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Application Process and Guidelines

The Entry to a Major (ETAM) process uses a priority method that places you in your highest preferred major possible based on your academic performance, your ETAM application and the program’s capacity. 

There’s also an automatic entry pathway to your first-choice major if you complete the required courses for ETAM and maintain the required automatic entry cumulative GPA defined for your class .

During each ETAM cycle, all College of Engineering majors  will accept applications (other than the  Bachelor of Arts in Computing and the Bachelor of Arts in Information Technology Service Management  degree programs). On the ETAM application, you must apply to three majors and have the option to select up to five majors. 

Double-check your major choices and rankings before submitting your ETAM application. You will not have the option to decline an offer to a major listed on your application.

Explore Engineering Career Paths Current Degree Programs

Application Guidelines

Below are guidelines for completing your Entry to a Major (ETAM) application. 

  • Students are required to apply to three majors with the option of applying to up to five majors.
  • Major selections must be   ranked  in order   of preference .
  • You cannot select the same major twice.
  • It is important to be mindful and intentional with the rank order of your selected majors. You will not have the option to decline an offer to a major listed on your application.
  • if you are not willing to immediately leave College Station and complete your degree in Galveston or McAllen, then do not select majors outside of College Station such as Ocean Engineering (OCEN)-Galveston, Computer Science (CPSC)-Galveston, Interdisciplinary Engineering (ITDE)-McAllen, etc.
  • if you are not willing to immediately leave Galveston and complete your degree in College Station or McAllen, then do not select majors outside of Galveston such as OCEN-College Station, CPSC-College Station, ITDE-McAllen, etc.
  • if you are not willing to immediately leave McAllen and complete your degree in College Station or Galveston, then do not select majors outside of McAllen such as OCEN-Galveston, CPSC-Galveston, ITDE–College Station, etc.
  • The only allowable deviation from this policy is applicable to students in a co-enrollment program. If needed, refer to the transition requirements for your respective program .
  • There are three essay portions to the application. Do not use AI text generators such as ChatGPT to complete your application. For details and guidance to prepare your essays, read more here .
  • You cannot update or revise the application once it is submitted. Please review all details carefully before you submit.
  • You will receive a confirmation email when you have successfully submitted the application.
  • Late applications will not be accepted. If you encounter a technical issue when submitting your application, immediately email [email protected] and include a screenshot to document the issue. Most technical issues can be mitigated and/or avoided by submitting your application early.

Preparing for Entry to a Major

Your academic advisors are here to guide you.  You should consult with your assigned academic advisor ( General Engineering and Engineering at Blinn , Engineering Academy ) as you prepare for the ETAM process. They are considered a primary source for information about ETAM, which can be very helpful as you prepare an application for your preferred majors.

College Policy on Major Changes and Appeal Requests

There is no appeal process for ETAM placement decisions. Once placed in a major through ETAM, any changes to your major  (also known as change of curriculum ) must be initiated using a change of major form in Howdy . Requests to change your major within the College of Engineering will not be considered until you have completed at least one semester in the degree-granting major you were placed in through the ETAM process. During that semester, you are required to enroll in courses that count toward degree completion for that major.

NOTE: A request to remain in the same major and relocate between campuses (e.g., from Galveston to College Station) is not considered a “change of major.” If placed in a degree program on a remote campus (e.g., Galveston, McAllen), you are expected to remain on the remote campus to complete that undergraduate degree.

Work closely with your assigned academic advisor to determine the best options for your desired outcome. Your assigned advisor's name is located in Navigate under the Success Team box located on the bottom right of your Student Home Page .

Housing Prospects Post-ETAM

On-campus housing in College Station is often limited due to high occupancy rates by first-year students. If your ETAM placement may result in a relocation to College Station, we encourage you to consider off-campus housing options in addition to on-campus housing . To prepare for a potential relocation post-ETAM, you may preview the housing options below:

  • College Station –  Off-Campus Housing or  On-Campus Housing
  • Galveston – Campus Living and Learning
  • McAllen –  Off-Campus Housing

Please note: Enrollment in the Bachelor of Arts in Computing program occurs through:

  • An approved  change of major request   for  current students . 
  • Official notification from the  Office of Admissions   for  new students.
  • Entry to a Major Essays
  • Engineering Department Advisors
  • Current Degree Programs
  • Placement Outcomes

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a&m engineering essay prompt

Writing a Standout Response to Texas A&M's Engineering Application Prompt

A&m requires 3 short answer prompts this year - learn the k eys to writing them here ..

The Texas A&M University College of Engineering is the biggest college at the university and one of the largest engineering schools in the country, with more than 20,000 students across 14 departments. According to the American Society for Engineering Education, it ranks second in undergraduate enrollment and eighth in graduate enrollment.

As part of the application to A&M’s College of Engineering, students are asked to write a short answer to the following prompt.

Texas A&M Engineering Short-answer prompt

Describe your academic and career goals in the broad field of engineering (including computer science, industrial distribution, and engineering technology). What and/or who has influenced you either inside or outside the classroom that contributed to these goals?

How to approach this question

In responding to the prompt, the students’ goal should be to communicate to the admissions committee what makes their proposed field of study engaging and exciting to them. The committee doesn’t expect students to be an expert in the field, or to have their career mapped out in advance. What it does want is to understand why students want to pursue studies in the field—and to see that they’ve thought carefully about academic and career goals and are prepared to devote four or more years to studying engineering.

  • To stand out, students’ responses should demonstrate the following: They’ve already begun exploring their proposed field of study, either through independent study or through organized opportunities like classes, summer programs, and internships.
  • They have a sense of purpose about becoming an engineer and can articulate how their interest in engineering has grown over time and the program they’re applying to will help them meet long-term career goals.
  • They’ve thought about what makes Texas A&M the right place to pursue their proposed field of study.

Remember: Students should show how and why they, specifically, are eager to take advantage of the opportunities that A&M offers, not about what some generic student might get from A&M.

Questions for reflection and freewriting

It’s not enough to answer this prompt with a list of classes, extracurriculars, and awards pulled straight from a resume. Instead, students should identify two or three experiences that have been especially meaningful for them, and reflect on how those experiences helped inspire and shape their interest in engineering. 

How did these experiences shape your interest in the field of study you want to pursue? Did they expose you to issues or problems that you hadn’t been aware of, or help you gain new perspective on your life, culture, or community? Did they help you learn new skills or approaches to solving problems?

How did you grow through these experiences? Did they help you understand something important, or spark you to take action of some kind? Clarify or deepen existing interests? Open doors to careers or fields of study you hadn’t previously considered?

Personalizing your answer

Students who haven’t participated in summer programs or taken directly relevant courses might need to get a little more creative here. Remember: learning experiences take place in all areas of life, not just in formal classroom settings. If students have taken the initiative to explore a topic independently, it can demonstrate that they’re self-motivated and intellectually curious—just the type of applicants that Texas A&M is looking to admit. Here are some ways that students may have independently explored their interests:

  • Reading books or other publications
  • Watching lectures on YouTube
  • Listening to podcasts
  • Having conversations about what they’re learning with friends, family, or classmates
  • Finding ways to incorporate their interests into school assignments 
  • Applying classroom knowledge or practical skills from one area of life to solve problems or tackle challenges in other areas
  • Talking with teachers or reaching out to professionals in their field of interest
  • Gathering information from real-world experiences, even if they don’t seem directly connected to students’ field of interest

Bottom line: For a student’s application to stand out from others in the stack that the admission committee will be reviewing, his or her answer to this prompt can’t just regurgitate information from a resume or personal essay. Instead, students should focus on and offer new insight into their connection with and passion for engineering. 

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a&m engineering essay prompt

Tex Admissions

Texas A&M Engineering and Computer Science Supplement Essay Tips and Examples

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Skyscraper construction, Hong Kong

Prospective Texas A&M applicants to Engineering or Computer Science should submit their applications no later than the October 15 priority deadline. Texas A&M Engineering prefers students submit sooner than that due to rolling admissions decisions. You do not need to submit on August 1 or the first week of August. Submitting your application in September is perfectly fine.

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Prospective Texas A&M Engineering students must also submit a 500-word supplement. Your response to UT Major can be basically the same as TAMU, adjusted with references to each university:

Describe your academic and career goals in the broad field of engineering (including computer science, industrial distribution, and engineering technology). What and/or who has influenced you either inside or outside the classroom that contributed to these goals? It is important to spend time addressing this question as it will be considered as part of the engineering review process. If you have chosen an engineering major for both your first and second choice majors, you will see the same question twice and may provide the same response to both questions.

Consider these tips and examples as you craft your Texas A&M engineering supplemental essay.

Reference Specific Previous or Current Experiences

The prompt asks you specifically to reference which experiences and activities influence your future academic goals and professional ambitions. You don’t need to speak specifically about your major or area of interest, but discussing your subfield/major can help tie in your experiences to how you feel Texas A&M can help you achieve your goals.

It’s critical that you include examples from your academic, extracurricular, professional, or independent studies experiences that influence your first-choice major. It isn’t enough to discuss vaguely your academic ambitions because you will be competing for spaces with students who have decent ideas where they have come from and where they want to go.

Consider developing lessons you’ve learned in a specific course or from a teacher who has influenced your future goals. If you have participated in an internship, discuss your roles and responsibilities and how the opportunity helped you explore and refine your interests. Particularly with STEM, if you’re competing in robotics, engineering, or science fair competitions, discuss your most memorable events or projects.

Many students also pursue their interests independently of the classroom or student organizations. If there is a topic or theme where you find yourself losing track of time or you voluntarily pursue certificate programs, this can be a great opportunity to share with your reviewer experiences that may not appear on your transcript or resume.

Locate Texas A&M Professors and Courses that Match Your Interests

Go beneath the surface of discussing rankings or career placement. One way to demonstrate how Texas A&M uniquely can help you explore your interests and achieve your goals is to identify a professor and expand upon how their research interests coincide with yours. All A&M departments have a list of faculty, their CVs, research interests, and courses they teach. You can often find their syllabi.

Spending even a little bit of time digging deeper about opportunities within your major will go a long ways towards demonstrating interest in your major. Citing a professor or course that interests you may also connect with research opportunities or labs that provide undergraduate research possibilities. Undergraduate research is a cornerstone of the A&M experience. If you want to dive really deep, you could find relevant articles, podcasts, or essays they have published.

Whether you end up working together with a professor or taking their course is less important than demonstrating that you’ve made at least a little bit of an effort to see what’s out there. You can also view a partial list of research labs like here , and a complete list by area and major here , which also does you the favor of listing relevant courses. Exploring research opportunities can help articulate your interest in a subfield that goes beyond the general and broad major categories.

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Find Related Student Organizations or Academic Resources

Like in high school, the college experience is not confined to the classroom. Most students pursue extracurricular activities or student organizations that may or may not relate to their academic pursuits.

Citing specific resources will help elevate your essay beyond platitudes about “rankings” and “prestige.” They make no secret about The Zachry Engineering Education Complex serving as their flagship Engineering facility. If you haven’t had the chance to visit campus and share your impressions and observations of this and other campus buildings, then consider reading student blogs or researching these resources online to demonstrate your interest for enrolling in Texas A&M.

Instead of speaking generally about student organizations, identify one or two that match your current activities or proposed future interests. Consider this list specific to Engineering or for Texas A&M more generally here. You can filter for any number of things like cultural organizations, service, special interests, pre-professional societies, visual and performing arts, sports, etc. Texas A&M has a tight-knit community, and they will want to know how you see yourself on campus.

Share Relevant Personal or Family Circumstances

Oftentimes, students have personal reasons for choosing their first choice major that go beyond professional prestige, money, academic interests, or hobbies.

If you have compelling personal reasons for choosing your major, by all means include them especially if you haven’t mentioned them in your Essay A. There are no sob stories in college admissions, and I encourage you to be open about any adversity you’ve experienced particularly if it influences your future academic goals.

Example of Texas A&M Engineering Supplement: Clean Energy

“The turbine converts the energy of flowing water into mechanical energy,” my dad explained, pointing to our newly finished water turbine model. For my fourth-grade science project, I wanted to demonstrate various clean energy processes. My dad and I spent hours developing model solar panels, a water turbine, and a wind turbine after excitingly researching how they worked. Since then, I have learned everything I could about energy. Both of my parents studied electrical engineering. Their support has been a strong influence in my interest to pursue engineering and research. They encourage me to push myself in math and science, and they’ve also taught me about the business aspects of the energy industry after they started an energy brokerage company. In high school, I became fascinated when I first heard about Elon Musk’s Tesla, and I’ve dedicated many hours researching not just how electric cars work. One day, I would like to become the CEO of an innovative company like Tesla. As CEO, I would open a division dedicated to developing an ideal battery for our electronics. Most modern electronics, including phones, laptops, and even electric cars, require lithium-ion batteries. They are the most efficient power source currently available, but I see opportunities for innovation. With many countries planning to phase out internal combustion engine vehicles, the electric car industry will flourish. However, since mining lithium is unsustainable and expensive, I would like to be a pioneering leader who develops the panacea of power sources for our electronics. Studying as an Aggie would provide me with the resources and opportunities to further investigate research, and produce revolutionary products in the world of energy.  As Elon Musk says, “The path to the CEO’s office is through engineering and design.”  My parents emphasize that academic excellence is for the greater good, which makes Texas A&M the optimal place to pursue my dreams. Because I am concerned about future sustainability, I would love to research under the distinguished Professor Mehrdad Ehsani regarding sustainable energy systems and electric vehicles. As an Aggie, I will not only be able to benefit from the surroundings of my home state, but I will also be able to push the limits of my knowledge. I look forward to joining a supportive scientific community and the welcoming environment of College Station.

Example of Texas A&M Engineering Supplement: Aerospace Engineering

Ever since I can remember, I have wanted to view the world from the sky. Air travel and aircraft design invoke feelings of awe, progress, discovery, and adventure unlike anything else I’ve experienced. I remember my tour of the Boeing factory in Everett, Washington vividly. The impressive machines, enormous aircraft, and the brilliant minds bustling around created an infectious atmosphere. Ever since it’s been my purpose to explore as much as I can about aviation. I’ve taken rigorous courses at school, pursued independent studies, and became a certified pilot. I scored a 4 on AP Physics I, and I am registered for AP Physics II, AP Physics C, and Calculus BC. I especially love applying science to solving problems, which is why I’ve spent hundreds of hours studying for my pilot’s license, learning aerodynamics, and training in flight simulators. Aerospace engineering is the perfect balance for my interests in problem-solving, applied science, and aviation. Texas A&M Aerospace Engineering will help me further my aviation goals and provide me with the technical competencies for building an engineering career. During my on-campus visit in July, I learned about the different degree tracks and research opportunities. I want to join other Texas A&M students who compete in national aerospace competitions including Design/Build/Fly. It also impressed me how A&M alumni earn positions at prominent firms nationwide and how career resources help place current students in interesting internships. My favorite part was visiting Lone Star Unmanned Aircraft Systems Center of Excellence and Innovation. I also want to be part of research and industry teams who are pushing forward the next generation of aircraft. These academic and professional resources learning alongside enthusiastic classmates create an environment that will promote my growth and long-term advancement in the field of aerospace engineering.

