Online Programming Lessons, Tutorials and Capstone Project guide

70 Best Web-Based Capstone Projects in PHP and MySQL

This article is a compilation of the 70 Best Web-Based Capstone Projects in PHP and MySQL ideas presented by our team. The article’s content might help future researchers regarding their project’s documentation. The capstone projects listed below are free of charge and you may use them according to your needs. The team just needs you to give proper credit to the site if it will be used for your capstone project requirements.

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  • Web-Based Human Resource Integrated System

The goal of this project is to design and develop a web application that will be used to store, manipulate, analyze, retrieve, and distribute human resource information for an organization.

In comparison to the manual process, the capstone project, titled “Web-Based Human Resource Integrated System,” will undoubtedly reduce/lessen human error, properly organize records, reduce the cost of paper, printing, folders, and storage, and be much faster. In comparison to the manual process, the Web-Based Human Resource Integrated System will provide employees with up-to-date records and access to information.

  • Lending System in PHP and MySQL

The capstone project, “Lending System in PHP and MySQL” is a system designed using PHP and MySQL to address the issues and challenges that existed in the manual system’s transactions. Users of this system will have a secure account, and lenders will no longer have to exert effort for each transaction they must complete. If this system is adopted, it will make managing their work easier and faster. It has the potential to improve their current services. For each transaction, the institution will no longer attempt.

The project’s development aims to make loan transactions more convenient and using this system just requires the lender to exert less work, making it easier and faster to manage. This type of technology will make proposal underwriting easier, as well as dynamic document uploading, the creation of user accounts, and a collaborative framework for lenders. The Lending Management System is unique in that it is simple, intuitive, and proactive, and it manages various sorts of borrowers as well as the protection of users’ papers. Lending processes will be simplified as a result of this technology; they will no longer need to physically visit lending offices to complete the process; instead, they will simply use the internet.

  • Web-Based Classroom Management System

The capstone project, “Web-based Classroom Management System,” aims to make classroom management more efficient. The web-based system will enable the management of student information, class administration, student activity tracking and monitoring, and other classroom activities.

The project’s major purpose is to implement a web-based classroom management system that will aid in the planning of classroom activities and student involvement. The technology will replace paper-based classroom administration with an electronic system. The researchers’ goal is to eliminate distractions in the classroom and engage students’ attention, resulting in a measurable and significant improvement.

  • Online Grading and Student Information System in PHP MySQL and Bootstrap

Online Grading and Student Information System is a capstone project designed using PHP, MySQL, and Bootstrap. It is a platform that will take the place of the manual grading system for students. The studies and systems presented in this article will serve as the foundation for the creation of an online grading and student information system.

The online grading system also provided a web-based online grade inquiry service. During the enquiring of their grades, the student will provide their full name, student number, course, year, and section. The grades of each student are already saved on the registrar’s computer. The system’s development will streamline and simplify processes connected to student grading and information management.

  • Health Insurance Information System in PHP and MySQL

The capstone project, titled “Health Insurance Information System,” is a system that will allow health insurance clients to receive information on proposed health insurance. The system will assist insurance companies and clients in providing and conveniently accessing health insurance information.

This project’s major purpose is to design and create a health insurance information system that will act as a platform for displaying health insurance information. Clients will be able to see and access the information. The claimed method will make it easier to obtain health insurance by streamlining the inquiry and transaction process.

  • Web-Based Diary Management System

Web-Based Diary Management System is a capstone project intended for busy entrepreneurs. They’ll be able to use the system to electronically record internal and external meetings, as well as potential meetings, set reminders, highlight deadlines, and keep track of activities and tasks. The system is a cutting-edge platform that will help busy entrepreneurs organize and simplify their work schedules.

Because entrepreneurs complete a variety of tasks daily, the project will be extremely beneficial to them. The Daisy management system will assist them in organizing the duties and activities they need to fulfill and finish during their busy days. The technique is simple to use, convenient, accurate, and dependable.

  • Online Product Management System

The capstone project, “Online Product Management System” is intended to electronically streamline product management operations. Product management software has been increasingly essential in recent years as a result of its simplicity and efficiency in helping businesses to quickly develop and improve their goods.

The system’s deployment is extremely advantageous to businesses, particularly product managers. The online platform will enable product managers and their teams to work together to create and develop new products in a seamless manner. Organizations will be able to electronically collect new ideas and put out explicit strategies to turn them into a finished product using the program.

  • School Management System

The researchers proposed the development of a School Management System with the overall goal of speeding up the enrollment process, beginning with student registration, enrolment, and assessment and ending with fee payment. This system’s key concerns include quick and easy transactions with a high rate of correctness.

The system is designed with a computerized registration and enrollment form. It allows users to fill out and electronically submit the enrollment form. It enables information retrieval on the administrator’s side. The system would keep track of student information, enrolment, fees earned and uncollected, and account billing. Except for the administrator, it cannot be edited or amended by other users (students, registrar, cashier, or professors) (the only one who has full access to the system).

  • Patient Medical Record Keeping System

The capstone project, entitled “Patient Medical Record Keeping,” is intended to give the hospital’s management the ability to process patient information with accuracy, accessibility, and efficiency. Similarly, the implementation of an automated system can ensure the safekeeping of all records.

The project’s development progress is seen as advantageous to the hospital’s management, employees, and patients. Implementing an automated system will assist hospital management in gaining access to records with accuracy, accessibility, and security. It will also provide effective and efficient report processing, which is crucial for management decision-making. Implementing the system will assist hospital employees in providing services in a more organized, accurate, and convenient manner. Patients can obtain their records in a short amount of time by using an automated method.

  • Online Courseware Management System

The Online Courseware Management System is a capstone project for students who are taking electronic courses and need specific course training. The researchers want to create an electronic environment for students to interact in during class. The system will make class materials such as course syllabuses and handouts available to registered students via electronic posting. Students will be able to post their papers and assignments for teachers or instructors to review on the online platform. Students and teachers can use a variety of features on the online platform to help with virtual learning and teaching.

  • Web-Based Thesis Archiving System

“Web-Based Thesis Archiving System,” the capstone project, is intended to automate records management. The system made it easier to store, preserve, and retrieve undergraduate and graduate thesis for as long as they were needed. The focus of this system is on electronic record-keeping ideas that must be understood in the context of record information management, electronic record management, and other information technology features. Furthermore, this system is intended for the management and maintenance of records.

The major purpose of the project is to create an easy-to-use electronic thesis archive management system. The researchers want to ensure protection for the records, make it easier to check the students’ thesis records to see if they’ve previously submitted or not, and make information like the title, group name, and submission date accessible.

  • Web Based School Management System

Every educational institution must have a solid management system in place. To automate management procedures, each school department employs a variety of software and computerized systems. “Web-Based School Management System,” the capstone project, is intended to automate school administration. Teachers, students, and records management activities and transactions, particularly enrollment processes, were all electronically processed through the system.

The suggested Web-Based School Management System is extremely effective in streamlining various school management processes. In comparison to manual enrollment processes, the system’s operations are faster, more efficient, and more accurate. The technology cuts down on processing time and human errors, and it makes it simple to search for records and generate reports.

  • Online Records Management System

The capstone project, “Online Records Management System,” aims to make managing various types of records, such as project documentation, compliance documents, and email conversations, easier. The technology will streamline and unify procedures for efficiently processing business records.

Business organizations can gradually migrate to a paperless workplace with the deployment of the Online Records Management System, which is a step toward encouraging an environmentally friendly office environment. The proposed project will eliminate the physical administration of paper records as well as different time delays in locating essential records. It also allows management to have better control records being used in an organization.

  • Web-Based Car Rental Application in PHP and MySQL

Owners of automobile rental companies are looking for a more efficient approach to manage the rental process, including customer check-in, payment methods, and real-time reports. As a response, the researchers proposed the creation of a “Web-Based Car Rental Application in PHP and MySQL.” The suggested project is a systematic approach to dealing with the business needs of renting automobiles to clients, storing vehicle records, creating real-time reports, and generally monitoring business transactions.

The goal of this project is to design and develop a web-based application to support the business’s car reservation or rental procedure, as well as to address issues with the present, manual approach. Customers can see the specs, details, conditions, and images of a car before deciding to hire it on the project car rental application, which is an online platform.

  • Office Supply Inventory System in PHP and MySQL

Currently, the inventory of office supplies is done manually by the personnel. To maintain track of the information, a piece of paper must be filled out for each supply. This manual method was discovered to have numerous flaws, including the disappearance of supply records, the loss of office supply items, the in-out transaction record, and the misplacement of supplies. We computerized the procedure to make it more efficient.

The capstone project, “Office Supply Inventory System in PHP and MySQL,” is concerned with keeping track of all office supplies and equipment. This comprises a list of all supplies and equipment by category, a list of regulations, a list of borrowers and borrowed equipment, supplies received, and so on. The system’s deployment would protect all office supplies and equipment while also providing management with automated processes and electronic data records.

  • Employee Clock Attendance System

“Employee Clock Attendance System,” the capstone project, was created to make it easier for employees to clock in and out of work. The system will make it much easier and more accurate to keep track of staff attendance. The person in charge of monitoring does not need to visit every office because, thanks to the system, employees are immediately recognized inside their designated stations. It is more efficient and convenient than manual processing.

The system will aid in the elimination of the manual time and attendance system, as well as the computation of each employee’s wage based on time and attendance data.

  • Attendance Management System

The Attendance Management System is a capstone project designed to help firms track and manage their employees’ attendance records online. The project will make it easier to track how much time people spend working and how much time they spend off. The system is an online platform that allows employees to enter their hours for more accurate and reliable attendance records that can be used to calculate their pay.

The deployment of an Attendance Management system is extremely useful for businesses where employees are paid hourly. The system will calculate the exact salary of the employees automatically.

  • Car Wash Booking Application

The capstone project, “Car Wash Booking Application” is designed to assist car owners who do not wish to walk into a car wash station without making an appointment. The idea will simplify the process of reserving vehicle wash services and make it more convenient.

The project’s researchers want to solve automobile owners’ concerns about reserving car washing services by presenting a solution called Car Wash Booking Application. Car owners will be able to schedule car wash services in advance using the app. The program will assist car owners in avoiding long lines at car washes. It will assist them in reducing the amount of time and effort they spend only to get a car washed.

  • Web Based Attendance Tracking System

This study concentrates on student attendance tracking. The researchers aimed to develop a “Web-Based Attendance Tracking System to serve as a platform to track and monitor students’ attendance in class. The system will improve the process of checking the attendance of the students and monitor their attendance every time they attend their classes. The list of the students will be stored in the system wherein the teachers will have access and will be in charge of tracking and monitoring the attendance of the students.

The system will improve the manual process of tracking and monitoring the attendance of students in school. The manual processes which are mostly done by hand are prone to human errors. The teacher may make a mistake in monitoring and keeping records of the students present in class. There is also loads of paperwork and it is very time-consuming. The manual process is very ineffective and outdated.

  • OLX Like Application in PHP and MySQL

This study was conducted by the researchers to develop an OLX-like Application using PHP and MySQL. The researchers aimed to offer a platform wherein buying and selling of products are streamlined. This project will allow people to easily and conveniently connect to buy, sell or exchange used goods and services. The users of the application can browse or post items like furniture, instrument, and other product they wish to buy or sell, respectively.

The proposed application will eliminate the manual method of buying, selling, and exchanging goods and services. The application will be designed with a user-friendly interface, easy, efficient, and reliable to use.

  • PHP and MySQL Ordering System

This study intends to improve consumer eating experiences by automating the meal ordering procedure in restaurants. In this work, we present the design and implementation of an automated meal ordering system for restaurants that includes real-time consumer feedback. Wireless data connectivity to servers is implemented with this system.

The project, which is written in PHP and MySQL, is designed to streamline and automate restaurant ordering systems. The order placed on a mobile device will be communicated to the main server. The main server is the counter server who is in charge of the entire system, including bill calculation, orders, and order delivery to the restaurant department from the servers. The restaurant is divided into two sections: the cashier’s department and the culinary department. The order will appear on the kitchen screen in the cooking department.

  • Online Video Rental Application with Android Support

For entertainment, the majority of the world’s population spent their time viewing videos and movies. The majority of them rent videos from cable TV, which is difficult because they cannot obtain updates if they are away from home. As a result, the developers of the online movie rental application with Android support devised a better technique to bridge the gap between those who enjoy watching videos.

“Online Video Rental Application with Android Support,” the capstone project, is a mobile device application that allows them to rent movies and enjoy them wherever they are. This technology eliminates the need for them to worry about losing cable TV access because they can now stream online; all they need is a data server to rent and watch. What’s more intriguing is that it supports Android, which means that regardless of whether buyers/users have an Android phone, they may now freely access it.

  • Scholars Information Management System

The primary goal of this research is to design, develop, and implement a mobile application that allows students/scholars to complete the essential requirements to be eligible for a scholarship program. Its goal is to eliminate the manual transaction procedure that relies on paper applications. The proposed application will benefit both students/scholars and the team in charge of managing scholarship applications and requirements.

The web and mobile scholar information system project will also function as a communication tool between management and scholars. The project’s development will also include the announcement of requirements and the process for obtaining financial assistance. The technology will assist scholarship members in accepting and transferring application forms to the city office on a timely basis. It will also assist them in keeping track of new and returning applications.

  • Online Public Access Cataloguing

The capstone project entitled “Online Public Access Cataloguing” concentrates on integrating OPAC on libraries. The OPAC allows users to successfully find, identify, select and obtain resources in libraries. It will help users conveniently access resources without the supervision of librarians.

The OPAC aims to make library resources accessible to users. It will help users to access the resources they need without librarians or the need for personal computers. The users can easily find, identify, select and obtain their required resources which saves time and is also convenient.

  • Web-Based Feedback and Comments System in PHP and MySQL

The capstone project, “Web-Based Feedback and Comments System in PHP and MySQL,” is a system that collects client feedback and comments to improve a company’s quality of service. Customers’ information, insights, and views regarding the company’s service and products will be collected by the system, which will be used to inform decision-making and improve the overall customer experience.

