Creating Your CV in Afrikaans: A Comprehensive Guide

Creating Your CV in Afrikaans: A Comprehensive Guide

Navigating the nuances of the Arikaans job market requires an understanding of its unique cultural context and language dynamics. How does one craft a CV that resonates with Arikaans employers? This article explores this question, offering invaluable insights on how to tailor your CV to meet the expectations and preferences of the Arikaans job market. ‍

All resume examples in this guide

cv cover letter in afrikaans

Sample Resume in Afrikaans


Naam: Jan van der Merwe Adres: 123 Pretoria Straat, Kaapstad, 8000 Telefoonnommer: (012) 345-6789 E-pos: [email protected]


Senior Rekenmeester, XYZ Maatskappy, Johannesburg, 2016 - Huidig

  • Verantwoordelik vir die beheer van finansiële rekords en verslae
  • Ondersteuning van ouditprosesse en belastingpligte
  • Bepaling van die maatskappy se finansiële status deur die ontleding van resultate ‍

Junior Rekenmeester, ABC Maatskappy, Kaapstad, 2012 - 2016

  • Gehelp met die voorbereiding van maandelikse finansiële verslae
  • Gehandhaaf die korrektheid van finansiële data, rekeninge, en verslae ‍

Baccalaureusgraad in Rekeningkunde, Universiteit van Kaapstad, 2008 - 2012


  • Uitstekende kennis van finansiële regulasies en rekeningkundige prosesse
  • Sterk aandag aan detail met 'n hoë mate van akkuraatheid
  • Uitstekende tydsbestuur en organisatoriese vermoëns
  • Bekwaam in Microsoft Office, insluitend Excel, Word en PowerPoint ‍

Beskikbaar op versoek

best Arikaans resume template

In the following sections of this article, we will delve into the specifics of crafting an exceptional CV in Afrikaans for the Afrikaans job market. The purpose of this is to equip you with the tools and knowledge necessary to make a lasting impression on potential employers within this market. Writing your CV in Afrikaans is particularly important when applying for a position in an Afrikaans-speaking work environment, as it demonstrates your understanding and command of the language, and your adaptability to fit into the cultural and linguistic contexts of the workplace. It could potentially give you a competitive edge over other candidates who may not possess the same language skills. ‍

afrikaans language

Harnessing Useful Phrases for Crafting a Resume in Afrikaans

In the following section, you will discover a comprehensive list of useful terminology related to resume writing, translated into Afrikaans. This list will help you craft a professional and well-structured resume in Afrikaans, covering all necessary sections and details.

  • Resume structure - CV-struktuur
  • Resume formatting - CV-formattering
  • Education - Onderwys
  • Skills - Vaardighede
  • Internship - Internskap
  • Work experience - Werk ervaring
  • Professional summary - Professionele opsomming
  • Contact information - Kontak inligting
  • References - Verwysings
  • Certificates - Sertifikate
  • Languages - Tale
  • Hobbies - Stokperdjies
  • Achievements - Prestasies
  • Career Objective - Loopbaan Doelwit. ‍

By familiarizing yourself with these terms, you will be better prepared to write and understand resumes in Afrikaans.

Harnessing the Power of Afrikaans Grammar for Your Resume

Afrikaans, a language spoken primarily in South Africa and Namibia, is known for its simplicity and directness. When writing a resume in Afrikaans language, it's important to use the correct grammar, conjugations, and tenses in order to create a professional impression. Generally, the Afrikaans language does not have complicated verb conjugations; the verb form remains the same regardless of the subject. For example, 'I am' translates to 'Ek is', 'you are' translates to 'Jy is', and 'they are' translates to 'Hulle is'; notice that 'is' remains the same in all cases.

In terms of tenses and person, the resume should be written in the past tense and in the third person. This is to maintain a formal tone and to provide an objective view of your skills and experiences. For example, to describe a previous job role, you could write "Hy het 'n bestuurder by 'n internasionale maatskappy geword" which translates to "He became a manager at an international company". Also, use the simple past tense when describing completed actions. For example, "Hy het 'n suksesvolle projek voltooi" which translates to "He completed a successful project". The verb 'het' is used for the past tense and remains the same regardless of the subject.

Understanding the Importance of Structure and Formatting in an Afrikaans Resume

Compiling a well-structured resume is crucial to achieving career goals and addressing challenges in the African market. A thoroughly planned and neatly formatted CV can attract a potential employer's attention and give you an edge in the competitive job market. It is not just a summary of your qualifications and experience, but a strategic tool to present your professional image. The correct layout and structure of your CV can be decisive for your success. Encourage spending time fine-tuning your resume layout to take your career to new heights.

Besides the Afrikaans Resume Template, we also offer other similar templates that you might find interesting.

  • Indonesian CV
  • Japanese CV
  • Bulgarian CV
  • Persian (Farsi) CV
  • Serbian CV ‍

Mastering the Art of Resume Formatting in Afrikaans: Essential Tips and Tricks

  • Fonts: The font used in the CV should be clear and easy to read, such as Arial or Times New Roman. Avoid using decorative or fancy fonts that may distract from the content of the CV. In the Afrikaans market, it's crucial to use a font that is universally recognized to ensure clarity and professionalism. ‍
  • Format: The format of the CV should be clean and simple. Avoid cluttering the CV with too much information. Instead, focus on highlighting relevant skills and experience. In the Afrikaans market, a simple and clean format is highly valued, as it shows respect for the reader's time and attention. ‍
  • Margins: Keep the margins of the CV between 1 to 1.5 inches. This allows for a neat presentation and ensures the CV is easy to read. In the Afrikaans market, maintaining ample white space on the page is seen as a sign of good organization and professionalism. ‍
  • Bullet points: Use bullet points to list down your skills, qualifications, and experience. This makes the CV easier to skim through and allows the reader to quickly identify relevant information. In the Afrikaans market, bullet points are a standard feature in CVs and are expected by employers. ‍
  • Separators: Use separators such as lines or different color blocks to distinguish between different sections of the CV. This helps guide the reader's eye and makes the CV easier to navigate. In the Afrikaans market, using separators is a common practice and can help make your CV stand out. ‍
  • Advice: When creating a CV for the Afrikaans market, it's important to keep the cultural context in mind. Be sure to use a professional tone and avoid using slang or informal language. Also, remember to check for any spelling or grammar errors before submitting the CV. This shows attention to detail and respect for the reader. ‍

Mastering the Art of Resume Writing in Afrikaans: The Key Role of Structure

afrikaans language

When crafting a CV for the Afrikaans job market, it is essential to structure your document in a way that is tailored to the cultural and professional norms of the region. The following sections are crucial for any CV, but the examples provided will give you a clearer idea of how to make them relevant for Afrikaans employers:

  • Personal Details: This section should include your full name, contact information, and a professional photo. In Afrikaans culture, it's common to include a photo on your CV as it personalizes the document. ‍
  • Career Objective: Here, you should briefly outline your career goals and how you plan to achieve them in the context of the job you're applying for. For example, if you're applying to a tech firm in Cape Town, you might mention your desire to contribute to Cape Town's burgeoning tech scene. ‍
  • Work Experience: List your previous roles in reverse chronological order. Include the company name, your role, and your responsibilities. It's important to highlight any experience that aligns with South African industries such as mining, manufacturing, and agriculture. ‍
  • Education: Detail your educational background starting with the most recent qualification. If you studied at a university in South Africa, be sure to mention this as local qualifications are highly valued. ‍
  • Skills: Highlight both hard and soft skills that are relevant to the job you're applying for. For example, if you're applying for a job in Pretoria, you might want to mention any proficiency in Afrikaans as it is widely spoken in the region. ‍
  • References: In Afrikaans culture, professional references are highly valued. As such, you should always include a section for references at the end of your CV. Ensure that you have the consent of your references before including them. ‍

Remember, the key to a successful CV is to tailor it to the specific job and company you're applying for. Use industry-specific jargon where appropriate and always highlight how your skills and experience align with the job requirements.

Mastering the Art of Resume Headers in Afrikaans: Your Key to Success

afrikaans language

The header on an Afrikaans language resume is crucial as it must be noticeably positioned and include complete contact details. To create an effective header, start by placing your last name, followed by your first name at the top. Next, specify your profession and the specific discipline you are associated with. After this, include your mailing address, making sure it is your current and most reliable one. The next line should contain your phone number, preferably a mobile number where potential employers can easily reach you. Lastly, provide your professional email address, ensuring it is one you frequently check, to ensure prompt responses to any communication from prospective employers.

