CS 161: Operating Systems (2020)

This is an in-depth course in operating systems design and implementation, focusing on multicore operating systems kernels. Operating systems are some of the most complex software artifacts that exist. Kernels abstract the features provided by computer hardware, making those features safer and more convenient to use. This means that OS designers have to understand how hardware works (at least at the level of specifications) and how software works. OS programmers also must become comfortable with navigating in, and contributing to, code bases too large to wholly understand. Most of us can pick up this important skill.

The course uses Chickadee , an operating system based on CS 61 WeensyOS . Chickadee takes advantage of newer hardware, language, and OS design features than many teaching operating systems.

Lecture: Monday/Wednesday, 3–4:15pm, Pierce 301 Section: Biweekly mandatory sections ( see schedule )

Class participation is mandatory.

Problem sets . There will be five:

  • Warmup and virtual memory .
  • More memory and scheduling .
  • VFS and pipes .
  • File systems .
  • Threads and a final project .

These labs will use the Chickadee framework. For some labs, you will also need to engage with (meaning, read code from) other operating systems, such as Linux. Each student has a total of 4 late days, with a maximum of 2 late days being applicable to any single assignment.

Students may partner up. However, each student will turn in individual labs . Don’t stress out; see “Policies.”

Papers . In some sections we will discuss OS research papers. You’ll need to read the papers before class and engage in paper discussion on Piazza.

Exams . There will be an in-class midterm and an in-class final.

Grading schema . A student’s final numerical grade will be calculated using this formula:

Problem set 1 : 8%

Problem set 2 : 15%

Problem set 3 : 15%

Problem set 4 : 15%

Problem set 5 : 22%

Midterm 1 : 8%

Midterm 2 : 12%

Participation : 5%

Final letter grades will be assigned using numerical grade bands that span at least 10 points. For example, if your final numerical grade is between 100 and 90, you are guaranteed to get an A or an A-; if your final numerical grade is between 89.9999 and 80, then you are guaranteed to get some kind of B. Grading bands may be more lenient than 10 points, depending on the overall performance of all students. For example, depending on the overall performance of all students, the grades of A and A- might be mapped to the range [100, 87).

CS 161 labs may be completed in groups, but we expect every student to turn in a separate code repository—even if partners’ code is very similar. Here’s what that means and why we’re doing it.

Partner/group work is an important part of CS 161. Students benefit from talking through their code with partners. There’s less stress and loneliness and easier debugging.

But partner dynamics can hurt too. We want every student to understand the work of every problem set. In partner classes, though, sometimes students shirk work, or trade off (“you do pset 4 and I’ll do pset 5”), which isn’t fair to others and reliably causes problems later. CS 161 has even broken up some relationships! And partner issues force us to put more grading weight on exams.

We seek a happy medium. We want to allow partners but avoid the pathologies of group turnin. So, we ask every student to turn in separate code for each lab. Partners may create this code together, but the code partners turn in must not be wholly identical . A good way to ensure this would be for partners to discuss ideas and code and help each other debug, but type their code individually.

All coursework other than labs must be completed individually.

Collaboration is encouraged on all aspects of the course except exams. You are welcome to communicate with your classmates about strategies for solutions and about specific bugs, and you are welcome to use Internet resources for general information. However:

  • You must not ask questions on Stack Overflow, paper.camp, or any similar site. (Of course, if you search for some C++ problem, Stack Overflow answers may come up—just don’t ask questions yourself.)
  • You must not use solutions from past (or future) years.
  • Cite help. If a classmate, other collaborator, or online resource helps you, acknowledge it in your assignment. (You do not need to cite help from course staff or resources directly linked from this site.)

Do not post your solutions in a public place.

Textbooks and resources

There are no mandatory texts for CS 161, but we can recommend some helpful texts if you like that sort of thing. They can be rented for Kindle.

  • Operating Systems In Depth: Design and Programming , by Thomas W. Doeppner. This was a required text in prior years.
  • Understanding the Linux Kernel , by Daniel P. Bovet. Though this describes a somewhat-old version of Linux, it’s well written and clear.

There are also extensive online resources on kernel design, architecture, and operating systems development.