The goal of the study’s researchers is to develop a system that can be utilized by a variety of businesses to gather and manage consumer feedback and comments to improve customer service. This capstone project will close the gap between the company’s perceived value of its service and that of its customers. The system will gather vital client feedback to ensure that the company’s service never deviates too far from what the customers require. The company would no longer have trouble engaging with its customers for feedback after incorporating the technology.

  • Online Discussion Application in PHP and MySQL

The capstone project, “Online Discussion Application in PHP and MySQL,” aims to create an online discussion platform. The concept is intended to allow businesses and schools to interact and connect electronically. The project’s major goal is to not only communicate with others but also to create a discussion platform where members of corporate or school organizations can post subjects or areas of concern to discuss.

The system saves all posted and discussed topics, together with comments and replies, so that if a user encounters a scenario, a problem, or a query for which he or she needs an answer in the future, the user can search or recover any relevant information.

  • Hotel Reservation and Billing in PHP and MySQL

The capstone project, “Hotel Reservation and Billing in PHP and MySQL,” is intended to provide hotel employees, managers, and, most importantly, the hotel owner with an efficient, quick, and convenient method of recording customer (Check-in-Check-out) information. This will result in the current system being improved, as well as the establishment’s overall improvement. It must have a better program for the keeping and retrieve of their records. It will contribute to the success of the business and gain the trust of its customers.

This study is intended only for the Hotel Room Reservation and Billing System. The suggested application focuses solely on the check-in and check-out processes, as well as customer reservations. This research also includes hotel reservations. Data entry, viewing findings and reporting, retrieving data, billing, and printing are all activities that are involved. The manager, employees, and customers are all involved in the study’s implementation.

  • Web-Based Point of Sale (POS) System

POS stands for Point of Sale in the business world. Business transactions take place at the point of sale (POS). The implementation of a POS system will boost the company’s productivity and efficiency. The rapid advancement of technology has resulted in the expansion of point-of-sale systems that offer additional capabilities that businesses may integrate into their operations.

The capstone project, titled “Web-based POS System,” was created with the business industry in mind. Businesses will be able to automate sales operations and track sales and inventory with the help of the POS system. Traditionally, business transactions have been conducted in person using manual methods. With the advancement of technology, the conventional method has become obsolete. To meet the needs and demands of customers, businesses must keep up with the pace of technological advancement.

  • News Portal Application in PHP and MySQL

With the growth of information technology, the Internet has become a critical component of both local and worldwide connectivity. The power of computers makes it easier to distribute and see the information needed with just a few clicks as technology grows alongside the information revolution. The researchers chose to construct the News Portal Application as technology progressed. This project provides a practical method of delivering information to internet users.

The capstone project, “News Portal Application in PHP and MySQL,” is an improved version of the old approach of delivering news to the public via the newspaper. The News Portal Application is a web-based platform built with PHP, MySQL, and Bootstrap. The study’s goal is to develop an internet platform for people to upload and publish their news and articles. It is also intended to create an application that responds to the needs of users by doing an evaluation that will make it user-friendly for the community covered.

  • Online Grading System with Grade Inquiry for Students

The proponents created a Grading System with Online Inquiry to track students’ Attendance, Quizzes, and Participation while also allowing parents to view their children’s grades. It is advantageous for faculty members to compute grades, and it is convenient for parents to enquire about their children’s grades.

The proponents’ goal in proposing this project is to define and analyze the problem that occurs in the manual process of calculating grades, as well as to provide solutions. The proposed approach will reduce faculty delays in passing grades to the registrar’s office, reduce faculty workload, and allow parents to readily enquire about their students’ grades.

  • Web-Based Enrollment Management and Billing System  

Enrollment systems are used to keep track of a student’s data. Traditionally, schools have used the manual method to manage student enrollment and billing. A school’s manual enrollment approach might result in erroneous student performance evaluations, lost student data, inaccurate reporting, and sluggish enrollment processing. Students will be perplexed as to what they should do and how they should go about enrolling.

As a response, the researchers aim to create a fast, accurate, and dependable computer-based enrollment system with billing for the School’s administration, faculty, and staff that will speed up the enrollment process, simplify and secure students’ records, reduce the enrolling officer’s effort in updating students’ information, provide a reliable record-keeping facility, and provides an accurate enrollment summary report.

  • Online Crime Reporting System

The capstone project, titled “Online Crime Reporting System,” is an online platform that will allow residents to report a crime or occurrence using their computers, smartphones, or other mobile devices. The goal of this project is to create an online system that allows users to report crimes, occurrences, and complaints to police agencies directly. A centralized database is used to store and retrieve crime reports in the program. The researchers feel that by implementing this project, they would be able to provide superior service in terms of report speed and accuracy.

The study’s researchers intend to design and develop a responsive information system for crime reporting that can be accessed via a user’s personal computer, mobile devices such as a smartphone, and tablet. Monthly reports, feedback, report analysis, follow-up, and reporting are all part of the job. To automate the manual process of crime reporting and to provide a more efficient method of storing records.

  • Alumni Information System

The Alumni Information System is a social networking system for academic institutions that entails the creation of an online database system that allows the alumni office to engage with their graduates. By developing a database for filing and giving information to alumni about their institution, the Online Alumni Information System keeps track of the school’s records.

The implementation of the Alumni Information System to the school website aims to increase the quality of contact between alumni and the school as well as the efficiency with which records are filed. People who will be in charge of the system’s administration must possess the necessary skills and certifications. It is necessary to provide training to potential users such as administrators and alumni officials.

  • Web-Based Tabulation System

Events or competitions are very common, especially in school settings. In every competition, the tabulation process is critical. Tabulators used to manually calculate the scores and write them on a piece of paper, which was prone to mistakes. The tabulators must also devote time and effort to manually tabulating scores. Also, due to human error, score tabulation may not be accurate, or records of tabulated scores may be misplaced. The manual procedure is inefficient because it does not yield a very accurate and trustworthy contest outcome.

The capstone project, “Web-Based Tabulation System,” will automate score tabulation during events or competitions. The judges will be able to electronically enter their scores into the system, which will then automatically tabulate the scores and provide the contest results.

  • Web-Based Payroll System using PHP and MySQL

To track work hours, many employers utilize a timekeeping system, such as clock time. This method is capable of distinguishing between regular and overtime hours performed. When it comes to payroll, all people will do is make updates and adjustments as needed. When time employees are fed into the computerized Payroll system, the latter rounds them up and down to the nearest quarter-hour. It determines the total number of hours worked and the amount of money earned. It reduces errors and saves time spent manually calculating time. If a person inputs their information into the Payroll Time System, the system calculates their earnings automatically depending on their input.

  • PHP and MySQL Auction System

The Auction System is an online tool that allows auction administrators to list and categorize sale items, set beginning bids, generate guest lists and bidding sheets, correlate individual bids with specific products, and close the auction for processing results. The researchers devised a plan to design, develop, and execute an online auction platform that would allow buyers and sellers to deal electronically and securely, which would be more convenient and efficient than traditional auctions.

The researchers aim to develop an auction system that uses PHP as the programming language and MySQL as the system’s storage or database. An auction system is a public platform where anyone may publish an auction item, complete with an image, description, and other information, for other users to bid on.

  • Music Library Application in PHP and MySQL

The capstone project, “Music Library Application in PHP and MySQL,” aims to computerize a traditional music library. The software contains and displays a variety of music-related materials for users to peruse.

The researchers’ main goal is to create, develop, and implement a Music Library app. The software shows and lets you manage music albums, singers, album types, and song tracks. The app will eliminate manual errors by providing an electronic library that is simple, convenient, efficient, accurate, and dependable.

  • Web-Based Voting System

Web-based voting systems are becoming more common in elections around the world, owing to their popularity as a symbol of a country’s progress. The goal of the Web-Based Voting System is to provide cutting-edge technology that is both efficient (enabling electoral authorities to take advantage of the advantages of a computerized system) and practical (keeping the core principles that voters and election officials are used to). This system makes use of cutting-edge technology to allow election officials to finish the counting and canvassing operations in a matter of hours, rather than days. The scanning, counting, and co-counting processes are all automated by the system.

  • Web Based Hospital Management System

The capstone project, entitled “Web-based Hospital Management System” was developed using PHP as the programming/scripting language and MySQL for the storage or database of the project, for the design of the interface, the researchers used Bootstrap for the frontend.

The proposed project will replace the current manual operation technique. The project’s major goal is to enable a paperless transaction. It also intends to provide low-cost, dependable automation of existing systems. In addition, the system provides excellent data security at every level of user-system interaction, as well as robust and reliable storage and backup capabilities. The researchers want to automate all patient information and hospital transaction information. For the convenience of both patients and doctors, a schedule of appointment functions should be included. The technology also allows for proper scheduling of specialty medical and emergency services so that hospitals may provide them.

  • Dormitory Management System in PHP and MySQL

The Dormitory Management System project is a web-based system that was created and implemented using PHP, MySQL, and Bootstrap. The dorm owner had ordered that the project be completed to automate the dorm’s transactions. The owner outlined the transaction flow, which the developers subsequently translated into a technical format in the form of a data flow diagram, entity relationship diagram, and finally a prototype.

The main goal of the project is to automate the operations and transactions in a dorm. The implementation of the system will ease up and simplify the management of dormitories. The system is an effective tool to increase the operational efficiency of dorms as well as the overall experience of the tenants.

  • Prison Management Information System using PHP and MySQL

One of the most difficult procedures in any business is record keeping. The folder and cabinet technique of storing and preserving information is used by the majority of police stations and the BJMP (Bureau of Jail Management and Penology). Although this manual method is effective, it is inefficient and time-consuming. The Prison Management System will solve issues and improve management performance, particularly in the area of records management.

The study’s major goal is to create and develop an information system that will aid in the organization of prisoner records. The researchers’ specific goals are to establish a system for proper record monitoring and preservation utilizing database technology, as well as a search tool to quickly locate records, develop an application to reduce paper effort, and provide record backup.

  • Web-Based Entrance Examination Project

The capstone project, “Web-Based Entrance Examination Project” is designed and developed as a platform for a quick and efficient college entrance examination. A computer-assisted examination is proposed as a solution. The entrance examination will be conducted online, and the in-charge personnel will no longer compile a large number of examination papers. Students will also not need to bring any supplies such as pens or other similar items. They are just going to use the system to take their admission test. The traditional method of taking admission exams will be improved by this technique.

The project was designed and developed using PHP, MySQL, and Bootstrap. The project will be hosted on a secure server or computer unit, with only authorized users having access to the server’s physical and software components. The examination module is available on the PCs in the labs.

  • Web-Based Class Scheduling System

The class schedule shows the subject, time allotment, days, room utilization, instructor, and class adviser. Every semester, the commencement of classes is delayed due to late posting of the class schedule due to scheduling conflicts, subject assignments, and room assignments. The department chairman, students, and instructors are always confronted with this issue. The process of creating a class schedule is called a class schedule.

The purpose of the study was to determine the academic institution’s methods and processes for preparing the class schedule, the difficulties students and instructors face in retrieving the class schedule in terms of speed, accuracy, and efficiency, the level of acceptability of current class scheduling, and the level of need for developing a Class Scheduling System. The Class Scheduler will assist the institution in creating an effective and straightforward class schedule, as well as assisting students and instructors in quickly verifying their class schedules.

  • Inventory Management System in PHP and MySQL

The capstone project, titled “Inventory Management System in PHP and MySQL,” aims to automate the inventory management process. PHP, MySQL, and Bootstrap are used by the researchers to create the project. The said project is an online platform, which implies that transactions can be accessed via the internet or a local area network.

The researchers design the project having two types of users; (1) an administrator account that can access all of the system’s features, make any necessary changes, and perform database and system maintenance; and (2) a staff/cashier account that can only access product encoding and perform sales transactions but not modify or delete records. The system offers the ability to generate reports (daily, weekly, and monthly), as well as decision support services that can provide a prediction report based on sales, records, and customer purchasing history.

  • Facebook Like Social Networking Website

The researchers’ main goal is to create a social networking website akin to Facebook. The researchers want to create a social networking website that would help people connect and grow their relationships. The researchers have a clear goal in mind: to create a visually appealing social networking platform. The colors and fonts will not strain the user’s eyes and will not deter them from staying on the website for long periods.

The capstone project, “Facebook Like Social Networking Website,” is a social networking platform that is similar to Facebook. The initiative focuses on establishing a relationship between the system’s target users. The platform will provide a simple, quick, and convenient experience.

  • Web-Based Loan Management System

“Web-Based Loan Management System” is an online platform created and developed in PHP, MySQL, and Bootstrap to automate the manual process of loan management by storing and organizing records in a database-driven application. The system’s main functions are to enable a quick, accurate, and secure transaction between customers and management. The system may handle payments and accounting, contract management, report generating, and SMS or text alerts, among other things.

This system’s deployment is critical for business because it will aid in the recruitment of new members. This can save time and aid in the tracking of inbound and outbound transactions. This system can also generate reports and provide backup records for all transactions as necessary.

  • Online Real Estate System (buy and sell property)

The capstone project, “Online Real Estate System,” aims to streamline the entire process of running a real estate property firm. With the primary functions of property posting, financial transactions, and a communication channel between agents and clients, the project was designed and developed in PHP, MySQL, and Bootstrap.

The project’s major goal is to design and develop an online platform that allows buyers and sellers to communicate with one another. The project’s goal was to provide a gateway for buyers and sellers looking to invest in real estate, as well as to give accurate reports on property sales, rentals, and other transactions, as well as a tool for speedier and more trustworthy transactions between sellers and buyers.

  • Web-Based Water Billing Application

The capstone project,” Web-based Water Billing Application” is an online project that allows water district administration to post each customer’s bill as well as any other water billing operations such as customer information, service record module, and statement of accounts.

The web-based system is accessible to the organization’s administrators and other employees, as well as the water district’s consumers. Customers can only examine their payment history and billing information, while the administrator has access to all of the project’s modules.