Van der Merwe, Johannes

Werktuigkundige Ingenieur

Posadres: 123 Voortrekkerstraat, Pretoria, 0002

Telefoon: 012 345 6789

E-posadres: [email protected]

Utilizing the Perfect Photo for Your Afrikaans Resume: A Key to Success

In the Afrikaans job market, including a photo in the resume is not a standard requirement. It is generally considered more important to focus on the content of the resume, such as skills, qualifications, and experiences. However, some employers might prefer a photo, especially for jobs where appearance is considered significant, such as customer-facing roles. If a photo is to be included, it should be a professional headshot, in a size similar to a passport photo. The candidate should be dressed appropriately for the job they are applying for, and the photo should be clear and of good quality. It is important to remember that the inclusion of a photo could potentially lead to unconscious bias, so it's best to leave it out unless specifically requested by the employer.

Highlighting Experience in Your Resume for the Afrikaans Job Market

Crafting the experience section of your resume for the afrikaans job market.

The experience section of Arikaan's CV plays a pivotal role in showcasing his professional journey and acquired skills, particularly relevant to the job he is applying for. This section, which provides a detailed account of his previous roles, responsibilities, and accomplishments, is crucial in helping potential employers assess his suitability and competence for the job in question.

  • Chronological Order: Presenting his experiences in reverse chronological order, starting with his most recent role, can effectively highlight his progression and growth in his professional journey. This can be particularly effective for a role that requires extensive experience and an understanding of evolving practices in the industry. ‍
  • Contract Dates: Explicitly stating the contract dates for each role is necessary to provide a clear timeline of Arikaan's work history. This can help the employer understand the length and breadth of his experience and assess his commitment levels and stability. ‍
  • Job Title: Including the exact job title for each role can help potential employers understand Arikaan's level of seniority and the nature of his responsibilities in his previous jobs. This will be particularly useful if the job in question requires specific experience at a certain level of hierarchy. ‍
  • Bulleted List: Breaking down the responsibilities and accomplishments in each role into a bulleted list can make it easier for employers to quickly understand Arikaan's role and achievements. This approach can be beneficial for roles that require a diverse set of skills and responsibilities. ‍
  • Job Description: Providing a concise yet comprehensive job description for each role can give potential employers a clear picture of Arikaan's capabilities and expertise. This is essential for roles that require specific skill sets or experience in managing particular tasks or projects. ‍
  • Use of Keywords: Incorporating relevant keywords from the job description into his experience section can increase Arikaan's chances of passing through applicant tracking systems and catching the eye of potential employers. This may be particularly useful for roles in industries that are heavily reliant on technical skills or specific qualifications. ‍

Posisie: Senior Grafiese Ontwerper

Werkgewer: Kreatiewe Visuele Oplossings, Kaapstad

Datums: Januarie 2015 - Desember 2020


  • Ontwerp en implementeer grafiese ontwerpe vir verskeie kliënte.
  • Skep visuele konsepte om boodskappe oor te dra.
  • Ontwikkel grafiese elemente vir bemarkingsmateriaal.
  • Werksaam met spanlede om kliëntbehoeftes aan te spreek.
  • Onderhoud van aktuele kennis van die nuutste ontwerptegnologieë.

afrikaans language

Navigating the Challenge of Writing an Afrikaans Resume with No Experience

Navigating the task of creating a CV in Afrikaans with no prior experience can seem daunting. However, it doesn't have to be a strenuous task. Below, you'll find straightforward and easy-to-use tips that will guide you in crafting an impressive CV in Afrikaans, even without any experience. Let's dive right in.

  • Start with a personal profile: This is the first section of your CV. It should be a brief overview of who you are, what you are passionate about, and what your career goals are. ‍
  • Highlight your educational achievements: Even without work experience, you can still showcase your academic accomplishments. Include all your qualifications, the institutions you attended, and the dates. If you have a high GPA or have received academic awards, be sure to include them. ‍
  • Include volunteer work or internships: If you have done any volunteer work or internships, be sure to include these in your CV. This shows that you are proactive and willing to gain experience where you can. ‍
  • List your skills: Make a list of your skills that are relevant to the job you are applying for. These could be technical skills, such as computer literacy, or soft skills, like communication or teamwork. ‍
  • Use a professional CV format: Make sure your CV is well-structured and easy to read. You can find templates online to guide you. ‍
  • Use professional language: Since the CV is in Afrikaans, you should use formal, professional Afrikaans language. Avoid slang or colloquial phrases. ‍
  • Get your CV proofread: Ask a native Afrikaans speaker to proofread your CV. They can help you spot any grammar or spelling errors. ‍
  • Include references: If you have people who can vouch for your character and abilities, include them as references. This could be a teacher, coach, or someone you've done volunteer work or an internship with. ‍
  • Include extra-curricular activities: If you have participated in any clubs, societies, or sports, be sure to include these. They can show additional skills and interests. ‍
  • Be honest: Do not exaggerate or lie about your achievements or experiences. This will be discovered sooner or later and can damage your reputation. ‍
  • Customize your CV: Tailor your CV to each job application. Highlight the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the job you are applying for. ‍
  • Be positive: Show enthusiasm and positivity in your CV. This can be refreshing for employers who are used to reading CVs full of work experience. ‍

The Significance of Including Education in Your Afrikaans Resume

The education section in an Afrikaans CV is of utmost importance as it provides potential employers with vital information about an individual's academic qualifications. This section directly reflects the level of knowledge and expertise a candidate has in a particular field, and can also indicate their aptitude for learning and understanding new concepts. Furthermore, it allows employers to gauge if the candidate fits the educational criteria required for a specific job role. The education section can also provide insight into a candidate's commitment, dedication, and perseverance, qualities that are highly valued in the professional world.

Prioritizing Education Details in Your Afrikaans Resume

Education is not necessarily the first thing that should appear on an Afrikaans CV, although this largely depends on the individual's level of experience and the job they're applying for. For students and recent graduates, education often takes precedence because it's the most relevant qualification they have. As such, their educational background should appear at the top of their CV. For example, if a recent graduate is applying for a job in their field of study, their degree, university, and any relevant coursework or projects should be highlighted.

However, for those who have been in the workforce for a few years, professional experience should be prioritized. In this case, the education section would likely appear after the professional experience section. For instance, if a person with a decade of experience in the field of education applies for a headmaster position, their relevant professional experience would be of greater interest to recruiters, thus, should be listed first. The rule of listing education first is less applicable in this situation. This approach to CV organization is consistent with most professional standards and is not unique to Afrikaans resumes.

Universiteit van Kaapstad, Kaapstad, Suid-Afrika

  • Graad: Meester in Besigheidsadministrasie (MBA)
  • Periode: Januarie 2016 - Desember 2017

Universiteit van Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, Suid-Afrika

  • Graad: Bachelor in Ekonomie
  • Periode: Januarie 2013 - Desember 2015

Aanvullende Opleiding:

  • Projekbestuursertifikaat - Universiteit van Kaapstad, 2018
  • Sertifikaat in Data Analise - Universiteit van Pretoria, 2019

Hoërskool Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, Suid-Afrika

  • Matriek: 2012
  • Hoofvakke: Wiskunde, Ekonomie, Besigheidsstudies

Honing Your Skills Section: A Key Element in an Afrikaans Resume ‍

afrikaans language

Having relevant skills on your Afrikaans resume is of paramount importance in the South African job market. In a highly competitive environment, recruiters not only look at your educational qualifications but also pay keen attention to the skills section of your resume. This is because the skills you possess can give you an edge over other candidates if they align with the requirements of the job. They demonstrate your ability to perform certain tasks, solve problems, and make valuable contributions to the organization. Therefore, it is crucial to clearly highlight your skills that match the job description.

Moreover, South African recruiters are looking for both hard and soft skills. Hard skills are job-specific and can be easily measured, such as proficiency in a foreign language or the ability to use specific software. On the other hand, soft skills are interpersonal and are often related to how you work and interact with others. These include communication, leadership, problem-solving, and teamwork. In the South African job market, employers highly value a combination of these skills as it indicates a well-rounded candidate who can adapt to various situations and work environments. Therefore, having the right balance and showcasing these skills properly can greatly increase your chances of landing a job.

Hieronder gaan ons 'n voorbeeldlys van sagte en harde vaardighede aanbied wat nuttig kan wees tydens die skryf van 'n CV in Afrikaans.

