle models by Amazon is one such example of a gadget specifically catering to online reading. 

Still, there are advantages and disadvantages which goes with using ebooks. Here are some of its ups and downs:


Advantages of e-books

#1. Most books are readily available

This is easily the first and foremost advantage of using an e-book as your online library: name a book, and it’s most likely available for download. 

There are specific websites for downloading the e-book format for novels you are looking for, and most of the time the ebook reader you are using will contain a feature which directs their users to some kind of search area to locate if that title is available for download. Although, there are also plenty of titles that would require users to purchase the e-book version to proceed with the download, there are samples of these books being offered for free so that readers are certain they are worthy purchasing. 

Of course, books which require monetary value supports the author and is a fair trade. Otherwise, books are abundant, most especially for those who want to start on classic literature. Who knows? The book that you’ve been searching for in your local bookstore may just be lying here. 

#2. There is a wide array of genre to explore

When it comes to literature, you must be open to different genres to find out your preferences, but as well as to become open towards different writing styles. 

E-books may not have one specific title you are looking for, but it will surely lead you to a suggestion list of titles with similar genre or plot. More often than not, titles found online are books we’ve never heard of, but contains an interesting and/or curious story that one may pride in saying, ‘I’ve read it in an e-book!’

If you’re a bold and adventurous reader, then the ebook is not lacking with different titles to take you to different places. 

#3. You’re literally holding a portable reading device

There are those who prefer bringing a hardbound book with them, but there are those who would prefer to keep all their (online) books on one device. 

Whether you are using a smartphone with an e-book reader or a gadget which focuses particularly on ebooks, it’s wonderful to know that technology is making such a huge contribution to allow people an easy access to reading materials wherever they go. Once you’ve downloaded an e-book, you can use it even when you’re offline. 

It comes in handy most especially when you will go on a vacation and you don’t want to travel with a heavy, bulky book with you. Then again, it’s a preference. Some would prefer to bring hardbound, but as well as have some titles in their e-book reader just to switch from time to time. 

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Disadvantages of e-books


#1. It might affect your visual health

Not that reading from actual books (for hours and with bad lighting, most especially) wouldn’t contribute to poor eyesight, but staring at the screen may cause not only a trouble for the eyes, but as well as prone to headaches. 

Again, just like watching television or playing video games, exercise a limit and precautions when using e-books. Your e-book reader may have adjustable settings on how the texts may appear—larger or smaller—as well as font options where it wouldn’t irritate readers’ eyes. There may even be an option, depending on your e-book reader, where you can choose the color of the pages (black or white) depending on which background you prefer to read. 

The takeaway on the disadvantage here is the limited screen time. Do not force yourself to continue reading if your eyes and/or head is already aching. This goes even for those who prefer reading hardbound copies. One cannot enjoy a good story without eyes to see and a head with which to take in the plot. 

#2. It is prone to disruptions and possible cybercrimes 

You’re in the middle of an exhilarating scene in your journey, but suddenly that ‘low battery’ warning pops up. Now, you’ve got to fumble for your charger just to keep your device going, but is the momentum for the scene still there? 

Another case is the fact our gadgets are fragile. Sure, you can protect it with casings and tempered glass, but what of system damage? Again, even e-books require readers to be careful when browsing through titles, or when giving information in exchange for a download. These days we can never be too sure if even something as humble and simplistic as the e-book technology are filled with cyber criminals waiting for a user to download a specific e-book to gain access to their device. 

Always exercise safety even when you think you’re just ‘here to read’. Be careful when downloading titles from suspicious websites, especially to those who seem to be producing e-book titles illegally. 

#3. It’s not just the real thing

Here’s the dispute when it comes to e-books: it’s not the real thing! By that, we mean it’s not the usual hardbound or paperback novel where you can smell the aroma of paper, place a bookmark in between pages, nor smile with pride at your mini-library at home. 

Despite the e-book becoming a popular means of reading—not just as a past time, but even for research or educational purposes—there are just some of us who feel uncomfortable with reading the ‘traditional way’; that is, through concrete books. Of course, nothing can replace printed copies, but we have to admit that e-books does have their advantages. 

May it be reading via e-book or through hardbound, all the stories you discover means a lot to its writer and takes you to excursions even in the comfort of your home. 

Be aware of e-book piracy

Having learned some advantages and disadvantages of e-books, you may consider downloading the free readers on your application. However, please be aware of piracy. 

