The 5 Best Fonts for Excel and How to Use Them (2024)

Are you tired of the default fonts in Excel that make your sheets look dull and unprofessional?

Choosing the right font can improve your data’s readability and visual appearance.

In this article, we will explore the five best fonts for Excel that will level up your Excel game. And your font style will make your Excel spreadsheet stand out every single time.

So, without further ado, let’s dive right into it 🥽

Table of Contents

Times New Roman

Comic sans ms.

Arial is a widely used typeface and is known for its professional look. It is from the family of sans-serif fonts and is excellent in terms of readability.

Arial gives a clean and sophisticated look to the text and is free to use 😀

It is pre-installed in most applications, so you can use it simply by selecting it from the Font box.

Segoe UI is also becoming increasingly popular in the world of typefaces. It is available for free in every Microsoft application and is a sans-serif font.

It makes text legible and smooth to read and is mostly used in professional sheets. You can search for it by typing in its name in the font box 🖮

Segoe UI looks great with increased font size. But it can be difficult to understand in an Excel sheet if the size is small because of the rows and columns.

Helvetica is yet another popular typeface used by people everywhere. It is available for free in each MS application and belongs to the sans serif group.

It works great for headings and text in big font sizes. Helvetica gives a neat look making it the favorite font of designers and developers 🤩

You can quickly find it in Microsoft Excel by typing its name in the font box.

Times New Roman has been in use since the early 1930s. And there isn’t a 90’s person who hasn’t used it. It belongs to the serif font type and has been in use in newspapers for decades now.

Times New Roman is now found in the font list of every software and tops the list of most commonly used typefaces.

You can find the font in your Microsoft fonts by typing it in the name 💻

Comic Sans MS is a sans-serif font and was originally designed for Microsoft. As the name suggests, Comic Sans was created for lettering in comic magazines 🕮

It looks funny, casual, and rather friendly. Comic Sans is not popularly used for professional work, but it makes your text appear nice.

It comes pre-downloaded in all Windows versions, and you can easily search for it in the Excel font box.

That’s it – Now what?

In this article, we saw the five best Excel fonts and their features. Our favorite typeface is Arial, as it has become the standard for professional typing.

In Excel, the Calibri font is set as the default font. All your text will be typed in the same font until changed manually.

You can select any typeface you want from the font box apart from the ones mentioned above. Similar to fonts, there are other features that can add to your Excel presentation 👀

These include formatting, alignment, layout, and more. Excel also has over 400 fantastic functions. Some of the best are IF, SUMIF, and VLOOKUP.

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11 minute read

11 Best Excel Presentation Tips in 2024

Brandon Pfaff

Brandon Pfaff

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best excel font for presentation

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There’s more to a spreadsheet than just the numbers on the page. It is equally important to make your spreadsheets look professional, easy to read, and visually appealing to your viewers.

The same way a lawyer with a crooked tie and disorganized papers might raise an eyebrow in court, your Excel presentation won’t hit the right marks with your audience if it looks clumsy and bland, no matter how many hours of research goes into making it or how important the information contained within it is.

Whether you are creating a spreadsheet for personal use, to pass information to your team or share with your project manager, the secrets locked away in this post will be of immense use to you. Let’s take a look at the best Excel presentation tips to help you create standout spreadsheets .

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1. Get a template online

If you are a busy person, and you cannot fit an Excel presentation design into your schedule, enter the ex machina: pre-made Excel templates. You can choose from an array of purpose-specific templates with beautiful designs, fonts, and colors. Simply enter your values to customize it, and you are ready to go.

Of course, using a template means you will not get better at designing things yourself. If getting things done is your priority instead of getting better at designing presentations, then, by all means, use a template and be done with it. On the other hand, if you want to know how to make your Excel presentation better on your own, then find someone to teach you or stick around until the end of this post.

Check out our 50 best Excel templates to make your life easier  and our  33 Excel business templates for workplace productivity .

2. Name your worksheets correctly

Excel presentation is all about clarity. For this single reason, the importance of a correct and reliable project or worksheet name cannot be overemphasized. It could be a sentence, a phrase or just a word. Just make sure it is easy to understand by you or by anyone you will be sharing the file with.


You also must make sure it is distinct from the names of other worksheets stored on your computer. After all, what is the use of all the tips you will learn here today if you will not be able to find the worksheet you applied them on?

3. Define your header/title

Your header and title can be anything but it needs to stand out. Your header must be able to speak to the reader and make the reader know at first glance what the header is.


To do this, try a larger font for your header, underline and embolden it. You should center align it and use a different font color. It has to stand out but also blend with the template color scheme and overall aesthetic look. You can also use a different readable for your header. Just remember, we want to make it distinct, not isolated.

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4. Dos and don'ts of fonts

Full transparency: Fonts make or break your spreadsheet. Always use a uniform font for your data, you can use the same font for your header or you can change that of the header. You can use three fonts in a single presentation and that is the recommended maximum, else you would be pushing it. In this case, less is infinitely better.

These are the guidelines to follow in selecting the right format for your font.

Here is a quick tip, fonts of the sans-serif group are the best for your Excel spreadsheet if readability is your goal. Calibri, Helvetica, Arial or Playfair are few examples. If used with the right alignment, spacing, and color, they can bring out the best in your Excel presentation.


This ultimately depends on your presentation but officially, font 12 is often advised with double spacing to improve readability. As stated earlier, the header font can be larger. The headers should be larger than sub-headers which in turn should be larger than data fonts.


You want to create a sharp contrast between the text color and the background colors e.g. a light color text on a dark background and vice versa. This is where the "zebra stripes" rule comes in, which will be discussed later in the post.

People don’t often use the alignment tool in Excel. If you want to make your presentation look beautiful and business-like , you will need to maximize the alignment feature.


5. Create space for breathing room

When you see tightly packed, clumsy or wordy text or spreadsheet, your brain automatically gets tired of reading it before you even start. But when there is breathing space and the spreadsheet is divided up into categories, it becomes more pleasant to the eyes and ripe for interpretation by the brain.

This brings us to the B2 rule. Try to start your presentation on column B, row 2. Leaving the A column and the first row blank. It works like magic. You should also make sure that the column and row dimensions are the same.


Additionally, don't autofit the height and width of your document. You need to have flexibility and creative control of your workspace. Instead, manually adjust the height and width so that they have just enough white space but not too much to give your presentation some breathing room and improve readability.

6. Add an image

Whether it’s a photograph, an artistic sketch or your logo, images go a long way in making your spreadsheet better. Images make your presentation look official and possess the professional feel in many of the beautiful presentations you have seen. Pictures speak a thousand words. While Excel is not designed to accomplish the kind of presentation you can make in PowerPoint, a picture will help you to drive the point home and make your presentation memorable.


7. Go off the grid

Do you know that erasing all grid lines apart from those of your result will have people asking how you did it and if you used the same Excel software they use? Try it today. In your spreadsheet

Go to the View tab on the ribbon.

  • Under the Show section, uncheck the box next to Gridlines .


8. Zebra stripes: Excel jungle law

Zebra stripes are alternating dark and light colors on rows lying on top of each other. This helps in a number of ways. First, it has this aesthetic feel that makes your work seem orderly, especially if you are displaying hundreds of rows of data. Second, it helps correlation and readability. A reader can track a row from the right-hand side to the far left and not lose track of what row his or her eyes are set upon.


You can zebra stripe using many methods. When you create a table in Excel, by default this will be zebra striped (Tip- select your data and use the shortcut Ctrl + T on a PC or ^ + T on a Mac to quickly create a table). On the Design tab, under Table Styles, you can change the color and style of your zebra stripes.

It can also be done using a formula in conditional formatting if desired. Conditional formatting is done by highlighting values that satisfy certain requirements (e.g. all odd-numbered rows). It can be copied from cell to cell using the painter tool in the Home toolbar.

9. Use charts, tables , and graphs

Most presentations are incomplete without some form of visual representation. Whether table, graph or chart, you need to visually represent your raw data in mediums that would be understood in a single glance. Charts, graphs, and tables should not be underestimated, especially if you have cumbersome data spanning many columns and rows.

In the Excel ecosystem, the chart, graph, and table features are like symbiotic siblings. You need them to bring out the beauty in the brevity of your work.


10. Create cell styles

Excel has many preset cell styles but you can create your own custom styles that will be more customized, and easier to use and edit because you created it. This is actually an alternative to getting a template if graphics consistency is your goal. After creating a beautiful spreadsheet with the above information, you can save the style so that you can apply it to future presentations.


Now your presentation is perfect with the right feel and style. Simply highlight the cells with your design for saving, then go to the Home toolbar, click on "more" at the base of the style gallery, then select "new cell style". A style dialog box will open, name the style, edit its properties and save.

If it isn't broken and it works efficiently, why change it? You can, however, add a touch of variability by changing the color palette from time to time.

11. Show restraint

You have learned all of these tips and you are ready to start your presentation -  be careful of overdoing it. Use color sparingly and don't combine too many tips at once. You need to tread the fine line between underwhelming and too much to find the "just enough" middle ground. Make sure your presentation is perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

Ultimately, the way your Excel presentation turns out depends on how well you communicate your data to your audience. Although, it does help to know the psychology of colors, good fonts. Browse beautiful spreadsheet presentations online to figure out what the "best" looks like. But at the end of the day, the ball is in your court and we hope that your dedication to practicing, sharpening and perfecting your presentation skills in Excel will be rewarded with cheers.

Ready to design your own Excel presentations?

If you would like to sum up the data on your Excel spreadsheet so that its insights are conveyed in a straight-forward manner, then follow this step-by-step guide. You’ll end up with a presentation that summarizes your data in a way that’s painless to analyze.

If you’re eager to brush up on your Excel skills, check out our Excel course and master the fundamentals to boost your productivity.

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Brandon Pfaff

Brandon is a full time CPA specializing in all things tax. When he is not serving clients, he enjoys spending time with his wife and son, real estate investing, and sipping fine bourbon.

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What fonts work best in Excel?

  • Microsoft Excel

Q. My associate says that in Excel, I should use an Arial font for numbers and a Times Roman font for text to improve readability. Do you agree? If not, which fonts do you recommend we use for creating Excel, Word, and other documents?

A. I'm not a fan of mixing fonts in an Excel workbook because it requires extra work to apply different fonts and because your documents tend to look more professional when you consistently use the same font throughout your cover letters, financial reports, and footnotes. However, when it comes to choosing the best font for displaying both text and numbers, the font you choose matters. From a readability point of view, the Times New Roman font is considered to be easier and faster to read compared with other commonly used fonts. Times New ­Roman is a serif typeface that first ­appeared in the British newspaper The Times on Oct. 3, 1932. The Times New Roman font's serif design makes reading easier because the characters are more recognizable. Notice how easy it is to read the following phrase in Times New Roman font even though the bottom half of the characters are hidden from view.


Likewise, the Arial font's thicker and cleaner design seems to make large sets of numbers appear streamlined and more readable. While readability is important, being contemporary is also important. In the same way that wearing a short, fat tie with high - waist pants can make you look " old - fashioned ," using an old - style font can make your documents look "old school" as well. For example, when you examine an old brochure or magazine advertisement from several decades ago, it looks old, doesn't it? But why? Chances are that the older style font screams "antique," and subliminally, your brain can tell. For your reports and writings to look current, you need to be using a current - day font.

Just as clothing styles change from one decade to the next, so do font styles. In the 1970s the Times New Roman font was considered highly fashionable. In the 1980s the Helvetica font emerged as the font that made writings look fresh and chic. The 1990s was dominated by the Arial font, and starting around 2000, the trendy Veranda font hit the scene and became widely adopted as the latest fashion statement. Today, Calibri is the hot new font that may be the best one to use in Excel, Outlook, and Word for the following reasons:

  • Current and hip: Introduced by Microsoft in 2007 in conjunction with Office 2007 and Windows Vista, Calibri is basically a skinnier version of the Arial font and the latest font style to gain wide acceptance.
  • Easier to read: The Calibri font was designed by Microsoft to make both numbers and text more readable for all sizes of fonts, large and small. It was specifically engineered to be highly legible for both alphabet and numerical characters, and the thinner Calibri font makes it easier to read on today's smaller handheld devices. Presented below are the alphabetic characters formatted in the Times New Roman, Arial, and Calibri fonts, which show that the Calibri font requires less space than the others.


So, remember to use the right font, or I'll call the serif.

About the author

J. Carlton Collins ( [email protected] ) is a technology consultant, a CPE instructor, and a JofA contributing editor.

Note: Instructions for Microsoft Office in “Technology Q&A” refer to the 2007 through 2016 versions, unless otherwise specified.

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Do you have technology questions for this column? Or, after reading an answer, do you have a better solution? Send them to [email protected] . We regret being unable to individually answer all submitted questions.

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5 Best Excel Fonts: Enhance Your Spreadsheets

The best Excel fonts size depends on the user’s specific needs and preferences. Generally, experts recommend a font size between 10 and 12 points for readability. However, it is important to consider the amount of data displayed and the size of the cells in Excel when choosing font size.

If you are tired of staring at plain, boring spreadsheets all day and want to make your Excel documents more visually appealing and engaging. Don’t worry here. We will uncover the best Excel font to enhance your spreadsheets and make them stand out.

We will also guide you on installing custom fonts in Excel, so you can unleash your creativity and take your spreadsheets to the next level. Get ready to impress your colleagues and clients with stunning Excel documents that are both informative and visually appealing.

Table of Contents

Enhance your Excel spreadsheets’ overall look and feel by carefully selecting the best fonts . The right font can greatly impact readability and professionalism, creating a more visually appealing and effective spreadsheet.

Among the top 5 recommended Excel fonts are Arial, Segoe UI, Helvetica, Times New Roman, and Comic Sans MS. Each font has its unique style and features, allowing you to customize your spreadsheet based on your specific needs. Here we are going to expose the best Excel fonts fully.

Arial, one of the best fonts for Microsoft Excel, offers simplicity and readability. This sans-serif typeface is widely used, ensuring clean and modern visuals. Regardless of the font size, Arial remains easy to read, making it versatile for headings and body text. It’s available on most computers and compatible with different Excel versions. Whether a professional report or a casual spreadsheet, Arial guarantees enhanced readability.

2. Segoe UI

Segoe UI is a highly preferred font choice for Excel spreadsheets due to its sleek and contemporary appearance. With its clean lines and modern design, it enhances the overall visual appeal of your data. As a sans-serif font, it lacks the decorative flourishes found in serif fonts, which improves readability, especially when working with numerical data.

Segoe UI offers different weights, such as regular, bold, and italic, allowing you to emphasize specific information in your spreadsheet. Using Segoe UI, you can give your Excel spreadsheets a professional and polished look that is visually pleasing and easy to navigate.

Additionally, Microsoft Excel widely supports Segoe UI, ensuring compatibility across different software versions. Its availability and versatility make it reliable for creating visually appealing and easy-to-read spreadsheets.

3. Helvetica

Enhance your spreadsheets with the clean and modern Helvetica font. It is widely used in Excel for its simplicity and readability. Perfect for both headings and body text, Helvetica adds a professional touch to your spreadsheets.

This versatile font ensures your data is easy to read, whether working with a small dataset or creating a polished presentation. Remember to select the right font size for optimal readability. Give your Excel spreadsheets a sense of professionalism and clarity with the popular Helvetica font.

4. Times New Roman

Times New Roman, a widely-used font in Microsoft Excel, is known for its readability and professional appearance. With its classic serif design, Times New Roman adds a touch of formality to spreadsheets, making it an ideal choice for professional or academic settings.

This font is particularly popular for printed or shared spreadsheets, as it maintains clarity even in smaller sizes. However, if you’re looking for a more modern or creative look, Times New Roman may not be the best option. When creating your Excel spreadsheets, considering the font style can significantly impact their aesthetic.

5. Comic Sans Ms

Comic Sans MS is a widely-used font choice for informal or creative spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel. It has a friendly and playful appearance, making it suitable for presentations or worksheets aimed at children. Using Comic Sans MS can add a touch of personality to your spreadsheet without compromising readability.

However, it may not be the best option for more professional or formal documents. When selecting a font for your Excel spreadsheet, consider the purpose and target audience to ensure the font enhances both readability and visual appeal.

How To Install Custom Fonts In Excel?

You need to follow a few simple steps to install custom fonts in Excel. First, download the font file from a trusted source. Then, navigate to the “Fonts” folder in your computer’s Control Panel. Then, drag the downloaded font file into the Fonts folder to complete the installation.

Once installed, you can easily use the custom font in Excel and other applications on your computer. Custom fonts can add a unique touch to your spreadsheets and help make them more visually appealing and professional-looking.

To summarize, selecting an appropriate font for your Excel spreadsheets can substantially affect both readability and overall visual appeal. Highlights five exceptional best Excel fonts – Arial, Segoe UI, Helvetica, Times New Roman, and Comic Sans MS – each possessing distinct styles and features that can elevate your spreadsheets depending on their intended use and target audience.

Irrespective of whether you are preparing financial reports or data visualizations, choosing the right font is a crucial design element. Hope the above outline on the best Excel font will help you to choose the right font for your need and enhance your font-using skills.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.What Is The Common Font In Excel?

Ans: The most commonly used font in Excel is “Calibri.” It has been the default font since 2007 and is known for its clean and modern appearance, making it easy to read. Other popular font choices in Excel include Arial, Times New Roman, and Verdana.

2.What Is The Best Font For Excel Financial Models?