Soft Skills (Sagte Vaardighede):

  • Communication skills (Kommunikasievaardighede)
  • Problem-solving skills (Probleemoplossingsvaardighede)
  • Time management skills (Tydbestuursvaardighede)
  • Leadership skills (Leierskapvaardighede)
  • Teamwork skills (Spanwerkvaardighede)
  • Critical thinking skills (Kritiese denkvaardighede)
  • Adaptability (Aanpasbaarheid)
  • Work ethic (Werks etiek)
  • Emotional intelligence (Emosionele intelligensie)
  • Creativity (Kreatiwiteit) ‍

Hard Skills (Harde Vaardighede):

  • Computer skills (Rekenaarvaardighede)
  • Data analysis (Data-ontleding)
  • Foreign languages (Vreemde tale)
  • Project management (Projekbestuur)
  • Digital marketing (Digitale bemarking)
  • Budgeting (Begroting)
  • Graphic design (Grafiese ontwerp)
  • Coding skills (Kodeervaardighede)
  • Sales skills (Verkoopvaardighede)
  • Technical writing (Tegniese skryfwerk) ‍

Incorporating Additional Sections into Your Afrikaans Resume

Additional headings in an Afrikaans CV can provide further information about the candidate's skills, expertise, and interests that are not covered in the standard sections. Including additional categories can help to present a well-rounded view of the candidate, highlighting not only their professional qualifications but also personal attributes that might be relevant to the job. These extra details can help an employer to determine if the candidate would be a good fit for the company culture.

The chosen categories for this discussion are 'Languages' and 'Hobbies or Interests'.

The 'Languages' section is crucial in a multilingual society like South Africa, where Afrikaans is one of the 11 official languages. It highlights the candidate's linguistic skills, showing their ability to communicate effectively in different languages. This is particularly beneficial for roles that require interaction with clients from diverse linguistic backgrounds. Possessing multiple language skills can also indicate cultural sensitivity and adaptability, which are highly valued in today's globalized workplace.

'Hobbies or Interests', on the other hand, give insight into the candidate's personality outside of a professional setting. This section can reveal aspects such as creativity, leadership skills, team spirit, or dedication, depending on the hobbies listed. For example, being part of a sports team can indicate teamwork and competitiveness, while hobbies like painting or writing can show creativity. By sharing their hobbies or interests, candidates can show potential employers that they are well-rounded individuals with a healthy work-life balance.

Enhancing Your Afrikaans Resume: Key Points of Improvement

Here are a few practical tips to improve your Afrikaans CV, keeping in mind the specific requirements and expectations of the job market in South Africa:

  • Use Afrikaans Terminology: Employers in Afrikaans-speaking regions will appreciate the use of correct and appropriate Afrikaans language, terminology, and expressions. Ensure that your CV is free from grammatical errors. ‍
  • Highlight Relevant Experience: South African employers value work experience. Make sure to highlight any relevant work experience you have, especially if it's within South Africa. ‍
  • Include Community Involvement: Being involved in your community is a big plus in South Africa. If you have any volunteer work or community service, be sure to include it in your CV. ‍
  • Mention Local References: If you have worked in South Africa before, include these references in your CV. Local references could increase your chances of getting hired. ‍
  • Tailor Your CV: Customize your CV according to the job you're applying for. South African employers appreciate CVs that are tailored to the specific job requirements. ‍
  • Include Personal Details: In South Africa, it's common to include personal details such as your date of birth, nationality, and language proficiency. ‍
  • Use a Professional Layout: A professional, clean, and easy-to-read layout is always appreciated. Avoid using flashy colors or fonts. ‍
  • Include a Cover Letter: A well-written cover letter in Afrikaans can greatly increase your chances of being called for an interview. Be sure to tailor your cover letter to the job you're applying for. ‍

Essential Components for Crafting an Effective Resume in Afrikaans ‍

afrikaans language

In conclusion, crafting a compelling Afrikaans CV requires careful attention to detail and an understanding of the cultural and linguistic nuances. Here are some practical tips to help you present yourself in the best possible light to potential employers:

  • Be Brief and Concise: Since hiring managers spend only a few seconds scanning each CV, make sure your Afrikaans CV is concise, ideally no more than 2 pages. ‍
  • Use Afrikaans Terminology: Use industry-specific terms and job titles in Afrikaans to demonstrate your understanding and proficiency in the language and profession. ‍
  • Tailor Your CV: Customize your CV to match the job description. Use the same keywords and phrases used in the job advertisement to increase your chances of being shortlisted. ‍
  • Use a Professional Tone: Maintain a formal, professional tone throughout your CV. Avoid colloquial language or slang. ‍
  • Include Relevant Information: Only include details that are relevant to the job you're applying for. Irrelevant information can distract the hiring manager. ‍
  • Proofread Thoroughly: Make sure your CV is free from spelling and grammatical errors. These can reflect poorly on your attention to detail and professionalism. ‍
  • Use a Standard Format: Stick to a standard CV format that's widely accepted in Afrikaans-speaking regions. This will make it easier for hiring managers to find the information they're looking for. ‍
  • Include References: If possible, include references from previous employers or colleagues who can vouch for your skills and work ethic. This can give you an edge over other candidates. ‍

Remember, your CV is your first chance to make a good impression, so invest the time and effort it deserves.

Crafting an Effective Cover Letter in Afrikaans

When applying for a job in a country where Afrikaans is spoken, such as South Africa, enclosing a cover letter with your resume is crucial. Firstly, a cover letter allows you to introduce yourself and showcase your language proficiency, demonstrating your ability to communicate effectively in Afrikaans. Secondly, it provides an opportunity to explain why you are interested in the job and how your skills and experience make you a suitable candidate. Lastly, a well-written cover letter in Afrikaans can set you apart from other candidates, as it shows your cultural understanding and respect for the local business etiquette. Thus, a cover letter is a powerful tool, giving you a chance to stand out and make a strong first impression.

Frequently Asked Questions about Writing Resumes and Applying for Jobs in Afrikaans

Yes, you can. It's best to write your CV in the language the company operates in to show proficiency and understanding of that language.

The Afrikaans term for curriculum vitae is "curriculum vitae" or "CV" for short. It is used the same way as in English.

There are no specific formats for an Afrikaans CV. The structure is similar to an English CV, with personal details, education, work experience, skills and references sections.

Afrikaans is a language rich in idiom and metaphor, but a CV should remain professional. The focus should be on clarity and conciseness, rather than creativity or idiomatic expressions.

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03 Sep Disability and technology in Higher Education workshop Southern Sun Rosebank Hotel, Johannesburg 08:00

03 Sep The Antidote M.U.S.I.C.A.L Wits Theatre 19:00

03 Sep Learning And Teaching Conference Day 1 Senate Room/Hybrid Day 2 and 3 Online 10:00

Wits In 60 Seconds

Catch a glimpse of the revamped Wits Flower Hall nominated for a global award for the most innovative building at the World Architecture Festival and explore the new performance line up at the Wits Theatre. Visit the new Wits Roy McAlpine Burns Unit which opened at the Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital thanks to a R100 million donation from the Roy McAlpine Foundation. The Wits Business School hosted the launch of The Corporate Revolutionary: Mervyn King’s Life in Law, Business and Governance a book written by David Williams. Join the #WitsParade2024 in Braamfontein on 30 August - wear blue, white, and gold to celebrate.

New wing in Bara burns unit takes flight

A new wing in the Burns Unit at the Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital (CHBAH - Bara) officially opened on 26 August, thanks to a R100 million donation from the Roy McAlpine Charitable Foundation and in partnership with Wits University and the Gauteng Department of Health. Bara is a Wits University teaching hospital. Professor Zeblon Vilakazi, Wits Vice-Chancellor and Principal, said, "I must express my deepest gratitude to Roy McAlpine and the Roy McAlpine Charitable Foundation.

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How to write the best cover letter for CV South Africa: guide, sample, format

If you are hunting for a job, please polish your skills for drafting a cover letter for CV South Africa. This is the first step of impressing the employer so that you are given a chance for an interview. Did you know that managers are trained to examine the character of the job applicant through the cover letter? Job vacancies are available, but how will you get one if the presentation of your application document speaks lowly of you? Your CV letter should enable you to stand out.

cover letter for CV South Africa

You need to go through a cover letter for CV example. It is a simple guideline for writing application letters for jobs. However, do not rely on all the online samples because some of them do not use the South African writing structure. The formats for drafting a job application letter vary slightly per country because of the different education systems. For you to get the attention of the employer in South Africa, please stick to the South African format.

cv cover letter in afrikaans

Free company profile template: What you need to know

What is a cover letter for CV?

It is a one-page document that you MUST send with a resume to employers when looking for a job. In the document, you should provide the employer with details about the unique skills and experience that you possess, which are in line with what the job needs.

cover letter for CV

Cover letter format

Recruitment policies within organizations slightly differ from one organization to another. Some companies may need the job application letter while others may not because they may assume that the resume has all the required information they need to know about you.

Today, the majority of organizations insist that applicants should apply for jobs online. However, there are companies that still accept the traditional handwritten cover letters. Here is a detailed discussion about the appropriate format for penning a letter of employment in South Africa.