Simply put, these are people who are claiming to ‘sell’ e-book titles for certain amounts, or those who freely share illegal copies of e-books—some which are not yet publicly released by the author nor have been licensed to be published online. While it’s enjoyable to be able to find thousands of free titles available for download, one must be aware that even e-books need to be treated with respect and awareness. 

Think of it as a movie being aired today in our cinemas only for you to overhear someone saying, ‘I’ll just download/torrent the movie on my computer and watch it from there’. Not only are we refusing to give the producers—for e-book’s case, writers—their due, but we are also spreading illegal trade and encouraging websites or sellers to continue with their ‘business’. 

Just like any online activity we discover during the duration of this pandemic; e-books are also a perfect past time to spend whether alone or with the family. It’s all about finding the right story that will fit your mood for the day, or perhaps trying out an e-book title that strikes your curiosity. 

E-books may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s not bad to try what it has to offer. Who knows? It may stir your passion into reading again. Remember, though, with technology involved there are always precautions that everyone should be mindful. 

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I would prefer reading a book in a traditional way rather than reading it on my kindle.

I prefer reading books in a traditional way, because there is more of an emotional connection when reading a book. I can imagine the story being read and grasped with more detail and clarity.

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Good E-Books Vs. Printed Books Essay Example

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Literature , Books , The Reader , Reading , People , Technology , Size , Typography

Published: 02/04/2021


Various innovations of technology have transformed the living styles of the individuals. With the help of technology, people have devised and embraced more simple and advanced ways of doing things. Technology offers people a great deal of simplicity in their lives with the use of their intelligence. The new gadgets available in the market possess a wide variety of new features, which grant the people several new means doing things. Technology is advancing to include virtually all aspects of human life through the invention of gadgets and software for the amelioration of the people. One such significant advancement is the e-books. E-books are accessible over the internet and are available to any individual who uses the modern-day gadgets. People who have keen interest in reading books have the great opportunity to utilize the e-books to read the content online. With the growth in the number of e-books readers, the popularity of printed books is showcasing a diminished approach. On the contrary, printed books still hold a prominent position in the lives of the readers. The debate, which argues about the importance of any one of the two kinds of books, is an extended process as they share certain similar characteristics. On the other hand, some of the attributes are specific to only a single form of reading to a great extent. Readers who use printed books can gain an experience of reading while feeling the pages, which is not possible with e-books. The readers who have a passion for reading novels can perceive the effect of the sense, aroma, and feel of the printed pages while reading the novel. Furthermore, it is possible to convey the images and illustrations to the reader in a better way through printed books. Hence, the readers of classical books and novels would always value the printed books and prefer them over the e-books. Although the sense of touch and feeling is not possible through the e-books, they are beneficial for having the capability to alter the size of the screen. The reader can increase or decrease the size of the font, page as well as background color in the e-books according to his choice. These features enable the reader to experience a different taste of reading according to their desire. For a majority of the readers who prefer the font size of the page to be large, e-books are the best solution for them as they can enhance their reading experience without exerting an additional stress on the vision. Since variable font size is not possible while using the printed books, the readers will have to compromise on the size of letters and read within the standard font range provided in the printing books. On the other hand, another advantage of the printed books is that they enable the readers to make any alterations in the books as far as the reader owns the book. While reading any book, most of the people have the habit of jotting their persuasions or making designs, which associate with their thoughts. The printed books offer an opportunity of writing and drawing whatever the reader wants to do. In printed books, the reader can highlight, mark, fold or show concern of significant lines or for that matter, any fact noted in the book. Conversely, unlike the printed books, the e-books fail to provide such access as they are not handy. Moreover, the e-books contribute their readers with the advantage of searching any word or paragraph from the entire book at a great speed with the help of a searching tool. Whenever the reader is in hurry and wishes to look for a point, he can make use of the searching tool, which directs the reader to the page that contains the specific word or line essential to the reader. The e-books are also handy as the gadgets that contain e-books are portable. The readers can access them while travelling or at school. Moreover, the e-books have the advantage of keeping the reader away from boredom as they can carry the reading material with them all the time. On the contrary, since the printed books are heavy to carry, the reader would not be able to carry them easily from one place to other. Therefore, during journeys, it is difficult to carry the printed books as they add an extra weight to the luggage. Conversely, it is possible to share the printed books with other persons, which is not possible in e-books if they do not contain the technology gadget that is essential for e-books. The library of e-books does not contain all the books, which are available in the printed form. Hence, in order to refer a book that is not available in the e-book form, the reader will have to purchase it in the printed form. However, the time taken to publish a printed book is more when compared to the e-books as e-books are accessible to the readers as soon as the authors complete writing them. (941 words)


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Library Policy and Advocacy Blog

An informal forum for sharing ideas about the key policy and advocacy challenges and opportunities for libraries around the world, ebooks vs physical books: the importance of choice.