Ans: For Excel financial models, it is recommended to use clear and legible sans-serif fonts like Arial or Calibri. Sans-serif fonts are easier to read on screens and in small sizes. Choose a font that differentiates features clearly and avoid decorative or script fonts that may be difficult to read or display properly in Excel versions.

3.What Is The Best Font For Data Entry?

Ans: For data entry, using a clear and legible font like Arial or Calibri is best. Avoid decorative or script fonts that are hard to read. Choose a comfortable font size and maintain consistency throughout the spreadsheet for a professional appearance.

4.What Fonts Work Best In Excel?

Ans: The most suitable fonts for Excel are clear and legible, such as Arial, Calibri, and Verdana. Avoid decorative or script fonts that can hinder readability. Opt for a font size of 10-12 for regular text and larger sizes for headings and titles. Utilize bold or italic formatting to emphasize important details.

5.What Are The Best Fonts To Use In Excel?

Ans: Arial is one of the standard fonts that Excel uses by default. It is a sans-serif font, meaning it does not use features such as serifs, strokes, or curves. It is often considered a professional-looking font because of its clarity and legibility. Calibri is another standard font that Excel uses by default

David Egee, the visionary Founder of FontSaga, is renowned for his font expertise and mentorship in online communities. With over 12 years of formal font review experience and study of 400+ fonts, David blends reviews with educational content and scripting skills. Armed with a Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Design and a Master’s in Typography and Type Design from California State University, David’s journey from freelance lettering artist to font Specialist and then the FontSaga’s inception reflects his commitment to typography excellence.

In the context of font reviews, David specializes in creative typography for logo design and lettering. He aims to provide a diverse range of content and resources to cater to a broad audience. His passion for typography shines through in every aspect of FontSaga, inspiring creativity and fostering a deeper appreciation for the art of lettering and calligraphy.

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20 Best Fonts for Presentations In 2024 [PowerPoint or Not]

20 Best Fonts for Presentations In 2024 [PowerPoint or Not]

Written by: Chloe West

An illustration of a person placing a star on one of four A's in different fonts.

Choosing the best font for your presentation can mean the difference between an engaged audience and one that’s confused or distracted. A presentation font needs to be legible, agreeable, and not interfere with the content itself.

But choosing a font isn’t always straightforward.

To save you time and effort, we’ve selected 25 of the best fonts for presentations. This list will help you find the best font for your next presentation, whether you’re using PowerPoint, Google Slides, Keynote or any other tool to create it.

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best excel font for presentation

Choose the font that you like from the list below and see when (and if) you should use it. And the best part? Each of these, and 500 more fonts are available for free in Visme's presentation maker .

Here's a short selection of 8 easy-to-edit Presentation templates you can edit, share and download with Visme. View more below:

best excel font for presentation

26 Best Fonts for Presentations 

  • Archivo Black
  • Libre-Baskerville
  • Abril Fatface
  • League Spartan
  • Playfair Display
  • DM Serif Display
  • Dela Gothic One

Presentation Font #1: Lato

The font Lato.

We’ve all seen a million and two presentations using standard fonts like Arial and Times New Roman. Lato often serves as a default font choice in many cases. This sans-serif typeface offers a more contemporary appearance.

Plus, the variety of weights that Lato is available in – from thin to light to bold and more – helps to ramp up this font’s overall appeal.

This font can be used in a variety of different ways, as we’ll see in the presentation templates below.

In this presentation below, we see Lato used as the header font in each slide. It’s paired with a thicker serif font to create a nice balance between the two types of fonts.

A purple, blue and white pitch deck using the presentation font Lato.

Here’s another presentation example using Lato as the main header. Both of these examples are using Lato Light to create a more sleek and modern look in their slide decks.

A red, white and blue pitch deck using the font Lato.

However, as we see in the above presentation, Lato’s normal and bold weights work perfectly for offsetting the light in various headings and designs.

Lato is a modern and readable font, making it perfect for nearly any type of presentation. However, it works perfectly for conveying your professionalism in a pitch deck as well, like we’ve shown you in these examples.

Presentation Font #2: Roboto

The font Roboto.

Another great font to use in your presentations is Roboto. Roboto is yet another basic sans serif font that works across a variety of industries and types of presentations .

Roboto is a suitable font to use for your body text, like we see below in this presentation.

A white, green and red pitch deck template using the font Roboto.

All of the main body paragraphs are easy to read in Roboto, as well as professional and well designed.

We see Roboto used again below in this presentation sharing workout apps.

A fitness presentation using the font Roboto.

Here, it’s also used as the main font for body copy within the presentation. This just goes to show that this font can be used for nearly any type of presentation as well as any industry.

Roboto also pairs well with many other fonts, whether a serif like Garamond, a sans serif like Gill Sans or a script like Pacifico.

Presentation Font #3: Bentham

The font Bentham.

Bentham is a stunning serif font that works perfectly as a header font in your business presentations . It’s easy to read and gives your presentation a more traditional look and feel.

We use the Bentham font in our simple presentation theme, as you can see below.

Our Simple presentation theme using the serif font Bentham.

This font can be used as uppercase, title case or even lowercase, whatever fits in best with the rest of your design. In the simple presentation theme, we have over 300 different slide styles to help you put together a unique and beautiful presentation.

Bentham is a free font that you can easily access inside Visme when creating your presentation design. Add letter spacing to create a different effect on your slides.

Pair Bentham with a sans serif font for your body copy like Open Sans (that we’ll cover shortly) or Futura .

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best excel font for presentation

Presentation Font #4: Fira Sans

The font Fira Sans.

Fira Sans is a stunning font that is incredibly versatile. In fact, you can utilize Fira Sans as both your header and body font, with another font in the mix to act only as an accent font.

See what we mean in this PowerPoint template below.

A purple educational presentation template using the font Fira Sans.

While Fira Sans is used in both normal and bold weights for the majority of the slide content, we see a nice serif thrown in as well to offset the single presentation font.

We can see Fira Sans used in multiple ways in this informational presentation template below as well.

A green educational presentation template using font Fira Sans.

This gorgeous sans serif font can be used in bold, italic, underline and more, giving you a wide variety of uses for this one font selection. Give it a try in your next presentation.

Presentation Font #5: Archivo Black

The font Archivo Black

Archivo Black is a bold and strong font that looks powerful in all caps, like in the presentation example below. This font works perfectly on titles in both large and smaller sizes because it has a heavy presence.

lemon and black presentation

In this presentation, Archivo Black is paired with Work Sans, a perfectly agreeable sans serif font that is easy to read in body text and captions.

When deciding what fonts to pair together, take a look at the Font Pairs collection in the left-hand toolbar of the Visme editor. In there, you’ll find hundreds of great pairings to use in your presentations.

Presentation Font #6: Montserrat

The font Montserrat.

Montserrat is a big favorite of ours here at Visme given that a large majority of our own headings across our website are done in this font.

However, it’s one of the top font choices you can use as well for the headings on your PowerPoint slides.

Check out how we’ve used Montserrat as a header in this marketing plan presentation template.

Blue and orange marketing plan presentation template using the font Montserrat.

It’s bold and helps your slide titles and headers to stand out to your audience, letting them know exactly what to expect each time you move to a new slide.

Here’s another example where we’ve used Montserrat, but this time we’ve used a thinner version in the header.

A yellow and black marketing plan presentation template using font Montserrat.

This versatile font almost looks like a completely different typeface when you switch up its weight, giving you even more flexibility for using it across your various presentations.

As you can see, Montserrat can be the font to choose when creating a marketing or business plan presentation as it’s both professional and visually appealing.

Montserrat also pairs well with a variety of different fonts. Try a thin sans serif for a nice contrast in your next PowerPoint.

Presentation Font #7:  Open Sans

The font Open Sans.

Open Sans is a commonly used font for body paragraphs in your presentation slides due to its legibility. Because it’s a basic sans serif font, it’s the perfect way to visualize the larger pieces of text you might need to include on a slide.

Here’s a presentation template that showcases Open Sans as the main font for the body copy.

A space-themed presentation template using the font Open Sans.

However, Open Sans shouldn’t be discounted as only a paragraph typeface. In fact, you can also use it in professional presentations to help your headings stand out clearly, increasing readability.

Take a look at this stock pitch presentation that uses Open Sans as the large font for the title and headings on each page. We used Open Sans in two different weights, creating a font pair that looks balanced and unique.

stock pitch presentation template using font Open Sans.

If you’re looking for the right font to ensure your presentation is easy to read and digest, Open Sans is a great choice.

Presentation Font #8: Dosis

The font Dosis.

Dosis is another go-to presentation font for any industry. It’s a fun sans serif font with rounded edges and tall, thin letters, giving it a more futuristic look.

Here’s an example of how an industry focused presentation can use Dosis in – a slide deck for a restaurant’s marketing plan.

restaurant marketing plan presentationn template using font Dosis

In this example, Dosis is used in all caps on the title slide and in the headings on each slide. This template has added a unique design that incorporates a two-color composition that makes the font contrast with the background.

Below, we have another impressive presentation template using Dosis in a similar fashion. It’s paired here with sans serif font Source Sans Pro, providing a modern combination fit for a tech startup pitch deck.

Blue pitch deck template using the font Dosis.

Similarly, we see that Dosis works well in all caps and can be used in a variety of designs in order to make the text stand out that much more.

Presentation Font #9: Libre-Baskerville

The font Libre-Baskerville.

Another quality PowerPoint font to consider using in your presentations is Libre-Baskerville. This is a Google font that you can use for free inside many presentation software , Visme included!

Libre-Baskerville is a serif font style that can be paired with a variety of other fonts and color schemes, creating a more traditional look and feel for your presentation.

We use Libre-Baskerville in all caps as headings in our Modern presentation theme. This theme has over 800 different slide designs so you can pick and choose the ones that work best for your presentation needs.

Our Modern presentation theme using the font Libre-Baskerville.

However, this font can also be used in body paragraphs just as easily, as it’s clear and legible and easy to read.

In the presentation template below, we’ve paired Libre-Baskerville with Josefin Sans in the header, creating a classic look and feel for any presentation deck .

Purple and orange pitch deck template using font Libre-Baskerville.

Libre Baskerville is a timeless font choice that never goes out of style and adds a sleek touch to any presentation you need to create.

Presentation Font #10: Muli

The font Muli

Muli is a versatile font that looks professional in both headings and body copy. As a sans-serif font, it’s bottom-heavy, so it sits well on the line, giving a sense of control. Its roundness makes it friendly and easy to read.

This presentation uses Muli for the titles in a medium size and a lower size for small headings. The pairing of Muli with Lato works well with the colors and shapes in the rest of the design.

strategy presentation templates using Muli

Presentation Font #11: Abril Fatface

The font Abril Fatface.

If you’re looking for a bolder font that grabs attention, a slab serif like Abril Fatface might be just the font you’re looking for. This could pair nicely with a standard font like Helvetica or Verdana or a thinner serif like Georgia or Palatino.

Check out how we’ve incorporated this bold font into the headings of the below annual report presentation design.

A blue and gold annual report presentation template using font Abril Fatface.

Abril Fatface is a great font for creating eye-catching headlines on your slides, but should only be used with short headings or pieces of text. A bold font like this can be hard to read in paragraphs or longer sentences.

Look at how good this Abril Fatface looks on the 3rd slide of this presentation.

The presentation below also uses Abril Fatface for the headings on each slide. The font has so much personality that it looks beautiful on its own and placed over bold colors.

 a multi color training presentation template using the font Abril Fatface using the font Abril Fatface

If you’re looking for a slab serif font alternative, use fonts like Rockwell or a bolded Trocchi in your next Visme or PowerPoint presentation .

You could even look into custom fonts from sites like DaFont and import them into your Visme brand kit .

Presentation Font #12:  KoHo

The font KoHo.

The next font on our list is KoHo, a unique sans serif font that can be used in more playful presentations. 

Whether you’re creating a presentation for school , a video presentation to play in your office or something else entirely, KoHo can be one of the best fonts to utilize.

We incorporated KoHo into our Creative presentation theme in the various headings of each slide.

Our Creative presentation theme using the font KoHo.

This is another one of our massive presentation themes, offering hundreds of slide designs for you to choose from. However, as the name suggests, this one has a more creative and playful feel to it.

If you need to create a pitch deck for investors or a sales presentation for new clients, KoHo and the Creative theme might not be for you. 

However, if you’re embedding a slideshow onto your blog or sharing an informational presentation on SlideShare, KoHo could be a better suited choice to engage your audience.

Presentation Font #13: Helvetica 

The font Helvetica.

Helvetica is a classic sans serif font that has a very loyal fanbase, and for good reason.

As seen most clearly in capitalized texts, the upper half of the texts are quite large when compared to other san serifs fonts. 

A mobile app trends presentation template using the font Abril Fatface

This allows the Helvetica fonts to have near-symmetrical proportionality when measuring the upper and lower portions of a text. These proportions make the identification of letters easier at a distance, like in the template example above. 

This fact makes Helvetica a great font to use for headers and titles in live presentations where there may be people “sitting in the back row ” and viewing your presentation from a distance. 

To clearly communicate your main points, be sure to use Helvetica as a bold text on headings and titles.

Presentation Font #14: Cormorant

The font Cormorant.

Cormorant is a sleek and modern serif font.

We like to think of Cormorant as a good alternative for Times New Roman but with a moderate and tasteful change.

With a dynamic range of varying thicknesses, Cormorant appears to have a calligraphic feel and look while still maintaining a sense of professionalism.

A consumer behavior research presentation template using the font Cormorant

While artistic and expressive, Cormorant is still fully legible and usable in a professional environment, as you can see in this presentation template.

Our recommendation is that you choose a font color that is a complementary color to the background. This helps separate the thin portions of the font from the background.

Should the variations in thickness prove too much for your taste, consider dialing back that expression by using Cormorant in its bold format. By thickening up the thinner lines, the variations are less noticeable and may be more suitable for a given context. 

Cormorant is a modern serif font that works well in titles, headings, subtitles for subpoints or paragraphs.

Presentation Font #15: Prompt

The font Prompt

Prompt is a geometric sans serif font designed for Latin and Thai languages. Its geometric quality gives it a solid and stable feel that will give your presentation a unique look.

In this modern presentation example, Prompt appears in all titles and subheadings. It’s paired with Montserrat, another san serif with personality. These fonts together do look a bit similar to each other but balance each other out in terms of weight and thickness.

a win loss analysis report presentation using font Prompt

Choose this font specifically if you’re creating a presentation in Thai and need the words to be legible and well-balanced.

Presentation Font #16: League Spartan

The font League Spartan.

League Spartan is a simple sans serif font, that is bold, uniform and minimalistic by nature and is great for headings and titles.

Because it's hefty even with the bold setting turned off, you may want to take extra precautions when using League Spartan for paragraphs or letter bodies. 

A consulting sales pitch template using the font League Spartan.

League Spartan works great as a header for infographics or cartoon-style presentations, like in the template above. 

The purpose of an infographic is to take difficult or complex information and turn it into easy-to-remember points. The reason that League Spartan works so well with infographics is its simplicity. 

To help set the overall tone of an infographic, you can use a simplified san serif font like League Spartan. A font like this will simplify an important or complex data point and make it feel easy to understand. 

Presentation Font #17: Poppins

The font Poppins.

Poppins is a versatile and linear san serif font. 

Poppins is linear because of its strong vertical terminals, which are the end of a stroke that is not a serif. This gives the font a sense of weight and vertical authority, making it great for strong, stand-out titles and headers.

Not only is Poppins a wonderful choice for titles and headers, but it also works well for titles, text bodies and subtitles, as you can see in our presentation template below. 

A marketing budget presentation template using the font Poppins.

The linear and versatile aspects of Poppins has made this font a favorite in the business and professional world. It feels casual, yet is still very professional.

Presentation Font #18: Playfair Display

The font Playfair Display.

What can we say about Playfair Display, other than it’s an incredibly chic and fashionable serif font. 

This font has a strong box feel as most of the characters stay between the baseline and X-height. This means that most of the letters do not dip far below the line, nor do they rise above most of the other letters.

This makes Playfair Display an excellent choice for strong titles and headers, as you can see in our presentation template below.

A real estate presentation template using the font Playfair Display.

Many fonts that go after the “box look” fail at being legible from a distance. 

To avoid this problem and make the letters more pronounced, Playfair Display uses a variety of thicknesses in the stem of their letters when compared to the arms and other extensions. 

Playfair display is a classy and elegant font designed to be used as headers or titles. While it can still be used in paragraphs, you may want to limit its usage to shorter portions of your text.

Similarly sized and spaced words written in this style can be disorienting for some readers. So instead, consider using Playfair Display as a font for titles, quotes or various subtitles in your presentation.

Presentation Font #19: Raleway

The font Raleway.

Raleway is a modern sans serif font that was originally designed to be used as a lightweight font. But after its release and by popular demand, Raleway was given heavier and italicized versions for its fans to use. 

The bold and light versions of this font are extremely versatile and can be used anywhere from bold headers to lighter parts of the body in your presentations, as you can see in our presentation template below.

A consultancy presentation template using the font Raleway.

The italicized version of Raleway has slightly off-centered bowls and shoulders in certain letters. This means that the markings that are not the stem are purposefully written higher or lower than normal. 

This is a subtle artistic flair that does not influence readability. Some people find that swashes actually help increase legibility with these off-centered markings. 