  • Web-Based Assessment of School Fees

Currently, the school uses a manual approach for evaluating students and collecting payments. This caused too much inconvenience for the students because they had to queue, wait for a few minutes or even an hour for their payments and assessments to be reviewed by the employees in charge. For both sides, this wastes time, effort, and sometimes even materials. That’s why a group of researchers has proposed a “Web-based Assessment of School Fees System” to assist both sides in dealing with the issue. This technology will improve the faculty’s service to its clients by making it faster and more accurate.

This research aims to develop and replace the school’s manual assessment and cashiering system with an automated system. The researchers want to figure out what problems can arise when utilizing a manual assessment and cashiering system, why there is a need to switch from a manual to an automated system, and what the advantages of the Web-based Assessment of School Fees System

  • Web-Based Computer-Aided Instruction

The use of a computer to offer instruction is known as computer-aided instruction. The format might range from a simple application to teach typing to a complicated system that teaches new keyhole surgery methods using cutting-edge technology. Learning, cognition, and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) are just a few of the topics that CAI draws on. The field of CAI reflects many of the fundamental themes in CALL.

The capstone project, “Web-Based Computer-Aided Instruction” helps teach or encourage interaction that can be presented on computers in the form of text or in multimedia formats, which include photographs, videos, animation, speeches, and music. The guided drill is computer software that asks students questions, gives them feedback, and then selects new questions depending on their answers. In addition to subject matter expertise, recent guided drill systems incorporate educational principles into the computer software.

  • Online Appointment Application in PHP and MySQL

This PHP and MySQL Online Appointment Application focuses on doctor’s appointments. The app is a web-based platform that allows customers and patients to register their data online. They can now log in and request an appointment with their doctors after their account has been approved. Between the doctor and the patient, the admin will act as a liaison or secretary. The system’s records can be managed by the administrator.

PHP, MySQL, and Bootstrap were used to design and create the system. Our team is eager to assist you in modifying the project to meet your individual needs.

  • Web-Based Transcript Processing System

The manual request for a student’s academic record takes far too long. The records are held in the typical file/folder-cabinet method, which means they are not secure. Students/graduates must go to the registrar’s office to request their records, which is a time-consuming process for them. In general, the current system has failed to meet the demands of its users.

To solve the aforementioned issues, it is suggested that the manual/old method be phased out in favor of creating and implementing an automated one. The Web-Based Transcript Processing System was created as a result of this. Students and the registrar’s office will be able to transact online using the web-based system. Students can obtain their transcripts of records electronically, and registrars will provide them with the transcripts that are available and valid for printing.

  • Online Shopping Cart Application

The developers of this study create an online store application that reduces the customer’s effort and time, as well as their wandering. As a result, the administrator may track the customer’s order and prepare for it, as well as deliver it if necessary. Furthermore, the developer must construct a fully automated, user-friendly, time-effective, and well-organized system for this investigation.

The study’s goal is to design, create, test, and implement a system that will assist the organization in increasing sales by establishing an online store application. In terms of development, the application offers a unique perspective.

  • Event Registration Application in PHP MySQL

The capstone project “Event Registration Application in PHP and MySQL” automates the process of registering for an event. Without an effective system for event registration, the organizer may have a tough time organizing all aspects of the event in a coordinated manner. Physical restrictions and time constraints may prevent the traditional manner of event registration from being completed.

With the implementation of the automated system, event registration will be seamless. Those who want to attend an event can use the program to register quickly and easily. On the organizer’s side, they can effectively handle and attend to client registration, which will help their event succeed. The software is simple to use, convenient, and effective.

  • Online ELearning System in PHP and MySQL

The “Online ELearning System in PHP and MySQL” is an educational institution-specific online platform. Teachers’ and students’ teaching approaches and learning processes will be transitioned by the system. Teachers will be able to upload their learning materials and administer quizzes to assess their students’ progress. Students can sign up for the system to have access to their teachers’ learning resources. Students can take the quizzes, and the system will record their results, which their teachers can access.

The system is an online platform created with PHP, MySQL, and Bootstrap. PHP is a programming language for creating dynamic web pages, MySQL is a relational database, and Bootstrap is a front-end framework for making web development faster and easier.

  • Online Science eLearning System in PHP and MySQL

The capstone project, “Web Science Elearning System,” is an online platform created with PHP, MySQL, and Bootstrap. PHP is a programming language for creating dynamic web pages, MySQL is a relational database, and Bootstrap is a front-end framework for making web development faster and easier.

Teachers will be able to upload their science lessons to the Science Elearning portal. The teacher can now add quizzes and questions to the lessons after they have been posted. Only students who have registered in the system have access to the learning materials and may participate in the lessons and tests. The system offers a versatile platform for engaging students in science study.

  • Web-Based Bus Ticket Application in PHP and MySQL

The project is a web-based application using PHP, MySQL, and Bootstrap. The Bus Company, drivers, and passengers will benefit greatly from bus ticketing and seat reservations. The major goal of this project is to use the established web platform to automate the ticketing process and seat reservations.

The bus terminal would have a speedy, quiet, and simple means of giving good and hassle-free services to their consumers as a result of this proposed study. In terms of payment, customers will either print the ticket after making an online reservation and submit it to the bus cashier, or they may pay through Bayad centers. This system also provides solutions to problems that are encountered.

  • File Management System in PHP and MySQL

A file management system is a file system for organizing and tracking files. Users do not need to go through network folders; instead, they are offered fast results and a system that allows them to access data from anywhere on the Internet at any time. Faculty and student data will be lost less frequently or completely due to the Web-based File Management System. Content or files can be managed, edited, shared, and approved by faculty and students.

The web-based system will be utilized primarily for efficient and quick file uploading and downloading, as well as providing a solid backup. A user management system and online help have been added to the Web-based File Management System’s functionality. As a result, with the advent of technology, it is critical to have quick access to and management of information. The suggested system’s major goal is to create an organizing tool that will help instructors and students with filing, storing, and retrieving paper and electronic documents.

  • Attendance System in PHP and MySQL

“Attendance System in PHP and MySQL,” the capstone project, is meant to help businesses track and manage their employees’ attendance data online. It will be easy to track how much time people spend working and how much time they spend off as a result of the initiative. Employees can submit their hours on an online platform for more accurate and trustworthy attendance records that can be used to compute their pay.

For firms where employees are paid hourly, deploying an Attendance system is incredibly beneficial. The system will automatically determine the exact wage of the staff.

  • Computerized Electricity Billing and Payment System

One of our most basic needs in life is electricity. In our house, we use electricity for a variety of purposes. Along with its importance in our lives, it is also critical to pay bills on time so that we can enjoy it without interruption. To avoid such a disruption in electric power supply, the researcher of the suggested study, Online Platform for Electricity Billing and Payment System, wanted to develop a system that eliminates standing in line to pay bills. Paying bills online has never been easier thanks to the system. Users of the system will be able to pay bills at any time and from any location, without having to worry about missing a payment deadline. The researcher of the study will provide a system that is fast and reliable when it comes to payment services.

The suggested system will gradually phase out the manual payment of invoices. Users will simply use the system to pay their bills straightforwardly. The technology will give them options for paying their debts. Both the administrator and the user will benefit from the system. It will be very simple for administrators to manage payments from various clients. The technology will reduce their paperwork as well as the risk they may face throughout their operations. Paying bills does not involve actual presence on the part of the user; all they have to do is register in the system and pay their bills quickly.

  • Online Ticket Booking Portal

People nowadays prefer to use technology to make their lives easier. People have always desired to complete tasks as quickly as possible. The booking of tickets is one of them. They would most likely use a method that would assist them most efficiently. In addition, the researchers behind the Airline Ticket Reservation system wanted to provide travelers with a platform where they could buy their tickets in advance in a quick, accurate, and hassle-free manner. The system has two sides: one for users and one for administrators. The clients who are looking for available flights are the users. The administrators are in charge of keeping track of flight schedules for certain cities.

  • Contact Manager Application

The “Contact Manager Application” is a capstone project that allows users to find and save contact information quickly and conveniently. Users will be able to save contact information such as name, phone number, and address in the app. This program will save contact information in a database for safekeeping and retrieval. The software will make it simple to keep track of all data and communication activity related to a single contact. The application is simple to use, convenient, efficient, and dependable.

  • Online Dental Clinic Automation

Some substantial inaccuracies are unavoidable because of the manual process. Patients Dental Record System is a type of system that will significantly boost medical staff productivity. It gives advice and helps people make decisions to avoid mistakes and improve service quality. This system can also enable quick data retrieval, record keeping, a quarterly and annual graphical health record report for decision making, and real-time records for management.

The use of Online Dental Clinic Automation could assist the school’s dental clinic in developing new engagement and health programs that provide precise and valued services to the organization.

The project entitled hospital management system was created with PHP as the programming/scripting language and MySQL as the project’s storage or database. The researchers chose Bootstrap for the frontend interface design.

The proposed project will replace the current manual operation technique. The project’s major goal is to enable a paperless transaction. It also intends to provide low-cost, dependable automation of current systems. In addition, the system provides great data security at every level of user-system interaction, as well as robust and reliable storage and backup capabilities.

  • Online Library Management System

Now a day, through the advancement of modern technology, there are a lot of fast and reliable alternatives for research. However, the library continues to play an important role in the lives of students and researchers. The library is still thought to be the most reliable source of information. Undoubtedly, people who do not have access to the internet or even electricity rely solely on books. Libraries also have access to information that isn’t available on the Internet. The library is still the cheapest and most accessible place to conduct research. When it comes to gathering information, gathering information still plays a vital role.

This system is being developed for the librarian to have access to all of the books that a student has borrowed at the school. We also know that this generation has become accustomed to living with technology and has implemented this system. After interviewing with the help of the students, we discovered the following issues in the library: when borrowing and returning books, the librarian manually records information such as name, date, and year using a pen, which takes time.

  • Web-Based Visitor Log Monitoring System

The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) is employing a conventional method of recording visitors’ names, which will aid jail officials in securing BJMP facilities.

The goal of this study was to design and construct an automated monitoring system for BJMP that would monitor visits, produce accurate and trustworthy reports, and raise public knowledge of BJMP’s safety guidelines. For data safety and data backup on any machine, the monitoring system can be made accessible to personnel and authorized users of BJMP. Only registered users have access to the automated monitoring system’s various features and functionalities. Log-in and log-out services, Visitors Information, Administrator System, database backup, visitor list, and statistic report will be among the system’s features.

  • Online Customer Complaints Application

The Online Complaint Management System is a capstone project that will act as a platform for dealing with complaints and resolving conflicts. The technology allows users to solve problems in real-time, whether they are from the public or from within the company. The system will make complaints easier to coordinate, monitor, track and resolve.

The current method of handling complaints is manual and involves a lot of paperwork. The traditional method takes time for both the complainant and those who respond to concerns. Complaints are difficult to track, manage, and address. The current manual process is deemed inefficient, particularly in terms of responding to complaints fast. Both parties must devote a significant amount of time and effort to filing and respond to the complaint.

  • Web-Based Hostel Management Syste m

Records are valuable because of the information they contain, and that information is only useful if it is documented correctly and legibly in the first place, is maintained up to date, and is easily available when needed. Hotel records are rarely found in archives, but when they are, the information included in the records is useful to a range of researchers, including students, genealogists, and academics.

This research intends to provide employees, managers, and notably owners of hotels, pension houses, and apartments with an efficient, quick, and comfortable method of tracking customer interactions. This will result in the current system being improved, as well as the establishment’s overall progress. It will add to the company’s success as well as its customers’ trust.

  • Online Student Information System

The “Online Student Information System” initiative was created to assist Guidance Office personnel, such as the Registrar and teachers, in managing all of the sensitive records of all high school students.

The student’s data could include anything from personal information to grades or dropout records, as long as it is saved or accessed on a computer. Using an information system can help organize data and keep track of the number of students in each school year in a structured fashion. A student information system gives teachers, guidance counselors, and registrars essential tools for automating common activities in the classroom. The administration of a student’s record provides a framework within which recordkeeping activities can be efficiently performed to create and manage records for as long as they are needed, as well as give information system decision support.

  • Web-Based Baptismal Information System

The researchers behind the Web-Based Baptismal Information System wanted to provide a platform where users and administrators could conduct transactions and processes online or electronically. In terms of baptism, client information is critical, and employing this system that allows for fast filing and data storage would be a fantastic tool and safeguard for the client’s information. Having a growing number of clients and a significant amount of data will not lead them to lose data, will not make them feel overworked, and will leave a positive impression on churches regarding their services. Clients will also be satisfied with this system because it is user-friendly.

The end-user and churches were given a demonstration of the planned web-based baptismal information system. One of the group’s researchers gave a questionnaire to answer the question, as well as clarification and challenges experienced when using the system. A web-based baptismal was created to address the issues that the present system had. If implemented, there will be no difficulty or error on both the admin’s and users’ sides.

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70+ Capstone Project Ideas for Information Technology

Capstone Project Ideas for Information Technology

Are you an aspiring IT enthusiast looking for the perfect capstone project to showcase your skills and knowledge? You’ve come to the right place! In this blog, we’ve compiled a list of the best 70+ best capstone project ideas for information technology. These projects are not only great for learning but also perfect for building your portfolio. 

So, let’s dive right in and explore these exciting project ideas…

Table of Contents

20 Beginner-Level Capstone Project Ideas for Information Technology

  • Website Portfolio : Create a personal website showcasing your skills, resume, and projects.
  • Inventory Management System : Build a system to track and manage inventory for a small business.
  • E-commerce Website : Develop a simple online store with product listings and a shopping cart.
  • Blog Platform : Design a blogging platform with user registration and content management features.
  • Student Management System : Create a system for schools to manage student records and grades.
  • Task Tracker : Build a task management tool with features like task creation, deadlines, and status tracking.
  • Weather App : Develop an application that displays real-time weather information for a user’s location.
  • Expense Tracker : Create a tool for users to track their daily expenses and analyze spending habits.
  • Chat Application : Build a real-time chat application with user authentication and messaging capabilities.
  • Recipe Finder : Design an app that allows users to search for recipes based on available ingredients.
  • Library Management System : Create a system for libraries to manage books, patrons, and checkouts.
  • Social Media Dashboard : Build a dashboard that aggregates social media feeds and displays them in one place.
  • Online Quiz System : Develop an online quiz platform with user registration and scoring features.
  • Fitness Tracker : Create an app to track and analyze fitness-related data, including workouts and diet.
  • Job Search Portal : Build a website where users can search for job listings and submit applications.
  • Personal Finance Manager : Design a tool to help users manage their finances, including budgeting and expense tracking.
  • Restaurant Reservation System : Create a system for restaurants to manage table reservations.
  • Music Player : Develop a simple music player with features like playlists and playback controls.
  • Car Rental System : Build a system for car rental companies to manage vehicle bookings.
  • Online Learning Platform : Design a platform for online courses with user registration and course management.