Date and contacts

In a hard copy, write the date of application, your address, and lastly, the company's address. Do not change the order of these items and arrange them vertically while leaving a space after each one of them.

cv cover letter in afrikaans

What to include in a sworn affidavit template

In a digital copy for an online application, there is no need to write the company's address and your address. The essential information that the employer should know is your city, country, cellphone contacts, and email.

Use the name of the contracting manager to address him or her. This shows that you know who you are writing to because you have done research about the company. The titles Mr., Mrs., and Miss. in a CV cover letter can offend the manager because you may be wrong about the marital status of the person. The world has moved away from the traditional "Dear Sir/Madam" greetings to "Dear Hiring Manager" because the latter is more appealing than the former. The "Dear Hiring Manager" salutation is also a clever cover-up for not knowing the names of the managers.

First paragraph

Here is the part where you show the enthusiastic side of you. State the job title that you are applying for and how you learned about the vacancy. State the most recent and major scholarly qualifications that you have that match the job requirements. It can be a bachelor's degree, masters' degree, certificate, diploma, etc.

cv cover letter in afrikaans

What you should know on how to become a firefighter in South Africa

Paragraphs at the center

In this section, you will write in detail the qualifications that you have, starting with the educational qualification that you mentioned in the opening paragraph. Write about your work experience and the skills that you got from those jobs. Persuade the manager to hire you by letting him or her know the achievements you made in those jobs and your values.

Ending paragraph

The manager needs some acknowledge from you. Request for an interview courteously and provide him or her with your email and cellphone number in this part.

Closing complements and signature

Seeking for a job can make anyone emotional. Do you know that you sound affectionate when you write words like cheers, yours truly, and warm regards? "Yours sincerely" or "Regards" with your name at the bottom is the most appropriate way to go about it. If you are using your handwriting, do not forget your signature.

cv cover letter in afrikaans

The best free offer to purchase template

cover letter for CV South Africa

READ ALSO: How to apply for parliament vacancies

Job application letter sample

Here is a sample for an online job application:

(Applicant's name)

(Applicant's phone number)

(Applicant's email address)

(Date of application)

Dear Hiring Manager (or Name),


Regarding the advertised (job title) that I learned about from (where or how), I seek to work for your esteemed organization. I am an (undergraduate/diploma graduate/masters graduate, etc.) from the (school) with a (credits).

My scholarly background, leadership experience at (organization), and working for (company) have empowered me with in-depth knowledge and proficient skills as a (job title). I am confident that my (state your skills) will enable me to bring impressive contributions to your company.

I am interested in working for (company) because it offers (services the company offers its customers) that have critically brought a positive change in society. I also believe that (company) will enable me to gain more skills and experience to build my career and make an impact on society.

cv cover letter in afrikaans

Free South African CV templates and tips on how to write them

Here are my attached resume and qualifications documents that will give you more information about me. Thank you for going through my resume. I will appreciate it if we can meet for an interview. You can contact me through (phone number and email).

(Your name)

READ ALSO: 30 common interview questions and answers

Please click here for more cover letter examples South Africa. Did you know that a cover letter template makes it easier to write this document? A template is a simple cover letter sample for job application in word format that you can edit on your computer after downloading it. Some are for sale but at an affordable rate.

What are the precautions for writing a CV cover letter?

  • Send the document as a PDF or .doc because, unlike the word document, the orderliness in the PDF or .doc cannot be altered by the system of the organization.
  • Make it readable by using Arial, Calibri, and Verdana fonts of size ten to twelve. Add spaces between the sections and use single-spacing to make the document look neat.
  • Use 250-350 words for the entire document but fix in it all the vital information.

cv cover letter in afrikaans

Guidelines on how to write a CV in South Africa

Have confidence when writing your cover letter for CV South Africa. Check the grammar and punctuation mistakes by proofreading it using Grammarly or any other app that you know. Best of luck!

READ ALSO: Step-by-step guide on how to write a CV in South Africa

Source: Briefly News

Peris Walubengo (Lifestyle writer) Peris Walubengo is a content creator with 5 years of experience writing articles, researching, editing, and proofreading. She has a Bachelor of Commerce & IT from the University of Nairobi and joined in November 2019. The writer completed a Google News Initiate Course. She covers bios, marketing & finance, tech, fashion & beauty, recipes, movies & gaming reviews, culture & travel. You can email her at [email protected].

CV Writing Services


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CV Writing Services

Cover Letters

LinkedIn Optimisation

Jobsite Registrations


How can we help you?

At CV Experts, we specialise in professional CV writing services and compelling cover letters tailored to highlight your unique strengths and achievements. Our experts also enhance your LinkedIn and other jobsite profiles, ensuring you stand out from today's competitive job market. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, our personalised services will help you make a lasting impression and unlock new career opportunities. Elevate your job search with CV Experts and let your qualifications shine!


We believe that every CV should be as unique as the individual it represents. Our comprehensive services are designed to help you showcase your skills and experiences in the most impactful way. From meticulously crafted CVs and persuasive cover letters, to optimised LinkedIn and jobsite profiles, we ensure your professional story is compelling and tailored to your career goals. Our team of seasoned writers work closely with you to highlight your strengths, making sure you stand out to potential employers. Let CV Experts take your job application materials to the next level and help you achieve your career aspirations.

Our CVs are ATS-friendly and contain keywords for the position(s) you specify. We also write CVs and Cover Letters in Afrikaans.


Our most popular services and packages include:

New CV (PDF Format) R350

New CV (MS Word Format) R400

Cover Letter R150

School-Leaver CV R150 Never worked full-time

New Graduate CV R200 Never worked full-time

LinkedIn R250 New / Update / Optimisation

Job Portal R150 per site New / Update / Optimisation

CV and Cover Letter (PDF - Not Editable) R450

CV and Cover Letter (MS Word - Editable) R550

CV, Cover Letter, LinkedIn and Pnet Profiles R800

International CV and Cover Letter R600


Our advice, interview tips and how-to guides are always free!

Please email or WhatsApp us for a complete pricelist.

What's next?

  • Email or WhatsApp your Current CV together with the specifications of the position(s) you are applying for or the type of vacancies you are looking for in general.
  • Once we have reviewed your documentation, we will send you an invoice.
  • Once proof of payment is received, you will be scheduled for a specific date on which we will start writing your CV.
  • Lead time is three working days from the scheduled start date on your invoice.
  • When we are in the process of writing your CV, we will send you any further questions we may have.
  • Your CV will be sent to you for review in case you require any additions or changes.
  • Feel free to let us know if you have any questions.

CV requirements change often, so consider updating/refreshing your CV at least once a year.

EMAIL: [email protected]

WHATSAPP/PHONE: +27 76 744 3981

LOCATION: Die Hoewes, Centurion

HOURS: Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm

cv cover letter in afrikaans

Start Learning Afrikaans in the next 30 Seconds with a Free Lifetime Account

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Learn Afrikaans :: Lesson 105 Job application

Afrikaans vocabulary, teach yourself afrikaans.

Just as you carefully tailor your resume for a job application, this Afrikaans lesson has been designed to cover all the essential Afrikaans vocabulary you might need during the job hunt. You’ll learn how to talk about your experience, your education level, and what kind of employment you’re seeking, whether that’s "part-time" or "full-time". This Afrikaans lesson is especially useful if you're planning to work in a country where your new language is spoken. It gives you the tools to make that critical first impression as smooth and impactful as possible.

Job application :: Afrikaans vocabulary

Have you ever wondered how to navigate the professional world in a new language? Afrikaans Lesson 105 is your guiding star, focusing on the must-know terms related to job applications. Whether you’re a fresh college graduate or someone looking to pivot in their career, this Afrikaans lesson prepares you for the all-important process of seeking employment. Learn how to say "I am looking for a job" or present your "resume" with confidence. By the end of this Afrikaans lesson, you’ll be fully equipped to take the first step into a new work environment.

This Afrikaans lesson delves deep into the language of job applications. You'll learn the ins and outs of Afrikaans phrases like "I am looking for a job," setting the stage for your employment search. The Afrikaans lesson also covers what is often the first step in any job application—presenting your "resume." You will learn to discuss your "references," answer questions about your "experience," and specify your educational background, whether you're a "high school graduate" or a "college graduate." You'll also discover how to clearly express your employment preferences with Afrikaans phrases like "I am looking for a part-time job" or "I would like to work full-time." This comprehensive Afrikaans vocabulary ensures that you’re prepared for every aspect of the job application process in your new language.

