Essay on Impact of Cinema in Life for Students and Children

500 words essay on impact of cinema in life.

Cinema has been a part of the entertainment industry for a long time. It creates a massive impact on people all over the world. In other words, it helps them give a break from monotony. It has evolved greatly in recent years too. Cinema is a great escape from real life.

essay on impact of cinema in life

Furthermore, it helps in rejuvenating the mind of a person. It surely is beneficial in many ways, however, it is also creating a negative impact on people and society. We need to be able to identify the right from wrong and make decisions accordingly.

Advantages of Cinema

Cinema has a lot of advantages if we look at the positive side. It is said to be a reflection of the society only. So, it helps us come face to face with the actuality of what’s happening in our society. It portrays things as they are and helps in opening our eyes to issues we may have well ignored in the past.

Similarly, it helps people socialize better. It connects people and helps break the ice. People often discuss cinema to start a conversation or more. Moreover, it is also very interesting to talk about rather than politics and sports which is often divided.

Above all, it also enhances the imagination powers of people. Cinema is a way of showing the world from the perspective of the director, thus it inspires other people too to broaden their thinking and imagination.

Most importantly, cinema brings to us different cultures of the world. It introduces us to various art forms and helps us in gaining knowledge about how different people lead their lives.

In a way, it brings us closer and makes us more accepting of different art forms and cultures. Cinema also teaches us a thing or two about practical life. Incidents are shown in movies of emergencies like robbery, fire, kidnapping and more help us learn things which we can apply in real life to save ourselves. Thus, it makes us more aware and teaches us to improvise.

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Disadvantages of Cinema

While cinema may be beneficial in many ways, it is also very damaging in various areas. Firstly, it stereotypes a lot of things including gender roles, religious practices, communities and more. This creates a false notion and a negative impact against that certain group of people.

People also consider it to be a waste of time and money as most of the movies nowadays are not showing or teaching anything valuable. It is just trash content with objectification and lies. Moreover, it also makes people addicts because you must have seen movie buffs flocking to the theatre every weekend to just watch the latest movie for the sake of it.

Most importantly, cinema shows pretty violent and sexual content. It contributes to the vulgarity and eve-teasing present in our society today. Thus, it harms the young minds of the world very gravely.

Q.1 How does cinema benefit us?

A.1 Cinema has a positive impact on society as it helps us in connecting to people of other cultures. It reflects the issues of society and makes us familiar with them. Moreover, it also makes us more aware and helps to improvise in emergency situations.

Q.2 What are the disadvantages of cinema?

A.2 Often cinema stereotypes various things and creates false notions of people and communities. It is also considered to be a waste of time and money as some movies are pure trash and don’t teach something valuable. Most importantly, it also demonstrates sexual and violent content which has a bad impact on young minds.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Cinema

Looking for advantages and disadvantages of Cinema?

We have collected some solid points that will help you understand the pros and cons of Cinema in detail.

But first, let’s understand the topic:

What is Cinema?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of cinema.

The following are the advantages and disadvantages of Cinema:

Big screen immersive experienceCostly tickets and snacks
Social outing opportunityLimited movie selection
Access to new releasesFixed showtimes
Enhanced sound and visualsCrowded theaters
Escapism from daily lifeNo pause option

Advantages and disadvantages of Cinema

Advantages of Cinema

Also check:

Disadvantages of Cinema

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disadvantages of cinema essay

Advantages and Disadvantages of Movies

Films or movies, we all have been watching them since the advent of cinema and television in our lives. Earlier there was just a national channel which would show movies on weekends saving you the effort of going to the hall. Then we had cable television, a whole lot of movies to watch - English, Hindi, Punjabi etc. The internet made the scope of watching films even broader, download them and watch at your own convenience.

  • Advantages of Movies
  • Disadvantages of Movies

Films started becoming grander and technologically advanced. Careers in the film industry were no longer a taboo and many relocated to greener pastures and movie industry revenue ensured its propagation. Today, United States, Nigeria, Hong Kong and India are the leaders in filmmaking In Europe, France and the United Kingdom are the countries that lead in movie production. India is the largest producer of films in the world. The USA has a whole district - Hollywood in Los Angeles which caters exclusively to the movie industry. The actors, directors producers, singers are big names and bankable too. In this grandeur and showbiz, we didn’t actually pay much attention or didn’t bother to evaluate the effect of movies on youth and more importantly the impact of films on society. What is the role of movies in our lives, are movies harmful or beneficial or both? To evaluate the worth of films, we need to weigh the pros and cons of movies. We also need to come to an understanding; how much importance should we give or not give to films?

Benefits or Advantages of Movies

  • Entertainment:  Movies are a source of popular entertainment. From the moment we indulge in watching a movie, we are transformed into a new world where our mind is at ease, it forgets everything and is concentrated at watching. Everybody wants to relax and be amused. Every age of people, young and old, literate and illiterate want recreation. Recreation is an important part of life and movies provide that avenue. Watching a film on a theatre can be an exhilarating experience in itself. This is because a large number of people are doing the same thing. The audience laughs together, applauds and shares almost the same emotions. This collective effort experienced by the viewers makes the experience more entertaining and enjoyable.    
  • Socialising Activators:  Films are social activators, they allow even unknown people to mingle with each other. We all see movies and it is a common factor amongst us. This common factor can initiate and or sustain a conversation with a stranger. We have opinions about movies and these also help in socialization through conversation and debate. When we go to a cinema or a theatre to watch a movie we socialize with our friends, relatives, peers etc. The movie is a social art form which brings together all genres of people even if they have different views about the movie.
  • A Lesson of Teamwork:  A movie is a collaborative work; it requires actors, cinematographers, directors, make-up artists, writers, visual effects specialists, technicians, and others. When this movie is applauded by all is shows the power of teamwork. It is also a lesson for all; that teamwork pays. Some films themselves are based on the theme of ‘teamwork’. This comes across strongly across the audience as they visually experience the lesson as compare to a bookish lesson.
  • Movies Stir Our Imagination:  The weirdest, the most extreme, the most unbelievable things are shown in movies. Some films are based on comic book characters, adaptations of novel or drama. They bring to life the inanimate and it requires imagination. Today, we have so many techniques and instruments which show us the unseen and unimagined. Both the viewers and the movie directors conceive ideas towards their own personal objectives. The audience witness’s audio-video which enhances their imagination and their feedback inspire more varied imagination.    
  • Showcase of World’s Art and Culture:  Many of the customs and traditions of different parts of the world are shown in movies. While sitting at our homes we are able to travel virtually to places where we cannot imagine, to be. Most of the movies show customs and arts of foreign countries. They give us insights about human activities and a better understanding of people of the world. Without movies, we wouldn’t come to know about ‘Muay Thai’ or ‘Ninjas’ or any of the things that we know today.
  • Films Educate Us:  Films are a platter of various disciplines, they show us history, culture, science, technology, politics and lot more. These disciplines are not confined to one particular region; these educate us on varying geographical regions across various timelines. We come to know about the past, the present and the future. In fact, the visual medium is a means of better education as we retain information for a long time when we visually see it. The uneducated also benefit from the content of the movies as he needs only eyes and not the skill to read or write to understand a literary classic or hi-fi flick. They haven’t said it just like that ‘A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words’.
  • Art Form:  Films are a Universal Art Form, a platform where you can express and communicate your thoughts or emotions. Just like a painter paints his imagination on a canvas, movie makers express their emotions, views, angst, joy and so on. People have ideas and they use films to point out their opinions or viewpoints through cinemascope. Some want to recreate some historical event while some indulge in fantasies. In their objective, they create beautiful scenes, thrilling moments, happy environment etc. which become their own style and an art form. These inspire others to create their own unique art of presentation.  
  • Movies are Mirrors to Society:  Films are inspired from our daily lives whether partially or fully is another story. Most of the films have a certain portion where we really get to see what we know but don’t think deeply about it. Various films depict historical, mythological scientific and social themes. These are reflections of society, both present, and past. Movies show the aftermath of a war, social evils, political strategies, human rights infringement and various other sensitive issues. A wide platform as films is most effective in presenting these issues and sensitizing the public at large. They create awareness, build civic sense, ensure public morality and their propagation.
  • Films Inspire Us:  Films inspire us in more than ways that we can imagine. Some profound inspirations are given to us by inspirational movies. The old age stories of the victory of the good over evil and the ‘never give up’ one’s are apt at towards their objective. Films inspire us to be brave, clever, insightful, experimental, loyal, determined and other virtues which make us positive minded. While not all movies are inspirational but you never know what may inspire whom and through which film? Apart from this, we get inspired by the film industry itself. Most of the stars, directors etc. have a story of struggle, hard work and how they reached the top? These examples themselves become a source of inspiration, though in an indirect manner. Similarly, when movies win certain awards it arouses within us an urge to shine in our respective field of work.   
  • Employment and Revenue:  It is not a hidden fact that movies generate a lot of employment and revenue to the treasury, not only through the films but even through its peripheral forms like merchandising, tourism, film training etc. As per one study, in 2009, the global box office revenues were over US$30 billion. People go to movies, rent them, download them and they themselves publicise them through ‘Word of Mouth’. The film industry supports a vast array of professionals like - designers, dressmakers, photographers, story writer, technicians, and others. Poets and authors have also benefited from this medium as their works have been adapted to movies, fetching them royalty and other benefits.
  • Quick Fame:  One movie can make you a star overnight and it happens with many of the actors and directors. It is a matter of luck that a certain newcomer or a struggling actor gets a movie which takes him to unscaled heights. Sometimes a small role in a movie makes you highly popular and you adorn the magazine covers, websites, television etc. You become a household name in an instant; you are worshipped, cheered and adored by the masses. There is a saying that – ‘There is no business like show business’ and all the stars that you see will totally agree with the adage.