25 Best Intermediate-Level Capstone Project Ideas for Information Technology

  • Hospital Management System : Develop a comprehensive system for managing patient records, appointments, and billing for a hospital or clinic.
  • E-learning Platform : Create a feature-rich online learning platform with video lectures, quizzes, and user progress tracking.
  • E-commerce Marketplace : Build a multi-vendor e-commerce platform where many sellers can list and sell their products.
  • Health and Fitness App : Design an app that tracks users’ health metrics, offers workout plans, and provides nutritional guidance.
  • Travel Booking Portal : Develop a website that allows users to search different activities for their vacations.
  • Inventory Optimization System : Create an advanced system that uses data analytics to optimize inventory management for businesses.
  • Social Media Analytics Tool : Build a tool that analyzes social media data and provides insights into user engagement and trends.
  • Job Matching Platform : Develop a platform that matches job seekers with suitable job openings based on their skills and preferences.
  • Expense Report Automation : Create a system that automates the process of generating and submitting expense reports for employees.
  • Smart Home Automation : Design a home automation system that allows users to control lights, security systems and appliances from a mobile app.
  • Event Management Software : Build a tool for event planners to manage event details, invitations, and attendee tracking.
  • Online Marketplace for Freelancers : Create a platform where freelancers can offer their services and clients can hire them.
  • Language Learning App : Develop an app that helps users learn a new language through lessons, quizzes, and interactive exercises.
  • Stock Portfolio Tracker : Build a tool for investors to track their stock portfolios, view market data, and receive alerts.
  • Real Estate Listing Website : Create a website for real estate agents to list properties and for users to search for homes.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System : Develop a CRM software for businesses to manage customer interactions and sales leads.
  • AI-Powered Chatbot : Build an intelligent chatbot that can answer user queries and perform tasks autonomously.
  • Online Food Delivery Service : Create a platform for restaurants to accept online orders for food delivery or pickup.
  • Expense Analysis Dashboard : Design a dashboard that provides in-depth analysis of a company’s expenses and financial data.
  • Medical Diagnosis Assistant : Develop an AI-based tool that assists doctors in diagnosing medical conditions based on patient data.
  • Smart Parking System : Create a system that helps users find available parking spaces in crowded urban areas.
  • Virtual Reality (VR) Game : Develop an immersive VR game with engaging gameplay and stunning graphics.
  • Agriculture Management Software : Build software to assist farmers in managing crop data, weather forecasts, and pest control.
  • Music Recommendation System : Create a music recommendation engine that suggests songs based on user preferences and listening history.
  • Blockchain-Based Voting System : Design a secure and transparent voting system using blockchain technology for elections.

26 Advanced-Level Capstone Project Ideas for Information Technology

  • AI-Powered Healthcare Diagnosis : Develop an AI system capable of diagnosing a variety of medical conditions based on patient data, images, and medical history.
  • Autonomous Drone Navigation : Create a system that allows drones to autonomously navigate complex environments, such as cities or forests.
  • Predictive Maintenance for Industrial Equipment : Build a predictive maintenance platform that uses IoT sensors and machine learning to predict when industrial equipment will require maintenance.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) Chatbot for Legal Consultation : Develop a chatbot that can provide legal advice and information by analyzing legal documents and answering user queries.
  • AI-Enhanced Cybersecurity : Create a cybersecurity solution that uses artificial intelligence to detect and respond to advanced threats in real-time.
  • Blockchain-Based Supply Chain Management : Design a supply chain management system that uses blockchain technology to enhance transparency and traceability.
  • Smart City Infrastructure Management : Develop a comprehensive system for managing and optimizing various aspects of a smart city, such as traffic, energy, and waste management.
  • Biometric Security System : Build a biometric authentication system that uses facial recognition, fingerprint scanning, or iris scanning for secure access control.
  • Virtual Reality (VR) Healthcare Training : Create VR simulations for medical professionals to practice surgeries, patient care, and medical procedures.
  • Predictive Analytics for Financial Markets : Develop a predictive analytics tool that forecasts stock market trends, commodity prices, or currency exchange rates.
  • Advanced Image and Video Processing : Work on advanced image and video processing techniques, such as object recognition, deep learning-based image enhancement, or video summarization.
  • Autonomous Vehicle Control : Design software and hardware systems for autonomous vehicle control, including self-driving cars and drones.
  • Smart Energy Grid Optimization : Create a system to optimize energy distribution and consumption in a smart grid network.
  • AI-Driven Personalized Marketing : Develop a marketing platform that uses machine learning to personalize advertisements and content for users.
  • Biomedical Data Analysis : Work on projects involving the analysis of large-scale biomedical data, such as genomics, proteomics, or medical imaging.
  • AI-Based Language Translation : Build a language translation tool that uses neural networks and deep learning to provide highly accurate translations.
  • Advanced Robotics and Automation : Develop robotic systems with advanced capabilities, such as autonomous navigation, manipulation, and human-robot interaction.
  • 3D Printing Automation : Create a system that automates 3D printing processes for manufacturing and prototyping.
  • Predictive Healthcare Analytics : Build a platform that analyzes patient data to predict disease outbreaks, patient outcomes, and healthcare resource needs.
  • Advanced Natural Language Understanding (NLU) : Develop a system that goes beyond traditional NLP by understanding context, nuances, and user intent in text and speech.
  • Augmented Reality (AR) Educational Apps : Create AR applications for education, offering interactive and immersive learning experiences.
  • Advanced Data Visualization : Develop sophisticated data visualization tools that allow users to explore and analyze complex datasets.
  • Quantum Computing Algorithms : Work on algorithms and applications for emerging quantum computing platforms.
  • Deep Learning for Drug Discovery : Use deep learning models to accelerate drug discovery processes and predict potential drug candidates.
  • Autonomous Agricultural Machinery : Build autonomous farming equipment that can perform tasks like planting, harvesting, and monitoring crop health.
  • AI-Driven Personalized Healthcare : Develop a healthcare platform that offers personalized treatment recommendations and health monitoring based on individual patient data.

Final Words

These capstone project ideas cover a wide range of topics within information technology, from web development to database management and app creation. Choose a project that aligns with your interests and skills, and don’t forget to document your progress along the way. Completing a capstone project not only demonstrates your abilities but also provides valuable experience for your future career in IT.

Remember, the key to a successful capstone project is to stay motivated, break the project into manageable tasks, and seek help or resources when needed. With dedication and effort, you’ll have a fantastic project to showcase your IT skills to potential employers or clients. Good luck with your capstone project journey!

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Course details.

  • Week 1 - Ideation The first step in your journey towards the implementation of the Capstone project begins with an idea. In this module you will develop the idea for your project, the set of expected features, survey the market to look at similar ideas to enable you to differen...
  • Week 2 - Ideation Report In this module, you are required to submit a formal ideation report following the structure given in the template. This will enable your peers to provide you feedback and suggestions for your project.
  • Week 3 - UI Design and Prototyping Once you have solidified your project idea, it is time to embark on the design. Before you begin coding you should first design your user interfaces and try to develop a prototype using one of the prototyping tools. This will enable you to visualize how your f...
  • Week 4 - UI Design and Prototyping Report In this module, you are required to submit a formal UI design and prototyping report following the structure given in the template. This will enable your peers to provide you feedback and suggestions for your project.
  • Week 5 - Architecture Design and Software Structure Once you have your user interface design completed, this should naturally lead to the questions on designing and implementing the project. Before you embark on coding, it is important to get your project architecture designed, decide on the REST API, the schem...
  • Week 6 - Architecture Design and Software Structure Report In this module, you are required to submit a formal architecture design and software structure report following the structure given in the template. This will enable your peers to provide you feedback and suggestions for your project.
  • Week 7 - Project Implementation and Final Report Finally it's time to turn the design into reality by implementing the code to realize the project and support all the design choices that you made in the previous steps. This module briefly elaborates on these issues.
  • Week 8 - Final Submission and Report Time to finally demonstrate your project and document your journey over the past several weeks. Finally, when the rubber meets the road, how well does the realization match the expectations.


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Making a Capstone Project (Web Development)

hi guys i'm making a capstone project and next month is the defense of my project title, I have in mind is a gazette website because my school's news website is literally outdated for years now and I just want to upgrade it (kinda). can i have your thoughts on this one guys?

also I have my partner also have in mind is a school management system, can i also have your thoughts on this one too?

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How To Create A Test Plan (Steps, Examples, & Template)

  • by Hannah Son
  • August 21st, 2023

capstone project web development

In software development, a test plan defines your testing team’s test strategy, goals, and scope, which ultimately work together to ensure that all your software components are tested sufficiently before a release. 

Follow these six steps to create an efficient test plan:

  • Define the release scope
  • Schedule timelines 
  • Define test objectives
  • Determine test deliverables
  • Design the test strategy
  • Plan test environment and test data

How to create a test plan

1. define the release scope.

Before any test activity occurs, it’s important to define the scope of testing for your release. This means defining the features or functions that need to be included in the release, considering any constraints and dependencies that can affect the release, and determining what type of release it is.

Examples of questions to ask when defining the release scope include: 

  • Are there new features being released in this version? 
  • What are the risk areas?
  • Are there any particularly sticky areas where you’ve seen regressions in the past?
  • What type of release is it? Is this a maintenance release that includes bug fixes? Is this a minor feature release? Is this a major feature release?
  • What does being “done” actually look like for your team?

For example, what information would you require if your organization has just launched a new e-commerce site and wants to test it before it launches?

Whether it’s talking with the developers to understand the scope of the project, or working with a product manager to walkthrough new functionalities and user flow, defining the scope ensures that accurate information is being shared and that there is a common understanding of the product’s goals, expectations, and features.

2. Schedule timelines 

Specify release deadlines to help you decide your testing time and routine. Here are some pointers for determining timelines:

  • Consult your project manager to understand the current release timeline.
  • Look at past release times and schedules.
  • Consider extraneous elements: Does the release need to coincide with outside variables, such as conferences or events? Factor those into your release date prediction.
  • Consider the timeframes for development: Your development team might have a set schedule for finishing development work. Make sure you comprehend that timeframe so you can adjust the testing schedule.
  • Add some extra wiggle room: It’s common to encounter unexpected delays. Including extra time for unforeseen events can help you stick to your plan.
  • Review and update the schedule frequently to ensure the test timetable is attainable.

3. Define test objectives

A test objective is a reason or purpose for designing and executing a test. These objectives ultimately help guide and define the scope of testing activities.

Examples of general test objectives include:

  • Identifying and reporting defects
  • Testing new features
  • A certain level of test coverage

Examples of objectives for specific types of testing include:

  • Functional testing objectives: Ensure the software works as it should. Examples of goals for this objective include: Validating user workflows, data processing, and verifying input/output parameters.
  • Performance testing objectives: Ensure the software is efficient and can handle various loads. Examples of goals for this objective include: Verifying software reaction time, throughput, and scalability.
  • Security testing objectives: Uncover program security flaws. Examples of goals for this objective include: Verifying authentication and authorization features and identifying potential threats.
  • Usability testing objectives: Concentrate on ease of use and user experience. Examples of goals for this objective include: Validating software accessibility, verifying user flow, and identifying user-related issues.

Measure testing with the right metrics

Metrics assess the overall quality of a release , the progress of your testing, and the effectiveness of your testing (for a particular test cycle or the entirety of your testing). 

They provide visibility into your testing process and overall product quality, ultimately helping your team decide if your release is ready to ship. Here are some metric formulas you might consider:

Defect Density

  • Defect Density = Defect count/size of the release (lines of code)

Example: If your software has 150 defects and 15,000 lines of code, its defect density is 0.01 defects per line of code.

Test Coverage

  • Test Coverage = (Total number of requirements mapped to test cases / Total number of requirements) x 100.

Defect Detection Efficiency (DDE)

  • DDE = The percentage of defects detected during a phase / Total number of defects

Time to Market

  • TTM = The time it takes for your company to go from idea to product launch

4. Determine test deliverables

Test deliverables are the products of testing that help track testing progress. Deliverables should meet your project’s and client’s needs, be identified early enough to be included in the test plan, and be scheduled accordingly. There are different test deliverables at every phase of the software development lifecycle. Here are important deliverables to focus on before, during, and after testing: 

Before testing

  • Test plan document: The scope, objectives, and approach of the testing endeavor are all outlined in the test plan.
  • Test suite: Test cases illustrate how to run a test, including input data, expected output, and pass/fail criteria.
  • Test design and environment specifications: The test environment outlines the hardware and software configurations used for testing.

During testing

  • Test log: The test log records each test case’s results, including issues and resolutions.
  • Defect report: A defect report lists testing issues by severity, priority, and reproducibility.
  • Test data: According to the International Software Testing Qualifications Board ( ISTQB ), test data is data created or selected to satisfy the execution preconditions and input content required to execute one or more test cases.
  • Test summary report: The test summary report lists the number of tests run, passed, and failed, as well as open defects.

After testing

  • Test completion report: Covers the testing scope, product quality, and lessons discovered.
  • User acceptance test (UAT) report: Points to any issues found and fixed.
  • Release notes: List information about what the release includes. Examples include any new features for development, advancements, or fixes. 

A test plan’s content and structure differ depending on its context. Although there isn’t one cookie-cutter way to write a test plan, following best practices for test plan development can help companies deliver high-quality software. 

TestRail is test plan software designed to make it easy to follow best practices for test plan development. In TestRail, you can enter test cases with preconditions, test instructions, expected results, priorities, and effort estimates. 