Presentation Font #20: Otama

The font Otama

This type of font pairs well with a solid sans serif like Lato Light. In this presentation example, Otama and Lato Light in all caps work together to create a professional design that stands out and makes a statement.

a business agency presentation template using the font Otama

Presentation Font #21: Lora

The font Lora.

Lora is a unique serif font that was made in a contemporary style. 

Drawing its inspiration from calligraphy and traditional fonts, Lora is an excellent balance between an artistic and professional font. 

Lora has very pronounced arches leaping away from the stem of each letter. This gives the font family a more “bubbly” feel to it, while still maintaining a sense of clean professionalism.

To unleash Lora’s true artistic nature, you’ll want to turn on the italics. When italics mode is activated, each letter receives additional swashes, giving it a more hand-written feel.

If you add weight to its default thickness, Lora works well for both titles and headers and when set to its default settings, Lora truly shines as a font in paragraphs and bodies, as you can see in our presentation template below.

A portfolio presentation template using the font Lora.

Presentation Font #22: Inter

The font Inter

You can use Inter in different weights throughout a presentation or pair it with a versatile font like Lato Light to give the composition a bit of visual variety. The presentation example below uses Inter in mixed-case and Lato Light in all-caps for headings and mixed-case for body text.

a product win loss analysis presentation template using the font Inter

Presentation Font #23: Noto Sans

The font Noto Sans

Noto Sans is a basic sans serif font that makes for a great presentation font. Clean and easy to read, it can be used in a variety of different ways from slide to slide.

Take a look at this presentation template below. The main font used throughout the headers and content is Noto Sans, creating a clean and cohesive presentation design.

A project management presentation template available to customize in Visme.

The above presentation template also uses a script font for the author name on the first slide as well as another sans serif font (Poppins) for some body content.

Having a nice mixture between the two ensures the presentation isn't boring—but it's still clean and uncluttered. Poppins is another font on this list. Try mixing 2-3 different fonts from our recommended fonts to create a stunning presentation design.

Presentation Font #24: Heebo

The font Noto Heebo

Heebo is one of the more unique sans serif fonts on our list, but it works perfectly for presentation slide headers. As a thin, tall font, it works better in a larger size than it would for content.

Take a look at how we've used Heebo in this presentation template below. It remains in an all-caps format, typically for headers from slide to slide.

An onboarding presentation template using the font Heebo

We've also creatively used the font by juxtaposing it atop purple squares, helping to create a design element out of text. Consider how you can do the same thing in your presentations.

Presentation Font #25: DM Serif Display

The font Noto DM Serif Display

Our next top font is a beautifully bold serif font. DM Serif Display is a perfect header font for a more traditional presentation design. Serifs tend to seem more old-fashioned, so keep that in mind when creating your next presentation. Maybe a serif will best fit with your audience.

Take a look at this template below to see DM Serif Display in action.

A project plan presentation template available to customize in Visme.

In the above presentation, we've paired this bold serif font with a nice thin sans serif to pull the design together. Sometimes opposites attract and help you to create a beautiful presentation design that your audience will love.

Presentation Font #26: Dela Gothic One

The font Dela Gothic One

Dela Gothic One is a thick and chunky font with a strong feel. It’s ideal for headings on posters, packaging and in titles on presentations. This font has a lot of power and is best paired with a simple sans serif font or even a classic serif like Garamond for body copy.

For a bolder outcome, use Dela Gothic One in all caps, like we did in the presentation example below. Each slide includes a strong title in Dela Gothic One in a color that contrasts with the background.

a sports presentation template using the font Dela Gothic One

Ready to Create Your Next Presentation?

When it comes to fonts for PowerPoint (or any other presentation platform), there are so many options to choose from that it can get overwhelming. But selecting fonts doesn't need to stress you out. Stick to the ones in this list and you’re sure to have a winner.

Whether you use Microsoft PowerPoint , Apple Keynote or Visme, each of these presentation fonts can really bring the best out of your presentation. 

If you want to get even more out of your presentation design and have access to top notch animation, transition and interactivity capabilities, sign up for Visme's free presentation maker today .

If you're racing against the clock, take advantage of Visme’s AI features, like the AI Presentation Maker which takes a text prompt and turns it into a fully designed presentation draft.

Create beautiful presentations faster with Visme.

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About the Author

Chloe West is the content marketing manager at Visme. Her experience in digital marketing includes everything from social media, blogging, email marketing to graphic design, strategy creation and implementation, and more. During her spare time, she enjoys exploring her home city of Charleston with her son.

best excel font for presentation

5 Best Fonts for Microsoft Excel

- Written by Puneet

In Excel, when you are working with data, it’s important to use a font to present that data in an understandable to the user. The default font in Excel is Calibri with a font size of 11, but you can use any of the fonts you want.

In this tutorial, I’ll share five different fonts that I have found to be good replacements for the default font.

1. Segoe UI

I have found Segoe UI to be a perfect replacement for Calibri. This font is already installed in Windows. You can just need to change it from the Home Tab ⇢ Font.

2. Fira Code

Fira Code is a google font that you can download and install on your system. I have found this good to use when I need to present numbers. It’s a little sleek and makes it easy to read it.

Verdana is a pre-installed font in Windows and one of the most used fonts in the world. I use this font when I am working on large data sets. As it has been used worldwide, its readability is amazing, and you can use it in reports also.

4. Helvetica

Helvetica is also a pre-installed font in Windows, and you can use it in Excel too. This font works perfectly with large data sets and especially with column headings.

5. Source Code Pro

Source Code Pro is also a google font that you need to download and install in the system. It’s a sleek font that can be used in dashboards and reports, especially when you need to use a large font size.

In this list, I have only recommended sans-serif fonts. Excel is a spreadsheet application and when you are working with data, a font style needs to be easily understandable for the user.

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best excel font for presentation

Download and install custom fonts to use with Office

Most applications (such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) include fonts that are automatically installed when you install the software. For example, applications that are created especially for document design projects, such as Microsoft Publisher, often come with quite a few extra fonts that you can use with any other program on your computer.

However, sometimes you may want to install custom fonts that you've created, purchased or downloaded from somewhere else. In this article we'll talk about how to install those fonts so you can use them in Microsoft Office.

Note:  To embed fonts in a Microsoft Office Word document or PowerPoint presentation, see Embedding fonts on the PPTools site .

Locate custom fonts on the Web

In addition to acquiring and using fonts installed with other applications, you can download fonts from the Internet. Some fonts on the Internet are sold commercially, some are distributed as shareware, and some are free. The Microsoft Typography site site provides links to other font foundries (the companies or individuals outside of Microsoft who create and distribute fonts) where you can find additional fonts.

After you find a font that you would like to use with an Office application, you can download it and install it through the operating system that you are currently using on your computer. Because fonts work with the operating system, they are not downloaded to Office directly. You should go through the system's Fonts folder in Windows Control Panel and the font will work with Office automatically. On the Mac you use the Font Book to add the font and then copy it to the Windows Office Compatible folder.

Many third parties outside of Microsoft package their fonts in .zip files to reduce file size and to make downloading faster. If you have downloaded a font that is saved in .zip format double-click the zip file to open it.

Install a custom font you have downloaded

Once you've downloaded the font you want to install you need to install it in the operating system. Once the font is properly installed in the operating system Microsoft Office will be able to see and use it. For detailed instructions select the operating system you're using from the drop-down box below.

  • Select your operating system
  • Windows 7, 8, 10, or 11

Find the font file that you downloaded, keeping in mind that it may be contained within a .zip file. It's probably located in your downloads folder.

Double-click the font file to open it in the Font Previewer

The Windows Font Previewer lets you view and install fonts on your Windows computer

Close the Font Previewer, and open your Office program. You should now see your new font included on the font list.

Find the font file you downloaded - it likely has a .ttf or .otf extension and it's probably in your downloads folder. Double-click on it.

Note:  If the font file has a .zip extension you need to open that .zip file and open the font file from there.

It will open in the font previewer. Click Install Font . It will open in the Font Book .

Close the Font Book . Your font should now be available to Microsoft Office.

Note:  If you're using Office 2011 for Mac, you may need to drag and drop the font to the Windows Office Compatible collection in the Font Book to make it available to Microsoft Office.

Sharing files that contain non-standard fonts

When you install a custom font, each font will work only with the computer you've installed it on. Custom fonts that you've installed on your computer might not display the same way on a different computer. Text that is formatted in a font that is not installed on a computer will display in Times New Roman or the default font.

Therefore, if you plan to share Microsoft Office Word, PowerPoint, or Excel files with other people, you'll want to know which fonts are native to the version of Office that the recipient is using. If it isn't native, you may have to embed or distribute the font along with the Word file, PowerPoint presentation, or Excel spreadsheet. For more information about this see Fonts that are installed with Microsoft Office .

Microsoft Typography

Change or set the default Font in Microsoft Office

Language Accessory Pack for Office

Do you have ideas for how we can improve Microsoft Office?

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Excel Tutorial: What Is The Best Font For Excel Spreadsheet


When it comes to creating an Excel spreadsheet, choosing the best font is an important decision that can impact the clarity and professionalism of your document. The right font can make your data easier to read and understand, while also giving your spreadsheet a polished and professional look.

Key Takeaways

  • Choose a font that suits the purpose of your Excel spreadsheet, such as data analysis, financial reports, or presentations.
  • Emphasize readability and clarity by selecting a font that is easy to read and using an appropriate font size and style.
  • Maintain professionalism and consistency in your spreadsheet by using commonly used professional fonts such as Calibri, Arial, or Times New Roman.
  • Consider compatibility and accessibility when choosing a font, ensuring it is compatible across different devices and accessible for all users.
  • Follow best practices for font selection, such as using sans-serif fonts for on-screen readability and considering the impact of color and formatting on font choice and visual appeal.

Consider the Purpose of the Spreadsheet

When deciding on the best font for an Excel spreadsheet, it is crucial to consider the purpose of the document. The font choice can have a significant impact on readability, visual appeal, and overall effectiveness of the spreadsheet.

A. Importance of considering the purpose of the spreadsheet

Before selecting a font, it is important to assess the primary function of the spreadsheet. For example, a data analysis spreadsheet may require a font that is clear and easy to read, while a financial report may benefit from a more professional and formal font. Understanding the purpose will help in choosing a font that is best suited for the intended use.

B. Examples of suitable fonts for different purposes

For data analysis: When dealing with a large amount of data, fonts such as Arial, Calibri, or Verdana are suitable choices. These fonts are clean, easy to read, and work well for displaying numerical and textual information.

For financial reports: Fonts like Times New Roman, Garamond, or Cambria are often preferred for financial documents due to their formal and professional appearance. These fonts convey a sense of credibility and authority, which is important for financial reporting.

For presentations: When creating a spreadsheet for presentation purposes, it is advisable to use fonts like Helvetica, Franklin Gothic, or Futura. These fonts are modern, sleek, and provide a polished look, which can enhance the visual appeal of the presentation.

Readability and Clarity

When it comes to creating an Excel spreadsheet, readability and clarity are essential for ensuring that the information is easily comprehensible. The font used in the spreadsheet plays a significant role in achieving this goal.

A. Emphasize the significance of using a font that is easy to read and enhances clarity

Choosing a font that is easy to read is crucial for the overall effectiveness of the spreadsheet. The font should be legible and clear, even when the spreadsheet is printed or viewed on different devices. This helps prevent any misunderstandings or misinterpretations of the data.

B. Discuss the impact of font size and style on the overall readability of the spreadsheet

Font size and style also play a vital role in the readability of the spreadsheet. The font size should be large enough to be easily readable, but not so large that it affects the layout of the spreadsheet. Additionally, the font style should be chosen carefully to ensure that it is clear and does not cause any confusion when reading the data.

Professionalism and Consistency

When it comes to creating an Excel spreadsheet, using a professional font is essential for maintaining consistency and presenting a polished, organized appearance. The font you choose can impact the readability and overall impression of your spreadsheet, so it’s important to select a font that reflects professionalism and aligns with your intended audience.

Explain the importance of using a professional font to maintain consistency in the spreadsheet

Using a professional font in your Excel spreadsheet not only contributes to its overall aesthetic appeal but also helps to ensure consistency across different sections and sheets. A consistent font choice can make the data easier to read and understand, while also conveying a sense of professionalism and attention to detail. It’s important to consider the visual impact of the font and how it contributes to the overall user experience when working with the spreadsheet.

Provide recommendations for commonly used professional fonts such as Calibri, Arial, or Times New Roman

There are several commonly used professional fonts that are well-suited for Excel spreadsheets. These fonts are widely recognized and have been designed for readability and professional appearance. Some popular choices include:

  • Calibri: This modern sans-serif font is a popular choice for Excel spreadsheets due to its clean, sleek appearance and excellent readability.
  • Arial: Arial is a classic sans-serif font that is widely used in various business documents and presentations. Its simple, straightforward design makes it a reliable choice for Excel spreadsheets.
  • Times New Roman: As a timeless serif font, Times New Roman is often used in formal and professional documents. Its traditional, elegant style makes it suitable for Excel spreadsheets that require a more traditional look.

Compatibility and Accessibility

When it comes to creating an Excel spreadsheet, choosing the right font is crucial. Not only does it impact the visual appeal of the document, but it also plays a key role in ensuring compatibility and accessibility for all users.

One of the main considerations when selecting a font for an Excel spreadsheet is its compatibility across different devices and platforms. It is important to choose a font that will render consistently across various operating systems, such as Windows, macOS, and Linux, as well as on different devices, including desktop computers, laptops, and mobile devices. This ensures that the content of the spreadsheet remains legible and professional-looking regardless of where it is viewed.

Another critical aspect to consider when choosing a font for an Excel spreadsheet is accessibility. It is essential to select a font that is easily readable for all users, including those with visual impairments. This means opting for a font that is clear, easy on the eyes, and has good contrast against the background. Additionally, considering the use of alternative text and providing descriptive captions for images and charts can further enhance the accessibility of the spreadsheet for all users.

Best Practices for Font Selection

When it comes to selecting the best font for Excel spreadsheets, there are a few key tips to keep in mind. One of the most important considerations is the readability of the font, especially when viewing the spreadsheet on a screen. Using sans-serif fonts such as Arial or Calibri can improve on-screen readability, making it easier for users to view and interpret the data.

1. Consider the Purpose of the Spreadsheet

  • When selecting a font for an Excel spreadsheet, it's important to consider the purpose of the document. If the spreadsheet is intended for a formal or professional audience, a more classic and readable font like Times New Roman may be suitable. However, for a more modern and visually appealing look, a sans-serif font may be a better choice.

2. Pay Attention to Font Size

  • Font size also plays a crucial role in the readability of an Excel spreadsheet. It's important to choose a font size that is large enough to be easily read, but not so large that it overwhelms the document. Generally, a font size between 10 and 12 points is considered standard for Excel spreadsheets.

In addition to the font itself, it's important to consider the impact of color and formatting on font choice and the overall visual appeal of the spreadsheet. The color and formatting of the font can significantly affect the aesthetics and usability of the document.

1. Contrast and Legibility

  • When choosing a font color, it's essential to consider the background color of the cells in the spreadsheet. The font color should provide enough contrast against the background to ensure legibility. For example, using a dark font color on a light background or vice versa can improve readability.

2. Consistency and Coherence

  • Consistency in font choice and formatting throughout the spreadsheet can enhance the overall visual appeal and cohesiveness of the document. Using a consistent font style, size, and color can create a more professional and organized appearance.

By following these best practices for font selection, you can ensure that your Excel spreadsheets are not only visually appealing but also easy to read and interpret, enhancing their overall effectiveness.

In conclusion, when choosing the best font for your Excel spreadsheet, it is important to consider the purpose, readability, professionalism, and compatibility of the font. Whether you need a clean and modern look for a financial report or a more traditional and professional look for a business presentation, the right font can make a significant difference in how your data is perceived.

Therefore, I encourage you to carefully consider the key factors discussed in this blog post before deciding on the best font for your Excel spreadsheet. By doing so, you can ensure that your data is presented in the best possible way, making it easier for your audience to understand and interpret.

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Best Fonts For Excel & How To Install Them

There is no doubt that Excel is one of the most widely used software programs in the world. It’s so useful that nowadays, 82% of jobs require its use.

However, if you use this software daily, aren’t you bored with the same old fonts installed on it? So why don’t you install some new fonts and enjoy a whole new experience with Excel?

It’s not only about new looks; readability also matters.

Maybe the old fonts aren’t easy to read, so adding some new fonts can solve this problem as well! Therefore, if you are looking forward to installing some new typefaces for your spreadsheet, then you have landed on the best page.

Today, we are going to introduce you to some of the best Excel fonts you will ever find. Also, if you want to learn how to install them on your Excel, then make sure you read this article till the end!

10 Best Fonts For Excel / Google Sheets

Excel isn’t just a piece of software; it’s a workplace for so many people, so customizing it with new fonts can be fun!

If you are wondering which fonts would be best for spreadsheets, then here is a list of them:

  • Times New Roman
  • Lexend Deca

Fonts For Excel

Arial is one of the most popular and widely used typefaces in the world. It’s a sans-serif font, designed by Robin Nicholas and Patricia Saunders in 1982.

When it comes to readability, nothing can beat Arial because of how clean and smooth it looks. No matter what kind of text or numbers you type with it, everything will look just perfect as it was designed, especially for the body and texts.

Lastly, Arial is a free font in most software, and Excel isn’t an exception, which means you can use it whenever you need it!

Fonts For Excel

If you work on a computer, then it’s guaranteed that you have used Calibri before! Since this font is used as a custom typeface in many apps and software nowadays.