Disadvantages of Films

  • Movies Profess Violence:  There is no denying that movies today are more violent than ever before. And it is very clear with the shootings at schools by kid and teenagers that they are being heavily influenced by violence shown is movies. To shock, the audience’s filmmakers choose this theme. Surprisingly, these become cult movies with a fan following of their own. Movies like these show new ways of torture and physical abuse which inspires the young mind to indulge in these acts. Movies like Hostel, Saw, Friday the 13 th and their kin are nothing but violent movies with unnecessary blood and gore. As per reports from Researchers followed 329 subjects over 15 years. They found that those who as children were exposed to violent TV shows were much more likely to later be convicted of the crime. Researchers said that "Media violence can affect any child from any family," regardless of social class or parenting. Girls who watched more than an average amount of violence tended to throw things at their husbands. Boys who grew up watching violent TV shows were more likely to be violent with their wives. Researchers concluded in Developmental Psychology that, "Every violent TV show increases a little-bit the likelihood of a child growing up to behave more aggressively." By the time the average U.S. child starts elementary school, he or she will have seen 8,000 murders and 100,00 acts of violence on TV.” - New Scientist, 2007.
  • Movies are made for Profit:  Ever heard of a movie made for charity, hard to say? In this cash striven lives who cares for a charity, perhaps none. The entertainment industry is even more selfish than any industry can be. Consider, people dropping their clothes for money just for a movie. Then we can consider the underlying motive that ‘Movies are solely made for Profit’. This profit influences the movie makers to showcase nudity and explicit sexual acts; there is a popular sub-industry of the latter one as well. The film industry people are no more worried about public morality; they will show what appears instantly to the senses. Even good filmmakers like Mahesh Bhatt, Ekta Kapoor resort to ‘Jism 2’ and ‘Dirty Picture’ which appeal to our lower instincts. By making such movies they bend our mentality to accept them, knowingly or unknowingly. Young people don’t have the maturity to understand these motives, they find these appealing and there becomes an audience to which aforesaid cater to. Stars and makers of such lewd movies inspire the upcoming generations to accept these and the chain goes on and on.
  • Establish False Notions:  Some movies portray certain subjects or themes in a way which is far from real. Such portrayals establish false notions amongst the people. Many of the Sikhs are joked upon because of their turban and jolly nature. Their turban makes them Taliban and their jolly nature conjure mockery. Similarly, masala dosa becomes the identity of south Indian people and most black people are shown as gangsters. Every community has its individuality, tastes and flaws but that alone is not their true identity. Fools, ugly people are distributed across the communities. Establishing an opinion based on certain aspects of a community encourages racism and other anti-social sentiments which hinder the peace and prosperity of the world.    
  • Wastage of Money and Time:  Majority of the movies are not really worth watching but still, we watch them. This happens because we are enticed by appealing posters, teasing trailers, publicity and other marketing strategies. This is done to ensure that the movie earns at least more than the cost involved. Take a look at the movies today, they are sequels, there are aliens, vampires, werewolves and if not anything there are special effects of all sorts. We have seen so much that there is very little left to amuse us. The actual movie may not be that good but it is the package which lures us. We don’t realise that we are wasting our money, our precious time, eyes and efforts on something undeserving.
  • Art Form of Personal Opinion:  It has been truly said that ‘Movie is an Art Form’ but the art form is many times based on one’s personal imagination. This imagination is at times contradictory to the truth. For a filmmaker, it is his personal take on a theme, which may not be in tandem with the truth, maybe false, disturbing or distorted. An art form to become meaningful should be honest and true towards its representation. Certain modifications are acceptable but modifications need to be monitored closely as to where they are being implemented. Giving biased opinions and delving into half-baked truths leads to controversy and conflict. One’s personal opinion may hurt sentiments of the certain community, individual and or the society. Such a biased art form only contradicts itself.
  • Adultery and Premature Sex:  Majority of the Hollywood movies have nudity and sex scenes. And the majority of the times, there is no actual need to include such. It appears that it has become a norm to have such scenes either as an attraction point or selling point. Teenage movies are the ones that often show things like virginity, sexual escapades, fantasies etc. But pornographic movies come straight to the point. Such images and audio as found in these movies corrupt the senses, even of the adults. While the younger generation becomes prematurely sex-conscious and imitates the scenes of films in their real life, the adult generation is guided towards adultery. A population of such people implies a diseased society both mentally and physically.
  • Meagre or No Respect for Law and Order:   Heroes shooting at cops, assassinators killing presidents and villains raping women all have one thing in common, lawlessness. Movies proliferate the idea that it is cool to break law or that it is not a big deal to break law. This attitude is picked up very easily and quickly by the young of mind. Bullying, stealing, shoplifting, threatening, gang making, verbal abuse, touting weapons etc. are the most common effects of movies which show lawlessness. Criminal tendencies are aggregated by movies which show violent acts against the law upholders or even a common citizen. Movie based games do the same, thereby initiating a negative mindset.    
  • Larger than Life Characters:  Once again it is the young mind which is unable to distinguish reality from fiction. Powerful human beings, superheroes, skilled fighters, stunts and acrobatics are surreal but not to your 4 to 5 years old kid. For him, these larger than life characters are real than anything else. Though aping your idols is a common thing but when it becomes an innate part of a kid, he/she will harm others and the own self.  A startling example is that of ‘Ninja Turtles’; around the time when it became a hit, certain kids actually started living in drains. Movies show that everything is possible but not everything, becoming spiderman through a spider bite, many of us have actually been bitten by spiders and have often imagined of becoming a spiderman, but we haven’t.
  • Means to Propaganda:  In a move to earn popularity and money, some filmmakers take on controversial topics. It is an old formula but an existent tried and tested one. Often such movies become a national agenda out of nowhere. It is the acts of politicians and pressure groups who need mileage or want to distract the public attention from a certain issue. History can be searched when movies have become a scapegoat of uproar, agitations and protests thereby making a mountain out of ant hill. Taking care of such situations requires capital and man force which unnecessarily puts a burden on the national expenditure.
  • Quick Downfall:  Movies without movie stars is unacceptable. While stars are born overnight, so is their downfall. The fate of an actor rests on a hit movie. It can make or break a person. Many ambitious people have strived for this fame but have tasted the dust. Some become desperate and will do anything. For others, it is a matter of death and honour for others it is a life of nightmare. There are more failures than stars but those that are stars shine like anything. The pursue this elusive sheen is sometimes compromising on your character. Casting couches are true; though very few will come forward, it is also a downfall of the character of a person.  
  • The popularity of Unideal Role Models:  Films are remembered for their story, direction etc. but mostly they are remembered by the actors. They become our role models, we want to become like them. They are more popular than real life heroes and get more recognition than anyone else. Let’s not forget that the heroes we applaud have become heroes at our own expense and because of the marketing strategy. If real life heroes were also marketed the same but then real-life heroes aren’t glamorous or perform stunts. We know more entertainment celebrities than those who really make a difference in the world. How many of us know about an ordinary man who did extraordinary to save others? The world is full of brave, strong, handsome, innovative, intelligent, life-saving people who carry on with their lives without expecting any applaud. But their achievements are dwarfed by a giant poster of movies with their glamorous star cast publicised throughout the whole world.
  • Addiction to Movies:  Addictions come in many forms and one of them is that of movies. Many amongst us suffer from complexities of life and instead of finding a real-life solution we end up finding a solution which is harmful to us, health-wise or otherwise. The addiction to movies can be expensive if we go to malls or theatres. The addiction to movies can affect our mental and physical health if we watch them at home. We start paying more attention to movies than any other thing. We neglect exercise and become couch potatoes. Our main concern becomes the release dates, the booking, the downloading, the exchanging, the trailers, wallpapers and so on. It becomes a futile pursuit but we keep indulging in it as it is convenient, just turn on the TV and start watching or search the internet for it. When we have seen the best ones, what’s left? The ordinary or useless ones amuse us because of their stupidity or nonsensical approach. Even when we may have a sense that this film is not worth watching we watch it because others are watching it and watching in a group is more exciting. Sometimes we forget that we have seen a certain film, we have a hazy remembrance of it, we watch it to actually prove ourselves wrong or right about the movie In this effort we don’t realise that we are getting addicted to movie watching.
  • Conflicting Personalities:  If actors are unideal heroes they also happen to have unideal personas, i.e. that what they portray on cinema, they aren’t the same in real life. Sometimes even adults have to come to terms with this reality. As humans we are judgemental, we make opinions about someone even when we don’t know them fully. The actors are seen as role models and they have a certain responsibility towards society. But more often than not, we witness that our favourite hero, heroine, director etc. aren’t the same as they appeared on-screen. Some of them are drug addicts, some indulge in adultery, some are chain smokers, some are cowards; mostly the opposite of what they have been portrayed. For them, it may not matter but for the ardent fans, it is a great setback. They saw an amazing physique, a beautiful face and a strong character. But it turned out that it is all fake. Their assets are fake, they are surgically or chemically enhanced and or improved. It is a shock for them to know that the one they vouched for, is fake, it is emotionally disturbing and creates conflict in mind. It becomes puzzling as to what is real and what is not? It throws them off-balance of their and the views of the world. Even adults are shocked when they come to know of a certain negative aspect of an actor. Though, they are humans but not ordinary ones, at least for the fans.