Example of Texas A&M Engineering Supplement: Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Engineering

It wasn’t until sophomore year that I acknowledged math’s beauty and harmony. Like my classmates, I went through the motions in Algebra II and complained about quadratic equations, questioning how we would ever use it in the real world. Over time, I’ve opened my mind to the elegance of numbers: the rhythm of solving problems, the melody that forms when one concept flows seamlessly into the next, and the occasional unison of understanding myself with knowledge of the world. I love calculus because it brings order to our chaotic world. Underneath the surface and outside of our perceptual abilities are mathematical structures that reveal order and calm. Math allows us to understand fundamental aspects of chemistry, biology, and physics, and it offers a quantitative perspective on various subjects while also revealing an interconnectedness. Math creates a common bond and invites everyone to communicate and find meaning regardless of culture, language, age, or religion. Therefore, I find that engineering is the best way to pursue my passion for mathematics and contributing to the improvement of the world. Taking calculus helps me realize that there are solutions to unpredictable and seemingly unsolvable problems. Studying change is an essential part of calculus and computational engineering, and Texas A&M interdisciplinary engineering programs combine engineering, computer science, and applied mathematics to create a degree that equips students with statistical analysis and data processing skills. Computational science holds the power to create meaningful change and contribute to the betterment of humanity. Predicting climate change requires models and simulations that process large amounts of variables and data. By combining conservation efforts with calculus, computational engineers supply environmental scientists and policymakers with the data required to mitigate continued environmental degradation. Studying interdisciplinary engineering would allow me to tie my care for the environment to my love of math and problem solving while also giving me the abilities to use my passion for the greater good of humanity. It’s up to my generation to address pressing issues like climate change.

Example of Texas A&M Engineering Supplement: Biomedical Engineering

We were told by locals that our first Spokane winter was unusually harsh. Veterans of the snow season, I won’t forget our quizzical neighbors doubting that a kindergartener could unfreeze our elderly neighbor’s garage door. My parents and other grownups pushed, pulled, lifted, cajoled, and checked the power to the house. No budge.   Maybe it was because I lived lower to the ground, or perhaps children just think a little bit more outside the box than adults, but the story is something of a family favorite around the Thanksgiving table. They love to laugh about how I squatted, looked around, and shouted the obvious - it was frozen to the ground. Let’s throw some hot water on it.  I’ve always been in my element when tinkering projects. My Sophomore year, I upgraded my twin-size wooden childhood bed by first removing the bottom drawers. I rebuilt the base to house a light source that gave my room the illusion of a never-ending tunnel using two-way mirrors and light strips.   Recently in AP Physics, I went beyond the requirements for our “egg drop” experiment where we must support a falling egg using only plastic straws, glue, tape, and rubber bands.  My teacher was impressed when I created a suspension system and intricate crumple zones, looking more like a lunar landing for my egg than my classmate’s more simple and less effective methods. This past year, I visited several colleges. Attending Texas A&M’s Biomedical Engineering orientation and exploring Zachry Engineering Complex solidified College Station as my number one choice.  I loved examining the equipment. I couldn’t believe I got to see, in person, the types of machines that perform 3D-printing of STEM cells to create coronary stents.  I also appreciated Texas A&M’s new intimate and interactive high-tech learning spaces. I feel this approach will help me collaborate more with my classmates and not have solely large lecture classes. Biomedical Engineering at Texas A&M aligns with my interests of studying how the human body functions, solving engineering problems, and creating life-saving devices.  

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Hey everyone! I'm applying to Texas A&M's engineering program and I need some help with the essay. Any tips on structuring it and what type of content to include? Any advice is much appreciated!

Hello! Writing an essay for Texas A&M's engineering program can seem daunting, but with the right approach, you'll be able to create a strong piece. Here are some tips to help you structure your essay and ensure you showcase your strengths:

1. Understand the prompt: Make sure you thoroughly understand the prompt and that your essay directly addresses it. If there are multiple questions within the prompt, ensure that you answer each one.

2. Start with a strong introduction: Your introduction should be engaging and effectively convey your main idea. You could start with an anecdote, a personal experience, or a challenge you faced related to engineering to grab the reader's attention.

3. Focus on your interest in engineering: Describe your passion for engineering and how it developed, and expand on any experiences that have deepened your interest in the field. This could include projects, internships, coursework, or extracurricular activities related to engineering.

4. Highlight your strengths: Discuss the skills and qualities that make you a great candidate for the engineering program at Texas A&M. This could include critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, teamwork, and leadership. Use examples to demonstrate these strengths.

5. Explain why Texas A&M is the right fit: Show that you've researched the University and understand how their engineering program aligns with your interests, goals, and values. You may want to mention specific courses or research opportunities at the school that excite you.

6. Address any challenges or obstacles: If you've faced any obstacles in your pursuit of engineering studies, discuss how those challenges have shaped your dedication to the field and how you've worked to overcome them.

7. Conclude with your goals: Clearly articulate your short-term and long-term goals, and explain how the engineering program at Texas A&M will help you achieve them. Demonstrate enthusiasm and a genuine commitment to your studies.

8. Revise and edit: Take the time to proofread your essay multiple times, and ask someone you trust to read it and provide feedback. They can help identify any issues with clarity, grammar, or structure that you may have missed.

For more specific advice, check out this CollegeVine breakdown for the Texas A&M essays: https://blog.collegevine.com/how-to-write-the-texas-am-university-essays

Remember to stay focused on your passion for engineering and ensure that the essay reflects your voice and personality. Best of luck with your application!

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a&m engineering essay prompt

2 Terrific Texas A&M Essay Examples by an Accepted Student

Founded in 1876, Texas A&M University has the distinction of being the oldest institution of higher education in Texas. Texas A&M has grown considerably since its founding as an Agricultural and Mechanical (A&M) college—today, it’s home to 17 academic colleges and offers more than 130 undergraduate degrees. 

Texas A&M’s wide range of academic offerings, and national reputation as an athletic powerhouse thanks to their success in the Southeastern Conference, makes it desirable to many applicants. To help yourself stand out from the crowd, you’ll want to make sure your essays are as strong as possible. Here, we’ll provide you with two examples of essays submitted by a student who was eventually accepted to Texas A&M, to give you a clearer sense of what admissions officers are looking for.

Please note: Looking at examples of real essays students have submitted to colleges can be very beneficial to get inspiration for your essays. You should never copy or plagiarize from these examples when writing your own essays. Colleges can tell when an essay isn’t genuine and will not view students favorably if they plagiarized. 

Read our Texas A&M University essay breakdown to get a comprehensive overview of this year’s supplemental prompts.

Essay Example 1 – Success in College

“How much are you looking to make.” This was the question I had feared; a wrong answer could’ve meant I wasn’t ready for the job, and I’d look like a fool, but if I answered wrong for myself, I’d be stuck knowing I could’ve asked for more. 

Walking into my first job ever, I had immediately begun to shake; it had hit; this had been my first ever job interview, and the person I was about to meet would decide how my summer would go. I shook hands, sat down, and introduced myself. After a couple of questions, I was offered the position, but then that million-dollar question came. I had gone over this question several times during the car ride here. After an extensive debate with myself, I decided it wouldn’t look good if I were to shoot too high, but I also did not want to undervalue myself. I wanted to get the job; I said a number I thought was fair, making sure not to shoot ‘too’ high.

“We start everyone at the same pay.” It turns out I underestimated myself; I had told him something I thought he’d want to hear for the sake of the position. I learned not to underestimate or doubt myself, to always believe in myself, and reach for whatever I dreamed of. Now in life, I always try to achieve the highest level and believe in myself, never selling myself short and always having faith in my capability.

What the Essay Did Well

The author does a great job of centering their essay around a down-to-earth anecdote which still contains a life lesson that directly relates to their future success as a college student. With this prompt, many students will likely write about awards and achievements, but by choosing a more “ordinary” moment, the student shows that they have the ability to reflect on and learn from daily life as well.

As a quick aside, with that being said, you want to be authentic in your college essays. If you’re brainstorming for this prompt, or a similar one, and you feel your strongest response would be about an award or achievement, that’s completely fine! We just want to highlight that sometimes, writing about something less stereotypically impressive can be an incredibly effective way of humanizing yourself for admissions officers.

Another strength of this essay is the author’s personal, conversational writing style, which allows us to step into their shoes and imagine the situation as if we were there. By describing their thoughts and feelings with lines like “I immediately began to shake” and “then that million-dollar question came,” the writer keeps us invested in their story.

Finally, the student also does a great job of both telling a complete story and leaving enough space to reflect on their experience. That reflection leads to clear takeaway lessons which they explicitly connect to the prompt, so there’s no risk of the admissions officer finishing the essay wondering what the point was.

What Could Be Improved 

One small change this student could make is in the final paragraph, where they reflect on how they “ learned not to underestimate or doubt [themself], to always believe in [themself], and reach for whatever [they] dreamed of.” While the first lesson, to not underestimate themself, is a logical takeaway from the experience, the next two feel tangentially related at best. 

The lack of a clear connection makes the end of the essay feel a little too much like a Hallmark Card. Since readers don’t have anything to anchor the second and third lessons to, they seem generic, when the whole point of the college essay is to set yourself apart. While you do want to maximize the limited space given to you in college essays, this is an example of a place where less is more.

Essay Example 2 – A Teacher’s Impact

Walking into my first class of senior year, Securities and Investments, I thought, “Just another class with just another basic teacher.” Mr. Anderson was standing outside the classroom, I walked in and saw no one, I knew no one. All of my friends were in separate classes, it was just me.

He started the class immediately after the bell rang by telling us, “Ok, class, let’s go outside.” Instead of just doing a regular old lecture, Mr. Anderson teaches outside and around the school. I was immediately hooked: to me, a class where I didn’t have to sit in a rock-hard chair for 90 minutes every other day seemed thrilling. However, it wasn’t just the outdoors that intrigued me, but the content: investments we can make throughout our lives, and how to benefit from the stock market. I was attached; I was drawn to business; I was drawn to the financial aspects, technological aspects, all the aspects of a business. Finally, a class that I yearn to be in, a class about the inner workings of the stock market and business.

Mr. Anderson taught me to keep an open mind when doing anything new, from joining a new class to researching a stock. That mindset has led me to new opportunities, such as volunteering for Wells International Foundation to create clubs. Now, whenever I’m feeling apprehensive about something new, I remember how much I ended up loving Mr. Anderson’s class, and do my best to change my apprehension into anticipation.

This essay’s greatest strength is that the writer has chosen someone who has clearly made a genuine impact on their life. While that may seem like a strange thing to highlight, since that’s the whole point of the prompt, a pitfall some students fall into is trying to impress the admissions officers by choosing someone famous, or a historical figure, who hasn’t actually been that important for their growth. 

But for this prompt, who you choose doesn’t matter–what does is that you can articulate why they’ve been influential in your life, which this student does an excellent job of. The overall lesson of keeping an open mind clearly follows from the student’s description of Mr. Anderson’s unconventional teaching style, and also connects to another aspect of the student’s life (their work with Wells International Foundation).

Additionally, in the first two paragraphs the author builds a personal connection with their readers by letting us in on their thoughts and feelings in real time, through lines like “a class where I didn’t have to sit in a rocking chair” and “finally, a class that I yearn to be in.” This open, honest tone helps us better understand just how impactful the student’s experiences with their teacher were.

While the student clearly lays out the bigger picture lesson they learned from Mr. Anderson in the final paragraph, the first two paragraphs lack detail about how his actions, or personality, helped them learn that lesson. Talking about the outdoor class is a great start, but that’s just one example, and this prompt is asking about “the person who has most impacted your life.”

The student hints at Mr. Anderson helping them engage with topics they initially didn’t find interesting, but in the college essay, hinting isn’t enough–remember, your readers are complete strangers, so they don’t have any background context to fall back on if they don’t fully understand something. The essay would be much stronger with a concrete example of a time Mr. Anderson helped motivate the student academically, like:

“Before I was taught by Mr. Anderson, ‘investments’ was just a word I heard my dad occasionally say while reading the newspaper. I had never cared to learn more, but that disinterest died the day Mr. Anderson put us into teams and had us try to invest responsibly even as he rolled a die to trigger random misfortunes or windfalls.”

This anecdote provides readers with the detail we need to understand how Mr. Anderson specifically encouraged this student’s budding interest in business and finance, which is the connection that’s missing in the original essay.

Where to Get Feedback on Your Essay

Want feedback like this on your Texas A&M essay before you submit? We offer expert essay review by advisors who have helped students get into their dream schools. You can book a review with one of our experts to receive notes on your topic, grammar, and essay structure to make your essay stand out to admissions officers.

Haven’t started writing your essay yet? Our advisors also offer expert college counseling packages . You can purchase a package to get one-on-one guidance on any aspect of the college application process, including brainstorming and writing essays.

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a&m engineering essay prompt

College Readiness

Freshman student resources.

Essay Prompt: Tell us your story. What unique opportunities or challenges have you experienced throughout your high school career that have shaped who you are today?

  • Answer the question.

Your essay shouldn’t be a complete autobiography. Instead, it should use a specific instance to answer the question and reveal more about your unique personality. Be sure your essay doesn’t repeat things listed elsewhere on the application. Do more than recount the experience, explain how it changed or impacted you.

  • Be authentic.

Your writing style should match your personality. If you’re an outgoing, spunky person, your essay shouldn’t be stiff and super formal. At the same time, remember your audience and avoid using terminology that only teenagers would understand. Make sure your writing is natural (no thesaurus necessary).

  • Be detailed.

Essay topics are generally broad, but your response should be specific.  Focus on details that set you apart. Your essay should highlight that uniqueness and how you’ll be an asset to the university.

  • Proofread your essay.

Check your essay for grammatical errors. Run a spellcheck and then proofread it again. Ask a teacher or counselor to read your essay as well.

College Fairs

A college fair is an event where recruiters from different universities present information about their schools. Whether you’re early in your college search or have a specific question for your dream school, this is a great opportunity to talk to recruiters with first-hand knowledge. Follow these tips to stand out at your next college fair!

  • Find out which colleges are attending the fair and research them beforehand. Having prior knowledge about a school shows you’re interested. Some colleges consider interest an important part of the admissions process.
  • Ask questions that can’t be answered by the college’s website. What is the best dorm? Which majors are most popular? Leave the fair knowing something you didn’t know before.
  • Take the initiative and introduce yourself to recruiters. Standing face-to-face with a college rep allows you to go beyond general inquiries — you can ask questions that are unique to your circumstances. These answers help narrow down your college options.
  • Jot down your impressions of different colleges. Taking notes is a good active listening skill to learn and will be useful later when choosing which schools to apply to.
  • Some fairs offer additional information sessions on specific topics like financial aid, scholarships, admissions essays, etc. These sessions are opportunities to hear from the admissions office and gather more information about certain programs.

Visit Campus

Most students apply to as many as 12 colleges and visit a majority of those. Visiting a large campus (like Texas A&M’s 5,200 acres) can be daunting and the colleges you visit might run together. We’ve put together some tips to help you keep track of your touring process:

  • Schedule your visit while school is in session. Choose a date that allows you to get a realistic idea of student life.
  • No one knows campus better than current students. Ask students at the next table or sitting on a nearby bench what they like best about the college or what they like best about being in college in general.
  • In addition to the guided campus tour, wander around campus. If there are any facilities that are important to you, find them and have a look for yourself. Make sure you visit the library and the freshman dorms.
  • School newspapers highlight issues that students consider important and give you an idea of the campus culture. Texas A&M’s student newspaper is The Battalion, and it was started in 1893.
  • Keep track of the details you like and don't like from your visit. What did you see that excited you? Can you imagine staying in the school’s dorms? The answers to these questions can help narrow down your college options.