TestRail screenshot: Organize and structure reusable test cases in folders, create agile test plans, and track test execution progress in TestRail.

Image : Organize and structure reusable test cases in folders, create agile test plans, and track test execution progress in TestRail.

This level of flexibility and visibility into your testing process makes TestRail an easy fit into any organization’s test plan — Try TestRail for free to see how it can help with your test planning. Or, learn more about how to build and optimize your testing processes—from test design to test planning and execution with this free TestRail Academy course, Fundamentals of Testing with TestRail.

5. Design the test strategy

Test strategy helps determine test cost, test effort, and which features will be in-scope (planned to be tested) versus out-of-scope (not planned to be tested).

Identify testing types

It is critical to identify when to perform what type of testing, what should be tested manually vs. automated , the scope of automated tests, how much work will be required to create new test cases, and who will be doing that work. 

Depending on several factors, there may be various types of testing to include in your test plan. 

Examples of factors to consider when choosing the right testing type to perform include:

  • Test objectives
  • Your project’s feature requirements
  • The complexity of your product
  • Your team’s experience levels
  • Regulatory requirements
  • Time and budget

Here are commonly used types of testing to consider including in your test plan:

Manual TestingAutomated TestingOther
•Smoke testing
•Exploratory testing 

•Regression testing for existing features

•Accessibility testing

Document risks and issues

It’s essential to document risks that may occur during testing and the effect of these risks. Risks can include: 

  • Strict deadlines
  • Insufficient or inaccurate budget estimates
  • Poor management
  • Problems with the code
  • Changes in the business environment
  • Limited resources for testing
  • Unexpected delays during testing

Document test logistics

Test logistics should answer the “Who, what, where, when, and how.” Documenting test logistics ensures that all human and system-related testing resources are available. For example, it may be important that your team identifies who is available to do testing and who will support them if needed during testing. Moreover, when resource planning, it can be helpful to identify alternative resources or build slack into your plan to ensure your project gets completed.

Establish test criteria

Test Criteria is a standard that regulates all activities within a testing project. The two main types of test criteria include suspension and exit criteria. 

  • Suspension Criteria: Establishes the conditions for suspending all tests.
  • Exit Criteria: Exit criteria are established items or goals to complete that define the end of a test phase. The exit criteria of a test are the predetermined results that must be achieved to move on to the next testing phase. For example, 92% of all critical test cases must pass before a feature can be deemed suitable for release to your customers.

6. Plan the test environment and test data

Planning a test environment guarantees precise and robust testing. The test environment includes hardware, software, and network configurations for software testing. Follow these procedures to set up the test environment:

  • Determine your hardware and program requirements: Select test environment devices and software, including operating systems, browsers, databases, and testing tools.
  • Install the required software: Once prerequisites are established, install the necessary tools on the test environment. This may require setting up a separate server to host the application and installing a database management system or other tools.
  • Configure the network: Make sure that firewall protocols, IP addresses, and DNS settings, among other network configurations, are identical between the test and production environments.
  • Create the test data: Prepare the test material for the application’s testing. Test data can be created manually with data from the production environment, retrieved from an existing production environment and database, or, created via automated Data Generation Tools.
  • Access the builds: Ensure that the builds that the testers will be testing are accessible. One example is setting up a file-sharing or version control system to allow testers access to the most current builds.
  • Verify the test environment: After setting it up, check that your test environment fulfills the requirements.

One-page test plan template

Prepared by: John Doe
•Executive summary (This should be kept brief)
•Tester’s name and role
•In scope: Modules that are to be tested
•Out of scope: Modules that are not to be tested 
•Testing approach and methodology
•Types of testing to be performed (e.g., functional, performance, security, usability)
•Timeline for each testing phase
•Risks associated with the testing process
•Mitigation strategies for identified risks

If your test plan doesn’t fit onto one page, don’t worry. The intention is to minimize extraneous information and capture the necessary information that your stakeholders and testers need to execute the plan.

Test planning in a test management tool

Test management tools can help your team with their test planning efforts. Whether your goal is to be more agile or accelerate test planning, there are tactical approaches to making a comprehensive and agile test plan with a test management tool like TestRail.

In TestRail, milestones are containers for aggregating test artifacts and tracking different testing activities related to the same outcome. For example, if you create a milestone in TestRail to keep track of a release and connect all of the related test runs and test plans, then you can see all of the different activities you will do for that release in one location.


Image: Manage all your milestones and ongoing test projects in TestRail.

Within TestRail’s milestones, the description field provides a great place to build a one-page test plan. By having all of your test plan information connected to the milestone from the beginning, you can constantly refer back to it as you are planning and ask yourself questions such as, “What was in scope?” “What was out of scope?” “What are we testing or not testing?” and “Are we going to do automated testing in this milestone?” 

Milestones give you an efficient way to quickly refer back to your test plan information from within your actual test management tool.

  • Test case priority and type

Test cases define what you will test beforehand; essentially, they outline what you will do before you do it. In TestRail, you can organize test cases based on many hierarchies. This is a key way to start building your test plan.

For example, if you’re developing an advanced messaging app, the highest risk area to your app is that it has to be able to be installed and run. In this example, you might start with that as your smoke test and then do more in-depth functional or exploratory testing.

By capturing test case priority and what type of testing approach you plan to take with a particular test case ahead of time, you are starting to think about planning that test case in practice. 


Image : Organize your TestRail test case repository based on priority.

  • Test Reports

Using a test management tool like TestRail for your test execution is beneficial because you can use real-time reports. For example, if you built your plan out in TestRail and you’re executing around that plan, a report like TestRail’s milestone summary report is going to show you your initial test objectives, your initial one-page test plan, all the test runs and plans added within that milestone, the priority you assigned to them, and more. You can also download reports to share with your team or other stakeholders. 

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Image: The Milestone (Summary) report allows users to attach project criteria and quickly visualize a clean, shareable interpretation of milestone activity.

 As projects become more complex, using spreadsheets as test plan templates can become unwieldy, and a more sophisticated approach is needed. Use a test management tool like TestRail to make your test plans as flexible as possible.

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Final Project for the "Full Stack Cloud Development Capstone Project" course from the IBM Full Stack Software Developer Professional Certificate


Folders and files.

5 Commits
data data

Repository files navigation

Full stack cloud development capstone project, a cloud-hosted web-based application for a car dealership's car reviewal platform.

This repo contains the code for a Django web application hosted in the IBM Cloud.

This Django application was developed as part of the final Capstone Project in the 10-course IBM Full Stack Cloud Developer Professional Certificate on Coursera. This course provides a rudimentary version of the Django application, without any central functionality or templates. The general architecture and idea for the application was provided by Coursera, as well as most of the design and layout. Since the project was peer-reviewed after strict requirements, I didn't spend much time on further improving the front end design or UX, so the site is pretty ugly. I have mainly focused on implementing the functionality and back-end services specified by the course instructors.

Project Requirements

The general idea is to build a website that allows users to select one of Best Car 's dealerhips (a fictional company) in the US to view other users' reviews of the dealership's cars, as well as submit their own reviews. The site also needed basic functionality such as a navigation bar and static "about" and "contact" pages. The website had to be built with the Python-Django full stack web development framework and be deployed with Red Hat Openshift/Kubernetes on the IBM Cloud.


Application architecture model

The dealership and review data is located in an IBM Cloudant database, while data about users and cars is in a simple SQLite database. In order to access data from IBM Cloudant, this application relies on three IBM Cloud Functions which are accessible through an IBM Watson API service.

Each review is analysed by IBM Watson in order to display the review's general sentiment (positive, negative or neutral).

Clone the project:

  • cd Full\ Stack\ Cloud\ Dev\ Capstone\ Project/server Install the required Python packages
  • python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Create a new Django Secret Key

Run the development server:

  • python createmigrations
  • python migrate
  • python runserver

Create a new superuser:

  • python createsuperuser
  • Log in via the admin site (just add /admin at the end of the url)

Push to IBM Cloud Foundry:

  • Install the IBM Cloud CLI and the cloud foundry plugin
  • Configure the manifest.yml file
  • ìbmcloud cf push

Special Thanks

Special thanks to Best Website for funding this project!

  • JavaScript 45.2%
  • Python 12.6%
  • Dockerfile 0.2%

CSE498, Collaborative Design, Fall 2024 Computer Science and Engineering Michigan State University

  • CAUTION: This syllabus is under construction and may change.

Dr. Wayne Dyksen Professor of Computer Science and Engineering 3149 Engineering (517) 353-5573 [email protected]

James Mariani Professor of Instruction 3145 Engineering (517) 353-6751 [email protected]

Luke Sperling Graduate Teaching Assistant Room 3322 Engineering (517) 353-8734 [email protected]

Griffin Klevering Graduate Teaching Assistant Room 3322 Engineering (517) 353-8734 [email protected]

Samantha Kissel Graduate Teaching Assistant Room 3322 Engineering (517) 353-8734 [email protected]

Lecture: Tuesday, Thursday, 3:00 p.m. – 4:20 p.m. Eastern Time All-Hands, In Person: 1130 STEM Split-Hands, Luke’s Teams: Room TBD Split-Hands, Griffin’s Teams: Room TBD Split-Hands, Samantha’s Teams: Room TBD All-Hands, Online: Microsoft Teams General Channel

Lab: TBA, 3340 Engineering , 3352 Engineering and 3358 Engineering

In lieu of fixed, limited office hours, students can contact and interact with the instructors almost any time in a variety of ways including all of the following.

  • The instructors are in their offices most business hours on most weekdays. Students are welcome to stop by any time.
  • Students can email the instructors, who do email during most waking hours every day of the week and who respond as quickly as possible.
  • Students can message the instructors using Microsoft Teams. The instructors have the Microsoft Teams app installed on their mobile phones, which means that students can text the instructors on their mobile phones.
  • Students can meet with the instructors virtually using Microsoft Teams.
  • Students can schedule a virtual or in-person meeting with the instructors via email.

Credits: 4 (2 – 4), Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 2, Lab Hours: 4.

Prerequisites: In order to enroll in CSE498, a student must have successfully completed each of the following in advance :

  • CSE 300,
  • CSE 325,
  • CSE 335,
  • at least two CSE technical 400-level courses chosen from CSE 402, CSE 404, CSE 410, CSE 415, CSE 420, CSE 422, CSE 425, CSE 431, CSE 434, CSE 435, CSE 440, CSE 450, CSE 460, CSE 471, CSE 472, CSE 476, CSE 477, CSE 480 or CSE 482,
  • and a Tier I Writing Requirement (WRA 101 or WRA 195H).

Restrictions: Open only to students in the Computer Science Major or in the Lyman Briggs Computer Science Coordinate Major.

Description: Development of a comprehensive software and/or hardware solution to a problem in a team setting with emphasis on working with a project sponsor. Participation in a design cycle including specification, design, implementation, testing, maintenance, documentation. issues of professionalism, ethics, and communication.

In order to be enrolled in CSE498, a student must have successfully completed the prerequisites listed in the section titled Catalog Description . These requirements are prerequisites, which means that they must be completed successfully, in advance of the semester in which a student is enrolled in CSE498.

If a student has not met these prerequisites, they are disenrolled from CSE498 unless they have specific permission to enroll from one of the course instructors.

There are no required or recommended textbooks, software or course packets to be purchased for this course. Teams are provided with any and all software and hardware required to complete their project.

There are no formal lab sessions. However, students are required to meet weekly as a team with their teaching assistant, with their project sponsor, and with their other team members.

CSE498 is a four-credit course. Two of the credit hours correspond to the two weekly class meetings. The other two credit hours correspond to the weekly non-class meetings in lieu of a scheduled lab.

Throughout this syllabus, wherever a list of items begins with the word “including,” that word “including” implies the entirety of the phrase “including but not limited to.”

Unless indicated otherwise, all times specified are Eastern Time (ET), either Eastern Standard Time (EST) or Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), depending on the time of year.

These times include meeting times and submission deadline times.

One objective of this course is to give students a professional experience like that which they will encounter in their first position after graduation. Hence, we run this course as business-like as possible. We view each team as a small company engaged by a customer to deliver a significant software system on time and on budget.

Other course objectives for CSE498 include the following:

  • design, develop, debug, document and deliver a complete software system,
  • gather system requirements from a customer,
  • become proficient with software development tools and environments,
  • build and administer computer systems,
  • work effectively in a team environment,
  • develop written and oral communication skills,
  • consider issues of professionalism and ethics,
  • integrate knowledge and skills from other computer science courses, and
  • transition from being students to professionals.

All of our meetings will be held in person .

Students are required to attend several weekly meetings in person including but not limited to

  • two class meetings,
  • a triage meeting, which is a team meeting with the team’s teaching assistant,
  • team meetings with the team’s project sponsors who may be remote, and
  • one or more meetings with the team members.

We coordinate with students to make reasonable accommodations for their schedules. However, students must be available for all weekly meetings including the non-class meetings. We do not make accommodations for students who are working an unreasonable amount of hours at a job such as a half-time or more internship or a full-time position. Students are strongly discouraged from working an unreasonable amount of hours at a job during the semester.

As a contingency, we have standing plans to pivot to meet online if necessary. Some of the language below relates to those plans. However, that language will only be relevant if and when we were to pivot to meeting online.

Our group meetings include lectures, team status reports, team formal presentations, viewing project videos, and possible guest speakers.

For some of our meetings, we meet as one single group, called “all-hands” meetings. For some meetings, we split up into three sections, called “split-hands” meetings. These three sections are based on a team’s teaching assistant. In particular, we meet in split-hands meetings on days when teams give team presentations throughout the semester and when we watch project videos during the last week of the semester.

While most of our meetings are held in person, some of our meetings may be held online.

All-hands in-person meetings are held in 1130 STEM . Split-hands in-person meetings are held in TBA, TBA, and TBA.

Online meetings are held using Microsoft Teams. All-hands online meetings are held using our Microsoft Teams General Channel . Split-hands online meetings are held using three Microsoft Teams Channels, one for each teaching assistant.

Students must attend all in-person meetings in person.

To provide students with a professional experience, our meetings are conducted in a business-like environment.