  • Linux kernel documentation

And also many online resources (of varying quality and age) on C++. Here are some good ones.

  • C++ Super-FAQ
  • cppreference.com

Course staff

Lecturer: James Mickens : [email protected] Office hours: Tuesdays, 3pm–4:30pm, Maxwell Dworkin 335 TFs: Tina Lu: [email protected] Office hours: Thursdays, 7pm–9pm, Leverett dining hall Noah Singer: [email protected] Office hours: Sundays, 1pm–3pm, Pfoho dining hall Vincent Viego: [email protected] Office hours: Fridays, 2pm–4pm, Maxwell Dworkin first-floor lounge

computer operating system assignment

CSE 120: Principles of Computer Operating Systems

Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau and Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau

Version 1.00   (Available online!)

Course Objectives

Course schedule.

--> --> --> -->
Date Lecture Readings Optional Homework Project
9/23 ,
9/30 ,   -->  
10/5 ,

10/7 ,
10/14 ,
10/19 ,
10/26 Midterm Exam     -->  
10/28 , ,  
11/2 ( ) , ,   -->  
11/4 ( ) ,      
11/9 ( ) ,      
11/11 Veteran's Day. No Class.      
11/16 ( ) , -->    
11/18 ( ) , , -->  
11/23 ( )   -->  
12/2 ( ) -->    
12/3 ( )        
12/7 ( )  
12/9 Final Exam 3pm - 6pm      

Course Organization

Discussion sections.

Browse Course Material

Course info.

  • Prof. Frans Kaashoek


  • Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

As Taught In

  • Operating Systems
  • Software Design and Engineering

Learning Resource Types

Operating system engineering, operating system engineering, assignment 1.

This file contains the information regarding Operating System Engineering, Assignment 1.


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College of computing, cs 6200: introduction to operating systems, instructional team.

Ada Gavrilovska

Ada Gavrilovska

Creator, instructor.

Jarrod Parkes

Jarrod Parkes

Course developer.


Ioan Istrate

VJ Parthiban

VJ Parthiban

Introduction to Operating Systems is a graduate-level introductory course in operating systems. This course teaches basic operating system abstractions, mechanisms, and their implementations. The core of the course focuses on OS support for concurrency (threads) and synchronization, resource management (CPU, memory, I/O), and distributed services. The practical component of the course teaches multithread programming, inter-process communication, and distributed interactions via RPC.

Sample Syllabi

Spring 2023 syllabus (PDF) Summer 2022 syllabus (PDF) Fall 2021 syllabus (PDF)

Note: sample syllabi are provided for informational purposes only. For the most up-to-date information, consult the official course documentation.

Course Content

To access the public version of this course's content, click here , then log into your Ed Lessons account. If you have not already created an Ed Lessons account, enter your name and email address, then click the activation link sent to your email, then revisit that link.

Before Taking This Class...

Suggested background knowledge.

To undertake this course, you should have taken an undergraduate level course on, or be otherwise familiar with, basic hardware and software aspects of computer systems organization. You should also be familiar with the following:

  • C and C++ programming experience
  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (or similar Linux experience, such as working from the command line)
  • Using Vagrant (with VirtualBox or an alternative). We also provide a Dockerfile for those with experience in using Docker.
  • Using Makefiles
  • Using GDB or an IDE with a debugger
  • Using GCC or an IDE with gcc support

Please review the CS 6200 Readiness Survey to determine your readiness to take this course.

Technical Requirements and Software

  • Browser and connection speed: An up-to-date version of Chrome, Firefox, or Edge is strongly recommended. 2+ Mbps is recommended; the minimum requirement is 0.768 Mbps download speed.
  • PC: Windows XP or higher with latest updates installed
  • Note on M1 Macs: M1 Macs known limitations cause utilities like ptrace and address sanitizer (recommended for projects) to be terminated abruptly. Students are encouraged to use alternate platforms or utilities for projects.
  • Linux: any recent distribution that has the supported browsers installed
  • Virtual Machine: You will be provided a virtual machine (VM) useful for performing class assignments and projects. For the projects, the supplied resources are identical to those used to test your submissions. Details for downloading and installing the VM can be found in a pinned Piazza post.