My Courses

Example of a Cover Letter for a Job Application in South Africa

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An Exemplary Job Application Cover Letter for South Africa: A Template Loved by Recruiters:

An Exemplary Job Application Cover Letter for South Africa: A Template Loved by Recruiters

In today’s competitive job market, first impressions matter. Your cover letter, the first document a recruiter will see, is a critical piece of your job application process. Here, we provide you with a universal cover letter template that has been loved by South African recruiters. This cover letter is appropriate for a wide range of industries, making it versatile and adaptable for any job application.

A. Your Contact Information

Your Name Your Address Your City, Postal Code Your Email Address Your Phone Number Date

B. Employer Contact Information

Company’s Name Company’s Address Company’s City, Postal Code

C. Greeting

Dear [Employer’s Name or Hiring Manager],

D. Introduction

In the first paragraph, you should grab the reader’s attention immediately. Make sure you explain which job you’re applying for, where you found the job listing, and why you’re interested in the position. You can also mention someone who works at the company who referred you, if applicable.

I am writing to apply for the position of [Job Title] at [Company Name], as advertised on [Job Advertisement Source]. I was thrilled to find an opportunity where I can utilise my skills and contribute to a company that shares my passion for [Company’s Industry/Specific Interest].

E. Body Paragraph(s)

In the next paragraph(s), outline your qualifications for the role. Use specific examples from your previous work experiences to prove your skills. Remember, South African recruiters appreciate specifics, so tailor your cover letter to the job description.

During my time at [Previous Company Name], I successfully [Specific Achievement or Responsibility]. This experience has equipped me with valuable knowledge of [Specific Job-Related Skill], making me a strong fit for the [Job Title] role at [Company Name].

Furthermore, my experience in [Another Aspect of Your Experience] has taught me the importance of [Job-Related Concept or Soft Skill], something that I understand is paramount in your company culture.

F. Closing Paragraph

In your closing paragraph, reiterate your interest in the role and the company. Thank the reader for considering your application and propose the next steps.

I am excited about the opportunity to bring my unique blend of skills and experience to a dynamic and industry-leading company like [Company Name]. I am confident in my ability to deliver [Specific Result] for your team, and I look forward to the possibility of contributing to your company’s success.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to further discuss my qualifications in an interview setting and look forward to your positive response.

G. Closing Salutation

End the letter with a formal closing and your full name. Also, include any enclosures, like your CV or portfolio.

Sincerely, [Your Full Name] Enclosure: CV

This template, loved by South African recruiters, is a great starting point for your job application. The key to success, however, is personalisation. Make sure to adapt the cover letter to the specifics of the job and the company to which you’re applying. A well-crafted and personalised cover letter will help set you apart from other candidates and get you one step closer to landing your dream job in South Africa.

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Voorbeeld Dekbrief en CV vir 'n Onderwyser

  • by Alison Doyle

Jy wil dalk vaardighede soos kommunikasie, kritiese denke en organisasie beklemtoon, asook enige spesifieke ervaring wat jou sal help om jou van die kompetisie te onderskei. Nuwer onderwysers kan vry voel om ervaring wat tydens hul opleiding en opleiding opgedoen is, te noem, solank dit op die pos van toepassing is.

Die gewone reëls vir dekbriewe geld: gee die huurbestuurder 'n gevoel van jou ervaring, vaardighede en filosofie, maar probeer nie om jou hele lewensverhaal in 'n paar paragrawe te vertel nie. As jou CV en portefeulje jou hoogtepuntrol is, is jou dekbrief die teaser: jy wil die leser se aandag vestig en hulle belangstel om meer te weet. Hou dit kort en moenie die inligting in u CV of CV dupliseer nie.

Die volgende is 'n voorbeeld van 'n dekbrief vir 'n onderrigposisie, gevolg deur 'n voorbeeldonderrig hervat.

Voorbeeld Dekbrief vir 'n Onderwyser

Jou naam Jou adres Jou Stad, Staat, Poskode

Kontak naam Titel Organisasie Naam adres Stad, Staat, Poskode

Geagte Mnr. Van,

As 'n gegradueerde honneursopleiding hoofvak aan die ABC Kollege, het ek 'n baie sterk belangstelling in 'n onderwysloopbaan. Met ervaring wat op die elementêre en hoërskoolvlakke werk, sowel as in aktiwiteite buite die tradisionele klaskamer, het ek 'n uiteenlopende agtergrond met veel te bied.

My eerste klasonderrigondervinding was tydens hoërskool toe ek vir drie jaar as 'n vrywillige basiese skool godsdiensonderwyser by 'n plaaslike kerk gedien het. Daarbenewens het ek vir verskeie somers by die Sunny Beaches Arts Camp-teater gewerk en elke seisoen 'n toneelstuk gekoördineer.

Ek het studenteonderrig op die eerste- en vierdegraadvlakke in beide voorstedelike en stedelike skooldistrikte.

Tydens hierdie ervarings het ek veral geniet om met risiko-kinders te werk. My deeglike voorbereiding van lesse het my toegelaat om ingewikkelde konsepte op te los na eenvoudige voorbeelde wat my jong studente kon begryp, wat vir beide my studente en vir my beloon het.

Verlede jaar, terwyl ek in Madrid studeer, het ek Engels aan hoërskoolstudente geleer. Die bestuur van die verskil tussen vaardighede onder my studente het 'n moeilike, maar bevredigende, uitdaging bewys. Ek het aktiwiteite aangepas om die belangstelling van hoëvlakstudente te behou sonder om minder vaardige Engelssprekendes te intimideer.

My CV is ingesluit; Ek stuur 'n amptelike afskrif van my transkripsie saam met verwysings onder afsonderlike dekking. Ek sal volgende week u aandag gee aan werksgeleenthede; In die tussentyd, voel asseblief vry om my te kontak by [voeg telefoonnommer] of [voeg epos adres in.]. Ek sien uit daarna om met jou te praat.

Dankie vir u oorweging.

Respektiewelik joune,

Handtekening ( kopiebrief )

Onderwyser hervat Voorbeeld

Die volgende is 'n voorbeeld van 'n CV vir 'n onderwyser. Dit sluit onderrigervaring, sertifisering en ander werkservaring in. Weereens, dit is 'n goeie idee om u CV aan te pas by die advertensie deur sleutelwoorde wat in die poslys verskyn, te kies.

Dit verhoog die kanse dat u CV dit deur die aansoeker-opsporingstelsel en na 'n regte persoon se oë sal maak.

Joan Applikant 123 Hoofstraat Chicago, IL 12345 (111) (111 -1111) [email protected]

Kwalifikasie Opsomming

Entoesiaste en toegewyde Onderwyser verbind tot die kwalitatiewe opleiding van K-6 studente.

  • Hersien opleiding en 'n sterk dienservaring in klaskamerbestuur, lesbeplanning, ouerkommunikasie en gebeurtenis koördinasie om positiewe en ondersteunende leeromgewings te skep.
  • Passievolle advokaat om die behoeftes te identifiseer en die groei en sukses van risiko-studente te ondersteun.
  • Soliede spanoriëntering, maklike vennootskap met prinsipale, ander onderwysers, ouers en ondersteuningspersoneel om studentegeleenthede te koördineer, probleme op te los en skoolgees te bevorder.
  • Bereid en gretig om na-ure te werk om studente akademiese en kreatiewe kunsklubs af te lei.

Leer vir Amerika , Chicago, IL Instrukteur , Maand 20XX - Maand 20XX

Gelyktydig met die onderwys, het lesplanne ontwikkel, in klas- en huiswerkopdragte hersien en gegradeer en op vierde kwartaal in Engels aan studente op PS 123 opdrag gegee.

  • Gekoördineerde maandelikse "Family Fun Night" om gemeenskap te bou en donasies te versamel vir broodnodige klaskamervoorrade.

Stanislus College Early Childhood Center , Saratoga Springs, NY Student Onderwyser , Maand 20XX - Maand 20XX

Verantwoordelik vir leidende opvoedkundige aktiwiteite vir kinders in kleuterskole, insluitende bouvaardighede in interaktiewe sagteware en basiese lees en skryf. Assisted met alle ander klaskamer- en administratiewe pligte.

  • Werk nou saam met studente se ouers om seisoenale gebeurtenisse en velduitstappies te beplan en uit te voer, insluitend 'n Halloween-fees, 'n oesfees op 'n plaas, en 'n einde van die jaar "gradeplegtigheid".

Kamp Ramapo vir Kinders , Rhinebeck, NY Maand 20XX - Maand 20XX

Moniteer spesiale tieners (13 tot 17 jaar oud) deur daaglikse aktiwiteite. Geadviseerde, onder toesig, en chaperoned kampgangers tydens daaglikse aktiwiteite en velduitstappies. Bevorderde veiligheid en verbeterde somer pret en leerervarings.