This beautiful typeface was designed by Luc(as) de Groot and released in 2004.

After the release, Calibri took no time to get attention and became everyone’s favorite really quickly. Just like Arial, it’s another sans-serif font, which means adding it to your spreadsheet will be a great idea.

So what are you waiting for? It’s a free typeface, so there’s no need to worry about licenses.

3. Segoe UI

Fonts For Excel

Segoe UI has become very useful and popular since it’s available on every piece of software from Microsoft.

This sans-serif typeface was designed by Steve Matteson, and he created it because he wanted the world to use a highly readable font.

Segoe UI is really smooth, clean, and legible, which makes it really easy for anyone to understand every text typed with it. Even small texts are easy to read, so using them in a place like a spreadsheet can be a great choice.

Since there are so many columns and rows in Excel, which can make it hard for anyone to read small texts!

4. New York

Fonts For Excel

If you are bored of using sans-serif fonts on your Excel spreadsheet, then we have got good news for you since today we are presenting you with New York!

New York is a serif font, which means it has those beautiful strokes at the end of each letter. Most of the time, serif fonts are used as only headings, but New York is an exception!

It’s beautiful and easy to read, which means installing it as a spreadsheet font is the best thing you can do right now.

5. Playfair

best excel font for presentation

For people looking forward to trying something new on their Excel, Playfair can be a really good choice.

It’s a stylish and beautiful serif font that will make your spreadsheet projects look stunning.

Furthermore, even though it’s a stylish and fancy font, you won’t regret using it as text since it’s highly readable! Even your coworkers and your boss will be impressed by your sheets, so why not give Playfair a try?

6. Times New Roman

best excel font for presentation

You can’t say you work on a computer if you know nothing about Times New Roman.

It’s a really popular serif font that was designed by Stanley Morison and Victor Lardent and released in 1931.

When Times New Roman was first released, it was used only for newspapers, and it worked really well. And now there’s no software that doesn’t have Times New Roman in their font list.

This gives anyone enough reasons to use this amazing typeface!

7. Gill Sans

Fonts For Excel

Are you looking for a spreadsheet font, especially for headings?

If so, then Gill Sans will surely become your favorite font.

It’s a humanist sans-serif typeface that should be mainly used for titles, logos, and headings. You should use Gill Sans for a project title or the headings of columns.

Your projects will be so beautiful and will be loved by everyone for sure!

best excel font for presentation

Roboto has been a favorite typeface of every Android user since it was designed and released by Google in 2011, especially for Android.

Soon after its release, Roboto became so popular that even desktop users started designing with it!

It may look really simple, but the truth is that this typeface is highly charming when used as a text. It will look great on your spreadsheet, so do not forget to try out this free font.

9. Helvetica

Fonts For Excel

Helvetica is the most widely used and most popular typeface in the world ever!

Helvetica is a sans-serif font designed and released by Max Miedinger and Eduard Hoffmann in 1957.

It’s loved by every single designer. No matter how much you use it, you can’t get bored at any cost. Furthermore, it’s available in every single piece of software for free, which is another good reason to use it.

10. Lexend Deca

best excel font for presentation

Do you love fonts designed to improve reading proficiency?

If yes, then it’s guaranteed that you will use Lexend Deca for your spreadsheet.

It’s an amazing sans-serif font that was designed by Thomas Jockin.

A great thing about this typeface is that it has 7 different styles, which gives you an opportunity to choose from many beautiful styles! Also, it’s a free font for both commercial and personal use, so trying it is a worthwhile option!

How To Install Custom Fonts In Excel? 

Some of the fonts mentioned in the above list aren’t available in Excel, so downloading and installing them can be a great idea!

If you don’t know how to install custom fonts in Excel, then simply follow these steps:

Step 1: Download your favorite font from any website you want.

Step 2: Find the downloaded typeface in the file manager. It should be available in the Download folder.

Step 3: If the font is a zipped file, then you will need to unzip it first. If it’s unzipped, double-click it and then you will get an option to install it.

Step 4: Tap install and then the operating system will install the typeface on your computer.

Step 5: Now check if the font is available in the font list of Excel. If it’s not, then restart it. The typeface should be available there!

What Is The Best Font Size For Excel? 

Most professionals recommend 10–12 points for any kind of text since it’s not too small and not too large.

You can use a larger size for headers, but for text, 10-12 points are the best choice ever!

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Best Font For Excel Spreadsheet

Unlocking the power of typography in excel: a guide to the best fonts for spreadsheets.

When it comes to creating an Excel spreadsheet, the content is undoubtedly king. However, the way that content is presented can significantly affect its readability, comprehension, and overall impact. One of the most crucial yet often overlooked aspects of spreadsheet design is the choice of font. The right font can make your data look professional, enhance readability, and even influence the way information is perceived. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of typography to uncover the best fonts for Excel spreadsheets and how they can transform your data presentation.

Understanding the Role of Fonts in Data Presentation

Before we explore the specific fonts that excel in Excel, it’s important to understand why font choice matters. Fonts carry an aesthetic value that contributes to the visual hierarchy, guiding the viewer’s eye through the data. They also have practical implications, affecting how quickly and accurately information can be read and understood. A well-chosen font can be the difference between a spreadsheet that communicates effectively and one that falls flat.

Readability and Legibility: The Cornerstones of Font Selection

Readability and legibility are the cornerstones of font selection for Excel spreadsheets. Readability refers to how easily words, phrases, and blocks of text can be read, while legibility is about how quickly individual characters can be distinguished from one another. A font that scores high on both these aspects will ensure that your data is accessible to all users, regardless of their visual acuity or reading conditions.

Consistency and Professionalism: Maintaining a Cohesive Look

Consistency in font usage helps maintain a cohesive look throughout your spreadsheet. This not only makes your document more professional but also aids in reinforcing the structure and flow of information. A consistent typographic scheme helps users navigate the spreadsheet with ease, making it a crucial aspect of font selection.

Top Fonts for Excel Spreadsheets: A Curated Selection

Now that we’ve established the importance of font choice, let’s explore some of the best fonts for Excel spreadsheets. These fonts have been chosen based on their readability, legibility, and overall aesthetic appeal in a data-centric environment.

Calibri: The Modern Standard

Calibri has been the default font for Microsoft Excel since 2007, and for good reason. Its sans-serif design is clean and uncluttered, making it highly readable on-screen. Calibri’s characters are spaced well, and it offers excellent legibility, even at smaller sizes. This makes it an ideal choice for dense data tables where space is at a premium.

Arial: The Classic Choice

Arial is another sans-serif font that has long been a staple in the world of digital documents. Its straightforward, no-nonsense design ensures that data is presented clearly and without distraction. Arial’s widespread use also means that it’s familiar to most users, which can further aid in readability.

Verdana: Designed for the Screen

Verdana was specifically designed for clarity on computer screens, making it an excellent choice for Excel spreadsheets that are primarily viewed on monitors. Its generous spacing and larger-than-average characters make it stand out in a sea of data, ensuring that your information is easily scannable.

Times New Roman: The Traditionalist’s Pick

For those who prefer a more traditional look, Times New Roman is a serif font that brings a touch of formality and elegance to spreadsheets. While it’s not as screen-optimized as its sans-serif counterparts, it can be a good choice for printed reports or when a more classic aesthetic is desired.

Consolas: A Monospaced Marvel

Consolas is a monospaced font, meaning each character takes up the same amount of horizontal space. This uniformity can be particularly useful for aligning columns of numbers or creating tabular data where precision is key. Its clear character design and ample spacing make it a strong contender for data-heavy spreadsheets.

Font Size and Formatting: Maximizing Impact

Choosing the right font is just the beginning. The size of the font and how it’s formatted can also greatly influence the effectiveness of your spreadsheet. Here are some tips for getting the most out of your font choice:

  • Font Size:  Generally, a font size of 10 to 12 points is ideal for body text in Excel. Headings and titles may require larger sizes for emphasis.
  • Bold and Italic:  Use bold formatting to highlight important data or headings. Italics can be used for annotations or less critical information.
  • Color:  While black text is standard, using color sparingly can draw attention to key figures or categories.

Accessibility Considerations: Ensuring Your Spreadsheet is Inclusive

When selecting a font for your Excel spreadsheet, it’s important to consider accessibility. Not all users have the same visual abilities, so choosing fonts that are inclusive is key. Fonts with clear distinctions between similar characters (like ‘I’ and ‘l’, or ‘O’ and ‘0’) can help prevent confusion. Additionally, avoid using fonts that are too stylized or intricate, as they can be difficult to read for individuals with dyslexia or other visual impairments.

Custom Fonts: When to Break the Mold

While sticking to tried-and-true fonts is generally advisable, there may be situations where a custom font is appropriate. If you’re creating a spreadsheet for a brand-specific presentation or want to stand out, a custom font that aligns with the brand’s identity can be a powerful tool. Just ensure that the font maintains high readability and is installed on all systems where the spreadsheet will be viewed.

FAQ Section: Navigating the Typography Terrain in Excel

Can i use different fonts within the same excel spreadsheet.

Yes, you can use different fonts within the same spreadsheet, but it’s important to do so with intention. Reserve different fonts for specific purposes, like headings versus body text, to maintain a structured and professional appearance.

How do I know if a font is readable at small sizes?

Test the font by filling in some sample data and reducing the font size to see how it holds up. If you can still distinguish characters and read the text without straining, the font is likely a good choice for smaller sizes.

Are there any fonts I should avoid in Excel spreadsheets?

It’s best to avoid overly decorative or script fonts, as they can be difficult to read and may not convey professionalism. Stick to fonts that are designed for screen readability and have a track record of being effective in data presentation.

Conclusion: The Art and Science of Choosing the Right Font

Selecting the best font for your Excel spreadsheet is both an art and a science. It requires a balance between aesthetic appeal and functional design. By considering factors like readability, legibility, and consistency, and by choosing from the curated selection of fonts presented in this article, you can elevate your spreadsheets from mere data repositories to compelling visual documents that communicate with clarity and impact.

Remember, the best font for your Excel spreadsheet is one that aligns with your specific needs and audience. Whether you opt for the modernity of Calibri, the familiarity of Arial, or the precision of Consolas, your choice of font is a powerful tool in your data presentation arsenal. Use it wisely, and watch your spreadsheets transform into effective, engaging, and professional documents that stand the test of time.


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Best Font for Excel Spreadsheet

  • / Best Font for Excel Spreadsheet

In the realm of Excel spreadsheets, the choice of font can significantly impact the overall readability and presentation of your data. Whether you’re creating financial reports, project timelines, or inventory lists, selecting the right font can enhance clarity and make your data more accessible.

This guide explores the importance of choosing the best font for Excel Spreadsheet and provides practical advice based on top recommendations from expert sources.

Why Font Choice Matters in Excel Spreadsheets

The font you choose for your Excel spreadsheet plays a crucial role in how information is perceived and understood. Here’s why font selection is important:


Clear and legible fonts reduce eye strain and help users absorb information quickly.


Certain fonts convey a more polished and professional appearance, which is essential for business documents.

Visual Consistency:

Consistent font usage across multiple spreadsheets or within a team ensures a cohesive visual identity.

Emphasis and Hierarchy:

Different fonts can be used to signify headings, subheadings, and data points, aiding in the interpretation of complex datasets.

Step-by-Step Process for Choosing the Best Font

Consider the purpose:.

Understand the purpose and audience of your spreadsheet. Are you presenting data to executives, colleagues, or clients? Tailor the font choice accordingly.

Focus on Readability:

Prioritize fonts that are clear and easy to read at various sizes. Sans-serif fonts like Calibri or Arial are popular for their simplicity and readability.

Avoid Decorative Fonts:

Steer clear of overly decorative or ornate fonts, which can distract from the data itself.

Optimize for Screen Viewing:

If your spreadsheet will primarily be viewed on screens, choose a font that looks crisp and clean on digital displays.

Use Consistent Fonts:

Maintain consistency throughout your spreadsheet. Choose one or two fonts for headings and body text to create a unified look.

Consider Accessibility:

Ensure that the font you select is accessible to all users, including those with visual impairments. Avoid very thin or condensed fonts.

Top Recommended Fonts for Excel Spreadsheets

Based on expert opinions and user preferences, the following fonts are widely recommended for Excel spreadsheets:

  • Calibri: A modern sans-serif font that is easy to read and widely used in business documents.
  • Arial: A classic sans-serif font known for its clarity and versatility.
  • Verdana: Another excellent choice for readability, especially in smaller font sizes.
  • Times New Roman: A serif font suitable for more formal or traditional documents.


In summary, the font you choose for your Excel spreadsheet can have a significant impact on how your data is perceived and understood. By prioritizing readability, professionalism, and visual consistency, you can create spreadsheets that are not only informative but also visually appealing.

Consider the purpose of your spreadsheet, the preferences of your audience, and the nature of your data when selecting the best font. By following these guidelines on best font for excel spreadsheet; you can optimize the readability and effectiveness of your Excel documents.

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20 Best Fonts for Excel: Making Every Cell Count

best excel font for presentation

When it comes to creating spreadsheets, the clarity and readability of your data are crucial. Choosing the right font can significantly enhance these aspects, making your Excel documents not only easier to navigate but also more visually appealing. Whether you’re crunching numbers for business reports or organizing personal data, the font you select can make a big difference. In this article, “20 Best Fonts for Excel: Making Every Cell Count,” we explore a variety of fonts available in Canva that are perfect for enhancing your Excel projects. 

What we cover

1. Bebas Neue

best excel font for presentation

Why it is best Excel font: Known for its clean and bold lines, Bebas Neue is excellent for headers in Excel spreadsheets. Its high legibility and impactful appearance make it ideal for drawing attention to important sections like titles and key data points.

best excel font for presentation

Why it is best Excel font: This sans-serif font offers a balance of readability and contemporary aesthetics. Its open counters and humanist touch ensure that data is approachable and easy to digest, making it suitable for both body text and headings.

best excel font for presentation

Why it is best Excel font: As a default font in many versions of Microsoft Excel, Calibri is familiar to most users. Its rounded corners and warm nuances enhance readability, which is crucial for viewing and editing detailed data.

best excel font for presentation

Why it is best Excel font: Designed for academic purposes, Cardo’s large character set and clear distinction between letters make it perfect for complex data that demands high readability, such as scientific or historical spreadsheets.

best excel font for presentation

Why it is best Excel font: Carlito is metric-compatible with Calibri, providing a familiar feel with a more open license. Its clarity and versatility make it excellent for any Excel work, ensuring that data is easily readable at any size.

6. Comfortaa

best excel font for presentation

Why it is best Excel font: With its rounded, geometric design, Comfortaa offers a modern touch to spreadsheets without sacrificing readability. It’s particularly effective for titles and headers that require a softer, friendly aesthetic.

7. Droid Serif

best excel font for presentation

Why it is best Excel font: Optimized for digital screens, Droid Serif provides excellent legibility in print and on displays, making it a reliable choice for detailed financial reports or data analysis in Excel.

8. EB Garamond

best excel font for presentation

Why it is best Excel font: Reflecting the elegance of the 16th-century Garamond typefaces, EB Garamond brings a classic sophistication to Excel documents. It is excellent on-screen readability and old-style figures make it suitable for formal reports.

best excel font for presentation

Why it is best Excel font: Garet is a geometric sans-serif with a clean and modern look. Its high x-height and closed counters boost its legibility, making it ideal for both digital displays and printed spreadsheets.

10. GFS Didot

best excel font for presentation

Why it is best Excel font: This serif font has a luxurious feel, appropriate for high-stakes data presentations such as annual reports. Its clear, sharp serifs and high contrast make it readable, which is crucial for dense text in cells.

11. Josefin Sans

best excel font for presentation

Why it is best Excel font: Inspired by vintage sans-serifs from the 1920s, Josefin Sans adds a touch of elegance to spreadsheets without compromising readability, ideal for stylish yet functional data presentations.

12. Merriweather

best excel font for presentation

Why it is best Excel font: This serif font is designed for maximum readability on screens, making it a superb choice for detailed data analysis. Its sturdy structure supports long reading sessions.

13. Montserrat

best excel font for presentation

Why it is best Excel font: With its geometric lines and urban style, Montserrat is versatile for both headings and body text, making spreadsheets look modern and dynamic.

best excel font for presentation

Why it is best Excel font: The clean and geometric shapes of Nexa offer excellent readability and a contemporary feel, making it fit well in creative industries’ data presentations.

15. Playfair Display

best excel font for presentation

Why it is best Excel font: With its high contrast and distinctive style, Playfair Display is best used for titles and headers in Excel to add a touch of refinement and emphasis.

16. Poppins

best excel font for presentation

Why it is best Excel font: Poppins is a geometric sans-serif that balances formality with a modern touch, offering an airy feel with its round shapes, which enhances the clarity of data displayed.

17. PT Sans

best excel font for presentation

Why it is best Excel font: Designed for public information signage, PT Sans is made to be highly legible at various sizes and weights, which translates well into clear and concise data presentation in Excel.

18. Quicksand

best excel font for presentation

Why it is best Excel font: This display sans-serif has rounded letters that provide a friendly and light-hearted tone without losing the professional touch necessary for data clarity.

best excel font for presentation

Why it is best Excel font: The mechanical skeleton and largely geometric forms make Roboto versatile and legible, an excellent all-around choice for any data-heavy document in Excel.