Academic Integrity

All Georgia Tech students are expected to uphold the Georgia Tech Academic Honor Code . This course may impose additional academic integrity stipulations; consult the official course documentation for more information.

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Computer Basics  - Understanding Operating Systems

Computer basics  -, understanding operating systems, computer basics understanding operating systems.

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Computer Basics: Understanding Operating Systems

Lesson 8: understanding operating systems.


What is an operating system?

An operating system is the most important software that runs on a computer. It manages the computer's memory and processes , as well as all of its software and hardware . It also allows you to communicate with the computer without knowing how to speak the computer's language. Without an operating system, a computer is useless .

Watch the video below to learn more about operating systems.

Looking for the old version of this video? You can still view it here .

The operating system's job

Your computer's operating system ( OS ) manages all of the software and hardware on the computer. Most of the time, there are several different computer programs running at the same time, and they all need to access your computer's central processing unit (CPU) , memory , and storage . The operating system coordinates all of this to make sure each program gets what it needs.

Types of operating systems

Operating systems usually come pre-loaded on any computer you buy. Most people use the operating system that comes with their computer, but it's possible to upgrade or even change operating systems. The three most common operating systems for personal computers are Microsoft Windows , macOS , and Linux .

Modern operating systems use a graphical user interface , or GUI (pronounced gooey ). A GUI lets you use your mouse to click icons , buttons , and menus , and everything is clearly displayed on the screen using a combination of graphics and text .

showing a graphical user interface example

Each operating system's GUI has a different look and feel, so if you switch to a different operating system it may seem unfamiliar at first. However, modern operating systems are designed to be easy to use , and most of the basic principles are the same.

Microsoft Windows

Microsoft created the Windows operating system in the mid-1980s. There have been many different versions of Windows, but the most recent ones are Windows 10 (released in 2015), Windows 8 (2012), Windows 7 (2009), and Windows Vista (2007). Windows comes pre-loaded on most new PCs, which helps to make it the most popular operating system in the world.

viewing a windows operating system

Check out our tutorials on Windows Basics and specific Windows versions for more information.

macOS (previously called OS X ) is a line of operating systems created by Apple. It comes preloaded on all Macintosh computers, or Macs. Some of the specific versions include Mojave (released in 2018), High Sierra (2017), and  Sierra (2016).

According to StatCounter Global Stats , macOS users account for less than 10% of global operating systems—much lower than the percentage of Windows users (more than 80% ). One reason for this is that Apple computers tend to be more expensive. However, many people do prefer the look and feel of macOS over Windows.

viewing a mac operating system

Check out our macOS Basics tutorial for more information.

Linux (pronounced LINN-ux ) is a family of open-source operating systems, which means they can be modified and distributed by anyone around the world. This is different from proprietary software like Windows, which can only be modified by the company that owns it. The advantages of Linux are that it is free , and there are many different distributions —or versions—you can choose from.

According to StatCounter Global Stats , Linux users account for less than 2% of global operating systems. However, most servers run Linux because it's relatively easy to customize.

To learn more about different distributions of Linux, visit the Ubuntu , Linux Mint , and Fedora websites, or refer to our Linux Resources . For a more comprehensive list, you can visit MakeUseOf's list of The Best Linux Distributions .

Operating systems for mobile devices

The operating systems we've been talking about so far were designed to run on desktop and laptop computers. Mobile devices such as phones , tablet computers , and MP3 players are different from desktop and laptop computers, so they run operating systems that are designed specifically for mobile devices. Examples of mobile operating systems include Apple iOS and Google Android . In the screenshot below, you can see iOS running on an iPad.

viewing operating systems for mobile devices

Operating systems for mobile devices generally aren't as fully featured as those made for desktop and laptop computers, and they aren't able to run all of the same software. However, you can still do a lot of things with them, like watch movies, browse the Web, manage your calendar, and play games.

To learn more about mobile operating systems, check out our Mobile Devices tutorials.




Operating System Fundamentals

--> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> -->

Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

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Operating System

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  • Compiler Design
  • Computer Org and Architecture

What is an Operating System?

Operating System lies in the category of system software. It basically manages all the resources of the computer. An operating system acts as an interface between the software and different parts of the computer or the computer hardware. The operating system is designed in such a way that it can manage the overall resources and operations of the computer. 