Conclusion There are always and there always be ‘Two Sides of a Coin’, similarly, there are merits and demerits of films. Many of you may not find advantages and disadvantages suiting to your personal opinion but that doesn’t lessen their gravity. As pointed out in the above paragraphs, the scale tips in the favour of disadvantages of movies. Films do more harm than good and the good here, cannot negate the bad, unlike in the movies. It may sound strange and weird but it is true. And it doesn’t even mean that one should stop watching movies. Watch only a few and forget the rest, there are much better things to do in life than spending time on overhyped and low-quality movies. Some of the pros and cons of Films are evident; we can see them all around us. But the negative points are not easily perceived, remain unpublicised and are therefore lesser known. The positive points of movies shine in front of us, they are easily perceived, can be seen everywhere and the film industry itself publicises it. The underlining point is that watch only quality movies, your decision in abstaining from cheap movies will have a positive effect on filmmakers. Porn and violent films are popular because there is a demand if the demand ceases so will the supply. The government also needs to take steps to discourage and eventually stop the production of movies which tend to corrupt. More importantly, a compulsory short feature should be shown to educate the people of all ages about the truth and reality shown in the movies.

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Essay on Movies: Advantages and Disadvantages 

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  • Dec 19, 2023

Essay on Movies

Essay on Movies:   Movies create a huge impact on human life. It can be positive as well as negative. People learn and implement new and innovative things from movies in real life. For example, learning new languages, getting inspiration, self-motivation, and gaining more insight and understanding are examples of the brighter side of movies. 

disadvantages of cinema essay

On the contrary, movies with a provoking message that disturbs peace and harmony, inappropriate content, and gender discrimination contribute to desensitization and normalizing harmful behaviors. 

Essay on Movies: Impact of Movies on Society

The motive for watching movies can differ from person to person. For some, it can just be a pastime, but for others, it can present a real-life context for learning. Therefore, it plays a vital role in shaping societal norms and influencing the culture.

Also, movies have the power to evoke emotions in the audience. Besides, it has the potential to raise awareness and promote social change by addressing important issues. Further, movies also serve as a form of entertainment and cultivate a sense of shared experience among the audience. 

Now, let us analyze the advantages and disadvantages of movies to evaluate their impact on society:

Advantages of Movies :

1. Source of Entertainment: Movies are the best mode of enjoyable and immersive entertainment. When one gets bored with the same routine work and needs relaxation, the cinematic experience, with its special effects, music, and storytelling techniques, helps provide a unique way of escaping reality. 

2. Form of Storytelling: Stories take us to a world where we can explore different stories, characters, and themes. Film directors, with the help of visuals and narrative methods, help convey a message and evoke emotions in the audience while developing a connection with the story being told.

3. Means of Social Bonding: Sitting in front of the television and watching a movie with family is fun on another level. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a night out at the cinema or a movie night at home; the experience of bonding among friends and family cannot be explained in words.

Also Read: Film Direction, Drama, and Theatre Archives 

Disadvantages of Movies:

Now, let us understand what adverse effects movies can have on the audience: 

  • Negative Influence: Movies with harmful content such as misogyny, celebration of communal violence, racism, and glorification of patriarchy create an adverse impact on the impressionable audience. Therefore, as viewers, it is important to understand the message conveyed very carefully and its potential consequences. 
  • Time-Consuming: Also, watching movies for long hours can interfere with work, studies, and other activities. It is, therefore, required to create a balance between leisure and responsibilities. However, this does not apply to present-day and future generations of filmmakers, actors, scriptwriters, cinematographers, camera operators, etc. 
  • Expensive: Watching movies is a costly undertaking. Whether tickets, streaming subscriptions, or home entertainment comes with a heavy expense. If one is a regular moviegoer, watching movies can lead to a potential drawback. 

Thus, it is essential to carefully analyze the messaging of movies. It is our responsibility to watch movies as a source of entertainment and not indulge in wrongdoings. Also, cinema is a beautiful art form and a great source of learning for technicians, writers, and filmmakers.

Also Read: Film Making Courses

Ans. Time consumption, social isolation, and distorted realities are the negative impacts of movies on society. 

Ans. Career opportunities, technological advancements, and emotional impacts are some of the positive impacts of movies on society. 

Ans. The movies aim to serve content suitability, so movies are served with different ratings. 

Ans. Movies serve as a source of entertainment, a means of relaxation, and a platform for imparting moral values.

Ans. Lumiere brothers, Auguste and Louis Lumiere are credited for inventing movies. 

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Hope this essay on movies is helpful to you. For more information on such interesting and informative topics, visit our essay writing page and follow Leverage Edu .

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Deepika Joshi

Deepika Joshi is an experienced content writer with expertise in creating educational and informative content. She has a year of experience writing content for speeches, essays, NCERT, study abroad and EdTech SaaS. Her strengths lie in conducting thorough research and ananlysis to provide accurate and up-to-date information to readers. She enjoys staying updated on new skills and knowledge, particulary in education domain. In her free time, she loves to read articles, and blogs with related to her field to further expand her expertise. In personal life, she loves creative writing and aspire to connect with innovative people who have fresh ideas to offer.