While the dress code is normally casual, everyone is expected to look professional. Hence, hats, hoods (of coats or sweatshirts or hoodies) and coats may not be worn during our meetings.

As an exception, on the days when teams are making formal presentations, the dress code for the presenting teams is business casual.

For more information about professional dress expectations, google “dress code casual,” “dress code business casual,” and “dress code business.”

As with most business meetings, eating during our meetings is not allowed.

The use of laptops or any mobile devices during our all-hands meetings is prohibited except by a presenting team member while giving presentations and demonstrations. Laptops and mobile devices must be silenced and stowed away, out of view and out of reach.

Students who violate our Meeting Environment requirements may be marked absent.

Throughout the semester, we use a variety of means to communicate with students including meetings, email, and Microsoft Teams messaging. In addition to attending all meetings, students are required to check and read their email and Microsoft Teams messages regularly and carefully.

Missing a meeting, or missing or not reading an email or a Microsoft Teams message is not accepted as an excuse for anything.

Students should install and configure an email client and Microsoft Teams on their mobile devices to ensure that they are able to monitor email and messages remotely.

Students are required to read every communication regularly and completely.

All communications from students are expected to be professional and respectful including communications with instructors, other students, and project sponsors. Communications include conversation, email, texts, and messages. Unacceptable forms of communication include anything that is disrespectful, offensive, derogatory, or rude. The instructors are required to report complaints about communication even if the complainant requests otherwise.

One goal of this course is to give students a significant experience working on a team. Students may be working with people whom they did not know prior to the course and whose experiences and abilities may be very different from theirs. The challenge is to take a disparate group of individuals and form a real team. Each team may organize itself as it sees fit.

Each student team designs, develops, debugs, documents and delivers a complete software system for a project sponsor. The sponsor organizations range in type from industry to non-profits to academic and in size from small startups to large global corporations.

Project sponsor contacts are busy professionals. Their computing experiences may vary widely from basic software users to experienced software developers. With respect to CSE498, they are volunteers who are doing students and teams a favor. Students must work with their sponsors in a respectful manner. If teams experience any problems with their project sponsors, they should inform the course instructors as soon as possible.

Each team selects one team member who is the main contact for the project sponsor.

For most of a student’s academic experiences, they have been handed a complete system architecture with detailed specifications and asked to develop it. For this course, learning the underlying business processes, gathering the system requirements, and architecting the system are sometimes a difficult challenge, particularly when working with users who are not sure about what software technologies they need to solve their problem.

Each project must be the right level of difficulty. On the one hand, it must be difficult enough to warrant four credits in a computer science major from one of the top programs in the country, MSU. On the other, it must be simple enough to be completed and delivered in one semester. What constitutes the right level of difficulty is something that each team works out with their project sponsor and with the instructors. As a team scopes their project, they should do so with levels of deliverables where the first level is clearly achievable, the second is likely achievable and the third is possibly achievable.

Each team must deliver a completed project to their project sponsor on time. Period. There are no exceptions. No excuses are considered or accepted. Thus, it is in a team’s best interest to create a project plan that is acceptable to their sponsor and to the instructors. The instructors have the final say as to the required features of a project and what constitutes an acceptable project. If the instructors require features that the project sponsor does not require or no longer requires, those features must still be completed even if they are not included as part of the final deliverables to the sponsor.

Completed software and systems are submitted to the project sponsors at the end of the semester.

Teams are required to manage their own project including both hardware and software systems.

Teams must use MSU’s GitLab to manage their project computer code. Course instructors must have complete access to every team’s repository.

If an external project sponsor would like access to a team’s repository, we are able to provide it working with MSU’s Information Technology Services. To request such access, contact Professor Mariani.

Projects are divided up into milestones with specific deliverables due on specific dates. While the completed project at the end of the semester is one very important milestone, all of the major milestones are considered important. Meeting the milestones factors significantly into the final course grade.

For a description of major milestones with due dates see Major Milestones .

Project deliverables include the following:

  • Project Plan Presentation & Document,
  • Alpha Presentation
  • Beta Presentation ,
  • Project Video , and
  • Project Software & Documentation.

The labs include rooms 3340 Engineering , 3352 Engineering and 3358 Engineering .

The Capstone Experience Labs have a key code, which we give to everyone.

Each team is assigned two iMacs and a rack-mounted server if required. In addition to Apple‘s macOS, these iMacs have the capacity to run virtual machines with Windows or Linux using VMware Fusion. These iMacs can be used for both software development and as servers.

Each team is completely responsible for their computers, including building them, maintaining them, securing them (both internally and externally), and backing them up.

All of the labs include hand sanitizer dispensers and sanitizing wipes, which should be used to sanitize keyboards, mice and table surfaces. Team members are required to sanitize their keyboards, mice and table surfaces before and after each use.

Team members can access the iMacs in the labs remotely. Instructions are provided by the instructors.

In addition to their two lab iMacs, teams may borrow a variety of devices including iOS and Android phones and tablets for use for the Capstone course during the semester. Teams should request such devices from their teaching assistant.

Students should avoid logging into their Apple accounts on a lab iMac and/or any borrowed iOS device. If a student does so, the devices are locked by the student so that the instructors are not able to rebuild the devices at the end of the semester.

As a result, students who do log into their Apple account, must remove the iMacs and/or any borrowed iOS devices from their list of Find My devices using the Apple Find My app by the end of the semester and/or before returning borrowed devices.

If a student fails to remove an iMac and/or borrowed iOS device from their Find My devices, a grade of incomplete will be assigned until the students does so. In the case that a grade has already been assigned before the instructors discover that a student has failed to remove an iMac and/or borrowed iOS device from their Find My devices, the student’s grade will be changed to an incomplete until the student does so.

The lab also includes a water cooler with bottled water, a refrigerator, a microwave and a coffee maker. Students are welcome to use all three at their own risk. These are shared resources. Please keep these appliances along with the entire lab clean.

Note that students may not use the Capstone lab space for joining or attending online meetings.

A student’s final course grade is based both on a team’s performance and a student’s individual performance. What follows is a list of grading categories along with the point distribution.

Team Grade (70%)
& Document 10
Project Software & Documentation   30
Team Total 70
Individual Grade (30%)
Technical Contribution 10
Team Contribution 10
Team Evaluation Form 5
Meeting Attendance, Preparation and Participation (MAPP)   5
Individual Total 30

Every student must make significant technical contributions to their team’s project, including significant software contributions. Significant software contributions do not include doing initial research, code that is committed by someone else, code that does not work, or code that is not included in the final version of the project.

As stated above, teams must use MSU’s GitLab to manage their project computer code. When a student commits code to their team’s repository, the student must use their own repository account and only their own account. Students receive credit only for the lines of code committed by them using their own account .

If students engage in so-called pair programming, they must decide when committing the code who gets credit for which lines of code, keeping in mind that students receive credit only for the lines of code committed by them using their own account .

While the number of lines of computer code and the number of significant GitLab commits are not the only measures of the significance of a student’s technical contributions to team, they are important factors, which are used by the instructors.

Even though there is no exact formula for the number of lines of code, each team member is expected to write approximately the same number of lines of code. As a general rule, if a team consisting of N members writes a total of M lines of code, then each team member should write approximately 0.80× M ÷ N or more lines of code.

Lines of code that are committed by another student, do not work, are copied from any internet source including but not limited to ChatGPT or other large language models (LLMs), or are not included in the final project do not count. Trivial GitLab commits do not count. Attempts to inflate lines of code and/or GitLab commit counts will negatively affect the Technical Contribution grade. Moreover, in general, lines of CSS and HTML do not count as lines of computer code.

Project requirements may change during the semester for a variety of reasons, which may result in the addition, deletion, or reduction of scope of project features. If a student successfully completes a feature that a project sponsor no longer requires, that feature may still be considered as part of a student’s Technical Contribution grade even though it is not included in the final deliverables to the sponsor provided doing so is approved by the instructors.

If a project feature is deleted or reduced in scope, the student who was responsible for implementing that feature must either complete the feature or complete other features in lieu of the deleted or reduced feature. If a project feature is deleted or reduced in scope by a project sponsor, the student responsible for that feature must inform the instructors immediately and work with the instructors to devise a plan that requires an equivalent amount of technical contribution. That plan must receive written approval by the instructors and must be completed by the student. The fact that a project feature is deleted or reduced in scope is not an acceptable reason for not making technical contributions.

While all students are expected to do research on technologies, create UI/UX designs, create documents, style web pages using CSS, and create and give presentations, such contributions, while necessary, are not sufficient alone to constitute a significant technical contribution.

Students must be ready at all times to demonstrate and explain their software to the course instructors when asked to do so. They must be able to demonstrate and explain their software using one of the computers in the Capstone Lab or their personal device. Students cannot use as an excuse that their software only runs on the computer in their dorm room or apartment, or that they do not have the latest version of their software. If a student is not able to demonstrate and explain their software when asked, the course instructors will deem that it does not work and grade appropriately.

To be considered as part of a student’s Technical Contribution grade, all of the student’s project software must be a) committed to the main branch of the team’s Git repository, b) integrated with the team’s project software system, c) working correctly, and d) demonstrated and explained to the instructors by the date of the first Beta Presentation.

The Team Contribution Grade is based on a variety of factors including but not limited to attendance and participation in team meetings, project sponsor meetings and triage meetings, willingness to take on tasks, completing tasks correctly and on time, and making a significant technical contribution as described above.

The maximum Team Grade is 70 points, and the maximum Project Software & Documentation grade is 30 points so that the Project Software and Documentation grade represents about 43% of the Team Grade. As a result, if a student fails to make significant technical contributions to the project, the maximum Team Contribution grade that a student can earn is 57% or 5.7/10.0.

For a final grade, each student earns the sum of their individual grade plus a prorated percentage of their team’s Team Grade based on the corresponding percentage of their Team Contribution grade as follows:

Prorated Team Total = (Team Total) * (Team Contribution) / 10.0,

Grand Total = (Individual Total) + (Prorated Team Total).

Note that the Technical Contribution grade has a very significant effect on the Team Contribution grade, which in turn has a very significant effect on the final grade.

For example, if an individual’s Team Contribution grade is 10.0, then they earn 100% of the team grade. If the Team Contribution is 9.0, then they earn 90% of the team grade, and so on.

So, if a student is not a contributing team member, they run the risk of not passing CSE498, which is required for graduation.

Unexcused absences have a significant impact on the Team Contribution grade, particularly during times just prior to Major Milestones . In particular, since each week of the spring semester represents approximately 7% of the semester, a student who misses an unexcused week of the spring semester should expect to lose at least 7% of their Team Contribution grade for each such occurrence. If the week is during a time just prior to one of the Major Milestones , a student may lose considerably more than 7% of their Team Contribution grade for each such occurrence. A loss of 7% of the Team Contribution grade results in the loss of 4.9% of the final grade. See above.

In other courses, students may have experienced team projects in which one person or a few persons did all of the work, while everyone on the team received the same credit and the same grade for the entire team. This is not the case in CSE498. Each student is evaluated on their individual Technical Contribution and their Team Contribution. If a student does not contribute significantly in those categories, they risk not passing the course.

Students are required to make significant technical and team contributions throughout the semester . Students who make contributions during only the first or only the second half of the semester will have severely reduced Technical and Team Contribution grades, which may result in failure of the course .

If a student fails to meet course and team deadlines, thereby endangering the success of the team and forcing other team members to do the student’s work, that team may be allowed by the instructors to proceed on their project without the student, and the student will be required to work with the instructors to develop a plan to attempt to complete the course successfully. See EASE Reports below.

Final course grades are determined during the week of final exams. An email with final course grades is sent to each student on the Monday following the week of final exams. The final course grades are uploaded to the Registrar on the Tuesday following the week of final exams as per Michigan State University’s policies.

Since this course is required for graduation, students should keep these dates in mind before making plans for things such as but not limited to attending graduation, accepting a job offer, and signing a rental lease agreement. See Special Considerations for Final Grades below.

Every student must earn the following required minimal grades in each grading category.

Minimal Team Grade Requirements
& Document 5.0/10.0
Project Software & Documentation 15.0/30.0
Minimal Individual Grade Requirements
Technical Contribution 5.0/10.0
Team Contribution 5.0/10.0
Team Evaluation Form 2.5/5.0
Meeting Attendance, Preparation and Participation (MAPP)   0.0/5.0

Failure to earn the required minimal grades in any of the grading categories is grounds for receiving a final grade of 0.0 for the course.

Approximately halfway through the semester, students are given mid semester evaluations, which indicate a student’s capstone performance to date.

In addition to mid-semester evaluations, some students may receive a Michigan State University Enhancing Academic Success Early (EASE) report, which provides an official way to document a student’s capstone performance to date.

Students who receive EASE reports are required to meet with the instructors and to propose a specific list of technical tasks, which must be approved by the instructors and completed successfully exactly as proposed and approved by the date of the first Beta Presentation. Students may request changes to the list of tasks, but all such changes to the list of tasks must be approved in advance by the instructors.

Failure to complete the entire list of tasks by the date of the first Beta Presentation will have a significant negative impact on the student’s Technical and Team Contribution grades, and, a fortiori , a significant impact on the student’s final grade in the course, including a high probability of failure in the course .

The mid-semester evaluations and the EASE reports are not mid-semester grades in that they are not used in any way to compute final grades, but merely indicate a student’s performance to date. Depending on a student’s performance throughout the second half of the semester, a student’s final grades may be higher or lower, even significantly higher or lower .

Students are required to make significant technical and team contributions throughout the semester. Failure to do so during the second half of the semester will have a significant impact on a student’s Technical and Team Contribution grades, which may result in failure in the course .

Students who receive a mid-semester evaluation or an EASE report of 1.5 or lower or both should consider themselves in danger of failing the course.

Students who a receive mid-semester evaluation of 2.0 or higher or who do not receive an EASE report may still fail the course if their technical and team contributions diminish during the second half of the semester.

Since this course is required for graduation, students should keep these dates in mind before making plans for things such as but not limited to attending graduation, accepting a job offer, and signing a rental lease agreement.