Operating System is a fully integrated set of specialized programs that handle all the operations of the computer. It controls and monitors the execution of all other programs that reside in the computer, which also includes application programs and other system software of the computer. Examples of Operating Systems are Windows, Linux, Mac OS, etc.

An Operating System (OS) is a collection of software that manages computer hardware resources and provides common services for computer programs. The operating system is the most important type of system software in a computer system.

What is an Operating System Used for?

The operating system helps in improving the computer software as well as hardware. Without OS, it became very difficult for any application to be user-friendly. The Operating System provides a user with an interface that makes any application attractive and user-friendly. The operating System comes with a large number of device drivers that make OS services reachable to the hardware environment. Each and every application present in the system requires the Operating System. The operating system works as a communication channel between system hardware and system software. The operating system helps an application with the hardware part without knowing about the actual hardware configuration. It is one of the most important parts of the system and hence it is present in every device, whether large or small device.

Operating System

For more, refer to Need of Operating Systems .

Functions of the Operating System

  • Resource Management: The operating system manages and allocates memory, CPU time, and other hardware resources among the various programs and processes running on the computer.
  • Process Management: The operating system is responsible for starting, stopping, and managing processes and programs. It also controls the scheduling of processes and allocates resources to them.
  • Memory Management: The operating system manages the computer’s primary memory and provides mechanisms for optimizing memory usage.
  • Security: The operating system provides a secure environment for the user, applications, and data by implementing security policies and mechanisms such as access controls and encryption.
  • Job Accounting: It keeps track of time and resources used by various jobs or users.
  • File Management: The operating system is responsible for organizing and managing the file system, including the creation, deletion, and manipulation of files and directories.
  • Device Management: The operating system manages input/output devices such as printers, keyboards, mice, and displays. It provides the necessary drivers and interfaces to enable communication between the devices and the computer.
  • Networking: The operating system provides networking capabilities such as establishing and managing network connections, handling network protocols, and sharing resources such as printers and files over a network.
  • User Interface : The operating system provides a user interface that enables users to interact with the computer system. This can be a Graphical User Interface (GUI), a Command-Line Interface (CLI) , or a combination of both.
  • Backup and Recovery: The operating system provides mechanisms for backing up data and recovering it in case of system failures, errors, or disasters.
  • Virtualization: The operating system provides virtualization capabilities that allow multiple operating systems or applications to run on a single physical machine. This can enable efficient use of resources and flexibility in managing workloads.
  • Performance Monitoring: The operating system provides tools for monitoring and optimizing system performance, including identifying bottlenecks, optimizing resource usage, and analyzing system logs and metrics.
  • Time-Sharing: The operating system enables multiple users to share a computer system and its resources simultaneously by providing time-sharing mechanisms that allocate resources fairly and efficiently.
  • System Calls: The operating system provides a set of system calls that enable applications to interact with the operating system and access its resources. System calls provide a standardized interface between applications and the operating system, enabling portability and compatibility across different hardware and software platforms.
  • Error-detecting Aids: These contain methods that include the production of dumps, traces, error messages, and other debugging and error-detecting methods.

For more, refer to Functions of Operating System .

Objectives of Operating Systems

Let us now see some of the objectives of the operating system, which are mentioned below.

  • Convenient to use: One of the objectives is to make the computer system more convenient to use in an efficient manner.
  • User Friendly: To make the computer system more interactive with a more convenient interface for the users.
  • Easy Access: To provide easy access to users for using resources by acting as an intermediary between the hardware and its users .
  • Management of Resources: For managing the resources of a computer in a better and faster way.
  • Controls and Monitoring: By keeping track of who is using which resource, granting resource requests, and mediating conflicting requests from different programs and users.
  • Fair Sharing of Resources: Providing efficient and fair sharing of resources between the users and programs.