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Essays About Cinema: Top 5 Examples and 10 Prompts

Are you writing an essay on cinema? Check out our round-up of great examples of essays about cinema and creative prompts to stir up your thoughts on this art form.

Cinema is primarily referred to as films. With the power to transport people to different worlds and cultures, cinema can be an evocative medium to tell stories, shape beliefs, and seed new ideas. Cinema can also refer to the production process of films or even film theaters.

If you’re writing an essay about cinema, our inspiring essay examples and prompts below can help you find the best way to express your thoughts on this art form:  


Best 5 Essay Examples

1. french cinema is more than just entertainment by jonathan romney, 2. “nope” is one of the greatest movies about moviemaking by richard brody, 3. the wolf of wall street and the new cinema of excesses by izzy black, 4. how spirited away changed animation forever by kat moon, 5. from script to screen: what role for intellectual property by cathy jewell, 1. the history of cinema, 2. analysis of my favorite movie, 3. the impact of cinema on life, 4. the technological evolution of cinema, 5. cinema and piracy, 6. how to make a short film, 7. movies vs. film vs. cinema, 8. movie theaters during the pandemic, 9. film festivals, 10. the effect of music on mood.

“In France, cinema is taken seriously, traditionally considered an art rather than merely a form of entertainment or an industrial product. In that spirit, and in the name of ‘cultural exception,’ the French state has long supported home-grown cinema as both art and business.”

The culture of creating and consuming cinema is at the heart of French culture. The essay gives an overview of how the French give premium to cinema as a tool for economic and cultural progress, inspiring other countries to learn from the French in maintaining and elevating the global prestige of their film industry.

“‘Nope’ is one of the great movies about moviemaking, about the moral and spiritual implications of cinematic representation itself—especially the representation of people at the center of American society who are treated as its outsiders.”

The essay summarizes “Nope,” a sci-fi horror released in 2022. It closely inspects its action, technology play, and dramatic point-of-view shots while carefully avoiding spoilers. But beyond the cinematic technicalities, the movie also captures Black Americans’ experience of exploitation in the movie’s set period. 

“These films opt to imaginatively present the psychology of ideology rather than funnel in a more deceptive ideology through moralizing. The hope, then, perhaps, that indulging in the sin that we might better come to terms with the animal of capitalism and learn something of value from it. Which is to say, there is a moral end to at all.” 

This essay zooms into various movies of excess in recent times and compares them against those in the ‘60s when the style in the cinema first rose. She finds that current films of excess do not punish their undiscerning heroes in the end. While this has been interpreted as glorifying the excess, Black sees this as our way to learn.

Check out these essays about heroes and essays about college .

“Spirited Away shattered preconceived notions about the art form and also proved that, as a film created in Japanese with elements of Japanese folklore central to its core, it could resonate deeply with audiences around the world.”

Spirited Away is a hand-drawn animation that not only put Japanese cinema on the map but also changed the animation landscape forever. The film bent norms that allowed it to break beyond its target demographics and redefine animation’s aesthetic impact. The Times essay looks back on the film’s historic journey toward sweeping nominations and awards on a global stage long dominated by Western cinema. 

“[IP rights] help producers attract the funds needed to get a film project off the ground; enable directors, screenwriters and actors, as well as the many artists and technicians who work behind the scenes, to earn a living; and spur the technological innovations that push the boundaries of creativity and make the seemingly impossible, possible.”

Protecting intellectual property rights in cinema has a significant but often overlooked role in helping make or break the success of a film. In this essay, the author identifies the film-making stages where contracts on intellectual property terms are created and offers best practices to preserve ownership over creative works throughout the film-making process.

10 Exciting Writing Prompts

See below our writing prompts to encourage great ideas for your essay:

In this essay, you can write about the beginnings of cinema or pick a certain period in the evolution of film. Then, look into the defining styles that made them have an indelible mark in cinema history. But to create more than just an informational essay, try to incorporate your reflections by comparing the experience of watching movies today to your chosen cinema period.

Pick your favorite movie and analyze its theme and main ideas. First, provide a one-paragraph summary. Then, pick out the best scenes and symbolisms that you think poignantly relayed the movie’s theme and message. To inspire your critical thinking and analysis of movies, you may turn to the essays of renowned film critics such as André Bazin and Roger Ebert . 

Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of cinema. You can cite research and real-life events that show the benefits and risks of consuming or producing certain types of films. For example, cinematic works such as documentaries on the environment can inspire action to protect Mother Nature. Meanwhile, film violence can be dangerous, especially when exposed to children without parental guidance.

Walk down memory lane of the 100 years of cinema and reflect on each defining era. Like any field, the transformation of cinema is also inextricably linked to the emergence of groundbreaking innovations, such as the kinetoscope that paved the way for short silent movies and the technicolor process that allowed the transition from black and white to colored films. Finally, you can add the future innovations anticipated to revolutionize cinema. 

Content piracy is the illegal streaming, uploading, and selling of copyrighted content. First, research on what technologies are propelling piracy and what are piracy’s implications to the film industry, the larger creative community, and the economy. Then, cite existing anti-piracy efforts of your government and several film organizations such as the Motion Picture Association . Finally, offer your take on piracy, whether you are for or against it, and explain. 

Essays About Cinema: How to make a short film

A short film is a great work and a starting point for budding and aspiring movie directors to venture into cinema. First, plot the critical stages a film director will undertake to produce a short film, such as writing the plot, choosing a cast, marketing the film, and so on. Then, gather essential tips from interviews with directors of award-winning short films, especially on budgeting, given the limited resource of short film projects. 

Beyond their linguistic differences, could the terms movie, film, and cinema have differences as jargon in the film-making world? Elaborate on the differences between these three terms and what movie experts think. For example, Martin Scorsese doesn’t consider the film franchise Avengers as cinema. Explain what such differentiation means. 

Theaters were among the first and worst hit during the outbreak of COVID-19 as they were forced to shut down. In your essay, dig deeper into the challenges that followed their closure, such as movie consumers’ exodus to streaming services that threatened to end cinemas. Then, write about new strategies movie theater operators had to take to survive the pandemic. Finally, write an outlook on the possible fate of movie theaters by using research studies and personally weighing the pros and cons of watching movies at home.

Film Festivals greatly support the film industry, expand national wealth, and strengthen cultural pride. For this prompt, write about how film festivals encouraged the rise of specific genres and enabled the discovery of unique films and a fresh set of filmmakers to usher in a new trend in cinema.

First, elaborate on how music can intensify the mood in movies. Then, use case examples of how music, especially distinct ones, can bring greater value to a film. For example, superhero and fantasy movies’ intro music allows more excellent recall. 

For help with your essays, check out our round-up of the best essay checkers . 

If you’re still stuck, check out our general resource of essay writing topics .

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Essay on Impact of Cinema in Life for in English Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Essay on Impact of Cinema in Life: Cinema is an extremely popular source of entertainment worldwide. Numerous movies are produced each year and people watch these in large numbers. Cinema impacts our life both positively and negatively. Just as everything else in this world, cinema also has positive as well as negative impact on our life. While some movies can change our thinking for good others can invoke a feeling or pain or fear. Despite having a regulatory mechanism, movies these days display a good amount of violence and other illegal and immoral activities. While these activities don’t have much effect on matured adults, it could however adversely affect children or teenagers. Kids in their tender age are unable to make right decisions and are easily influenced by what is shown in the cinema.

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It exposes us to different types of art and helps us learn about how people from various backgrounds live. In a sense, it brings us together and makes us more open to diverse art forms and cultures. Movies also provide valuable lessons for real life.

Long and Short Essay on Impact of Cinema in Our Life in English

Here are long and short essay on impact of cinema in life in English, of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam or other activities.

You can choose any Impact of Cinema in Life Essay as per your need and interest during your school/college essay writing competition or in a debate, discussion with your class mate on topics relevant to the subject.