Schedule a visit today!

Keeping Up with Your Accomplishments

The college admissions process relies heavily on what accomplishments you report. Academic awards, community service, student organizations and more can all look great on a college application. But what should go on and what shouldn’t?

  • Be sure to list organizations you’re heavily involved in. It’s better to have a major impact on a few organizations than minimal involvement in several organizations.
  • Highlight times you’ve been a leader or shown initiative. Universities like students who arrive on campus ready to lead clubs and organizations.
  • Include your characteristics that will contribute to a diverse and unique student body. Texas A&M seeks to enroll students with different geographic, cultural, political and economic backgrounds.
  • Let us know what unique skills you will bring to campus and how they’ll add value to the student body.
  • If you’re active in the community, we want to know about it. This includes work, community service, youth organizations, religious groups, reading clubs, etc.

Application Tips

Prospective students should apply using the  Common App . Students may also apply through ApplyTexas. The application you choose will not affect your admission decision. Only one application per student.

  • Describe a life event which you feel has prepared you to be successful in college.
  • Tell us about the person who has most impacted your life and why.
  • If there are additional personal challenges, hardships, or opportunities (including COVID related experiences) that have shaped or impacted your abilities or academic credentials, which you have not already written about , please note them in the space below.
  • Check the college website for deadlines and plan to complete your essays and forms a few weeks before they’re required. Mark these earlier deadlines on your calendar and don’t miss them.
  • In addition to thoroughly proofreading your essay, check your entire application for grammatical errors before submitting it. Save your application, put it aside for a day and then check it over again for errors. If you can, have a teacher or parent proofread it as well.
  • Make a copy of each piece of your application. Save personal identification numbers, passwords and notes or emails from admission officers. This documentation can save you if a problem arises with your application.
  • Anything that needs to be mailed, including your application itself, should be sent in several weeks before it is due. This allows time for delivery and processing. You should also take required admissions tests well in advance in case you don’t earn a qualifying score the first time you take them.
  • The Applicant Information System (AIS) offers you access to view the status of your admissions application at all stages of the process, from application receipt through display of the final decision. You will gain access once your application is received and processed. AIS can be accessed via the Applicant tab .

Test-Optional Admissions

SAT and/or ACT scores are not required to complete an admission file. Students are encouraged to continue to submit standardized test scores to help satisfy TSI requirements if admitted. Submission of tests scores will not create any unfair advantage or disadvantage for those students who provide them.

Test-Optional FAQs

Does Texas A&M require SAT and/or ACT scores?

Freshman applicants are not required to provide test scores to complete their admission file.

What does it mean to be “Test Optional?”

Test optional means that you are not required to provide SAT and/or ACT scores to the university as part of your admission file.

Does Texas A&M prefer that I provide test scores?

Texas A&M encourages you to send your test scores if you have them. Test scores will only be used to benefit you in the admission process. You will not be penalized for low test scores or no test scores.

Will it benefit me to provide test scores?

Submitting tests scores will provide additional information with respect to your academics and can be used to satisfy TSI requirements if admitted.

Will I be penalized if I provide low test scores?

No. Low test scores will not disadvantage you or make you less competitive in the review process.

If I have several test scores, will you super score?

No. Texas A&M does not super score.

Will I be penalized if I don’t take the test?

No. You will not be penalized in the admission process if you choose not to take the SAT or ACT.

If I don’t provide test scores, what will you look at?

All academic factors will be considered as part of the holistic review of your admission file.

I’m a home-schooled student, do I have to provide test scores?

No. Freshman applicants are not required to submit test scores.

I’m a home-schooled student and don’t take the test, how will you assign my rank?

Your class rank will be assigned using all academic factors provided as part of your admissions file.

Will this policy stay in place all year?

Yes.  This policy is in place all year and the foreseeable future.

Will subject tests be considered now?

No. Subject test scores will not be used in place of traditional SAT or ACT scores for admission purposes.

Do my scores have to be submitted through the testing agency or will you take them off my high school transcript?

Test scores must be provided to us directly from the testing agency.

If test scores are removed from the equation, how will holistic review work?

We will consider all academic and non-academic factors you provide as part of your admission file.

What is the last date I can take the SAT or ACT and still have it considered as part of my admission file?

Due to recent SAT and ACT scheduling issues, we will accept December test scores as part of your admission file. You should request scores to be sent to us at the time of testing. We must receive your December test scores by December 15 for consideration.

Fee Waivers

Freshman students who qualify for a fee waiver will be able to certify their eligibility on the ApplyTexas application. Additional documentation may be required upon request.    Transfer students requesting a fee waiver must provide a copy of an award letter from the current institution showing a Pell Grant was awarded or a copy of the Student Aid Report (SAR) found within a current FAFSA. The information shown in the SAR will be reviewed to determine eligibility for a waiver. Checking the fee waiver box on the application will not satisfy the fee waiver requirement. The award letter or SAR may be uploaded through the Applicant Information System (AIS) or sent by mail.

High School Coursework

Texas a&m university’s recommended coursework includes:.

  • 4 years of English 
  • 4 years of Mathematics - Three of the courses should be Algebra I, II and Geometry 
  • 4 years of Science - Two courses should come from Biology I, Chemistry I or Physics I
  • 2 years of the same foreign language 

You may earn credit at Texas A&M from the following exams:

  • Advanced Placement (AP) SAT subject tests International Baccalaureate (IB) program

Dual Credit and Early College High Schools

College coursework completed prior to high school graduation:

  • Students with more than 40 hours cannot be admitted to Blinn TEAM or Gateway .
  • You should choose courses that match your major. Degree plans are available in the Texas A&M University Undergraduate Catalog .

Texas A&M University Supplemental Essay Guide: 2021-2022

Not sure how to approach the Texas A&M essay prompts? CollegeAdvisor.com’s guide to the Texas A&M application essays will breakdown the Texas A&M essay requirements and show you exactly how to write engaging Texas A&M essays to maximize your chances of admission. If you need help answering the Texas A&M essay prompts, create your free or schedule a free advising consultation by calling (844) 343-6272.

Texas A&M Essay Guide Quick Facts

  • Acceptance rate of 63.0%— U.S. News ranks Texas A&M as a more selective school. 
  • Every student must submit a Texas A&M essay through ApplyTexas or The Coalition Application . If you are applying as an engineer, you must write an additional Texas A&M essay.

Does Texas A&M have any supplemental essays?

Yes, there are two Texas A&M application essays. The Essay tab of Admission’s Freshman Application Page , lists the Texas A&M essay requirements. You’ll find both Texas A&M essay prompts there. In the first essay, you’ll share a bit about your high school career. The second, is an engineering-specific short answer question.

Does Texas A&M require a supplemental essay?

Yes, the Texas A&M requirements require all applicants to write Texas A&M application essays. While there are two Texas A&M essay prompts, there is only one required Texas A&M essay. Only students applying to the College of Engineering need to answer both Texas A&M essay prompts. 

To summarize, students applying as engineers will write two Texas A&M admissions essays. All other non-engineering students will write one Texas A&M essay. Now that we have established the Texas A&M essay requirements, let’s write those Texas A&M admissions essays!

How do I write my Texas A&M supplemental essay?

After you’ve reviewed the Texas A&M essay requirements, you can begin brainstorming topics for your Texas A&M essays.  Remember, there isn’t a perfect topic or a formulaic approach to writing your essay. Your Texas A&M admissions essays are an opportunity to infuse your application with your life, personality, and voice. Rather than trying to impress Admissions with your Texas A&M essays, go for honesty! That means being true to yourself and your experiences. 

No matter what topic you end up choosing to write about in your Texas A&M essays, it is important you remember your audience. Your Texas A&M application essays are part of an application, so you need to appeal to the needs of your reader: the Admissions team. They are looking to get a sense of who you are and how you’ll add to the vibrancy of their student body.

Here are three questions you should keep in mind when writing each of your Texas A&M admissions essays:

  • Have I answered the prompt in my Texas A&M essay?
  • Does my Texas A&M essay reflect who I am?
  • Do I show how I will be an asset to the school’s community in my Texas A&M essay?

Now that we have our essay goals in mind, let’s move on to the first step: brainstorming. We have provided the 2021-2022 Texas A&M essay prompts below. You’ll find a breakdown of how to approach each question, as well as tips for writing Texas A&M application essays that will help you stand out in admissions. 

Texas A&M essay – Question 1 (Required)

Tell us your story. What unique opportunities or challenges have you experienced throughout your high school career that have shaped who you are today? (no word limit).

The Texas A&M essay prompts do not have specified word limits. Because there is only one required Texas A&M essay and this prompt is open-ended, we suggest sticking between approximately 500-700 words. Remember, if your essay is too short, you may not be telling a complete or detailed story. Too long, and you may not keep your reader’s attention.

Generate ideas

This Texas A&M essay is going to be about cause and effect. As you brainstorm , split your page into two columns: “Opportunities/Challenges” and “How I Was Affected.” The first column addresses the “what” part of your Texas A&M essay. The prompt asks about plural opportunities or challenges. Therefore, it is important you write down as many memories you can think of, as you’ll likely be picking more than one to include in your Texas A&M essay. Also, this prompt specifically asks about your high school career . Restrict your brainstorming to high school memories. 

The second column will be the “why” of your Texas A&M essay. Why is it important for the admissions team to hear this story? For each opportunity or challenge, write a corresponding bullet point that summarizes what you learned, how you grew, why you were proud of yourself, or why it was important to you.

Look for patterns

Once you’ve completed your brainstorm, start looking for patterns or ways to group your experiences. Was there a particular class you grew in? Perhaps there was a challenge that later reappeared as an opportunity. Or maybe there’s an aspect of your personality that shined through in multiple situations.

Whatever you settle on, be sure to refer to the three objectives before you start drafting your Texas A&M essay. This breakdown has already helped you be sure you are responding to the prompt, so you need to be sure the story you’ve outlined will reflect something about who you are and how you might positively impact Texas A&M’s community.

Tell your story

All that’s left to do is tell your story. As you begin drafting your Texas A&M application essays, be sure you aren’t simply listing facts or details. Instead, string them together with your thoughts, feelings, and interpretations. Even if the events on paper are simple, your voice is what makes will make you stand out .

Essay Draft Key Questions:

  • Does your Texas A&M essay tell a story about opportunities or challenges you faced in high school? 
  • Did you show how your experiences helped shape who you are?
  • Does your Texas A&M essay have a point of view?

Texas A&M essay – Question 2 (Required for Engineering Applicants)

Describe your academic and career goals in the broad field of engineering (including computer science, industrial distribution, and engineering technology). What and/or who has influenced you either inside or outside the classroom that contributed to these goals? (no word limit).

According to the Texas A&M essay requirements, all applicants to the School of Engineering must respond to a second prompt and write a total of two Texas A&M admissions essays. Neither of the Texas A&M essay prompts has word counts, so there is no specific word limit for your Texas A&M essays. Because this question is more straightforward, we suggest keeping your second Texas A&M essay between 300-500 words.

Although the topics are different, both Texas A&M essay prompts are cause & effect questions. For this brainstorm, split your page into two columns: “Academic and Career Goals” and “Who/What Inspires Me.” List out what you hope to learn and the kind of work and research you might want to do at college as well as the kind of positions or work you’d like to hold or be involved in post-graduation (including grad school if you’re already thinking of attending). Remember, whatever you include on your inspiration list needs to have “contributed to these goals,” so as you list people, topics, or events, also write down how they helped lead you to your goals. 

Focus on what’s important

Once you have all the information and details you’d like to include, all you need to do is write about them in a way that shows who you are and what is important to you. For example, if you already know the kind of job you’d like to have one day, you could start with your academic goals, reflect upon your inspirations, and end with your career aspirations. Or if there was one pivotal moment that has defined your path, maybe start with that moment and tell the story of how that has led you to have the goals you have today.

Everyone’s goals and inspirations will be specific to them. However, a strong Texas A&M essay should focus on your passion for engineering. Let that passion shine through in your writing, and you’ll be sure to have Texas A&M application essays that will blow the admissions team away. 

  • Did you describe your academic and career goals in your Texas A&M essay? 
  • Have you shown what has inspired you to reach for these goals?
  • Does your Texas A&M essay reflect your passion?

What does Texas A&M look for in essays?

To begin, you should think of the Texas A&M essays as a chance to introduce yourself. They’re also an opportunity to set yourself apart from other applicants. Therefore, you’ll want to write your Texas A&M application essays in your own voice and show how your unique experiences have impacted how you view the world. The admissions team cares about more than just your grades and test scores; they care about the person behind the numbers.

Although it is not specifically mentioned in the Texas A&M essay requirements, it is expected your essays have the correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. In addition to telling your story, the admissions department is looking for Texas A&M admissions essays that are clear and polished. Excellent editing and proofreading are a must. The less distracted your reader is by little mistakes, the easier it will be to focus on the story your Texas A&M essays are telling.  

Tips for writing Texas A&M essays

In addition to providing the Texas A&M essay requirements, the university has a College Readiness page with resources and tips to help you through the application process. Be sure to review these tips on the website or below.  Approaching the Texas A&M application essays can be daunting. CollegeAdvisor offers 39 Essay Tips from Admissions Experts that will you navigate the writing process.

Answer the question

Our guide has already broken down the Texas A&M essay prompts to be sure you’ve answered the question completely. As you settle on a topic, be sure to use your Texas A&M admissions essays as an opportunity to touch on something not mentioned anywhere else in your application. Although the Texas A&M essay requirements don’t specifically tell you to, providing new information will help give the admissions team a full picture of who you are and the experiences that have prepared you for college.

Be authentic

We’ve said to “use your voice,” which is just another way to say be authentic. While it is important you keep your audience in mind (and specifically use language appropriate to the formality of a college application), it is also important you stay true to who you are. There’s no need to try to sound smarter or funnier or more serious in your Texas A&M essays than you do in real life – Admissions wants you to be yourself. 

Focus on details

The details you include will make your Texas A&M application essays stand out from the rest. Even if your circumstances or experiences seem like everybody else’s, your experience of them is what makes them special and unique to you. Being specific will also help bring your story to life and help drop your reader into your shoes so they can better understand who you are and what you bring to the table. 

Proofread your essay

Proofread, proofread, proofread! Grammar or spelling mistakes aren’t the end of the world. However, they do distract your reader from what is important: your story. Whether or not you are a strong proofreader, have a second pair of eyes on your Texas A&M essays. A teacher, counselor, or guardian is a great place to start. Even a fellow peer can be a good resource. Most importantly, your reader should give feedback on both grammar and story. This will ensure your final draft is as polished as it can be. 

As you begin compiling all the information you’ll need for your application, check out the Admissions blog for prospective students. Additionally, if you’d like more tips from Texas A&M’s undergraduate admissions team on approaching your essays, check out this video on telling your story!

Texas A&M Supplemental Essays: Final Thoughts

If the essay requirements seem daunting to you, remember that the admissions team wants to be impressed by you. There are so many types of students and people in the world. It is impossible to know who a person is by their grades and test scores alone. Consequently, the admissions teams reads the Texas A&M admissions essays to get a better understanding of each candidate as a person. Unlike the other aspects of your application, you have complete control over your Texas A&M application essays. Take that freedom and use your Texas A&M essays to show them your best, most curious self. Start early. Then, you’ll have time to brainstorm, draft, edit, rewrite, and proofread. With a little preparation, your Texas A&M application essays can wow the admissions team.