  • Woon in dieselfde kwartaal as tienerjarige meisies, wat ses dae per week koshuisvoorligting bied.
  • Afgeronde kampeerders in die skep en vervaardiging van 'n oorspronklike, buitenshuise toneelstuk tydens Ouersnag.

Stanislus College , Saratoga Springs, NY Baccalaureus Scientiae: Onderwysstudie (Voorlopige Sertifisering in Basiese Onderwys) Baccalaureus Artium: Klassieke; Departement Honneurs

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tale Vlot in Engels, Latyn en Gesprek Spaans.

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Use a Bizcraft

Free CV Template

Preparing a great looking CV is the first step to landing the perfect job. Please feel free to use any of our templates designed for South African job seekers. You will also find some great information explaining how to prepare the perfect CV. This will give you a better idea on what information to include and what to leave out.

Free Cover Letter Template

I always recommend attaching a cover letter to your job application. Many people ignore this step simply because the thought of preparing a cover letter is far to intimidating. With Bizcraft's Free Cover Letter templates it is now much easier then you think. Simply download the template and read the simple article describing how to write the perfect cover letter.

Free Thank You Letter Template

If you really want to stand out from the crowd of candidates apply for a position then you need to send a well written thank you letter after your interview. Use one of our standard free thank you letter templates and get that job! [coming soon]

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There a many free services that will help you to compile a great looking CV. We have listed a few. […]

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Need a Free Template for your Job Search?

I'm not going to lie to you, searching for a new job is hard work. It is frustrating and at times quite demoralizing. I know this because I have been there before, many, many times.

I know that one of the biggest frustrations job seekers face is not getting called back for interviews. And I also know that the reason many job seekers do not get called back is simply because they are not submitting quality applications.

I wanted to do my best to help out, so firstly I have written a number of articles on this subject. You can find links above, but I also have created a number of templates that anyone can use. These are all completely free for anyone to use and include Free CV templates for South Africans, Free Cover Letter templates and even Free Thank you letter templates.

I am constantly adding new templates to the website, and I am always open to suggestions for new template ideas. If there is something you need or a design that you would like please feel free to send me a message and I will do my best to add it to the collection.

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Bizcraft Employment Solutions

StandOut CV

Please find attached my CV… 43 ways to say it

Andrew Fennell photo

When you apply for jobs, you want to ensure that your CV gets opened by the recruiter.

But the phrase “ please find attached my CV ” is a bit dated and can seem impersonal.

So, you probably want to say something more modern and friendly, right?

If you’re looking for another way to say “ please find attached my CV ”, we’ve listed 43 examples in this article for you to choose from.

CV templates 

43 ways to say “Please find attached my cv”

Rather than saying “please find attached my CV ,” here are some more original ways to go about it.

The following examples are simple, but pass on the same message without being too cliché:

  • My CV is attached for your consideration.
  • Please see my CV (attached) for more information.
  • I have attached my CV, let me know what you think.
  • My CV is attached to this email, let me know if you have any questions.
  • I have attached my CV for you to take a look at.
  • Here’s my CV, I’ve attached it to this email.
  • I’ve sent my CV along with my cover letter.
  • You can find my CV attached to my email.
  • Please refer to my attached CV for further information.
  • I have included my CV as an attachment.
  • For further information, I’ve attached my CV.
  • You can refer to my attached CV for further information.
  • I’ve attached my CV for further reference.
  • I’ll include my CV as an attachment for further details.
  • I’ve sent through my CV as an attachment if you’d like further information.
  • For more details, you’ll find my CV attached to this email.
  • I’ve added my CV as an attachment, do let me know if you have any problems accessing it.
  • You’ll find my CV attached to this email for further information.
  • For more information on my skills and background, I’ve attached my CV.
  • You can see my full work history via my CV, which I’ve attached to this email.
  • For more details, I’ve included my CV as an attachment.
  • My CV is attached to this email and available for download.
  • For my full work history, you’ll find my CV attached to this email.
  • As per the job description, I’ve attached my CV.
  • As instructed, I’ve included my CV as an attachment.
  • Please consider my CV which I have attached to my application.
  • For further details, please refer to my attached CV.
  • You can refer to my attached CV for more information.
  • I’ve attached my CV for reference.
  • I’ve attached my CV to this email as per the job description.
  • You’ll find my CV attached alongside my cover letter and application.
  • Let me know if you have any questions about my attached CV.
  • As requested, I’ve included my CV as an attachment.
  • You can download or view my CV for further reference, which I’ve attached to my application.
  • You can find my CV attached to this email for further details.
  • For more detailed information, my CV is attached for your consideration.
  • You can find more information on my attached CV.
  • You’re welcome to take a look at my attached CV.
  • My attached CV includes further information.
  • Should it be of interest, I have attached my CV.
  • If you’d like more information, I have included my CV for further reference.
  • For more information on my candidacy, my CV is available as an attachment.
  • Feel free to take a look at my attached CV for more information.

CV builder

Build your CV now 

Why use the phrase “ Please find attached my CV ”?

If you’re applying to a job online, you’re going to want to direct the recruiter to your CV, as that’s where they’ll be able to find your achievements , skills and work experience – AKA; the important stuff.

By saying “ please find attached my CV ” (or something similar) you’re sending your potential employer to the information that is most likely to land you an interview.

Plus, recruiters are busy all day – if you don’t point out that you’ve attached your CV, they might think you didn’t send one in some cases.

Where to write cover letter

When to use the phrase “ Please find attached my CV ”?

There are a number of instances where you should use the phrase “please find attached my CV” (or a more original version of it.) Here are the main occasions where you should use this phrase:

Emailing your CV for a job application

While some company recruitment websites have online, box-ticking job applications, some employers prefer to solicit CVs via email instead.

So, if a job advert offers only an email address for applications, it’s going to be your CV – along with the quality of your cover letter – that will determine whether or not you get an interview.

In this instance, you’ll want to make sure to direct the recruiter to your CV when you send your email. Make sure that you also write an effective cover letter and sign off your email professionally.

Making applications on job websites

Many job applications now consist of an online form on the company website. You might be asked to answer questions, fill in your details or complete a short test.

Most online job applications will also allow you to include attachments before sending your details off, and you should always use this feature to add your CV when given the option. If there’s a small “cover letter” section in the job application (where you can write freestyle), you should use this space to indicate that you’ve attached your CV for consideration.

Sending your CV to recruiters on LinkedIn

If you’re reaching out to recruiters on LinkedIn , it’s essential that you send over a CV alongside your message. Simply having your LinkedIn profile on display isn’t enough – the recruiter might want to forward your details or your CV to a third party, so it should be attached in readable PDF or Word format.

When closing your email, sign off by politely instructing the recruiter to take a look at your CV for consideration. Your CV will be their only point of reference when recommending you to relevant employers, so it’s important to include it.

Sending a speculative application

If you’re interested in working for a particular company but they don’t post regular vacancies, sending a speculative application is always an option.

If you’re sending a speculative application, you should always include a CV. You’re much more likely to get a response from an employer if you demonstrate that you possess a competitive skillset that could be valuable to their organisation.

Send along a polite enquiry and explain that you’ve attached your CV for consideration (without being pushy.)

Checks to make when attaching your CV

Before you send off that application or email, you’ll want to make sure that everything is attached, named, and signed off correctly. Before clicking “send”, take a look at the list below and tick off accordingly:

  • Check your CV is attached – Luckily, many email servers now recognise the word “attached” in an email and will notify you if you forget to attach something. However, never rely on technology alone. You should always double check that you’ve actually attached your CV before sending off your email. It’s a rookie mistake, but it’s more common than you might think.
  • Name the file properly – When attaching files, name them accordingly and professionally– e.g. “David Smith CV” – adding your own name for reference and helping recruiters to store and find your CV. Make sure there’s no random numbers, weird letters or errors in the file name .
  • Spellcheck your email and CV – You only get once chance to make a good impression. Sending off a CV or email littered with errors is going to immediately turn off a recruiter, so always proofread your documents first. You can use our quick-and-easy CV Builder to add pre-written expert content with one click.
  • Add a professional signature to your email – If you want to appear professional, add a professional signature to your email. A professional signature lends credibility to your application and sets the tone for your correspondence with the organisation or recruiter.
  • Use a Word or PDF document – There’s no use in sending an immaculate, well-written CV if the recruiter is unable to open it. With so many job applications to go through every day, a recruiter isn’t likely to follow up with you if they are unable to open your CV. Avoid any editable software (such as Google docs) and stick to a Microsoft Word document or a PDF .
  • Follow up with non-responders – If you haven’t heard back from a company or recruiter after a couple of weeks, you can always follow up and ask for an update on your email or application. Some organisations will be happy to provide feedback or give a reason as to why your application was either unsuccessful or refused. This feedback can be helpful in creating a better CV.