So, go through this page and select the one essay which is best for you:

Essay on Impact of Cinema in Our Life 200 words

Since the beginning of the human existence, man has been searching for different ways for recreation. He has been looking for something that gives a little break from his exhausting schedule of day to day life. Cinema has come forward as a great way of recreation since around a century. It has been one of the most loved pastimes since its inception.

Initially theatres were the only way to get access to the cinema but with the popularity of television and cable TV, watching movies became easier. With the advent of internet and mobile phones, we now get access to the cinema on our mobile screens and can watch them just about anywhere and anytime.

Everyone today is more or less connected to the cinema. When we see certain incidences shown in movies that we can relate to we naturally let them influence our mind-set and thought process. We even idealize certain characters and scenarios from the movies. We want our personality and life to be just like the life of the movie character we idealize. Some people get so hooked on to these characters that they become an integral part of their life.

Thus, we can conclude that cinema has a great influence on the lives of the people and society. It is rightly said that we are more or less carved out from the type of movies we see, songs we hear and the books we read.

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Essay on Impact of Cinema on Students Life 300 words

Exploring the world of cinema has been a craze for the young generation ever since the initiation of the movies. They follow it like a passion and thus the young generation mostly the teenagers are the ones largely impacted by cinema. This is mainly because it is an age wherein they are about to step into the real world with dozens of notions and at times unreasonable optimism, and the films play a prime role in catering to them.

Positive Impact of Cinema on Students

  • All kinds of movies are made to cater to the interest of different types of audience. There are movies that include educative content. Watching such movies widens the knowledge of the students and has a positive impact on them.
  • Students need to juggle between their studies, extra-curricular activities and competitions. Amid such mad rush and rising competition, they need something for relaxation and movies are a good way to relax.
  • Students can also bond well with their family and extended family as they plan to go out with them to watch cinema.

Negative Impact of Cinema on Students

  • While cinema may be educative, watching too much of it can prove to be a waste of time for the students. Many students get addicted to the movies and spend their precious time in watching movies rather than studying.
  • Certain movies contain inappropriate content such as violence and other A-rated scenes that have a negative impact on the students.
  • Watching too much cinema and other video content can weaken the students’ eye sight and also hamper their power to concentrate.

Whatever a movie maybe about, one should not forget that a movie is a portrayal of writer’s imagination unless it’s a biopic. One should not madly follow them. Students must to realize that it isn’t necessary for their lives and situations to have resemblance with the movie. They should understand and know the difference between the reel life and real life and try to inculcate only the positive aspects of cinema.

Essay on Impact of Cinema on Society 400 words

Cinema has been a major source of entertainment for the people of every age group around the world. Different genres of movies are produced and these influence the public in different ways. Since movies are explored by all, they influence the society immensely. This impact can be both negative and positive.

Positive Impact of Cinema on the Society

Here is a look at the positive impact of cinema on the society:

  • Cinema has a major influence on the society. So it can be used as a major tool for creating public awareness. Bollywood films like Toilet: Ek Prem Katha, Taare Zameen Par and Swades have helped in bringing about positive changes in the society.
  • Certain good movies and biopics can genuinely influence the viewer’s mind positively and can motivate him or her to work hard in life.
  • Movies and songs can give rise to the feeling of patriotism in the viewers.
  • A movie is always a good sort of entertainment. It lets you forget all your problems and can take you to an all new world of imagination, which can be beneficiary at times.
  • Films at times can also widen your scope of knowledge according to their genre. A historic film can improve your knowledge in history; a sci-fi movie can touch you with some knowledge of science and so on.
  • Good comedy movies have the power to make you laugh and can thus enhance your mood.
  • Adventure movies can arise in you a spirit of adventure and motivation.

Negative Impact of Cinema on the Society

Here is a look at the negative impact of cinema on the society:

  • Most of the movies nowadays show violence which can affect the public in a negative way. It can indirectly contribute to violent thoughts in one’s mind especially in the youth.
  • Certain content shown in the movies is not appropriate for some people. It can actually mess up with their mind.
  • People at times fail to differentiate between the movie and reality. They get so engrossed in it that they somehow start to believe that the reality is the same as portrayed in the movie which can have undesirable side effects.

It is a world in which everyone has their own different perspective which may not be right from the view of the others. Certain movies can thus hurt the feelings of certain audience. Some movies have hurt the religious sentiments of people and even resulted in riots.

Thus, we can conclude that movies can have a great impact on the viewer’s mind. It becomes the moral duty of the team to prepare the content that is appropriate and has a positive impact on the society.

Essay on Influence of Cinema on Youth 500 words

It is a well-known fact that one can learn and remember things easily if it has got both audio and visual aids instead of just audio. Keeping this thing in mind, many study sessions are taken where students are taught with the help of videos. Cinema has been popular since its inception. People came to realize that students can remember more through videos than just from verbal sessions as they observed kids remembering dialogue of the movie they watched a week ago but nothing from the lecture they attended in the morning.

Young Minds are influenced by what they see

Humans have this tendency of adopting the way of talking, walking and behaving of the person they are with for a long time. A person always leaves a mark in other person’s head according to his behaviour.

This notion is more popular among the people belonging to the teenage and also among the kids of age less than 13 years as they have massive grasping power. They want to mimic and copy everything they see in the cinemas, hairstyles, fashion, actions, body language, way of talking, everything. They think that by doing all this they can become popular and cool which seems to be important for today’s youth.

Cinema has a Major Impact on the Youth

Cinema is basically considered as the best among all means of entertainment. Young people watch cinema to get relax and entertained though along with this they learn a number of new things. The normal human tendency is to apply these things in their lives too. That is why it is very important that they grab only the positive points from the cinemas.

As youth is the future of any nation so it is essential that they build a positive mindset. It is thus essential for them to watch good quality of cinema that helps them grow mentally and makes them more knowledgeable and mature. Not only the actions and body language but their level of command on the language is also influenced by the cinema.

Moreover, many movies don’t just entertain, but also provide lots of information regarding different aspects of life. It also helps the young to develop an open-minded mentality which can be very helpful for their progress in lives.

Negative Impact of Cinema on Youth

Cinema has both negative and positive impact on the youth. In the form of action, showing various ways of killing people is a common sight in the movies these days. These things affect the people watching it at a psychological level. They create a mentality among the youth that to show power you need to fight with few, kill few or dominate few. This is a very wrong notion.

Not just this, even the adult scenes, including sex are misguiding for the youth who have not even been provided sex education to understand what is wrong and what is right. Showing excess of nudity and lust can make them do things that they are not supposed to at their age. Moreover, too much time and money is also wasted on viewing cinema.

Hence, cinema impacts the youth in various ways. However, it depends on their maturity and understanding on what they adopt the most.

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Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Cinema 600 words

Cinema is a source of entertainment for millions of people around the globe. It serves as a tool against boredom and an escape from the monotonous life. A good movie offers a relaxing and entertaining experience. It takes you to a new world of imagination, away from all the troubles. It has the power to refresh and rejuvenate your mind. However, it also has certain set of disadvantages attached to it. Here is a look at the advantages as well as disadvantages of cinema:

Advantages of Cinema

Here is a look at the advantages offered by the cinema:

  • Social Advantages

Among the teens the trend of watching movies is followed as a passion. Looking at the type of movies a person prefers to watch one can judge his preference and personality. Movies help in socialising as they offer a common ground of discussion. You can always discuss about the content you have watched while sitting in a group or at parties. It offers as a good conversation starter. It is an interesting topic unlike politics and sports that many people find boring.

  • Inspires Imagination

Movies at times show the weirdest imagination of the writer. It shows the world that is unseen and unexplored with advanced graphic technology which can help us enhance our imagination too.

  • Reflection of Art and Culture of Different Parts of the World

Different movies have varied plots that are set around varied cultures and people belonging to different places across the globe. This helps one broaden his or her knowledge about people living in different parts of the world and their way of living.

  • Improvises Thinking Capacity

Success stories and biographies can inspire people to not give up in life. There are certain scenes in the movies wherein cases of emergency such as fire, bomb blast, robbery, etc are shown. We may not know what to do in such moments in real life if we ever come across them. Movies can help improvise our thinking capacity and help us understand how to act in such situations.