20. Source Sans Pro

best excel font for presentation

Why it is best Excel font: Adobe’s first open-source font, Source Sans Pro, is designed for user interfaces and is highly legible in small sizes, making it perfect for complex spreadsheets requiring clear data presentation.

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Selecting Fonts For A Chart In Excel

Key takeaway:.

  • Consider the chart style: Before selecting a font for your chart in Excel, consider the overall style of the chart. The font you choose should complement the colors, labels, and overall design of the chart.
  • Choose the best font type: When selecting a font for your chart, choose a font that is easy to read and appropriate for the type of data being presented. Sans-serif fonts like Arial or Helvetica are good choices for charts with a lot of data, while serif fonts like Times New Roman or Georgia may work better for charts with smaller amounts of text.
  • Adjust font size and style: The font size and style should be adjusted to improve legibility and draw attention to important data points. Use font size to differentiate between different levels of information, and use bold or italic font styles to highlight important data points.

Struggling to find the right fonts for your Excel chart? You’re not alone! Discover how to create your ideal look in just a few easy steps. Find out how to select fonts that make your chart stand out!

Consider the Chart Style

Choosing the appropriate font for a chart in Excel plays a significant role in enhancing its visual appearance and ensuring its effectiveness. A well-designed chart can convey the message more effectively, and the right font selection is a key part of the design process.

Font Aspect Importance Factors
Font Size High Readability, readability distance, content density
Font Style High Contrast, clarity, legibility
Font Color Medium Contrast, legibility, reader’s preference, brand guidelines

It is crucial to consider the chart’s purpose, the intended audience, and visual branding guidelines while selecting the font. The readability of the font, distance between elements, and the content density are significant factors in font size selection. The right font style should be chosen to maintain clarity, contrast, and legibility of the chart.

Missing out on the right font selection can cause a significant impact on the chart’s effectiveness , making it challenging to read, interpret and understand. Consider the chart’s purpose, audience, and brand guidelines while choosing the appropriate font to ensure a well-designed and effective chart.

Choose the Best Font Type

When selecting fonts for a chart in Excel, it’s crucial to consider readability, style, and the intended audience. Ensure that the font type chosen is legible and easily understandable while also complementing the chart’s overall design. The right font can enhance the chart’s message and make it more engaging to the reader.

In addition, it’s also important to choose a font size that’s neither too large nor too small for the chart. A font size that’s too small may be difficult to read, while a font size that’s too large may overshadow other elements of the chart. Lastly, remember to maintain consistency throughout the chart by using the same font type and size across all elements .

While there may not be a universally “best” font type for all charts, it’s essential to choose a font that aligns with the chart’s purpose, audience, and design. By carefully selecting the right font, one can maximize the impact of the chart and improve its effectiveness in conveying the intended message.

Don’t miss the opportunity to enhance your chart’s message with the right font. Make sure to choose a font that not only looks great but also amplifies the goal of the chart . Remember to experiment with different font types and sizes and choose the one that best complements the chart’s design . Your readers will thank you for it!

Adjust Font Size and Style

Adjusting the Appearance of Text in an Excel Chart

When it comes to presenting data in an Excel chart, adjusting the appearance of text can significantly enhance its overall aesthetics and readability. Here’s a simple 3-step guide on how to adjust font size and style within an Excel chart.

  • Select the chart text that you want to edit.
  • Navigate to the “Home” tab and use the “Font” group to choose the desired font, size, and style.
  • After selecting your preferred options, the text within the chart will automatically adjust accordingly.

It’s worth noting that adjusting the appearance of text can help you emphasize important details and convey insights more effectively. For instance, you can opt for bolder fonts for key takeaways and use a larger font size for titles and headings.

Did you know that choosing the right font can even have an impact on how readers perceive your brand? According to research conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), fonts with rounded edges are generally perceived as friendlier and more approachable, while more angular fonts are perceived as stronger and more formal.

Use Font Effects Sparingly

Font Effects are used to enhance the visual appeal of charts in Excel. However, using them excessively will negatively impact chart readability. Instead of overusing them, use these effects sparingly to create a professional and visually pleasing chart. A balanced combination of font styles and sizes can help you achieve a clear and concise chart that delivers its message efficiently.

When considering font styles, use a Semantic NLP variation of “ Use Font Effects Sparingly ” to limit the number of font styles and sizes used in your chart. For instance, instead of using a different font for each data series, choose one or two that complement each other well and use them consistently throughout the chart. Furthermore, avoid using too many colors and underlining, bold or italicizing words unless necessary.

To enhance readability, use a larger font size for the chart title and axis labels . Also, make sure the font size is consistent within the chart. When using data labels, ensure they are legible and not too small or crowded.

In summary, by limiting the use of font effects, you can create a visually appealing chart that delivers its message efficiently.

Pro Tip: Use a font that matches your company or client’s branding to maintain consistency and professionalism.

Consider Accessibility Issues

Incorporating Accessibility Considerations in Chart Fonts

Choosing the right font for charts in Excel involves considering accessibility issues for the audience. This requires choosing fonts that are easy to read and understand for individuals with visual impairments, such as high contrast fonts and larger font sizes .

In addition to choosing appropriate fonts, it’s important to avoid using color as the sole means of conveying information in charts, as this can be difficult for individuals with color blindness. Providing alternative means of conveying information, such as labeling and annotations, can help enhance accessibility.

Accessible chart fonts ensure that everyone, regardless of their abilities, can interpret the information being presented . By making charts more accessible, you help ensure that individuals with visual impairments have equal access to the information being presented.

In fact, a true story about a visually impaired student in a statistics class highlights the importance of considering accessibility when creating charts. The student had difficulty interpreting the charts because of the font used, which led to confusion and frustration. This could have been easily avoided by choosing an accessible font that was easier to read for individuals with visual impairments.

By incorporating accessibility considerations into font selection for charts in Excel, you can effectively communicate information to a wider audience and help create a more inclusive environment.

Preview and Test the Chart

Creating a Preview of the Chart

To preview and test the chart, you can create a visual representation of the data using a table. The table should include the actual data that will be used in the chart, organized in appropriate columns. You can use <table>, <td>, <tr> tags to create the table. This will help you to get an idea of how the chart will look before selecting fonts and other design elements.

Additional Tips for Creating Charts

To ensure the best results, it is important to select fonts that are clear and easy to read. You should also consider the purpose of the chart and the audience that will be viewing it. For example, charts that are meant to be used in presentations may require larger fonts than those that will be displayed on a computer screen.

A Story of Font Selection in Charts

I once had a colleague who spent a great deal of time creating an intricate chart for a company presentation. However, when it came time to present the chart, many of the fonts were too small to be read from a distance. The presentation was not as effective as it could have been, simply because the wrong fonts had been selected. This experience taught me the importance of carefully selecting fonts based on the purpose and context of the chart.

5 Facts About Selecting Fonts for a Chart in Excel:

  • ✅ The font style and size used in a chart can greatly impact its readability and overall visual appeal. (Source: Microsoft)
  • ✅ It is important to choose a font that complements the data being presented and is appropriate for the intended audience. (Source: Peltier Tech)
  • ✅ Excel offers a variety of font options, including serif, sans-serif, and script, as well as various formatting options such as bold, italic, and underline. (Source: Excel Campus)
  • ✅ It is recommended to use no more than two font styles in a chart to avoid clutter and confusion. (Source: Excel Tips)
  • ✅ In addition to font selection, other factors such as color and formatting can also impact the overall effectiveness of a chart. (Source: Hubspot)

FAQs about Selecting Fonts For A Chart In Excel

What are some best practices for selecting fonts for a chart in excel.

When selecting fonts for a chart in Excel, it is important to ensure that the font is legible and easy to read. Avoid using decorative fonts that can distract from the data and make sure to use a font size that is appropriate for the size of the chart.

How can I change the font for a chart title in Excel?

To change the font for a chart title in Excel, select the chart title and then click on the “Font” dropdown menu in the “Home” tab. From here, you can select a new font and adjust the font size and color as desired.

What is the recommended font size for a chart in Excel?

The recommended font size for a chart in Excel depends on the size of the chart and the amount of text you are including. In general, a font size between 10 and 14 points is appropriate for most charts.

Can I use custom fonts in my Excel chart?

Yes, you can use custom fonts in your Excel chart as long as the fonts are installed on your computer. To use a custom font, select the text you want to change and then click on the “Font” dropdown menu in the “Home” tab. From here, click on the “More Fonts” option to see a list of all available fonts.

How can I make my chart text stand out more?

You can make your chart text stand out more by changing the font color or using bold or italicized text. You can also adjust the background color of the chart to make the text pop.

What is the difference between serif and sans-serif fonts?

A serif font has small lines or flourishes at the ends of the letters, while a sans-serif font does not. Serif fonts are generally seen as more traditional and formal, while sans-serif fonts are viewed as more modern and casual.

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What are the best Excel-friendly fonts?

As with most system fonts, the design world seems quite negative on Calibri. And I get it, but many of the recommended alternatives are impractical for those of us that need to produce a lot of content in Excel, at a pace that makes it impossible to redo every table in another app.

So can anyone recommend other sans options that

  • work at small point sizes for
  • dense, tabular, mostly numeric content,
  • both on screen and in print, and
  • have tabular and lining figures turned on by default

The last one is critical (since Excel does not support OpenType options) and I don't even know how to filter for it at foundry/catalog websites.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

Peter's user avatar

  • 1 Calibri is installed with Office though. If the goal is to have files transferable between systems, I've found it's always wise to just stick with the defaults whatever the Microsoft app wants to use. The more you customize fonts, the less transferable files are between systems/users. MS is pretty horrible at maintaining custom font choices. It's not about "Excel friendly" it's about "what won't the MS app mess up". –  Scott Commented Dec 7, 2021 at 19:01
  • @Scott Agreed, but sometimes I don't need the files to be transferable between systems or users. –  Peter Commented Dec 7, 2021 at 19:09
  • So to be clear you are asking for the use-case of pre-baked presentation (not inter-operability); you need fonts where lining and tabular numerals are the default set (like Calibri); cannot be Type1 (no Office support) –  Yorik Commented Dec 7, 2021 at 19:36
  • 1 @Scott - just tested. Excel thinks I'm typing in Calibri, but it's still not activated in FontExplorer & copy/paste tells me it's actually Helvetica. [/me jumps up & down like a small child, crying 'Ya boo sucks, Microsoft. You lose"] [sorry] –  Tetsujin Commented Dec 7, 2021 at 19:46
  • 1 @Tetsujin That sincerely made me lol, thanks XD –  Vincent Commented Dec 8, 2021 at 11:01

Definitely recommend Hoefler/Monotype's Office Fonts . Among other things, they're tweaked so the space between lines is quite narrow and the x-height quite high, so they'll feel right in charts.

Copilot's user avatar

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best excel font for presentation

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The 24 Most Professional Fonts to Use

Selecting the right font is an important design choice that can enhance—or detract from—the professionalism of a document. With thousands of fonts to choose from, the possibilities may seem endless. However, not all fonts are well-suited for professional business communications and documents.

This comprehensive guide explores the 24 most professional fonts to create polished, credible business documents that leave a positive impression. We analyse characteristics like readability, legibility, clarity, formality, visual appeal, and versatility to determine which fonts will top for professional use cases in 2024.

A Serif Sensation: Traditional Serif Fonts Offer Readability & Polish

1. times new roman.

This quintessential serif font designed for the New York Times newspaper 1931 remains a staple choice to exude professionalism. The fluid serifs and sturdy letterforms allow Times New Roman to be readable in print. The versatile design also displays well digitally. This font suggests the competence and trustworthiness key for professional communications.

Times Vs Times New Roman

Designed by Matthew Carter in 1993, this serif typeface contains thick, bracketed serifs for enhanced readability. Slightly wider letter proportion compared to Times New Roman improves clarity while maintaining a highly legible 11-point font size. The chunky, semi-bold weight is warm and refined for formal business uses.

Georgia Most Professional Font

3. Bookman Old Style

This classic, versatile serif face echoes Old Style typefaces used in publishing from the mid-1500s into the 1900s. Designed in 1884 by Alexander Lawson for the Century Schoolbook , the slightly condensed letterforms offer a more compact footprint without compressing readability. The sturdy serifs, graceful curves and horizontal stress suggest Old World heritage, perfect for adding gravitas to professional communications.

Bookman Old Style Professional Font

Key Takeaway: Traditional serif fonts like Times New Roman, Georgia and Bookman Old Style offer proven readability and polish well-suited for formal business documents.

Distinctive & Dignified: Transitional Serifs Bridge Generations

4. baskerville.

This refined, stately serif face designed by John Baskerville in 1757 defined transitional serif styles, forging a bridge from Old Style to modern looks. The crisp edges offer exceptional clarity, while distinctive ball terminals on letter curves add flair. Baskerville brings heritage elegance to contemporary professional settings, from resumes to reports.

Baskerville Font

5. New Baskerville

Released in 1917, this refreshed Baskerville interpretation by designer George W. Jones is often preferred for clarity on screens and modern printing presses. The slightly thicker strokes offer a bolder definition without compromising legibility. Pair with Georgia for font contrast that delivers professional polish.

New Baskerville Font

6. Times Ten

Photosetting provider Linotype released this updated take on Times New Roman in 1990 to improve output on low-resolution printers and poor-quality paper stock. Subtle changes like shortened ascenders and descenders optimise modern legibility without forfeiting professional persona. The economical proportions also save space.

Times Ten Font Download

Key Takeaway: Transitional serif typefaces like Baskerville, New Baskerville and Times Ten marry historical richness with sharp digital display for today’s professional contexts.

Modern Serifs Marry Heritage With Contemporary Flair

Created by renowned German typographer Jan Tschichold in 1964, Sabon draws inspiration from classic Garamond designs but optimises for modern requirements. The Roman letterforms offer exceptional clarity and even texture suitable for continuous business reading—an excellent choice to communicate expertise.

Sabon Font Download

8. ITC Legacy Serif

This 1993 serif release from the International Typeface Corporation retains Times New Roman’s professional personality but exhibits tighter spacing and finer hairlines for improved modern display. The condensed proportions occupy less real estate, allowing more content presentation.

Itc Legacy Serif Fonts

9. Merriweather

Designed by Eben Sorkin in 2010 for Google Web Fonts, this free serif selection exhibits classic proportions and styling adapted for optimal clarity across print, web and digital media. The understated design promotes continuous reading while conveying competence for various professional communications, from handouts to websites.

Merriweather Font Free Download

Key Takeaway: Modern serif font interpretations like Sabon, ITC Legacy Serif and Merriweather smartly evolve heritage styling for today's professional, multi-media business needs.

Sans Serif Fonts Signal Modernity For The Digital Era

Initially designed by Monotype in 1982 to offer Helvetica -style appeal more economically, this ubiquitous neo-grotesque sans serif font conveys professionalism and modernity. The comfortably spaced proportions ensure approachability while promoting exceptional on-screen readability.

Arial Sans Serif Font

11. Helvetica Neue

This seminal, globally recognised neo-grotesque face originated from the 1957 Helvetica release. Designer Max Meidinger evolved the styling in 1983 to enhance spacing and strokes for improved digital rendering. The Swiss heritage of architectural clarity and purity perseveres through this digitally-optimized typeface.

Neue Helvetica Font

12. Calibri

As the default font for Microsoft Office programs and Windows since 2007, Calibri offers a humanist sans serif option deeply familiar to modern business professionals. The rounded contours ensure approachability while the reliable rendering remains professionally polished across documents, slides, forms and other uses.

Calibri Font Download

Key Takeaway: Leading neo-grotesque sans serifs like Arial, Helvetica Neue, and Calibri adopt simplified styling that crisply conveys professional digital-age messaging.

Specialised Sans Serifs Target Professional Needs

13. clearviewhwy.

Specifically tailored for road signage by designer Don Meeker in 1998, this humanist sans serif face allows extraordinary readability for content viewed from a moving vehicle. Tested and proven across state transportation departments, Clearview denotes authority for wayfinding signage applications.

Clearviewhwy Font

14. Frutiger

This Univers-inspired sans serif, designed by Adrian Frutiger in 1976, improves visual hierarchy through letter variation. Numerals and glyphs are easily distinguished from letters to enhance clarity for signage and labelling purposes. The streamlined Swiss styling also denotes modern efficiency.

Frutiger Font Top 10

15. FF Mark

Designed by Erik Spiekermann in 2009, FF Mark offers a simplified, dotless construction derived from industrial German engineering and architectural signage applications dating to the 19th century. The functional format, stripped of superfluous strokes, delivers clear communication of professional content.

Ff Mark Professional Font

Key Takeaway: Field-specific sans serifs like ClearviewHwy, Frutiger , and FF Mark provide optimised displays targeted for professional signage or technical applications.

Authoritative & Distinctive: Professional Slab Serifs

16. rockwell.

Designer Frank Hinman released this bold, sturdy slab serif font 1934 for the Inland Type Foundry. The thick, monolinear strokes offer substantial visual presence, while softened rectangles lend friendlier allure. Rockwell brings commanding gravitas yet approachable warmth simultaneously to business communications.

Rockwell Font Download

HCI editor Matthew Carter designed this efficient slab serif family in 2001 for media conglomerate Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia exclusive use. Structured, compact strokes ensure clarity even at small sizes on inferior printing presses, maximising professional polish for publishing at scale.

Archer Font Download

18. Roboto Slab

Christian Robertson expanded his 2013 Roboto humanist sans serif into serif and slab serif families as core Google Fonts selections. Roboto Slab’s modern appearance and responsiveness across digital platforms offer a distinctive professional personality deviating from traditional expressions.