Whether you’re sending off a job application or sending outreach emails, it’s always a good idea to direct prospective employers to your CV. There’s only so much a cover letter can do – you want your skills and work experience to be the main focus of your candidacy.

Next time you’re attaching a CV, use one of our above examples to point the recruiter in the right direction. And don’t forget to spellcheck and proofread your CV, email and cover letter before clicking “send!”

How to Write a Cover Letter for an Internal Position (With Examples and a Template!)

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Applying for an internal position isn’t just a matter of submitting a resume and hoping for the best. It’s about strategically positioning yourself as the perfect candidate for a role within a company that already knows you.

The prospect of new challenges, career growth, and the chance to contribute in different ways can be highly motivating. But with that comes the need to navigate office politics , manage relationships, and ensure that your application stands out.

We’ll explore what makes a cover letter for an internal position different from a traditional cover letter , why it’s crucial to write a good one, and how to do it effectively. We’ll also include examples and a template to help you get started.

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Is a cover letter for an internal position different from a traditional cover letter?

Yes! When you're applying for a job within the same company, you're not starting from scratch. The hiring manager already knows you and has very easy access to a reference check, so your cover letter must reflect proximity. Balancing familiarity with professionalism is key.

Unlike a traditional cover letter, where you introduce yourself and explain your interest in the company, a cover letter for an internal position should focus on your achievements , your understanding of the company culture, and your vision for how you can contribute to this new role.

“The process might be less formal but is often more competitive because you’re up against colleagues,” says Kenan Acieklly, CEO of Workhy , who has nearly a decade of experience in HR and business management. “Decisions may weigh heavily on your internal reputation, past performance, and ability to articulate your future potential within the company.”

Why should I write a cover letter for an internal position?

Writing a cover letter for an internal position is crucial for several reasons. You might think that since you're already an employee, a cover letter is just a formality. However, skipping it or writing a generic one could really hurt your chances.

This cover letter should highlight why you’re the best candidate for this different role, even if your managers and colleagues already know your work ethic and contributions. You’re making the case that you're not just a good employee, but the right person for this specific job.

Writing a cover letter underscores your seriousness about the role. “It’s an opportunity to articulate your vision and demonstrate continued commitment to the company’s success,” Acikelli says. And it serves many important functions:

  • It reaffirms your interest in the company: Even though you already work there, this shows that you're still committed to the company's mission and values.
  • It highlights your achievements: This is your chance to remind the hiring manager of your successes within the company—things they might not remember or know about if they weren’t directly supervising you.
  • It shows your initiative: Applying internally demonstrates that you’re eager to grow and take on new challenges. A well-crafted cover letter underlines your proactive approach to your career.
  • It provides a tailored narrative: This letter allows you to connect your current role with the new one, explaining how your skills, experience, and knowledge of the company make you the ideal candidate.

How to apply for an internal role

Let's go over some of the most common questions about applying for an internal position:

Is it OK to apply for an internal position?

Yes, it is absolutely OK to apply for an internal position. Companies generally encourage internal mobility as it allows them to retain talent and leverage existing employees’ skills and institutional knowledge. Applying for an internal position shows that you are committed to the company and interested in furthering your career within the organization.

How to express interest in an internal position?

It's important to be both professional and enthusiastic. Start by scheduling a meeting with your current supervisor to discuss your career goals and explain why you're interested in the new role. During the conversation, emphasize your desire to continue growing within the company and explain how the new position aligns with your career aspirations. Make sure to follow any formal application procedures, such as submitting an updated resume and a strong cover letter.

How do you tell your boss you are applying for an internal position?

Schedule a private meeting with your boss to discuss your plans. Be upfront about your intentions, explaining why you’re interested in the new role and how it aligns with your long-term career goals . Emphasize that this move isn’t a reflection of dissatisfaction with your current position, but rather a desire to grow and take on new challenges within the company. It’s important to assure your boss that you remain committed to your current responsibilities and that you will help ensure a smooth transition if you’re selected for the new role.

Do I need a CV for an internal job?

Yes, you typically need a curriculum vitae (CV) or resume when applying for an internal job. While the hiring managers might already know you, a CV provides a formal document that highlights your relevant experience, skills, and accomplishments. It also helps you present your qualifications in a structured way that aligns with the job requirements. Make sure to tailor your CV to the specific role you’re applying for, emphasizing the experience and achievements that are most relevant to the new position.

How do you message a hiring manager for an internal position?

Keep the tone professional and concise. Start by introducing yourself and expressing your interest in the position. Mention that you are currently working in the company and explain why you believe you are a good fit for the role. Offer to provide more information or discuss your qualifications in detail at their convenience. Close the message by thanking them for considering your application and expressing your enthusiasm for the opportunity.

“Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] position that was recently posted. I have been with [Company Name] for [X years] as [Your Current Position], and I believe that my experience and skills align well with the requirements of this role. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to the team in this new capacity. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of working together.

Best regards, [Your Name]”

How to write a cover letter for an internal position (examples included!)

Now that you already know the basics of how to apply for a role within your current company, let's focus on how to write an impressive cover letter for an internal position.

Think of it as a way to remind decision-makers why you're the right person for the job—because of your qualifications, your understanding of the company’s goals, and how you can contribute to its success in a new capacity. Your cover letter for an internal position should convey your enthusiasm for the position, reflect on what you've achieved so far, and outline how you plan to make an even bigger impact if given the opportunity.

Follow this structure to make an impressive cover letter for an internal position:

1. Start with a strong opening

Begin by expressing your excitement about the new role and your commitment to the company. Mention how long you’ve been with the company and briefly describe your current position.

“I am thrilled to apply for the [Job Title] position. Having been with [Company Name] for [X years], I have developed a deep understanding of our operations and have consistently strived to contribute to our success in meaningful ways.”

2. Highlight your accomplishments

This is where you shine a light on what you've achieved in your current role. “Start with your accomplishments in your current role, then connect those successes to the value you’ll bring to the new position,” Acikelli says.

“In my current role as [Your Current Job Title], I successfully led [Project Name], which resulted in [specific achievement, e.g., a 20% increase in sales]. This experience has given me invaluable insights that I am eager to apply in the [New Job Title] role.”

3. Showcase your knowledge of the company

Use your insider knowledge to your advantage. “Mention any cross-departmental collaborations to show your versatility and readiness for broader responsibilities,” Acikelli says. Discuss how your understanding of the company’s culture, goals, and challenges makes you a good fit for the new role.

“Having worked closely with [Department/Team], I am well-versed in the challenges we face in [specific area]. I am particularly excited about the opportunity to contribute to [specific initiative or project related to the new role], as I believe my experience and knowledge could greatly benefit our efforts.”

4. Align your skills with the new role

Clearly explain how your skills and experience align with the requirements of the new position. Be specific about what you bring to the table that will help you succeed in this role.

“My experience in [specific skill or area] has equipped me with the [specific abilities] needed to excel in the [New Job Title] role. I am confident that my background in [relevant experience] will allow me to [specific contribution].”

5. Express your commitment to growth

Demonstrate that you're eager to learn and grow within the company. Mention any relevant training or development you’ve pursued and how you plan to continue growing in the new role.

“I am committed to continuous professional development, as evidenced by my completion of [relevant training or certification]. I am eager to further develop my skills in [specific area] and contribute to [Company Name] in new and impactful ways.”

Cover letter template for internal position

Use the following cover letter template for internal position as a guide. This structure will help you effectively communicate your enthusiasm for the position while leveraging your internal experience to stand out as the ideal candidate.

[Your Name] [Your Current Job Title] [Company Name] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Hiring Manager’s Name] [Hiring Manager’s Job Title] [Company Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] position that recently opened up in [Department Name]. Having been with [Company Name] for [X years], I have gained a deep appreciation for our company’s mission and values, and I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to [specific department or project related to the new role] in this new capacity.

In my current role as [Your Current Job Title], I have had the privilege of [mention your key achievements]. This experience deepened my understanding of [specific area or department] and inspired me to seek new challenges within [Company Name]. I am particularly drawn to the [Job Title] position because [specific reason related to the new role].

One of the aspects of [Company Name] that I value most is our commitment to [specific company value or mission], and I am eager to contribute to [specific project or initiative related to the new role] in a more direct way. I believe that my background in [relevant experience or skill] aligns perfectly with the needs of the [Job Title] position, and I am confident in my ability to [specific contribution or goal].