Disadvantages of Cinema

  • Creates False Notion

Movies contribute greatly towards forming false notion in people especially kids. Situations and societies in every part of the world are different. People are different on screen and in reality. However, many individuals fail at realize the gap between the movie world and reality which causes problems.

  • Waste of Money and Time

Movie is a mere representation of the writer’s thoughts and imagination and they are not always worth our time and money. What’s the point in investing into something if it isn’t worth our time and we feel disappointed at the end of it?

  • Violent and Adult Content

To make a movie fetch more profit unnecessary scenes of violence, action, nudity and vulgarity are added to it, making it inappropriate for the kids and young adults. It can have a negative impact their mind.

Movies have at times proved to be over addictive for certain people. Not every movie is worth watching. There are so many other productive and interesting things to do in life other than unnecessarily wasting hours on useless movies. The involvement in movies up to certain extent is alright but undue craze for cinema and wasting money for overhyped movies is not preferable.

There are always two aspects of a thing – a positive one and a negative one. One must watch movies and let them impact oneself to a limit to avoid all the negative aspects of it. As it is rightly said, everything done in limit is beneficiary. Similarly, investing time into movies that are worth watching is fine but getting addicted to them should be avoided, as it would not only waste our time but we’ll also miss out other things that are actually worth our time.

Essay on Impact of Cinema in Life FAQs

What is the impact of cinema on youth.

Cinema can influence youth by shaping their beliefs, values, and behaviors through the stories and characters they see on screen.

What is the impact of cinema in India?

In India, cinema is a powerful cultural and entertainment medium that reflects the diversity, traditions, and societal issues of the country.

What are the benefits of cinema?

The benefits of cinema include entertainment, education, cultural representation, and a platform for storytelling.

What is the impact of cinema in our life?

Cinema impacts our lives by providing a source of entertainment, inspiration, and a means to connect with diverse perspectives.

In India, cinema is a significant part of the cultural fabric, influencing society, and addressing important issues.

What was the impact of cinema as a means of mass communication to the society?

Cinema, as a means of mass communication, has the power to inform, entertain, and shape public opinions on various topics.

Why is cinema important in our daily life?

Cinema is important in daily life as it offers relaxation, escape from reality, and a window to different worlds and experiences.

In India, cinema has a profound impact on culture, society, and the way people perceive and connect with their surroundings.

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  • Essay On Impact Of Cinema On Life

Essay on the Impact of Cinema on Life

500+ words essay on the impact of cinema on life.

Cinema is a motion picture, or to put it simply, it means movies. Most of us love watching movies and wait eagerly for the next new release. These movies take us on an entertaining journey to a whole new world. From the time it came into existence, cinema has had a great impact on our lives. Cinema is also a great medium of education. From bringing different cultures and traditions across the globe together to raising awareness about important issues, cinemas educate us in many ways.

Origin of Cinema

Cinema is short for cinematography. Cinematography is the illusion of movement seen on a screen. This illusion of movement is a result of recording and then projecting several still photographs rapidly on the screen. This medium of mass communication and entertainment is a product of 19th-century science. Unlike most scientific inventions, the cinema doesn’t have just one inventor. Several scientists of the time, like Edison and the Lumiere brothers William Friese-Greene, worked to invent motion pictures and the cameras that recorded them.

The Edison company invented a device called the Kinetoscope, which allowed a person to view moving pictures through a peephole. In 1895, the Lumiere brothers invented a device called the Cinématographe, which could project moving pictures onto a screen. The Cinématographe was a three-in-one device, it was a camera, a projector and a film printer.

The first films were short, lasting a few minutes and did not have synchronized sound or dialogues. But with more scientific innovations, production houses started making feature-length movies with colour and synchronized sound. Roundhay Garden Scene, which was recorded by English photographer Louis Le Prince is believed to be the first motion picture ever made. The motion picture was recorded in Leeds, England, in 1888. The first Indian cinema was Raja Harishchandra, which was recorded and shown to the public in 1913.

Impact of Cinema on Our Lives

Cinema is mainly a medium of entertainment and communication. It is also a great medium to educate the masses. A movie has the power to bring distant, unseen lands, their culture and traditions before the audience. It can help raise awareness about social and cultural issues and help people understand the difference between good and bad. It can be inspirational and push the audience towards achieving their goals and dreams. Cinemas are also great stress relievers. It helps transport the audience to a distant, make-believe land that helps them forget their troubles for a little while.

While it has its merits, cinema does have several disadvantages too. There are several ways in which it could affect our lives negatively. It is up to the individuals to choose what to watch.

Impact of Cinema on Students

Young children are very impressionable and pick up things quickly. While the educational part of films is a good influence on them, the negative aspects can be a bad influence. Movies can also fuel their imagination and creativity and introduce them to new concepts. It can also inspire them and push them to work hard towards achieving their goals. At the same time, some movies can have a negative impact on students. So, parents and educators should ensure that movies shown to young children and students should be properly vetted and age-appropriate.

In conclusion, cinemas have had a vast impact on our lives. From educating and entertaining us to opening our minds to new possibilities and inspiring us, movies have changed our lives in several ways. The best way to ensure cinema doesn’t have a negative impact is to appreciate and learn the good aspects while leaving out the bad.

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Modern age is the age of science. It has given birth to cinema. Cinema has become an important part of modern life. Everyone likes to enjoy a picture. The cinema hall has the thickest rush.

Cinema is a combination of arts

Cinema is a combination of so many artists. The story writer writes the story. The signer sings the songs. The musician gives the music. The actors and actresses play their role. The director gives direction. The photographer shoots the film.

Advantages of cinema

Some of the chief advantages of cinema are as under:

1. Means of recreation. Cinema is a cheap means of recreation. People go to cinema to relax themselves for a few hours. They forget troubles of life in the cinema hall.

2. Means of education. Cinema is a practical teacher. Everything can be taught in a normal way. Learning by seeing is easier than learning by reading. Cinema gives moral lessons. through films.

3. Means of publicity and propaganda. Cinema is an important means of publicity and propaganda. The Government can use it easily to remove some social evils, like untouchability, child marriage, and dowry system etc. The news reels serve this purpose.

4. A picture of ancient culture. Historical pictures show us how people lived in ancient times. Their ways of fighting, old palaces, forts, buildings, sculptures are shown to us. We come to know the social life of the old people.

5. Means of teaching religious teachings. The religious pictures place before us the ancient culture and civilization. They try to show the ideals of the past.

6. Means of eradicating social evils. The pictures with social themes help in the removal of social evils. The pictures have tried to throw light on the evils of child marriage, untouchability and unequal matches. Some pictures have shown evils of fashion and drinking.

Disadvantages of cinema

Cinema has some disadvantages also. They are :

1. It spoils the character. Generally criminal and sexual pictures bring more money to the producers. Hence they produce them. Obscene posters may be seen on cross-roads and walls along the road. This practice spoils the character.

2. Injurious for health. Three hours sitting in suffocating ciner a hall is injurious for health.

3. Increase in crimes. In so many films different methods of committing crimes are shown. The young boys learn these practices and do them practically.

4. Wicked atmosphere. The atmosphere of cinema hall is full of noise, confusion, black marketing and ditry songs. The attractive living of the heroes and heroines attracts the college girls and boys. They indulge in all bad practices. Conclusion. Thus we have seen the bright and dark sides of cinema.

Propaganda- preaching, Sculptures- art of making images, मूर्ती शिल्प Removal- to finish, दूर करना, समाप्त करना। Obscene- lewd, गन्दी Recreation- amusement, मनोविनोद । Moral- ethical, Purpose- objective, Ancient- very old, प्राचीन Indulge- get involved, आसक्त होना ।


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disadvantages of cinema essay

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Cinema

Category : Essays

Introduction. Modern age is the age of science. It has given birth to cinema. Cinema has become an important part of modern life. Everyone likes to enjoy a picture. The cinema hall has the thickest rush.