This 2021-2022 essay guide on Texas A&M was written by Stefanie Tedards. For more CollegeAdvisor.com resources on Texas A&M, click here . Want help crafting your Texas A&M admissions essays? Create your free account or schedule a free advising consultation by calling (844) 343-6272.

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Texas A&M University 2024-25 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide

Regular Decision: 

Regular Decision Deadline: Dec 1

Texas A&M University 2024-25 Application Essay Question Explanation

The Requirements: Two required essays of 250 words each; one optional essay of 250 words

Supplemental Essay Type(s): Oddball , Additional Information

Describe a life event which you feel has prepared you to be successful in college. (250 words)

This prompt is incredibly vague, which is kinda awesome because it sets you up to talk about almost anything you want. Which life event has sparked personal growth? What do you think it takes to be successful and how do you embody those qualities? Maybe a parent’s fragile health situation challenged you to take on more responsibilities than the average teenager, preparing you for the hard work ahead. Or perhaps you learned to love your football team’s playback sessions, as they forced you to routinely examine your mistakes, welcome constructive criticism, and guide you toward self-improvement. Whatever story you choose to tell, be sure to infuse it with personal details that no one else could include in their essay.

Tell us about the person who has most impacted your life and why. (250 words)

Who is the first person to come to mind when you read this prompt? The person you write about can be someone in your immediate circle, larger network, or on the world stage. Remember that the person you choose is going to say a lot about what you value and respect in others. Maybe an adult in your life has served as a mentor and role model for you, or perhaps the person who has impacted you most is a close friend and confidant. Once you identify the person you’d like to write about, be sure to summarize who they are to you, how they have impacted your life, and how you’ve changed as a result of knowing them.

If there are additional personal challenges, hardships, or opportunities (including COVID related experiences) that have shaped or impacted your abilities or academic credentials, which you have not already written about, please note them in the space below. (250 words)

Let us start by saying: this prompt is not for everyone. If your GPA has not dramatically increased or decreased during your high school career, move along. If, on the other hand, you’re thinking, “Yes! An opportunity for me to explain!” then read on.  Your transcripts are like Garfield Minus Garfield . Sure, we can see that something’s changed from frame to frame, but we don’t know why. Grades need context. Admissions doesn’t know why or how things happened—good or bad—so ake a look at your grades and note any anomalies or odd jumps/drops. Think back to that time in your life and tell your story. Maybe your family struggled with financial instability or the loss of a loved one. Maybe you started meeting virtually with a tutor and climbed from a fall semester C in geometry to a spring semester A. No matter your story, you are not alone in your journey of ups and downs—high school is a veritable war zone of distractions and possibilities. And, remember, everyone loves a comeback. 

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Texas A&amp;M: Admission Requirements 2023

Texas A&M: Admission Requirements 2023

a&m engineering essay prompt

Want to become part of the Aggie family as a student at Texas A&M? You’re not the only one! Last year, Texas A&M received 59,647 applications from high school students hoping to enter their incoming freshman class. To make sure your application stands out, we’ve put together this post on all the Texas A&M admissions requirements. We’ll cover everything from the Texas A&M acceptance rate all the way to insights and tips for nailing the application essays. Let’s dive in!   


How hard is it to get into texas a&m, texas a&m acceptance rate, texas a&m early decision, early action, regular decision, and transfer acceptance rate, texas a&m gpa requirements, texas a&m sat requirements, texas a&m act requirements, what does texas a&m look for in students, texas a&m application deadlines, texas a&m supplemental essay prompts, texas a&m essay tips.

  • Texas A&M Major Specific Supplemental Essays

It is moderately difficult to get accepted to Texas A&M. The average student accepted to Texas A&M is in the top half of their class. Students who successfully get into Texas A&M also tend to have impressive extracurricular activities.

The Texas A&M acceptance rate is 64%, making it a moderately competitive university. Acceptance rate is an indication of how competitive a school is, but it is also an indication of how popular a school is. To get into a school like Texas A&M, you will need to perform well in most areas of your college application. 

Texas A&M only has an Early Action option for students applying to the College of Engineering. The university does not release official information about the acceptance rate for students who apply Early Action. 

Texas A&M does not have any Early Action or Early Decision options for regular applicants. During Texas A&M’s 2022 regular decision cycle, the college accepted 64% of applicants. Texas A&M is a widely popular school to apply to, especially for Texas residents who can receive automatic admission if they rank in the top 10% of their graduating class.

 Texas A&M’s most recent data on transfer applications shows that the transfer acceptance rate is 52%.

Texas A&M University does not share any official GPA requirements or averages on their website. However, given the competitiveness for admission, you’ll likely need a moderately high GPA and graduate at the middle of your class to have the best chance of being admitted to Texas A&M. 

If your GPA is lower than suggested at the time you apply, you may have to perform above average on your standardized tests. If your grades aren’t as high as they could have been due to life experiences or hardship, you should consider writing about it in your additional information section .

The SAT requirements for Texas A&M are a 1160 to 1370 composite score, combining the reading and writing and math sections together. If your SAT is lower than suggested at the time you apply, you may have to perform above average on your other standardized tests or have spectacular extracurricular activities to compensate. If your grades aren’t as high as they could have been due to life experiences or hardship, you should consider writing about it in your additional information section .

Texas A&M Average SAT Composite Score: 1160-1370

SAT Score DistributionReading %Math %
200-299 0%0%

What SAT score is required for Texas A&M?

Applicants should score between 1160 to 1370 on their SAT to be strong candidates for admission to Texas A&M University. Having less than this will require compensating by using a substitute ACT score or having an above-average GPA. During the last admissions cycle, Texas A&M had a test-optional policy , meaning students didn’t need to submit standardized test scores to complete their application.

The ACT requirements for Texas A&M are a 25-31 composite score combining all English, mathematics, reading, and science sections. You will need a high ACT score in order to get into Texas A&M University. If your ACT is not what you’d hoped by the time you apply, you may have to make it up by getting above-average scores on the SAT and having an above-average grade point average. If your ACT wasn’t as high as you’d like because of difficulties or hardship, you should consider writing about it in your additional information section.

Texas A&M Average ACT: 28

ACT Score RangeComposite Score %
Below 60%

What ACT score is required for Texas A&M?

Applicants should score between 25 and 31 on their ACT to be strong candidates for admission to this school. Having less than this will require compensating by using a substitute SAT score or having an above-average GPA. During the last admissions cycle, Texas A&M had a test-optional policy , meaning students didn’t need to submit standardized test scores to complete their application.

Texas A&M prides itself on preparing its students to take on leadership roles to serve society. They’ve stated this directly in their mission statement . It’s also reflected in how they evaluate applications from prospective students. The university considers extracurricular activities and talent to be two of the most important factors for admission. 

How do you demonstrate your potential for leadership as a prospective Texas A&M student? To start, make sure the activities section of your college application highlights your accomplishments and core responsibilities in your extracurricular activities. If you’re not sure how to do that, check out this resource on writing a strong activities list . 

Also make sure at least one of your supplemental essays gives clear, memorable examples of times you’ve taken the lead in an extracurricular activity. You’ll also want to thoughtfully reflect on what you learned from that experience and how it might continue to influence you as you enter college. More tips on how to write this type of essay below.

How else can you demonstrate that you’re a good fit for Texas A&M? Think about your answers to these questions:

How committed and involved in your extracurriculars have you been, and how can you help Texas A&M admissions readers see that? 

When have you taken on leadership roles, and how will you continue to do so? 

When have you shown you value diverse interests and perspectives? 

Do you have any unique talents? How and why have you developed them over time? 

The Texas A&M application deadline for regular decision is December 1. Texas A&M also provides an alternative form of application in addition to regular decision: early action. However, this option to apply early is only available to students applying to the College of Engineering.  The application deadline for Texas A&M’s College of Engineering early action application is October 15. Below is a table showing the deadlines for each of the steps of the Texas A&M admissions process.

Notification Plan Application Material Application Deadline
Fall Semester: College Station Submit Test Scores December 15
Submit Application and
Financial Aid Application
December 1
Admissions Decisions
Between January 1 and late March
*Students who qualify for Top 10% admission
will typically receive a decision within three
weeks of completing their admission file.
Fall Semester: Higher Education
Center at McAllen (HECM)
Submit Test Scores March 1
Submit Application and
Financial Aid Application
March 1
Admissions Decisions
Between January 1 and late March
Spring Semester: College Station Submit Test Scores October 15
Submit Application and
Financial Aid Application
October 15
Admissions Decisions
Early December
*Students who qualify for Top 10% admission
will typically receive a decision within three
weeks of completing their admission file.
Early Action Engineering Submit Test Scores October 15
Submit Application October 15
Admissions Decisions

Texas A&M Early Action Policy (Only for Students Applying for the College of Engineering)

“Applicants who apply to the College of Engineering and have a complete admission file by the Early Action Deadline of October 15 will receive a communication regarding their admission decision by mid-December. The communication will notify the student of admission or deferral to the standard decision timeline. Applicants who apply on the Early Action Deadline will not be able to complete their admission file for several days. On average, it takes 3-5 business days from the time your application is successfully submitted to communicate information needed to link and submit your SRAR. Please apply early to allow time to complete your file by the deadline.” 

To complete Texas A&M’s supplemental essay requirements, applicants must respond to an essay prompt and at least two short answer questions. Their prompts are below and the Texas A&M supplemental essay guide that they were sourced from can be found here .

Tell us your story. What unique opportunities or challenges have you experienced throughout your high school career that have shaped who you are today? (Required, 10-650 words for Common App, recommended 500-750 for ApplyTexas)

Describe a life event which you feel has prepared you to be successful in college. (Required, 10-250 words for Common App; max 439 for ApplyTexas)

Tell us about the person who has most impacted your life and why. (Required, 10-250 words for Common App; max 439 for ApplyTexas)

If there are additional personal challenges, hardships, or opportunities (including COVID related experiences) that have shaped or impacted your abilities or academic credentials, which you have not already written about, please note them in the space below. (Optional, Max 250 words for the Common App; max 439 words for ApplyTexas)

Tip #1 for Texas A&M University Supplemental Prompt #1

End with a clear “So what?” Explain how the opportunities or challenges have changed you and made you a better person. This should be more than just an enumeration of experiences, but rather an exploration of why and how the event truly made a difference in your life. For more on how to write a personal statement , check out that guide.

Tip #2 for Texas A&M University Supplemental Prompt #2

While you must describe the person and event, that’s not really the admission officers’ focus. Be sure to spend a good chunk of your word count focusing on HOW this has prepared you and WHY it matters. How have you changed because of this person/event? What have they taught you about yourself or the world? How is your perspective different because of them?

Tip #3 for Texas A&M University Supplemental Prompt #3

Don’t fill this section out if you feel it doesn’t apply to you: This section is optional (really!). So don’t feel like you have  to write something just because there’s space there. You want to add value to your application, not empty words. That said, if there are additional challenges, hardships, or opportunities that have shaped you, take advantage of this section. If you’re not sure what to include, head over to our guides on How to Use the Common App Additional Information Section and How to Write About Coronavirus/COVID-19 in Your College Essay & Application .

Texas A&M Major-specific Supplemental Essays

If you’re applying to the College of Engineering, you must submit an additional essay answering the prompt below with your application. If you’re applying Early Action, you must submit this essay with the rest of your application materials by the October 15 deadline.

Essay Prompt for Engineering Majors

Describe your academic and career goals in the broad field of engineering (including computer science, industrial distribution and engineering technology). What and/or who has influenced you either inside or outside the classroom that contributed to these goals? (Required, 50-500 words for Common App; max. 539 for ApplyTexas)

Tip for Texas A&M University College of Engineering Supplemental Prompt

You can largely treat this as a Why Major essay. Imagine a mini-movie of the moments that led you to your interest, and create a simple, bullet point outline. Can you find (and describe) the unique influences that set you apart from other aspiring engineering students? For example, who are the people in your life that inspired you to pursue engineering? What unique experiences have you had with technology (e.g., robotics or programming)? And what aspects of engineering stand out most to you? Tell the story that answers those questions.

Special thanks to Ameer for writing this blog post.

a&m engineering essay prompt

Ameer Drane

Ameer is a freelance writer who specializes in writing about college admissions and career development. Prior to freelancing, Ameer worked for three years as a college admissions consultant at a Hong Kong-based education center, helping local high school students prepare and apply for top colleges and universities in the US. He has a B.A. in Latin American Studies from the University of Chicago and an M.A. in Spanish Linguistics from UCLA. When he’s not working, Ameer loves traveling, weight lifting, writing, reading, and learning foreign languages. He currently lives in Bangkok, Thailand. 

Top values: Growth / Diversity / Empathy

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Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia

The capital city of Sverdlovsk oblast: Ekaterinburg .

Sverdlovsk Oblast - Overview

Sverdlovsk Oblast is a federal subject of Russia, the largest region of the Urals, located on the border between Europe and Asia in the Urals Federal District. Yekaterinburg is the capital city of the region.

The population of Sverdlovsk Oblast is about 4,264,300 (2022), the area - 194,307 sq. km.

Sverdlovsk oblast flag

Sverdlovsk oblast coat of arms.

Sverdlovsk oblast coat of arms

Sverdlovsk oblast map, Russia

Sverdlovsk oblast latest news and posts from our blog:.

26 May, 2020 / Unique Color Photos of Yekaterinburg in 1909 .

2 December, 2018 / Yekaterinburg - the view from above .

21 November, 2018 / Abandoned Railway Tunnel in Didino .

12 October, 2017 / Northern Urals: Manpupuner Plateau and Dyatlov Pass .

20 April, 2015 / Multicolored aurora borealis in the Northern Urals .

More posts..

History of Sverdlovsk Oblast

The first people settled here in the Stone Age. At the end of the 16th century, the Russian kingdom gained control of the region. In the 17th century, the most significant stage of the initial development of this area happened, when Russian settlers began a massive advance to the east. In 1598, the first settlers founded the town of Verkhoturye on the territory of the present Sverdlovsk region.

Verkhoturye became the first capital of the Urals because of its strategic location on the Babinov road - an important crossroads of trade routes. Sverdlovsk oblast acted as a transshipment base between the central part of the country and the actively developed regions of Siberia and Central Asia.

The presence of strategic reserves of iron and copper ore, as well as large forest areas, predetermined the specialization of the region (ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, wood processing, mining, etc.). Exploration of minerals in the Sverdlovsk region began at the end of the 17th century.

In the 18th century, the Demidov dynasty founded several plants in the region that turned into large production and economic complexes. The local industry was characterized by a high level of technological development. The blast furnaces of the Ekaterinburg, Nevyansk, Tagil iron-making plants were superior in performance to the best European models of that time, and their products were the leading item of Russian exports.

More historical facts…

The launch of the Trans-Siberian Railway became a landmark event in the life of the Middle Urals, allowing large-scale export of plant products. Between 1920 and 1930, the Urals was able to once again take its place as the leading industrial region of Russia by strengthening its mining industry, creating new production facilities, developing energy and mass urban construction.