Choice, not conflict: why libraries need both physical, and eBooks, to deliver their missions

Sales figures are regularly analysed for the relative trends. Partisans of physical books cite numbers from the big publishers, which tend to show increased sales of hardcopies making up for a fall in eBook sales.

Amazon’s tax practices, and recent stories about fake eBooks on the site potentially being used for money laundering have provided further ammunition for those who seek to paint eBooks as a ‘bad thing’. Others point out that once independent eBook publishing (much of which runs through Amazon) is included, the eBook market looks a lot healthier (see also this Quartz piece ).

A recent study (paywalled) from the University of Arizona, based on focus group studies, provides interesting insights looks at user experiences and attitudes towards eBooks, aiming to establish at the micro level (rather than the macro, whole-of-market level) what may underpin consumers’ behaviour.

To Have and Not to Hold?

A key finding from the article concerns the difference in people’s feelings about owning digital and physical books, or rather that there is a much stronger sense of ownership of physical objects. It underlines that reading an eBook feels more like ‘renting’ than buying, more like a service than a good.

For the respondents, much of this was linked to subjective responses. Holding an object in your hands does create a greater sense of connection, and the study makes a lot of the touch, feel and smell of a physical book. The importance of memories of children’s books, for example, also plays a role.

But it also cites legal issues. Of course it is true that digital works are services, which are licenced rather than bought. Increasingly, works are held on third-party servers, and readers’ devices hold no more than a temporary copy. Digital materials are licenced, rather than bought.

Yet the fact that contracts and technological measures affect what users can do is also at the fore, with the impossibility to lend, give or sell books to friends and others meaning that eBooks feel less valuable. Certainly for libraries, the tough (and often confusing) restrictions around eLending consume considerable time and effort.

There is nothing subjective about this – it is something decided by publishers of eBooks (be they an independent writer working through Amazon or a traditional bookseller). And so it is something that can be changed.

Competitor or Complement?

The article suggests that there are two ways forwards for eBook publishers – either to accept that eBooks are different, and to make more of the possibilities offered by digital (i.e. multimedia), or to try and make eBooks more like physical books.

In a ( controversial ) interview on the subject, Hachette CEO Arnaud Nourry described eBooks as a ‘stupid format’, and effectively argues for the first option – bringing eBooks closer to other multimedia experiences. This may well provide a response to the ‘attention wars’ which seem to be pitching different forms of entertainment against each other – who gets the biggest share of people’s free time?

As for the second option, the study suggests further physical adaptations of e-readers, or the possibility to scribble notes in the margin as changes that could help. What the study doesn’t mention (at least in the available press materials) is that maybe more could done at least to tackle the legal constraints on eBooks, not least in order to make it easier for libraries to lend books.

Of course it doesn’t necessarily need to be a binary choice.

As the study shows, current eBook formats do seem to work for people who simply need the basic functionality of the digital product (lighter, compatibility with DAISY readers, possibility to magnify text), and do not necessarily need or want multimedia.

Moreover, they also have proved valuable for non-traditional publishers. A shift to ‘richer’ formats may imply greater costs, which would reverse the trend towards reducing the costs of such independent/self-publishing, harming diversity. Clearly improving licence terms would make this access easier, and potentially more valuable to buyers.

It is also the case that people’s preferences will vary according to their personal situations, what they are reading, the time of day, and other factors. Given libraries’ focus on best responding to readers’ needs, being able to lend books in whatever format works best for readers, in all their diversity, is the key.

For libraries, therefore, the idea of a competition between eBooks and physical books is perhaps unhelpful. Choices as to formats should be made by readers, not by libraries or suppliers as far as possible. Libraries and suppliers, together, can do best by readers by making this choice as real and easy as possible.