Roboto Slab Fonts

Key Takeaway: Distinctive professional slab serifs like Rockwell, Archer and Roboto Slab couple commanding visual presence with sturdy legibility to elevate business content .

Specialist Display Fonts Grab Professional Attention

This imposing caps-only Roman square capital's face echoes the solid strokes displayed prominently on Trajan ’s Column monument erected circa 113 AD. The all-caps letterforms project monumentality, allowing this font to emphasise professional titles, logos, signage and headlines with gravitas.

Trajan Font

Paul Renner’s 1927 milestone project encapsulated Modernist design with ideological efficiency through ordered, geometric strokes. Branding professionals leverage Futura to communicate focus and innovation, while design principals rely on minimal expression to emphasise information density.

Famous Logos With Futura Font

Inspired by architectural signage, designer Tobias Frere-Jones crafted this bold, structural alphabet in 2000 to evoke steadfast New York heritage. Professional designers rely on Gotham’s straightforward style to communicate confidence through headlines, titles, and branding elements .

Professional Fonts Gotham

Key Takeaway: Columnar Trajan, modern Futura, and architectural Gotham offer scalable display fonts to attract professional interest to titles, branding and headlines.

Handwritten Fonts Convey Personal and Professional Approachability

22. dearsarah sf pro.

Software developers Balance Type Foundry crafted this stylish, contemporary handwritten face in 2021 to inject personal warmth into professional communications. Ligatures between specific letter pairs boost intimacy while practising restraint to sustain polish, befitting more formal contexts like event invitations or featured callouts.

Dearsarah Sf Pro Fonts

23. Sf Handwriting Dakota

This casual handwritten font comes courtesy of the digital agency Design K to resonate authentically with personal correspondence for professional introductions or outreach touchpoints. Designed with multilingual support, the global accessibility remains professionally inclusive.

Dakota Handwriting Font

24. Homemade Apple

Independent type designer Sam Parrett delivers this distinctive, organic handwritten face that combines whimsical, retro warmth akin to scampering chalkboard renderings with the approachability of a trusted neighbour. Professional applications could include feature headers in reports or emphasis lines within newsletters to boost engagement.

Homemade Apple Font Download

Key Takeaway: Casual handwritten fonts like DearSarah SF Pro, SF Handwriting Dakota, and Homemade Apple humanise professional messaging through personalised execution.

Combining Complementary Fonts Creates Hierarchy & Contrast

When combining fonts for professional communications:

  • Align Serif & Sans Serif Faces – Pairing a serif such as Garamond or Times New Roman with a sans serif like Arial or Helvetica offers visual hierarchy through contrast.
  • Vary Weights For Emphasis – Mix heavy, light or condensed weights of compatible font families to make key content stand out.
  • Highlight Display vs Text – Blend sturdy display fonts like Impact or Gotham to accent readable text choices like Georgia or Calibri.
  • Maintain Consistent Typography – Limit professional font combinations to 2 or 3 compatible families and remain consistent across branded touchpoints.

Key Takeaway: Thoughtfully blending 2-3 complementary fonts into professional communications clarifies visual hierarchy through strategic contrast.

5 Key Criteria Define Great Professional Fonts

  • Readability – Strong letterforms deliver content consumption efficiently
  • Legibility – Distinct characters discern at small sizes
  • Clarity – Crisp definition promotes engagement
  • Compatibility – Adapts gracefully across media formats
  • Personality – Unique traits align with context

Key Takeaway: Professional font technical effectiveness must match appropriate contextual emotion and personality to achieve communications goals fully.

Most Professional Fonts – Recap At A Glance

  • Serif – Times New Roman, Sabon, Georgia, Merriweather
  • Sans Serif – Arial, Helvetica Neue, ClearviewHwy
  • Slab Serif – Archer, Roboto Slab, Rockwell
  • Display – Futura, Gotham, Trajan
  • Handwritten – DearSarah SF Pro, Homemade Apple

Conclusion: Apply Thoughtful Typography For Professional Results

This expansive guide highlights 24 exceptional font faces spanning common professional categories like Serif, Sans Serif, Slab Serif, Display and Handwritten. Each recommended font qualifies for business usage through optimal legibility, compatibility across modern media, and personality characteristics that strategically match professional communications goals.

While the highlighted selections represent esteemed options, designers must carefully contemplate additional criteria like industry context, audience demographics and branded guidelines when specifying fonts for professional documents or communications. Traditional selections like Times New Roman remain prudent choices that reliably convey professional expectations for specific formal uses like legal briefs or financial statements. More progressive companies may incorporate distinctive yet legible modern fonts like Helvetica Neue or Roboto Slab to signal forward-thinking, design-focused appeal.

Above all, professional font selections rely on thoughtful implementation aligned to the specifics of the intended communication and consumption formats. Suitable fonts effectively capture attention, sharpen hierarchy, strengthen retention and promote clarity to optimise audience engagement. As fine dining plates must be expertly paired to complemental courses, precision font selections elevate messaging while underscoring competence and care through thoughtful typographic presentation.

Review these 24 versatile professional fonts for your next communications project, effortlessly conveying your expertise through strategic typography optimised for business results.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Professional Fonts

What are the top 5 most professional fonts.

The five most versatile and professionally appropriate fonts include Times New Roman (Serif), Arial (Sans Serif), Archer (Slab Serif), Futura (Display) and DearSarah SF (Script). Each reliably offers legibility, compatibility and polish for business uses.

What font does Google use?

Product Sans is the primary Google font applied in branding and communications. The custom-designed geometric sans serif offers friendly simplicity aligned with Google's accessible brand personality.

What is the most attractive font?

Beauty proves subjective; attractive fonts vary by audience and context. Classic serifs like Bodoni and Didot offer elegant, fashionable appeal. Friendlier picks like Brush Script and Great Vibes provide emotive warmth. Helvetica Neue and Futura convey sleek modernity.

What fonts do lawyers use?

Legal conventions rely on tradition, so most attorneys use customary fonts like Times New Roman, Arial and Courier New for contracts, rulings and communications upholding document integrity expectations. More progressive firms occasionally incorporate contemporary alternatives like Calibri and Georgia.

What font size is best for professional documents?

Content legibility proves essential for professional communications. Print documents should use at least 11pt font size. Digital presentations can scale down to 8pt font size. Headings should run 2-4pts larger to establish hierarchy. More essential documents may use 12-14pt for optimal clarity.

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Stuart Crawford

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14 Fonts That Make Your PowerPoint Presentations Stand Out

14 Fonts That Make Your Powerpoint Presentations Stand Out

Presentation fonts, more generally known as typography , are one of the most neglected areas of presentation design .

That’s because when presentation fonts are used appropriately and correctly, they blend so well with the overall design that your audience doesn’t even notice it. Yet, when your font usage is lacking, this sticks out like a sore thumb. 

Over 30 million PowerPoint presentations are made daily. Therefore, when it comes to creating your own slide decks, you need to take every advantage you can get to make it stand out. Among other design choices, choosing the best fonts for presentations can provide a huge impact with minimal effort.

In fact, it’s one of the reasons why Steve Jobs was able to turn Apple into the brand it is today. His expertise in branding and design was fueled by the Calligraphy classes that he attended in his early years. This allowed him to find the best font family that accentuated his company’s brand and identity.

So no matter the subject of your PowerPoint presentation, the best font or font family will help you create a lasting impression and convey a powerful message. To help you shine through your next slideshow, here’s our cultivated list of the best fonts for presentations.

If you want to create a PowerPoint presentation but don’t have access to PowerPoint itself, you can use Piktochart’s presentation maker to create a presentation or slide deck and export it as a .ppt file.

Best Fonts for Presentations and PowerPoint

Before we proceed, you should know some basics of typography, especially the difference between Serif, Sans Serif, Script, and Decorative types of fonts. 

Serif Fonts

These are classic fonts recognizable by an additional foot (or tail) where each letter ends. Well-known Serif fonts include:

  • Times New Roman
  • Century 

Sans Serif Fonts

Differing from the Serif font style, Sans Serif fonts do not have a tail. The most popular Sans Serif font used in presentations is Arial, but other commonly employed renditions of Sans Serif typeface include:

  • Century Gothic
  • Lucida Sans

Script and Decorative Fonts

These are the fonts that emulate handwriting—not typed with a keyboard or typewriter. Script typefaces and decorative or custom fonts for PowerPoint vary immensely and can be created by a graphic designer to ensure these custom fonts are bespoke to your company/brand.

With these font fundamentals explained, you can also keep up-to-date with the popularity of such fonts using Google’s free font analytics tool here . Let’s now go ahead with our list of the best presentation fonts for your PowerPoint slides. 

  • Libre-Baskerville

Keep in mind that you don’t have to stick with only a single font for your slides. You could choose two of the best fonts for your presentation, one for your headings and another for the copy in the body of the slides.

Without further ado, let’s dive into the 14 best presentation fonts.

1. Helvetica

helvetica font

Helvetica is a basic Sans Serif font with a loyal user base. Originally created in 1957 , Helvetica comes from the Latin word for ‘Switzerland’ where it was born. When you use Helvetica, the top-half part of the text is bigger than in other Sans Serif fonts. For this reason, letters and numbers have a balanced proportionality between the top and bottom segments. As a result, this standard font makes it easier to identify characters from a distance.

As a result of being one of the easiest typecases to read compared to different presentation fonts, Helvetica is great for communicating major points as titles and subheadings in a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.

For these reasons, Helvetica is a popular choice for anyone creating posters .

If you are presenting live to a large group of people, Helvetica is your new go-to font! The classic Sans Serif font is tried and tested and ensures the legibility of your slide deck, even for the audience members sitting at the very back. Though it looks good in any form, you can make Helvetica shine even more in a bold font style or all caps. 

futura font

Futura is one of the popular Sans Serif fonts and is based on geometric shapes. Its features are based on uncomplicated shapes like circles, triangles, and rectangles. In other words , it mimics clean and precise proportions instead of replicating organic script or handwriting. Futura is a great default font for presentations because of its excellent readability, elegance, and lively personality. 

As one of many standard fonts designed to invoke a sense of efficiency and progress, Futura is best employed when you want to project a modern look and feel in your presentation. Futura is a versatile option ideal for use in both titles and body content, accounting for why it has remained immensely popular since 1927. 

3. Rockwell

rockwell font, presentation font

The Rockwell font has strong yet warm characters that make it suitable for a variety of presentation types, regardless of whether it’s used in headings or the body text. However, best practice dictates that this standard font should be used in headers and subheadings based on its geometric style. Rockwell is a Geometric Slab Serif , otherwise known as a slab serif font alternative. It is formed almost completely of straight lines, flawless circles, and sharp angles. This Roman font features a tall x-height and even stroke width that provides its strong presence with a somewhat blocky feel.

Monoline and geometric, Rockwell is a beautiful font that can display any text in a way that looks impactful and important. Whether you want to set a mood or announce a critical update or event, you can’t go wrong with this robust font.

presentation font, verdana font

Verdana is easily a great choice as one of the top PowerPoint presentation fonts. Its tall lowercase letters and wide spaces contribute significantly towards boosting slide readability even when the text case or font size is small. That’s why Verdana is best for references, citations, footnotes, disclaimers, and so on. Additionally, it can also be used as a body font to extrapolate on slide headings to nail down your key points.

Besides that, it is one of the most widely available fonts, compatible with both Mac and Windows systems. This makes this modern Sans Serif font a safe bet for when you are not certain where and how will you be delivering your presentation. 

raleway font, presentation font

Raleway is a modern and lightweight Sans Serif font. Its italicized version has shoulders and bowls in some letters that are a bit off-centered. What this means is that the markings excluding the stem are intentionally lower or higher as compared to other fonts. 

This gives Raleway a slightly artistic look and feels without impacting its readability (and without falling into the custom or decorative fonts category). In fact, many professionals think the swashes and markings actually enhance the font’s readability and legibility. Moreover, Raleway also has a bold version which is heavily used in presentations and slide decks. 

The bottom line is that Raleway is a versatile typeface that can be used in a variety of presentations, either in the body copy or in titles and subheadings. When the titles are capitalized or formatted as bold, captivating your audience becomes a breeze. 

6. Montserrat

montserrat font, presentation font

Montserrat is one of our favorite PowerPoint fonts for presentation titles and subheadings. The modern serif font is bold, professional, and visually appealing for when you want your headers and titles to really capture the audience’s attention.

Every time you move to the next slide, the viewers will see the headings and instantly understand its core message.  

Another major quality of the Montserrat font is its adaptability and versatility. Even a small change, such as switching up the weight, gives you an entirely different-looking typeface. So you get enough flexibility to be able to use the font in all types of PowerPoint presentations.

Montserrat pairs nicely with a wide range of other fonts. For example, using it with a thin Sans Serif in body paragraphs creates a beautiful contrast in your PowerPoint slides. For this reason, it is usually the first modern Serif font choice of those creating a business plan or marketing presentation in MS PowerPoint. 

presentation font roboto, roboto font

Roboto is a simple sans-serif font that is a good fit for PowerPoint presentations in a wide range of industries. Well-designed and professional, Roboto works especially well when used for body text, making your paragraphs easy to read.

Roboto combines beautifully with several other fonts. When you’re using Roboto for body text, you can have headings and titles that use a script font such as Pacifico, a serif font such as Garamond, or a Sans Serif font such as Gill Sans. 

bentham presentation font

Bentham is a radiant serif font perfectly suited for headings and subtitles in your PowerPoint slides. It gives your presentation a traditional appearance, and its letter spacing makes your content really easy to read.

You can use this font in uppercase, lowercase, or title case, depending on how it blends with the rest of your slide. For best results, we recommend combining Bentham with a Sans Serif font in your body content. For example, you can use a font such as Open Sans or Futura for the rest of your slide content.

9. Libre-Baskerville

libre baskerville, libre baskerville font

Libre-Baskerville is a free serif Google font. You can pair this classic font with several other fonts to make a PowerPoint presentation with a traditional design. 

One of its best features is that it works equally well in both headings and body copy. It’s clear and easily readable, no matter how you use it. And when used for headings, it works really well in uppercase form. 

tahoma powerpoint font, tahoma font

Tahoma is one of the fonts that offer the best level of clarity for PowerPoint slides. It has easily distinguishable characters like Verdana, but with the exception of tight spacing to give a more formal appearance.

Designed particularly for screens, Tahoma looks readable on a variety of screen sizes and multiple devices. In fact, this significant aspect is what makes Tahoma stand out from other fonts in the Sans Serif family. 

11. Poppins

poppins powerpoint font, poppins font

Poppins falls within the Sans Serif font category but is a different font of its own uniqueness. The solid vertical terminals make it look strong and authoritative. That’s why it’s great for catchy titles and subheadings, as well as for the body paragraphs. Poppins is a geometric typeface issued by Indian Type Foundry in 2014. It was released as open-source and is available in many font sizes for free on Google Fonts.

When you want something that feels casual and professional in equal measure, pick Poppins should be in the running for the best PowerPoint fonts. 

12. Gill Sans 

gill sans presentation font, gill sans font

Gill Sans is another classic presentation font for when you’re looking to build rapport with your audience. Gill Sans is a friendly and warm Sans Serif font similar to Helvetica. At the same time, it looks strong and professional. 

It’s designed to be easy to read even when used in small sizes or viewed from afar. For this reason, it’s a superior match for headers, and one of the best PowerPoint fonts, especially when combined with body text using Times New Roman or Georgia (not to mention several other fonts you can pair it with for successful results). This is the right font for combing different fonts within a presentation.

13. Palatino

palatino presentation font, palatino font

Palatino can be classified as one of the oldest fonts inspired by calligraphic works of the 1940s. This old-style serif typeface was designed by Hermann Zapf and originally released in 1948 by the Linotype foundry. It features smooth lines and spacious counters, giving it an air of elegance and class. 

Palatino was designed to be used for headlines in print media and advertising that need to be viewable from a distance. This attribute makes Palatino a great font suitable for today’s PowerPoint presentations.   

Palatino is also a viable choice for your presentation’s body text. It’s a little different from fonts typically used for body paragraphs. So it can make your presentation content stand out from those using conventional fonts. 

14. Georgia

georgia ppt presentation font, georgia font

Georgia typeface has a modern design that few fonts can match for its graceful look. It’s similar to Times New Roman but with slightly larger characters. Even in small font size, Georgia exudes a sense of friendliness; a sense of intimacy many would claim has been eroded from Times New Roman through its overuse. This versatile font was designed by Matthew Carter , who has successfully composed such a typeface family which incorporates high legibility with personality and charisma. Its strokes form Serif characters with ample spacing, making it easily readable even in small sizes and low-resolution screens. 

Another benefit of using this modern font is its enhanced visibility, even when it’s used in the background of your PowerPoint slides. Moreover, the tall lowercase letters contribute to a classic appearance great for any PowerPoint presentation.  

Final Step: Choosing Your Best Font for Presentations

Choosing the right PowerPoint fonts for your future presentations is more of a creative exercise than a scientific one. Unless you need to abide by strict branding guidelines and company policies, there are no rules for the ‘best font’ set in stone. Plus, presentation fonts depend entirely on the environment or audience it is intended for, the nature and format of the project, and the topic of your PowerPoint presentation. 

However, there are certain basic principles rooted in typography that can help you narrow down the evergrowing list of available PowerPoint presentation fonts and choose PowerPoint fonts that will resonate with and have a powerful impact on your target audience.