In the years of the first five-year plans, along with the reconstruction of old enterprises, several new large industrial facilities were opened: Uralmashzavod, Uralelektrotyazhmash, tool and ball bearing plants in Sverdlovsk, Uralvagonzavod and Nizhny Tagil metallurgical plant in Nizhny Tagil, pipe plants in Pervouralsk and Kamensk-Uralsky, copper smelters in Krasnouralsk and Sredneuralsk, the Ural aluminum smelter in Kamensk-Uralsky and others.

On October 3, 1938, the territory of Sverdlovsk Oblast was finally formed. During the Second World War, from July 1941 to December 1942, more than 2 million people came to the Urals region, of which more than 700 thousand stayed in Sverdlovsk Oblast.

In the postwar period, Sverdlovsk Oblast continued to develop as a major industrial center of the Urals. The industry of the region was a supplier of the most important types of machinery, products of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical, electric power, light, and food industries. Mechanical engineering and metalworking retained their leading place in the structure of the local industry.

Being one of the most important industrial and defense centers of the Soviet Union, the Sverdlovsk region remained closed to foreigners until 1991.

Beautiful nature of Sverdlovsk Oblast

Forest stream in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Forest stream in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Author: Vlasov Pavel

Sverdlovsk Oblast nature

Sverdlovsk Oblast nature

Author: Oleg Seliverstov

Sverdlovsk Oblast is rich in forests

Sverdlovsk Oblast is rich in forests

Sverdlovsk Oblast - Features

Sverdlovsk Oblast received its name from its administrative center - the city of Sverdlovsk (Yekaterinburg). The name appeared on January 17, 1934, together with the formation of the region. After renaming Sverdlovsk back to Yekaterinburg, the region was not renamed and retained its Soviet name.

The territory of Sverdlovsk Oblast stretches from west to east for 560 kilometers, from north to south - for 660 kilometers. The climate is continental. The average temperature in January is about minus 16-20 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 19-30 degrees Celsius.

The Sverdlovsk region, being one of the oldest mining regions of Russia, is rich in a variety of natural resources. Today, the local mineral and raw materials base provides a significant part of the production of Russian vanadium, bauxite, chrysotile-asbestos, iron ore, refractory clay. The region is the main raw source for Russian aluminum industry.

There are significant reserves of nickel ores, precious metals, mineral and fresh groundwater, practically unlimited reserves of building materials. There are deposits of stone and brown coals, chromites, manganese and certain prospects for discovering oil and gas fields. Forests cover about 80% of the territory.

Sverdlovsk Oblast is an important transport hub of Russia. The Trans-Siberian Railway passes through its territory. Koltsovo is a large international airport located in Yekaterinburg. The largest cities and towns of Sverdlovsk Oblast are Yekaterinburg (1,493,600), Nizhny Tagil (340,700), Kamensk-Uralsky (162,500), Pervouralsk (117,700), Serov (93,900), Novouralsk (79,000), and Verkhnyaya Pyshma (76,400).

Sverdlovsk Oblast is known for its traditional International exhibition of armament in Nizhny Tagil, annual Russian Economic Forum in Yekaterinburg. Yekaterinburg is the 4th largest scientific center in Russia after Moscow, Saint-Petersburg and Novosibirsk.

It is one of the most important industrial regions of Russia. The structure of the local industrial complex is dominated by ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, enrichment of uranium and iron ore, engineering.

The largest enterprises of ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy are the Nizhnetagilsky Metallurgical Combine, the Kachkanar GOK Vanadiy, VSMPO-Avisma, the Pervouralsky Novotrubny Plant, the Bogoslovsky and the Ural Aluminum Smelters, the Kamensk-Uralsk Metallurgical Plant, the Sinarsky Pipe Plant, the Seversk Pipe Plant, as well as enterprises of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company (Uralelectromed, Sredneuralsky Copper Smelting Plant, Metallurgical Plant named after A.K. Serov, etc.).

The most important enterprises of the machine-building complex are Uralvagonzavod, Ural Heavy Machinery Plant, Uralelectrotyazhmash, Uralkhimmash, Ural Turbine Plant, Ural Civil Aviation Plant. Uralkhimplast, which produces synthetic resins, is the largest chemical plant in Russia.

Attractions of Sverdlovsk Oblast

Coniferous forests and numerous rivers make the nature of the Sverdlovsk region attractive for tourists. There is a number of reserves and nature parks: Visimsky State Nature Reserve, Denezhkin Kamen National Nature Reserve, Pripyshminsky Bory National Park, Oleny Ruchi Nature Park, Chusovaya River Nature Park, Bazhovskiye Places Nature Park, Rezhevskoy Nature and Mineralogical Reserve.

Some of the most interesting sights located outside of Yekaterinburg:

  • Nevyansk Tower - a leaning tower in the center of the town of Nevyansk, built by the order of Akinfiy Demidov, the founder of the mining industry in the Urals, in the first half of the 18th century;
  • Cathedral of the Savior’s Transfiguration in Nevyansk;
  • Battle glory of the Urals - an open-air museum of military equipment in Verkhnyaya Pyshma;
  • Automotive equipment museum in Verkhnyaya Pyshma - one of the largest collections of Russian cars, special equipment, motorcycles, bicycles;
  • Obelisk symbolizing the border between Europe and Asia in Pervouralsk;
  • Verkhoturye - a historical town with a kremlin and a lot of churches called the spiritual center of the Urals. The Cross Exaltation Cathedral of the St. Nicholas Monastery is the third largest cathedral in Russia after the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow and St. Isaac’s Cathedral in St. Petersburg;
  • Mount Kachkanar located near the border between Europe and Asia. At the top of the mountain there is the Buddhist Monastery of Shad Tchup Ling;
  • Monastery in the name of the Holy Royal Passion-Bearers on Ganina Yama standing on the site of the extermination and the first burial of the remains of the family of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II and his servants;
  • Museum Complex Severskaya Domna in Polevskoy, 52 kilometers from Ekaterinburg - an industrial and architectural monument (1860);
  • Open-air museum in Nizhnyaya Sinyachikha - Ural wooden architecture and the richest collection of the Ural house painting;
  • Severskaya Pisanitsa - a monument with rock paintings and images of the Neolithic Age located near the village of Severka.

Sverdlovsk oblast of Russia photos

Pictures of the sverdlovsk region.

Sverdlovsk Oblast scenery

Sverdlovsk Oblast scenery

Author: Anatoliy Kislov

Bridge in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Bridge in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Author: Igor Romanov

Road in the Sverdlovsk region

Road in the Sverdlovsk region

Sverdlovsk Oblast views

Field of dandelions in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Field of dandelions in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Sverdlovsk Oblast scenery

Winter in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Author: Isupov Sergei

Churches in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Abandoned church in the Sverdlovsk region

Abandoned church in the Sverdlovsk region

Author: Timofey Zakharov

Wooden church in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Wooden church in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Orthodox church in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Orthodox church in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Author: Kutenyov Vladimir

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Sverdlovsk Oblast

in Russian. or , is a useful starting point for translations, but translators must revise errors as necessary and confirm that the translation is accurate, rather than simply copy-pasting machine-translated text into the English Wikipedia. provide in the accompanying your translation by providing an to the source of your translation. A model attribution edit summary is to the . .
Свердловская область
Coordinates: 61°20′E / 58.700°N 61.333°E / 58.700; 61.333
Administrative center
  Total194,307 km (75,022 sq mi)
Population ( )
  Estimate  4,325,256
  Density22/km (57/sq mi)
(   )
66, 96, 196
Official languages

Natural resources

Early history, medieval history and russian expansion, rise of the mining-metallurgical era, soviet ural, post-soviet transition, administrative divisions, demographics, settlements, ethnic groups, chairmen of the oblast duma, chairmen of the house of representatives of the legislative assembly, economy and transportation, sister relationships, notable people, external links.

any . Please help by . Unsourced material may be challenged and . ) )

Landmark indicating the border between Europe and Asia in Sverdlovsk Oblast. Yekaterinburg Border Asia Europe.jpg

Most of the oblast is spread over the eastern slopes of the Middle and North Urals and the Western Siberian Plain . Only in the southwest does the oblast stretch onto the western slopes of the Ural Mountains .

The highest mountains all rise in the North Urals, Konzhakovsky Kamen at 1,569 metres (5,148   ft) and Denezhkin Kamen at 1,492 metres (4,895   ft) . The Middle Urals is mostly hilly country with no discernible peaks; the mean elevation is closer to 300 to 500 metres (980 to 1,640   ft) above sea level. [9] Principal rivers include the Tavda , the Tura , the Chusovaya , and the Ufa , the latter two being tributaries of the Kama .

Sverdlovsk Oblast borders with, clockwise from the west, Perm Krai , the Komi Republic , Khanty–Mansi Autonomous Okrug , Tyumen Oblast , Kurgan , and Chelyabinsk Oblasts , and the Republic of Bashkortostan .

The area is traversed by the northeasterly line of equal latitude and longitude.

Rich in natural resources, the oblast is especially famous for metals ( iron , copper , gold , platinum ), minerals ( asbestos , gemstones , talcum ), marble and coal . It is mostly here that the bulk of Russian industry was concentrated in the 18th and 19th centuries.

The area has continental climate patterns, with long cold winters (average temperatures reaching −15   °C (5   °F) to −25   °C (−13   °F) on the Western Siberian Plain) and short warm summers. Only in the southeast of the oblast do temperatures reach +30   °C (86   °F) in July.

  • You can help expand this section with text translated from the corresponding article in Russian . (November 2020) Click [show] for important translation instructions. View a machine-translated version of the Russian article.
in Russian. a machine-translated version of the Russian article. or , is a useful starting point for translations, but translators must revise errors as necessary and confirm that the translation is accurate, rather than simply copy-pasting machine-translated text into the English Wikipedia. to this template: there are already 937 articles in the , and specifying topic= will aid in categorization. provide in the accompanying your translation by providing an to the source of your translation. A model attribution edit summary is to the . .

Wooden sculpture dated to 11,500 years ago may have stood more than 5 m high Bol'shoi shigirskii idol.jpg

The territory of the region has been inhabited since ancient times. Numerous sites of ancient people were discovered, dating from the Paleolithic to the Iron Age. The Upper Paleolithic includes the Garinsky site on the right bank of the Sosva river near the village of Gari , the site in the Shaitansky grotto, and the site in the Bezymyanny cave (X millennium BC). [10] [11] In 1890, the 11 thousand years old (Mesolithic) Shigir idol was discovered. [12]

A settlement and a burial ground in the Kalmatsky Brod tract are located on the right bank of the Iset river and date back to the Sarmatian time (from the 3rd century BC to the 2nd century AD). They belong to the Kalmak archaeological culture. In the Kalmatsky Brod burial ground, the skeletal skulls were strongly deformed by tight bandaging in early childhood, which indicates the penetration of steppe ethnic elements to the north. [13]

Pictograms on the Neyva River AKUR 1.jpg

There are numerous pictograms on the Koptelovsky stone, on the Oblique stone, on the Two-eyed stone, Starichnaya, Serginskaya, the rock paintings of the Bronze Age on the Neyva River, Tagil River (villages Brekhovaya, Gaevaya, Komelskaya), rock carvings on Shaitan-Kamen on the right bank of the Rezh river tied to indigenous Ural population, possibly speakers of a Ugric language . [14] [15] The Gostkovskaya Pisanitsa refers to the Middle Ages. [12]

Before the first Russian colonists arrived to the region, it was populated by various Turkic and Ugrian tribes. By the 16th century, when the Middle Urals were under influence of various Tatar khanates, the strongest local state was the Vogul Pelym principality with its center in Pelym .

The Russian conquest of the Khanate of Kazan in the 1550s paved the way further east, which was now free from Tatar depredations (see Yermak Timofeyevich ). The first surviving Russian settlements in the area date back to the late 16th   – early 17th centuries ( Verkhoturye , 1598; Turinsk , 1600; Irbit , 1633; Alapayevsk , 1639). At that time, those small trading posts were governed under Siberian administration in Tobolsk . After the 1708 administrative reform, Verkhoturye, Pelym and Turinsk became a part of the new Siberian Governorate , in 1737 their territories were assigned to the Kazan Governorate .

Verkhoturye in 1910 Verkhoturye 1910 LOC prok 02108.jpg

During the 18th century, rich resources of iron and coal made Ural an industrial heartland of Russia. After getting control over Ural mines, the Demidov family put the region in the forefront of Russian industrialization. Yekaterinburg , Nevyansk and Tagil ironworks, founded in the 1700s to 1720s, soon joined the ranks of the major producers in Europe. Throughout the 18th and 19th century those newly founded factory towns enjoyed a status of special mining-metallurgical districts allowed to have a certain rate of financial and proprietary autonomy. During the 1781 reform middle Ural finally got its own regional administration in the form of the Perm Governorate .

When in 1812 the Russian government legalized gold digging for its citizens, Middle Ural became a center of gold mining. Entrepreneurs of the Perm Governorate also started the gold rush in West Siberia, soon Yekaterinburgers began to dominate the Russian market of precious metals and gemstones.

After the emancipation reform of 1861 , major Middle Uralian industries that were heavily dependent on serf labor entered decline, although it also allowed light industry to thrive. In 1878, Perm and Yekaterinburg were connected with a railroad, in 1888, railroads reached Tyumen , and ultimately, in 1897, Yekaterinburg joined the Trans-Siberian network . Emergence of railroad transportation helped to revitalize economy of Ural.

The Bolsheviks established their power in Yekaterinburg and Perm during the first days of the October Revolution of 1917. In early 1918 the dethroned Czar Nicholas II and his family were transferred under custody to Yekaterinburg. Local Bolsheviks decided autonomously to execute the royal family on July 17, 1918, to prevent its rescue of by the approaching White Army forces. Ten days later Yekaterinburg was captured by the Czechoslovak troops of Sergei Wojciechowski . For the next year the Anti-bolshevik forces took control over the region. On 19 August 1918, Provisional Government of Ural was formed in Yekaterinburg by a coalition of liberal and democratic socialist parties, it was supposed to serve as a buffer between the Komuch and Provisional Siberian governments. After the Kolchak coup d'état in Omsk in November 1918, the Government of Ural was disbanded.

In July 1919, in the course of the Yekaterinburg offense, Yekaterinburg and the surrounding areas were recaptured by the Red Army forces under command of Vasily Shorin . On the July 15th, the Perm Governorate was split by the Soviets and the east, for the first time in history, became a separate region, the Yekaterinburg Governorate. It was soon abolished and replaced by the Ural Oblast (1923-1934).

T-34 tanks on the conveyor belt of the Uralmash plant (1942) RIAN archive 1274 Tanks going to the front.jpg

In the 1930s many industrial enterprises were established and built with the help of forced labour. [16] Local industry received another impetus during World War II, when important producing facilities were relocated here from the European part of Russia to safeguard them from the advancing Germans (for example, IMZ-Ural , Kamensk-Uralsky Metallurgical Works ). In the postwar period much of the region was off-limits to foreigners. It was over Sverdlovsk that the American U-2 spy plane pilot Gary Powers was shot down on May 1, 1960, while on a reconnaissance mission.

In 1979, there was an anthrax outbreak caused by an accident in a facility to develop biological weapons.

In 1993, Governor Eduard Rossel responded to perceived economic inequality by attempting to create a " Ural Republic ." Sverdlovsk led the "Urals Five" ( Kurgan Oblast , Orenburg Oblast , Perm Krai , Chelyabinsk Oblast and Sverdlovsk) in a call for greater regional power. They argued that the oblasts deserved as much power as the ethnic homeland republics . The Urals Republic Constitution went into effect on October 27, 1993. Then Russian President Boris Yeltsin dissolved the Urals Republic and the Sverdlovsk Parliament 10 days later (on November 9).

