1. American Revolution Flashcards

    American Revolution. The war between Great Britain and its American colonies, 1775-83, by which the colonies won their independence. Declaration of Independence. the document recording the proclamation of the second Continental Congress (4 July 1776) asserting the independence of the colonies from Great Britain authored by Thomas Jefferson.

  2. Chapter 21 Lesson 4 The American Revolution Flashcards

    Chapter 21 Lesson 4 The American Revolution. What were the causes of and influences on the American Revolution? Click the card to flip 👆. Some of the causes of the American Revolution were Britain's economic demands of the colonies, a lot of colonists viewed themselves differently from Britans, and the lack of representation that the colonies.

  3. American Revolution Flashcards

    Explain thoroughly what the Treaty of Paris said. 1.Great Britain recognized the independence of the U.S. 2. Set America's borders (from east coast to the Mississippi River) & Americans could freely navigate/trade on the Mississippi River. 3. Britain accepted American rights to settle & trade west of the 13 colonies.

  4. Mini Lesson Plans

    Mini Lesson Plans. The Museum of the American Revolution offers a growing list of free, downloadable lesson plans that explore topics including the role of museums, types of revolutions, and the people, causes, events, and repercussions of the American Revolution. They are targeted at the middle school level but can easily be adapted for upper ...

  5. Lesson Plans

    The aim of Imagining the Revolution lesson plans is to teach students how to interpret the visual record of the American Revolution, which consists of visual arts—paintings, drawings, prints, and sculpture. Imagining the Revolution asks students to go beyond the obvious questions about the literal accuracy of images to explore the intent of ...

  6. HIST 1301

    Discussion Assignment: Who Started the American Revolution? First watch lecture video over the Old Colonial System and American Revolution : Cause of the American Revolution. (Links to an external site.) For more than 100 years, during the Old Colonial System, England's colonists in


    Be sure to answer all the questions and fill every line for full credit on this assignment. The American Revolution: Make a timeline-please be sure to include these events with at least 5 colored pictures (computer or hand drawn). Valley Forge Trenton and Princeton Battle of Yorktown

  8. The American Revolution

    This course is concerned primarily with the revolutionary origins of American government. Topics covered include: English and American backgrounds of the Revolution; issues and arguments in the Anglo-American conflict; colonial resistance and the beginnings of republicanism; the Revolutionary War; constitution writing for the states and nation; and effects of the American Revolution. Readings ...

  9. PDF The American Revolution, 1763-1815

    The American Revolution, 1763-1815 HIST 564, Fall 2016 MWF 12:20-1:10, Davie 301 Professor: Kathleen DuVal E-mail address: [email protected] Office: Hamilton Hall, #466 Telephone: 919-962-5545 ... Fri., Aug. 26 Historiography of the American Revolution Reading Assignment: Edward Countryman, "Indians, the Colonial Order, and the Social ...

  10. American History: Road to Revolution

    About this Full Video. Follow the route of revolutionaries as Assignment Discovery explores the conditions and causes of the American Revolution. Exploring events from the Boston Massacre to Thomas Paine's Common Sense, students will gain a deep understanding of the struggle to gain independence and the values of American democracy.

  11. PDF Study Guide: The Causes of the American Revolution

    Vocabulary: 1. parliament. The British government. 2. French and Indian War. major conflict between French/Indians and British forces from 1754-1763. 3. Albany Plan of Union. plan created by Ben Franklin to unite the British colonies against the French during F & I War.

  12. Chapter 4: The American Revolution

    Day 5 (9/19/14): The final acts and last straw from the British that will ultimately lead to the American Revolution. Day 6 (9/22/14): The colonies declare independence! A look into one of the most important documents in history. Day 7 (9/23/14): Quiz on 4.1 & 4.2 Day 8 (9/24/14): America the Story of US: Revolution

  13. Voices of the American Revolution

    Materials. Download and copy any handouts you plan to use in this lesson. For activity 1 below, you will need the PDF Voices of the Revolution: Document Analysis.If you plan to use Option #1—Point - Counterpoint Debate, below, provide students with a copy of the Point - Counterpoint Rubric, available here as a downloadable PDF.If you choose Option #2—Group Research and Class Discussion ...

  14. Assignments

    All topics must be approved on or before Week 9. The final papers must include footnotes or endnotes and a bibliography composed in a correct and comprehensible form. General Guidelines for References in History Research Papers ( PDF) The assignment section contains infromation about a research paper which is of about 15 pages in length, based ...

  15. The American Revolution, 1763

    The Colonies Move Toward Open Rebellion, 1773-1774 After the Boston Massacre and the repeal of most of the Townshend Duties (the duty on tea remained in force), a period of relative quiet descended on the British North American colonies. Even so, the crises of the past decade had created incompatible mindsets on opposite sides of the Atlantic.

  16. Choice Board: Revolutionary War

    Description. This is a choice board that will allow students to learn about many facets of the Revolutionary War. It is a multi-day, self-led assignment. The videos above are a sampling of the ...

  17. Events Leading to the American Revolution

    Video Clip: The Beginning of the Revolutionary War (13:02) National Park Service ranger Phillip Lupsiewicz talked about the Battle of Concord and sites that were part of the fighting on April 19 ...

  18. PDF The American Revolution: Step-by-Step Activities to Engage Children in

    American Revolution, students are exposed to academic, domain-specific vocabulary and the names and brief descriptions of key events. Lesson 2 is a simulation in which the "Royal Tax Commissioners" stamp all papers written by students and force them to pay a "tax" or imprisonment.

  19. The American Revolution in One Lesson

    The American Revolution replaced attachment to Britain and the king with attachment to personal independence, republicanism and the new national institutions that evolved under the pressure of events between the outbreak of war in 1775 and the inauguration of Thomas Jefferson—the first peaceful transition of federal authority from one party ...

  20. PDF Acri Voices of the American Revolution Assignment13

    Assignment: Now it is your turn to take on the role of someone who was affected by the American Revolution. I.) Choose an individual or group listed in your packet to research and learn about. After completing your research, you will write five diary entries, editorials, or letters, from the perspective (point of view) of the individual or group.

  21. American Revolution

    This assignment requires the creation a formal academic C.V. (1 page) and a written letter of proposal (1 page) for history services, paid or voluntary, for a history organization or public ...

  22. Khan Academy

    Khanmigo is now free for all US educators! Plan lessons, develop exit tickets, and so much more with our AI teaching assistant.