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E-Books vs. Print Books: Which Should You Choose?

E-books vs. print books: an overview.

E-books have become a mainstay of the publishing industry. However, the demise of printed books as a result of the introduction of e-books has not materialized as some may have predicted.

Still, in 2022, total revenue from published decreased 2.6% from the year prior, and both formats of books experienced decreases in revenue. Let's take a deeper look at both options and the publishing industry in general.

Key Takeaways

  • Print books have the feel of a book that many readers love. You can hold it, turn the pages, and feel the paper.
  • Illustrations on paper are generally higher quality than even high-end e-readers can reproduce.
  • E-books come with font style and size flexibility.
  • E-readers can store thousands of books on a single device.
  • The publishing industry experienced a 2.6% decline in revenue in 2022, with both e-books and print books having declined in revenue generated.

Recent History of Print Books and E-Books

According to the Association of American Publishers, e-book sales in the U.S. declined slightly to $983 million in 2019 from a year earlier. The lower growth rate followed several years of double-digit declines in e-book sales. Hardcover and paperback books still rule the market, with approximately $3 billion and 2.5 billion in sales in 2019, respectively.

The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic was a boon to print publishing. Sales rose 8.2% year over year to a total of 751 million copies, according to Printing Impressions, a publishing industry journal. More leisure time and a need to educate children at home were cited as reasons for the book-buying spree.

2022 brought about several unique trends. First, paperback and hardback revenue both decreased, with hardback coming in 13.6% less than the year before. E-books also declined, falling 6.5%. It's interesting to note that digital audio revenue grew 71.7% from 2021 to 2022.

Print books have the feel of a book that many readers love. You can hold it, turn the pages, and feel the paper. People who love to read spend a lifetime acquiring books. They may find it wrenching to abandon their shelves of books for a single slab of plastic.

Readers may also compare the quality of illustrations between the two formats and find the print versions superior. The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes can be bought in either hardcover or Kindle versions but readers may find the Kindle version lacking due to the shrunken size of the illustrations and the relative clumsiness of toggling between story text and annotations.

Some readers also experience some eye strain using an electronic device instead of a printed book.

Books on paper are difficult to carry around, especially hardcovers. If you're an avid reader and you're going on a trip, or if you're just stepping out to a coffee shop, an e-reader or iPad is a far lighter burden than a book or a stack of them.

An e-book might be priced about the same or differently than a printed book. Because of the difference in format, there is an entirely different economic consideration for the good.

There's also the satisfaction of having an entire library at your fingertips, not to mention an infinite supply just a click away, ready to download instantly.

In addition, e-book buyers have the advantage that the internet gives consumers of any products: No space constraints. Just about everything ever published is available, all the time.

There are some drawbacks. You must recharge an e-reader or any other electronic device. Some screens are not easily readable in sunlight. And, if you are one of the millions who spend the entire workday in front of a computer, reading your favorite author on a computer screen in the evening may not appeal.

Beyond Amazon

Avid e-book readers can stray beyond Amazon or Barnes and Noble and read for free.

The nonprofit Project Gutenberg offers 70,000 free downloadable books, most of them classics well beyond their copyright protection expiration dates. The site Free Classic Books offers just that, in an alphabetized list from Alcott, Louisa M., to Wodehouse, P.G.

Google Books also brags that it has more than 10 million books available to download for free, including textbooks and government documents as well as literary classics.

Special Considerations: The Publishing Business

E-books may omit some of the traditional costs of publishing, but it imposes other costs. Added technology costs involve formatting the e-book so that various electronic devices and browsers can properly download and store the book.

Whether it's printed or downloaded, a percentage of the e-book price must be paid to online sellers such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. This can be anywhere from 30% to 50% of the sale price.

The Independent Route

Smaller publishers and independent authors have more leeway with pricing, but they still have many of the same costs. They must give a percentage of their e-book sales to the online distributor, and unless they are graphic designers, they must hire an illustrator to create their cover art.

Most independent authors have to hire someone to convert their books into e-book format. Plus, they still have the marketing and promotional costs that are required to get their books noticed. However, e-books are overall lower in cost to produce, and that is typically reflected in their lower price than print editions.

Print Books, E-Books, and Personal Finance

With the overview of the industry behind us, let's talk about the finances of owning books. There's a handful of personal finance considerations to make about which to buy.