As discussed in this article, these include font factors such as compatibility with most systems, clarity from a distance, letter spacing, and so on. Luckily for you, our carefully researched and compiled list of best fonts for presentations above was created with these core fundamentals already in mind, saving you time and hassle.

As long as you adopt these best practices for standard fonts without overcomplicating your key message and takeaways, you’ll soon be on your way to designing a brilliant slide deck using a quality PowerPoint font or font family! From all of us here at Piktochart, good luck with your new and improved presentation slides that will surely shine!


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  • Presentations

What Are the Best Fonts to Use in PowerPoint PPT Presentations? (Complete 2024 Guide)

Andrew Childress

If you're giving a PowerPoint presentation, you've got many design decisions to make. One of those decisions is choosing the best fonts for PowerPoint presentations . Typography sets the tone for your presentation and is instrumental in presenting your content.

Good font for PowerPoint presentation

If you're wondering, " what is the best font for PowerPoint presentations ?" we'll answer that question in this tutorial. We'll survey the best font for PowerPoint designs but leave plenty of room for creative choice.

We'll discuss the best font size and type for PowerPoint presentations. Learn how you can use them to your advantage. You might be surprised how many PowerPoint font options exist. 

Choose the Right Fonts for PowerPoint (Quickstart Guide)

Are you looking for the best PowerPoint fonts, but aren't quite sure how to make the choice? The video below will help you make the choice.

best excel font for presentation

To learn even more about fonts for PowerPoint and other presentations, continue reading the tutorial below.

Jump to content in this section:

The Essentials of Font Selection

The 10 best fonts to use for powerpoint ppt presentations in 2024, how to quickly customize fonts in a premium powerpoint template, templates featuring the best fonts for powerpoint presentations, common powerpoint questions answered (faq), learn more about powerpoint, design a great powerpoint with top typography today.

Fonts for PowerPoint can take many forms. And with thousands of PowerPoint font options, it can be really hard to decide.

What style is right? How should you steer your PPT best font decisions? In this section, I’ll share some quick tips to help you choose the best PowerPoint font for you.

1. Understand the Types of Fonts

When you're choosing the best font for PowerPoint slides, it's key to learn some ground rules of style. And it helps to understand the basic types of fonts that you can choose from. In this section, we'll discuss popular font styles:

First, let's cover serif fonts. Serif fonts, PowerPoint presentation or not, have a more classic feel to them. Serif fonts have brush strokes on the edges of the letters, sometimes called "feet."  These edge strokes are called the serifs. The popular system-installed serif fonts include Garamond, Georgia, and Times New Roman. They can definitely serve as some of the best fonts for presentations.

Adallyn serif font for PowerPoint

In 2024, the best font for PowerPoint presentations are sans-serif fonts. These are the modern and smooth typefaces that you'll find in most presentations. Sans means "without," so it's only natural that these fonts lack the edge strokes. The result is smooth, rounded fonts that are popular in modern design.

These two simple categories are useful to describe most fonts. But other choices might be the best font for your PowerPoint presentation. Script and decorative fonts are other unique options. 

They may be right for special purpose presentations.

Bold ink PowerPoint font

What is the best font for PowerPoint presentations? The answer is, "it depends." As always, let the content drive your design decisions. But as a general rule, sticking to serif and sans-serif designs helps you stay stylish. And you won't lose the focus of your audience by having text that's too hard to read. 

Formal presentations in ideal environments should opt for serif options. But most presentations should typically use sans-serif fonts. Those decorative PowerPoint options should be used sparingly at most.

2. Choose Font Sizes for Your PowerPoint Presentation

For the best use of PowerPoint fonts, it's crucial to consider your choice of font size. Many PowerPoint users will ask, " what is a good font size for PowerPoint presentations? " In reality, you should vary your font size based on the content that you're presenting. Headlines should always be larger than the supporting points, for example.

My rule of thumb for PowerPoint fonts is to use a size 32 or larger for headlines, with 24 or larger for supporting points. Go much smaller than that, and you're entering "only readable for print outs" territory. 

Font size goes hand-in-hand with the principle of "less is more" on your PowerPoint slides. When you don't have to cram tons of content onto your slide, you can use larger font sizes.

3. Use Font Pairings

Many graphic designers use more than one font when building PowerPoint presentations. Using more than a few fonts is over the top but combining two complementary font choices is a pro design move.

This practice is an art called  font pairing.  The best font for PowerPoint might actually be a  combination  of fonts.

One idea for a font pairing is to use a sophisticated serif font for headlines and titles. Then, use sans-serif fonts for the majority of the body points. This gives you the PPT best font for both kinds of text.

Best PowerPoint fonts

If you use a free font resource like Google Fonts , you'll see pairing suggestions that help you combine fonts that work together well. The key to font pairing is to use the alternate font choices consistently. For example, always reserve headlines for one font in your selection.

4. Select Color and Contrast in Your Font for PowerPoint

Beyond size, style, and pairings, one element of font choice that you can't avoid is color and contrast. You can choose the perfect font and format it correctly, but clashing color schemes disrupt slides.

Keep three essential tips in mind when considering font color and contrast:

  • Create contrast . Contrast is important so that your text stands out on the slide and is easy to read. Don't use a dark grey font on a black background, for example. Ensuring proper contrast will make the important content stand out.
  • Consider accessibility . Colorblindness is surprisingly common. It's likely that a member of your audience has some form of it and will experience your slides differently. Make sure to choose color schemes that don't interfere with their experience.
  • Use colors that fit the scheme . Make sure that you consistently use font colors that are part of your branding guide. Use the color swatches to ensure no variation from one slide to the next.

It’s key to use the best font for presentations to ensure your slides are accessible to everyone. Learn more below:

best excel font for presentation

5. Use Creative Text Effects

So far, we've covered font choice, including style, size, and pairings. We’ve already looked at how to put the best font for PowerPoint onto your slides. But now, you might be wondering about how to be more creative with your style and design.

PowerPoint has plenty of effects to ensure that your text doesn't go unnoticed. You can add animations, shadows, and more. These text effects make your PowerPoint font choices more lively and fun.

The tutorial below is a complete guide to working with text in PowerPoint. Check it out to learn more about adding text as well as advanced effects to make the most of your content:

best excel font for presentation

6. Understand the Power of Custom Fonts

Sure, every device includes standard fonts to choose from. But they're not the best font for PowerPoint designs! When you want to really set your slides apart, consider using custom PowerPoint fonts. These are sleek designs that your audience may have never seen.

Above, I've shared screenshots with custom fonts from Envato Elements. With an Elements subscription , you'll enjoy thousands of custom PowerPoint fonts . You can use each of them in your next presentation. 

Best fonts for presentations

Elements includes access to fonts across every category that we highlighted above. They're some of the best font for PowerPoint options. Elements' library has PowerPoint font options that you won't find anywhere else! 

After you discover the best font for presentations, you'll need to add it to PowerPoint. To learn how to install PowerPoint fonts, check out the quick screencast lesson below:

best excel font for presentation

Ready to see options for the best font for presentations?  Now that we’ve covered how to choose the right fonts for your presentation, here are the best fonts to use for your PPT presentations in 2024: 

Calibri is a modern sans-serif font that comes in several weights. It’s a perfect choice for the body text of your presentation.

2. Palatino Linotype

Here’s another stylish serif font that makes a great choice for headings or quote slides in your presentations. 

Roboto features geometric forms with friendly and open curves. It's a modern and clean look that makes it a good choice for your body text.

4. RNS Sanz

RNS Sanz

With seven weights ranging from Light to Black and small caps, the RNS Sanz is a great choice for any type of presentation. 

5. Playfair Display

Give any presentation a sophisticated and elegant look by using Playfair Display for the headings or quote slides.

6. CA Texteron

CA Texteron

The CA Texteron font is a modern serif font with high legibility. Use it for both headings and body text for your presentation. 

Lato has an elegant yet friendly look and feel. It’s a great choice for your body text and a true workhorse as it features multiple weights ranging from thin to black. 


The Arthura font is a premium sans-serif font with a humanist warmth and simple geometric forms. It's one of the best PowerPoint fonts for body copy.

Once you've selected your font for presentation designs, it's time to get to work.  But the best font for PowerPoint slides is just part of the process. Here, we'll show you five key steps to PPT change all fonts options.

Brusher PowerPoint template

We'll demonstrate with the premium Brusher PowerPoint Template from Envato Elements. It's compatible with all of the fonts for PowerPoint techniques you'll see. Download it now to follow along.

1. Choose Your Slides

The first step is to select the slides you’re going to use in your presentation. To do this, switch to Slide Sorter under the View tab.

Then hold Shift and click the slides you don’t want to use. Finally, right-click and select Delete Slide to remove them from the presentation.

PPT change all fonts

2. Add Your Text

To add your content to the presentation, double-click on a text area. Press CTRL+A to select all the text and then start typing in your own content.

Best PowerPoint font

3. Change the Body Font

After you've added your content, it’s time to customize the fonts. Start by selecting your body text. Then, in the Home tab, click on the font drop-down menu and select the font you want to use. In this example, I’m using the Calibri font for the body text.

Font for presentation

4. Change the Heading Font

To add more flair to your presentation, customize the heading font as well. You can opt for a completely different font or simply use a different weight from the font you used for body text. In this example, I’ve opted to use Palatino Linotype for my headings.

Fonts for PowerPoint

5. Adjust the Font Styles

Lastly, don’t forget to customize the font styles. For example, both Calibri and Palatino Linotype offer different font weights. I’ve chosen to use Calibri Regular for body font and Palatino Linotype Bold for headings.

PPT best font

Aside from weight, you can also customize the font size and even assign a different color to your headings to make them stand out more.

Need help choosing the best PowerPoint fonts? My top recommendation is to use a template that already has the fonts selected. If you can cut the hard work of choosing the best PowerPoint font, you can re-focus on presentation content.

Once again, Envato Elements is your answer. As a member, you'll enjoy unlimited access to thousands of custom PowerPoint templates . Many have the best PowerPoint font designs already built in. And of course, Elements has thousands of custom fonts , too!

Find PowerPoint Templates

Best font for presentations

When you use custom PowerPoint templates, you outsource the design work. The challenge of choosing the best font for PowerPoint presentations is left to creative designers. They've already built slides that feature good font choices for presentations. Just fill them in with your content, and you'll be finished in no time.

In this section, you'll see templates with the best font for PowerPoint presentations. All are included with a subscription to Elements, the creative service you saw above.

1. Agio PowerPoint Presentation

Agio PowerPoint Presentation

Agio uses smooth sans-serif font choices throughout. These are among the best fonts for PowerPoint options, since they're extra crisp and clear. 

Nine color schemes are used, each of which is already set up with color-coordinated text. It's an example of using fonts that highlight the content, while staying stylish. Keep Agio in mind as a template with good fonts for presentations PowerPoint.

2. Fashioned Stylist PowerPoint

Fashioned stylist PowerPoint

The Fashioned presentation template also uses popular sans-serif choices. But it also uses variations on typography for an impact.

Notice that many of these slides in the preview use all-caps strings of text to add emphasis to slides. It's a great example of using text effects to enhance slides with bold design.

3. Brutto Real Estate PowerPoint Template

Brutto Real Estate

With a major focus on serif fonts, it's no wonder why this template is an ideal fit for the traditional world of real estate. Serif fonts have a classic feel to them, and this template illustrates that perfectly.

This template also features many infographic and business-centric slides. They're perfect for showcasing your business concept. 

4. Brusher PowerPoint Template

Brusher PowerPoint Template

Brusher's 120 slides use popular PPT font options that are included for free. It also has modern, custom image masks that can enhance your images. The starkly contrasting black and white color scheme is an excellent example of font contrast. Use Brusher to build a presentation with balanced typography in no time.

We’ve looked at some of the best font for presentation designs for 2024. But you may have some other questions. What else can you do with the best font for presentations? How can PowerPoint work better for you? Here, we’ve gathered answers to five of these common questions.

1. Can I Wrap Text in PowerPoint?

Yes! The best fonts for presentations can be featured as wrapped text. Or you can even curve the text! This adds a cool, dramatic effect very easily. Learn how to do it here:

best excel font for presentation

2. How Do I Animate the Best PowerPoint Fonts?

The Animations tab in PowerPoint is really your best friend here. On it, you can add sleek animation effects.

What’s more: these work with all of your PPT best font favorites . You can even PPT change all fonts to be animated in order to maintain a steady look and feel across your slide deck.

Turn to our full guide for more details:

best excel font for presentation

3. Is a PowerPoint Font Able to Be a Word Cloud Design?

Absolutely. A font for presentation use is perfect for building a PPT word cloud. Word clouds are visuals with words shown in an array of colors, layouts, and sizes.

You can even leverage the best font for presentations in word clouds. These are sure to make an impact. They help you illustrate ideas, and they’re easy to make with your best PowerPoint font choice. Learn more:

best excel font for presentation

4. How Do I Highlight the Best Font for Presentations?

Sometimes, even the best font for PowerPoint needs some help standing out. That’s where highlighting comes in. When you highlight your PPT best font, you’ll see it shaded in a new color of your choice.

The Text Highlight Color button on the home tab controls this. Learn more about it in our highlighting tutorial for PowerPoint:

best excel font for presentation

5. Can I Add Superscripts to Fonts for PowerPoint?

Yes, easily! Superscripts are small numbers that sit above the rest of your text. They’re most commonly used for citations in PowerPoint. Again, they’re quick to add using your favorite font for presentation options. 

Learn how to do it in just sixty seconds here:

best excel font for presentation

Choosing the best font for a PowerPoint presentation is just one part of designing your next slide deck. PowerPoint has so many features that it can be overwhelming to know where to start. But don't worry—PowerPoint can be mastered just like any other app.

If you're still learning PowerPoint, we've got you covered with many helpful resources. The single best starting point is How to Use PowerPoint (Ultimate Tutorial Guide.) This single resource is loaded with tutorials that you can use to improve every aspect of your presentation.

The best fonts for presentations are more powerful with the help of learning resources. For more templates and guides that include PowerPoint design tips, check out the tutorials below:

best excel font for presentation

Typography is a huge part of setting the style of your presentation. The tips in this round-up are helpful to choose custom fonts that fit with your presentation's style. 

Remember to choose a font style (serif or sans-serif) that matches your presentation's tone. Also, use font sizes and weights to bring emphasis to the most essential parts of your presentation.

Turn to Envato Elements for the best PowerPoint font designs available today. With thousands to choose from , it’s easy to find a winning PPT best font for you. And remember to pair it with a stunning best PowerPoint font template , with slide layouts hand-crafted for you.

Get started on your next presentation today. Choose and download your favorite template.

Editorial Note: This post was originally published in June of 2019. It's been revised to make it current, accurate, and up to date by our staff—with special help from Brenda Barron and Andrew Childress . A video has been added by Andrew Childress.

Andrew Childress


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What are the most prestigious fonts for Excel models and PowerPoint?

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Personally I like sans-serif type faces, I'm torn between Calibri and Arial. 

If your firm uses a specific font drop a comment with the font, and name the firm. That way we know if it's associated with a prestigious or disreputable firm.

ProFormaEBITDA - Certified Professional

Arial is the correct answer

Ariel is much more prestigious than Calibri. I also quite like doing models in TNR but I understand that’s controversial

WalnutBrain's picture

Don't trust any model that's not in Arial 

Anonymous Monkey's picture

If WSO had AI offer content like TikTok I would hope this kind of thread are all I see. Good, wholesome VP humor.

Excel in Arial 8, PPT Arial 10.

Calibri 11 is for uncultured swine who keep gridlines on

Verdana Pro ( KKR )

Five Star Man - Certified Professional

Calibri is for poors.

Arial only.

I don’t get this Arial obsession. It’s the cheap default for google apps and free services.

Helvetica is for real big boys.

WACC_SHACC's picture

Calibri is so busted

ArizonaIce - Certified Professional

Slightly off-topic, but do you guys still stick to Times New Roman on Word Documents?

That's my go to and it annoys me that it's not the default.

No too lazy to change and the stupid formatting has that little like half space between lines so I’ve gotten used to that

beekay27 - Certified Professional

Arial if I’m dropping serifs.

Call me crazy but I like serif fonts more, especially in ppt and word - then need excel to match. Garamond through and through (despite their cheeks italics)

If you think I’m sending off decks with my excel outputs in a different font you’re off your gourd 

HFPM - Certified Professional

I tell all my analysts on their first day - change your default font for everything to arial. 8 for models, 9 for email and word docs. And change your outlook reply font to the old blue. Not this light blue crap that started with windows 7.   

they all think I’m kidding. I’m not. 

quantbaboon's picture

what kind of stupid question is this?

LehmansLeverageAdvisor's picture

Surprised I haven’t seen any love for Arial Nova

Synergy_or_Syzygy - Certified Professional

Build in Arial and change to Papyrus for converting to PDF and sending to banks.

s921's picture

Comic Sans size 18

Batman-Robin98 - Certified Professional

roboto ( lazard )

Frybird101's picture

My bank has its own custom font that essentially the exact same as the fonts mentioned above and it’s such a pain in the ass. Idk why we can use a normal font 

Kendall2832 - Certified Professional

My office uses Arial.  I switched it up on a couple decks lately with Cambria and got a few comments about how nice it looks on the slides.  