I am also committed to continuous growth and development, as evidenced by [mention any relevant training or certifications]. I am excited about the opportunity to bring my skills and experience to the [Job Title] role, and I look forward to the possibility of continuing to grow with [Company Name].

Thank you for considering my application. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to further discuss how I can contribute to the success of [Company Name] in this new role.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Bottom line

By carefully crafting your cover letter, you can position yourself as the ideal candidate for the role. Remember, your cover letter for an internal position is your chance to highlight your achievements, showcase your understanding of the company, and demonstrate your commitment to growth. With the right approach, you can successfully transition into a new role within the same company, taking your career to the next level. Good luck!

cv cover letter in afrikaans

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Outside Events: Resumes & Cover Letters

Resumes & Cover Letters – August 27 at 6:00-7:00PM in BRNG 2280 (West Lafayette)

Need help to prepare your first collegiate resume or cover letter to prepare for the upcoming Career Fairs?  Come learn about what to include, how to market your skillset, and services offered by the Center for Career Opportunities (CCO).

Note : This seminar is geared toward first-year students.  Space is limited, so availability is first come, first serve.

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3 tips for including internship experience in a cover letter.

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How to stand out from the crowd as a new grad with internship experience

If you are a fresh graduate looking for a new job, a cover letter can help paint a helpful context of who you are and why you would be an excellent fit for the company. For seasoned professionals with considerable career milestones, resumes are often adequate to show their skillsets and how they would perform at a new job. Indicators like the type of company, pace of promotion, and scope of responsibilities paint a picture for the hiring managers of how they can expect the candidate to perform even before the interviews.

The good news for new graduates is that they are on an even playing field as they embark on a new career path with their peers. The downside is the need for additional information for the candidate to stand out from the crowd. Internship experience can be an advantage if leveraged and narrated correctly. When a company hires a new graduate, it knows the lack of experience and proof points to consider in the candidate. They are therefore looking for genuine interest, willingness to learn, and potential in new grads. If you have internship experience, including them in your cover letter is an excellent opportunity to feature these qualities. Here are a few tips on how to do this best.

Showcase Your Decision-making Process

One risk of hiring new graduates is that they may quit quickly if they find that the industry or the job function is not what they expected. If you have interned at a similar company, you can explain how that experience solidified your interest in the field and helped you narrow down the jobs you are genuinely interested in. By discussing your decision-making process and how the internship provided real-life perspective, you can demonstrate that you are a knowledgeable decision-maker rather than someone who is simply influenced by outside perspectives.

On the other hand, if you interned in an entirely different industry and position, you can use this experience to demonstrate that you discovered what you truly want to pursue. Highlight the positive lessons learned during the internship and avoid speaking negatively about past opportunities. The crucial point is to showcase what you gained from the experience and how it has strengthened your interest in the current company and role.

Be Truthful About The Scope Of Your Experience

Internship experiences can vary widely depending on the company, from simply shadowing an employee to conducting in-depth analysis or participating in structured rotational programs. However, it's important to note that internships typically don't involve holding leadership positions or having significant decision-making authority. It's essential to be honest about your role and responsibilities during an internship, as exaggerating or misrepresenting your experience will likely be noticed by hiring managers.

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In addition, you should not disclose any confidential information about the company at any time. Keep your account of the experience brief and truthful.

Highlight Relevant Skillsets And Potential

If your previous internship provided you with the skills described in the job requirements for the position you are applying for, be sure to emphasize this and explain how you used those skills, as well as your eagerness to further develop them. For example, if you gained experience in analyzing complex datasets during your internship, highlight how you enhanced the company's training through your independent learning efforts, express your enthusiasm for the skill, and illustrate how it contributed to the team's goals to demonstrate your understanding of the practical application of your work. This can show your potential for growth, desire to learn, and proactive orientation towards your job, attributes all hiring managers seek.

When hiring recent graduates, hiring managers are aware that the candidates do not have extensive pre-existing skill sets or decision-making experience. They are hired with the expectation to learn quickly, contribute enough to offset the onboarding and training efforts, and hopefully grow within the company. Including an internship experience in your cover letter can help alleviate any concerns the hiring manager may have about your genuine interest in the company and role, and your desire to learn. It also provides a context for the kind of employee you will be, in ways a resume cannot for new grads.

Juliette Han, PhD

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Handshake: Should I List My Summer Job on My Resume?

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If you spent your summer working in retail, scooping ice cream, or answering front desk calls, you may not think about including that on your resume. But don’t worry, you can use any work experience to build out your resume, if you do it the right way.

Highlight transferable skills

Start with the  the job description . Once you have an understanding of all the required skills, think about which ones you used at your summer job. Many of the skills you learned at your summer job can be transferred to a position that is more directly to your career path.

Show off soft skills

Every job will require that you have so-called soft skills like communication and time management.  Highlight the soft skills you learned —for example, managing multiple tasks simultaneously or communicating with a challenging customer.

Talk about your impact

Megan Malcolm, an Early Career Recruiter at Handshake, says, “Focus on the impact you made in bullet points, not the day to day activities of the job.” In addition to the skill-based bullet points, include some examples of an impact or unique contribution you made in your role.

Talk about it in your cover letter

Keep your  cover letter  short (2-3 paragraphs) and put your experience in context with your other work. For example, you could say, “As a member of the debate club, I thought I had great communication skills, but I didn’t learn to apply them at work until I worked as a summer camp counselor.” Keep these stories in mind for your interviews, too!

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  15. Translate cv and cover letter in Afrikaans with examples

    Get a better translation with7,929,685,349 human contributions. Contextual translation of "cv and cover letter" into Afrikaans. Human translations with examples: dekbrief, vind aangeheg my, cv and cover letter.

  16. Translate cv and, cover letter in Afrikaans with examples

    Contextual translation of "cv and, cover letter" into Afrikaans. Human translations with examples: dekbrief, vind aangeheg my, cv and cover letter.

  17. How to write the perfect cover letter (With examples)

    1. Begin by introducing yourself. To start your cover letter, introduce yourself. This means including your full name, your specific interest in the position and the reasons you've chosen to apply. If you got a referral to the job from another party, ensure to mention this in the first paragraph. 2.

  18. Please find attached my CV… 43 ways to say it

    43 ways to say "Please find attached my cv". Rather than saying "please find attached my CV," here are some more original ways to go about it. The following examples are simple, but pass on the same message without being too cliché: My CV is attached for your consideration. Please see my CV (attached) for more information.

  19. AI Resume Builder: Generate a Resume Fast

    Generate a matching cover letter. Once you have your resume looking good, you'll need a cover letter to match. Our AI-powered software will also instantly generate you a job-specific cover letter in just a couple minutes. All our templates come in matching sets, so you don't need to worry about having mismatched application documents.

  20. 20 Skilled Synonyms for Your Resume & Cover Letter

    Resume Checker Get your resume checked and scored with one click.; CV Maker Create a CV in 5 minutes. Get the job you want. Cover Letter Builder Write a cover letter that convinces employers you're the best.

  21. Translate cv and cover letter examples in Afrikaans

    Usage Frequency: 1. Quality: Reference: Anonymous. Add a translation. Contextual translation of "cv and cover letter examples" into Afrikaans. Human translations with examples: dekbrief, hermanus, vind aangeheg my, cv and cover letter.

  22. Cv and cover letter in English with contextual examples

    Contextual translation of "cv and cover letter" into English. Human translations with examples: cv and cover letter.

  23. Cover Letter for Internal Position: Examples and Template

    Unlike a traditional cover letter, where you introduce yourself and explain your interest in the company, a cover letter for an internal position should focus on your achievements, your understanding of the company culture, and your vision for how you can contribute to this new role.

  24. Outside Events: Resumes & Cover Letters

    Resumes & Cover Letters - August 27 at 6:00-7:00PM in BRNG 2280 (West Lafayette) Need help to prepare your first collegiate resume or cover letter to prepare for the upcoming Career Fairs? Come learn about what to include, how to market your skillset, and services offered by the Center for Career Opportunities (CCO). ...

  25. 3 Tips For Including Internship Experience In A Cover Letter

    Including an internship experience in your cover letter can help alleviate any concerns the hiring manager may have about your genuine interest in the company and role, and your desire to learn.

  26. Translate cv and cover letters in afrika in Afrikaans

    From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. Contextual translation of "cv and cover letters in afrikaans" into Afrikaans. Human translations with examples: dekbrief, in afrikaans, cv and cover letter.

  27. Handshake: Should I List My Summer Job on My Resume?

    Talk about it in your cover letter. Keep your cover letter short (2-3 paragraphs) and put your experience in context with your other work. For example, you could say, "As a member of the debate club, I thought I had great communication skills, but I didn't learn to apply them at work until I worked as a summer camp counselor."