Upfront Cost

Purchasing an e-reader may involve a higher initial investment than buying a single printed book. However, the economic advantage lies in the long-term savings as e-books may be priced lower than their physical counterparts (as they may cost less to produce). The upfront cost of an e-reader can be considered a one-time expense, and PCMag has several e-reader recommendations that cost less than $100 in 2024.

Subscription Costs

Subscription services like Kindle Unlimited or Audible offer a cost-effective way to access a vast library of e-books. From an economic standpoint, these services can significantly reduce the per-book cost for avid readers, making it a financially smart move as opposed to buying individual books. However, you will not retain ownership during this subscription period, and you won't keep books like you otherwise would like a print book. Note that this section is not consider subscription costs for print books (like a free library card).

Book Resale Value

The resale value of physical books adds an economic dimension to owning a print collection. Used bookstores, online platforms, and book swaps provide avenues for recovering some of the initial investment in printed books. E-books, unfortunately, lack a resale market, making them less financially flexible in this regard.

Storage Costs

Physical books incur storage costs in terms of space requirements and furniture like bookshelves. The economic advantage of e-books is they eliminate the need for physical storage, meaning readers to amass a vast collection without incurring additional expenses. Just think about how much it may cost to move those physical books if you need to relocate homes.

Environmental Cost

From an economic perspective, the environmental impact of printed books, including production and disposal costs, contributes to the overall expense. E-books, unfortunately, may not be as sustainable as some may think. Between the fossil fuels and continual need for electricity, e-books stlll contribute to environmental costs in a different way than printed books.

Production and Distribution Costs

The cost of producing and distributing physical books encompasses expenses related to paper, printing, transportation, and warehousing. E-books sidestep these costs, offering a potentially more economically efficient model for publishers and authors. Though the costs may range and vary based on each book and genre, some unofficial estimates have the total cost to self-publish a book to be several thousands of dollars.


The economic advantage of e-books in terms of accessibility is evident for readers with visual impairments. Digital formats allow for features like adjustable text size and screen-reading technology, enhancing the reading experience for a broader audience. Perhaps it for this reason that 25% of U.S. consumers listen to audiobooks.

Change in Preference

Changes in reading habits have implications for e-books and printed book owners. Think of someone who's preference may shift from one genre to another very quickly. If this sounds like you, having greater flexibility with electronic media may make more financial sense.

Which Is More Cost-Effective in the Long Run: Buying E-books or Printed Books?

The long-term cost-effectiveness of buying e-books versus printed books depends on factors such as individual reading habits, the frequency of book purchases, and the availability of discounts. While e-books often have a higher upfront cost with the purchase of an e-reader, the generally lower prices of digital copies may result in greater savings over time, especially for avid readers who buy books regularly.

Is There a Significant Difference in the Resale Value of E-books and Printed Books?

Printed books often have a resale market, allowing readers to recoup some of the initial investment. In contrast, e-books lack a formal resale market due to licensing restrictions.

What Is the Impact of E-books on Local Bookstores From an Economic Standpoint?

The rise of e-books has had a notable impact on local bookstores, with potential economic challenges such as decreased foot traffic and competition from online retailers. However, many independent, small bookstores are partnering with affiliate partners to allow patrons to buy e-books.

E-books offer a potentially cost-effective solution for avid readers. The absence of physical production costs, reduced storage needs, and frequent digital promotions may make a digital library more cost effective. On the other hand, printed books may have resale value, no subscription cost, and greater sentimental appeal to old-fashioned readers. There are many factors to consider when choosing between e-books and printed books from a financial perspective.

Association of American Publishers. " AAP StatShot Annual Report: Publishing Revenues Totaled $28.10 Billion for 2022 ."

David Derrico. " Cost Breakdowns: E-Books vs. Printed Books ."

Association of American Publishers. " AAP StatShot: Trade Book Publisher Revenue Increased by 4.6% in 2018 ."

Association of American Publishers. " AAP DECEMBER 2019 STATSHOT REPORT: PUBLISHING INDUSTRY UP 1.8% FOR CY2019 ."

PIWorld. " Pandemic Drives Printed Book Sales in the US to Highest Level in a Decade ."

Project Gutenberg. " Welcome to Project Gutenberg ."

Google Books. " About Google Books ."

Barnes & Noble Press. " Make More Money by Self-Publishing with B&N Press ."