Life expectancy at birth in Sverdlovsk Oblast Life expectancy in Russian subject -Sverdlovsk Oblast.png

Population : 4,268,998   ( 2021 Census ) ; [5] 4,297,747   ( 2010 Russian census ) ; [17] 4,486,214   ( 2002 Census ) ; [18] 4,716,768   ( 1989 Soviet census ) . [19]

Vital statistics for 2022: [20] [21]

  • Births: 39,958 (9.4 per 1,000)
  • Deaths: 59,316 (13.9 per 1,000)

Total fertility rate (2022): [22] 1.56 children per woman

Life expectancy (2021): [23] Total — 68.79 years (male   — 63.72, female   — 73.80)

Rank Municipal pop.

1 1,493,749

2 349,008
3 166,086
4 120,778
5 95,861
6 80,357
7 72,688
8 62,908
9 61,533
10 60,979
Historical population
Source: Census data

There were twenty-one recognized ethnic groups of more than two thousand persons each in the oblast. Residents identified themselves as belonging to a total of 148 different ethnic groups, including: [17]

  • 3,684,843 Russians (90.6%);
  • 143,803 Tatars (3.5%);
  • 35,563 Ukrainians (0.9%);
  • 31,183 Bashkirs (0.8%);
  • 23,801 Mari (0.6%);
  • 14,914 Germans (0.4%);
  • 14,215 Azerbaijanis (0.3%);
  • 13,789 Udmurts (0.3%);
  • 11,670 Belarusians (0.3%);
  • 11,510 Chuvash (0.26%);
  • 11,501 Armenians (0.3%);
  • 11,138 Tajiks (0.3%);
  • 9,702 Mordovians (0.22%);
  • 9,358 Uzbeks (0.2%);

232,978 people were registered from administrative databases, and could not declare an ethnicity. It is estimated that the proportion of ethnicities in this group is the same as that of the declared group. [24]

Religion in Sverdlovsk Oblast as of 2012 (Sreda Arena Atlas)
Other 2.1%
Other 5.8%
and other native faiths 1.3%
and 13%
Other and undeclared 5.8%

Christianity is the largest religion in Sverdlovsk Oblast. According to a 2012 survey [25] 43% of the population of Sverdlovsk Oblast adheres to the Russian Orthodox Church , 5% are nondenominational Christians (excluding Protestant churches), 3% are Muslims , 2% are Orthodox Christian believers without belonging to any Church or are members of other Orthodox churches , 1% are adherents of the Slavic native faith (Rodnovery), and 0.3% are adherents of forms of Hinduism ( Vedism , Krishnaism or Tantrism ). In addition, 36% of the population declares to be "spiritual but not religious", and 9.7% is atheist . [25]

The most important institutions of higher education include Ural Federal University , Ural State Medical University , Ural State University of Economics , Ural State Law University , Ural State Mining University and Ural State Academy of Architecture and Arts , all located in the capital Yekaterinburg.

Legislative Assembly of Sverdlovsk Oblast Zak Sobranie SverdlOblasti.jpg

The oblast's Charter, adopted on 17 December 1994, with subsequent amendments, establishes the oblast government. The Governor is the chief executive, who appoints the Government, consisting of ministries and departments. The Chairman of the Government, commonly referred to as the Prime Minister, is appointed with the consent of the lower house of the legislature , a process similar to the appointment of the federal Prime Minister . But the Governor cannot nominate the same candidate more than twice, yet he/she can dismiss the house after three failed attempts to appoint the Premier. [ needs update ]

The Legislative Assembly is the regional parliament of Sverdlovsk Oblast. Until 2011, it was a bicameral legislature consisting of the Oblast Duma, the lower house , and the House of Representatives, the upper house . [27] Before the reform, members of the legislature served four-year terms with half of the Duma re-elected every two years. The Duma (28   members) was elected in party lists. The 21   members of the House of Representatives were elected in single-seat districts in a first-past-the-post system. The Legislative Assembly was the first bicameral legislature outside an autonomous republic, and the first regional legislature in Russia to elect members based on both party lists and single-seat districts . As of 2021, the Legislative Assembly is a unicameral legislature with a total of 50 seats, with half of the members elected by single-mandate constituencies and the other half elected in party lists for five-year terms. [28] [29]

Compliance with the Charter is enforced by the Charter Court. The existence of such regional courts in Russia, formed and functioning outside the federal judiciary, although challenged, has been upheld and persisted successfully in most constituent members of the Federation where they were established.

Until President Putin 's reforms of 2004, the Governor was elected by direct vote for terms of four years. Eduard Rossel has been the only elected governor (first elected governor for an oblast in Russia) since 1995 (appointed in 1991 and dismissed in 1993 by President Yeltsin ), re-elected in 1999 and 2003.

Since 2012, the oblast's Governor is Yevgeny Kuyvashev .

Vyacheslav SurganovApril 20, 1996 – April 2000
Yevgeny PorunovApril 26, 2000 – April 2002
Nikolay VoroninApril 24, 2002 – April 23, 2003
Alexander Zaborov (acting)April 23, 2003 – July 3, 2003
Nikolay VoroninJuly 3, 2003 – March 23, 2010
Elena ChechunovaMarch 23, 2010 – December 2011
Aleksandr ShaposhnikovApril 20, 1996 – May 1998
Pyotr GolenishchevMay 14, 1998 – April 2000
Viktor YakimovApril 21, 2000 – April 2004
Yury OsintsevApril 6, 2004 – September 2007
Lyudmila BabushkinaOctober 2007 – December 2011

In the 1990s, the Oblast's population was distinguished by relatively high support for parties and candidates of the right and democratic persuasion. In the 1996 presidential election, Boris Yeltsin , a native of the region who lived in Sverdlovsk until the 1980s, won over 70% of the vote. In the regional elections in 2010 in the Sverdlovsk Oblast, United Russia received minimal support relative to other regions - only 39.79% of votes. [30]

Even though it could do with modernizing, the region's industries are quite diverse. 12% of Russia's iron and steel industry is still concentrated in Sverdlovsk oblast. Iron and copper are mined and processed here, the logging industry and wood-processing are important, too.

The largest companies in the region include Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company , UralVagonZavod , Enel Russia , Nizhniy Tagil Iron and Steel Works , Federal Freight . [31]

Yekaterinburg is a prominent road, rail and air hub in the Ural region. As the economic slump subsided, several European airlines started or resumed flights to the city. These include Lufthansa , British Airways , CSA , Turkish Airlines , Austrian Airlines and Finnair . Malév Hungarian Airlines used to be among those carriers but they had to drop their flights to SVX ( IATA airport code for Sverdlovsk) after a few months.

The Alapaevsk narrow-gauge railway serves the communities around Alapayevsk .

Terminaly A i B aeroporta Kol'tsovo.jpg

  • Bà Rịa–Vũng Tàu province , Vietnam
  • Harbin , China
  • Vladik Dzhabarov , Russian cyclist
  • Andrey Fedyaev , Russian cosmonaut
  • Yakov Sverdlov , a communist revolutionary after whom Sverdlovsk and subsequently Sverdlovsk Oblast were named.
  • Church of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary , a building of regional historical significance in Staropyshminsk village.

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  • ↑ Президент Российской Федерации.   Указ   №849   от   13 мая 2000 г. «О полномочном представителе Президента Российской Федерации в федеральном округе». Вступил в силу   13 мая 2000 г. Опубликован: "Собрание законодательства РФ", No.   20, ст. 2112, 15 мая 2000 г. (President of the Russian Federation.   Decree   # 849   of   May 13, 2000 On the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in a Federal District . Effective as of   May 13, 2000.).
  • ↑ Госстандарт Российской Федерации.   №ОК 024-95   27 декабря 1995 г. «Общероссийский классификатор экономических регионов. 2.   Экономические районы», в ред. Изменения №5/2001 ОКЭР. ( Gosstandart of the Russian Federation.   # OK 024-95   December 27, 1995 Russian Classification of Economic Regions. 2.   Economic Regions , as amended by the Amendment   # 5/2001 OKER. ).
  • ↑ Official website of the Governor of Sverdlovsk Oblast. Alexander Sergeyevich Misharin (in Russian)
  • 1 2 3 Russian Federal State Statistics Service. Всероссийская перепись населения 2020 года. Том 1 [ 2020 All-Russian Population Census, vol. 1 ] (XLS) (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service .
  • ↑ "26. Численность постоянного населения Российской Федерации по муниципальным образованиям на 1 января 2018 года" . Federal State Statistics Service . Retrieved 23 January 2019 .
  • ↑ "Об исчислении времени" . Официальный интернет-портал правовой информации (in Russian). 3 June 2011 . Retrieved 19 January 2019 .
  • ↑ Official throughout the Russian Federation according to Article   68.1 of the Constitution of Russia .
  • ↑ "Russia: Impact of Climate Change to 2030" (PDF) . Retrieved 25 April 2023 .
  • ↑ Сериков Ю. Б. Новые находки раннего палеолита в Среднем Зауралье // Ранний палеолит Евразии: новые открытия // Материалы Международной конференции, Краснодар – Темрюк, 1–6 сентября 2008 г.
  • ↑ Сериков Ю. Б. Следы раннего палеолита на территории Среднего Зауралья // Вестник археологии, антропологии и этнографии, 2015 № 4 (31)
  • 1 2 Объекты культурного наследия Свердловской области (список)
  • ↑ Сальников К. В. Древнейшие памятники истории Урала , 1952.
  • ↑ Khimiya i Zhizn , 9, 1974, p. 80
  • ↑ Писаницы Урала (in Russian). Ural.ru . Retrieved 26 December 2010 .
  • ↑ V.A. Kravchenko: I chose freedom (1946)
  • 1 2 Russian Federal State Statistics Service (2011). Всероссийская перепись населения 2010 года. Том   1 [ 2010 All-Russian Population Census, vol.   1 ] . Всероссийская перепись населения 2010   года [2010 All-Russia Population Census] (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service .
  • ↑ Federal State Statistics Service (21 May 2004). Численность населения России, субъектов Российской Федерации в составе федеральных округов, районов, городских поселений, сельских населённых пунктов   – районных центров и сельских населённых пунктов с населением 3   тысячи и более человек [ Population of Russia, Its Federal Districts, Federal Subjects, Districts, Urban Localities, Rural Localities—Administrative Centers, and Rural Localities with Population of Over 3,000 ] (XLS) . Всероссийская перепись населения 2002   года [All-Russia Population Census of 2002] (in Russian).
  • ↑ Всесоюзная перепись населения 1989   г. Численность наличного населения союзных и автономных республик, автономных областей и округов, краёв, областей, районов, городских поселений и сёл-райцентров [ All Union Population Census of 1989: Present Population of Union and Autonomous Republics, Autonomous Oblasts and Okrugs, Krais, Oblasts, Districts, Urban Settlements, and Villages Serving as District Administrative Centers ] . Всесоюзная перепись населения 1989   года [All-Union Population Census of 1989] (in Russian). Институт демографии Национального исследовательского университета: Высшая школа экономики [Institute of Demography at the National Research University: Higher School of Economics]. 1989 – via Demoscope Weekly .
  • ↑ "Information on the number of registered births, deaths, marriages and divorces for January to December 2022" . ROSSTAT . Archived from the original on 2 March 2023 . Retrieved 21 February 2023 .
  • ↑ "Birth rate, mortality rate, natural increase, marriage rate, divorce rate for January to December 2022" . ROSSTAT . Archived from the original on 2 March 2023 . Retrieved 21 February 2023 .
  • ↑ Суммарный коэффициент рождаемости [ Total fertility rate ] . Russian Federal State Statistics Service (in Russian). Archived from the original (XLSX) on 10 August 2023 . Retrieved 10 August 2023 .
  • ↑ "Демографический ежегодник России" [ The Demographic Yearbook of Russia ] (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service of Russia (Rosstat) . Retrieved 1 June 2022 .
  • ↑ "ВПН-2010" . www.perepis-2010.ru .
  • 1 2 3 "Arena: Atlas of Religions and Nationalities in Russia" . Sreda, 2012.
  • ↑ 2012 Arena Atlas Religion Maps . "Ogonek", № 34 (5243), 27/08/2012. Retrieved 21/04/2017. Archived .
  • ↑ Formation of the legislative body of Sverdlovsk Oblast , old.zsso.ru
  • ↑ General information , zsso.ru
  • ↑ "Свердловская область" . council.gov.ru .
  • ↑ "Результат единороссов по Свердловской области был самым худшим для партии власти" [ The result of United Russia in the Sverdlovsk region was the worst for the ruling party ] . Archived from the original on 10 June 2010 . Retrieved 2 January 2011 .
  • ↑ "Sverdlovsk region Industries" . investinregions.ru . Retrieved 7 November 2018 .
  • Sverdlovsk Oblast on Facebook
  • Investment portal of Sverdlovsk Oblast
  • (in Russian) Official website of the Government of Sverdlovsk Oblast
Claimed by and considered by most of the international community to be part of Ukraine. Administratively subordinated to . Administratively subordinated to .
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Sverdlovsk oblast.

Sverdlovsk Oblast is the largest region in the Urals; it lies in the foothills of mountains and contains a monument indicating the border between Europe and Asia. The region covers 194,800 square kilometers (75,200 square miles), is home to about 4.3 million people and has a population density of 22 people per square kilometer. About 83 percent of the population live in urban areas. Yekaterinburg is the capital and largest city, with 1.5 million people. For Russians, the Ural Mountains are closely associated with Pavel Bazhov's tales and known for folk crafts such as Kasli iron sculpture, Tagil painting, and copper embossing. Yekaterinburg is the birthplace of Russia’s iron and steel industry, taking advantage of the large iron deposits in the Ural mountains. The popular Silver Ring of the Urals tourist route starts here.

In the summer you can follow in the tracks of Yermak, climb relatively low Ural mountain peaks and look for boulders seemingly with human faces on them. You can head to the Gemstone Belt of the Ural mountains, which used to house emerald, amethyst and topaz mines. In the winter you can go ice fishing, ski and cross-country ski.

Sverdlovsk Oblast and Yekaterinburg are located near the center of Russia, at the crossroads between Europe and Asia and also the southern and northern parts of Russia. Winters are longer and colder than in western section of European Russia. Snowfalls can be heavy. Winter temperatures occasionally drop as low as - 40 degrees C (-40 degrees F) and the first snow usually falls in October. A heavy winter coat, long underwear and good boots are essential. Snow and ice make the sidewalks very slippery, so footwear with a good grip is important. Since the climate is very dry during the winter months, skin moisturizer plus lip balm are recommended. Be alert for mud on street surfaces when snow cover is melting (April-May). Patches of mud create slippery road conditions.


Yekaterinburg (kilometer 1818 on the Trans-Siberian Railway) is the fourth largest city in Russia, with of 1.5 million and growth rate of about 12 percent, high for Russia. Located in the southern Ural mountains, it was founded by Peter the Great and named after his wife Catherine, it was used by the tsars as a summer retreat and is where tsar Nicholas II and his family were executed and President Boris Yeltsin lived most of his life and began his political career. The city is near the border between Europe and Asia.