No special considerations are given for final grades for any reasons including but not limited to

  • status in any academic program at MSU including CSE,
  • the ability to enroll in CSE498 next semester,
  • financial aid,
  • hours worked in a job while a student at MSU,
  • distance commuting to MSU,
  • anticipated graduation from MSU,
  • acceptance of a job in anticipation of graduation,
  • rank in the armed forces,
  • mortgage on a property,
  • lease on a property,
  • upcoming wedding, or
  • visa status.

Meeting attendance and preparation is very important in the business world. Hence, meeting attendance and preparation is a significant factor in the final course grade comprising at least 5% of the final course grade. (See Final Course Grades .)

Students begin the semester with 5.0 Meeting Attendance, Preparation and Participation (MAPP) points. If a student is late to a meeting, 0.5 MAPP points are deducted. If absent, 1.0 MAPP point is deducted. Almost no excuses are accepted for being late or absent.

As preparation for weekly team triage meetings, each student is required to complete a Google Form and submit Google Slides. If either task is completed late or not at all, 0.5 MAPP points are deducted for each occurrence.

MAPP points continue to be deducted even after a student’s MAPP points reach zero so that a student’s final MAPP points grade may be negative , which effectively deducts points from other grade categories.

If a student’s MAPP points are low or negative, their Team Contribution grade may be affected as well, which may have a significant effect on their final grade.

Students are required to be “meeting-ready” at the designated meeting start time.

For in-person meetings, “meeting-ready” means seated with one’s team in the appropriate room, coat and hat off, and all mobile devices silenced and stowed. Examples of not being meeting-ready in person include entering a room, walking to a seat, and being in the process of sitting down.

For online meetings, “meeting-ready” means joined to the appropriate Microsoft Teams channel on an appropriate device in an appropriate location. Examples of not being meeting ready online include joining the wrong channel, joining a meeting using only a phone, and joining a meeting in an inappropriate place such as while driving in a car or standing in line at a bar.

If a student is meeting-ready by 3:00:00 p.m., they are marked present. If a student is not meeting-ready by 3:00:00 p.m. but is meeting-ready before 3:05:00 p.m., they are marked late. If a student is not meeting-ready by 3:05:00 p.m., they are marked absent.

Almost no excuses for lateness or absence are accepted. Excuses that are not accepted for in-person meetings include heavy traffic, bad weather including snow, missing a bus, or lack of parking. Excuses that are not accepted for online meetings include computer crashes, Microsoft Teams not working, or lack of an internet connection, either wired or wireless. Personal travel such as a vacation or visiting friends or family is not accepted as an excuse for missing any meeting. Students should not plan such travel during the semester on days when we have regularly scheduled course meetings. Problems such as cancellation of flights or bad weather when returning from personal travel will not be accepted as a reason for an excused absence.

A few meetings may be missed in the cases of job interviews and some university-approved events. Student must request to be excused well in advance and must provide the instructors with the meeting date to be missed and the reason well in advance . For job interviews, students must provide the name of the company as well as the name and contact information (email and phone number) of their recruiter. For other university-approved events, students must provide a description of the event along with appropriate documentation.

Students may request an excused absence in the case of illness or injury, but it must be requested in a timely manner, no later than two days from the date for which the excused absence is being requested. Students must supply written documentation from a licensed local medical provider such as the Olin Health Center as the result of an in-person visit stating that the student is unable to attend a meeting in person. Note that the documentation must say more than simply that the student had an appointment or a cold or some other diagnosis. The document must explicitly say that the student is unable to attend a meeting in person due to their illness or injury. Moreover, we will not accept documentation resulting from an out-of-state provider or a virtual visit.

In addition to the above, Michigan State University has a Grief Absence Policy to accommodate the bereavement process of a student who has lost a family member. It is the responsibility of the student to: a) notify the Associate Dean or designee of their college of the need for a grief absence in a timely manner, but no later than one week from the student’s initial knowledge of the situation, b) provide appropriate verification of the grief absence as specified by the Associate Dean, and c) complete all missed work as determined in consultation with the instructors.

Meeting attendance is taken using a variety of mechanisms.

For in-person meetings, each teaching assistant circulates for their teams an attendance sheet, which students sign to indicate presence. Each teaching assistant also keeps track of students who are not meeting-ready by 3:00:00 p.m. and 3:05:00 p.m., marking them late and absent, respectively. Students who leave a meeting early are marked absent.

For online meetings, at the end of each meeting, we download from Microsoft Teams the meeting attendees, which includes a list of who joined and left the meeting, and when. If a student is shown to have left a meeting for more than one minute before it ends, they are marked absent.

In addition, at random times during a meeting, students are given one minute to complete a Google Form to indicate their attendance and alertness.

Finally, at the end of the meeting, students are given one minute to complete a final Google Form to indicate their attendance at the end of the meeting. If a student fails to complete a Google Form, we assume that they have left the meeting, in which case they are marked absent.

If a student arranges to have another student mark them present at a meeting or if a student marks another student present at a meeting, they may lose up to 5.0 MAPP points and they may receive a final grade of 0.0 in the course for academic dishonesty.

Students are required to remain in a meeting without interruptions until the meeting is ended by the meeting host. Exceptions may be made for a variety of reasons such as health issues or caretaking responsibilities.

Students who leave a meeting with the intention of returning must use their Spartan cards (student ID cards) to swipe their teaching assistant’s card reader when leaving and swipe again when returning. In addition, if a student leaves a meeting, that student must leave with their teaching assistant all of their mobile devices, which they can reclaim when they return to the meeting.

While rare, a student may be approved to arrive to a meeting late or leave early if there is an unavoidable conflict with another Michigan State University class. Such approvals must be given by the instructors in advance .

Students who leave a meeting early or who leave a meeting for an extended period will be marked absent.

Normally, our group meetings end at the scheduled time of 4:20:00 p.m. or earlier. However, from time to time, a meeting may extend past the scheduled ending time, particularly on days when teams make presentations including Status Report Presentations , Project Plan Presentations , Alpha Presentations and Beta Presentations .

Even if a meeting continues past the scheduled end time, students are required to remain in a meeting until the meeting is ended by the meeting host.

For online meetings, students are required to join a meeting using a device and a location that is appropriate for a business meeting. In general, appropriate devices include a laptop or a desktop, and an appropriate location is a quiet, semi-private place like a room in an apartment or at home, or a dorm room. Students may not join a meeting from within any of the Capstone labs, or from a public location such as a library or a restaurant. If the instructors deem that a student has joined a meeting using a device or from a location that is inappropriate, the student is marked absent for that meeting.

Students may not join an online meeting using shared devices. Each student must join a meeting using one or more devices dedicated to that student.

For online meetings, in addition to joining a meeting using a desktop or laptop computer, we strongly recommend that a student join the meeting simultaneously using a cellular device such as a mobile phone or tablet to ensure a continued, stable connection to Microsoft Teams.

Attendance at meetings during which teams make presentations is absolutely required. No excuses for absence or lateness are accepted, including job interviews. In particular, students should not plan any travel that may result in absence from a team presentation. In general, there are multiple meeting dates for each type of team presentation. We work with students and teams to coordinate as much as is reasonably possible team presentations to avoid scheduling conflicts, but only conflicts resulting from job interviews and some university-approved events. If a student is absent for any of their team presentations, they may lose up to 5.0 MAPP points and may also lose Team Contribution points.

We will watch the final project videos together during the regularly scheduled meeting times on December 3 and December 5, and during the scheduled final exam time, which is yet to be determined. Attendance by everyone for viewing all project videos is required. No trips should be scheduled that conflict with these meetings. Job interviews are not accepted as an excuse for missing any of the final project video viewings. If a student is absent for any of these final meetings, they may lose up to 5.0 MAPP points per meeting and may lose Team Contribution points, which may have a significant effect on their final grade.

All of our online meetings are hosted using Microsoft Teams.

For online meetings, students are required to use either a desktop or laptop computer equipped with a camera, microphone and speakers and must be able to handle receiving and sending clear audio and clear video, which includes screen sharing.

Students are required to have an internet connection that is reliable.

In general, internet connectivity issues are not acceptable excuses for any attendance issues including missing a meeting, joining a meeting late, leaving a meeting early, or missing an attendance check.

In addition to having a reliable internet connection, students are required to have an internet connection that has enough bandwidth to support high quality audio and video using Microsoft Teams.

Along with Microsoft Teams, Google Forms are used for taking attendance. Students must be able to access Google Forms reliably.

When meeting online, students may be asked to demonstrate project software. They must be able to demonstrate their software online when asked to do so, normally by sharing a screen in Microsoft Teams.

Students cannot use as an excuse that they are not able to demonstrate their software because it does not run on the device with which they are connected to a meeting. As an example, it is not acceptable for a student to say that they are not able to demonstrate their software because it only works on their laptop, but they are connected to the meeting using a mobile phone or tablet.

If a student is not able to demonstrate their software, we assume that they have not completed their assigned task and grade them accordingly. To this end, it is important to practice demonstrating software online with teammates in advance of online meetings.

Michigan State University’s semester schedules are published years in advance of the semester. Students are expected to be available to meet in person with their team and to do coursework with their team every week of the semester, including the first week, and the week of exams.

Requests for excused absences must be submitted well in advance . Acceptable reasons for excused absences are very limited. See Meeting Attendance, Preparation and Participation (MAPP) Grade and Meeting Attendance Policies and Procedures above.

Students should not plan any personal travel such as a personal or family vacation during the semester on days when we have regularly scheduled meetings since such travel is not an acceptable excuse for absence.

Students who obtain an approved absence will be excused from attending meetings and will not lose MAPP points during the time of their approved absence.

While students who obtain approved absence will be excused from attending meetings, they will not be excused from doing coursework, no matter what the reason for their absence. Failure to do coursework will have a significant impact on the Team Contribution grade, particularly during times just prior to Major Milestones .

For example, since each week of the spring semester represents approximately 7% of the semester, a student who fails to do coursework during a week of the spring semester should expect to lose at least 7% of their Team Contribution grade for each such occurrence. If the week is during a time just prior to one of the Major Milestones , a student may lose considerably more than 7% of their Team Contribution grade for each such occurrence. A loss of 7% of the Team Contribution grade will result in the loss of 4.9% of the final grade.

Students often say that they will do the coursework in advance. Given the nature of the team projects, it is often difficult or impossible to do coursework in advance. Also, students say that they will do coursework during their absence. Often this is impractical and seldom is much coursework accomplished during travel.

If a student misses a team presentation as the result of travel, even if the absence is approved, that student will be required to give the presentation to the instructors at an agreed upon time and will be graded separately from their team for the presentation.

On the last day of each semester, the College of Engineering sponsors an event called Design Day at which student teams demonstrate their projects to the public. Students are required to be involved in all aspects of Design Day including setup on Thursday, December 5 and the exposition, presentations to judges, tear down and an awards ceremony on Friday, December 6.

Everyone is required to attend and participate in Design Day on both Thursday, December 5 and Friday, December 6. Students should not schedule any trips during these times. Interviews are not accepted as an excuse for missing any of the Design Day activities.

If a student does not participate in Design Day, arrives late on Design Day, does not dress appropriately, does not actively participate in the exposition, leaves early on Design Day, does not attend the Awards Ceremony, or leaves the Awards Ceremony before it concludes, they may lose up to 5 MAPP points and they may lose Team Contribution points, which may have a significant effect on their final grade.

Throughout the semester, students and teams will be editing and submitting Microsoft Word documents and Microsoft PowerPoint presentations (slide decks) based on templates that are provided on our Downloads page. These Word documents and PowerPoint slide decks are processed in a variety of ways using custom software that utilizes various Microsoft Office 365 APIs.

In order for your and your team’s documents and presentations to be processed correctly by our custom software, and a fortiori , in order for you and your team to receive the appropriate credit for your documents and presentations, you must use only Office 365 running natively on a Windows 10 or Windows 11 computer, which may include the Windows 11 virtual machine running on team Capstone Lab Apple iMac. The underlying data structures vary between versions of Office 365 and other office software so that the APIs on which we rely only work with Office 365 running natively on a Windows 10 or Windows 11 computer.

Every team is required to create at least one Windows 11 virtual machine on one of their team’s Capstone Lab iMacs. A Windows 11 virtual machine is provided by us and includes Office 365. In addition, students can borrow Windows-based laptops from the Division of Engineering Computing Services (DECS).

In order to edit your or your team’s documents and presentations correctly, download the provided templates and edit them directly using Office 365 running natively on a Windows 10 or Windows 11 computer. Do not copy-and-paste anything from any other application.

Do not use the web version of Office 365, which includes the web version of Word or PowerPoint in any way, shape or form at any time. In particular, do not copy-and-paste anything from the web version of Office 365.

Do not use the collaborative version of Word or PowerPoint with Microsoft Teams since these versions are the web versions of Word and PowerPoint in any way shape or form at any time. In particular, do not copy-and-paste anything from the collaborative Microsoft Teams version of Office 365.

Do not use Apple’s Office suite and then export documents or presentations to the Microsoft Office suite. In particular, do not copy-and-paste anything from an Apple Office application to a Microsoft Office application.

Some Office 365 products include a switch with the label “Try the new…” as in “Try the new Outlook.” Do not enable this switch. The “new” version of these Office products is the web version, which will not work.

Consider the following subtle example of something that will not work. If you download a PowerPoint template, edit it in Microsoft Teams, download a fresh copy of the template, and then copy-and-paste entire slides from the Teams presentation to the new template, that will not work. You must copy only the plain text from the Teams presentation to the new one.

If you or your team’s document or presentation is not processable by our custom software because you or your team failed to follow these requirements, neither you nor your team will be allowed to resubmit your document or presentation, and you will not receive any credit for it.

Teams traveling to their project sponsor may be reimbursed for mileage for the use of a personal car. Travel reimbursement is limited to travel within the State of Michigan outside of the Lansing area. Reimbursement is also limited to one car per team per trip.

To be reimbursed for travel mileage, see one of the administrative assistants in the CSE office in advance . If a student does not request permission to travel and be reimbursed in advance, they may not be reimbursed.