Kindle. " Digital Pricing Page ."

PCMag. " The Best Cheap Tablets for 2024 ."

Kindlepreneur. " How Much Does It Cost to Publish a Book? "

Row House Publishing. " Key Book Publishing Trends to Explore in 2023 ."

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The Best Books of the Year (So Far)

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By The New York Times Books Staff

  • May 24, 2024

Fiction | Nonfiction

We’re almost halfway through 2024 and we at The Book Review have already written about hundreds of books. Some of those titles are good. Some are very good. And then there are the following.

We suspect that some (though certainly not all) will be top of mind when we publish our end-of-year, best-of lists. For more thoughts on what to read next, head to our book recommendation page .

The cover of “James” is black. The title is in yellow, and the author’s name is in white.

James , by Percival Everett

In this reworking of the “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,” Jim, the enslaved man who accompanies Huck down the Mississippi River, is the narrator, and he recounts the classic tale in a language that is his own, with surprising details that reveal a far more resourceful, cunning and powerful character than we knew.

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Good Material , by Dolly Alderton

Alderton’s novel, about a 35-year-old struggling to make sense of a breakup, delivers the most delightful aspects of romantic comedy — snappy dialogue, realistic relationship dynamics, funny meet-cutes and misunderstandings — and leaves behind clichéd gender roles and the traditional marriage plot.

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The Hunter , by Tana French

For Tana French fans, every one of the thriller writer’s twisty, ingenious books is an event. This one, a sequel to “The Searcher,” once again sees the retired Chicago cop Cal Hooper, a perennial outsider in the Irish west-country hamlet of Ardnakelty, caught up in the crimes — seen and unseen — that eat at the seemingly picturesque village.

Wandering Stars , by Tommy Orange

This follow-up to Orange’s debut, “There There,” is part prequel and part sequel; it trails the young survivor of a 19th-century massacre of Native Americans, chronicling not just his harsh fate but those of his descendants. In its second half, the novel enters 21st-century Oakland, following the family in the aftermath of a shooting.

Headshot , by Rita Bullwinkel

Set at a women’s boxing tournament in Reno, Nev., this novel centers on eight contestants, and the fights — physical and emotional — they bring to the ring. As our critic wrote: This story’s impact “lasts a long time, like a sharp fist to your shoulder.”

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Sci-fi author says he wrote 97 books in 9 months using AI tools, including ChatGPT and Midjourney

Sci-fi author Tim Boucher says he's created 97 books in nine months with the help of AI.

  • In a Newsweek article, Boucher said he used Midjourney, ChatGPT, and Anthropic's Claude.
  • The books contain between 2,000 to 5,000 words and feature 40 to 140 AI-generated images.

Insider Today

In an article for Newsweek, Boucher said he'd used AI image generator Midjourney to illustrate the books, and ChatGPT and Anthropic's Claude for brainstorming and text generation. 

Boucher told Insider he plans to get to "at least 1,000 books, if not beyond."

He said: "My theory is that in the not too distant future, there will be tools which will enable me to piece all the disparate parts together into new and compelling combinations."

Boucher's set of novels are each between 2,000 to 5,000 words and feature 40 to 140 AI-generated images. He said the books generally take around six to eight hours to create with AI tools and then publish, but some can be done in as little as three hours.

The author is selling the books online for between $1.99 and $3.99.

He wrote in Newsweek: "AI has proven to be a remarkable catalyst for my creative work. It has enabled me to increase my output while maintaining consistent quality, and has allowed me to delve into intricate world-building with an efficiency I could never have achieved otherwise."

AI-generated novels have been flooding the market in recent months. 

In February,  ChatGPT was credited as the author or coauthor on more than 200 titles in Amazon's bookstore . Some of the most popular genres were AI guides and children's books.

Ammaar Reshi, a product-design manager at a financial-tech company based in San Francisco, previously told Insider he wrote and illustrated a children's book in 72 hours using ChatGPT and Midjourney. 

Reshi's book, "Alice and Sparkle," went viral on Twitter after it was met with intense backlash from creatives. Some were upset about how AI image generators use their work , while others took issue with the quality of the writing.

Boucher did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment, made outside normal working hours. 

Axel Springer, Business Insider's parent company, has a global deal to allow OpenAI to train its models on its media brands' reporting.

Watch: What is ChatGPT, and should we be afraid of AI chatbots?

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