Yekaterinburg (also spelled Ekaterinburg) is located on the eastern slope of the Ural Mountains in the headwaters of the Iset and Pyshma Rivers. The Iset runs through the city center. Three ponds — Verkh-Isetsky, Gorodskoy and Nizhne-Isetsky — were created on it. Yekaterinburg has traditionally been a city of mining and was once the center of the mining industry of the Urals and Siberia. Yekaterinburg remains a major center of the Russian armaments industry and is sometimes called the "Pittsburgh of Russia.". A few ornate, pastel mansions and wide boulevards are reminders of the tsarist era. The city is large enough that it has its own Metro system but is characterized mostly by blocky Soviet-era apartment buildings. The city has advanced under President Vladimir Putin and is now one of the fastest growing places in Russia, a country otherwise characterized by population declines

Yekaterinburg is technically an Asian city as it lies 32 kilometers east of the continental divide between Europe and Asia. The unofficial capital of the Urals, a key region in the Russian heartland, it is second only to Moscow in terms of industrial production and capital of Sverdlovsk oblast. Among the important industries are ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, machine building and metalworking, chemical and petrochemicals, construction materials and medical, light and food industries. On top of being home of numerous heavy industries and mining concerns, Yekaterinburg is also a major center for industrial research and development and power engineering as well as home to numerous institutes of higher education, technical training, and scientific research. In addition, Yekaterinburg is the largest railway junction in Russia: the Trans-Siberian Railway passes through it, the southern, northern, western and eastern routes merge in the city.

Accommodation: There are two good and affordable hotels — the 3-star Emerald and Parus hotels — located close to the city's most popular landmarks and main transport interchanges in the center of Yekaterinburg. Room prices start at RUB 1,800 per night.

History of Yekaterinburg

Yekaterinburg was founded in 1723 by Peter the Great and named after his wife Catherine I. It was used by the tsars as a summer retreat but was mainly developed as metalworking and manufacturing center to take advantage of the large deposits of iron and other minerals in the Ural mountains. It is best known to Americans as the place where the last Tsar and his family were murdered by the Bolsheviks in 1918 and near where American U-2 spy plane, piloted by Gary Powers, was shot down in 1960.

Peter the Great recognized the importance of the iron and copper-rich Urals region for Imperial Russia's industrial and military development. In November 1723, he ordered the construction of a fortress factory and an ironworks in the Iset River Valley, which required a dam for its operation. In its early years Yekaterinburg grew rich from gold and other minerals and later coal. The Yekaterinburg gold rush of 1745 created such a huge amount of wealth that one rich baron of that time hosted a wedding party that lasted a year. By the mid-18th century, metallurgical plants had sprung up across the Urals to cast cannons, swords, guns and other weapons to arm Russia’s expansionist ambitions. The Yekaterinburg mint produced most of Russia's coins. Explorations of the Trans-Baikal and Altai regions began here in the 18th century.

Iron, cast iron and copper were the main products. Even though Iron from the region went into the Eiffel Tower, the main plant in Yekaterinburg itself was shut down in 1808. The city still kept going through a mountain factory control system of the Urals. The first railway in the Urals was built here: in 1878, the Yekaterinburg-Perm railway branch connected the province's capital with the factories of the Middle Urals.

In the Soviet era the city was called Sverdlovsk (named after Yakov Sverdlov, the man who organized Nicholas II's execution). During the first five-year plans the city became industrial — old plants were reconstructed, new ones were built. The center of Yekaterinburg was formed to conform to the historical general plan of 1829 but was the layout was adjusted around plants and factories. In the Stalin era the city was a major gulag transhipment center. In World War II, many defense-related industries were moved here. It and the surrounding area were a center of the Soviet Union's military industrial complex. Soviet tanks, missiles and aircraft engines were made in the Urals. During the Cold War era, Yekaterinburg was a center of weapons-grade uranium enrichment and processing, warhead assembly and dismantlement. In 1979, 64 people died when anthrax leaked from a biological weapons facility. Yekaterinburg was a “Closed City” for 40 years during the Cold Soviet era and was not open to foreigners until 1991

In the early post-Soviet era, much like Pittsburgh in the 1970s, Yekaterinburg had a hard struggle d to cope with dramatic economic changes that have made its heavy industries uncompetitive on the world market. Huge defense plants struggled to survive and the city was notorious as an organized crime center in the 1990s, when its hometown boy Boris Yeltsin was President of Russia. By the 2000s, Yekaterinburg’s retail and service was taking off, the defense industry was reviving and it was attracting tech industries and investments related to the Urals’ natural resources. By the 2010s it was vying to host a world exhibition in 2020 (it lost, Dubai won) and it had McDonald’s, Subway, sushi restaurants, and Gucci, Chanel and Armani. There were Bentley and Ferrari dealerships but they closed down

Transportation in Yekaterinburg

Getting There: By Plane: Yekaterinburg is a three-hour flight from Moscow with prices starting at RUB 8,000, or a 3-hour flight from Saint Petersburg starting from RUB 9,422 (direct round-trip flight tickets for one adult passenger). There are also flights from Frankfurt, Istanbul, China and major cities in the former Soviet Union.

By Train: Yekaterinburg is a major stop on the Trans-Siberian Railway. Daily train service is available to Moscow and many other Russian cities.Yekaterinburg is a 32-hour train ride from Moscow (tickets RUB 8,380 and above) or a 36-hour train ride from Saint Petersburg (RUB 10,300 and above). The ticket prices are round trip for a berth in a sleeper compartment for one adult passenger). By Car: a car trip from Moscow to Yekateringburg is 1,787 kilometers long and takes about 18 hours. The road from Saint Petersburg is 2,294 kilometers and takes about 28 hours.

Regional Transport: The region's public transport includes buses and suburban electric trains. Regional trains provide transport to larger cities in the Ural region. Buses depart from Yekaterinburg’s two bus stations: the Southern Bus Station and the Northern Bus Station.

Regional Transport: According the to Association for Safe International Road Travel (ASIRT): “Public transportation is well developed. Overcrowding is common. Fares are low. Service is efficient. Buses are the main form of public transport. Tram network is extensive. Fares are reasonable; service is regular. Trams are heavily used by residents, overcrowding is common. Purchase ticket after boarding. Metro runs from city center to Uralmash, an industrial area south of the city. Metro ends near the main railway station. Fares are inexpensive.

“Traffic is congested in city center. Getting around by car can be difficult. Route taxis (minivans) provide the fastest transport. They generally run on specific routes, but do not have specific stops. Drivers stop where passengers request. Route taxis can be hailed. Travel by bus or trolleybuses may be slow in rush hour. Trams are less affected by traffic jams. Trolley buses (electric buses) cannot run when temperatures drop below freezing.”

Entertainment, Sports and Recreation in Yekaterinburg

The performing arts in Yekaterinburg are first rate. The city has an excellent symphony orchestra, opera and ballet theater, and many other performing arts venues. Tickets are inexpensive. The Yekaterinburg Opera and Ballet Theater is lavishly designed and richly decorated building in the city center of Yekaterinburg. The theater was established in 1912 and building was designed by architect Vladimir Semyonov and inspired by the Vienna Opera House and the Theater of Opera and Ballet in Odessa.

Vaynera Street is a pedestrian only shopping street in city center with restaurants, cafes and some bars. But otherwise Yekaterinburg's nightlife options are limited. There are a handful of expensive Western-style restaurants and bars, none of them that great. Nightclubs serve the city's nouveau riche clientele. Its casinos have closed down. Some of them had links with organized crime. New dance clubs have sprung up that are popular with Yekaterinburg's more affluent youth.

Yekaterinburg's most popular spectator sports are hockey, basketball, and soccer. There are stadiums and arenas that host all three that have fairly cheap tickets. There is an indoor water park and lots of parks and green spaces. The Urals have many lakes, forests and mountains are great for hiking, boating, berry and mushroom hunting, swimming and fishing. Winter sports include cross-country skiing and ice skating. Winter lasts about six months and there’s usually plenty of snow. The nearby Ural Mountains however are not very high and the downhill skiing opportunities are limited..

Sights in Yekaterinburg

Sights in Yekaterinburg include the Museum of City Architecture and Ural Industry, with an old water tower and mineral collection with emeralds. malachite, tourmaline, jasper and other precious stone; Geological Alley, a small park with labeled samples of minerals found in the Urals region; the Ural Geology Museum, which houses an extensive collection of stones, gold and gems from the Urals; a monument marking the border between Europe and Asia; a memorial for gulag victims; and a graveyard with outlandish memorials for slain mafia members.

The Military History Museum houses the remains of the U-2 spy plane shot down in 1960 and locally made tanks and rocket launchers. The fine arts museum contains paintings by some of Russia's 19th-century masters. Also worth a look are the History an Local Studies Museum; the Political History and Youth Museum; and the University and Arboretum. Old wooden houses can be seen around Zatoutstovsya ulitsa and ulitsa Belinskogo. Around the city are wooded parks, lakes and quarries used to harvest a variety of minerals. Weiner Street is the main street of Yekaterinburg. Along it are lovely sculptures and 19th century architecture. Take a walk around the unique Literary Quarter

Plotinka is a local meeting spot, where you will often find street musicians performing. Plotinka can be described as the center of the city's center. This is where Yekaterinburg holds its biggest events: festivals, seasonal fairs, regional holiday celebrations, carnivals and musical fountain shows. There are many museums and open-air exhibitions on Plotinka. Plotinka is named after an actual dam of the city pond located nearby (“plotinka” means “a small dam” in Russian).In November 1723, Peter the Great ordered the construction of an ironworks in the Iset River Valley, which required a dam for its operation. “Iset” can be translated from Finnish as “abundant with fish”. This name was given to the river by the Mansi — the Finno-Ugric people dwelling on the eastern slope of the Northern Urals.

Vysotsky and Iset are skyscrapers that are 188.3 meters and 209 meters high, respectively. Fifty-story-high Iset has been described by locals as the world’s northernmost skyscraper. Before the construction of Iset, Vysotsky was the tallest building of Yekaterinburg and Russia (excluding Moscow). A popular vote has decided to name the skyscraper after the famous Soviet songwriter, singer and actor Vladimir Vysotsky. and the building was opened on November 25, 2011. There is a lookout at the top of the building, and the Vysotsky museum on its second floor. The annual “Vysotsky climb” (1137 steps) is held there, with a prize of RUB 100,000. While Vysotsky serves as an office building, Iset, owned by the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, houses 225 premium residential apartments ranging from 80 to 490 square meters in size.

Boris Yeltsin Presidential Center

The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Center (in the city center: ul. Yeltsina, 3) is a non-governmental organization named after the first president of the Russian Federation. The Museum of the First President of Russia as well as his archives are located in the Center. There is also a library, educational and children's centers, and exposition halls. Yeltsin lived most of his life and began his political career in Yekaterinburg. He was born in Butka about 200 kilometers east of Yekaterinburg.

The core of the Center is the Museum. Modern multimedia technologies help animate the documents, photos from the archives, and artifacts. The Yeltsin Museum holds collections of: propaganda posters, leaflets, and photos of the first years of the Soviet regime; portraits and portrait sculptures of members of Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of various years; U.S.S.R. government bonds and other items of the Soviet era; a copy of “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, published in the “Novy Mir” magazine (#11, 1962); perestroika-era editions of books by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Vasily Grossman, and other authors; theater, concert, and cinema posters, programs, and tickets — in short, all of the artifacts of the perestroika era.

The Yeltsin Center opened in 2012. Inside you will also find an art gallery, a bookstore, a gift shop, a food court, concert stages and a theater. There are regular screenings of unique films that you will not find anywhere else. Also operating inside the center, is a scientific exploritorium for children. The center was designed by Boris Bernaskoni. Almost from the its very opening, the Yeltsin Center has been accused by members of different political entities of various ideological crimes. The museum is open Tuesday to Sunday, from 10:00am to 9:00pm.

Where Nicholas II was Executed

On July, 17, 1918, during this reign of terror of the Russian Civil War, former-tsar Nicholas II, his wife, five children (the 13-year-old Alexis, 22-year-old Olga, 19-year-old Maria and 17-year-old Anastasia)the family physician, the cook, maid, and valet were shot to death by a Red Army firing squad in the cellar of the house they were staying at in Yekaterinburg.

Ipatiev House (near Church on the Blood, Ulitsa Libknekhta) was a merchant's house where Nicholas II and his family were executed. The house was demolished in 1977, on the orders of an up and coming communist politician named Boris Yeltsin. Yeltsin later said that the destruction of the house was an "act of barbarism" and he had no choice because he had been ordered to do it by the Politburo,

The site is marked with s cross with the photos of the family members and cross bearing their names. A small wooden church was built at the site. It contains paintings of the family. For a while there were seven traditional wooden churches. Mass is given ay noon everyday in an open-air museum. The Church on the Blood — constructed to honor Nicholas II and his family — was built on the part of the site in 1991 and is now a major place of pilgrimage.

Nicholas and his family where killed during the Russian civil war. It is thought the Bolsheviks figured that Nicholas and his family gave the Whites figureheads to rally around and they were better of dead. Even though the death orders were signed Yakov Sverdlov, the assassination was personally ordered by Lenin, who wanted to get them out of sight and out of mind. Trotsky suggested a trial. Lenin nixed the idea, deciding something had to be done about the Romanovs before White troops approached Yekaterinburg. Trotsky later wrote: "The decision was not only expedient but necessary. The severity of he punishment showed everyone that we would continue to fight on mercilessly, stopping at nothing."

Ian Frazier wrote in The New Yorker: “Having read a lot about the end of Tsar Nicholas II and his family and servants, I wanted to see the place in Yekaterinburg where that event occurred. The gloomy quality of this quest depressed Sergei’s spirits, but he drove all over Yekaterinburg searching for the site nonetheless. Whenever he stopped and asked a pedestrian how to get to the house where Nicholas II was murdered, the reaction was a wince. Several people simply walked away. But eventually, after a lot of asking, Sergei found the location. It was on a low ridge near the edge of town, above railroad tracks and the Iset River. The house, known as the Ipatiev House, was no longer standing, and the basement where the actual killings happened had been filled in. I found the blankness of the place sinister and dizzying. It reminded me of an erasure done so determinedly that it had worn a hole through the page. [Source: Ian Frazier, The New Yorker, August 3, 2009, Frazier is author of “Travels in Siberia” (2010)]

“The street next to the site is called Karl Liebknecht Street. A building near where the house used to be had a large green advertisement that said, in English, “LG—Digitally Yours.” On an adjoining lot, a small chapel kept the memory of the Tsar and his family; beneath a pedestal holding an Orthodox cross, peonies and pansies grew. The inscription on the pedestal read, “We go down on our knees, Russia, at the foot of the tsarist cross.”

Books: The Romanovs: The Final Chapter by Robert K. Massie (Random House, 1995); The Fall of the Romanovs by Mark D. Steinberg and Vladimir Khrustalëv (Yale, 1995);

See Separate Article END OF NICHOLAS II factsanddetails.com

Execution of Nicholas II

According to Robert Massie K. Massie, author of Nicholas and Alexandra, Nicholas II and his family were awakened from their bedrooms around midnight and taken to the basement. They were told they were to going to take some photographs of them and were told to stand behind a row of chairs.

Suddenly, a group of 11 Russians and Latvians, each with a revolver, burst into the room with orders to kill a specific person. Yakob Yurovsky, a member of the Soviet executive committee, reportedly shouted "your relatives are continuing to attack the Soviet Union.” After firing, bullets bouncing off gemstones hidden in the corsets of Alexandra and her daughters ricocheted around the room like "a shower of hail," the soldiers said. Those that were still breathing were killed with point black shots to the head.