Michigan State University is committed to providing equal opportunity for participation in all programs, services and activities. Requests for accommodations by persons with disabilities may be made by contacting the Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities at (517) 884-RCPD or on the web at . Once a student’s eligibility for an accommodation has been determined, they are issued a Verified Individual Services Accommodation (VISA) form. Please inform the instructors at the start of the semester as soon as possible.

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering expects all students to adhere to MSU's policy on Integrity of Scholarship and Grades, which includes the statement, “...all academic work will be done by the student to whom it is assigned, without unauthorized aid of any kind” (Academic Programs, General Procedures and Regulations). General Student Regulation 1.00 in the student handbook (Spartan Life) also addresses this issue.

Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to the following.

Any type of computer code that is not written by the student, such as code taken from any internet source including code generated by tools like GitHub Copilot, ChatGPT and other large language models (LLMs), and is committed by the student to a team’s GitLab main branch is considered academic dishonesty.

Demonstrating software that the student claims to have written but did not is considered academic dishonesty.

Attempting to inflate a student’s technical contribution by committing non-project related lines of code to the team GitLab repository or by making numerous trivial commits or by any other means is considered academic dishonesty.

Providing false information to the instructors, teaching assistants or fellow team members about matters related to the course is considered academic dishonesty.

In the event of academic dishonesty by a student, the instructors will file an Academic Dishonesty Report (ADR) with MSU’s Office of the University Ombudsperson and the student will be assigned a final grade of 0.0 for the course.

A student has the right to appeal grades using the steps given below. If the process reaches the final step, a student must demonstrate that their instructors used inappropriate or irrelevant factors in determining the student’s final course grade.

If a student wishes to appeal the grades received in this course, Michigan State University policy requires that they complete the following steps in the order given. In particular, the n th step must be completed before the (n + 1) st step.

  • Step 1: Attempt to figure out how the grade was determined.
  • Step 2: Meet with the course instructors.
  • Step 3: Meet with Professor Charles Owen, Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies, who will act to mediate the dispute between the student and the instructors.
  • Step 4: Request a hearing before the University Academic Grievance Hearing Board. If a student pursues this option, they must be aware that in a formal Academic Grievance Hearing, the student must demonstrate that their instructors used inappropriate or irrelevant factors in determining the student’s final course grade.

After the end of the fall semester, the instructors are focused on preparing for the spring semester and getting the course up and running well into the last weeks of January. After the spring semester, the instructors are focused on wrapping up for the academic year as well as planning for the fall semester. As a result, the course instructors may not be available to meet for Step 2 until many weeks after the semester is over.

Hence, it is very important for students to note that, due to a variety of factors, a formal Academic Grievance Hearing most likely will not be able to be scheduled for a two or more months after the end of the semester . So, an appeal from the fall semester would most likely not be heard until the middle or end of the spring semester, and an appeal from the spring semester most likely would not be heard until the middle or end of the summer, or possibly until the fall semester.

Michigan State University and the College of Engineering provide a variety of resources for students. See Resources for Students .

This Syllabus web page is the one and only official version of the syllabus.

We reserve the right to make reasonable changes to this syllabus during the semester with reasonable notice.

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Boston College Law School offers two concentrations: one in Tax Law, and one in Real Estate and Community Development. These concentrations are meant to provide students with a deeper understanding of these particular areas of law.. To receive a degree in a specific concentration, a student must complete the upper-level concentration requirements and file the appropriate concentration form with the Office of Student and Academic Services. Each concentration requires a minimum of 17 credits in the subject area chosen from a menu of course options. You can find more information regarding each concentration using the tabs below.

Tax Concentration

The Tax Concentration is designed for students with a specific interest in tax law as well as for students interested in a variety of business law fields where tax is typically important in the clients' decision making.  Participating in the Tax Concentration offers a number of benefits to students including: (1) the ability to signal to employers and others the depth of your tax knowledge developed during law school; (2) receipt of invitations to join tax workshops and other events during the year; (3) enrollment in the Tax Concentration Seminar in Fall of the 3L year, which is intended to serve as a capstone course; (4) specific advising and discussion of tax and tax adjacent career planning; and (5) opportunity to work with other students sharing your interests!

  • Students who are interested in the Tax Concentration will fill out the Tax Concentration Planning Form .
  • Boston College Law School hosts a variety of tax workshops and events, find more information on the Tax Policy Collaborative Page .

Any questions or concerns regarding the Tax Concentration can be directed to Diane Ring.

Contact Diane Ring, Professor of Law and Dr. Thomas F. Carney Distinguished Scholar Phone: 617-552-0604 Email: Learn more about Professor Diane Ring on the Faculty Directory

Real Estate Concentration

The Real Estate and Community Development Concentration aims to prepare students for successful real estate transactional careers in many types of practice environments and enables students to use their legal skills to benefit disadvantaged communities with property-related challenges. It also reveals and highlights how real estate law is central to the community development field, requiring community development practitioners to know a great deal about real estate law and practice. Participating in the Real Estate and Community Development Concentration allows students to explore a diverse range of courses that are relevant in preparing for a transactional real estate law practice, covering local zoning, development permitting, choice of entity, environmental compliance, commercial lending, government policy, and title work.   Participating in the Real Estate and Community Development Concentration offers a number of benefits to students including: (1) the ability to signal to employers and others the depth of your real estate and community development knowledge developed during law school; (2) receipt of invitations to join real estate, land use, and community development events during the year; (3) enrollment in the Real Estate and Community Development Concentration Seminar in Fall of the 3L year, which is intended to serve as a capstone course; (4) specific advising and discussion of real estate and community development career planning; and (5) opportunity to work with other students sharing your interests!

  • Students who are interested in the Real Estate and Community Development Concentration will fill out the Real Estate and Community Development Planning Form This concentration was created by the Initiative on Land, Housing & Property Rights (ILHPR). Find information about this program on the ILHPR Website.

Any questions or concerns regarding the Real Estate and Community Development Concentration can be directed to David Price.

Contact ILHPR Team - Samantha Ghelli, Administrative Asst. | David Price, Special Projects Manager  Phone: 617-552-1415 Email: Learn more about the program’s director, Professor Thomas W. Mitchell, in the Faculty Directory .

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Technical Writing

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  • Introduction
  • Module I: From Start to Finish
  • This module will help you acquire knowledge about technical writing, which deals with complex topics in precise ways. The module covers issues related to workplace research that you will have to conduct as a technical writer. Regardless of which technique you use, your challenge will be to sort the relevant information from the irrelevant, and the accurate from the bogus. The module focuses on audience, purpose, and measures of excellence in technical documents. In addition, you will learn what it means to be a good technical communicator. The references included at the end this module will serve as a perfect complement to the information described in the video lectures.
  • Module II: Organizing the Information
  • In this Module, you will learn how to use visuals to communicate a large amount of information quickly and efficiently. The Module provides general guidelines for using graphical tools that you can use to design visuals with the output process of the report in mind. In addition, you will learn how to define a term using various techniques of extended definitions. The Module also provides guidelines for effective planning of technical report writing.
  • Module III: Researching Your Subject
  • This module will help you develop an enhanced understanding of such types of technical documentation as feasibility and recommendation reports, instructions as well as laboratory research. The module covers issues related to various types of academic and workplace research. The focus is on acquiring the best available information – the most accurate, most unbiased, most comprehensive, and most current.
  • Module IV: Capstone Project

Elena Bazanova

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  • AA Anonymous 6 years ago The course is worth taking! If you have a logical mindset, like to tease order out of complex situations and enjoy writing well-organized, clear instructions, tech writing may be for you. It's a rewarding career, ideal for team-oriented people with excellent communication skills, and a desire to contribute to the success of an organization. The course provides information crucial in the tech writing field. You'll learn how to produce quality technical documents, including instructions and technical reports. Helpful
  • AA Anonymous 3 years ago It has helped me to start a foundation in technical writing. I've always been a freelance writer, but I wanted to learn more skills to improve my income. Coursera courses have always been my favourite since I started University, and I'm happy I'm taking a Coursera course on this skill again. I look forward to learning more! Helpful
  • AA Anonymous 1 year ago Your review helps other learners like you discover great courses. Only review the course if you have taken or started taking this course. Helpful

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    To associate your repository with the capstone-project topic, visit your repo's landing page and select "manage topics." GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.

  6. Front-End Developer Capstone

    The Capstone project enables you to demonstrate multiple skills from the Certificate by solving an authentic real-world problem. Each module includes a brief recap of, and links to, content that you have covered in previous courses in this program. ... and provide you with a platform to show off your new abilities in front-end web development ...

  7. capstone-project · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    This is the sample application for the DevOps Capstone Project. It generates QR Codes for the provided URL, the front-end is in NextJS and the API is written in Python using FastAPI. ... A compilation of all my programming projects for The Odin Project web development course.

  8. capstone-project · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    This project is the second capstone project from Microverse. We had to select an API that provides data about a topic that you like and then build the webapp around it. The webapp will have 2 or 3 user interfaces (depending on the size of your team) javascript webpack remote-work gitflow-workflow capstone-project.

  9. Full Stack Web Development Specialization Capstone Project

    The Capstone project is the culmination of your journey through the Full Stack Web Development specialization. The Capstone project is aimed at building a fully functional front-end Application (both Web App designed using Bootstrap+AngularJS, and hybrid mobile app implemented using the Ionic framework) and full server-side implementation using Node.js+Express+MongoDB (possibly using a higher ...

  10. 99+ Capstone Project Ideas for IT Students [2024]

    Interesting Capstone Project Ideas for IT Students. Here are 100 capstone project ideas categorized into 10 different areas of Information Technology: Software Development. Inventory Management System

  11. Top 111+ Capstone Project Ideas in Computer Science for Students

    Here is the list of the top 111+ most amazing capstone project ideas for computer science, please take a look: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Make a talking computer friend using words. Suggest movies, books, or music you might like. Figure out if people are happy or sad in their messages.

  12. EXSM 3938

    Web Development Capstone Project. Inte­grate the the­o­ry, meth­ods, con­cepts, and tools you have learned from the pre­vi­ous core and required cours­es as you apply them to a real-world web devel­op­ment project. Con­front a devel­op­ment prob­lem and imple­ment a prac­ti­cal solu­tion to it. Research, plan, exe­cute ...

  13. Full Stack Web Development Specialization Capstone Project

    More info. 8 Sequences. Introductive Level. The Capstone project is the culmination of your journey through the Full Stack Web Development specialization. The Capstone project is aimed at building a fully functional front-end Application (both Web App designed using Bootstrap+AngularJS, and hybrid mobile app implemented us...

  14. Free Course: Front-End Developer Capstone from Meta

    Syllabus. In this module, you'll get started with the capstone project. This will include a brief recap of, and links to, content in the React course you have already completed. In this module, you'll use semantic HTML, meta tags and Open Graph protocol to create a modern HTML structure for the web app. You will also use CSS grid and other ...

  15. Making a Capstone Project (Web Development) : r ...

    Making a Capstone Project (Web Development) hi guys i'm making a capstone project and next month is the defense of my project title, I have in mind is a gazette website because my school's news website is literally outdated for years now and I just want to upgrade it (kinda). can i have your thoughts on this one guys? also I have my partner ...

  16. How To Create A Test Plan (Steps, Examples, & Template)

    August 21st, 2023. In software development, a test plan defines your testing team's test strategy, goals, and scope, which ultimately work together to ensure that all your software components are tested sufficiently before a release. Follow these six steps to create an efficient test plan: Define the release scope. Schedule timelines.

  17. Capstone Project

    The Capstone Project is the final part of the "Understanding Modern Finance" Specialization. The learners will be able to apply all the knowledge, skills, and understanding accumulated throughout the Specialization to study a real financial transaction that they will choose.

  18. Full Stack Cloud Development Capstone Project

    This Django application was developed as part of the final Capstone Project in the 10-course IBM Full Stack Cloud Developer Professional Certificate on Coursera. This course provides a rudimentary version of the Django application, without any central functionality or templates.

  19. Syllabus

    Description: Development of a comprehensive software and/or hardware solution to a problem in a team setting with emphasis on working with a project sponsor. Participation in a design cycle including specification, design, implementation, testing, maintenance, documentation. issues of professionalism, ethics, and communication.

  20. Responsive Website Development and Design Capstone

    Welcome to the first module of 'Responsive Website Development and Design Capstone!'. In this module you will define what the end point is for your project, brainstorm ideas about your project and conduct a SWOT analysis to clarify aspects of your ideas. In addition, you will define a target audience and list the 4 Ps: Price, Product, Place and ...

  21. PDF Contextualizing Professionalism in Capstone Projects Using the IDEALS

    the web-based Integrated Design Engineering Assessment and Learning System (IDEALS) that is targeted towards use during capstone design projects. Past TIDEE papers focused on the instru-ments and testing results from teamwork [4] and professional development [5] and established the framework for presenting these results. In particu-

  22. Concentrations

    Participating in the Real Estate and Community Development Concentration allows students to explore a diverse range of courses that are relevant in preparing for a transactional real estate law practice, covering local zoning, development permitting, choice of entity, environmental compliance, commercial lending, government policy, and title work.

  23. Technical Writing

    The module covers issues related to workplace research that you will have to conduct as a technical writer. Regardless of which technique you use, your challenge will be to sort the relevant information from the irrelevant, and the accurate from the bogus. The module focuses on audience, purpose, and measures of excellence in technical documents.

  24. An Innovative Approach to the Psychology Capstone Course

    BackgroundWhile capstone courses are popular among psychology programs, the capstone course design at a small private Midwestern university seems less conventional.ObjectiveAlong with meeting five ...

  25. Back-End Developer Capstone

    The Capstone project enables you to demonstrate multiple skills by solving an authentic real-world problem. You'll test your abilities in full-stack back-end development in a real-life scenario by composing a Django web app. Each module includes a brief recap of, and links to, content that you have covered in previous courses in this program.

  26. PDF 65866 Federal Register /Vol. 89, No. 156/Tuesday, August 13 ...

    development and recruitment. 36. To an entity that AmeriCorps members, volunteers, or alumni consent to share service information with for post-service career pathway development, tracking, study, or reference. 37. To a third party with valid authorization from an AmeriCorps member to share information regarding the duration and description of the