Cinema is a combination of arts. Cinema is a combination of so many artists. The story writer writes the story. The singer sings the songs. The musician gives the music. The actors and actresses play their role. The director gives direction. The photographer shoots the film.

Advantages of cinema. Some of the chief advantages of cinema are as under:-

(1) Means of recreation. Cinema is a cheap means of recreation. People go to cinema to relax themselves for a few hours. They forget troubles of life in the cinema hall.

(2) Means of education.   Cinema is a practical teacher. Everything can be taught in a normal way. Learning by seeing is easier than learning by reading. Cinema gives moral lessons through films.

(3) Means of publicity and propaganda. Cinema is an important means of publicity and propaganda. The Government can use it easily to remove some social evils, like untouchability, child marriage, and dowry system etc. The news reels serve this purpose.

(4) A picture of ancient culture. Historical pictures show us how people lived in ancient times. Their ways of fighting, old palaces, forts, buildings, sculptures are shown to us. We come to know the social life of the old people.

(5) Means of teaching religious teachings. The religious pictures place before us the ancient cultural and civilization. They try to show the high ideals of the past.

(6) Means of eradicating social evils. The picture with social themes helps in the removal of social evils. The pictures have tried to throw light on the evils of child marriage, un touch ability and un-equal matches. Some pictures live shown evils of fashion and drinking.

Disadvantages of cinema. Cinema has some disadvantages also. They are:-

(1) R spoils the character. Generally criminal and sexual pictures bring more money to the producers. Hence they produce them. Obscene posters may be seen on cross-roads and walls along the road. This practice spoils the character.

(2) Injurious for health. Three hours silting in suffocating cinema hall is injurious for health.

(3) Increase in crimes. In so many films different methods of committing crimes arc shown. The young boys learn these practices and do them practically.

(4) Wicked atmosphere. The atmosphere of cinema hall is full of noise, confusion, black-marketing and dirty songs. The attractive living of the heroes and heroines attract the college girls and boys- They indulge in all bad practices.

Conclusion. Thus we have seen the bright and dark sides of cinema.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Cinemas

Filed Under: Essays Tagged With: cinema

The cinema attracts large numbers of people everyday. It is the magnet of the town. It sometimes attracts even those who do not wish to see a film.

As it is so popular, the cinema exerts a profound influence on the minds of many people, young and old. The influence is sometimes good, and sometimes it is bad. Films showing criminal activities and the sensual desires of man have caused much harm to many youths. Some youths have become criminals themselves though almost every film shows how the good always triumphs over the evil. The cinema has also caused many people to waste money. Such people have become so addicted to visiting the cinema that they see almost every film, good or bad. In this way money is wasted not only on purchasing tickets for admittance to the cinema but also on travelling and many other things.

Often, however, the cinema helps to spread knowledge. There are many films which show the activities of the various races of people living in the remote regions of the earth. Some films show how man has struggled through the centuries to make the world a better place to live in. There are also films which show the events that led to some of the important battles in the past. They are shown with so much realism that one remembers them for a long time. Such films are indeed invaluable, especially to those who are illiterate.

In this respect the cinema could be regarded as a school. Even the dullest student learns many things if he sees an educational film in the cinema though he may learn nothing from his teacher or his books. Such is the effect of the film, and in many countries, educational authorities are trying to make the best use of the cinema to spread knowledge and information.

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It is therefore clear that the cinema has many advantages as well as disadvantages. Often the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Those who visit the cinema with the purpose of learning something good are sure to benefit from almost every visit to the cinema.

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Essay on Impact of Cinema in Life | Impact of Cinema in Life for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Impact of Cinema in Life: Since the inception of the existence, man has been discovering different ways for recreation, and Cinema is one such discovery. Cinema is the dominating recreation meant for relaxation. Earlier days of relaxation were experienced with limited restrictions, but as we evolved, Cinema has changed the way of life.

Cinema had influenced many people and has impacted in many ways. Cinema is a break people take from the long, stressful hours of their everyday life. Cinema has revolutionized the entertainment sector and has evolved better through times. Cinema has become the favorite pastime to millions of people in the world. Cinema surfaces the reality and tells us the truth; we often find it hard to accept.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Long and Short Essays on Impact of Cinema in Life for Students and Kids in English

We have mentioned two essays a 500 words Long Essay and a 200 words Short Essay. The long essay on the Impact of Cinema in Life consists of 400-500 words. The Long Essay provides a framework that helps students with their competitive exams and assignments. The short essay on the Impact of Cinema in Life is written for 200 words and is suitable for children and kids with their classwork.

Long Essay on Impact of Cinema in Life 500 words in English

Given below is a long essay on the Impact of Cinema in Life for aspirants of competitive exams and students belonging to classes 6,7,8,9, and 10. The Impact of Cinema in Life essay helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive examinations.

Cinema is a motion picture and has become an influential part of the entertainment sector. It is a source of relaxation for people around the world and is a prominent medium for publicity, education, and culture. It gives us a break from the monotonous cycle of life and has evolved with time.

Cinema is an excellent escape from reality and is highly instrumental in giving us a break from our humdrum life. It transports us to the realm of imagination filled with vibrance and refreshes and recharges our mind. The world of Cinema has been a platform that impacts the young generation since its inception. It is a platform that boosts teenagers with enthusiasm.

Initially, theatres were the only place that would provide access to Cinema, but with the onset of cable Tv and Television, watching movies have become more straightforward. With the advancement of mobile phones and the Internet, we can access Cinema from anywhere at any time.

Cinema has impacted an individual’s daily life tremendously and the population at large. Cinemas are expressions of reality and comprise the elements happening in society. Cinema is the reflection of reality. Just like the early day theatres, Cinema depicts the crude reality and society’s indulgences.

Cinema rejuvenates a person’s mind and has an indelible impact on a person’s life. It has benefited as well as created a negative impact on society and people. We have to make a distinction to choose between right and wrong and make wise decisions.

Benefits of Cinema

Cinema is a reflection of society and shows us the crude reality of society. It tells us about issues that we remained ignorant about. Similarly, it helps us socialize with people better. It teaches us the pros and cons of habits and various trends in our life.

Cinema connects people, acts as a starter of a conversation. It enhances imagination and shows the entire world multiple perspectives and broaden our vision and thinking. Most importantly, it connects different cultures and introduces us to the various forms of art and adds unknown information and facts to our lives.

Disadvantages of Cinema

Cinema is damaging in various areas. Firstly, it stereotypes religious practices, communities, gender roles, and many more. This causes tension and creates a negative impact on people and society.

Most importantly, Cinema portrays crime, violence, and sexual content hideously. It contributes to the present day eve-teasing and vulgarity problems. It has a significant impact on young minds.

Most people often consider Cinema as a waste of time and money. Most people ignore Cinema as a platform that does not teach or show anything valuable. Cinema is only of the top platform that objectifies women and often lies through its content. Besides, it makes people get addicted and try out certain harmful tricks.

In short, Cinema is created within societal boundaries, and the time spent in cinemas makes watching it worth it. However, we should refrain from getting addicted and avoid unwanted cinemas that waste our time.

Short Essay on Impact of Cinema in Life 200 words in English

The 200 words short Essay mentioned below is suitable for kids and children up to 6th standard. The Essay is written to guide the children with their school works-assignments and comprehension exercises.

Cinema has evolved a great way as a recreational entertainment platform around the century. It has become one of the most favorite pastimes since its onset. From watching screenings at theatres to television through cable TV, Cinema has evolved. Mobiles and Internet have made cinema access very portable.

Everyone is somehow connected through Cinema. Specific cinema incidences screened on Tv or at the theatres influence our mindset and thought processes. We imagine our life scenarios related to the incidents and scenes from certain cinemas. We even idolize, admire, and adopt certain movie characters.

Additional Cinema has certain lurking dangers in it. It has impacted the working classes, the students, and the laboring sections of the society. Cinema portrays certain dark, undesirable, and vulgar connections that inbreed contaminated thoughts in the community.

Cinema, at times, harms our eyesight and makes us waste our money. It leads the youngsters of today to go astray and inflicts impure thoughts in their minds. Certain cinemas destroy moral values.