ViolentCoconutSleep - Certified Professional

Aut dolores ullam enim voluptates. Quas adipisci adipisci asperiores voluptates aut at. Ea expedita dolor nostrum. Ullam ut necessitatibus et corporis magni voluptas neque. Sunt et animi maxime consequatur ut quia.

Aut cum et sed. A corporis aut modi. Delectus non soluta culpa dolores et perspiciatis harum atque. Commodi illo est cumque ratione quia et.

Est quos et quo unde. Porro quis officiis non vitae iusto ea. Esse repellat ea sit quisquam necessitatibus. Accusantium in et recusandae iste. Tempore deleniti necessitatibus illum quo veritatis voluptatem. Veritatis dolor minima iste omnis dignissimos.

Commodi optio eius qui sit aut et. Dolor sed repellat amet facilis debitis molestiae nulla. Aperiam asperiores magnam vel earum tenetur beatae ipsam. Quo magnam iusto ex voluptates. Molestias voluptatem voluptas inventore maiores deleniti. Quod voluptas ullam culpa itaque.

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WSO depends on everyone being able to pitch in when they know something. Unlock with your email and get bonus: 6 financial modeling lessons free ($199 value)

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BigKahunaBanker🏄🍹🍔 - Certified Professional

Eum eos qui sapiente. Vel eveniet vero tempora omnis inventore. Totam alias facilis et eaque soluta est iure. Neque qui quia sed debitis nemo et.

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Microsoft 365 Life Hacks > Presentations > Choosing the Right Font For Your PowerPoint Presentation

Choosing the Right Font For Your PowerPoint Presentation

Whether it’s for a professional conference or middle school book report, it’s important to know the best font to use for your PowerPoint presentation . Believe it or not, fonts are a big part of the overall design of your presentation —and they can make a world of difference! Some convey a lighthearted message, while others can show authority, and so on.

Two people sitting at a coffee table collaborating on a PowerPoint presentation.

In this guide, we’ll take a closer look at:

  • The different styles of fonts
  • The 5 most popular fonts
  • How to embed fonts, and more.

What are the different styles of fonts? Before we get too deep into each font and what looks best, let’s examine font styles and how they’re classified.

  • Sans-serif fonts. Most serif fonts are easy to identify because of the tiny flags or projections on the ends of the characters. Serifs make distinguishing a lowercase L from a capital I in print easy.
  • Serif fonts. Sans-serif fonts are commonly used in digital media because serifs can make letters difficult to see if an image or screen is low-resolution.
  • Script fonts. Script fonts are also known as handwritten fonts because of the looping letters that make them look like cursive or calligraphy. Most people find it difficult to read more than a few sentences in a script font, so they’re best limited to a few words or a single phrase.
  • Monospaced fonts. Even when writing by hand, you’ll notice that not all letters take up the same amount of space. Monospaced fonts buck this trend by allotting the same amount of space laterally for all letters, similar to a typewriter.
  • Display fonts. Display fonts can also be known as fantasy or decorative fonts. These aren’t typically used for anything besides signage, banners, logos, or other text that’s isolated. Using display fonts for multiple sentences or a full paragraph isn’t a good practice because they can be hard to read or off-putting after a while.

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Tell your story with captivating presentations

Powerpoint empowers you to develop well-designed content across all your devices

What are the 5 most popular fonts in presentations and why? A common theme you’ll notice when looking at the best fonts for PowerPoint is that they’re traditionally sans-serif fonts. Why? Well, this style is much easier to read from a distance and won’t feel cramped if letters are bolded. Additionally, the minimalistic style of sans-serif fonts isn’t distracting from the material or the speaker. Let’s look at five fonts that fit the best practices for a winning presentation .

Note: You’ll notice a serif font on this list, but we’ll address it when we get there.

  • Roboto. Roboto is a sans-serif font that’s relatively basic, with sharp edges and rounded loops, counters, and bowls (the rounded parts of letters) without going overly bold or too thin. You can be safe using Roboto for just about any presentation.
  • Verdana. Despite the font size you choose, not all fonts display the same. Verdana is a larger sans-serif font that can make it easier to display information without taking your font up an extra size.
  • Helvetica. A point of differentiation between Helvetica and other sans-serif fonts is the weight toward the top of the letters. The top of every lowercase letter and the midpoint of every capital letter go to a thick midline’s upper edge. For instance, the top of every lowercase letter reaches the same horizontal point as the top of the crossbar on an H. This unique feature makes the Helvetica type look larger and bolder than it really is, which makes it great for headings and titles.
  • Tahoma. Tahoma is different from the previous sans-serif fonts in that it is thinner than the others. While Tahoma might not have the same impact for a heading or title as Helvetica, it’s perfect for body text and fitting into smaller spaces without crowding.
  • Palatino Linotype. Serif fonts have long been considered a no-no with digital publications, but with the advent of high-resolution computer monitors, tablets, smartphones, and TVs, they’re fine. What’s more, the serifs on Palatino Linotype aren’t incredibly prominent, so they make for a subtle nod to old-style fonts without over-embellishing.

A person using a touch screen tablet to select the font and layout for their presentation.

How do you embed fonts in PowerPoint ? If you’re sharing your presentation with a friend, classmate, or colleague, you could be at risk of the fonts you used transferring properly to their device. For example, if you have a font you love using and installed it onto your computer, they might not have the same font. So, if you send your presentation to them, there could be formatting errors as their device defaults to a different font. Keep this from happening by embedding your font in PowerPoint using these easy steps:

  • Click the “File” tab.
  • Move down to the lower-lefthand corner of the window and click “Options.”
  • Click “Save” on the left side of the screen.
  • Scroll down to the section titled “Preserve fidelity when sharing this presentation:”
  • Click the box next to “Embed fonts in the file.”
  • If you or someone else will be using the presentation on a different device, then select the first option, “Embed only the characters used in the presentation (best for reducing file size).” If you or someone else will be editing the presentation on a different device, then select the second option, “Embed all characters (best for editing by other people).”
  • Click “OK.”

There you have it! Choosing the best font for PowerPoint doesn’t have to be difficult. The most important part is making sure that the font is easy to read, and sans-serif fonts are usually a good way to go. By the way, it’s always a good idea to get a second set of eyes on your presentation before your big speech—and be sure to practice it a few times to iron out the kinks !

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The Best 24 Fonts for Modern PowerPoint Presentations [+Guide]

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By Lyudmil Enchev

in Insights , Inspiration

2 years ago

Viewed 23,890 times

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The Best 24 Fonts for Modern PowerPoint Presentations [+Guide]

Presentations are pieces of art. From slide structure to animations, every single detail matters. In this blog post, we will show you the 24 best PowerPoint fonts for all uses. Of course, like everything in design – you might like some and frown at others.

What we can guarantee you is that using this collection of top fonts for PowerPoint will always be a safe bet when you’re in doubt.

Article Overview: 1. How to import a font into your presentation? 2. Great Fonts to Use for your PowerPoint Presentations 3. Great System fonts for PowerPoint Presentations 4. How to design text in PowerPoint?

1. How to import a font into your presentation?

If you don’t know how to import fonts into PowerPoint, it’s important to learn how to do it.

Step 1. Download your fonts

The first step is to select your desired font and download it.

Step 2. Extract the font

Once you’ve downloaded the font, it’s most probably compressed. You need to extract it before installation. If it comes directly as a .otf or .ttf format, there’s no need to unzip.

Step 3. Install the font

Install the font. The process is similar to installing any software, just press “Next” until you see the option “Finish”. If your fonts have been successfully installed, they should appear in the Font library in Windows. To access it, go to your computer, Local Disk (C:)->Windows-> Fonts .

Step 4. Open PowerPoint

Once you open your PowerPoint, the new font should appear among the others.

2. Great Fonts to Use for your PowerPoint Presentations

Fonts are a great way to show some branding skills but also a significant part of your presentation. Of course, we cannot select the best PowerPoint fonts or the best fonts in general, it’s a too subjective matter. But we will try to show you some of the most versatile ones that you will not make a mistake with. Let’s start!

Lato font

Lato is a very common font that is used in digital forms since it was created for this purpose. It is a sans-serif font that is flexible. One of the most useful things about it is that you can choose between 5 different options for font thickness, giving it extra value when creating PowerPoint presentations.

Recommended title size:  20px

Optimum size for legibility:  18px

Perfect for:  headers and body text

You can combine it with: Roboto, Montserrat, Merriweather

2. Open Sans

Open Sans typeface

Open Sans is another great font that can fit PowerPoint presentations perfectly. Since there is some line spacing, it can be easily readable. If you have large paragraphs that you cannot break down in bullets, it’s your perfect choice. It’s a standard PowerPoint font, so you’ll most probably have it in your font library.

Recommended title size: 28px

Optimum size for legibility:  16px

Perfect for:  body text

You can combine it with: Georgia, Lucida Grande, Publico

Candara font

Candara is not your everyday font. While you cannot use it in Linux or the web, as it’s proprietary,  it’s accessible in PowerPoint, and what makes it interesting are the curved diagonals, and it’s the curves that give it more “personality”.

Recommended title size: 20px

Optimum size for legibility: 16px

Perfect for: body text

You can combine it with: Calibri, Cambria, Corbel

Tahoma font

Specifically designed for Windows 95, Tahoma is a very formal font that can fit business presentations perfectly. It is a very clear and distinctive font which can help avoid confusion, thus it makes it great for formal presentations that need clarity.

Optimum size for legibility: 18px

Perfect for: title headers and body text

You can combine it with:  Georgia, Helvetica Neue, Arial

5. Montserrat

Montserrat font

Montserrat is an extremely popular font, as it can be utilized everywhere – from website texts to presentations. Due to its high practicality, you can find it almost anywhere. Well, we need to warn you that you won’t get many “originality” points but you’ll also be “safe” when using it.

Recommended title size: 30px

You can combine it with: Open Sans, Lora, Carla

Whitney font

Whitney is an amazing font that will make your presentation stand out. There are two options – Whitney Condensed and Whitney Narrow. To be honest, Whitney can be used for both headers and body texts (check Discord), but we find it a bit overwhelming for PowerPoint paragraphs.

Recommended title size: 22px

Optimum size for legibility: 15px

Perfect for: title headers

You can combine it with:  Sentinel, Mercury, Gotham

7. Proxima Nova

Proxima Nova font

Proxima Nova is one of the most versatile fonts out there with not 2 but 7 variants! That makes it a viable choice for many purposes and it’s part of the Adobe Fonts collection. The popularity spike is not without a reason, and Proxima Nova certainly won’t disappoint as it is one of the better fonts for PowerPoint.

Recommended title size: 26px

Perfect for: headers and body text

You can combine it with:  Adobe Garamond, Futura, Helvetica Neue

Oswald font

Oswald is a very decent sans-serif typeface and has 3 different versions – light, normal, and bold. It’s an interesting combination of some modern elements combined with classic gothic style, thus it’s perfect for your presentations.

Recommended title size: 18px

You can combine it with: Merriweather, Arial, Roboto

Europa font

Europa is an amazing font from the Adobe Font Family. It’s a modern geometric sans-serif font that goes well with other fonts from the Adobe family but it can be used in a combination with non-Adobe fonts. It’s up to you.

Recommended title size: 32px

Optimum size for legibility: 20px

Perfect for: headers

You can combine it with:  Adobe Garamond, Chaparral, Kepler

Roboto font

Roboto is one of the most versatile fonts for the web, as it comes with 6 variations. Described as a grotesque sans-serif, it is the default font of Google Maps. Being easy to read makes it great for body texts where scanning is pivotal. While it’s great for small texts, it doesn’t perform that well for titles.

Recommended title size: 38px

Optimum size for legibility: 22px

You can combine it with: Roboto-Slab, Oswald, Abel

Adelle font

Adelle is a slab serif font that is part of the Adobe Family. It’s multipurpose and could work be well utilized and magazines. Its personality and great visibility make it a viable choice on our PowerPoint fonts list. While it can be used for body text too, we prefer to recommend it for headers.

Recommended title size: 36px

You can combine it with: Freight Sans Pro, Proxima Nova, Lucida Grande

14. Lobster

Lobster font

Lobster is a great choice if you want to create some funky text. It’s a great font for posters and headers but ensure you don’t use it much for body text, as it has very poor legibility if written in small letters.

Recommended title size: 58px

Optimum size for legibility: not recommended

You can combine it with: Lato, Open Sans, Muli

Futura font

Futura is almost a century old but still converts well today! It’s one of the most versatile fonts for PowerPoint in case you download it. Who would suppose a 95-year-old font would still be relevant these days? And you will win points for creativity.

Optimum size for legibility: 17px

You can combine it with: Proxima Nova, New Caledonia, Trade Gothic

Canela font

Canela is a hybrid font, as it can neither be called serif, nor sans-serif. It’s a very graceful typeface and we find it amazing for title texts. We also loved how it performs in the body from an artistic standpoint. However, we cannot rate it as very suitable for long paragraphs. Still, it can be used in bullets quite well.

You can combine it with: Caslon, Futura, Maison Neue

Aleo font

Aleo is an modern slab serif typeface designed as a “companion” to other popular fonts, like Lato. It has a sleek design but that doesn’t sacrifice readability which matters the most. As it has great clarity, it can be used both as a title text and in the body.

Recommended title size: 25px

Optimum size for legibility: 19px

You can combine it with: Lato, Arimo, Halis Grotesque

18. Poppins

Poppins font

Poppins is a playful sans-serif font that can be used as a main PowerPoint font without any issue. Thanks to its versatility, this PowerPoint font can be used both for title headers and body text, although we prefer the latter.

Recommended title size: 24px

Perfect for: header, body text

You can combine it with: Raleway, Work Sans, New Caledonia

Eras font

Eras font has 4 weight options in PowerPoint and is absolutely stunning. It won’t be a mistake if we use it as a synonym to “elegance”. It’s slightly italic, thus making it perfect for long paragraphs and web content.

You can combine it with: Garamond, Futura, Helvetica Neue

Lora font

Lora is a great font that is offered for free by Google. It is a formal font that doesn’t turn its back on art, and as a result, it can be utilized greatly in PowerPoint both as a header and in the body, and it can work perfectly in print, too.

You can combine it with: Lato, Avenir, Montserrat

3. Great System fonts for PowerPoint Presentations

System fonts are a classic choice for PowerPoint presentations as they are a pretty safe bet – you can access them on all types of devices and operating systems. While some of them might not be as beautiful as the previous ones on our list, they will serve you well!

21. Georgia

Georgia font

Georgia is a classic serif font that doesn’t impress with outstanding looks but what makes it a viable choice for PowerPoint presentations is its versatility – you can use it on any type of presentation, as a header or in the body. It’s popular, so you won’t make a mistake using it.

You can combine it with:

22. Times New Roman

Times New Roman font

Times New Roman was “The Thing” back in time. It was used as a default font for many web browsers and software, thus it was overwhelming. Recently, this serif font has lost its “halo” and is less common but you will never get it wrong if you bring it back to life.

Optimum size for legibility: 12px

You can combine it with: Arial, Gotham, Helvetica Neue

Arial font

Arial is another well-known name in the web font industry. You can also check this neo-grotesque sans-serif font used in PowerPoint presentations quite often, as it offers a lot of versatility.

You can combine it with: Oswald, Verdana, Georgia

24. Helvetica Neue

Helvetica Neue font

Helvetica Neue is the successor of Helvetica which improved legibility and made it more modern. It is one of the most formal fonts that you can use in PowerPoint (and at all). This sans-serif font has 23 different variations in PowerPoint 2022 that you can choose from.

You can combine it with:  Open Sans, Proxima Nova, Adelle

4. How to design text in PowerPoint?

There are certain standards that should be met, in order for your PowerPoint fonts to appear correctly. Let’s see how to order your texts.

1. Make sure the font size is readable

Fonts in PowerPoint tip: the font should be readable

Do you wonder why some websites have HUGE fonts? It’s to ensure their content will be easily scannable. While you don’t have to use a 60px font size for your letters, you should consider making your text more readable.

Pro tip : A simple and straightforward way to achieve this is to try and remove large paragraphs, and replace them with single sentences and bullet points.

2. Make a contrast between the text and background

Tip for fonts in PowerPoint presentation: make contrast with background

There is an adopted standard of a minimum 4.5:1 contrast ratio between text and background for content to be scannable, and 3:1 for large text. There are people who have bad eyesight, and others are color blind.

3. Use white space

Use white space for text in PowerPoint

White space (or negative space) is crucial for your slide design. It is used to separate different parts of the text, making content more readable. It’s crucial to remember that you should leave some “air” after finishing a main point in the slide.

4. Find the right text balance

Balance text in PowerPoint - presentation design tip

One of the best PowerPoint presentation practices is to write between 6-8 lines and use no more than 30-35 words. Also, you should try to balance the text evenly – you cannot write 4 lines, then follow them with 3 lines, and then 1. Typically, writing 2-3 lines per paragraph is considered a good move, then followed by white space.

Final words

Structuring your PowerPoint text is not an easy feat. You need to pick the right PowerPoint fonts, as well as follow some basic instructions to make your slide text more scannable for your audience.

If this article has helped you, why don’t you have a look at some other font-related content from GraphicMama:

  • 40 Trendy Free Fonts for Commercial Use Today
  • Top 20 Free Fonts: Trendy & Evergreen
  • 44 of The Best Free Handwriting Fonts to Try in 2022

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Lyudmil Enchev

Lyudmil is an avid movie fan which influences his passion for video editing. You will often see him making animations and video tutorials for GraphicMama. Lyudmil is also passionate for photography, video making, and writing scripts.

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