Types of Operating Systems

  • Batch Operating System: A Batch Operating System is a type of operating system that does not interact with the computer directly. There is an operator who takes similar jobs having the same requirements and groups them into batches.
  • Time-sharing Operating System: Time-sharing Operating System is a type of operating system that allows many users to share computer resources (maximum utilization of the resources).
  • Distributed Operating System: Distributed Operating System is a type of operating system that manages a group of different computers and makes appear to be a single computer. These operating systems are designed to operate on a network of computers. They allow multiple users to access shared resources and communicate with each other over the network. Examples include Microsoft Windows Server and various distributions of Linux designed for servers.
  • Network Operating System: Network Operating System is a type of operating system that runs on a server and provides the capability to manage data, users, groups, security, applications, and other networking functions.
  • Real-time Operating System: Real-time Operating System is a type of operating system that serves a real-time system and the time interval required to process and respond to inputs is very small. These operating systems are designed to respond to events in real time. They are used in applications that require quick and deterministic responses, such as embedded systems, industrial control systems, and robotics.
  • Multiprocessing Operating System: Multiprocessor Operating Systems are used in operating systems to boost the performance of multiple CPUs within a single computer system. Multiple CPUs are linked together so that a job can be divided and executed more quickly.
  • Single-User Operating Systems: Single-User Operating Systems are designed to support a single user at a time. Examples include Microsoft Windows for personal computers and Apple macOS.
  • Multi-User Operating Systems: Multi-User Operating Systems are designed to support multiple users simultaneously. Examples include Linux and Unix.
  • Embedded Operating Systems: Embedded Operating Systems are designed to run on devices with limited resources, such as smartphones, wearable devices, and household appliances. Examples include Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS.
  • Cluster Operating Systems: Cluster Operating Systems are designed to run on a group of computers, or a cluster, to work together as a single system. They are used for high-performance computing and for applications that require high availability and reliability. Examples include Rocks Cluster Distribution and OpenMPI.

For more, refer to Types of Operating Systems .

How to Check the Operating System?

There are so many factors to be considered while choosing the best Operating System for our use. These factors are mentioned below.

  • Price Factor: Price is one of the factors to choose the correct Operating System as there are some OS that is free, like Linux, but there is some more OS that is paid like Windows and macOS.
  • Accessibility Factor: Some Operating Systems are easy to use like macOS and iOS, but some OS are a little bit complex to understand like Linux. So, you must choose the Operating System in which you are more accessible. 
  • Compatibility factor: Some Operating Systems support very less applications whereas some Operating Systems supports more application. You must choose the OS, which supports the applications which are required by you.
  • Security Factor: The security Factor is also a factor in choosing the correct OS, as macOS provide some additional security while Windows has little fewer security features.

Examples of Operating Systems 

  • Windows (GUI-based, PC)
  • GNU/Linux (Personal, Workstations, ISP, File, and print server, Three-tier client/Server)
  • macOS (Macintosh), used for Apple’s personal computers and workstations (MacBook, iMac).
  • Android (Google’s Operating System for smartphones/tablets/smartwatches)
  • iOS (Apple’s OS for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch)

FAQs on Operating System

1. the operating system is which type of software.

(A) System software

(B) Application software

(C) Both a and b

(D) None of the above

The correct option is A, i.e., System software

2. Which of the following is not an example of an Operating System?

(A) Windows 

(D) MS-Word

The correct option is D, i.e., MS-Word Windows, Linux, Mac OS, all 3 are examples of operating system whereas MS-Word is an example of application software.

3. Which characteristic property prevents unauthorized access to programs and data?

(A) Security

(B) Data Management

(C) Device management

(D) Control of system performance


The correct option is A, i.e, Security Security prevents unauthorized access to programs and data by means of passwords or some kind of protection technique.

4. Which characteristic property allocates and de-allocates the resources and also decides who gets the resource?

(B) File Management

(D) Control of System performance

The correct option is B, i.e., File management File Management allocates and de-allocates the resources and also decides who gets the resource.

5. _____________  is designed in such a way that it can manage the overall resources and operations of the computer. 

(A) Operating System

The correct option is A, i.e, Operating System The operating system is designed in such a way that it can manage overall resources and operations of the computer. 

For more details you can refer to Operating System – Set 1 .

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Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Core
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
Credit Points : 3
Start Date : 26 Jul 2021
End Date : 15 Oct 2021
Enrollment Ends : 09 Aug 2021
Exam Date : 24 Oct 2021 IST