Thus, Cinema has a significant influence on society and the lives of people. It influences as well destroys us, but it is in our hands to decide what to and what not to choose.

10 Lines on Impact of Cinema in Life Essay in English

  • Cinema is a break from stressful hours and provides us with entertainment and amusement.
  • Cinema educates the people on the realities and pertaining issues of the society.
  • Through purposeful cinemas, the public’s attention and opinion against social injustices and stigma were created.
  • In an earlier age, Cinema played an essential aspect of individuals’ life. It portrayed people’s sufferings and issues that newspapers and people couldn’t voice over.
  • It is a form of communication that educates society, provides them with facts and information, and teaches moral values.
  • Cinema connects different cultures and reflects the society through fiction or real-based stories. It keeps us aware of things happening around us in the community.
  • Often, Cinema objectifies women and children, portrays violence, and demonstrates sexual content.
  • Certain movies create false notions and stereotypes that defame certain sections of the community and people.
  • It generates employment, encourages creativity, and boosts the economy of the country.
  • Cinema can be used as a tool to popularize Developmental schemes and thus aid the improvement and reforms in the world.

FAQ’s on Impact of Cinema in Life Essay

Question 1. What are a few benefits to the Cinema on us?

Answer: Cinema helps connecting people of other cultures and reflects the pertaining societal issues. It improvises during emergy situations, teaches us, and makes us aware of things happening around us in society.

Question 2. How does Cinema impact our society?

Answer: Cinemas hold both positive and negative effects on our society. It inspires individuals, expands our restricted knowledge, and boost economic growth, but, it can also make people greedy, disseminate evil thoughts and messages, and create violence and bad habits.

Question 3. What are the negative impacts of Cinema on our society?

Answer: Cinema demonstrates sexual violence, objectifies women and children, and impacts through violent content. Some movies create false notions and stereotypes of certain sections of the community and people. It is often considered a waste of time and money.

Question 4. Role of Cinema in society?

Answer: Cinemas are societal stories and present the current scenario and issues that are often ignored by people. It is a form of communication and even educates people, teaches moral values, and provides us with facts and information that we could have never known.

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Disadvantages of cinema

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Apart from its various advantages, Cinema is not free from its evil effects. Film artistry is, unfortunately, compelled to compro­mise with people’s popular taste and appeal to their lower instincts. Too many films dealing with sex problems and with the ways of the criminals are now shown, f These are apt to affect public morality. The substandard catering of music I and recreation is likely to injure public taste and outlook and is not ultimately good for the art.

The Cinema has far reaching effect upon the youth of the country. The ftlms make them prematurely sex conscious and they start reacting the scenes of romantic pictures in their regular life. A sense of dissatisfaction with life is engendered among them. Vandal­ism and increasing acts of rowdyism in the student community are attributed to their indiscriminately frequenting the cinema halls. Again the youth imitating all sorts of fashions from the films lead to the development of expensive tastes and manners. They grow divorced from grim and dismal realities of life and start living in the fairyland pictures on the screen. In this respect the role of Government is significantly felt.

Further in India Cinema has to attain the artistic and technical perfection, Government aid by way of subsidy, helping manufacture of raw film and other equipment in the country; admission tax reduction, encouragement to talented artists and techni­cians must be forthcoming. We must not forget that with wide range of depiction and with universality of its appeal, Cinema has tremen­dous possibilities in our country. With our abundant and natural wealth and inexhaustible fund of rich literature, our Cinema, though young and unstable, its growth is inevitable.

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Essay of the Week: Going to the cinema alone or with friends?

I love going to the cinema on my own, but some people are scared to do it. In this band nine sample essay, I look at the good and bad points of solo cinema trips.Our band nine sample essays give you the opportunity to learn from successful essays that show off the best structure, vocabulary…

In recent years, more and more people have started going to the cinema on their own rather than with their friends. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this approach? 

These days, there are more ways than ever to watch the latest blockbuster movie. In this essay, I will evaluate the trend of people making solo trips to movie theatres. First, by looking at the advantage that it is easy to organise, and second, by looking at the lost social connections that come with watching a film alone. 

One advantage of organising a trip to the cinema on your own is convenience. First, because people prefer different genres of films, it can be difficult to find something that everyone will enjoy watching. Furthermore, even if you find a movie everyone wants to watch, it can be difficult to find a time that everyone is available. Conversely, when making a trip to the cinema on your own, you can see whatever you want whenever you want and you can even make very last-minute plans. 

However,  although their lives are more convenient, solo moviegoers also miss out on a lot of the pleasure of going to the cinema. For example, it is more enjoyable to make an evening out of it and have dinner together first. In addition, if people attend a film alone, they do not get the pleasure of discussing the film afterwards. Given the cost of attending the cinema, it might not be worth going if you are going to miss out on these additional aspects. 

In conclusion, there are pros and cons to viewing a film on your own. While it may be more convenient, it is also much less social and enjoyable than going with your friends.

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Disadvantages of cinema Essay Example

Disadvantages of cinema Essay Example

  • Pages: 2 (281 words)
  • Published: August 1, 2016
  • Type: Essay

Apart from its various advantages, Cinema is not free from its evil effects. Film artistry is, unfortunately, compelled to compro­mise with people’s popular taste and appeal to their lower instincts. Too many films dealing with sex problems and with the ways of the criminals are now shown, f These are apt to affect public morality. The substandard catering of music I and recreation is likely to injure public taste and outlook and is not ultimately good for the art.

The Cinema has far reaching effect upon the youth of the country. The ftlms make them prematurely sex conscious and they start reacting the scenes of romantic pictures in their regular life. A sense of dissatisfaction with life is engendered among them. Vandal­ism and increasing acts of rowdyism in the student community are attributed to their indiscrimin

ately frequenting the cinema halls. Again the youth imitating all sorts of fashions from the films lead to the development of expensive tastes and manners. They grow divorced from grim and dismal realities of life and start living in the fairyland pictures on the screen. In this respect the role of Government is significantly felt.

Further in India Cinema has to attain the artistic and technical perfection, Government aid by way of subsidy, helping manufacture of raw film and other equipment in the country; admission tax reduction, encouragement to talented artists and techni­cians must be forthcoming. We must not forget that with wide range of depiction and with universality of its appeal, Cinema has tremen­dous possibilities in our country. With our abundant and natural wealth and inexhaustible fund of rich literature, our Cinema, though young an

unstable, its growth is inevitable.

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    The Cinema has far reaching effect upon the youth of the country. The ftlms make them prematurely sex conscious and they start reacting the scenes of romantic pictures in their regular life. A sense of dissatisfaction with life is engendered among them.

  19. Quality Papers: Advantages and disadvantages of cinema essays verified

    In his preface to story and discourse amounts to thinking about society) and and advantages disadvantages of cinema essays similies are what I call 'gentle punctuation bracketing'. (1961), littlejohn (1961), rex and moore (1970), etc. 23 on the subject of the verbs illustrate and exemplify the relationships between the theoretical ...

  20. Essay of the Week: Going to the cinema alone or with friends?

    In this essay, I will evaluate the trend of people making solo trips to movie theatres. First, by looking at the advantage that it is easy to organise, and second, by looking at the lost social connections that come with watching a film alone. One advantage of organising a trip to the cinema on your own is convenience.

  21. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cinema Essay

    Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cinema Essay. 1000 Words4 Pages. Debate Introduction Entertainment has become more diverse then ever and the next cool thing is just a click away. Social media is allowing us to be the hero of our own stories. Buying a ticket to a movie can cost more than a week's grocery and still don't know how the feeling ...

  22. Disadvantages of cinema Essay Example

    Disadvantages of cinema Essay Example. Apart from its various advantages, Cinema is not free from its evil effects. Film artistry is, unfortunately, compelled to compro­mise with people's popular taste and appeal to their lower instincts. Too many films dealing with sex problems and with the ways of the criminals are now shown, f These are ...


    essay on impact of cinema in life .advantages and disadvantages of cinema .essay on cinema .cinema essay .cinema advantage .cinema advantages and disadvantag...