The three sisters and the maid survived the first round thanks to their gems. They were pressed up against a wall and killed with a second round of bullets. The maid was the only one that survived. She was pursued by the executioners who stabbed her more than 30 times with their bayonets. The still writhing body of Alexis was made still by a kick to the head and two bullets in the ear delivered by Yurovsky himself.

Yurovsky wrote: "When the party entered I told the Romanovs that in view of the fact their relatives continued their offensive against Soviet Russia, the Executive Committee of the Urals Soviet had decided to shoot them. Nicholas turned his back to the detachment and faced his family. Then, as if collecting himself, he turned around, asking, 'What? What?'"

"[I] ordered the detachment to prepare. Its members had been previously instructed whom to shoot and to am directly at the heart to avoid much blood and to end more quickly. Nicholas said no more. he turned again to his family. The others shouted some incoherent exclamations. All this lasted a few seconds. Then commenced the shooting, which went on for two or three minutes. [I] killed Nicholas on the spot."

Nicholas II’s Initial Burial Site in Yekaterinburg

Ganina Yama Monastery (near the village of Koptyaki, 15 kilometers northwest of Yekaterinburg) stands near the three-meter-deep pit where some the remains of Nicholas II and his family were initially buried. The second burial site — where most of the remains were — is in a field known as Porosyonkov (56.9113628°N 60.4954326°E), seven kilometers from Ganina Yama.

On visiting Ganina Yama Monastery, one person posted in Trip Advisor: “We visited this set of churches in a pretty park with Konstantin from Ekaterinburg Guide Centre. He really brought it to life with his extensive knowledge of the history of the events surrounding their terrible end. The story is so moving so unless you speak Russian, it is best to come here with a guide or else you will have no idea of what is what.”

In 1991, the acid-burned remains of Nicholas II and his family were exhumed from a shallow roadside mass grave in a swampy area 12 miles northwest of Yekaterinburg. The remains had been found in 1979 by geologist and amateur archeologist Alexander Avdonin, who kept the location secret out of fear that they would be destroyed by Soviet authorities. The location was disclosed to a magazine by one his fellow discovers.

The original plan was to throw the Romanovs down a mine shaft and disposes of their remains with acid. They were thrown in a mine with some grenades but the mine didn't collapse. They were then carried by horse cart. The vats of acid fell off and broke. When the carriage carrying the bodies broke down it was decided the bury the bodies then and there. The remaining acid was poured on the bones, but most of it was soaked up the ground and the bones largely survived.

After this their pulses were then checked, their faces were crushed to make them unrecognizable and the bodies were wrapped in bed sheets loaded onto a truck. The "whole procedure," Yurovsky said took 20 minutes. One soldiers later bragged than he could "die in peace because he had squeezed the Empress's -------."

The bodies were taken to a forest and stripped, burned with acid and gasoline, and thrown into abandoned mine shafts and buried under railroad ties near a country road near the village of Koptyaki. "The bodies were put in the hole," Yurovsky wrote, "and the faces and all the bodies, generally doused with sulfuric acid, both so they couldn't be recognized and prevent a stink from them rotting...We scattered it with branches and lime, put boards on top and drove over it several times—no traces of the hole remained.

Shortly afterwards, the government in Moscow announced that Nicholas II had been shot because of "a counterrevolutionary conspiracy." There was no immediate word on the other members of the family which gave rise to rumors that other members of the family had escaped. Yekaterinburg was renamed Sverdlov in honor of the man who signed the death orders.

For seven years the remains of Nicholas II, Alexandra, three of their daughters and four servants were stored in polyethylene bags on shelves in the old criminal morgue in Yekaterunburg. On July 17, 1998, Nicholas II and his family and servants who were murdered with him were buried Peter and Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg along with the other Romanov tsars, who have been buried there starting with Peter the Great. Nicholas II had a side chapel built for himself at the fortress in 1913 but was buried in a new crypt.

Near Yekaterinburg

Factory-Museum of Iron and Steel Metallurgy (in Niznhy Tagil 80 kilometers north of Yekaterinburg) a museum with old mining equipment made at the site of huge abandoned iron and steel factory. Officially known as the Factory-Museum of the History of the Development of Iron and Steel Metallurgy, it covers an area of 30 hectares and contains a factory founded by the Demidov family in 1725 that specialized mainly in the production of high-quality cast iron and steel. Later, the foundry was renamed after Valerian Kuybyshev, a prominent figure of the Communist Party.

The first Russian factory museum, the unusual museum demonstrates all stages of metallurgy and metal working. There is even a blast furnace and an open-hearth furnace. The display of factory equipment includes bridge crane from 1892) and rolling stock equipment from the 19th-20th centuries. In Niznhy Tagil contains some huge blocks of malachite and

Nizhnyaya Sinyachikha (180 kilometers east-northeast of Yekaterinburg) has an open air architecture museum with log buildings, a stone church and other pre-revolutionary architecture. The village is the creation of Ivan Samoilov, a local activist who loved his village so much he dedicated 40 years of his life to recreating it as the open-air museum of wooden architecture.

The stone Savior Church, a good example of Siberian baroque architecture. The interior and exterior of the church are exhibition spaces of design. The houses are very colorful. In tsarist times, rich villagers hired serfs to paint the walls of their wooden izbas (houses) bright colors. Old neglected buildings from the 17th to 19th centuries have been brought to Nizhnyaya Sinyachikha from all over the Urals. You will see the interior design of the houses and hear stories about traditions and customs of the Ural farmers.

Verkhoturye (330 kilometers road from Yekaterinburg) is the home a 400-year-old monastery that served as 16th century capital of the Urals. Verkhoturye is a small town on the Tura River knows as the Jerusalem of the Urals for its many holy places, churches and monasteries. The town's main landmark is its Kremlin — the smallest in Russia. Pilgrims visit the St. Nicholas Monastery to see the remains of St. Simeon of Verkhoturye, the patron saint of fishermen.

Ural Mountains

Ural Mountains are the traditional dividing line between Europe and Asia and have been a crossroads of Russian history. Stretching from Kazakhstan to the fringes of the Arctic Kara Sea, the Urals lie almost exactly along the 60 degree meridian of longitude and extend for about 2,000 kilometers (1,300 miles) from north to south and varies in width from about 50 kilometers (30 miles) in the north and 160 kilometers (100 miles) the south. At kilometers 1777 on the Trans-Siberian Railway there is white obelisk with "Europe" carved in Russian on one side and "Asia" carved on the other.

The eastern side of the Urals contains a lot of granite and igneous rock. The western side is primarily sandstone and limestones. A number of precious stones can be found in the southern part of the Urals, including emeralds. malachite, tourmaline, jasper and aquamarines. The highest peaks are in the north. Mount Narodnaya is the highest of all but is only 1884 meters (6,184 feet) high. The northern Urals are covered in thick forests and home to relatively few people.

Like the Appalachian Mountains in the eastern United States, the Urals are very old mountains — with rocks and sediments that are hundreds of millions years old — that were one much taller than they are now and have been steadily eroded down over millions of years by weather and other natural processes to their current size. According to Encyclopedia Britannica: “The rock composition helps shape the topography: the high ranges and low, broad-topped ridges consist of quartzites, schists, and gabbro, all weather-resistant. Buttes are frequent, and there are north–south troughs of limestone, nearly all containing river valleys. Karst topography is highly developed on the western slopes of the Urals, with many caves, basins, and underground streams. The eastern slopes, on the other hand, have fewer karst formations; instead, rocky outliers rise above the flattened surfaces. Broad foothills, reduced to peneplain, adjoin the Central and Southern Urals on the east.

“The Urals date from the structural upheavals of the Hercynian orogeny (about 250 million years ago). About 280 million years ago there arose a high mountainous region, which was eroded to a peneplain. Alpine folding resulted in new mountains, the most marked upheaval being that of the Nether-Polar Urals...The western slope of the Urals is composed of middle Paleozoic sedimentary rocks (sandstones and limestones) that are about 350 million years old. In many places it descends in terraces to the Cis-Ural depression (west of the Urals), to which much of the eroded matter was carried during the late Paleozoic (about 300 million years ago). Found there are widespread karst (a starkly eroded limestone region) and gypsum, with large caverns and subterranean streams. On the eastern slope, volcanic layers alternate with sedimentary strata, all dating from middle Paleozoic times.”

Southern Urals

The southern Urals are characterized by grassy slopes and fertile valleys. The middle Urals are a rolling platform that barely rises above 300 meters (1,000 feet). This region is rich in minerals and has been heavily industrialized. This is where you can find Yekaterinburg (formally Sverdlovsk), the largest city in the Urals.

Most of the Southern Urals are is covered with forests, with 50 percent of that pine-woods, 44 percent birch woods, and the rest are deciduous aspen and alder forests. In the north, typical taiga forests are the norm. There are patches of herbal-poaceous steppes, northem sphagnous marshes and bushy steppes, light birch forests and shady riparian forests, tall-grass mountainous meadows, lowland ling marshes and stony placers with lichen stains. In some places there are no large areas of homogeneous forests, rather they are forests with numerous glades and meadows of different size.

In the Ilmensky Mountains Reserve in the Southern Urals, scientists counted 927 vascular plants (50 relicts, 23 endemic species), about 140 moss species, 483 algae species and 566 mushroom species. Among the species included into the Red Book of Russia are feather grass, downy-leaved feather grass, Zalessky feather grass, moccasin flower, ladies'-slipper, neottianthe cucullata, Baltic orchis, fen orchis, helmeted orchis, dark-winged orchis, Gelma sandwart, Krasheninnikov sandwart, Clare astragalus.

The fauna of the vertebrate animals in the Reserve includes 19 fish, 5 amphibian and 5 reptile. Among the 48 mammal species are elks, roe deer, boars, foxes, wolves, lynxes, badgers, common weasels, least weasels, forest ferrets, Siberian striped weasel, common marten, American mink. Squirrels, beavers, muskrats, hares, dibblers, moles, hedgehogs, voles are quite common, as well as chiropterans: pond bat, water bat, Brandt's bat, whiskered bat, northern bat, long-eared bat, parti-coloured bat, Nathusius' pipistrelle. The 174 bird bird species include white-tailed eagles, honey hawks, boreal owls, gnome owls, hawk owls, tawny owls, common scoters, cuckoos, wookcocks, common grouses, wood grouses, hazel grouses, common partridges, shrikes, goldenmountain thrushes, black- throated loons and others.

Activities and Places in the Ural Mountains

The Urals possess beautiful natural scenery that can be accessed from Yekaterinburg with a rent-a-car, hired taxi and tour. Travel agencies arrange rafting, kayaking and hiking trips. Hikes are available in the taiga forest and the Urals. Trips often include walks through the taiga to small lakes and hikes into the mountains and excursions to collect mushrooms and berries and climb in underground caves. Mellow rafting is offered in a relatively calm six kilometer section of the River Serga. In the winter visitor can enjoy cross-mountains skiing, downhill skiing, ice fishing, dog sledding, snow-shoeing and winter hiking through the forest to a cave covered with ice crystals.

Lake Shartash (10 kilometers from Yekaterinburg) is where the first Ural gold was found, setting in motion the Yekaterinburg gold rush of 1745, which created so much wealth one rich baron of that time hosted a wedding party that lasted a year. The area around Shartash Lake is a favorite picnic and barbecue spot of the locals. Getting There: by bus route No. 50, 054 or 54, with a transfer to suburban commuter bus route No. 112, 120 or 121 (the whole trip takes about an hour), or by car (10 kilometers drive from the city center, 40 minutes).

Revun Rapids (90 kilometers road from Yekaterinburg near Beklenishcheva village) is a popular white water rafting places On the nearby cliffs you can see the remains of a mysterious petroglyph from the Paleolithic period. Along the steep banks, you may notice the dark entrance of Smolinskaya Cave. There are legends of a sorceress who lived in there. The rocks at the riverside are suited for competitive rock climbers and beginners. Climbing hooks and rings are hammered into rocks. The most fun rafting is generally in May and June.

Olenii Ruchii National Park (100 kilometers west of Yekaterinburg) is the most popular nature park in Sverdlovsk Oblast and popular weekend getaway for Yekaterinburg residents. Visitors are attracted by the beautiful forests, the crystal clear Serga River and picturesque rocks caves. There are some easy hiking routes: the six-kilometer Lesser Ring and the 15-kilometer Greater Ring. Another route extends for 18 km and passes by the Mitkinsky Mine, which operated in the 18th-19th centuries. It's a kind of an open-air museum — you can still view mining an enrichment equipment here. There is also a genuine beaver dam nearby.

Among the other attractions at Olenii Ruchii are Druzhba (Friendship) Cave, with passages that extend for about 500 meters; Dyrovaty Kamen (Holed Stone), created over time by water of Serga River eroding rock; and Utoplennik (Drowned Man), where you can see “The Angel of Sole Hope”., created by the Swedish artist Lehna Edwall, who has placed seven angels figures in different parts of the world to “embrace the planet, protecting it from fear, despair, and disasters.”

Image Sources: Wikimedia Commons

Text Sources: Federal Agency for Tourism of the Russian Federation (official Russia tourism website russiatourism.ru ), Russian government websites, UNESCO, Wikipedia, Lonely Planet guides, New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, National Geographic, The New Yorker, Bloomberg, Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, Yomiuri Shimbun and various books and other publications.

Updated in September 2020

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For sale 1 Bedroom, EKATERINBURG, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russian Federation, Sherbaova 77

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a&m engineering essay prompt

For sale - Cod. 29133

  • Tipology: 1 Bedroom
  • Area: 43 m²
  • Rooms No.: 1
  • Publication date announcement: 26/08/2016

Hello, we are the owners, Irina and Oleg. We sell a bright, comfortable and very beautiful flat, designed in a Scandinavian style. The flat created "for himself", but forced to sell due to moving to Moscow. ( We bought and renovated this flat for us but we have time sell it due to ...) The flat is located in a picturesque location near the Uktus mountains. The residential complex Stony Brook. In the flat: - All necessary equipment. (Dishwasher, washing machine, oven, refrigerator, range hood, stove, TV, microwave, coffee machine) - 2 wardrobes - Ennobled balcony where you can enjoy beautiful views of the forest and mountains, and dream about the most valuable. - Cable TV, wireless internet. - Increased size of window openings make the flat extremely bright. - All items and accessories are in the flat. In building: - High-speed elevator otis, which descends directly into the underground parking. - Concierge. - Courtyard complex located on the podium, which is located at 3 floors. House territory developed according to modern requirements - as a sport, and a playground with a safe finish. - On the first floor there is a trading gallery with a large grocery store, pharmacy, children's and sports goods, cafés and restaurants. The complex has a fitness club. Area: - In walking distance from the complex there is a shopping center "Globus" Waterpark "Limpopo", sports complex, "Planet IGRIK" (children's entertainment center), ICE (fitness center), the ski slopes and ski resorts, subway Botanica. - 8 km to the center. - 100 m bus stop

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    For sale - Cod. 29133. Tipology: 1 Bedroom Area: 43 m² Rooms No.: 1 Floor: 13 Publication date announcement: 26/08/2016 Hello, we are the owners, Irina and Oleg. We sell a bright, comfortable and very beautiful flat, designed in a Scandinavian style.